e-TENDERING NOTICE NO :: 01 OF 2013-14 e-Tender for the following work of GIDC are publically invited from the intending contractors registered in appropriate class with state Govt. of Gujarat / GIDC/CPWD and other State Governments equivalent, by the Superintending Engineer, GIDC, “Fadia Chamber”, 3rd floor, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad by e-Tendering only on web site www.nprocure.com / www.gidc.nprocure.com. The Tender is invited through Two Bid Cover (i) Technical Bid & (ii) Price Bid for Sr. No.1 and Single Bid Cover for Sr. No.2. The Technical Bid will be opened on Schedule Date and there after on evaluation there of, Price Bid will be only opened. GENERAL DETAILS OF WORKS: Sr. Name of work No. (1) Estimated cost (2) Earnest Money Deposit (3) Non-refundable Tender Fee (Rs-) Class of Registration ONLINE TENDER 1 2 Construction of Two Nos. of Entrance Gates at Sanand-II (Bol) Industrial Estate. Drilling of New Bore well of 300mm dia and 300 mtr. Deep at Bhat Industrial Estate. (1) 71,08,000.00 (2) 71,100.00 (3) 2400.00 (1) 13,70,262.00 (2) 13,702.00 (3) 900.00 (A) SCHEDULE OF e-TENDERING (i) Downloading of Tender Documents form Web site of www.gidc.nprocure.com. (The tender document for these works are available only in Electronic format which Bidder can download at free of cost) (ii) SUBMISSION OF TENDER a) Online submission of tender with Scanned copies of DD for Tender Fee & EMD in Electronic format. b) D.D.in original (for tender fee & EMD) required documents listed below by personally i.e. hand delivery. 1. Registration Certificate of Approved Bidders 2. Bank solvency certificate. (20% value of Estimated Cost put to Tender) 3. Partnership deed / Power of Attorney with certificate of registration of Firm. (In case of Partnership Firm) 4. Latest Income Tax Return filed & PAN Card details. 5. Sales Tax Registration & R.P.F.C. registration certificate. 6. Details of Completed similar type of work in "A" Class & Above. "C" Class & Above." From Dt.04-02-2013 to Dt.13-02-2013 up to 16.00 hrs. From Dt.04-02-2013 to Dt.13-02-2013 up to 16.00 hrs. From Dt.14-02-2013 to Dt.16-02-2013 up to 16.00 hrs. last five Financial Years. 7. Details of similar nature of work on hand. 8. Turnover of last 5 years certified by C.A. Address of office of the Executive Engineer Ahmedabad Division is as under for submission of physical documents. *Office of the Executive Engineer, GIDC - In the office of Executive Ahmedabad, 4th Floor, Fadia Chamber, Ashram Engineer - Ahmedabad Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-09 (Ph-079-26587548). (iii) (B) Opening of Tenders (Online) In the Office of Superintending Engineer, GIDC, 3nd Floor, Fadia Chambers, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad. (A) Technical Bid shall be opened on dtd. 18-02-2013 for work at Sr. No.1. (B) Price Bid will be opened on Dt.19-02-2013, if possible for qualified bidder. DETAILS TO BE FURNISHED ALONG WITH APPLICATION: (ONLINE TENDER) Interested Bidders can view these tender documents on line, but bidders who are interested in bidding these tenders can download tender documents from web site as mentioned above and bidder who wish to submit their offer shall pay non-refundable tender fee in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft payable at Ahmedabad drawn by any Nationalized Bank in favor of Executive Engineer, GIDC, Ahmedabad. EMD in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft / FDR for the minimum period of 180 days payable at Ahmedabad drawn by any Nationalized Bank in favor of Executive Engineer, GIDC, Ahmedabad. EMD exemption certificate shall not be accepted. The intending bidders have to submit the following documents also, along with the Tender fee & EMD as under. 1. Registration Certificate of Approved Bidders 2. Bank solvency certificate. (20% value of Estimated Cost put to Tender) 3. Partnership deed / Power of Attorney with certificate of registration of Firm. (In case of Partnership Firm) 4. Latest Income Tax Return filed & PAN Card details. 5. Sales Tax Registration & R.P.F.C. registration certificate. 6. Details of Completed similar type of work in last five Financial Years. 7. Details of similar nature of work on hand. 8. Turnover of last 5 years certified by C.A. (C) FOR DIGITAL CERTIFICATE (1) Bidders who wish to participate in online these tenders will have to procure / should have legally valid Digital Certificate ( Class III ) as per Information Technology Act - 2000 using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any of the license certifying Authority of India or can contact (n) Code Solution, G.N.F.C. Ltd., who are licensed Certifying Authority by the Government of India. (2) All bids should be digitally signed, for details regarding Digital signature certificate & related training involved the below mentioned address should be contacted : (n) Code Solutions , A Division of G.N.F.C. 301, G.N.F.C. Info tower, Boadkdev, Ahmedabad- 380054 (India) Tel. No. 9126857316/17/18, Fax No. 917926857321 E-mail – https.//gidc.nprocure.com. (D) GENERAL : Bidders who already have a valid Digital certificate need not procure a new Digital certificate. (1) Intending bidders or their representative who wish to remain present at the time of tender opening can do so. (2) Tenderer shall submit their offer in Electronic format on line only, after digitally signing the same. (3) Offers which are not digitally signed will not be accepted. (4) No offer in physical form except specified documents will be accepted. (5) Conditional tender shall not be accepted. (6) Scanned copies of DD for tender fee & EMD shall submit in electronic format through online (By scanning) while uploading the bid. (7) Rules of GIDC are binding to the Tenderer. (8) Tenders without tender fee, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and other required documents specified above which do not fulfill all or any of the condition or submitted incomplete in any respect will be rejected. (9) The Internet site address for e-tendering is http:// gidc.nprocure.com. and corporate web site is www.nprocure.com. (10) GIDC reserves the rights to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Superintending Engineer, GIDC, Ahmedabad. GUJARAT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 3rd Floor, GIDC Office, Fadia Chamber, Ashram road , Ahmedabad-380 009. e-TENDER NOTICE No.01/2013-14 e-Tender for the work having min. App. Cost Rs.13.70 lacks to Maxi. App. Cost Rs.71.08 lacs are invited by office of the Superintending Engineer, GIDC, Ahmedabd. The Tender for this work is to be uploaded on web site www.nprocure.com/gidc. The last date for online submission of tender with scan copies of D.D. for tender Fees and EMD in electronic format is up to Dt. 13-02-2013. The Detailed tender notice can be seen from the Office Notice Board as well as web site www.gidc.gov.in, www.statetenders.com/gidc and www.nprocure.com please stays touring above web site for any corrigendum till last date of receipt. Superintending Engineer GIDC Ahmedabad. Superintending Engineer, GIDC, Ahmedabad. ÃðÉ2ëÖ ±úzùìÃÀ ìäÀëç ìÞÃÜ Éëèõ2 ËðÀí ìÞìäØë Þ_.- 01/2013-14 ±ãÔZë@ ´ÉÞõß‘í, Éí±ë´Ííçí, ±ÜØëäëØÞí äÖðýâ ÀÇõ2í±õ×í ±oØëÉíIë wë.13.70 áë ×í wë.71.08 áë çéCëíÞí ì@oÜÖÞë @ëÜ ÜëËõ ±ùÞáë´Þ ËõLÍß ÜîÃëääëÜë ±ëäõ Èõ. ±ë @ëÜÞë ËõLÍß äõOë çë´Ë www.nprocure.com/gidc μÕß×í ÍëμLëáùÍ / ±ÕáùÍ @ßí Uë@ëUëõ. çØß @ëÜ ÜëËõÞë ËõLÍß, ËõLÍß Îí IëõÜÉ ´.±õÜ.Íí. Þë Íí.Íí. Þí V@õÞ @ùÕí çìèIë ±ùÞáë´Þ çOëÜíUëÞÞí ìVäÀë2äëÞí ÈõSáí Öë.13-02-2013 ßëÂäëÜëo ±ëäõá Èõ. ±ë @ëÜ ÜëËõ ±ùÞáë´Þ ËõLÍß ÞùËíçÞí ìäBëIëäëß ÜëìèIëí ÀÇõ2íÞë ÞùìËç ÚùÍý ÜëìèÖí ÂëÖëÞí äõOë çë´Ë www.statetenders.com/gidc ±Þõ ìÞÃÜÞí äõÚ çë´Ë www. gidc.gov.in, www.nprocure.com µ52×í Éùäë Üâåõ. ±ùÞáë´Þ ËõLÍß ÞùìËçÞë çðÔëßë — äÔëßë μÕßÞí äõOë Vëë´Ëù μÕß×í ±ëÂßí Iëëßí çðÔí Éùäë ÜâUëõ. ±ìÔZëÀ ´ÉÞõ2, Éí±ë´Ííçí, ±ÜØëäëØ. ±ìÔZëÀ ´ÉÞõ2, Éí±ë´Ííçí, ±ÜØëäëØ. GUJARAT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Superintending Engineer, 3rd Floor, GIDC Office, Fadia Chamber, Ashram road , Ahmedabad-380 009.Ph.No.079-26580460. Fax No.26580460. No. GIDC/ENG/SE/ABD/49 Dt.23/01/2013 To, The Joint Information Director, Polytechnic Compound, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad. Sub : Publish E-Tendering Notice No.01/2013-14. … Dear Sir, Please find enclosed e-Tender Notice No.01/2013-14 for publishing tender advertisement using minimum space in One English and Two well known Gujarati leading daily News papers at the earliest, under intimation to this office. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Encl : As Above. Copy s.w.r.to : C.E., GIDC, Gandhinagar for information please. Copy to : 1. Computer Programmer, GIDC, Gandhinagar to publish the short tender notice on website – www.gidc.gov.in 2. Ex.Engr. GIDC, Ahmedabad for necessary action. 3. N-procurement G.N.F.C. Tower, S.G. Highway Road, Ahmedabad. Superintending Engineer GIDC/Ahmedabad
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