THE WE5TFTELD I^AT)FR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1933 A Nakmd Broadcom commission will report a plan which will be a [ UTTERS model, if it is cot attacked too strocgiy wfaea h \ THE ONLOOKER'S MOM READERS is brought up in Trenton. It is of coarse, not | COLUMN within the powers of the eosususoBtoset up their recommendations at law. That is FOBPAAADE the work of the Legislature and it is i s the tfcat frr aMat't Ecfciar, Tae Leader: • I***J tar* a p*r*±j as Legislature that aSmos* anything may hap- fa , IbiaT •»•* * f i erjaeiarisss, ctahs pen. WESTFUOJrS MUUtT-GO^OUMD BusrefcaBEji, tiBxmm, ackoei csiJdres. Satand at the Put Ofk* at W«*S«i4 N. J , w ' is a spkadM idea aad is Notable among more recent "pigeonhol. . . . ... Warfaooays at Wejtntid Kcw 1< ing" of valuable reports and surveys was the bv TW WmttSi Leader Pristisf ar.d F&UafaiBf C«av , -f-ii mi t »aay. AM fwfrfadfBt Newspaper. Official paper "Princeton Surrey"*, which was an exhaustive , „ BtsidisfceiMBiWB&it ( u t u s ' N o caayaif * » ta» Tews «f Weafedi, Boresja of Meaauiasd*. j study of legislative procedure and government few dayi ag») ef ese »f tkc aacoMaT 1W ssjgerted d*t*s e! Tm OBSaaaerifSiac ratea, I tO» a year ia advasca. [ function throughout the State. Bat there eiaiw i s ties* pans—?se Skaekassax- Looker was art fead— KatJo«al ktmiant b p o v ^ v , New h fcaai "BCY HOW AND TBY WESTFIELD em Caastry Cafe—** mm a fcaai; 1st, New Tort t was little of this report which was adopted ever is Newark, wh^set he wess iraai FOSST EataUiaied 1S9#, | in Treston and for all the ultimate value the tiat Peso's a Iew yeais back. hk who! aserc j«asU OFFICE: W D a Street T«L S4M7. J U i dtfi is t dtficais g*mt' wsaM raster ~Om Saw" '.htm "Try I survey finally had, it might u well hare not J. A^ messk I been written. tkc wisi bse; b* E*s a right Ce»* aJss*. everyeM, amd I The action of the Legislature on the liquor to thhtfc sfas, acd osl load, s<», is ;iis tup fsr local retot kaowx * pretty gase WED.VESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1933 \ bill will serve as as indication of just how cause ts yssr eampaigB—get be tees sue aad « a teed kit kaad at i much non-partisan work the voter can expect is OB hi* good days.. Jass t u t t e r SM A BUSINESS MAN. of iko* seliti-ii-i-r&ei resident* . . . Tie N. t . A. Parafc I from Ms representatives. w«tfi#M, x . ; . rin U Was* '«K! Have yos ofc-i If the old saying that everyone lores a i t , 1S33. parade is true there is going to be a lot of| AH For TeacWn ton in Wwtfeld Saturday afternoon, October The "Rutherford Republican" editorially 28 when We*Uield's N. B. A. parade will r«eatly asked it the municipalities which had be held. struggled along with reduced budgets, that Activities of the committees duns? the they might meet obligations, including teachHINTS FOC HOME DYEING few d»ys that hare elapsed since their ap- er's salaries, were to be penalized by being , Dark, rith rotors, as well as erijnt, pointment indicate* that the event will be one taxed so that the State might forward monies jv-asraot enea. are popolar this y e " I for fall and wiater eSotias. In many of the largest that has ever been held i s this to less fortunate towns for the payment of th*e» OB to*'. Bstanaa-IssaFei j treats and ci6i*'-s garment* thai are Town. The parade has now grown from an back salaries doe teachers. • , A. C. aULEAN M. J. Esteam. asd «*ts r>lp*-siaofcin* Eyan M. HB:- efther faded or to« tight in <olor for idea to a faet around which there is much enThe point is one which will disturb all ion, whose papalarity is OEST exceed-[tie csrrent mode hare been tceked By the middle of October moat moved this fall should be rivei atta tfcatuum on the part of everyone. Merchants students of government. Examples of State ed by tij geBtlmaaijr asd gracisujawaj'. The material ia these garshooid be plaottd, partieolariy tios daring October so thit (bey «jj] jo« hates to wake | meats may be still Mirieeable, howwho hare agreed to break into the busiest day aid to municipalities and Federal aid to States ap some ofEjare tulips, nareUaas and hyacinth balbs. become rooted again before (ranii| the Saiyttoaes ia the B*t-€T*r. asd li i: is, tee mafic power of of the week to participate are leaden in the asd smaller units from taxes collected gen- t*r Btmatm Bareaa to scan oa a a pot of dye offer* tae ingenioBi Gardeners who hare procrastinated, weather arrives. The advanUfa d can still continne the plant- a fall planting for hardy pcreaaiik cooperation that it being displayed on every erally present the thought that there is notday's work to iKM« '.oca! baiicMi, bat. is«B«B*ker csdles opportunities for however, hat to do it- Be is noted, i faduoaiag a smart and fconomical ing of these bulbs until Noveaiier. and shrubs are numerous. Mattd aide and their plans to enter floats and person- much use in making a real effort to meet ob- sosieon* Liliet and some of the other later the work with shrubs ij dost tk: tee, for t&e censer he haj OB s*«re-: fall wardrobe. part of this month u 4 in Hsnel give promise of a large turnout from the ligations, if aid is to be forthcoming. And He'j ret "«ai all beat oa Almcwt any colored garment can beripening bulbs will not be available latter until the latter part of October, batvember. &at and mm with Vemeska'* Boar eyed a deeper sKade and H M not business section. yet it i* reasonable to assume that something waser Uriitaoai* is his window, • ,itK<ia>. ta find many faihionabie and it u advisable to prepare the *oil in The committee has indicated a desire to most1 be done to keep the governmental units asd which they are to be planted » that ; Do not despair if you wish to plut m*4t> ia Rkkier's bakery, more light i becoming colors on tbe dye chart. have erne organizations and other social and which are in trouble from going to the wall is thrown OB his Txrtoeu actintiej. D«r4 browu and wise tone* are ea-they may be set oat as soon ai they ; evergreens and have not yet dsatm. [ There is still time to take cart of th I peeially smart and may be aatkfac- arrive. fraternal groups in the line, and it is hoped and upsetting everything that is being done [work, but th« best results are ebtaiaAa he »«i>fie Ml ef ta« FueUi tority a led to transform the beige or 1 that these will make plans to enter the parade to work our way out of a bad condition. he ram:*4»4 aa* e4 that »««r»: i:?i« grey frock that is a remaaat of Time now to start digging early ed if the evergreen* are moved iaeither with floats or costumed membership. aa!•«"»• a<ai>, which ym b n i c t fpring <eaion. A coat that is tooplanted gUdiolai and other tender ing early October. They will n** U Am «aam el art* with fa* eacea>- <br, can be dyed and, with bat slight bulbs which must be wintered inside. more slowly than most of the decidtThis suggestion, if it is followed, should protwa *r n i i i l It «MaM that the alterations, made into a suit coat to If this work is pat off, the chore will : oas trees, and if their pianlun is lift vide added color. irm—t ia tin auaW the i n t aalabe wora over a dress or skirt of become more difficult, fo rtbe soil a until too late they may dry cat aJust as a chain is no stronger than its WestlleM should generally set aside the • * • • a* caarucW Eva that >h* aarfiiaaSciung color. apt to be stickier and the days short- ! cessirely or winter kill daring nU tarty hours of the afternoon on this day to weakest link, so the National Recovery pro- :to have lUl aayle. Ami ImmmJiafty An out-of-<i»te spring coat tbat is er as the season progresses Bulks weather. I n planting evergreen it ta\lerfriHa« M»tWr E n tarawri r n a j light ia color may be dyed a bright that are dug this month will nave an is well to thoroughly mulch tit root) participate in th* parade in one way or an- gram will be successful in proportion to the;and MII Ad*m a ait* at ta* prin ah* green, red or blue and re-cat into a excellent opportunity to dry oat well i s order that the moisture will \> amount of co-operation given it by employer, held and the frost kept «wiy frti other. It is ndonMedly to be written into raid far the wheie aa*bl AHer-j oew coat to deUght tbe heart of yonng before they are pat sway. 1 the roots as long as possible. MsUWestfieid's history as one of its brightest employee and the consuming public. The warda, H W aiaiiia mtlittm fna» sister. It will be saffiriently warm is desirable ia all fall transplutIPre^eBt and Gen. Hagh S. Joh^nftuaU,[J-Jchapters. ^&TZ?^IZ£iZ£?«"*•"*** Dahlias can go unattended until ing ing, and peat moss, lawn clippings, or THE WESTF1ELD LEADER f • » * Your Garden This Week frost has killed their tops. They some similar material may be tsti adroit that t h e NRA is an experiment, that !•»*« Eve *a» ia« a u4 t* h«y a *«- If the article to be dyed U of a! should have a chance to ripen in thelot the work. If none of these ut they are htrmaB beings and aa such naturally !•"'• Tfce. Aa>. the«(hi ht'4 taa»|dark color and a dilferent shade ii soil before they are dag, in order that TW Nt«*V«k the gardener will find it idthey may keep to tbe best advantage. available irake miHakea. They are willing, howere*. 1 ^ ^ " — " ^ - ^ ^ ** -*l*" 8 M d - * * o n c i B ' 1 eoior m * y "* vtstageous to buy a bate of ult ha; One of Westfieid's finest organizations is U ea< with the aid of a commer- More aboot this later. or straw, preferably the hty. to admit mistakes asd try something els« * c ivr a » ha*. EfW cial b'«acit or stripper. A sample of the Needlework Guild, whose activities eui- when thing* do cot go &s pianned. The NBA Uu*i, tht material stwaid first be tried to Any perennials that are to be minate yearly in the ingathering of garments is sot intended as a miracle bat is a practi- ; • * • » * % ia WwUhtU. see if the color may easily be re- ment. (J. Is it permissible to print the NRA Eagle on oar letterheads and wrappers in brown, blue or black ink? A. Ves. Q. Who is expected to l i p PBA and certificate of compliance in the case of an organisation owning several chain stores in the same city? A. The manager in each instance, applying to the employees under his control. Q. Are factory watchmen {object to the wage provisions ni other factory employees when tie be paid on a pro-rats wage based approved substitutions exdade that through experiments progress" has been latei »nt sadly laektnr m iaSeajftaee.jdr«aig it ii esaeotial to 03* a reasel O Q the minimBm wage for the watchmen from the maximoa In one way or another, the Federal Gov. However, I respect ao4 admire thsse I.mmcieotly large for the dy«-bath to maae maximum hours. hour requirements but state no • noble preaeber-feiiows wha are Eoi'contptetety immers* tbe material and ernment is determined to stamp oat the dan- Q. I am employed in a lawdefinite wage provisions! only sincere in their beliefs bat in-1 permit its being moved about freely. With this country in a state of economic "'" ' gerous criminal, the racketeer and bis heaefeyer's office and receive less than A. Watchmen are exempt from ttiiigently infs>nn«i They are, wSh- f the minimum wage set forth in maximum hours under certain apO4rll la man who resort to all manner of foal play for depression, ft was necessary to try something oas question, a great power aad is- j > IliUmatoa Sertta wt ta* the President's Rc-employzsent proved substitutions, but they reasons not wholly agreed upon. Suffice Co new aa the old ways did not appear to help fla«n« for good, and they are need-lctu t »r. Agreement. Does the fact that are subject to minimum w>g« and we want them. them. God's God's bank bank• * I am employed by a professional say that there is a sudden activity in Washing- the aiuaation. The administration showed ed under PRA if no definite »•*• isn't basted yet. TB&M who are ha- j person exempt me from its procourage in assuming the lead in the fight and schedule is provided in substituman—there I £ agaia—eannos flirt [ ton to show no mercy to thia type of person. visions? tions. with tlie jtreKie I girt ia t i e church i Following closely upon the sentencing to their valor should not go unnoticed. A. No. Employees who are There are those who decry the NBA and life imprisonment of a group of convicted kidnon-professional are not exempt became their employer is a proof the Eema. napers, comse the announcement from N. B.predkt its failure. They, apparently, appear *sd e-rerytfciag- would b« Sae and daa-! ^ o a { "••eS"^eneaa f«saional. A. headquarters in Washington that the safe unwilling to try something new and prefer to Q. 1 do office stenographic rernaia in the same old rut The of machine guns to other than recognized enwork in a town of less than 25,The federal government is pto tion of Independence and the adoption of — tivety large scale. 5 . ^ . ^ , , tot itmi«ii be I good 000. My salary i s $13 per week forcement agencies is prohibited in the code ning to establish in Elizabeth wta. Preparations are CoasBtuSoa were also opposed by well tsxxa« a f « E Ja « and I work 48 hoars. Is this perto he will be known as Central EegistraSM for the small arms and ammunition industry. rt»«» r **.^-.-» f i r * department to missible under the NRA? in% P41S4B3. 2s*ow every ioysl Aanmestm reBureau 2. The purpose of this Macres of heavily infested pasture and The regulation comes under an amendment A. Under the NBA yoar salreau is to care for wanderers *ho p g&rds tJioae two great documecta^ a.1 tfe* fot2n>- ;;ia« So- wrhe, bas naw, the ~Lmd com fields with the nematoiitfa. Mflary mast be at least $13 and about the country searching for «*• to the original code agreed upon by the rept" tionx of these tiny worau, which are datio-ca of this great Republic. I feo-wr. your hoars limited t o 40. ployment and whose financial eo«» sentatives of the industry. Thia action should Diicroscopic in size, wQl be propagated Q. l l y employer is flying the tions will not permit them to c»re W We ihrjiild ill discard partisan; prejrititP.'t feet of at once stifle the gangster's source of 3upply BEa< Eagle. He has reduced our themselves. The new bureau wJ «•" and bear ia Blind that an American £f at *fc« working hours in the shop to 40 for a part of Morris County, » s » and with the Department of Justice active in bat gives as work to take home. tion of Somerset County, as »r » rounding up known criminals, we soon should h»Em of the Ship of State aad trtt^i infek-teadIi this permissible? Somerville, all of Union Count? »« see a lessening of the arsenals now discovered erahip to carry as through. Everyons »h«ald c»rt« A. No. It violates the spirit Perth Amboy, New Brunswick M" dturiag a rain. Since get b«Mnd the NRA and give it at least a ttotia ar. and letter of the NRA, which other smaller municipalities i» * * with almost every apprehension of a criminal. and aanfignt are fatal frVri waa designed to increase employdelsex Coanty. « fco«f«t a*i « H »ri There has,undoubtedly been a great deal of win be naeeaaary to wash t»«m, b i t t o a t lr«fimf smuggling going on, but the new action on the ™ ~" "~ | * • <ni mtaX Vk» •nOrnt " ami household articles which are then tamed cal means of th» country by its own volition ——— j moTtd without caonng ttodae jarinllM»aMii«(air«laiU|fH>a.;a|L orcr to the needy. NRA INQUIRIES getting' back on the road to national recovery *r wh* itlmti hiaueif t» hie (invite; Ia micy fabrics the color is reThe work of this organization has wonand prosperity. •caltWi . boiling in several raoTitd merely -by Q. How m a ; I obtain a copy the commendation of more people each year •»til the ptmmnum caaght hiaiiaetstiom of soft water and mild soap. Experiments are necessary if progress it —hat, tnm •» eat, tha cntical mwk-\Tt±t itrippiBg bath must be changed of all interpretations and tbe vaasd the increase in membership, gained by substitute provisions grantto be achieved in any line of endeavor. Ful-Ik <a»ecb mm* y»«iih«i» to he rtg-l&s often as it becomes colored, other- rious the donation at two articles, has been steady. alar uiau, whtna* they a n haaaaB.|w^e the colsr may be boiled back in- ed to date? ton experimented until he evolved a practical «i«» A. Write directly to NRA m» yam mmi I. M leait, isss: of jto the fabric This toap and water A call has been made this year for even steamboat and those who came after him im- tbem are, al'.hoarh a: ttatx, to fe«ar [ nwt&od a saiublt for cottons or good Headquarters in Washington. more articles, baaed on the fact that there is I employ a girl in my ofproved on his ideas. Franklin experimented th-» traieieaiilSe asjerttO'ti asd fcirottd I gsality si£ks, provided the silk is cot ficeQ.about 18 hoars per week and greater need. Bearing this in mind, it is r . „ „ ^ , ,u«;«. r i a u a i u e * p « n n i e n i e « | e l p ! l a l s j a t U j , p . ^ a o f tettfx^eaee boiled locger than fifteen or twenty p e m e n t on on his his idea* ideas i might express a doabs »n that wore, miiratea. A commercial stripper ii pay her 18. Am I justified in dowholly probable that there will be unusually with electricityy and improvement ing this? _: — the »>•- wonderful *- ' ' electric devices Bat we seem to be orerwbeCmed wtta;more satiifactorr for remorfeg the has given us heavy support from the people of Westfield. I t,— A. Yea, providing her work up and newsp»pennett who eonM I color from woaI*Bi, jine* tfeey will of today, many of which we feel are indis- aathorj to the present time has been acbe clajacd i s a worse c i t ^ i r y . We! cot staad hard boiling. tually part-time work. She should pcaiible. It is true in almost every industry __ , might add school leaden who are edo-i To iam re successful remits in home G»»O«ti»wed New Jap Beetle Foe U.S. Will Establish Bureau In EliuW The greatest miracle that I know of is my j w ^nft »* « El««»»tDm T !... part of the government in stopping broadside ta« Eikia» f distribution of this type of firearms at theconscience. And if God has been able to Pa*<, "M<nr ia»» «M ar In th«tr own tacjinjs, foUawtsg a manufacturer's depot, ia a step in the right work that one, there are none of which He ia salaa M«W* from Ikm month at Utl«?" »«ry common raw amooitat primltlta "N. Nic Citf m U a m n b r -people, th« Eskimos call not capable.—Vinet. direction. mabm %**4m m \mt movdi ia tlw fint "tnanlt," "the peopte." pUem, iW trnj-nj wiy iotn't Emily i M M n liquor Coitral iV£WS FROM TRENTON It is to be wondered if the New Jersey Leg(Special to The Leader) islature will pay any more attention to what7,809 D o i B l t « Ia 1*31 ever report is made by the recently appointed The State Department of Health has rep«rt«ct that commission to study methods of controlling 7,809 persons •wore bitten by dogs in New Jersey Awliquor in the State after repeal, than it has ing 1032. Among the dog's who did this wholesale hitwore 222 affected with rabies. charsctHtied b ; paid to other reports and recommendations. ing; the department as wild animals of the moat dangrarona The subject is one that cannot be made the kind. •I M M football of politics. It is much too serious a problem. Route 2 8 H«i Hoariul Caaaalnaa The heaviest casualty toll in the history at RouM The personnel of. the commission is so 25, between Jersey City and North Brunswick, wan strongly capable that it appears the State is enacted during the first nine months at 193!), Harold setting off in the right direction and with the G. Hoffman, State Motor Vehicle Commlmloncn*, repurpoge of setting up regulations which will ports. A total of te persona were killad in automobile not be 88 imperfect as the beer control meas- accidents on the super highway during that period, ure* turned out to be after politics had played Newark »nd Woodhridfrs haaded the Hut of rminldpnllties having tho most danusroun sections of the highwith them. It la accepted generally that this way; ten deaths occurred in each municipality. wriu for "Til. N«v YVKW" iutawi. I tftmtd Out Am t«U M taat if • ear-1 tmct U had political upiraati on Mpirin? Gener a 1 Johnson's t h r o a t s to "erack down" on Henry Ford , and othera did i not moot with popular favor, but a spanking by our local NRA fake-exwer would not bo out of order f<tr couple of Wertflolr) sitoto-keflpcrB ho dlnplfiy Blue Enifleii—th«n stop. Thon tltero Wk> the Scotchman who starved to dwith on one of the Publie Service pai-as-you-leavo cars. THB ONLOOKER. HOW TO}STOP THE LEAKS A 104* 3 A LOIS 01TT0OT • w year tobu la • in Jmt arm wMi • ehMa d Borrow i n U «W> liars rail m b«k m imfid Thrift * Loaa Co. 14 Watehiaf A?«aM MfKun The best way to stop the leaks for things not actually needed is to pay yourself first when' you receive your salary. Right now is a good time to come in and start an account with this Bank. 3% Interest Paid on Saving* Accounts. Compounded Semi-Annually NATIOMAT BANK OF WESTFIELD THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN jrOiift JED8UIK5I
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