Jefferson Men Enter Service Madison Church Calendar Monroe County Sends 29 More WUat's Wisconiin StaU Journal— Saturday, December 4, 194J "Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey." MONONA LUTHERAN: 3117 Gordon p. m., prayer. , , 6 p, m., young peoave.: C. A. Hathjen, pastor. Assembly of God ple's society, •»••»•& 9:15 a. m,, Sunday school. . . 10:30 Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, 7 ASSEMBLY OF GOD: B E T H E L a. m.. holy communion, a. m., divine service with holy comJEFFERSON —.The following will talk with their mother in CHAPEL, 2013 Rusk st.-, Peter N. GarDrama munion. Saturday. 4 to 6 p. m.. confessions. Hollywood. cia, pastor. Monday, 8 p. m., annual voters' list of registrants from board No. ST. FRANCIS HOUSE: Episcopal 10:15 a. m.. Sunday school. . . 11 a. 6 p. m.—Man Behind the Gun 2 of Jefferson' county were ac7 p. m. — Groucho Marx Student Center, 1001 University ave.; meeting.. m worship: the Lord's supper will Discussion Tuesday, 8 p. m., young people's cepted at the induction and re- i 23 Men Chosen E. Gillett. chaplain. (WBBM): with Adolpha Menjou. (WBBM): "Bombs in Hitler's Oil be served . . . 6:15 p. m-. Christ Am- Gordon 8 a. m., holy communion and conmeeting and choir rehearsal. 6 p. m.—For This We Fight bassador's your.g people. . . 7:45 p. m., firmation by Bishop Ivins. , . 10:10 a. 8 p. m.—National Barn Dance Barrel," based CTI Ploesti raid. Wednesday, 8 p. m., adult member- ception center at Milwaukee on evangelistic service. 6:30 p. m. — Ellery Qneea (WIBA): "Bases of Permanent (WLS): guest, Smiley Bumette, for Army Duty November 30; Tuesday. 7:45 p. m.. prayer meeting m., prayer. . . 10:30 a. m., sung euchar- | ship class. Peace," Sen. Burton K. Wheeler j cowboy movie star; Saturday. 1:30 p. m., rehearsal for ist and sermon. , , 4 to 5 p. m., "Idaho," (WMAQ): "Adventure of the DyClarence Passer, Merlin Thompin basement hall of the church. Chaplain's "At Home" at the rectory. children's Christmas program. j SPARTA—Monroe county add- (Mont.), Sen. Edwin C. John- j "Oklahoma," "Wahoo." ing Message"; guests, Shep Field* Friday. 7:45 p. m., Bible study in EAST SIDE ENGLISH LUTHERAN: I son, and Howard Cook, Ft. At. . . 6 p. m., buffet supper. . . 7 p. m., the basement hall. Eversong . . . 7:15 p. m.. speaker, E. Mifflin and North sts.; Theo. H. i kinson; Myron Conrad, Palmyra; ed 29 men to the services when son (Col.), and Rep. Walter C.' 9:30 p. m, — Grand Old Opry and Choo Choo Johnson, cover acceptances were made of the men Ploeser (Mo.) Rabbi Theodore Gordon of Hillel Foun- Mahnke, pastor. girl. Baptist A:30 and 11 a. m.. services. . . Sun-! Paul Schaffitzel, Rome; George reporting lor the November quota, 8 p. m. — Hollywood Theater 10:45 p. m.—Herbert H. Lehman MX. Z1ON BAPTIST: 548 W. Johnson dation,? and Bible class after 9:30 Murn, Eagle, army; 51.; G. B. Donaldson, minister. i director general of (WMAQ): Wendy Barrie in "Mis» Evangelical Jack Carlisle, Ft. Atkinson, T. C. Radde, chairman of the draft (WBBM): 9:30 a. m., church school. . . 11 a. ni., j MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN: 4129 Euclid . board announced. Twenty One." United Nations Relief and Reworship, sermon by pastor. . . 6:30 p. ' FIRST EVANGELICAL: Wisconsin • ave., Westmorland; H. A. Neuberger, army aviation cadet; 9:15 p. m.—Army Service Force* administration, "A Robert C. Leverich of Angelo, habilitation m., young people's "meeting. . . 8 p. m., ave. and E. Johnson st.; Bernard Bar- pastor. Alexander. Kerbel, R o b e r t tel, pastor. worship. . : Present (WCFL): story of sjmy'i 11 a. Quigley, Richard Alexander, Ft. son-of State Senator and Mrs. J. E. Summary of the Accomplishments a. m., Sunday school, Monday, 8 p. m., board meeting, i 9:30 a. m.. Sunday school. . . 10:45 a, m..9:30Sunday service. civilian workers. Leverich was accepted for the air of the Atlantic City Conference." Wednesday. B p. m., prayer service m., worship with sermon. "Vital ChrisSaturday. 9 a. m., confirmation in Atkinson; Clement Stute, Eagle; corps. Daniel Abbott and .Wilbur 9:30 p. m. — Weird Circta and choir rehearsal. . tianity" . . . 6:15 p. m., Christian En- struction. William LaVasser, Richard Radtdeavor. FIRST BAPTIST: N. Carroll and W. (WGN): "The Four Fifteen ExMonday, 7:45 p. m.. Brotherhood ke, Philip Robisch, H e r b e r - t Treu, both of Cataract - were acDayior, St.. L. B. Mosclcy. pastor. i meeting. Methodist press." Chaplains Maurice S. Kleincepted for the marines and three Variety 9:15 a. m.. Sunday school. . . 9:30 a, UNIVERSITY METHODIST AND Blaesel, Jefferson, navy. 6 p. TO,—What's New— (WLS): m.. Gillm class, speaker. Dr. J. L. Gil- berg and Russell L. Shay of Truax WESLEY • > • » - » naval acceptances were, Storm FOUNDATION: 1127 UniverConrad, Kerbel, and Stute are Field will be guest speakers. 1m. "Socialized Medicine." . . - 10'45 a. : Larson, Tomah, and Randall J. Don Ameche and Laraine Day in m . communion Sunday: "The fntcn- . BETHANY EVANGELICAL FREE: sity ave.; Oscar M. Adam, minister. volunteers. Music 9:30 a. m,, Service Men's Christian "Wit's End"; Victor Moore and tion of Jesus," Rev. L. B. Mosclcy. Riverside dr. and Winncbago st.; Bern- League. Those accepted for the army Beatty and Russell M. Woodliff of . . 9:30 a, m., church graded Rom, pastor. Nursery maintained during services. hard William Gaxton, comedians;' King 7:15 p. m.— Boston Symphony Sparta, . school. Prof. R. H. Roberts, superin9 a. m.. devotions—WIBA. . . 9:30 will report to Ft. Sheridan, 111., . , ..4 p. m.. Junior Hi-Way club meet- a. m., Sunday school and Bible tendent. . . Adult Bible class, Prof. (WCFL): Mahler's "Song of th« Twenty-three chosen for army Sisters; Les Paul trio; and Jim ing "and supper. . 5:30 p. m.. Senior oh Dec. 21. Those accepted for Merriman will speak on "What Earth," symphony for tenor, conHi-Way supper and meeting. . . 5:20 classes. . . 10:45 a. m., worship; guest Curtiss service are: Armand Cimaroli, Ameche in New York interviewing the Rev. A. J. W. Larson of the Student of Tomorrow iVill Be the navy will have a one week p. m..' Wayland club-young people's speaker: j tralto and orchestra; featuring Orville Felland, Robert Daehn, four children recently released meeting and supper: speaker. R. M, Polk, Neb. . . 5:30 p. m., Young Peo- Thinking Of." . . . 10«45 a. m., junior leave. church; Kiddie Keep. . . 10:45 a. m., I Jennie Tourel, contralto, and Hans Marvin A. Griffin, Dale E, Dim- from Jap prison camp; children Eichmeyer. secretary. YMCA, "The ple's society. . . 7:30 p. m., service; se- worship service, the Rev. J. Pierce lections by string orchestra: pastor's Shape of Things to Come." mick, Roy N. Sandvigen, John E. Heinz, tenor. superintendent of the South- , Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.. First Baptist sermon subject: "The Bible as a Book Newell, Holdt, Raymond E. Filter, Merton crn district, preacher. . . 2:30 p. m., ! 8 p. m. — Theater of the Air of Prophecy." Credit Union in the church study. senior department Methodist > Wednesday. 7:45 p. m., choir re- the O. Rumppe, George H. Ruteen, (WGN): special Christmas" seal Youth Fellowship will meet at the I Bible Fel/OV/sfl/O |hcarsal. Herbert A. Hanson and Chester W. campaign broadcast; WGN symchurch to hike to the South Shore' MADISON BIBLE - FELLOWSHIP! Evangelical & Reformed Methodist church for a meeting of Sub Sanders, all of Sparta. phony orchestra and chorus, and Victory Service Center. 216 E. Wa!:h- . EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED District 5 of the Southern District, McFARLAND — Three farms Boyd Wallace and Elbert G. Ootdramatic cast headed by Colleen ington' ave.; Charles R. Policy, pastor- MEMORIAL: 1510 Madison St.: C. M. including pot luck supper, recreation. in the McFarland vicinity have en, Norwalk, Arlie O. Thompson, Moore; "Warsaw Concerto" with : worship and a message from Rabbi minister. been sold recently. 9:30 a. m., Sunday school: 10:45 a. Zonk, ! Swarensky. . . 6 p. m., Dine-A-Mite ; Cashton, Paul F. Betthauser, MelHarry Sukman, piano soloist, -and 9:15 a. m., church school; adult BiSEN. BURTON K. WHEELER m worship service;" sermon, "Friend- ble class. . . 10:30 a, m.; divine wor- hour, Wendall Kirkpatrick will direct | Eli Hornberg, who has sold his vina; Melvin Steinbrink, Kendall; chorus arrangement of "The Night ship and Fellowship." . . . 4:30 p. m., ship; second Advent service: sermon a German band; Candlelight vespers; j WIBA at 6 . farm to Ole Martinson, will have Stuart C. Pederson, Warrens; Vern j Gospelcast over WIBU; sermon, ' Stop. . by Dr. Zcnk: "Let Every Heart Pre- Wesley Players will present a radio , Before Christmas." book. Listen." . . 0:45 r p. m.. Young pare Him Room." a sale of his personal property E. Andres, Haney F. Booth, Leon- j * * • • 8:30 p. m. — SpoUffbt Band* A LITTLE SATURDAY TALK: People's meeting. . . 7;4. ) p. m., eveThursday, 7:15 p. m., choir rehearsal. ! "'(SOUTH SHORE METHODIST:. 610 ning service; sermon, "Are ^ ou a , Saturday, 8:30 a. m., catechetical ] blin ave.; Stephen J. Lambrtght, pas- ( next week, Hans Dahl has bought ard R. Gnewikow and Spencer W. (WIBA): Billy Folger, balladist, (WLS): Boyd Raeburn. The Making of Stainless Steel the John Daley farm wlv'ch has Turner, Tomah, Faiallst?". . I 9 p. m.— Million Dollar Buid guest; "Turkey in the Straw," Wednesday. 7:45 p. m., prayer mcet- class. ' 9'a. m.,' church school, Harry Hoyes, j been occupied by Thorwald LisOther 'Spartans who have enHEN WE were talking "I'm Thinking Tonight of My (WIBA): Tommy Dorsey, guest superintendent. . . 10 a. m., worship, Gosnel tol, and Ray Berger, Madison, tered service recently include John Fridav. « p. m.. Bible study night. | BETHEL FULL GOSPEL: 410 South serr-.on: "An Adventure In Wrong.' about knives a few weeks Blue Eyes," "In the Gloaming," I conductor. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 4 p. m., \ Baldwin si.; Mrs. E. F. Bull, pastor. 3 p m,, Methodist Youth Fellow- has purchased the Joseph Havlik Andres, Neil Neuman and Doral ship will entertain the quarterly sub- farm. ago, I made a short Gospel broadcasts over WIBU. The Berger family will Golf, air corps cadets, and WalS.-30 a. m., Sunday Bible school, . . WIBA TONIGHT Victory service center open dally 10 , 10:-I5 a. m., worship, communion, district youth group. . . Rabbi Manmove to its new property in the ter F. Hornick, inducted from note about "stainless steel." I fred Swarensky will speak at 7 p. m. ». m. till 11 p. m. ji 7:30 p. m., service. 1:00 Basketball: Wiscon»ln-M»rq«ett« Russian War Relict FIRST FREE METHODIST: E. Mlf5:00 spring. Marshfield, has begun his prelim- spoke of high temperature 5:15 Santa Onus | Tuesday. 1:30 p. m., Bible study and flln and N. Blair sts.; C. F, Olson, 9:30 NBC Grand Ole Opry ' prayer. 10-00 Nlxht News Edition inary training at Great Lakes. used 'in hardening "such steel News Edition 5:30 ST. RAPHAEL'S. 216 W. Main St., i Thursday 7:30 p. m,, mid-week serv10:15 NBC Short Story Sports Parade 2 p. m., Sunday school, Mrs. E. A. 5:45 for knife blades. WUUam Mahoney. priest. ' ice. 10:30 NBC 1 Sustain the Wtan Voller, superintendent. . . 3 p. m., 5:50 News Report Regular masses at 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11:15 11:00 NBC News Report NBC For This We Ficht 6:00 worship and message. . . 7 p. m., Y. P. Now I think it will be well Inner Mission 11:05 NBC Thomas Fclaso Orchestra a m and noon Sunday ; Dinner Melody study. . . 7:30 p. m.. service. HOLT REDEEMER, 128 W. John- j HAUGUE INNER MISSION: Som- Bible II :30 NBC Mr. Smith Goes to Town. to say more about stainless 6:30 NBC Abie's Irish Rose EAST SIDE METHODIST: N. Sev7:00 •on st. Joseph Gabriels, priest. 11:55 NBC News Report mers ave. and Division St., O. N. enth and E. Washington ave.: John W. steel, and how it is made. To 1:30 NBC Truth or Consequences Regular masses at 6. 7:30, 9 and 10:30 : Flugstad, minister. Motorcycling mishaps claimed minister. i m.. and 12:10 p. m. Sunday. ,; Tuesday and Wednesday, evangelis- Birchall, produce it, we need more than heat 9:30 a. m.. church school, Mrs. 11 lives in Wisconsin in the first OTHER STATIONS TONIGHT ST. BERNARD'S, 2727 Atwood ave..; tic services at 7:45 p. m, EVANSVILLE — Two Evans- treatment of iron or steel. George Watson, superintendent. . . 11 months of 1943, the motor veWilliam Eggcrs. priest. ' 10:45 a. m., worship. "Ingath&nog for 9:00 Barnyard Jamboree—WLS ville men in service recently have 5'00 Quiz Kids Bond Show—WENR Regular masses at 5:30. 7:30, 10:15 To begin with, stainless steel is parsonage fund, sermon by Mr. Birch- hicle department disclosed today. 9:15 Saturday Bond Wagon—WTBTJ 5:00 Billie the Brownie—WTMJ •r.d 11:30 a. m. Sunday REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS nursery and kindergarten downOne of the mishaps took place received promotions and a third not supposed to rust. Often it is 5:00 Becker's Pet Parade—WMAQ 9:15 Sanders and Boland—WGK ST. JAMES, 1134 St. James ct.. John CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS: all' stairs 7'30 p. m., service, sermon on the works area of a war plant, has returned to his post after a called "rustless steel," 9:15 Correction. Please—WBBM 5:01 University Special— Wlta. 221 Jackson St.; Floyd Grlswold, pas- by Chaplain R. L. Shay of Truax D 9:15 Army Air Forces—WCFL 5-15 People's Platform—WBBM short leave spent at the home of "ReCg^larermaPsses at 6, 7:30, 9 and 10:30 Another point is that stainless the others on public streets or 9:30 John Gunther—WLS 5:30 Starring Curt Massey—WMAQ 9:45 a. m., church school. . . 11 a. m., Monday, 7 p. m,, Boy Scouts. steel is a modern thing. It was not 5:45 Leon Henderson—WCFL 9:30 Grand ol Opry—WMAQ WTMJ highways. Victims included three his parents. *"ST\ JOSEPH'S. 20 S. Park st., Julius communion of the Lord's supper. . . Monday, first quarterly conference, 8:30 Weird Circle—WGN Donald Miller, the son of Mr. Arthur Sears Henning—WGN Keault. priest. with pot luck supper at 6:30 p. m., 'teau age riders, one of them a and Mrs. B. C. Miller, Evansville, known to the ancient Greeks or 6:00 9:45 Hawaii Calls—WIBU 6:00 What's New—WLS Regular masses at 7. 8, 9 and 10 8 p. m., Fellowship hour. Romans, and neiRev. J. Pierce Newell, district super- girl, five riders in their 20s, and 10:00 Barn Dance (to 12)—WL» 6'00 American Eagle Club—WIBU has recently been promoted from 10:15 War Correspondent—WTMJ intendent, will preside. ther King Alfred 6:00 For This We FiEhl—VVMAQ UNIVERSITY CHAPEL, Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.. Epworth league. three, over 30. 30-15 Nelson Olmsted—WMAQ LUTHER MEMORIAL: 1021 Universergeant to staff sergeant. He has 6-0" Man Behind the GunW B R M norC o l u m b u s Motorcycles were involved in Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., choir re10:30 I Sustain the Wing&—WMAQ ave., Charles A. Puls, pastor. 6:30 Thanks to the Yanks—WBBM !. 9, 10. 11. 12 a m.. Sun- sity 10:30 Halls or Montczuma—WTBU !):15 a. m.. family worship service he 13 fatal mishaps last year, 22 in been stationed in the Alaskan area ever heard of it. 6:30 Ellcry Queen—WTMJ WMAQ FIRST METHODIST: Wisconsinave. da 10:30 Rumpuf Room to !•—WTMJ instruction. . . 10:45 a. m.. worship j for the past 14 months. It was not used in 6-45 Guest Star Theater—WGN BLESSED SACRAMENT: The Rev. and at E. Dayton st.; Robert Marenus At- 1941. Latest figures show 3,369 10:30 Salute to Victory—WBBM service followed by communion serv6:45 Confidentially Yours—WIBU Jerry Fellows recently informed the days of Queen R. D. Gosems, O. P.. pastor; Sunday ice. . . 5:30 p. m., youth of the church, kins, minister. motorcycles registered in the state. 10:45 George Olsen Orch.—WGN 7:00 Jamboree—WIBU masses: 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. 10:45 (High), and Christmas dinner party. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. E l i z a b e t h o r 9-30 a m., choir rehearsal, . . 10 a, J0:45 CBS Talks—WBBM 7:00 Confidentially Yours—WGN 11:05 Tommy Dorsey Orch.—WBBM 12 Tuesday, 4 p. m.. Treble choir re- m 'worship with sermon by the min- with Doreen Marshall as leader. Social Fellows, that he has been pro- George Washing7:00 Groucho-Marx—WBBM WCCO ST°°PATRICK'S: 410 Main St.; A. V. hearsal in Christus chapsl. . . 7 p. m., Ser. sermon subject: "Stewardshlp- hour following the meeting. Bring moted to the rank of corporal in 7:00 Abie's Irish Rose—WTMJ .WMAQ 11:05 Jimmy Joy Orch-—WGN Grace, pastor. ton or Abraham What Can I Do About It?" . . . 10 a. your own hamburger and pop. 11-15 Music of the New World—WMAQ Bov Scout meeting, 7:15 Boston Symphony—WCI*L Regular massei »t 7:45-9-10-11:30. Monday, 7 p. m.. Boy Scouts. the army. He is stationed near Lincoln. Wednesday, 4 p. m.. junior choir re- m.. junior church. . . 10 a. m, nursery. 7:30 Foreign Assignment—WGN WIBU 11:30 Ray Pearl Oro>i.—WBBM 11:10 a. m., church school, Dr. H. Thursday, choirs rehearse, ,, Griff Williams Orch.—WGN hearsal in Christus chapel. . . 7:15 p. 7:30 Inner Sanctum—WBBM WCCO 11:30 Little Nashville, Tenn. This steel is a Night Music—WMAQ Friday, Couples' club. ^ m., senior choir rehearsal In Christus . B' 'McKean. general superintendent. Christian 7:30 Truth or Consequences—WMAQ 31:45 Lieut, Donoval Wall, the son of product of the ! The Youth Fellowship will a™nct the 12:00 Midnight Musicale—WENR chapel. , ,, 7:30 Barn Dance Parry— WLS . FTRST CHRISTIAN: N. Hamilton and Unitarian 12:00 Night Watch (to 6)—WIND Saturday, 9 a. m.. confirmation Sub-District meeting at the South Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wall, has re-, last 55 years. It 8:00 Natl Bam Dance—WTMJ WLS E Johnson sts.: Ralph Bennett, pastor. Shore Methodist church, beginning at 12:00 Emile Petti Orch.—WMAQ UNITARIAN: Wisconsin ave., Ken8:00 Hollywood Theater—WMAQ 9:30 a. m.. Bible school. , . 10:40 a. ° BETHEL LUTHERAN: W i s c o n s i n 3 p. m. with a recreational period folturned to Miami, Fla., after spend- started to come neth L. Patton, minister. • 8:00 Theater of the Air—WGN WIBU 12:05 Jimmy Blade Orch.—WBBM rr... worship, "Executors of the Estate ave ing a two-weeks, leave with his 12-05 Del Courtney Orch.—WGN lowed by business meeting, PqtW^K at Gorham St.; Morris Wee and into wide use aftH:nn lilt -Parade—WBBM wrro 9:15 to 9:30 a. m., radio program over DNClbE RAY of God." . . . 3:30 p. m.. recreation and supper and-devotional service Habbi WIBA, "Religion for Today;" topic, parents here.. His wife is the 12:30 Johnny Long Orch.—WENR Gornitzka, pastors. 8:30 Can You Top This}—WMAQ for youth. . . 4:30 p. m.. Junior Reuben er the first World Manfred Swarsensky will, be the 12:30 Don Held Orch—WGN 9 and 10-45 a. m., worship; sermon "The Spirit of Man." , , . 10:45 a. m., 8:30 Spotlight Bands—WLS Endeavor, . . 6:30 p. m., Christian En- bv the Rev. Gornitzka. . . 9 a, m.. Sun- •jDeaker All are asked to bring 101 former Jeane Louise Noehring, the war. K-4,ri S:tt N'lte SerenndL' "'KHM KMOX 12:30 Nick Brodeur Orch.—WBBM deavor. . . 7:30 p. m., worship, "Glori- dav school in East side chapel, 2015 . cenW registration fee, their own sand- Sunday school and nursery school, . . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis 12:30 Pot Luck—WMAQ 10:45 a. m., services; topic, "Asia and Back in 1892 tests were made to 9:00 Civilian Defense—WTBU fication." 1:00 Georga Olscn Orch.—WGN st. . . 9 a. m., Sunday school in wiches and a dish to pass. the White Man." Noehring, Evansville. learn what would happen if a 9:00 Million-Dollar Band—WMAQ Tuesday, 2 p. m.. prayer circle at Rusk Thursday, 7:30 n 9 p. m., meeting church fellowship hall. . . 6 PIPUNITY CENTER: 2338 W\ Lawn ave. the church. small amount of chromium was of Troop 3. Boy Scouts of America Couples' club will meet at the Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., service. WIBA SUNDAY Wednesday. 7;30 p. m., mid-week Married be held in the assembly room of The Australian Army has discon- combined with steel. Chromium is church for a pot luck supper, program Friday, 2:30 p. m., service. Subjects, services. recreation. , . 6 p. m.. Citadel "The Growth of Prayer" and "The tinued the training of dogs for war a gray-white metal which is very 1:30 NBC .lolm charlec Thorn** Thursday 7:30 p. m., choir practice. and MORNING club supper, variety night; hostesses. work. Sunlit Way." 2:00 BLU MoyJan Sisters j Stephen J . " ; . Mrs. O. J. Lunder and Mrs Alfred , hard. Most acids will not stain it. 7:00 NBC News Report 2-15 NBC World News Roundup Christian Science . ., church school, Prol. 9;45 a m Olman: assistant hostesses, Vivierme 7:05 NBC Organist, 2:30 NBC The Army Hour In the 1892 tests, steel with about 7:15 : George Briggs, superintendent. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN- Van W.-cier and Delores Roemhild. First Christian Church 3-00 Old Fashioned Revival Hour worship, sermon: Somenine per cent of chromium was 7:30 NBC Boone County Neighbors TIST: 315 Wisconsin ave. n a m Tucsd*«. 6:30 p. m., junior choir re4:00 NBC Symphony Concert ' thine Tragically Wrong." . . . 11 a. m., 11 a. m.. service: subject, "God the 8:00 NBC World News Roundup made. The men who did this work 5:00 "Quizzin' Bee" , ,» rehearsal. . 3 n. m NBC Commando Mary Only Cause and Creator." . . . 9:30 a. Thursday, 7:30 p. m., senior choir re- , An( 1 cholr 5-30 NBC Great GilderslwT* were on the right track to bring 8:1S m.. Sunday school. 8:30 NBC Melody's the Thing EVENING Wednesday, 8 p. m., testimonial Saturday. 10 a. m., junior and senior ^ Jorth stainless steel, but it seems 8;45 Spirit of the Vikings 6:00 NBC Jack Benny meeting. 9:00 Sunday Devotion 6-30 NBC Bandwagon they did not know it. : 605 Spruce Reading room. 24 W. Mifflin st.. open 9:15 Unitarian Church 7:00 NBC Bergen and McCarthy In 1912 a British scientist named 9;30 Music of the Day daily from 11 a. m., to 5 p. m. except 7-30 NBC One Man's Family Sundays and legal holidays. On MonBrearly started a series of tests in 10:00 NBC Rhapsody of tl» Rockiei i n 1 h P U 8-00 NBC Manhattan Merry Go Roan4 days and Saturdays the reading room members. . . 10:15 a. m.. Sunday school. £r° EarlH ibba r d, mls s.'iona 4 to" China 10:30 NBC News Report 8:30 NBC Album at FamlHw Mtute which steel and chromium were for 21 years, guest speaker. , is open until 8 p. m. and on Wednes8 p. m., holy communion. 10:45 NBC The Carol Sisters 8'00 NBC Hour of. Charm ST. PAUL A. M. E.: 631 E. Dayton combined. Four years later he was 11:00 BLU Weekly War Journal days until 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. 8 p. m.. Brotherhood. 9:30 NBC Bob Crosby & Co. : Wcdnesdiy 7'30 p m., choir. 11:15 First Congregational Church granted a patent on rustless steel. 10:00 Night News Edition Church of Christ Saturday.'2 p. m.. confirmation class. AFTERNOON 10:15 NBC News of the World of This steel had as much as 16 per TRINITY LUTHERAN: First and CHURCH OF CHRIST: I.O.O.F, hall. J0:30 Sunday Serenade NBC Voice of the Dairy Farmer W.nnebago sts.; J. N. Walstead pastor. cent of cromium in it, and it had 12:00 308 W. Mifflin st. Jl-00 NBC Ncwn Report 12:15 Noon News 3 and 10:45 a. m.. worship with com- picture, Solomon's Head of Clirisi. 11 «. m. and 7:30 p. m.. Evangelist 11-05 NBC Thomaa Peliuo Orche«ts« to go through a special heat treatHello Wisconsin 12:30 James E. White will deliver the ser- munion and Sunday school. Sermon by This picture is a presentation to St. 11:30 NGC Frands Craig Orchcitu ment for hardening. There was 12:45 Accordion Parade mons at both services. 11:55 NBC News Report NBC Thosa W« Lov« well under one per cent of carbon 1:00 Conareaational in It WHA SUNDAY i.-rtnnv i JO p. m.. prayer service. PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL JeniPresent-day stainless steel knives ST JOHN'S LUTHERAN: E WashI m th e S fer and Brearly sts,; A. T. Wallace, D. ington 3-15 University Choral Hour l^ Hol7 ?nTmun ion ^n b '?ele: c e ave., and N. Hancock st.; Otto are traced back to Brearley's work, 12:00 Noon Musicale D.. minister. 3-30 The University Forum: "How D.D.. pastor. WIM O brated. Public invited. 9:30 a. m.. church school. . . 10:45 j "Wilke. 1:30 Afternoon News but other tests hav» been made in Can We Best Handle the National 9 a m., Sunday-school and Bible A/I ~. "'/i/in a. m.. worship. "The Great Advent and rlassei 1:45 Backgrounds of Today'! Hventx: Debt", Prof. Kenneth Parson*. W. R M. Stelnhaucr. superintenvast number. Some kinds of stainHi* Power," . . . 6:30 p. m., Harvey dent The Hon. Hugh Gibson H. Anderson. Arthur Wcgner. 10-15 a. m.. organ recital by GI.FNWOOD MORAVIAN: Opposite club less steels have nickel in them as 2:00 Encore: Storybook Lnndt "Th« Prof. A. C. Garnctt. moderator. PLYMOUTH CONGKKGAT10 N A I.: Miss'Margaret Snydef. . . 10:30 a. m D^e'oiTschool; Frederick Wolff, pa»wellias chromium. In all cases the 4:15 University Concert Band. Contrary Wife" 3401 Atwood ave.: A. L. Ktidy, minister. pCr^C'Ssc?^e!I?,lyWCS1prorlnla"'d Holy , 5:15 Afternoon. News m SundflV school 10:45 h. carbon in th« steel is very low, and 2:30 Cliambcr MuslcMe B X) m m. church school. . . 10:4!i communion. Annual mission fwtlvn 1. , ^o'ln a. m . worship, holy communion and The Rev H C. Ncmimn of Hope will , m.worsWp'. Sermon: "Peace Through it may be less than one-tenth of OTHER STATIONS SUNDAY annual observance of Loyalty Sunday on« per cent. 6 p m., joint L.S.A. meeting r WisTo'nsIf Morgan Missio^ with the receiving of pledges for 1044. i Lorc-ich Lmhevan church Cost sup- cle'tv meeting In the church. . . !>•*» Knif« blades ar« not the only ob. . . 7 p. m.. high school young pco- ; per"entrai —IVINING— followed by program and enter p. m., young people's pot luck supper —MORNING— pl*'i meeting for discussion of "A ject* maoW with stainles* steel. 5:00 Silver Theater—WBBM WCCO Christian Attitude Toward the Japa- i "Thursday. 7 p. m., junior choir, . . meeting, *(ow MAMy . i, t _i, vnnn^r Revival Hour— WLS 5:00 First Nighter—WGN WTBU Thi« material goes into parts of 8-00 Monday, 6 p. m.. pot luck mippCT nese in America." [ BRIDAL 49WH 'WeusA.Np SPtciEi' Cathedral of. Music— WGN 5:00 Catholic Hour—WMAQ KOVLM8ER. I 5 , l FTRST CONGREGATIONAL: Uni- !i 7:1? turSiiv S9na°rmC 'junior catechetical an d 0 airplane*, automobiles and many 8:00 ! of M<i AAfltlERE? church Services— WTMJ 5:00 Amateur Hour—WENR 8:00 T hur sday 4?» p? m.. catechetical taverslty ave. and Breese ter.; Alfred W. ji class . .'10 a.'m.i senior catechetical FIRS< MoPtCK RtPUBUC other things. 5:00 Jamboree—WIBU 8:00 Old Time Religion—WIBU st^ctton . 7:30 ?. m., choir rehearsal. MAIP IS AM Swmn, D.D., minister; Richard R. JIulCoast to Coast Bu« — WCFS. 5:00 Radk> Hall of Fanve—WCTT. 3,4-SO OR MORI 8:15 bfrt, associate: Leonard A, Detwciler. 1 Cl7?f6N'S EV LUTHBRAN: Division St., ctp 5-30 Upton Close—WIBU WGN 8:15 Commando Mary— WMAQ WAS. student minister: Student house, 422 N. ti at Atwood and Linden aves.; O. KuVoice of Prophecy— WIBU 5-30 Great GildersJceve—WMAQ H:30 FIRST CHURCH OF THE """•'-: Murray st. \ 1 5:30 America in Uic Air—WBBM 8:30 Wings Over Jordan— WBBM 9:30 a. m., church school. . . 9:30 a. !I; bi 97 aoastor m ' Sundav school and'vBible ENE: 1710 Winnebago st.; V, C. Mul5:45 Little Show—WGN 5-30 Radio Star Parade—WMAQ a., builders class in student lounge; >: cla« Religion in the News— WMAQ 6:00 Jack Benny—WTMJ WMAQ ', . 'io a. m.', church service. . .! 8-45 Sunday school. . . 10:45 Philip H. Falk speaks on "Religion '•30 p m Poynette service. Absenteeism among workers in Chll» 8:45 Masters of Bhythm—WTMJ 6:00 Revival Hour—WIBU • and ihe Public School." (Nursery in "Tucs'dav', 7:30 p. m., Luther league. is believed to be caused mainly by 9:00 Detroit Bible Class— WGN WEB»J 6:00 The Underground—WBBM room 303) , . . 10:-15 a. m., morning Illness resulting from conditions 9:00 National Radio PulptU-WMAQ LUTHERAN: 402 E. Mif- ie e i 6:00 Drew Pearson—WENB Special music at preaching worship, sermon. "Bread of Heaven," i• flinCENTRAL brought about by low wages. Anderson, pastor. 9-00 Church of: the Air—WBBM WCOO 6-15 Dorothy Thompson—WIN* by Dr. Swan. . . 5:30 p. m., Sigma Nu ;'• 9-45st.;a Elton m., Sunday school, Bible class. "Wednesday, 7:30 P. nj ">«*«* 15. Farm 6:30 Quta Kids—WENB. DOWN 9:15 Little Brown Church— WLS ACROSS Kappa supper and program. John Futz. : Manuactur* of toys has been started 10:45 a. m.. worship. . . 7 p. m., 6-30 Stan of Tomorrow—WGN 10:00 Rev. T. Zoller—WIBU building speaker . . . 6-00 p. m., Bradford club the "Centralites" and the Young P«o- service of prayer and praise. 1. Plunder 1. Guns in Southern Rhodesia. Greeting from Your Boy—WGM 6-30 Bandwagon—WMAQ WTMf 10-00 in student lounge. 18. Winnows • 2. Comply ; pie of St. John's Lutheran church meet Bluejacket Choir— WBBM __ (slang) 7:00 Jerrj- Lester—WBBM WCCO 10:05 7:00 Lutheran Hour—WTBU 19. A voyage 10:30 Ev. Lutheran Church— WTBW Eoiscopalian ' 3. Put on 5. Worthless NEWS BROADCASTS Old Sunday School— -WLS 7:00 Mediation Board—WGM 10:30 21. Color 4. Therefor* GRACE EPISCOPAL: Capitol Square, bits a 7:00 Bergen and McCarthy—WMAQ 10:45 Aeolian Ensemble—WBBM TONIGHT John O. Patterson, rector: E. M. Ring- he|Iturday. 9 a,-m., confirmation class, John Clayton, associate. slightly 5. Rounded, 9. Forbidden Inviation to Learning — WBBM 7:15 That's a Good One—WLS 11:00 5:00 WINDKMOX 8:30 WCFL land, assistant. I 7-30 Crime Doctor—WBBM 22. Boy's nam« 11:00 People's Church—WJJD convex by tradition 5'15 WCCOWMAQ 8:00 WON WIND 7:30 a. m.. noly eucharist. . . 9:30 a. ; World Front— WMAQ 7:30 Keepsakes—WLS 11:00 24. Burden 5:25 WHAWMAQ 9:30 WLS molding h., parish eucharist and sermon. . . 10. Article 11:00 Reviewing Stand—WIBU WGSf 7:30 One Man's Family—WMAQ WTMJ 5:30 WENR 9:45 WLS 9:30 a. m., church school services and 25. Woody 6. Skin 7:45 Gabriel Hestter—WGN WIBU of food 11-15 Billie the Brownie—WTMJ 11-4 5:30 WCCOKMOX10:00 WIND WGN classes. . , 9:30 a. m., nursery for chil8:00 Cleveland Symphony — WIBU fibers 11:15 This is Official— WCFL 7. Little child EV LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE 5'30 WTMJ WIBA 10:00 WIBA WTMJ 12. Level dren of parents attending 9:30 service. Y(lttrd»y'i Aniwer Paul Lavalle Orch, — WMAQ WGN 11-30 S-45 WCCO 10:00 WMAQ WBBM . . , H a. m.. choral service and con- HOLY CROSS: Milwaukee and Farfor cord 8. Laughs 13. Large bird 8:00 Walter Winchell—WENB 11:30 Here's Mexico—WIBU well sts.: Erling Ylvisaker, pastor. 5:45 KMOXWLS 10:30 WIBU WON firmation. Bishop Ivins will preach. 34. King of the 26. Suction loudly Transatlantic Call— WBBM 8:00 Merry-Go-Round—WMAQ WTMJ 14. Negative 11-30 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. . . 11 a. m., 5:45 VVMAQ WBBMl:00 WTMJ WCCO Daily (except Sunday). 5 p. m.. evenAmalekites 8:00 DigesV-WBBM WCCO XMOK 11:30 Sammy Kayc Serenade—WOTL 9. Male sing- 27. Fuse partly 5:55 WIBA 11:00 WIBU WGN Daily (except Sunday). 5 p. m., W r vote I Believe— WENR 8:15 Lower Basin St.-—WEKR 11:30 c S,VARY LUTHERAN UNIVER5:55 KMOXWBBW 11:00 WMAQ WIND 35, Related (Ceramics) Evensong. ing vole* 15- Without 8:30 Familiar Music—WMAQ WTW 8:00 WCFL WIND 11:00 WBBM WIBA Monday. 8 p. m,. School of Religion, SITY: 713 State st.; William C. Burhop, 37. Color 28. Enlarge 11. Strong, —AFTERNOON— 8:30 Star Theater—WBBM hair 6:00 WGN 11:55 WIBA WMAQ course on the Bible. Pa r 8 45 Jimmy Fidler—WENH 38. Resort 29. Legislatures 9'45 'a. m., 'discussion hour. . . 10:45 low carts 6-30 WIBU WGN 12:00 WIND Tuesday, 8 p. m., adult confirmation CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN: m 16. Radium Church of the Air— WCCO 12:00 9:00 Gertrude Lawrence—WINK a m diine services. . . 6 p. m., cost 7-00 WIND WCFL 12:00 WGN WBBM 40. Compass class. consin ave.f Edwin O. Kennedy, mln31. Goddess 13. .Comb, as (sym.) 12:00 Spelling Bee—WGN 9:00 Hour of Charm—WMAQ 7:00 WLS 12:55 WENR WMAG Thursday, 8 p. m., confirmation supper and fellowship hour. point (abbr.) S er Kings Jesters— WBBM of peact 12:00 wool 9:00 Tnke It or Leave It—WBBM Wednesday. 7:15 p. m., choir rehears17. King of 7-25 WIBU 1:00 WIND ' 9 i'o a m church school. . . 9:30 a. class. )2;15 Salute to Victory — WBBM 9:15 Sanders and BolnniJ—WGN 7:30 WIND 1:30 WGN Saturday, 10 a. m.. junior confirma- n m adSit^ass In the Hunt chapel. . . Bashan Labor for Victory—WMAQ 12:15 9:.10 Bob Burns—WTMJ Thursday afternoon and evening T-55 KMOX WBBM J:00 WIND (also », S a m . , choir rehearsal. . . 10:30 a. m.. tion class. 12:30 Chicago Roundtable — WMAQ 18. Game of 9:30 Thin Man—WCCO WBBM 8:25 WIND 4 and 5) ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL: Hegcr.t Frustration for holy communion to be 12-30 Victory Is Our Business—WGN 9-30 They Gave Their Liven—WOW chance tt and Roby rri.: Frnncis J. Blootl- C1 .loi.ratcd on Dec. 12 at 10:45 a. m. 12:45 Starring Curt Mnssey— WBBM 9:30 Bob Cronby and Co.jrWMAQ of new members. Friday, 7:15 p. m.. adult eonfirmagot'd, D D.. rector. 19. fig pen SPORTS~REV1EWS 1-00 Those We Love— WTMJ WMAQ 10:00 Hockey Game—WOTO 7..TO ». m.. holy communion. , . 9:30 Communion "address. "The Lonely Radio Warblers— WGN 20. Hold back 1:00 10:00 Symphonette—WENR TONIGHT a m . family eucharist find church ""iMMANUFL LUTHERAN: Jenifer God" by Dr. Kennedy, . . 6:30 p, m.. 1:00 Ceiling Unlimited—WBBM 10:00 Answer Man—WGN school. . 11 a. m . choral ruclmrlsl ;mci S. Ingcrsoll sis.. F. C. Brandhorst, Tri-C (high school young people) will 22. Girl 5:15 WIND 5:45 WIBA Chaplain Jim— WENR 1:00 have a fireside_di cussion i the <el 10:15 Mont Honored Mufic—WTMJ 3 n and srrmon, "The Sword of the Spirit 5'15 KMOX 9:00 WIND 23. Tavern 1:00 Packers vs. Philadelphia—WTMJ 10:30 Academy Award—WZNR Which is the Word of God." . . . 5:30 5:45 WTMJ WGN 10:15 WCCO com1:15 Distinguished Guesl^-WGN 24. Flower 10:45 Army Hour—WTMJ 1-30 Citizens of Tomorrow— WGN 10:45 Rhumba Time—WMAQ wreath 1 1:30 Sunday Vespers—WENR 10:45 Del Courtney Orch.—WGN NEWS BROADCASTS 25. Storage 1:30 John Charles. Thomas—WMAQ st; Harold 11:00 All Nations Chureli—WCFL second service, sermon: Your Reave at SUNDAY 1:55 Songs of America—WBBM places 11:00.Church of Deliverance—wnW Amla | SeSSnl?1 and^Sf classes1m%ar: C. 2:00 Sunday Matinee— WGN 11:05 Teddy Powell Orcb_—WBBJ4 7:00 WIBA KMOX 2:00 WIND WCFL. 27. Duped Heroes of the Navy— WENR WMAQ 2:00 11:05 Eddie Oliver Orch.—WENR WLS WBBM 3:55 7:00 period/40 ."0*5 ', 30.Insect "UTlAViouR's EV. LUTHERAN: ' 8-00 N. Y. Philharmonic—WBBM 11:15 George Olsen Orch.-rWMAQ 8:00 KMOX WCCO 4:00 WIND WCFL t Rationing Report— WMAQ E. Washington ave. at S. Hancock st., WJJD 2:00 ^?0nrsn?pa £rmon by the pastor: i 31. Persia. WIBA WIND 4:30 31:15 Pacific Story—WMAQ 8:00 2:15 Hanson W. Baldwin—WENR 11:30 Duncinger—WZNR A M. Harstad, pastor. 8:00 WMAQ WBBM 5:00 WIND WTMJ ^Thi" Season of Advent in 1943." 32. Greek letter March of Time— WIBU 1 WTMJ WHA •2:15 11:30 Ray Pearl Orch.—WBBM WTMJ „ 5:15 8:30 33. Street 2:15 Upton Close— WMAQ H:30Nite Watch (to 2)—WIND 5:30 WGN WIBU 8:55 WGN Creomulsion relieves promptly be2:30 Army Hour— WMAQ • 11:35 Griff William* Orch.—WGN (abbr.) 9:00 WLS WIND 6:00 WCCO cause it goes right to the seat of the ot the j w|U minister^ ^ ^ . . Hot Copy— WENR WIND WENR 2:30 WTMJ WMAQ 6:00 11:45 Little Night Music—WMAQ 9:30 34. Hot and dry trouble io help loosen and expel congregation. 2:30 Lutheran Hour— WGN 12:00 Midnight Musical*—WENH I 1n.<U « ' m " service of common wor 6:20 WGN 9:55 WGN v cenn laden phlegm, and aid nature Saturday, 1:30 m rehearsa of the " =will preach on -"The 35. Mimic 3:00 Fun Valley—WENR i-W p. p. m., ii=ui™i =»••>" ••• IMS 12:00 Emile Petti Orch.—WMAQ 10:00 WCCO WIND 6:30 WBBM io soothe and heal raw, tender, in- Christmas program by the children^ 3:30 Lands of the Free—WMAQ >meth." . . . 6:30 12:00 Jimmy Joy Orch.—WGN 36. Butt 10:00 WLS WBBM 7:00 WLS WIND That s society meeting 3:30 Opero Auditions—WENR flamed bronchial m u c o u s mem12:00 Pot Luck—WMAQ 7:45 WGN WIBU 10:15 WJJD 38. Three3:30 Younu Peoples Church— WIBU KMOX WBBM WGN 7:55 12:05 Charlie Wright Orch.—WBBM branes. Tell your druggist to sell you 10:25 38 3:30 Andre Kostclanctz— WBBM handed 12:30 Johnny Long Orch.—WZKR WIBA WMAQ 8:00 WIND 10:30 a bottle of Creomulsion with the un(Advestment) 3:30 Abe Lincoln's Story—WGN 12:30 Boyd Raeburn—WBBM 8:00 WIBU 10:30 WBBM card game derstanding: you must like the way it 4:00 Fireside Party— WGN 32 >30 Dei Courtney Orch.—WGN 10:45 WGN 9:00 WIND WGN quickly allays the cough or you are 39. Dagger 4:00 NBC Symphony— WMAQ WIBAWTMOT 9:30 WENR 11:00 to have your money back. Do We Stand?—WENR 40. Whirls 11:00 WIND WCFL, 10:00 WBBM WCFL 4:00 Where 4:00 Family Hour—WBBM WCCO 10:00 WMAQ 11:55 WGN 41^ Border 4:30 The Shadow—WGN P. M. 10:00 WIBA WTMJ 42. Magician's 222 12:00 WMAQKMOX10:15 4:30 Irsne Rich—WBBM WCCO WIBA for Couehs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis IZ-4 WMAQ WCCO stick 12:00 WINDWENK 10:15 Act promptly, just as Grandma did. KMOX WGN WIBA 10:30 12:15 Grandma used mutton suet she medij • 10:55 WGN CBYPTOQtJOTE—A cryptogram quotation 12:30 WBBM cated herself to relieve colds' tightness FASHIONED 12:30 WCCO KMOX 11:00 KMOX WENR ! and muscle ache. Today mothers just WMAQ WBBM I 11:00 12:40 WENR BDM KC QNKD WDJFAS AG BGQY NA REVIVAL HOUR ' rub on Penetro. Modern medication 12:45 WGNWENK 11:00 WIBA Forceful Gospel 12:45 WGN WENR 11:30 WGN b a base containing old fashioned mutPRINCE A L B E R T T J . N Q E D F A T J D D — H N Q M G Q . Preaching WMAQ WIND WCFL 11:55 1:00 ton suet Penetro works 2 ways (1) VaSL'N'DAYS 1:30 WCCO KMOX 11 ;55 WIBA WTMJ SMOKING T O B A C C O pors soothe colds' congestion in nose, WIDA S:IM> P- M. 1;.TO WHA WBBM 12:00 WBBM Yesterday's Cryptoquote: BE IGNORANCE THY CHOICE, Continuous International throat (2) Stimulates circulation »» 2:00 WIND WCFL 12:55 WMAQ WENR WHEN KNOWLEDGE LEADS TO WOE—BEATTIE. Cojpcl Broodeast 2:15 WENR WMAQ 1:00 WGN WIND spot where applied. White, stainless. * WIBA—9:30 P. Chnrlt-J E Fuller, dlrcglor MO ortier MONARCH Faodt— iH >u»t S:00 WIND 2:15 WIBA Distributed by Kln« r«»turei Syn<Jlc«t«, Inc. 2£c, double supply 85o. Get Penotro. Three Farms Sold in McFarland Area Tonight's Aces Uncle Ray's Corner W Catholic Motorcycle Mishaps Evansville Men Kill 11 in State Win Promotions SCOTPS SCRAP BOOK By R. J. Scott ^%^ iK$^: v, SkSrSlG «. »•§? j 5 MANUEL . < DAILY CROSSWORD Lutheran Synodical Conference How To Relieve Bronchitis CREOMULSION WHEN COLDS STRIKE CUT OUT WAITING * TONIGHT */ "GRAND OLE OPRY
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