NM-200 is a thermal treatment devices with a 2-hole light...

NM-200 Tourmanium Ceramic therapy with thermal finger pressure massage
NM-200 is a thermal treatment
devices with a 2-hole light projector to warm the tourmanium ceramic ma
NM-200 Tourmanium Ceramic therapy with thermal finger pressure massage
Manual equipment for individual treatments related to a mixture of Western and Eastern medicine.
NM-200 Tourmanium Ceramic therapy with thermal finger pressure massage
Tourmanium ceramic therapy.
Examples of use:
• Thermal finger pressure massage and Moxa processing functions in a single unit.
• Helps against neck pain, headaches, migraines, etc.
• Convenient for all parts of the body with its ergonomic design
NM-200 Tourmanium Ceramic therapy with thermal finger pressure massage
Click here
for pricing and ordering of NM-200 in our webshop.
Treatment examples with the NM-200
Shoulder pain
Age-related shoulder pain, muscle pain, atrophy, there are many kinds of pain, tension and soreness in t
NM-200, with its infrared heat is a good alternative to alleviate these types of pain.
Traditional methods
The pictures to the left shows the various traditional methods in Oriental medicine used to relief pains in
NM-200 was developed from the same principles and can be used by the person himself.
Urinary incontinence in women.
NM-200 Tourmanium Ceramic therapy with thermal finger pressure massage
NM-200 can be used to treat urinary incontinence (involuntary urination), which is an unpleasant and pro
Usually occurs when coughing, laughing, heavy lifting or shimmy. The image to the left is impaired musc
Infrared heat and negative ion from NM-200 increases the effectiveness of therapy to improve muscle fu
Treatment duration approx. 30 minutes at each time.
Prostate Infection (Prostatitis) in men
Prostate produce biological active substances and hormones, and performs a role as a valve below the b
Enlarging prostate is seen in 50% of men aged 40 to 50 years.
Here is how NM-200 can be used for treatment of prostatitis.
NM-200 Tourmanium Ceramic therapy with thermal finger pressure massage
Thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body. Its function is, among other things, to keep o
Thyroid produces iodine containing hormones necessary for growth and development of the organism.
Women are more vulnerable to problems with the thyroid gland than men and most frequently betwee
Consequences of problems with the thyroid gland.
The thyroid gland is associated with all bodies organs, if one ignores treatment of the gland it may theref
As seen here the NM-200 is designed to provide infrared heat and ion treatment for the thyroid.
NM-200 Tourmanium Ceramic therapy with thermal finger pressure massage
Dry eyes
Our eyes are constantly exposed to attack by various microorganisms, therefore they must be well prote
It can affect the sight if:
1) Dry eyes and redness in the morning.
2) Pain in the eyes especially in poorly ventilated areas.
3) Display the discharge around the eyes .
4) Eye Fatigue.
5) Pain and blurred vision.
6) Discomfort by light.
7) Partial loss of vision.
8) Discomfort using of contact lenses.
If you out of the previously mentioned 8 symptoms you experience:
2 symptoms - you have incipient stage to dry eyes.
5 or more symptoms - should be treated.
Here is how eye treatment is made with the NM-200.
Use reduced temperature and with eyes closed. Change often intensity of the heat on the control unit du
Including parts:
NM-200 Tourmanium Ceramic therapy with thermal finger pressure massage
User instruction:
Click here for pricing and ordering of NM-200 in our webshop.