Bedford Baptist Church Enter His Gates With Praise Memorial Carillon

Welcome to
Bedford Baptist Church
Service of Worship – February 27th, 2011 – 10:55 a.m.
Enter His Gates With Praise
Call To Worship
Memorial Carillon
Ministry Opportunities
*Time Of Praise
Pastor Kevin
Worship Team
(Children are invited to come to the front pews during the last song)
Children’s Story
Pastor Bob
―I Have Decided To Follow Jesus‖
(KidZone Children may head downstairs during singing of last verse)
Our Response To Him
Tithes & Offering
*Offertory Response #600 ―Praise God From Whom…‖
Prayers of the People
―It Is Well With My Soul‖
Ministry Of The Word
Psalm 42:1-3, 11 (Pew Bible, OT pg. 515)
Mark 12:28-31 (Pew Bible, NT pg. 49)
Soul Searching
Pastor Ida
―As The Deer‖
Choral Benediction ―Go Now In Peace‖
Sanctuary Choir
How To Contact Us
158 Rocky Lake Drive PO Box 44073 Bedford, NS B4A 3X5
Phone: 835-5966
Fax: 835-3984
E-mail: [email protected]
Radio: CHSB 99.3 Hilltop FM
Prayer Chain: Doug & Donna Peverill
Phone: 434-8054 or E-mail: [email protected]
We extend a warm welcome to all who have come to
worship and fellowship with us this morning. If you are
a first time visitor with us, please take time to fill out a
“Welcome Card” located in the pew rack and place it in
the offering plate.
Parents of small children (under age 3) may take them
to our Nursery, where a caring staff will supervise them.
We also have a Pre-School Program (ages 3-5) that runs
during our Worship Service in the Church Time PreSchool Room. One of our ushers would be happy to
help you locate either one of these facilities.
Elementary School children are invited to take part in
our KidZone program which starts after the first part of
our Worship Service downstairs in the Vestry.
About Us
Bedford Baptist Church has been a part of this community
for 111 years.
We seek to be a fellowship of believers
building on the principles of love, grace, and compassion as
first modeled by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
that end, we offer a wide variety of programs and services
for every age group.
On a larger scale, we are affiliated
Canadian Baptist Ministries.
Ministers – All Of Us!
Rev. Robert Ohsberg
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Ida Whitehouse
Associate Pastor
Lic. Kevin Haggarty
Youth Pastor
Rev. Nelson Metcalfe
Pastor Emeritus
Mrs. Lianne MacMinn
Ministry of Music
Supervised Field Education Student
Lic. Miriam MacDonald
Supervised Field Education Student
Lic. Heather Cox
Mr. Peter Metcalfe
Office Administrator
Mr. Joel Scott
Please Be In Prayer For Our Sick & Shut-In
Halifax Veteran’s Memorial
Mr. Beresford (Barry) Thompson
Walter Reid Veteran’s Hospital
Mr. Bill Gallant
Mr. Adam Keys
Ivany Place
St. Vincent’s Nursing Home
Dykeland Lodge
Parkland Estates (Cameron Hall)
Windsor Elms
Berkeley Retirement
Northwood Center
At Home
(Herman & Vivian’s Nephew)
Mrs. Evelyn Ross
Ms. Brenda Carson
Mrs. Freda Bender
Mrs. Barb Bishop
Mrs. Helen Beeler
Mrs. Norma Sutherland
Mrs. Beth Kennedy
Mrs. Marjorie Levy
(Marlene Davies’ Mother)
Mrs. Lola Freeman
(Judi Hayes’ Mother)
Mrs. Joyce Tavener
Mrs. Sydney Derrah
(Carolyn Derrah-Murphy’s Mother)
Ms. Carol Lumsden
Mrs. Gloria Campbell
Mrs. Bea Witherall
Ms. Samantha Mason
Mr. Gar Woodworth
Last Week’s Offering (February 13, 2011)
(Automatic debit weekly offerings are included in totals)
Total Annual Budget (Proposal)=$388,400
Last Week’s Offering Towards Budget
$ 6089.82
Weekly Offering Needed To Make Budget
$ 7,469.23
Weekly Surplus/(Deficit)
($ 1,379.41)
Year To Date Surplus/(Deficit)
($ 9,628.03)
Special Donations & Non-Budget Offering
World Day Of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer Service for 2011 will be held on
Friday, March 4th, 2:00pm at the Anglican Church, Bedford
Highway. The theme is "How Many Loaves Have You?‖
prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Chile.
Everyone welcome.
Week At A Glance
Sunday To Sunday February 27th – March 6th
11:15 am
After Worship
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
9:15 pm
2:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
9:30 am
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
10:00 am
10:55 am
10:55 am
10:55 am
11:15 am
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Spaghetti Social
Small Groups
Youth Fireside
111 Annual Business Meeting
Ladies Alive
Friendship Circle
ADC Greek Class
Association Constitution Review
McLean Bible Study
CE Committee Meeting
Youth Group
Bible Study
Jean Rushton WMS
Sanctuary Choir
Girls In Motion
Ivany Place Worship Service
Leadership Summit
Men’s Group Bowling Party
Benevolent Sunday
Pre-Service Prayer
Worship Service
Preschool (Michelle Vekeman & Wanda Tingley)
Small Groups
Youth Fireside
Servants in the Lord’s Work
This Week
Kathy Cochrane
Neil & Merle Cassidy
Deacon On Duty
Warwick White
Ralph Miller and
Keith & Elsie Roberts
Next Week
Sandra MacKenzie
Stephen & Gill
Walter Scott
& Arlene Metcalfe
Worship Service Attendance
Last Week:
Year Ago
Our Daily Bread
The latest issue of Our Daily Bread (March-May 2011) is
now available in the foyer.
News & Events
The Missions Committee will be hosting a pancake supper
on March 8th (See Poster) and a silent auction throughout
the week of March 4-11.We need donations of articles—
new or antiques, services and baked goods. Please drop
off items at the church on March 4th or any time in the
following week. This fundraiser is to help support Meaghan
Whitehouse and the Mayich family in mission to Kenya and
Mongolia, respectively. MORE INFO - CALL CHURCH
OFFICE 835-5966.
Our Prayer Initiative
We are invited to join together in prayer for one another.
As we move through our fellowship alphabetically, look for
your name to appear. If it doesn't, please let Peter know,
for we wish to be in prayer for YOU. This week, please be
in prayer for: Jonathan Veinotte, Josh, Michelle, Luc, &
Matthew Vekeman, and Henry Vietinghoff, Shawna
MacKinnon, Caleb, Andreas, & Michaela.
Birth Congratulations
Clifford & Tina Cassidy, of Calgary, Alberta, proudly
announce the birth of their daughter, Kaitlyn Marie, on
February 21st, 2011, a sister for Aidan & Liam. Proud
grandparents are Neil & Merle Cassidy.
As a caring community of faith and love we extend our
sincere Christian sympathy to Bev Giffin and Marjorie
Thompson and their families on the recent passing of Bev
& Marjorie’s father, John McLellan.
Income Tax Receipts
2010 income tax receipts are available in the foyer. Please
pick yours up to avoid mailing costs.
News & Events (Cont’d.)
The family of John Afton McLellan would like to express to
our church family our heartfelt thanks for the cards, phone
calls and your presence at the Celebration of Life of our
Dad. A special thanks to Rev. Dr. Ida for her visit with us
in our homes. Words cannot express how wonderful it is to
know that others care and have expressed this to us
during the recent loss of our father.
In Christian Love
Beverly, John Giffin and family
Marjorie, Keith Thompson and family.
Annual Meeting
Notice is hereby given of the 111th Annual Business
Meeting of the Bedford Baptist Church to be held on
Monday, February 28th at 7 p.m. in the Church Vestry.
All are welcome to attend and speak to any motion but only
members have a vote. Annual Report books are
available in the foyer.
“Just Desserts”
The next gathering of the "Just Desserts" group will be
held at 12 Noon on Wednesday, March 9th, 2011. The
gathering will take place at the home of Charlie & Erna
Beacon House
Saturday March 12th is Bedford Baptist Day at Beacon
House. This is your chance to see the store firsthand. We
need a number of people to sort, straighten and sell from
9:00 am – 2:00 pm. Thanks for your help. It's always a
good time together!