2015/2016 Small Matching Historic Preservation Online Grant Application Bureau of Historic Preservation Grants Program Division of Historical Resources April 23, 2014, 10:00 a.m. To hear the audio portion of the webinar, please call 1-888-670-3525 Please press *6 to mute your phone Please press *6 to unmute and speak Florida Department of State Ken Detzner, Secretary of State Presenters: Grant Gelhardt Historic Preservation Supervisor D. Stacey Cahan, Historic Preservation Grants Specialist Kechia Herring, Historic Preservation Grants Specialist Andrew Waber, Historic Sites Specialist Webinar Instructions If you do not see the Chat window, click the buttons on the top right of your screen. •Call 1-888-670-3525 and enter conference code: 804 336 4517 to hear our presentation. •Please dial *6 to mute your phone during presentations. •Use the Chat Panel to type your questions, or wait until the time allotted for verbal questions. •To ask questions verbally, dial *6 to speak, but remember to dial *6 after you have finished asking your question. •Be sure to check the Chat Panel for messages and updates from us. Use the Chat Panel to type questions, or unmute your phone to ask verbally. Historic Preservation Grants Program Overview Purpose of the program: Allocate state historic preservation grant funds appropriated by the Florida Legislature; Allocate federal historic preservation grant funds apportioned to Florida by the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service; Department of State Office of Cultural, Historical and Information Programs (OCHIP) Division of Historical Resources (DHR) Bureau of Historic Preservation (BHP) Historic Preservation Grants Program The Historic Preservation Grants Program is governed by: • Chapter 267.0617, Florida Statutes • Chapter 1A-39, Florida Administrative Code The full text of 1A-39 can be found at: http://www.flheritage.com/grants/1A-39.pdf Those eligible to apply for grant funding are limited to: • Public entities: • • • • County or municipality School district College or university Agency of state government • Non-profit Organizations Individuals, for-profit organizations, and applications for residences are not eligible for state historic preservation grant funding. Small Matching Grants • Solicited annually in the spring • Intended to assist: • Identification, excavation, protection, and rehabilitation of historic and archaeological sites in Florida; • Provide public information about these important resources; and • Encourage historic preservation in smaller cities through the Florida Main Street Program APPLICATIONS FOR THE CURRENT SMALL MATCHING SOLICITATION ARE DUE May 31, 2014. Recent Legislative Appropriations Special Category 2013-2015 2012-2014 2011-2013 2010-2012 2009-2011 2007-2009 2006-2008 2005-2007 $1.8 Million -0-0-0-0$3.5 Million $14.8 Million $12.5 Million Small-Matching 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011 -2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 $6,023,773 $3,850,000 $900,000 $650,000 $550,000 $600,000 $2,132,067 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Small Matching Grants Project Types Reviewed by Acquisition & Development Panel: Acquisition Development Project Types Reviewed by Protection & Education Panel: Community Education Survey and Planning Historical Marker National Register Nomination Main Street Special Statewide Solicited Small Matching Grants Award: Up to $50,000 to be expended within one year. Match: ◦ Small Matching Grants provide assistance up to $50,000 ◦ The grantee is required to provide a matching share equal to the grant award; a minimum of 25% of this match must be cash ◦ The remaining match may include in-kind services, volunteer labor, donated materials, and additional cash. Both award and match must be expended within the one-year grant period ◦ There are some exceptions to the match requirement: REDI projects, CLG projects, Main Street start-up projects, and Special Solicited projects do not require match Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) • Applications for projects in REDI areas do not require match • REDI designation is available to counties and communities meeting specific economic distress factors • List of REDI Counties is reviewed annually and is administered by the Department of Economic Opportunity • http://www.floridajobs.org/business-growth-and-partnerships/ruraland-economic-development-initiative/rural-definition Small Matching Grant Project Types Acquisition & Development Acquisition: • Purchase Development: •Preservation •Protection •Restoration •Rehabilitation •Stabilization of historical and/or archaeological sites and structures •Excavation of archaeological sites • Preparation of measured drawings and records necessary to record historical and archaeological sites and properties •Site specific preservation plans Survey and Planning •Surveys for the identification and evaluation of groups of historic and archaeological sites •Preservation Planning •National Register Nominations •Funding is generally provided to procure the services of qualified professionals to conduct the work. Community Education Historic preservation education activities and publications: •Printed educational materials for public distribution (e.g. maps, posters, booklets) •Electronic media (e.g. smartphone apps, audio/visual productions, websites) •Other educational products (e.g. workshops, educational outreach programs, seminars, and lesson plans) Main Street Description: A preservation-based revitalization program for traditional commercial centers, i.e. downtowns Grant: One-time start-up grant for new Main Streets to help pay for a Main Street Manager, office rental and supplies. Award: Up to $10,000 to be expended within one year. No match required. http://www.flheritage.com/preservation/mainstreet/ Historical Marker Award: 50% of the cost of a Florida Historical Marker Match: Grantee pays 50%. Historical Markers must be approved by the Florida Historical Marker Council prior to submission of the grant application. The Marker Program contact is Michael Zimny ([email protected]) As of May 1, 2014, the cost of a marker will start at $2,230. http://www.flheritage.com/preservation/markers/ Certified Local Government (CLG) Special Applications • Awards are comprised of Federal funds through the National Park Service • Projects are limited to: • • • • • Survey & Planning Community Education Nominations to the National Register of Historic Places Historical Markers Acquisition & Development projects are not eligible as CLG Special Applications • NO MATCH required for CLG applications • Applicants must be certified by the National Park Service Prior to submitting a grant application • More information on the CLG program is available at http://www.flheritage.com/preservation/clg/ • The CLG Program contact is Michael Zimny ([email protected]) Special Statewide Solicited Projects • Do not require match • One Project is being solicited for the 2015/2016 grant cycle: • One award up to $50,000 to survey and update the inventory of historic structures within the St. Augustine National Register of Historic Places District • Details for this project are in the Formal Solicitation available at http://www.flheritage.com/grants/preservation/grants/doc s/2016/2016_SM_Application_Solicitation.pdf Questions? *6 = mute *6 = unmute Small Matching Grant Online Application Grants Website: www.flheritage.com/grants Direct Link to Application: www.flheritage.com/grants/preservation/grants/ Budget • Provide us with an estimated budget; Section 4 • Identify whether the items will be paid for by the grant, paid by the grant applicant, provided in-kind by the grant applicant, donated by a third party, or volunteer labor. • Identify the major components of the project: if multiple components will be carried out by the same entity, they can often be consolidated • Most project budgets will not exceed 10 items • Complicated projects may have up to 15. Payment Schedule • Identify the preferred method of payment; Section 7 • Reimbursement Payment • project grant expenditures are reimbursed as deliverables are met • Advanced Payment • Four payments of 25%, 25%, 25%, and 15% with a 10% retainage to be paid upon project completion. • These require a grant funds-dedicated interest-bearing checking account. Project Description • Describe the project; Section 9 • • • • Provide a clear description of the project Outline the major steps in the project Describe what the end product will be For projects involving individual historic properties or archaeological sites, also briefly describe its historic significance • Pointers: • Shorter descriptions are often better than lengthy ones • One page is usually a good size • Typing up the narrative in a word processing program then cut and paste into the application Project Description, continued - Scope of Work If awarded, Department staff will use your project description narrative (Question 9) and your Major Elements and Responsible Entities (Question 10) to generate the Approved Scope of Work for your Grant Award Agreement (Grant Contract) Identify the major components of the project: if multiple components will be carried out by the same entity, they can often be consolidated • Most project budgets will not have more than 10 items • Complicated projects sometimes have as many as 15 • Remember that if something is in your budget, it should be in your Project Description (Scope of Work) and vice versa! Project Description, continued - Scope of Work Examples Development Project: • Hire architect and engineer • Stabilize foundation • Reroof building • Restore front windows • Retrofit bathroom • Install HVAC • Paint exterior Community Education Project • Research contents for audio tour • Develop audio tour script • Record audio tour • Create app for self-guided version of audio tour These examples are for our two most common types of applications. If you have questions regarding your specific project, please call or email BHPGrants. Project Timeline - Deliverables If awarded, Department staff will use your Tentative Project Timeline (Question 11) to generate the grant’s Timeline and the Deliverables • Identify the major elements that need to be completed as the project progresses: • For an average project, there are usually no more than 10 • For a complex project, no more than 15 Project Timeline Components - Examples Development Project: Community Education Project • Request for Proposal • Begin research for walking tour • Hire Historic Architect • Produce draft booklet • 50% Construction Documents • Produce draft signage • 100% Construction Documents • Print booklets • Restoration work commence • Produce and install signage • Restoration work completed • Open historic walking tour trail to public • Final inspection and closeout report These examples are for our two most common types of applications. If you have questions regarding your specific project, please call or email BHPGrants. Questions? *6 = mute *6 = unmute Application Checklist: Attachments Application Checklist Your electronic application must be submitted no later than 11:59 P.M., May 31, 2014. In addition, the following paper documents must be submitted to the Bureau of Historic Preservation and must be postmarked by May 31, 2014*: One (1) printed application All required attachments All signed signature pages Please carefully review this checklist and provide all applicable information. Indicate which labeled attachments have been included in the application and label the attachments appropriately. All attachments should be printed on 8 1/2” x 11” paper, except as indicated for the architectural project schematics or construction documents in Attachment D. Remember to sign and date the bottom of the last page of the checklist! *REMEMBER THAT MAY 31, 2014, IS A SATURDAY! Plan your submissions accordingly. Attachment A: Documentation of Confirmed Match •Must be submitted with the hard copy of the application •Must include affirmation of all pledges, bank statements, commitments of cash, in-kind services, volunteer labor, donated materials, contributors, etc. •Documentation must correspond with the match portion of the project budget Attachment A, cont.: Documentation of Confirmed Match Must contain documentation of all match listed in questions 4 and 5 •Documentation must include: •Cash Match: •Cash-on-hand or pledges must be dedicated to the project as documented by resolution or documented board action. •Provide a bank statement or letter from the grantee's financial institution. •At least 25% of your application’s total match contribution must be cash •Volunteer Labor, In-Kind Services, or Donated Materials: •Detailed statement from the individual or entity making the donation. •The statement must include: •Justification of the value •An explanation of how it will be used to fulfill the objectives of the project •For services or labor, the numbers of work hours being pledged times the hourly wage must be included •Signature & date Match that is not adequately documented will be disallowed, reducing applicant’s match as well as the amount of the grant award possible. Applications with inadequate match will be determined ineligible Attachment B: Letters of Support, Endorsement, or Resolutions Letters of Support •Should be addressed to: Mr. Robert F. Bendus, Director •Individual, personalized letters are preferred to convey genuine support •Form letters are discouraged •Although there is no limit to the number of letters that can be received, 10 to 20 letters are sufficient •Note: Only the first 10 letters will be scanned and attached to the electronic application •Any letters of support received after the application deadline can be included into the application package Coversheet for this attachment Provide a coversheet that including the following information for each letter of support, endorsement or resolution included in your application: •Name of author •Type of communication (letter, petition, resolution, etc.) •Organization represented (if applicable) •Date Attachment C: Representative Photographs •Applications must include digital images and corresponding prints showing existing conditions, general views of the site, any visible archaeological features, and/or artifacts recovered from previous work, as applicable. •Photographs are important to convey the historic integrity and physical condition of the property. •For Acquisition and Development Projects, minimum requirements include current photographs of all exterior elevations, principal interior spaces, and significant architectural features. If available, please also provide historic photographs of the property. •Digital •Can be submitted on CD-R or CD-RW •Size/Resolution: 1600 x 1200 pixels at 300 dpi or larger (approx. 2 megapixels) •Format should be JPEG (low or medium compression) or TIFF (uncompressed) files •Important: Designate one of the digital images as the principal view that best conveys the purpose of the project. This image will be shown in the public Grant Review Panel meeting. •Prints •Print all submitted digital images on 8 ½ x 11 paper (no more than 2 to a page) •Label all prints with the property name, location, and the date of the image •Quality must be sufficient to clearly depict architectural details Attachment D: Architectural Project Schematics, and Construction Documents •Acquisition and Development projects only •If completed, submit one (1) set •Documents must be at least 11” x 17” (maximum: 24” x 36”) and all text must be clearly readable Attachment E: Florida Master Site File Form •A new form is required for all site-specific projects • If the resource(s) has/have been previously recorded in the Florida Master Site File, review the existing form(s) and submit a new form which includes any updates to reflect current conditions • If the resource(s) has/have not been recorded in the Florida Master Site File, a new form must be submitted • Send two copies of the required form(s), along with required maps and photographs, with your application • For assistance contact the Florida Master Site File at 850.245.6440, or visit: www.flheritage.com/preservation/sitefile/index.cfm • Please let Site File Staff know you are working on a grant application • Please allow two (2) weeks to process your request Attachment F: Appraisal and Purchase Documents Acquisition Projects (only) •Must include: • Complete summary appraisal(s) prepared by a Florida State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser. Two appraisals are required if the value of the first appraisal exceeds $500,000. • An ownership and encumbrance search • An executed option or purchase agreement • Property survey • A copy of a professional archaeological survey if the property is being proposed for purchase as a significant archaeological site (if applicable) Note all included for Attachment F: APPRAISAL(S) PURCHASE AGREEMENT TITLE/OWNER SEARCH CERTIFIED LAND SURVEY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT (if applicable) Attachment G: Verification of Approval of the Florida Historical Marker Council •Obtain from the Coordinator of the Historical Marker Program, Michael Zimny •Email : [email protected] •Direct line: 850.245.6365 •Additional information on the Division of Historical Resources Marker Program can be accessed at: www.flheritage.com/preservation/markers/index.cfm Attachment H: Archaeological Supporting Documents Archaeological Surveys (only) • Previous archaeological site reports and surveys (if available) • Curriculum vitae for Principal Investigator and key personnel (if available) Attachment I: Documentation of Non-Profit Status Required for Non-Profit Organizations (only) •All in-state corporate entities must provide documentation of their current registration as a Florida non-profit corporation with the Division of Corporations, Florida Department of State: www.sunbiz.org •Out-of-state corporate entities must include documentation from the Internal Revenue Services confirming that they are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Attachment J: Documentation of Threat •Provide meeting minutes, newspaper articles, photographs, and public notices showing immediate threats to the property as described in Question 18 •Threats include demolition; development; natural forces such as beach erosion, flooding, termite infestation; and exposure to the elements causing deterioration Attachment K: Optional Supporting Materials •Examples of previous work •Organization brochures, articles, web pages •Maximum of 10 Pages •No larger than 11” x 17” •Scans will be included with other application materials for the review panel •Only partial scanning of multiple page documents will be provided to the review panel •Send ONLY the best you have! Application Checklist: Signature Forms Signature Pages •Be sure to use 2015/2016 forms •Submit by deadline with other application materials •Only original signatures acceptable Application Certification Form – All applicants Civil Rights Assurance – All applicants Project Archaeological Impact - A&D only Owner Concurrence - Site-specific projects only Agreement to Execute Preservation Agreement - A&D projects only Questions? *6 = mute *6 = unmute The Application Review Process Application Review Process Overview • Online Application Submitted - Paper copy and attachments delivered or postmarked by deadline • Staff Review for completeness, eligibility, and sufficiency • • At the public meeting, staff provides application summary, funding recommendation and clarification Grant Panel reviews and ranks applications Step 1: Submit Online Application •Online Application and paper copy with attachments submitted by deadline: •Online application submitted by 11:59 p.m., May 31, 2014 •Paper submittal hand delivered by 5:00 p.m., May 30, 2014 or postmarked by 11:59 p.m., May 31, 2014 Step 2.A: Staff Review for Completeness and Eligibility •Original Signatures •Required Digital and Printed Photograph(s) •Attachments A through K – as applicable •Complete Contact Information Step 2.B: Staff Review for Sufficiency •Description of Project •Major Elements and Entities •Budget •Match Confirmation •Letters of Support (not required but helpful) •Previous Grant Experience •Overall Administrative Ability Step 3: Panel Review The Application Review and Ranking Meeting will be held August 2014. The panels will be held in Tallahassee, but can be attended via webinar. Panelists begin their application reviews prior to the meeting. For each project, they complete a Preliminary Evaluation Sheet and mark the projects low (1 point), medium (2 points), or high (3 points) for each of the 10 criteria. During the panel proceedings, panelists have the opportunity modify their preliminary evaluations. After finalizing their scores, the panelists’ scores are averaged and applications receiving an average preliminary score of 1.50 or less will be eliminated from further consideration. Applications with an average score greater than 1.50 will remain eligible. 1.50 or less = Low 1.51 to 2.50 = Medium 2.59 to 3.0 = High Panelists’ Evaluation Webform A. Criteria relating to project site/area: 1. Historic Significance 2. Endangerment 3. Appropriateness of project proposal B. Criteria relative to applicant: 1. Administrative capabilities 2. Adequate financial resources 3. Availability of professional and technical resources C. Criteria related to public benefit: 1. Compatibility with statewide historic preservation priorities 2. Educational potential 3. Economic benefit 4. Public use or benefit Average Score: Calculated automatically. Used to determine preliminary ranking. Applications with a “Low” average score will be removed from further consideration. Constructive Remarks Statewide Preservation Priorities One of the criteria on which applications are evaluated and ranked. Equitable geographic and demographic distribution of available grant funds. Applications for the stability of threatened properties will be given special consideration. Include Specific Statewide Historic Preservation Priorities Specific Statewide Historic Preservation Priorities Survey Priorities •Surveys of broad areas where no previous surveys have been undertaken •Surveys located in areas subject to intensive development pressure •Surveys to identify, evaluate and document historic properties and archaeological sites associated with Florida's minority heritage •Surveys designed to complete comprehensive coverage of areas in which partial surveys have been made •Surveys that address historic themes not covered or under-represented in previous surveys Registration (National Register) Priorities •Registration of historical resources identified by previous survey activity •Registration of properties of national significance •Registration of properties of statewide or local significance Planning Priorities •Development of plans for informing the public as to the economic and other benefits of preserving historical resources •Development of protection tools, such as local ordinances •Implementation of automated information systems to facilitate the recording of site data or information on other historic preservation subjects Specific Statewide Historic Preservation Priorities (cont.) Community Education Priorities •General publications about preservation •Historic preservation education programs for school children •Projects having to do with minority historic preservation •Self-guided tours of historic areas Acquisition and Development Priorities •Assistance for stabilization or other appropriate preservation treatments for properties, which are in danger of being lost due to physical deterioration or planned development •Assistance in the development of plans for the restoration or rehabilitation of properties, particularly those that will be placed in public use •Assistance in the restoration and rehabilitation of properties for which appropriate preservation planning is complete or well underway, particularly those which will be placed in public use •Assistance for restoration or rehabilitation projects which will yield technical innovations which will have application in other projects •Assistance for restoration or rehabilitation projects that will demonstrate the environmental value of historic preservation. Such projects must adhere to recognized sustainability standards and must comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties Final Ranking •After the preliminary scoring, each panelist will rank each project numerically (with 1 being the highest rank) within each project type. •The ranking of each project will be read into the record, and then tabulated on computer. •The average score of all rankings determines the final ranking for each project type. Funding Process Timeline Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Small Matching Grant Application Timeline April 1- May 31, 2014 Applications are open online and accepted up to the deadline of May 31, 2014 June - July 2014 DHR Staff reviews applications for completeness and sufficiency August, 2014 Grant Panels review and rank projects; recommend them to the Secretary of State October 2014 August – October 2014 The Secretary of State approves the recommended projects The Secretary of State submits the total recommended award amount to the Legislature as part of the budget request for the coming fiscal year June 2015 May – June 2015 The Governor either approves or vetoes line items and then signs the budget Grant Staff is notified of the appropriation and allocates grant awards in priority order. Award letters are sent to new Grantees. Grant Award Agreements follow. April – May 2015 The Legislature negotiates a final budget and submits it to the Governor for signature If funded, grant monies become available July 1, 2015 Awarded grants end June 30, 2016 For additional information Contact us at: 1.800.847.7278 or 850.245.6333 For general grant questions: Grant Gelhardt (Historic Preservation Grant Supervisor) [email protected] Stacey Cahan (Historic Preservation Grant Specialist) [email protected] Kechia Herring (Historic Preservation Grant Specialist) [email protected] For technical questions about Development Projects "brick and mortar" projects: Richard Hilburn, R.A. (Architect) [email protected] Ken Cureton [email protected]
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