A SERVICE BUYERS HANDBOOK show me how to buy from you! ROSS MITCHELL CHANGING DIRECTIONS 2012 C HAPTER 1 Transforming the Way Contracts are Managed to Create Sustainable Outcomes “the experience of a Service Buyer in receiving what is expected, is being paid for and actually received can be different from site to site. This guide will reveal some of the secrets that you are not meant to know” S ECTION 1 is this how it is for you? Performance Management Made Easy As the custodian of a multi million dollar asset and possibly in your own case multi billions, there are several undeniable truths, not least of these is that managing the outcomes for your organisation and finding the most appropriate service partners to assist you in managing those assets is not particularly easy. Throw in the need to achieve sustainability today it keeps deepening in need and complexity. Contract relationships start the same as those in our personal lives and just like the rate of personal relationship breakdown continues to remain unabated so too do many contractual relationships between service deliverer and buyer. The First Date Before you even start managing a new contract you need to find your way through the maze of information that is provided by potential service providers, the overload of information, the relevance or irrelevance in many cases of that information just to find your way to make that appointment that you hope and trust will be the right one. At best it is daunting and often overwhelming. Worst of all you need to do it every 3 – 5 years for every service under your control, or bite the bullet and outsource the entire responsibility and then know that someone else has done the really hard yards. It need not be that way. Will You Marry Me? It is when the selection process is complete, the appointment made and a new contract is in place that you hope and pray that the service provider, 2 (your new partner in managing the multi billion dollar assets)is going to deliver. You wonder what it is that you have done wrong, why don’t they get it? After all you only want what was agreed to. That is fair, isn’t it? The moment of truth has finally arrived. The problems that cause this level of dissent and distraction are not new. They have occurred over time immemorial. Contract Performance Management is now the most important part of your agreement with that provider for the next few years. It is no wonder that companies become reluctant to change a contractor when things are at an OK level and you give up. You are human after all. If appointing a contractor is daunting, how about managing a relationship, that has traditionally become adversarial as the competing interests of the parties come to the fore. Wedded Bliss Just like entering a new relationship, when dinner and flowers are a frequent distraction and everyone is being extra nice to each other, perhaps even overlooking each others imperfections as part of the getting to know you period, so it can be true that a contract is the same. The first few weeks are all about finding your feet, agreeing that we started from a low base, agreeing that we must give each other time and we’ll evaluate every couple of months. We’ll go through a formal meeting process in a couple of months, pretty much the week after the contractor’s mobilization team has left and the reality of the marriage is starting to hit home The Honeymoon is Over Just as the wedding bells fade into the distance and become merely a distant memory, so too is the memory of what was agreed to by your new service provider’s business development team as the reality of the work ahead for the operational/ production team of your new partner finally hits home and the penny finally drops as to what has been committed to early on. Accountability and truth in service delivery need not be some pipe dream that only other people can get. It is now time for your new partner to start to deliver beyond the point of lip service and that can be a point of major distraction as you start to hear the excuses for the failure to deliver what was agreed. The only thing is that we are in the second, third or fourth month of our new 5 year partnership and because as humans, many of us find it difficult to be confrontational, we don’t want to upset our newlywed, so we let things go unsaid, to them at least. We then hit the fifth or sixth month and by now if you have not taken action things are now staring to spiral out of control. You are now getting heat from your boss, your fellow employees, the board, the stakeholders, the general public and everyone you come into contact with. It seems everyone has an opinion. The First Fight Now you have to lay the cards on the table and say what you really feel and let your new partner that you are unhappy, that some of what they said they would do has not materialized and you say what you would like them to do, at least that is what you thought you said. It is just that the heard you say it so nicely that they thought you were kidding. Another month goes by and they still don’t improve, you get madder and still don’t say what really needs to be said. Until………….. We should see a Counselor 3 But then one day you are just fed up, the phone has not stopped ringing, the board have threatened you that it is them or you. Of course you are now going to take action. The problem is now that the service has been in place for about 6 months and the bad service has gone unabated, the maintenance of your asset fallen by the wayside, the expected asset life started to shrink and replacement costs increasing and looming a lot faster than you had planned and hoped. Now the meeting with your service provider is a bit more intense, the CEO from their side attends because you threatened them with termination and he is here to placate you, make some new promises, including replacing that poor manager who he now feels is not right manage your service. Only problem is they don’t take action and another month goes by. This month you write a letter, invoke the penalties you have (you do have that available don’t you?) and you are now spending hours each day fielding calls from disgruntled employees, and anyone else who has an opinion. You call the service provider, more promises to fix it, little further enhancement. I want a Divorce The eventual reality is that you don’t renew the contract, you go over the same ground again in twelve months, your new provider needs money to restore the asset to the condition you expect and then you are looking to go back to stage one all over again. Unlike your personal monogamous relationship, at work you are polygamous, you have not one but two, three, four, five maybe even fifty partners. It really is no wonder that you have no peace at work. 4 S ECTION 2 maybe it could be different To Achieve Sustainability You MUST Do Something Differently! Now that we know that we need to make a change, let’s make a change. It is said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. Please do not prove yourself ready for the asylum. Taking a different approach to contracts is not really that hard, it takes commitment and a genuine desire to work in a true partnership with you service partners that is founded on a well defined contract that is genuinely fair to all parties involved. It must be said that a contract that is based on the historical perspective of master servant hood is surely a thing of the past. They are the types of contracts that invariably become adversarial at some point, where disputes and service failures are prevalent, where the service provider is paid more for what they don’t do than what they actually do. Contracts where they are like a football coach who has either been sacked or is about to be sacked. Sadly many service partners, not all, take an approach that says that they must make hay while the sun shines. A contract that does not fully reveal the requirements or where the client accepts an offer that seems too good to be true and either knowing or suspecting that the contractor may have got it wrong in their bid takes it anyway and then uses adversarialism to manage their outcomes is surely destined to provide the scenario above. What is peace worth? The new way of sustainability in contracting is one that is founded on sustainable practices, social, environmental and economical and relies on trust, full disclosure and entering into a partnership where it is not only expected that honesty will prevail, it is genuinely lived and delivered. Let’s look at what Sustainability In Contracts really means. 5 When considering sustainability, most people will say that it is engaging in ecologically and environmentally sustainable practice. Some will say that it is using Green cleaning, manufacturing, recycling, etc. and all of the other Green Labeled elements. 7. Will the contract create new learning opportunities for all people involved? 8. Will the contract provide security to the people touched by it, the employees, stakeholders, owners and customers of both organisations? Yet if these were the only things to be considered as important for the sustainability in contracts, what else would be potentially forfeited? Environmentally Sustainable Sustainable contracting involves areas equally important to building owners such as: 9. Will the contractor use processes and ingredients that have the least environmental impact? How sustainable is a contract that has been let? How much at risk is my multi billion dollar asset? How much time will I be involved in managing the contract and will it distract me from my principal role?, et al. 10. Will the contractor use locally made ingredients and components wherever possible? 11. Financially Responsible 1. Does it afford the contractor the necessary opportunity to generate a commercial return? 2. Will it allow you as the Asset manager to be able to have true visibility across the entire asset and contract to ensure that you are gaining best value? 3. Will the contract place in jeopardy the lifetime value of the asset through having the appointed partner not being up to the job and fulfilling it properly? Socially Responsible 4. Will the rates being paid in the contract allow all levels of the supply chain to be paid at the correct rates? 5. Will the contractor engage in illegal contracting that places you at risk through having engaged a contractor who has little or no intention of complying with legal requirements? 6. Is the contract sufficiently profit generating, that will mean that employment is increased and potential burden on social welfare diminished? Will the contractor use Green labeled products? 12. Will your contract contribute to or diminish the affect of Carbon Emissions? 13. Will your contract be a source of inspiration to others to take up the mantle of Sustainable Contracts? Pay It Forward Once you have established the desire to have a sustainable contract and understand the components required to have what you want, it will be something that takes enormous effort and commitment. This is where the really hard work begins in the development of sustainable contract management. Pay Now, Pay Little, Pay Later, Pay More You could take the traditional approach that has not always lived up to expectations. What will the development of a sustainable contract really entail? • Board Commitment 6 • Agreement on what is a sustainable contract. • Full disclosure up front: Each way Once you have gone down the path of putting into place a Sustainable Contract that ticks most, if not all, of the boxes you will wonder why you have put yourself through the grief of the past. • Truth In Tendering: Each Way • Appropriate Selection of Service Partners • Realistic Budgets • Unambiguous Contracts: Clearly defined in expectations and outcomes • True Partnerships that acknowledge that Contractors MUST ACHIEVE A COMMERCIAL RETURN, Clients MUST ACHIEVE AN OUTCOME, without both parties accomplishing that we have adversarialism Trust that if you provide a contractor with the opportunity to provide you with solutions that those solutions may well be better than those you currently have, so working with the contractor to establish some new rules is important. • Responsibility of the parties • Accountability of the parties • Proof that the services meet expectations • Agreement that the services have met expectations • Regular dialogue that is productive, effective and outcomes driven • Openness in communication The Last Word Engaging a professional mediator in this process, in the form of domain expert consultants, is not only good for your sanity, it is good for your bottom line as those experts are working daily across the same sorts of contracts that you may be offering every 3 years or so. They are up to date with industry trends and have access to relevant knowledge about who might be the best fit for you specific business at a specific time. 7 S ECTION 3 eureka! it really does work We could write hypothetically forever, but you need to know that this works right? This is not some pipe dream where a consultant creates a theory that he or she thinks might work and and, with all care and no responsibility, walks away after a few months and a series of lease payments on the latest BMW M5 later, having left a trail of destruction that takes many months to repair and a sour taste in everyone’s mouths so that the next time someone with a bright idea for change is howled down. This is a proven reality. The following case study is about a contract that Changing Directions manages, end to end including as far as approving payments to contractors, such is the success and completeness of the program. Western Australia’s Water Corporation is one of Australia's largest and most successful water service providers, with nearly $9 billion invested in water services infrastructure. It is the principal supplier of water, wastewater and drainage services to hundreds of thousands of homes, businesses and farms, as well as providing bulk water to farms for irrigation. Their services, projects and activities span over 2.5 million square kilometers with regional offices in Perth, Bunbury, Albany, Karratha, Geraldton, Northam and Kalgoorlie. Requirement In July 2001, Changing Directions was engaged by the Water Corporation to review all of their contract documents for the delivery of cleaning services to their thirteen locations in the Perth metropolitan area. The Water Corporation’s objective was to determine how well each facility was complying with the processes and standards detailed in the cleaning services scope of works. The Changing Directions review examined the contractual documentation in detail and compared the Corporation’s desired outcomes against actual dayto-day results. The review recommended that the Corporation should create 8 a single contract that would cover all of the cleaning services for its thirteen metropolitan facilities. of the independent audits were accessible via the CIMAS web-based platform to all Water Corporation managers and to the cleaning contractor. Solution Commitment to Sustainability In 2002, the Corporation acted on this advice. In order to implement the change, Changing Directions was asked to: Early in 2009 Changing Directions were asked to again review the contract documentation to ensure that it met the Corporations commitment to sustainability. This was carried out following an extensive stakeholder engagement process to ensure that the outcome would address the changing needs of all facilities. Sweeping changes were made to the documentation to address environmental responsibilities including the emerging impact of Green Cleaning practices, changes in Occupational Health and Safety regulations and the impending changes to the cleaning industry award structure. •Assist with the preparation of specifications for each site •Collect all site data and prepare a site-specific building information matrix •Assist with the preparation of evaluation criteria •Assist in the preparation of tender documents •Conduct site visits and tender briefing sessions, respond to all queries and record responses for inclusion in the due diligence process •As part of the tender evaluation committee, facilitate a fully transparent and accountable process and prepare a detailed recommendation for the Water Corporation The upgraded documentation not only addressed sustainability, it also included increased accountability by adding performance management processes and strong KPI’s that covered all aspects of the services to be delivered. Furthermore, a greater level of transparency and reporting was included to ensure the contractor took responsibility for managing their compliance on a day to day basis. •Carry out baseline assessment of the cleaning standards prior to handover •Monitor the contractor’s service delivery in all areas for the life of the contract and provide detailed reports and trend analysis To manage this new contract The Water Corporation engaged the domain expertise of Changing Directions to project manage all aspects the cleaning contract. •Provide a web-based monitoring system for all parties to monitor contract performance outcomes. Scope of Work Subsequently, Changing Directions was appointed as third party auditor to monitor the cleaning performance against contractual service level agreements in all Water Corporation facilities. The auditors used the CIMAS mobility platform to monitor compliance. The compliance audits were carried out randomly, with each site being audited at least twice yearly. To involve all stakeholders in the process of ownership and to allow them to compare the outcomes achieved, the results The scope was to monitor the service delivery of the appointed cleaning contractor across the specified metropolitan Water Corporation sites. This was achieved by adding addition modules to the CIMAS web-based platform to allow all work orders and invoicing to be processed through the system by Site managers and Changing Directions and also made accessible by the contractor to generate invoices and monthly expenditure summaries. Additional modules were added to allow all contractual compliance and reporting to be created by the contractor and be visible to all stakeholders on the web platform. 9 Service compliance was to be achieved though physical inspections, performance audits, web based monitoring and periodic face to face site visits with the appointed site and regional or group managers to confirm their levels of satisfaction and or to adjust the scope of work to reflect site changes and or their cleaning requirement. Additionally to initiate this there was hands on training at each location with follow up sessions over the first quarter and ongoing periodically as staff changes occurred. Processes Implemented • Carry out baseline assessment of each site prior to the new contract start up • Continue with the established inspection/audit process where all site are visited at a minimum of twice yearly at random over the year with a number of the sites being visited each month • Monitoring the Performance of the contract via the new web portal • Train the contractor in the correct use of the Performance Management system and to respond to periodic requests, NCR’s, OFI’s and Customer Surveys. • Monitor the contractors use of the Performance Management system and accurate recording of weekly inspections and monthly reports • Monitor Contract Compliance and Operational Governance including logging of compliance requirements • Liaise with the Corporation on planned changes to site layouts and usage and adjust specifications to reflect changes and create cost variations to reflect these changes • Monitor periodic works and ensure agreed standards are met. • Provide web access to the Performance Management system for all stakeholders The process of moving the responsibility for managing the contract from the Water Corporations Corporate Real estate office across to the project managers, Changing Directions was a challenge. The contractor had been the incumbent for 12 years and in that time had established their own operational culture. Furthermore the contractor who was not that computer literate was reluctant to give his field managers the electronic tools, preferring to continue using a paper based system. To achieve the objectives Changing Directions developed detailed data capture forms that eliminated the need for most written input by using drop boxes with predefined outcomes and the ability to capture issues via photo and have them automatically attached and uploaded with the data. Not surprisingly staff embraced the technology as they could see it made their jobs easier. The work orders are now all web generated and all invoicing is also done the same way. All compliance documentation and reports are managed via the web. Daily performance reports are also generated following inspections allowing the contractor to take a proactive role in managing the contract. We knew we were stepping on new ground outsourcing what was traditionally a role managed by the Corporation, however we also realized that we needed to focus our resources on our core business and engaging domain expertise to achieve our objectives seemed the smart thing to do. We saw the process as a transition, one that would take time and patience to achieve but in the end would allow us to engage with all stakeholders to better manage our commitment to sustainable procurement. Rob Macri – Corporate Accommodation Manager • Monitor customer satisfaction surveys to ensure agreed KPI’s are met. • Provide annual reports on Contract outcomes • Attend Periodic management meetings as required 10 C HAPTER 2 you really can have it all “getting everything you need from a contract is no longer the domain of a nasty contract manager. it comes down to clarity and accountability” S ECTION 1 sustainability in contracts, it is not just green The green lobby has done an outstanding job of having people become conscious of their need to look after the environment. All of this has been brought to consciousness in the name of environmental sustainability. We plant new trees, make sure that chemicals are not discharged into waterways, have enzymes used in cleaning services, CFC free gases in Air Conditioning, recycled paper products, (milk cartons are now being 100% recycled to make toilet paper and hand towels and some stationery items (http://youtu.be/1eN0fiEwtiY) electric vehicles and all sorts of other things to convince us that we are making a difference. We even give a building a Green Star Rating. (more about that later) But let’s talk about what sustainability really is in services delivery. It takes into account the whole spectrum of a service. Sustainability needs to take into account, Social, Environmental and Financial or commercial factors. Environmental Sustainability The environmental factors are pretty well documented but as technology advances they will continue to expand. It is a veritable moving feast. Financial Sustainability Financially, sustainability in contracts relates to whether the awarding of a contract or bidding of a contract is a sustainable event. Can you survive or can your service supplier survive on the financial component of the contract? Will the contract cause someone to go bankrupt or not be able to pay the correct wages to their employees? As a contract manager YOU may be liable for any actions that result from legal action taken by disgruntled workers who have not been paid their entitlements. 12 As a client you could be liable because you awarded a contract that, had it been analysed effectively, would have revealed that the service provider had no possibility of delivering the outcome had they met the required financial commitments to their staff. Accepting what the tenderers dish up to you and taking cheapest price (under the cloak of value for money) will at some time be an excuse that must be deleted from your tender awarding practices. As a service buyer you are not responsible for the tenderers submitting their cheap low value potentially undeliverable offers, that is their problem. You are however, guilty of assisting the sustaining of the types of practices that have seen wages diminish, multi tier contracts flourish and people being paid without their correct entitlements the moment. As a service buyer you have a responsibility to whomever you work for to spend appropriately. You need to do so with a bigger picture in mind. Social Sustainability Ensuring that people are paid the right rates, that they are afforded training that is not just about their job but provides some added life skills, that their work schedules are in more socially acceptable time zones, reduction in the frequency or elimination of shift work, hiring new staff from a diversity of backgrounds, ages and cultures. Teaching people new skills and creating new opportunities. Ultimately when practices that do not have people paid their correct entitlements, the big picture problem will land in a collective someone’s lap and that someone will be the TaxPayer. As that person or those people who have been denied their appropriate wages and accompanying entitlements, are unable to fund their own retirement and seek hand outs from the social security purse into perpetuity you need to be considering “how much could I have changed that had I ensured that my contracts were fair?” The Whole Gamut There are things that you could do which will have a triple benefit and these are the sorts of things that you, as a contract manager or a service provider could introduce to your company and will reap an immediate benefit and in the long term be even more beneficial. They may be harder to asses the financial benefits up front but when you start to survey people about what you are doing they will smile. And after all isn’t a smile sometimes worth more than anything? Think about what you could do to offer your company or your clients a different solution that would have that triple effect. It might be multi skilling employees, adjusting shift start up times which will lead to reduction in waste bi-products from the facility, reduce fuel usage, reduce electricity costs. There is no set formula, it will take thinking about, pitching the idea, getting buy-in and other stakeholder engagement, it will take trialling and tweaking as you find the weaknesses in the strategy or find even more opportunities. In any way you consider it, for something to change, something must change. For something to change you must first change. Green Star Rating System It may or may not be a little known fact that the Green Star rating system used to rate the environmental performance of a building is only a snap shot in time, the snapshot in time is on the day of opening. As I understand it, the rating relates to the design and then the build phase. Once the building is running (well standing still and in use) everything being done in that building is either adding to or subtracting from the performance of that building relative to its green star rating. 13 Until such time as the rating system is based on ongoing operation of the facility, people may or may not do what needs to be done. I am pretty sure that in the future the rating system will be able to be applied relative to operations. If and when that occurs, any performance management systems and scopes of works and specifications for that building’s contracted services will need to amended to impose the requirement upon the contractor and or internal staff to deliver service that only adds to the value of that rating. 14 S ECTION 2 let’s be clear about what I want Any contract manager, whether they are from the service recipient or service provider has a fundamental interest when they enter into a contract. The Buyer wants to get what they are paying for and the Seller wants to get paid for what they are giving. Pretty simple right? Well maybe not. For eons buyers and sellers have failed to reach an equilibrium at all times. From my year 11 economics, “equilibrium is the point at which buyers and sellers agree”. I knew that all those school years would come in handy some day. A contract is the time when buyers and sellers reach their equilibrium at least temporarily. It is only when their competing interests finally kick in that the problem starts and that is when each side of the table needs to start to be accountable. Contract and Performance Management is all about accountability. It is about the capacity of one person to be able to say to the other person, “show me what you have done, prove to me why I should pay you or prove to me why you shouldn’t pay me”. It most definitely should not be a one way street. Once upon a time, long long ago in a far away land, we could rely on a handshake and we could look people in the eye and know that something was as it should be. Unfortunately for those of us old enough to remember, those days are long gone. We now have a need to document everything, I believe that it is mainly out of a fear that something may not get done, or may happen and then we all need to have our collective backsides covered. Someone after all may lay a false claim on Twitter or Facebook or release it on Wikipedia, which we know is always true. 15 So with all of the worries of what might happen, we need to prove that we have done what we have said. But how and what will we have to tell you? A quick Lesson In History Let’s go back in time to look at how we once communicated • Fred Flintstone used a baby bird and a tablet of clay or rock to write things down. • Gen X&Y prefer to TXT and Facebook each other for hours rather than speak • most people use the internet • most people watch some TV and more are now watching TV on the internet • the art of writing by hand is being lost (unless it is on the train windows) • most people have a car • most communities had not created writing as a form • More people are working legitimately from home than ever before. • Native Indians of America used smoke signals Oh and we are supposed to be working less, not more. All of this seems to ensure that everyone has a need for more information, yet we are so inundated by messages that it is really hard to decipher what is important and what is not. • Australian Aboriginals drew paintings on the walls of caves using ochres and other natural paints • Inuit People (used to be called Eskimos) touched noses • Ancient Romans and Greeks used tablets and stones That is why clarity is so important. • Egyptians used hieroglyphics on either papyrus or stone. How does this relate to Performance Management? you say. Because without clarity how would you know what is important and what is just noise? How would you know what you should measure. The list goes on. These methods were ways that people could say that they had done something and they may have spoken it or written it (apart from smoke signals and rubbing noses) Move forward to the Industrial Age • and most people had an inkwell and quill and wrote on paper. Most had beautiful handrwiting. • Newspapers were being published The saying that “if you can measure it you can manage it” is true, but “just because it can be measured doesn’t mean that it matters”. I prefer “if it matters you will work out how to measure it” If you are a contract manager, either as a service supplier or service recipient,there will be information that is absolutely mission critical to capture, measure, analyse, manage and ultimately report on. • the horseless carriage was starting to be made and the only things that flew were birds. Most of us know these as Key Performance Indicators and then wrap some Key Performance Today we are in the Information Age Measures around them. • Most people have a mobile phone If you were operating in the stone-age it might look like this. 16 In the industrial Age it would be like this or maybe if you were lucky a Remington Typerwiter • regularly undertake visual, physical and anecdotal inspections and reviews Today the options are endless and knowing just which device to put your hands on is really confusing. If you are Apple oriented it is a choice of the iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, iPad Mini, Mac Book Pro, Mac Book Air, yada yada yada. • Test against known benchmarks. If none exist, and no-one from your team knows how to do it, engage with a consultant to collect data and analyse the results and in the process develops a benchmarking tool for you. Whatever you have developed, it should be relevant to your industry type, country and or region if there are real reasons that they will matter. If you go Android or Windows there are even more choices but you get the picture. You could still use paper and a pen, but that is so yesterday and besides, who has time to do the work twice? Use digital to capture information and report on it immediately, that is the way of today. So how do we manage contracts better and then make sure that we are managing performance: • implement an Integrated Management System that includes at least ISO 900 1 Quality Management, ISO 14000 Environmental and AS 4801 (Australia) or international equivalents as they become the norm. • define the scope: be absolutely clear about the agreed parameters of work • develop a set of clearly defined and unambiguous performance measures • develop a set of clearly defined and unambiguous performance indicators • agree on the reporting timelines • agree on the reporting protocols • hold stakeholder meetings to ensure that everyone is on the same page and has a crystal clear understanding of what has been agreed to. • develop a communications plan to ensure that everyone who will be impacted by the agreement (staff, clients, partners, shareholders and whoever else) and then carry out that plan. We could go down the pathway of using the good old pen and paper and collect the information the way that we did before computers, smartphones and the like. But we already established that would mean doing the work twice and when we are faced with competing pressures of time and money then we need to do it differently. There are myriad systems on the market today which will allow you to manage services across the whole spectrum of service delivery. • You can record the time in attendance of your employees or contractors. It could be a swipe card, near field readers or now as many more companies are doing bio-metrics. (time theft by contractors and employees doing less time than they claim on a job has led to this technology which repays your investment very quickly) • You can record compliance with Occupational Health and Safety • You can record customer satisfaction levels • You can record service compliance levels relative to the legislated and contractual requirements. • Work Orders, Invoicing, Service Requests, Opportunities For Improvement, Non Conformance Reports and employee details can be recorded. • seek regular feedback on service from the stakeholders 17 • Work loading and scheduling can be done to have your staff rosters aided by the technology that is available. You can host them on your website and post online to your team, email and SMS their shifts and updates • You can advise staff of specific items that they need to be aware of. • Training such as OH&S and Inductions can be conducted online or even on gadgets such as iPads and iPhones etc. • You can track the transition around site of an employee of contractor using GPS technology to ensure safety in lone worker environments. This is just scratching the surface of what technology affords you the opportunity to do. Information Technology is moving at such a rate that to think that you know everything that is possible to know is crazy. As I am constantly reminded by our Development team, it is just a matter of imagination, time and money that will let you manage your team better with technology. Once you are managing contracts better you can then start to report on the contract outcomes much more effectively. By capturing data electronically, you only need to do the work once and then be able to prove that service is the way it should be, or is the way it is. Either way having an electronic reporting system in place will mean that you are ahead of the curve in terms of the bulk of the competitors you are dealing with as the early adoption of technology is still the prevailing status. Look forward to 18 months or two years and then you will find that unless you are using technology to manage and report you will be left miles behind. Just as an Integrated Management System was seen as unique in 2007/8, (and gave you a marketing advantage) and now almost mandatory to win work, so is the use of technology in managing and reporting on performance. 18 S ECTION 3 This section is short and the one that needs the most work on your part. the buyer’s guide to more effective contracts Ensuring that contracted services are delivered at a level that is sustainable and effective you MUST have tender and contract documentation that is wriggle room free. Ideally when you release a contract to the market, you will have someone say, as happens to me frequently, “Ross your contracts are so tight” to which my reply is always are they harsh, unfair or unjust? or are they just very well defined with little ambiguity? Invariably the answer is that they are very clear and nearly everything is covered. If that is the case I am pretty satisfied that our team has developed another good contract. You see the most important thing is that everybody is aware upfront of what is required. No ifs buts or maybes and when the contract is operating, there is little argey bargey (what you may know as the contractor trying to fool you and get you to pay more money or failing to deliver service and hoping you don’t notice) and very little disagreement. You need to ensure that your contract services can be delivered, tell everyone who needs to know what the contractor will deliver, what you are paying for in the contract, what you are prepared to pay for at different moments in time and what you are not prepared to pay for at any point in time. If those parameters are met then you will have a wriggle room free contract. All parties know upfront what to do. High Level Contract Requirements The following component list is not exhaustive and in no particular order. • A good intro as to what is required, It should provide some information about your organisation, thinks like values, intention of what your company does and why. This will allow the tenderer to assess whether there is values alignment sufficient to be able to want to work with you. 19 • A glossary of terms • A lack of Three Letter Acronyms (TLA) and your company or department’s jargon. Just because you know what the TLA is, does not mean that the tenderer does. If you must do so, always put the full words etc into the first occurence of that TLA into the document with the TLA in ( ) just as I have done here. Also use the Glossary to have all TLA displayed. You might even put its own index but that might be taking it too far. Either way there are WTM, TLA in FRT these days. (What?) • Early in the document a section called MUST KNOW. It should have in it key points that a tenderer can look at in 1 minute and make a decision about whether this tender is one for them to bid on. I’ve included a sample of the information that could be used. There are several reasons a contractor will choose not to bid. They may be short on time, have other commitments that prevent them from giving themselves the best chance of winning, they may not do work where a security guarantee is required, they may not do work where liquidated damages apply • A well defined scope of works or service specification • Key Performance Measures, Key Performance Indicators and a clear Service Level Agreement • Good levels of data required to bid on. Often we see incomplete, confusing or conflicted information. There are sayings in computing “Garbage in Garbage out” and the other one I was told in year 8 by Mr Grundy teaching computer science on a Commodore 64 (you might find one in the Museum of Prehistoric artefacts) “that a computer is a dumb object and only as smart as its user”. It is vital that a tenderer has all the facts to deal with and bid on. If you provide poor data to your tenderers there are some likely scenarios that will occur. You will have a range of bids that will make evaluation very difficult, you may pay above the odds as every tenderer prices the job with an “insurance premium”, you may appoint a tenderer who has bid on the incomplete data and then is unable to fulfill on the contract. That presents its own problems for you. Lastly you may not have the right tenderers submit because they have decided that the deal is a bad one, when in fact it may be great one. • if there are specifically legislated items that must be met, how to meet them or at least what legislation it relates to. • The General Conditions of Tender • The General Conditions of Contract • The Special Conditions of Contract# • The Special Conditions of Tender# • Dispute Resolution Process • An easy to complete schedule of rates. I suggest you provide them in Excel and lock all formulae so that you get to compare apples with apples. • The tender schedules in an electronic format so that the contractor does provide you the information in the required format. To send a tenderer the electronic format as a PDF is next useless for them. They have to recreate it and that takes time that they are not being paid for at the moment. It is good manners to make it easier for them to bid where possible. A little bit of courtesy early from you will make the quality of the bids better for you and will advantage you in the long term. • Clear rules of tendering. For example the definitions of a Non Conforming tender as to a Non Compliant tender, the format of tendering, eligibility of the tenderers, probity rules, methods of communication etc. • Selection Criteria identified and unambiguous. That way the tenderers will know that you are serious. • Two envelope practice. Qualitative and Quantitative evaluations are important to be conducted separately and the only way to effectively do this is to ensure that knowledge of pricing does not cloud people’s thinking early in the evaluation process. 20 # Note: you may wonder why there might be special conditions of Tender and or Contract and ask why not have them in the Conditions of Contract or Tender. There are some Governments and Corporations who have a generic Conditions to start with and have a legal requirement not to amend them. The special conditions is an area no less important to the tenderer that the General ones. You just need to ensure that they know it. Entering into a contract should be exciting times for everyone involved. They should also be times when you know that what is about to start is fair. We occasionally see Liquidated Damages Charges being applied in services contracts. I still shake my head at that notion. If Liquidated damages need to be applied, the charge or fee should be appropriate to the level of non compliance and or damage. In other words, let the punishment fit the crime. It may be drawing a long bow, but when a service contractor fails to deliver portion of a service in a month for whatever reason, the value of that Liquidated Damages Charge should not exceed the initial value of that portion of work not completed. If a service not delivered would have been charged at $10, don’t charge Liquidated Damages of $50. For a start that is the same as stealing a loaf of bread in the 1800s in England and being transported to Australia for life. (although many Australian’s are glad their forebears were transported). Secondly in the unlikely event that a property manager was under significant budgetary pressure or just wanted a contractor removed from the contract, they may actively seek opportunities to apply a Liquidated Damages Charge to either get some budgetary constraint applied or to make life so difficult for the contractor that they had to withdraw or were terminated. The Final Word As I have said, this list is not exhaustive and will be added to in time by you and your colleagues as you become more refined in your processes and methodology. Just remember that tendering and contracts are a partnership. They should not be operated on the basis of traditional adversarial or master servant relationship. They should be based on: • Fairness 21 • Integrity • Respect • Commitment • Empathy If they are then good solid relationships that produce high quality work will result as you will know what to expect and so will your service partners. Like a good marriage, there will be times when everything runs according to plan and when they don’t you talk about it, resolve it and get back on loving each other. It is when the talking ceases and one person has to lose so the other person wins that the problems really start and divorce will surely result. Just as you did or will do on your wedding day you will will make a declaration to grow old together. So it should be with your next Contract. It’s now over to you! 22
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