I'airc 8 THE WKSTF1KUJ (N.J.) IJEADKK. J'HlliSDAV, MARCH H, J971- j Williams Asks Transit Action Turnpike's Accident Record Best Edison Junior High Announces Honor Roll Roberts, Beth The results of the second James marking period show the Rosenberg. Leslie Ann Sen. Harrison A. Williams following students at Edison Rowe. has asked the House Rules | Junior High School on the Also, Marie Scherzo, Committee to take action on j honor or distinguished honor James St-eman. Barbara a bill to give emergency academic lists. To beSerko. Judy Shafarman, assistance to mass-transit • I enrolled in the distinguished Ann Shubitz, Robert Staffin, The committee voted | group a student must obtain Elizabeth Stevenson, Susan recently to prevent the bill's ! a grade of "A" in all major Stewart, A. St. John, going before the full House i academic subjects and noKathleeenJill Taylor. Joe i for a vote. But Sen. i^rade below " B " in any Tessitore, Wendy Tibbals. I Williams, co-author of the minor subject. To beMichael Tischbein, Steven ! $800 million bill, said: "The ' enrolled in the honor group a Leslie Wederich, : need to act now is im-stduent must obtain grades Valji. Steven Weil, James Whit| perative." I of "A" or "H" in all subjects moyer, Kathleen Wujtowicz, : Williams asked Hep. Ray| major or minor. William Zack. ; Madden. D-lnd.. chairman j The following are on the i of the Rules Committee to list ; have the panel reconsider i its negative decision. He 9TI1 tilUDK disputed the committee's Margaret Bakes, Joseph decision to delay the bill Delia Badia, Deborah J. until a new administration (iraf, Mary Lou Jackson, : transportation bill is con- Neils Junno, Audrey J. i sidered by the House Public Lewis, Alisa MaeFail, Works Committee. David Quackenbos, Cheryl Hoi li the House and Senate L. Rosen, Douglas Savage, i have passed the Kmergency Marshall Schreier, Leonard :! Mass Transit Act. which ill. Shen, Judith Singleton, ; would authorize the $800 j Jean M. Steele, Wendy S. i million to be distributed ' Thomson, James N. Tilton, through mid l!)7fi. ; Maya A. Windholz. NEW BRUNSWICK. The New Jersey Turnpike in 1973 recorded ihi.1 best overall accident rale in the past decade, a rate that led alt the other major toll roads in the nation. There were 2.3H6 accidents on the New Jersey Turnpike last year nut of a total of 2.7 billion miles covered by 110.4 million vehicles. The accident rate of 83.5 was considerably less : Resident Named than the accident rate of 119.0 for all toll roads. ; Esso Associate As to the actual number of aeddents, a total of 2,30(S i David J . Valfs. <if net? occurred on the New .Jersey ' < oolidiie S t . . h a s ticen Turnpike last year. That's I Ha mt'ti ;t Uesearcli 210 less than the 2,516 j Associate at Ksso Kt'st'ureh reported in 1972. This | awl !'"ii}4hieeririf» Company. despite the fact that there i lie works in the Curpiiriitt' were 2.5 million more 1 Kesrarcli Lalmrutiirios ;it vehicles on the Turnpike j OH' KSSO Heseoreh Center its fhan the previous year. ! l.imien. H e joini'ii t h e The 83.5 rate represents • company in liXH. the average number of accidents per 100 million i IIONOKItOM< i,iiles of driving. It was the test of the nine major toll | Betsy M. Alien, Elizabeth roads in America- those Avis, Falma A. Basto, roads logging more than one Brenda Bentley, Marybeth ; registrations for Session I ; CHANFOHD Two sixbillion miles or more of | Boyle, Donald W. Brader, ! week summer sessions will • will be accepted through ! Teresa M. Byrne. Elizabeth travel last year. ' May :» and through July 12 j be offered this year by The Garden Slate ParkU'hisholm, Christopher way was second, with a rate | Union College at its Cran- > lor Session I! i Clare, Kenee B. Cohen, j lord campus, it was anClasses for both sessions of " 84.4, and the ! Heidi ('. Crow, Valery j nounced by 1'rof. Elmer i will run from B:SI a.m. to Massachusetts Turnpike I Dagostaro, Valerie L. ! Wolf, dean of the college. I lM:05a.iu., and from 10:15 to third with 101.6, according Dazzo. Peter M, Drittel, to tlie statistics released by I Classes will bo offered in 11:50, from l>:3<) p.m. to B:05 Linda J. Emerick. Heidi the Internationa] Bridge, ! morning and evening hours p.m. and B: 15 p.m. to 11:50 Keigenbaum. Linda M. Tunnel and Turnpike j at both Summer Sessions. p.m. Ki-ega | Session 1 will run from Courses during Session 1 Association. [June 10 to July 18. In-person will be offered in t h •e Also, Valerie Gardiner, Because of several I registration will be conBarbara (iingerich, Monica "multiple Calais" last year, | ductedon June r> and June «. evening only at the branch ; Golden, (Jary S. Goodman, the Turnpike rating in that | Session 11 will open .inly '£! campuses in Elizabeth and Suzanne Greener, Catherine particular category rose and will end Auj;. 2!). In-1'lainfield. These will run Uuthrie, Timothy Harned, above the low average person registration is from ti::!i! p.ni. to R:05 p.m. Dana L. Harrison, Kathryn normally experienced year scheduled for July 18. Mail on the Plainfield campus j llockcnjos, Darlene Ianand from 0:30 p.m. to 8:05 after year. There were 7il and from Si: 15to 9:50 p.m. at i nascolio, Patricia A. King. fatalities - 2(5 more than in | Ken Kirshenbaum. Robin L. 1972 - yet these occurred in Marcus Addresses Klizabeth i Lawyer, Kurt E. Lemke. 47 accidents, the same ! Kathryn 1'. Loder, Kathleen University Group. number of fatal accidents I Malloy, Daniel Mannino, reported in 1972. I Katherine Me (Jill, Diane L. Stanley ,1. Marcus, ' Meyer. Deborah Milford, president of Marcus Attend J.L. Confab Douglas Milford, William Jewelers in Rutherford, : Miller, David A. Nelson. Mrs. Chautieey M. DePew Ridgewood, Westfield, Also, Maureen O'Brien, of Ki<) Clark St. and Mrs. Ilackensack and Paramus Petra Pletscher, Jodie A, William Whiting of !>72 Park, recently spoke before Price, Judith C. Kesnik, WITH OUR NATIONWIDE Woodmen1 Dr.. members of a group of students at New James Hokosny. Debbie A. NETWORK OF GALLERIES Hit Junior League of ! York University. Schade, Leslie K. Schmidt. AND AN EQUITY RELEASE Elizabeth ami Cranfortl. i Mr. Marcus wasoneof the PROGRAM WE CAN BE OF Stacey Schropo, Paul Schattended the recent con- | speakers on for Bulova HEAL HELP NO O B L I wartzman. Cynthia Silver, ference on "Inereasinu N.Y.U. jewelry store GATION WHY NOT ASK Linda Sokolowski. Richar<l Management Skills" at management and mer- ABOUT IT' St. John. Sara J. Strock, Boston University's Osgoocl chandising. He discussed Margol Tanner. Lisa A. Mill Conference Center. promoting and maintaining Tiplon. Diana L. Toll. Lisa H.CLAY North Andover. a retail store identity. The Torcicollo, Andrew E. Turk, FRIEDR1CHS, I N C . l.auri Ucciferri, Nancy D. Sponsored hy the course covered all aspects SOUTH 4 MARTINE, FANWOOD of operating a jewelry store Vcghte, Barbara Weaver, Association of Junior NORTH 4 ELMER, WESTFIELD and Mr. Marcus was one of a Susan A. Wilder. I<cat{ut*s. Area Council 1, it 322-7700 233-0065 was a training session for small group of selected board members and com- professionals in the field DISTINGUISHED mittee? chairmen Represen- who related their exIIONOItitOM. and led tatives from 13 Leagues in perienees XTlHiHADK 1927 ' discussions. the Northeast attended. DISTINGUISHED John A. Catron, Karen Chin, Carol Christianson, Sarah Clarkin, Beth Daaleman, Debra Dick, Jonathan Dobbins, Elizabeth Donzella, Loree Duym. Also, Robert Engelhart, Barbara Friedland, Joyce Goldstein, David Graf, Steven Greene, Elaine B. Hannan, Michael Harris, Robert Heinbokel, Janet Hockenjos, Connie F. Hoover, Elizabeth Huke, Jacqueline Jordan, Dianne Kaveney, Robert Klingelhofer. Jay Kotliar, Robert. Levy, Mariene Lutz, Karen Me Gill, John Cathy Mysel, Eric Nelson, Jill Novacek, Rochelle Oslick, Mark Ransom, Kimberly Itobertson, Lisa Schreier, Steven Sherwyn. Janet Slove, Carol Smith, Deirdre Trabert, Katherine Weaver, Andrew Wellen, Nancy Kay Wofsy, Cheryl Zapolsky HONOR ROLL John Behrens, James Belcher, Robert Bell, Karen Bentley, Ruth Bernstein, Sanford Block, Marlene Browne, Thomas Bryant, HONOR ROLL 7TH GKADK Barbara Berstein, Matthew Bond, Jennifer Byrnes, Christine Cayatte, Kendrea Coates, Sharon Daffner, Susan Dersh, Melissa Devalon, Jean Duvall, Lisa Ellen, Lori Feidt, Brenda Ficacci, Jeffrey Fromhertz, Jill Gardiner, Thomas Hoblitzell, Maureen Kane, Suzanne Krowick. Also, Susan Lewis, Gail Louis, Andrea Monroe, Meekers, AnUiony Meyers, Ellen Miller, Catherine Miserendino, Andrew Morse, Charlotte Moseley. Also Randi Nathansoti. Itobert Noonan, Lorraine O'Rourke, Mary Ellen Perry, Cynthia Preston, Ruth Reiss, Terry Richardson. Thomas Rokosny, Marie Hoscoe. June Salinger, Elizabeth Scherer, Johanna Schoss, Carol Stewart, Kenneth Taylor, Anthony Tobey. James Tyler, Beverly Ulbrich, Elizabeth Vaaler, Thomas Vliet Mitchell Vogel, Mary Wirkowski. Union College Announces Two Summer Sessions How to uvalawn mower. h e i w t v n Mu* h a n J i o , *«« u mm-> els NC o n k >?h - u l t - V n i win n i . c nnvwherv. u'ii'h m,* h ^ n ^ u r - 2. C h e c k t o SL'C i! if h,\< 3 inrucr capacity yras* :i;**; tluf nvi.\U cnipfvitv^ Ic^s often 4 LiKik lor n U'ttuh, 4-speed inmsmis.sion. Fur extra power ;imi easy handling. •'','. Jf;'' N< w, u tt h,i> everything uv vc nuTtuootvi so tVir. bnv it h\ a Snnprvr. V Ask if it ha-, vacuum ncdon, A powerful su< th.it cleans your Knvn ,is you mow •VaiOPModclsOnly $ Snapper lowers from 134 95 Open Daily 8 to 6 • Mon. & Thurs. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. l_a 6RANDE t, AM.NMOWERS SCOTT'S ON SALE 3 4 9 South Ave. E., Westfield 233-0363 (Next to ft & P Shopjiinj Center) Stephen Cerone, Timothy Daalcman. Stuart Elby, Jane Kupfcr. John Robin- | son, Kmily Koss, Ruth i Singleton. James St. John. ! HONOR ROLL Jane E. Ambos, Valerie ! Ashcroft. Charles 11. Baker, : Neil F. Banta, Carol Barker. Neil 1). Beezer, Daniel I Bodner, Basil P. Bourque, j Steven Bratcher, Coletta ', Bremer. Ruth Bronston, \ Susan Bronston, Mark ; Ciarrocca, Janice M. Costa, ; Raymond Daffner. David . Detlefs, Marion Dieme, : Mark Donzclla, Maureen Dooley, Stephan Emerick, ; John Engelhart, Elizabeth : Ferrovecchio. j Also, Oriol Garcia, Vicki , Gilford, Kenneth Glass, i Judith Golias, Nancy | Guididas, Susan Hjorth, ; James Hoblitzell, Nancy ! Hoelterling, Candice A. ! Ihnat, Keith Kaplan, Joel j Katz, Susan Krauss, Neil i Krupnick, Sandra ; Mastakas, Paul Me Lane, ! Debra Migliorini, David j Miller, Eric Milner, Mary j Moncur, Anne Murphy, ; Rosemarie Murphy. ! Also, James B. Osborne, | Juliana Panos, Susan ' Paschon, Alison Pruden, | Debra Reinharrit, Esther ' Kemcta, Felicia Reynolds, Barker Named Vice-President T.E, Barker of Westfield j has been appointed vice president of manufacturing j of the Stonco Lighting ! Division of Keene Cor- J poration. | Prior ta joining Keene, j Mr. Barker served as I director of Operations at j Lockheed Electronics j Company, Plainfield. Previously he had been \ Manager of Manufacturing at the ARS Division of Litton i Industries in Morristown. Mr. Barker received an M.E. degree in 1959 and an M.S.M.E. degree in 1965, both from Stevens Institute of Technology, He is a member of ASME. HURRY • THIS OFFER ENDS TUES., MARCH 19, 1974, 8 P.M. APPOINTMENT «. RESERVE PRICES PRICESINCIUD6 CUiTIKO & WRAPPING Example: U.S.D.A. CHOICE 12Slbs.@99«! consists o f sections D.E.F.G. o n chart TO THE FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS PLACING THEIR ORDER BEFORE M A R C H 1 9 , 8 P.M. YIELD GRADE N( FOR THE BUDGET M I N D E D WE OFFER SERVING - SERVING- WESTFIELD • FANWOOD, WbSTFIELD • FANWOOD • MOUNTAINSIDE, SCOTCH PLAINS MOUNTAINSIDE • SCOTCH PLAINS TO PAY! NO INTEREST OR OTHER AREA.. . and Flavor. If you are not completely satisfied, return and your purchase will be replaced package far package. i CER MO. fOS 4 MOS. 120 lbs. a t ) . 29 ib. TotalSl54.80Avg.Wt. IJOto2001b U.S.D.A.CHO1CC Yl«t4 Grade *2 A 3 BEEF PRICES FROM BASED O N SELECTION & GRADE b (CB <h Of »tib. MTENTtONi AH be Sit Pbu \4 Section A UllEEFSUlStUEST Pum SiH Eye Min jte 5teak Rou i d Boa*t i Steak neimiciTMiuss All Stores accept f t-i;:';:r.;;"d Sec! onMC Per in $t«ok Typci cm i Towards a side of | . . beef or more 5 i 2 AmoufiH of Cu'i Ob- Bo YOUR CHOICE OF ANY 3 S I BONUS WITH THE'PURCHASE OF HIMOQUARTER OR MORE. 5 lbs. Spare $ Ribs 1 5 lbs. $ Sausage 1 5 lbs. $ Hot Dogs 5 lbs. pork 1 5 lbs. $ Bacon 1 $ Rotut Sw Sh n Meet Or 1 GvaraMt. If • (y Ail Stores accepl A t m Cu uck Ste t\ni 10 days G » , . <i B »ef uncled. and be us FOOD STAMPS ! % Pis T O REPEAT CUSTOMERS SPECIAL PACKAGE 10 Lbs. Spare Ribs 59< ; ; ^ 1 1 SfBak 15 Lbs. Chicken 2 9 ' ?,/« OR 10 lbs. Chicken $ Rib Hih PORK & POULTRY SPECIALS IKES C O U P O N WORTH $f i,^cr . ^ s eok 8> ike sh tlb PI te Mttt 4 J, «, a Utk i D& f 1S p. 1 tO<%KU \ • Jt . k d B G J & Fkmk '»>' US, FOOD STAMPS \ AREA... CHARGES! TO AIL QUALIFIED CUSTOMERS 10 Lbs. Hot Dogs 49« , « s $Q> 0 ^ 35 Lbs. Total $15.15 With purchase of hindqunrter or more 1 0 MINUTES FROM WESTFIELD All store* open Daily 11 a.m.to8 p.m./Sat. and Sun. 9 to 6 p.m./closed Wed. i i
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