HO W TO MA K E AN I NVESTMENT I N THE ORB I S / SM A U STRA L I A E Q U I T Y F U N D Your investment can only be processed after: 1.The subscription money has been received and cleared by State Street Bank & Trust Co. The next section (“Money transfer”) explains how to transfer money to the subscription account; AND 2.The Administrator, State Street, has received your completed application form either by mail or facsimile. The address and fax number is provided at the bottom of the application form. General guidance on completing the form is provided in the section below “How to complete the application form”. The deadline for the receipt of both the completed subscription form and payment receipt is 14h00 AEST on the Dealing Day. No subscriptions can be processed until your funds are reflected as cleared funds in the subscription account. Investors should recognise that there may be a time delay between giving an instruction to their bank and the funds being cleared in the subscription account. Money Transfer Private investors may prefer to process application payments through a direct transfer to the subscription account either electronically or by visiting their bank branch. The account details necessary for the transfer are included in section 2 of the application form. Please take care to ensure that the reference (“Orbis Australia Q2SL”) is identified on the transfer instruction. Sending proof of transfer with your application (e.g. bank stamped deposit slip or electronic transfer confirmation) will help to ensure that your application can be processed promptly. Investors may also transfer funds via SWIFT or Austraclear (account details are reflected in section 2 of the application form). Applicants should ensure that the Austraclear code/ name of the remitting bank is completed in section 2 to facilitate the timely allocation of their funds. Please take care to ensure that the reference (“Orbis Australia Q2SL”) is identified on the transfer instruction. How to complete the application form In order to process your application, it is important that all relevant sections of the Application Form are completed. New applicants must please complete all sections. For incremental applications, it is only necessary to complete sections 1,2,3 and 8 unless you would like to make changes to information contained in sections 4,5 and 6 in your previous application(s). Please use block letters and write legibly. Section 1: Amount Circle the application type (“new” or “incremental”) and reflect the application amount. The application amount must correspond exactly to the payment amount processed in section 2. For incremental applications, please reflect your investor account code (this will appear on correspondence you have received regarding your investment in the Fund). Section 2: Payment Tick the method of payment preferred and fill in the name of the bank from which you transfer your funds. Section 3: Registration, tax, distributions and reporting The units purchased will be registered in the name of the person(s), trust, company, super fund or other name specified in this section. Individual investors: For Australian resident investors, the tax file number (TFN) of each applicant should be disclosed. Individual investors do not need to supply an ABN, ACN, ARBN or SFN. The Applicant’s date of birth is required by the Administrator. Parents and Guardians cannot sign an application form on behalf of a minor. Applications for minors must be made under trust. Joint applications are considered joint tenants and not tenants in common. For companies, trusts, superannuation funds etc., the registered name and address of the entity must be provided together with the ABN (and the ACN, ARBN and SFN if applicable) and/ or the TFN. Section 4: Standing instructions The standing instructions specify the bank details of the account into which you would like Fund distributions or Fund redemptions to be deposited. Failure to complete this section or errors in the completion of this section will result in delays in receiving any Fund distributions or redemption amounts. Section 5: Primary Contact Details All correspondence regarding the Fund will be sent to this person. A monthly update will be sent to the e-mail address if provided. Section 6: Authorised Signatory Individuals should only complete this section if they want another person to act on their behalf. Companies should attach an authorised signatory/ representative list on company letterhead. In the absence of such a list, company representatives must include a director and company secretary, two directors or, a sole director (who is also the sole company secretary). For applications by trustees/partners on behalf of a superannuation Fund, trust or partnership only the trustee(s)/ partner(s) will be recognised as having authority to give instructions on behalf of the registered owner. Section 8: Declaration and Signatories Applications by individuals (including joint applications) must be signed personally by all applicants. Applications by Companies must be signed in accordance with the authorised signatory list referred to in Section 6 above, or in the absence of such a list, by a director and company secretary, two directors or, a sole director (who is also the sole company secretary). Applications on behalf of a partnership, superannuation Fund or other trust must be signed by the trustee(s). 30 O r b i s M I S - O r b i s / SM Au s t r a li a e qui t y fu n d : A p p li c at i o n F o r m Issued by Equity Trustees Limited ABN 46 004 031 298 AFSL 240975 This Application Form is important. You should read the entire Product Disclosure Statement carefully before completing this form. To meet the requirements of the Corporations Act, this Application Form must not be distributed unless included in, or accompanied by, the Product Disclosure Statement. Please read all instructions accompanying this Application Form. 1. AMOUNT Application type (Circle one) New / Incremental Application amount in Australian Dollars A$ Existing Account Code (if an incremental application): 2. PAYMENT METHOD (please tick applicable box) Bank payment details to: Name of Remitting Bank Bank Deposit / Bank: State Street Bank & Trust Co Electronic Transfer Acct: State Street Bank & Trust Co Sydney Please refer to “Orbis Branch - Capital Markets Australia Q2SL” in Acct: 9582131 narrative section BSB: 913 001 REF: Q2SL Orbis Australia SWIFT payment details to: Name of Remitting Bank SWIFT Bank: State Street Bank & Trust Co Please refer to “Orbis Acct: State Street Bank & Trust Co Sydney Australia Q2SL” in Branch - Capital Markets narrative section BIC: SBOS AU2X BSB: 913 001 REF: Q2SL Orbis Australia Austraclear Austraclear Code for payment: SSBS20 Austraclear Code of Remitting Bank SWIFT/ Austraclear / Funds Transfer payments to be received by State Street Bank & Trust Co for value on _____________________________ (insert date) 3. REGISTRATION, TAX, DISTRIBUTIONS and REPORTING Registered Name of Applicant(s) Title First Name (Individuals only) Surname or Company, Trust, Partnership name Date of birth (Individuals only) 1 2 Registered Address of Applicant(s): ABN (if applicable): ACN/ARBN/SFN (if applicable): Tax entity type Individual Trust/ Super Fund* Joint Account ** Partnership Company Other TFN(s) or Exemption (please specify)***: Country of residence for tax purposes: ick here to avoid automatic re-investment of distributions. If ticked, distributions will be paid into the T nominated bank account (reflected in section 4 below). Tick here if you want to be sent Annual Report, Annual Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report in electronic format only. * For Superannuation Funds, the TFN or ABN of the Fund is required ** For Joint Accounts, TFN’s must be provided for each applicant *** Note, a failure to supply a TFN/ABN might result in the withholding of tax at full marginal rates. PAGE 1 of 2: APPLICATION FORM for ORBIS MIS-ORBIS/SM AUSTRALIA EQUITY FUND 32 4. STANDING INSTRUCTIONS: NOMINATED BANK ACCOUNT (only an Australian Bank may be used) Bank Name: Account Name: Bank Address: Account Number: BSB Number: 5. PRIMARY CONTACT DETAILS Title: First Name: Surname: Company / Position (if applicable): Address (if different from “Registered Address” for the investment): Tel: Fax: Email: 6. AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE/ SIGNATORY APPOINTMENT I have read the terms and conditions of being an Authorized Representative and agree to those terms and conditions* Name of Authorised Representative: Signature of Authorised Representative: *Please attach any standard internal list of signatories and conditions to this Form. 7. PRIVACY By signing the application form and applying for Units, you consent to the Responsible Entity and its agents collecting, holding and using your personal information to process your application and manage the products and services provided, which may involve disclosing your information to their respective related bodies corporate and other non affiliated bodies , whether in Australia or overseas. Information received by the Responsible Entity and its agents will be processed in compliance with the respective privacy policy of the relevant entity. Under the Privacy Act 1988, you may request access to personal information held by the Responsible Entity or its agents. You can contact EQT to make such a request or to arrange for a copy of the relevant privacy policy. 8. DECLARATION and SIGNATURES I/We have noted the withdrawal conditions in the Product Disclosure Statement and I/we have detached this application form from the Product Disclosure Statement and declare that all details are correct. If this is an incremental application by an existing investor, it is made by or on behalf of the same beneficial owner. I/We warrant that I/We meet the test for being a “wholesale client” as defined by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth.) as at the date of this application. I/We agree to bear the risk of non-receipt of any instructions sent by facsimile and to indemnify and keep indemnified each of EQT, the Investment Manager and the Administrator against any loss whatsoever arising to each of them as a result of any of them acting on my/our facsimile instructions. I/We acknowledge that none of Equity Trustees Limited, the Investment Manager and the Administrator is responsible for the delays in receipt of monies caused by the postal service or the applicant’s bank. Name and position (if signing on behalf of a Company): Signature: Date: Name and position (if signing on behalf of a Company): Signature: Date: PLEASE SEND APPLICATIONS TO: State Street Australia Limited Unit Registry Services Level 7, State Street Centre, 338 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Facsimile: (02) 9323 6411 / (02) 9323 6420 PAGE 2 of 2: APPLICATION FORM for ORBIS MIS-ORBIS/SM AUSTRALIA EQUITY FUND 34 O r b i s M I S - O r b i s / SM Au s t r a li a e qui t y fu n d : R e d e m p t i o n F o r m Issued by Equity Trustees Limited ABN 46 004 031 298 AFSL 240975 1. REDEMPTION (Please indicate a specific number of units or the specific A$ amount of proceeds to be redeemed) Number of Units A$ Amount Partial redemption OR OR Full redemption There is no need to reflect the number of units or A$ value for full redemptions Investor Account Code 2. INVESTOR REGISTRATION DETAILS (Investor details should be written exactly as they appear on their statement of Unit holdings) Registered Name of Investor(s): Registered Address of Investor(s): ABN (if a company): ACN/ARBN/SFN: Tax entity type: Individual Trust/ Super Fund Joint Account Partnership Company Other TFN(s): 3. DECLARATION AND SIGNATURE I/ We have read the most recent Product Disclosure Statement for the Orbis MIS – Orbis/SM Australia Equity Fund and accept in particular the withdrawal conditions (please contact the Investment Manager on (02) 82248600 for the most recent copy). I/We agree to bear the risk of non-receipt of any instructions sent by facsimile and to indemnify and keep indemnified each of EQT, the Investment Manager, the Administrator and the Distributor against any loss whatsoever arising to each of them as a result of any of them acting on your facsimile instructions. Name and position (if applicable): Name and position (if applicable): Signature: Signature: Date: Date: PLEASE SEND REDEMPTIONS TO: State Street Australia Limited Unit Registry Services Level 7, State Street Centre, 338 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Facsimile: (02) 9323 6411 / (02) 9323 6420 PAGE 1 of 1: REDEMPTION FORM for ORBIS MIS-ORBIS/SM AUSTRALIA EQUITY FUND 36 HO W TO r e d e e m AN I NVESTMENT I N THE ORB I S / SM A U STRA L I A E Q U I T Y F U N D • lease complete all sections of the redemption form on the next page. Then fax or send the completed form to P State Street Australia Limited (details appear at the bottom of the redemption form). • edemption requests must be received by State Street by 14h00 Australian Eastern Standard Time on a Dealing R Day for processing on that Dealing Day. If received after the deadline, the redemption will be processed on the next Dealing Day. Requests for Significant Withdrawals (exceeding 5% of the Fund’s Net Asset Value) must be received 10 Business Days before Dealing Day. • All redemption requests are irrevocable after the deadline/cut-off for their submission described above. • Please consult with your financial or tax advisor to assess the tax consequences of a redemption. • o ensure that the proceeds are paid to the rightful owner, redemption monies will only be paid into the T Nominated Bank Account specified in the Standing Instructions section of the Application Form, or such other bank account as has previously been communicated to State Street by authorised representatives of the investor HOW TO COMPLETE THE REDEMPTION FORM Please use block letters and write legibly. Section 1: Redemption Please choose between a partial redemption or a full redemption. For partial redemptions, investors must specify either a dollar amount or a unit amount but not both. Investors should reflect their account code – this will appear on correspondence you have received regarding your investment in the Fund. Section 2: Investor Registration Details Please make every effort to ensure that these details correspond exactly to those details reflected in your application form or to those subsequently advised to State Street. A discrepancy can result in State Street being unable to effect a redemption. Section 3: Authorised signatories All redemptions must be signed by those individuals who are authorised to give instructions on behalf of the registered owner of the Units in the Fund. This has previously been communicated to State Street in the application form. The Responsible Entity will refuse to comply with a redemption request if the sender does not satisfactorily identify themselves. Individuals who did not appoint an authorised representative must sign the redemption form themselves. However, where the authorised representative (as reflected in the application form) differs to the registered owner, such authorised representative may sign a redemption instruction on behalf of the registered owner. For joint accounts, all registered owners, or their authorised representative(s), must sign the redemption form. Redemption forms for companies should be signed in accordance with the company’s constitution and as previously communicated to State Street. Usually a Director and Company Secretary, two Directors or a Sole Director (who is also the sole Company Secretary) is required to sign redemption forms. For redemptions on behalf of a partnership, superannuation Fund or other trust, only the trustee(s) will be recognised as having authority to redeem Units on behalf of the registered owner. 37
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