WORD-POWER: HOW TO DEVBXOP IT Dglizac^y Grenville Kleiser By bupiratioDand How Build to How How Mental Power DcTclop Self-Cwfidenoe to and Ideals ^aedi B4aDner* Derelop Power to and PerMMudit; Speaking in Bow to Read How to Spealcin Great SpMchea and How Win (o Argue end How in BamoTous Declaim and Public Hiu and Complete Guide to Talks Talking How to Make to Hold Them "n Audience on Fifteen The Thousand World's Crest Pnblic Useful Phrases Sermons Mail Coune in Publio Mail Courae in Practical Speak Without Something to Saj: How How to Succeaaful Methods Speaking Speaking F.ngJiah Notes to Say of Pnblic It Speaking Model Speeches for Practise The Training of a Public Speaker How to Sell Huongh Speech to Make Impromptu Speeches: How How Word-Power: to Develop It Master Cblist: The Speaker Vital for Speakers and y~];li"l" Tliem Writers Dglizac^y Word-Power TO HOW DEVELOP GRENVniE Initmctor Arrawrly "l"Ao"l, 7ale In TAem," JLEISER In PitbUe "Ortat Bpeeehet "Cemplate Guide "Hato "Talke to an BiMi " NEW ta of "S"te ani to Bev) PubUe ilentai to ing," Speak- Power," COMPANY AND ZHvMty BptOk link* EDITIOS WAGNALLS YORK Yale Talktuii," etc., eta. BEOOND FUKK al BpeaMng Author VntverMg, PuhUe," IT LONDON 1930 Dglizac^y IT, 1020, OBBinriLLH tPrlMtMl to IA" KLBIBBB umtea Pobllahel, Coprrlglit ot tbe DBder P"B-AmericBB Qi" "( state* of AnsoBt tbe and B"publlcs 11. Am"no"} 193* FebniBij, Artlclea "/ ConveotloB Coprrlght tbe SUtea, United 1910 ,y PREFACE The of student public speaMng shonld large and Tailed assiduously develop vocabTilary to clothe his effective in and appropriate its basis has There strengl^ of ideas to these Words and Therefore words implies of study and development conception meditation, of and ties qualiideas ing complement- one other. study thought- insure intimately related, ttie in clarity be must expression. as to ability language. power. are the insure thoughts Word-power in a the an of proper associated such esses proc- ideas, comparison, judgment, mental and picturing. This methods book for fumi^es building practical some power in the Dglizac^y use PREFACE of wor^. There for Many public speakers It is have and well-trained atone than important should an York to their that a livery. de- speaker adequate stock of words voice, but for lack of mental QebktiijLe New their distinction owe superior quality of their subject-matter rather can gestions sug- self-confidence. to the a a^so valuable developing judgment, mil, and memory, are nothing power. Kleishb. City, August, 1919. Dglizac^y CONTENTS VAOM How "Wohd-Powbb: Good How JttdoiiOini? TO Fix Wnii-PowBB How TO a is It. in YottB Mind 81 123 Sbu-Conpidbncb. in 11 43 Sfeaeino Speech AND Think Develop xo 153 Wobds ..y Dglizac^y WORD-POWER HOW TO DEVELOP IT Dglizac^y Dglizac^y WORD-POWER: TO HOW develop to of nse day and simplest The means is you with the hest and and fluency at WORD of use in to this By self your- words, their time same the every familiarize copiousness by fitting words aloud author. them the way in power read to gradually clcfflelyobserving context, and standard a effective most facility words from IT DEVELOP by proper develop expression of Ups. your VITAL KNOWLEDGE TO SPEAKERS The words, public and his speaker's ability*to accurately and suocessful speaking. of knowledge them summon instantly, are Words vital are Dglizac^y to his WORD-POWER which uuportant tools,with and them All have thoughts to transmit of the world great orators been earnest students they encountered them was meaning, they to or ascertain its a of language. word or went direotlyto other some which doubtful hazy to as the dictionary authority to precisesignificance.This habit, continued them and to others. the When to his modify mold to through ultimatelya sMlful years, and gave flexible of words. use Keep a specialnote-book write out worda " but are using. ^words not Then of distinction which at the such the or to fulness, use- hear habit of first convenient a thoroughly familiarize meaningsi of and read you ordinarilyin opportunity, consult the in which dictionary and yourself words. Dglizac^y with HOW TEST YOUR When test TO the definitions with tionary. For those it once they are ago not are their their ancestors, but mated ani- a loose of are long- arrangement, in heavy, dragging movement a would men " more thinking. They presentation of sermons, now vivid, direct, and windedness, of of die- think men impatient, therefore, more the offensive becanse than more in your given in more was, thoughtful the compare rapidly. They more from them example: "Prolixity is than of then mind, own concise most definitions accurate WORDS knowledge of selected Formulate your and OF reading, frequently are actual words. IT KNOWLEDGE you your and DEVELOP " that listen to divisions to now 'A truth. would utterlyintolerable. As century speeches and be and sions, subdivi- regarded the human as body Dglizac^y WORD-POWER is whisked mile a mth lines,and once craves a far short movement, ers.' and and of age the in, not want, " a speaker's the Test of the your wheat, ohafif,the kernel,and " not essence, " the , phonography, shell, ^the strong, pungent not of locomotives, of cream men of steam age live we telegraphs, and thoughts that the an hence it is the not sharp distinct, the part of its teatdi- upon coaches; now rapid and acceleratii^ that electricity electric and a a andience is,in short, an It slow and pnhlic method, statement, and straight on rapid than they more The mind accelerated operationsare axe were. hnman equally an Mental pace. the miniite, so a travel" at the rate of thronglispace thin, diluted mixture." knowledge followingwords : of the meaning prolixity, vivid, (mimated, utterly,intolerable,acceler- Dglizac^y TO HOW IT DEVELOP chaff,kernel,pungent^ ated, craves, sence, es- diluted. insists Buskin student ambitions of looking intenselyat words, closely scrutinizingtheir of The majority of words they A in the deep tongne. as over consequently a should of words use for reverence "We developing think of past which times, " we guard jealouslyand and usual un- is to if an are - the mother- of guage lan- our great inheritance, and depository of the wisdom treasure skim meaning. prerequisite for a Import. knowledge only a superficial have power have persons tiieir reading, in of their a the English,style nrnst acquire of the habit that and as ence experi- inestimable called upon to transmit to paired, unim- possible improved, succeeding generations. Dglizac^y to WORD-POWER STUDY The a UODELS of analyze Matthew anch mnch viiters and as student of and that of their charm and the to tept always pocket,one to read I read Whenever and a said propriety,in conspicuous force style,I or book an which or must of own letters, in my books to write in. one or particularlypleased thing wfis of his art two effect- assiduous words, speaking apprenticeship "I thorne, Haw- ters they are masthey owe to this Louis Stevenson,an Bobert in the you realize that of words said: When Qnincey, Emerson, yon power is essential. style of the of Btady man, Arnold, RasMn, Carlyle,New- De with STTLB imitation,hence the best models a PR08B acquisitionof language ia largely matter that OF me, a passage in which effect rendered there was some happy distinction sit down " at once WORD-POWER standard abridged dictionary,a ou or Roget's and Bynonyms, You treasury of words. work ' Thesaurus should keep convenientlyat band for dailyreference and reading. A distinguishedCanadian statesman recentlyacknowledged that he owed his to a English style in large measure these books habit, acquired reading aloud in bim of a years from a was study, has of at ago, of book of practisehas developed in the fine discrimination words "What daily This synonyms. several almost similar first to him use meaning. merely a ''unconsciouslybecome a pleasant pastime. SIGNIFICANT tTHDERSCORE An excellent vocabulary is plan to for developing the underscore general reading of writers" words WORDS which in standard impress Dglizac^y your prose you as HOW TO DEVELOP IT also significantly used, and stridingor fetioitons phrases. At the olose of reading, copy and phrases olnsivelyfor read and tiie underscored in words note-book,kept a this review your ex- study. Ocoasionalfy the lists yon make in this way. Another of words and of write correct good plan is use to select groups closely related short sentences of each sets of words word. will be meaning, showing The of the ing follow- suggestive value: Ability, power, ness, force,capadty, clever- talent,skill, expertness, dexterity, ciency. aptitnde, facility,qualification,effi- tion, Business, employment, calling,voca- trade, occupation, office, profession. Desidtory,rambling,discursive, loose, unmethodical,cursory, nnsystematio. Dglizac^y WORD-POWER Grave, weighty, important, pressing, momentous, serions,sedate,thonghtfnl, solemn, sober, somber. noxious, InjuriotM, hurtful, deleterious, detrimental, baneful, pre(judieial, pernicious,damaging, mischievous. Majestic, stately,sublime, pompons, grand, noble,dignified. erly, Parsimoniovs, stingy,niggardly,mis- oovetous, penurious. Reward, recompense, remuneration, compensation, amends, bounty, premium, repayment, requital,retribution. Short, brief, concise, curt, laconic, compendious, succinct,scanty. lived, Transient, fleeting,passing, short- temporary, momentary, cent. evanes- mable, Worthy, deserving,meritorious,esti- excellent,commendable, land- able, praiseworthy. Word-power depends not so Dglizac^y much TO HOW DEVELOP IT of words miiLtiplicil7 npou as npon discrimination, selection,and proper rejectionof to choose "We mnst words. "the immediate best word," for one and purpose, omit to our all allnring, which however words, learn how are snperflnons.Strength lies generallyin conciseness,rather than simplicityand in ornament and The habit carried to gifted of this curst a is Frendi One writers "If said a brevity should extreme. desire page, this of fault. earth," magnificence. of the is man a he, "tormented to whole get page phrase into into the book iuto phrase, and a word, one on by whole a most guilty of was there be not ^that " mim myself." Few men, conciseness however, suffer in tiieir use natural tendency is amount of material to from of words. expand into a a over^ The meager long compo- Dglizac^y WORD-POWER and sition, to regard as volnbilitf mere indication of intellectnal power. an A valuable exercise for developing brevityof expressionis to select a paragraph from a standard author, and endeavor the to. express half the number should be taken abruptness Daily or avoid to IN less. Care any ambiguity or WORDS OF USE of words in ideas same effect of in the ment. abridg- CONVERSATION conversation offers constant opportunily for developing word-power and eorrectii^ faults of therefore,in fastidious, Be and use speaMng good of upon rule at your words, even expression. choice your when unimportant matters. is to A try always to speak best. Conversation,by training the to are yon formulate ideas readily and Dglizac^y mind acour- HOW and atel;', is to largerwork of exercises wUl acquit himself he promptly, the preparations for publicspeaking. A who when words summon of the best one rC DEVELOP TO care daily speech in Ms much so man the attempts to address better andi- an ence. Again, as morality one other has reminded ns, "To well is to acquire that delicate converse the one of tiie heart hand to which kindness,and is mysterionsly allied in matters of leads to the on good on taste and life,of literature, of art." A ter, vocabulary,like his characlargelydepends upon the company he keeps. "By listening to those who speak well,by profound study of the masterpieces of literature, by exercises in translation, quent and, above all,by freand carefnl practisein speaHng and writing,be miay not only enrich man's U3(.:a..y WORD-POWEK vocabnlaiy,leiim the his elevate great writer's charm, and refine his taste but way, guage mastery of lan- a last,a ready instmment, obedient challengeof lightest WRITING is A AS nothing development of his ' ' thought. UODELLBR to the essential so word-power in pen copying is use originalcomposition,or the words of the one daily as practise in writing. Frequent the and other no it shall become, at willingand There in can acquire such that to the he as of tha secret of most standard a of in author, practicalmeans of developing vocabulary, diction, and style. Cicero,advisinghis as much modeller not to writ" possible,said: "Writing is as said to be students the best and without and teacher reason; excellent most of for oratory; and if what Dglizac^y is WORD-POWpR will any nor unless in man after exercised after the he he with who the will with him in he written, wiU flow aloud Beading great and they he spea^ yet what resemblance a and to if ever, writing,the speech, when when of rest departs from on in sinular and for means what his is strain." writing the are cnliivating fluency felicityof expression. Moreover, are of the easiest and most direct developing literarytaste enrichingthe A this speak, he brings anyihing to comes ways speak to comes moment, bear something written; two extemporary him,,that, tho call of says he in may practise in writing brings advantage at resolutelyhe himself speeches; and them, great practise, and long writing,however have attain ever useful and mind. exercise word-power is to make for developing lists of words Dglizac^y HOW TO DEVELOP IT relatiagto particalarideas,and to they have the mind. sionally occa- until read snch been deeply imprest The lists aloud upon following will be of snggestive value: Words of approbation. Approve, value, esteem, prize, appreciate, honor, admire, sanction, cotmteiQdorse, recommend, nance, commend, praise,land,compliment, cheer, applaud, eulogize,extol,glorify,exalt. Words of ckeerfviness. Gayety, geniality,liveliness,alacrity, vivacity, animation, joviality,jollity, ration, jocularity,merriment, hilarity,exhila- laughter, merrymaking, pleasantry, humor, ing, rejoic- jocundity, mirth, levity. Words of authority. BuUng, regnant, dominant, paramount, supreme, predominant, preponderant, Dglizac^y WORD-POWEE influential,imperious, authoritative, executive,administrative,peremptory, eign, overmling, arbitrary,absolute, sover- perial, regal, monarchical, kingly, im- dynastic. oligarchic, Words of diffuseness. erant, Profuse, wordy, verbose, copious,exub- pleonastic,lengthy,long-winded, protracted,prolix,maundering, circomgressive, locutory,roundabout, periphrastic,di- loose, excursive, rambling, frothy, flatulent,episodic Words of intelligibility. Lucidf perspicuous,luminous,transparent, nite, dear, plain,distinct, explidt,defiequivocal, precise,graphic, expressive,un- able, manifest, obvious, indubit- palpable,self-evident, undi^uised, evident,unmistakable. Words of assent. Acquiesce, agree, yield,accept, a"wd", Dglizac^y HOW accord, TO concur, DEVELOP IT knowledge, consent, ooineide, ac- admit, own, allow, arow, concede,grant Words of reiDard. Becompense, renmneration, indemnity, oompensati"Hi, reparation, redress, reckoning, acknowledgment, requital, amends, atonement, consideration, reperquisite, allowance, salary, stipend, wage, payment, emolnment, tom, tribute,premimn, fee, honorarium. Words of contentiousness. CcHubative,bellicose, warlike, quarrdlpugnacioas, pugilistic,gladiatorial, "ome, querulous, captious, disputations, ful, cantankerous, vindictive,resent- competitive. Words of perseverance. ering, Constant,stedfast,undeviating,unwav- ing, unfaltering,unswerving, unflinch- unflagging unremitting, plodding, Dglizac^y WORD-POWER indnetrions, Btrentiotis,pertinaciotis, persistent, stannch, unchangeable, nn- conqnerable, indomitable, unwearied, indefatigable, nntiring. Words of velodtif. Fast, speedy, swift,rapid, quick, fleet, nimble, agile, expeditious, flying,galloping, tric, light-footed, eagle-winged,elec- telegraphic. Words of greatness. Vast, immenBe, enormous, ordinate, extreme, in- excessive, extravagant, strous, mon- towering, stupendous, prodigious, astonishing,incredible, marvelous, indescribable, inexpressible, august, grand, sublime, majestic. Words of caprice. Erratic, eccentric, fitful,whimsical, inconsistent,fanciful, fantastic, eroehety,freakish,wanton, wayward, trary, con- unconformable, fickle, irresolute, vacillating, unsteady,volatile, fidgety. Dglizac^y HOW TO SIMPLE USB It would be speaker would "He that if always bear acquire The abilityto clothe precise language. word and of will do instances a a short long one tle cut- speaker stock of a thoughts a waste of time and short Ja many oompared as similar directness in where word, of part meaning, forcefnlness speaker's style. Again, we speaker is feels it words well is a gives added to his distinct loss of power. a with as like the ideal long word a plaining ex- words, to insure the use for adequate an short, simple, Sazon The tbat for the most ink." own in mind words many himself public every subject doth fish,hide should IT WORDS well uses any in his DEVELOP are master assured of bis deeply, he will which use all his hearers that when a subject,and short,plain will readily Dglizac^y WORD-POWER A understand. the found be As *' of words use in the has one Think that To whom brief be weak. heard cry for to Bible. lies in want or woe or the plain mnst who ono" tme help, the tongue speak men When syllableis and this be can has The one strength word, the needs of pertinentlysaid: not that of English big,round Or example supreme fear that is in all the throat. So that a eadi word gasped is like out shriek Pressed from the heart, sore strange, wild note Sung by some fay or fiendt is a strength Which dies if stretched too Which Let too far or a There or spun fine, has height than breadth, more depth than length; but this force of thought and speech be mine. more Dglizac^y WORD-POWER stmetive agencies in times let it be with BO Never tongne. occasions call then, when sharp a arrow find not which a forces. plain way, and send occasion to at your enemy, you before on dignity tremendous in wasted you the to quiver empty your 'tenth have yon oar guard,* except of those Say plain things the on corresponding weight and superlativesof 'the old legion,'or and the of war; will of shafts they were wanted." SYSTEMATICALLY The STXJDY is English language supplied with in in the progress accuracy of and closelyrelated synonyms speaker to are ticularly par- expressing changes thought, and distinction enables " ing givof knowledge writer a the in to ideas A meaning. choose abundemtly These synonyms. useful of SYNONYMS or appropriate Dglizac^y HOW word, and to expreBS clearness An a exercise list of of creased in- precision. great valae,is word, from as synonyms mind. Then that given you will short and bis ideas with to make significant words, and then write after each, many IT DEVELOP TO in compare a. book readily see you to as memory, call can yonr list with and of synonyms, wherein to yon are of words. Example : Improvident, imprudent, prodigal, wasteful, shiftless, careless,reckless. viting, Attractive,bewitching, alluring, in- charming, enticing,engaging, winning, captivating, fascinating. Venture, hazard, luck, chance, lation, specu- stake, undertaking. Brave, courageous, daring, bold, trepid, in- dauntless, valiant, audacious, fearless. Dglizac^y WORD-POWER aoften,moderate, Mitigate,alleviate, soothe, allay,relieve,abate, dimimsh. Wise, sage, sagacious,sapient,jndirational, discreet, intelligent, taauBf pmdent, skilfnl,expert. dainful, Haughty, arrogant, lofty,prond, dis- imperious,dictatoriaL Simidate,feign,invent,forge,devise, fabricate,pretend, dissemble. snpple, Flexible,pliant,lithe,pliable, yielding. ambitions and Every intelligent Dr. Nidiolas that he Murray placed among of evidences tongue. And an and said once the unmistakable of the mother- use President said,one accurate aa Butler apoeoh. Eliot . he '" native education,correctness an precisionin the and an pride in his take should man mental refined use nized, recog- acquisition " of language essential part of education. Unquestionablyone of the ' most 88 Dglizac^y im- HOW TO DEVELOP portant elements speaking in or The ness. and good a writing is student ardnons himself in IT in tmconsoious- nrnst, ttironghlong familiarize practise, so witii the style fundamentals stylethat they of glish En- "will perform their part automatically. "It is Grant general culture,"says White, constant *' submission mind minds and of ihe in all,it is above " of th" teachable, apprehensive a l^e to Bichard influence highest class,in daily books, that brings its daintiest bloom out upon and of life guage lan- est its rich- fruitage.** As William in the writers of and the the is as sajre, "The Matthews great as that paints hy great and there is effect upon hy different of words use great as the sensibilities in l^e poor a difference their use artists; understanding of ference dif- in and readers." Dglizac^y WORD-POWEB "Word-power implies of and words, inexhaustible inspiration to whether he in or of intends to be student, it in writing use The of which convinced or and pen. English "The Wetmore following fine example is Story and The language. our the a be of the beauties some right potent influence a poem, William the constant a of voice means charming Language," is to are persuaded by describes them. public speaking. men In his dexterity earnest every right words, is wherever edge knowl- a of possibilities should English language of force and but in using intelligence The use only not an of sibilities pospoem, ment, abridgonomato- pceia: language, first my vigorous English, Stored with imported wealth, rich in its "Give me natural of every mines " Dglizac^y " DEVELOP TO HOW IT rhythmicalcadence, simple for household employmentWorthy the poet's song, fit for the speech of a man. Grand in its clear,pnre, hard, bright,and one by one, like to hailstones, fall from his lips fast as Short words Now the first of a shower " in twofold column, Spondee, Iamb, and Trochee, Unbroke, firm set, advance, retreat, trampling along^ Now sprightlierspringiness syllables. bounding in triplicate Dance the elastic Dactylics in musical Now with a cadences Now coil, intertangling like huge anacondas, oil their on; voluminous overwhelmingly onward the quipedalian ses- words. praise thee, and from rejoicing, never cease can Thinking that good, stout English is mine and my ancestors' tongue. Therefore it is that I Dglizac^y WORD-POWER Give its varying mnsic, tii" flow of me its free I will not modnlation, covet the full roll of the glorious Greek, feeble Italian,Latin so formal and stately, French with its naaal lisp,nor German LuBcione and inverted Not and while oar many and Play on harsh. organ can wonderful speak voices with its " the soft lute of love,blow the loud trumpet of war, Sing with drawing high sesquialtro,or its full diapason. all the air with the grand storm Shake of its the pedals and stops." Dglizac^y ,y GOOD IN JUDGMENT SPEAKING In' need public speaking for talk of is -work and serious, to exercise the Tonr ment. have yon fundamentally expect the you observe may the speaking, changes in Here omit advantage to your yon make conceived predense, con- with may entirely. thoughts some ability or of certain should you simplify, time of desirability plan. there tion, prepara- the at modifications or The careful most you ingly. interest- and sensibly, clearly, Despite jndg- good auditors your constant such chwiges ^ promptly faculty judgment. will of largely depend clear Your and regular upon your discriminating mental habits Dglizac^y WORD-POWER will vitallyinfluence thinking when addressing are you spontaneons yonr an audience. A discriminalingjudgment yon to do under quickly the see ordinated or know know develop an to a Then other think. mental for or first Ton rapidly can ing by select- powers available the against then it. Pursue conclusion. satisfactory proceed to the consideration and of difficult questions,taking more only one it sub* speak, yon must carefully considering all it to which interestingquestion, and argoments be supprest. to your to speech should emphasis, and how how to It tells when and ideas in your with urged To speak to which silent, be thing proper given circumstances. when you enables at a time, and ocHupIeting before going satisfactorily on next. Dglizac^y to the IN JUDGMENT GOOD PRACTICAL A QAINING that necessary knowledge of a the yon for have of iutricacies the correet yonr ehould praoticalunderstanding syllogism and down essential to pablicspeaking. It in greatestsuccess bat LOGIC skill is Logical a UHDERSTAHD- OF DIG is not SPEAKING general logic, laid rules reasoning mil the of of be practicalvalue to yon. The Stlloqism. Ib composed of statements, the which are Briefly,a syllogism first and called the third the conclusion. first or the of second premises,and If you deny second premises fail. propositionsor three the the proposition,the Grant both, and is third,or conclusion, the valid. Example: 1. makes We as should more 2. Public that study anything efScieni speaking makes us more e"Saieut. Dglizac^y WORD-POWER Therefore 3. should we stndy publie speaking. Logic is the sdence from "If z is y, and know we We not. or truth y is z, then meaning recognize the the of 'x is z,' and that affectingttie validity of A proposition or you can possiblyexamine Subjects do in not reasoned x, y, and sion." conclu- must be before mind it intelligently. The best into logicalform, can z without the syllogisticform. cases more and selves them- in such them 5 is to translate so that you can them sider con- conveniently. develop soundness of ment judg- by studying various forms of ailment and z usually present way Yon of question in your clearlyformnlated is x anything whatever, mean may ing reason- given premises, thus: X whether of correct refutation as used Dglizac^y by snc- GOOD JUDGMENT cessful the presenting trath study of The in any debaters. ing discover- applied be can subject in Sobiteb. of is This stating a series abridged an of syllogisms of propositions,the predicate of which one forms the and the which interested. are form of approved methods and yon SPEAKING pnblio speakers and These to IN except the next subject of each the one each to the last thai follows, last,or conclnsion,unites subject of the first propositionwith the predicate of the last preceding proposition. In of other words, the syllogisms, with sorites is the a chain intermediates omitted, thus: :. A is 6 B is C 0 is D D is E A is E ,,!" WORB-POWER or: Cains is a man, All men AH finite AH sentient beings seek finite are beings Therefore Cains beings, sentient, are seeks happiness, happiness, or: He who will not who has He who has He who starves work will have no will have no money, He money no food, Therefore will starve, food no will he who die. will not work will die. The an diepntation,is confronted in adversary, by alternatives,each of which more be of When DiLBMiu. a is said to be "on two or lacious, is fal- the horns dilemma." Thus: He who says be is a liar,when Dglizac^y he WORD-POWER This dilemma Euathlus "Most be the sapient master, decision,you fee; if you jn^es the decide have HOW by TO your in my favor, of the court ; I shall canse/* my EMPLOY ing: say- whatever bargain, for our gtdned by lose must lose it by the decision if in yours, not rebutted VARIOUS KINDS OF AROUMBNT Abghubnt The This is based PBOT. adequate will causes therefore cnmstances correct of what "The Example: by prices of fmit Webster in the "Joseph the known has will Murder had of Mr. dr- can be pass. killed been be scarce; high." this method Knapp death to fmit will be used White from come frost; fmit the produce certain predictions will Gf- to the belief that npon and effects, made Cause tbou of proof Case, thus: a motive White, and ,y sire to dethat GOOD JUDGMENT motive has been Mr. "White. daughter of the child only eighty His of of would a or, according his had to the branches of each to the shared was will. a But heirs,the of Bat was these common one-half "This to nieces brother,Henry White, Beckford, children. no be pos- which to in his equal will, then he as had children and of of Mrs. branches, idea,would cording ac- have of his property. popular idea is it is and nephews and if there ceased. dethan descended, by law, shares; was more large fortune, nephews the was was supposed very have family the sister i"t the were was several two a only heirs aest nected con- Beckford, who old, and He was wife deceased years nieces. with His Mrs. The He shown. by marriage of SPEAKING IN common entertained not and by rect. legallycor- veiy the ably prob- parties. Dglizac^y WORD-POWER 'Aocordingto Mr. on White's "would of ample his willf a to one-half fortune; and Joseph entitled married had Knapp without death been have Beckford, this idea, Mrs. of her one three children." The of thai of danger overlooking the include great anything which Another danger aooidental wit^ should operate. not care be This argument is ignoring or which causes be must in deductive to does is that of some There accept not or apply. confusingthe the essential. This, too, rigidlyguarded against. form of subject to the the sufScient causes should argument severest in tests. be "Were themselves to , produce fectl the Bid alleged e"fectf else operate to influence Has every included and been possibility cousideredf S2 Dglizac^y thing some- the ef- erly prop- GOOD JUDGMENT The Abgument Cause. it be care to "The Example: detrimental therefore by which to the is not public good, good, since in this form of choosing "premises fanciful,obscure, incapable argument which of are proof, if or questionable, untrue, especially conclusion conviction in or some car Abouubni form actual to party of argmuent instance positionwhich accept and of the it is class, ourselves,our Ezamflb. fbou tlie cherished some expresses the interest of or a by it" fruits." danger is that of the steps place, effects of this law the law tree is known The taken to Here, again,there must the adequacy of the alleged produce the known effect. to as cause are Effect fbou to trace aboat. came SPEAKING Something having attempt we IN nate." dissemi- In this speaker cites something done Dglizac^y an by WOKD-POWER some shows that done the of worthy one the act proposed from if the act is chief been repeated. danger in the argument in the facts may be overlooked his death "Wicked Herod, worms Nero into insanityfrom the visions which him." haunted BBDucnoN TO argument to THH fionaequenoes screamed of would be of of vengeance Absttbd. to Ca- horrors To absurdity is contrary before caverns the happy, un- slayer of the Tiberius the simk be devoured ; in remorse it is freely is must men Baptist,was by or truth-finding. to because the ment ele- hidden G-eneralizingtoo Example: preus; necessarily some detrimental with that example is that ignored. John will good resnlts same The that has before with good results,and follow an He confidence. fact or reduce to show that Hie impossible. A Dglizac^f GOOD JUDGMENT IN good example is speech that in his of Burke Conciliation on SPEAKING can the Ameri- with Colonies,thus: "To impoverish in and noble to pari;icular be freely confess dispositionto Bnt . for to them keep them prises, enter- We have shown a system of this kind. a it us, a that but purpose Ad have we be to to seems viceable ser- poor my little preposterous to order to in Hominem. various discredit and This forms. on an A ment argu- speaker opponent thereby seeks subject itself. He to not to the sonally, per- obscure charges him with inconsistencyor contradictoriness. appeal is I task. easy obedient." takes the more unserviceable AaoTiMBNT throws it. no understanding make a the arrest marine I consider when . colonies their of conrse would . coloniea in general, the judgment The of the Dglizac^y WORD-POWER to their auditors,bnt "That Example: argument, come an well from such a or did Beooino proposal, does who you, advanoed such such ment, argu- an acts." is This Question. the posed pro- once such and not exprest suoh or measure, opinion,or that or measure, that or terest. in- passions and merely offeringas proof the thing to proved, often disguisedin other Thus, "Hypocrisy it is is wrong, deceitful,""Opium because it possesses a he words. because produce3 sleep soporificqual- ity." Or: / If the turns The on is sun its axis sun Therefore is earth ; stationary; the earth If the earth is stationary,the turns on turns its on its axis ; axis,ths stationary; Dglizac^y gun WORD-POWER implicates of necessitythe propofeition to be proved. speaker indicates the essential or important points of between two resemblance phenomena, Here Analogy. applies and both. in the Mars heat,water further a if Thus, the inference earth the fact that both the light, have earth quality,namely, the more resembles and atmosphere, then probably resembles to Mars in presence one of life. The rale for strike a points of balance points of of difference. toward of the decay is to the the between resemblance argument An examining analogy and Then be known the known weight the regarded one is to which as clining in- derates. prepon- example of false analogy is that supposed likeness between of vegetablesand of the livingcrea- Dglizac^y GOOD JUDGMENT the tures, pointing to both. The destruction analogy is vegetables have perceptionand SPEAKING IN not not of cause valid, be- of the power action,which is the important point of the analogy. The principal thing analogy is whether to the between nnmber in of semblances re- things compared sufficient to warrant are determine the conclusion urged by the analogy. But analogy best is inference proof,and should the ascertained and many the few, are carry than be suggestive rather If are rather the than at tive. asser- resemblances ascertained ences differ- is likelyto analogy great weight. Example. famish The parables of the Bible material good for study in analogy, tiins: "A when he forth went sower sowed, wayside, and some the to seed fowls came And sow. fell by the and Dglizac^y de- WORD-POWEK Tonred them. places,where Some fell upon stony they had not much earth ; forthwith and they had when they sprang deepness of earth; and no the sun was withered and up into choked froit,some an fold,and some "Hear the word them. of the by any fell sixty- This the beareth one the wicked word is he that with joy was into one, sown is he which wayside. the understand- that which away the anon others and oometh the and sprang brought forth and recelveth same thorns But Kingdom catcheth seed fell some thirtyfold. When in his heart. eth root therefore,the parable of ye, sower. were no hundredfold,some eth it not, there and And the good ground had they away. thorns; and among they up scorched; and because they because up receiv- But he that stony places, heareth the receiveth word it; yet ,y hath he not for seed among eth the the he and that be and beareth an of this world care of he that and choke anfmitfal. seed imderstandeth fmit riohea becometh receiveth good gronnd is word is he that hear- deceitfnlness word, But the dnreth reoeiveth that also the thorns and SPEAKING himself,bnt He word, the in root while. a and IN JUDGMENT GOOD into the heareth the it,which also bringetb forth some sixty,and some hundredfold, some thirty." Iqnobatio an Elbnchi. This irrelevant aignment. does not under confine to common of stress to the It is a qnestion form lacy of fal- nnder speakers who from feeling wander to dispntant The himself disenssion. refers their subject An example is where that a man fraud, you has instead of proving committed an that the prove cious atro- fraud Dglizac^y WORD-POWEK he IB of proving of is atrocious ; aconsed relieved you that the ought poor in this way rather that poor prove the instead or to in than ought be that, to be relieved. The clearly, so what yon to as be may may use privilegeaccorded right some case distinguish it mistaken first tmder the for it. from Thus say: "The you is to state here remedy to as shall make I to the of the will be to set me precise question consideration,for I perceive that of you should position I be under this point, and on that the labor occupy hension misappre- a I anxious am in the matter understood." distinctly WHICH FAULTS LOGICAL PREVENT THINKING The two thinking is well to are greatest enemies to correct prejudice and fallacy. It recognize that these two Dglizac^y evils GOOD are is IN JUDGMENT widespread more SPEAKING insidioiiB than and It is generallysupposed. a common thing to attribute opinions or judgments to common due to loose and In when sense, subject of importance, it is necessary the judgment various people. number you you The add study can and these it from different securing new of not as three a Each logic is point view- new ideas to your to subject. highly be only for mental a creased in- an helpfulideas. of but also are in carefullyconsider recommended There examine to comprehensive view a naturally results time formation to the standpoints of Such really are inadequate thinking. consideringany of sound they pline, disci- labor-savingdevice. specialhooks recommend to you instructive for your as which I interesting study along lines: Dglizac^y WOIU"-POWER in Court," by J. W. "Tact "Lessons in Logic,**by W. S. Jevona. Story Baldwin, i" eacb. no infallible roles in snggestiona which of the shorten thing there safeguard of set a error valnable are from yon and error, footstepsto yonr J. M. followed intelligently if pitfallsof as avoiding all for But reasoning. will Mind,** by of the "The There Bonovaii. many tend to sion apprehen- an of tmth. FOR SUGGBSTIONS PRACTICAL SOUND 1. T"ur should be be to it is in JUDGMBNT examination of a subject objectshoold impartial.Yonr secure the truth harmony whether to part with your opinions if they with the facts. Thia not or preconceived with your or ideas,personal interests, ready VELOPING DE- do desires. most not demands Dglizac^y Be ished cher- accord en broad- WORD-POWER all the time and necessary in which thoroaghly to consider Avoid the solve to 5. than problem a a This will upon to build mind advantage a of knowlec^ a possiblemake a serve not or partial superficial smallest patiently detail. yourselfmaster subject that so "c"Hicln8ion, to you detail. Do subject,but it in the Pursue degree of publicspeaking. subjectm a you nished well-fur- a a you will which be satisfied with it. upon of ideas structure give in actual Study as facts. foundation Moreover, will self-confidence examine mind pour specialsubject in which any 6. a up interested. far yourself. for give a stable to trouble the of well^uthenticated stock which are take DeUberately furnish wHh ject. sub- a tendency common acquiesce rather erly prop- you to a can As of satisfactory say, Dglizac^y "I can GOOD JUDGMENT IN this matter, speak authoritativelyon now because 7. Do I have This form and and personal feelmgs opinions prejudice Both mind beliefs. or is a subtle in the consideration a subject put personal feelingto that your so facts. presentation of undue any of to troth. enemy the let your not unduly affect your be may side, one unhampered unbiased. 8. Study Have a subject methodically. a definite various plan is that it arranges convenient of its use,'and practise learns a considering its a The superior mind thoughts in lar regu- for classifies its materiftl sequence, 9. of phases in logical order. chief characteristic of SPEAKING to a long chain Be deliberate subject. through patient carry of reasons in your Proceed culty diffi- without or ments. argu- examination slowly enough Dglizac^y to WORD-POWER MB^ sronnd good the umilation, not into consider each Eesolve complex a and simple one separatelyand slowly. the to A"- go. its QnietnesB,poise,and essential joa accnmnlatlon, is the important thing. subject as elements deliberateness proper are stndj of any subject 10. OccaaionaUy test thoughts and your them how ceired a judgments aloud. by of pressing ex- for yourself Observe thought that is clearlycon- in expression the clearness in finds mind your while words, ready obscure an thought is correspondinglyobscure ia expression. In your judgment, work of developing sound yourself resolutely guard against prejudice. Fearlesslyexamine your importance, and they subjectsof present opinions upon may be correct weak or them wherever erroneous. Dglizac^y Of GOOD JUDGMENT Qladstone it IN SPEAXING said,"His was mind was aingnlarlyreceptive,and his whole life spent in unlearning the prejudices was in which In he educated." was forming a judgment matter, always bear of omitting overlooked well arising any the bility possi- fact some that unrecognized by or you, is as danger of subtle prejudice the as in mind upon from your temperament, cation, edu- environment. or self-interest, Extract HOW Yon for Study, with TO STUDY will find it of the study to the THESE tiona and MODELS suggestive value furnished extracts first three Talk Lesson of which the last three are here, introduo- conclusions of speeches. Eead and the note of the examples the in regular order, personal methods of each speakers. Dglizac^y WOiU"-POWER The simple and with is firstextract sincere example of fine a statement, combined deep feeling.It will careful repay analysisand study. The second is extract of forensic introduction. and and direct, in thought of such character to win favorable a The reference for both feHcitons this passage language, would be likely is of unusual one introduction. an to the plain hearing. third extract eloquence It is and aa tion illustra- good a and sea and the The is storm impressive. Bead with aloud appropriate feeling. The fourth should extract particularlyfor the of rhetorical use repetitionin the phrase, answered." which in your The you own This can b use be studied "it will be a figureof speech to great advantage public speaking. fifthextract is a well-rounded Dglizac^y GOOD JXIDGMENT conclnBion. IN the elevated Note style. Bead SPEAKING the English alond passage with gradually increaeingintensityof voice. The sixth extract of restrained As read it should be you slower as Practise a but give various of deliberate In deliveryof to you, of your imaginary own. in mind and daily practise models, always picturean Open your bear introduction the in sion concluvery style. your benefit ideas speech usuallyrequire a a for This exercise will speeches. It is well the the end. extracts useful many both condnBion. approach dmiy. preparation and that good esataple livery aloud, the rate of dedeliberate,and ally gradu- these you a effeotive you few minutes is so that such mouth person you mental of speech audience will have the experience. well, and speak to in the fore be- distance. Dglizac^y an WORD-POWER BXTKACTS STUDY FOR AND INTEODUCTIONS CONCLUSIONS Eaample of Simple, Sincere 1. appreciate sadness at this and kindness the of century a to young been have I now whether I have before me rested upon Words in Example this lived have and bom, and that 2. Gentlemen Stockdale,who of is a or task which (Farewell coln.) Lin- Springfield:Abraham Forensic dren chil- when return, with Washington. from is buried. one greater than owe ter quar- a my knowing I may of place passed Here man. leave, not ever To of tiiispeople I old an ation, situ- feeling of mj parting. Here everything. a one, not in my Mj friends,no can Statement Introduction Jury," Mr. the brought as a criminal Dglizac^y WORD-POWER est. I have fury and grandeur the tossed into I the billows,but the sea, from all are measured. and passed heights and the of on the ocean, its peaceful surface,then and which the they depUia has storm calm settles sunlightbathes take surveyor level of the calm hour when the mer astrono- level from the all measure terrestrial heightsand depths. {Nominating for President Example 4. The ; James A. again hereafter. soberly and wiU be It will be Effect answered answered and quietlyas deliberately the American people are wont great questions of duty. be man Sher- Garfield.) of Strong Rhetorical question its it is not that When the into and spray, remember which lashed eea soul of the dullest the moves but man; seen answered, not in any to It will turbulent Dglizac^y swer an- as- GOOD JUDGMENT sembly, amid hands do SPEAKING sbonting and clapping of stamping of feet,where and men and their thinking with their heels with their brains. It will be not in swered " IN chnrchea the schools and in the colleges;and in fifteen million homes; it will be has and always been it will American answered answered. the in and be answered It will be right Example of a Well-Rounded S. Finally,let of the great of the them " recall the memories and men in the. monuments us dying his last table of Mayor, on these message the great deeds which see we walls,not forgetting Pitt of the yomiger predecessor, my in this very of some public utterance, made your the Conclusion past, commemorated around the ns it as (Subjugation of Philippines:George F. Hoar.) answered an- at the Lord hall,"England Dglizac^y has WORD-POWER herself saved I as The noble England twenty of Europe do of likewise. days gave did appeal and nearly fightingthe freedom Let secured. waa ^nll, exam^ until after the sword years and her hj of those to his answer not sheathe exertiomi Enrope trust,save pie." a her by (A Call us H. Arms: to and go H. Asquith.) Example of Restrained 6. I think yon than or other any that my quite sure BO body of by the power men to promote war. I the horrors to avert needed have Conclusion much humble who men of am advioe is not know better more than their I can ness busiknow it, but sometimes^ in the they may hurry of joumalirau beoause it is a " hurried profession foi^t principleswhich the " must journalist. As be the great inherent in they write, they Dglizac^y GOOD may IK JUDGMENT impulse on of the SPEAKINa moment, in defense againstthe a^^essive journalism from abroad, forget their obligationto their own them in country. these such any knows the enough at word in last few issue may this moment, Earl of the about words, when and God is not electrical to say a to their fellow innumerable (The Power Bosebery.) war. ask unnecessarily,or except defense,bring of I would occur, atmosphere that may countrymen And phes catastro- of the Press: Dglizac^y HOW TO FIX YOUR A SPEECH IN MIND Dglizac^y ,y WORD-POWER dear expert, having avowed that repeat anything after given,a short piece of paper, waa on a him to memory oonld he hearing it, once composition written bnt the total absence between relationship of caased A of ideas. arrangement fail. the ideas These the were words: "So a she went into the garden cabbage-leaf,to make and at the coming the np time same she No there the FicninnieB,and the the Garcelies,and at top; and the game gunpowder ran the as out he inar- present were and Joblillies, drum Panjan- grand the littleround they of catch So soapT' ried the barber, and into its head imprudently very himself,with apple-pie: great she-bear, the street,pops shop. 'What? died, and a an to ent ton but- playing all fell to catch can, till the at the heels their boots." Dglizac^y of FIXING A Now close of the mnch where and read spread us the is used destined of soft but made sleep victim fore clearly be- and whole fallen had night held the man the prepared, into With to whom bers slum- half their assassin already window unoccupied apartment. lighted by the up reaches enters in noiseless foot he paces lonely hall winds an him The strong embrace. ascent the door and on all beneath on old scene sweet, the first sound enters, through He impression the A healthful sleep was and form, now out Deep us. his roof. He in supreme drcnmstances before can you mind: your "The how see following example, the the different note and I memory method upon book, the MIND YOUR foregoing passage repeat from Then IN SPEECH beholds the of the of the his the moon. stairs chamber. victim Dglizac^y be- WORD-POWER fore him. The sleeper ia the and beams show blow him is The the he Close much victim aged temples, The fattil struggle or a from passes the of death. his retreats, retraces out passes through in, and escapes." came again and foregoing passage the book of the see bow yon can strate This will demon- memory. to yon great practicalvalue the arranging the ideas of logicaland resting the repose sleep to repeat from of murderer, strike. to innocent moon, locks of the murderer as the the steps to the window, it the given. Without of repose of where motion a of from turned the gray on face methodical DISADVANTAGES OF speech in a order. FROM READING MANUSCRIPT A modem againstyou your audience if you speaking. use This prejudiced manuscript in will he a form of address Dglizac^y FIXING A SPEECH IN YOUR MIND is appropriateto certain oooasions when a message of national lie delivered,or is to be accnra"^ for to where of vital consequence. speak withont so that himself he depends that have of address however has not to prepare is not master taken have of his use to convince a the must to come with an gard re- dislike sion, impresthat and part of the that in he have ence audi- an against in a sMIl unusual of his manuscript and script manu- subjeot. seriously militates in the subject sufficient time himself feelingon speaker, who hie erroneous, which This to speaker does directlyupon suspicion. They speaker effective more a or audiences this form But manuscript. seldom justice to and and precision occfiBdons it is It is to complicatedstatement a made are most "when importance is order persuade his hearers. D.3l.za..y WORD-POWER Meanwhile they since speech a submit A to a presnmably now reading mere tion. declama- or speaHng written to your It tends tion. composi- limit your to freedom voice, expression, gesture, action, and It manner. weU-trained a a influence which communication from of the a observe wiE can you easily of words lose the magnetic from your eye-to-eye audience. greatest losses in reading manuscript is the reading from group' comes with particularly are that considerable glance,you One you in the art of manuscript, so gather self- frequentlycauses Moreover, unless at must manuscript is that it is likely a to fetter you a hear to come great disadvantage in from of have they and mentally disappointed, are immediate the inabilityto effect of your U3l.:a..y FIXING A speech SPEECH the upon YOUR auditors. look into their eyes can of the best powers OF timid speaker is not words give stimulate these NOTES strictlyto by-paths of anxious to his give about it be he lieved recan delivery. of the use of a siveness prevents discur- irrelevancy. is that not of use to considerations is that and and it tends unduly advantage mannscript the dence. degree of self-confi- attention Ajiother adhere your subject-matter,and or some making inexperienced public certain a of thing some- are USING is that and He bis see principaladvantfige in mannscript the yon into action. ADVANTAGES The and to serves MIND When impression yon them, it upon a IN such a speaker his written tempted The sumption pre- will tion, composi- to wander into explanation or illustration. Dglizac^y WORD-POWER Some to find it speakers nse piece of small a headings of their is asefol to the When is what the such that This can of his aid an should diMcoIty order is ployed, em- comprise only absolutelynecessary phrases by has who man the paper bearing paper principalideas. in carrying in mind thoughts. advantageons and in cise con- comprehended be quick glance of the speaker. a TO OBJECTIONS MBMORIZINQ TOUS SPEECH The of plan speech to committing and memory, an deliveringit of precisely as memorized, has and a The a a imposes speaker to speech of considerable fear of haunt If upon him word gers dan- many objections. It heavy task entire a rize memo- length. possiblefailure is likelyto at or the time of phrase should speaMng. evade Dglizac^y his WOKD-POWER ooaventionaL mechanical, and all yonr care, there is difference between a compoBitioiirecited from a and you DeapitA speech. In. extempore fm recognizedndes; permitted mnch in the one lo strictly inclined to adhere are ory mem- other of the scope yon and are dom free- of converBation. To the np smn to memoriter instead of epeaking:It a much ; it leads the speaker to than the The Vholly attention to declaim play of the emotions; it specialideas of speaker opportunitiesthat geeted by task pairs speak natnrally;it im- to the free deprives a pleasure of public speaking; too rather and makes it directs words of prindpal objections be may eng- the occasion. habit of to memory "thinking on committing weakens your a speecb the power feet." If it de- Dglizac^y FIXING velops be may at Yon the to memorize a here is accuracy judgment. sometimes significantstatement and there where care if you to express do the ductory intro- POWER the memorized OP your this,take great naturallyand freely as of your speech. THE find may closingparagraphs of But spee^L extreme imperative. You ft helpful,too, to memorize and or speech. in yonr be necessary may of expense find it desirable mil passage abnormal an imagination,and reason, MIND YOUR to memory your degree, it This IN SPEECH A parts tiie other as parts EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH Since the extempore public favor effort to fit styleis to-day, make precision,and style,and can have the orderliness combine ' Mud of clearness, of the them in earnest an yourself for this speaking. You most with Dglizac^y ten writthe WORD-POWER ease, of the fleiibUity spoken style. Public in freshness,and power, speaMng has its natural basis conversation. In daUy interconrse give expressionto yonr order that they occnr with others yon thoughts in the spontaneonslyto mind. yonr Yonr lic pub- speaking should closelyapproximate this In style. which denied to yon. filled with and Your be mind, presnmably the subject, has fnll exercise free all its powers. of speaking is,therefore,marked speech gives arising from self. In who sense a you depths, with fnll to a reliance are plunges into how by earnestness. Extempore knows wonld otherwise Tour the reality and power vantages enjoy ad- extempore speaking yon on your^ mer like the swim- the assurance comport peenliar exhilarating that himself. Dglizac^y he The FIXING A SPEECH IN for responsibility alone, and so HOW TO put forth IMPRESS OH should commit speech to memory. in mind your smoothly of your imparts THE SPEECH A the plan of your Having this dearly enables to you regularlyfrom one subject to the next. know yon will proceed from you pass phase It also degree of self- considerable confidence,because the way MIND and a best in view. YOUR OP you yonr the purpose SUBSTANCE You MIND resnlts rests npon yon efforts to achieve YOUR precisely point one to another. After you mind your stand up have deeply imprest of yonr the substance and express it composition. speech, aloud, choosing entirelydifferent phraseology of your npon Do from that this several ing times, at daily intervals,each time tryto clothe the same ideas in different language. 98 Dglizac^y WORD-POWER An of excellent way speech a them will exercise mentally reviewing strengthen your You your of your family or to much your to friend. offer you in any some event to increase self-confidence when deliver ject sub- member a personal a able do a practicalbenefit helpful criticism,but practisewill fort ef- ideas of speech before be may stiU and your grasp will find it of rehearse They The quiet a better or view re- in the poseible,select country road. of is to walk you as for this purpose, street a If mind yoar mentally air. open upon ideas impresa the to this your subsequently yon speech before regular a audience. it is desirable Sometimes not to think effort,but to a few of your merely friends. speech as as If a for a yon formal personal talk the purpose U3l.:a..y in FIXING yonr A mind SPEECH IN is to talk simple, sincere,and to than pleasure rather BREVITY The OP vill be to the best mental audience is public brevityand growing a sion aver- gardless protracted speech-maldng, re- of the The likely IMPORTANCE speaking to-day is toward There of undertakingwith, with apprehen- FIRST tendency of conoreteness. the manner easy to the in them ordinary conversation, yon to look forward MIND YOUR speaker attitude toward a the or of intelligent an speaker subject. be may ex- prest thus: "If or yon have importfinceto anything say to of us, interest we shall gladlylisten to you. But we want you to be brief,tell us sary, only what is neceskeep strictlyto eesentials,and sit down promptly." Dglizac^y WORD-POWER Do be misled not that into concise a ever, howthinldiig, speech requires less thoroD^^inessin preparation long matter a As one. a speech requires even and in the politidan,who committee This of case sfdd be speech at a expected he, "if cOTicise speech of shall need at to it,bnt prepare its to as to want yon least length speak. me fifteen am a coming forthhe "For," make to a minutes, I month a a long how if there I illns- was distingoished a meeting, asked wonld fact, such being invited by npon to make a greater thought discrimination. trated of than in which is no ready limit at any time." USE There plays your is a work GOOD TASTB nothing in good important part more of which publicspeaking. itself not only in your taste than in fests It mani- i Dglizac^y WORD-POWER know a whether lai^ fund of knowledg:e and wide immediate Gladstone, gave at times of impromptu, your it is well of many and and or any in bear to facilitywere of years profound study. of the Some sion impres- without seemingly that their power result the speaking extempore preparation,hut thought a speakers like Webster, JAn- coln, and the to purpose. Great mind perience, ex- only gathered together for ideas from speakmg are giving utterance or few you world's orators, in order to most increase eminent their cility fa- of language, made a felicity of the practise of reading from one great olaasice for an evening or two and preceding were to the the occasion speak. Lord perorationof which on Brougham of his one speeches after reading and they posed com- great repeating Dglizac^y FIXING A SPEECH of speeches ia valnable a MIND for Demosthenes This weeks. YOUR IN several snggestion for you. As a student extremes. Do little time and On to public speaking avoid allow not in which fix it to the not of to prepare securely in too speech, a mind. your other hand, be equally careful work at speech your to make continuouslyaa or yourself long so it stale and lifeless. tiie neceseary During a return to stimulated be in and am subject, and speech your with new you a ideas. speech, both delivery. mastering of in your the and You must to do tice jus- in its preparation You unduly urgii^fthe thoroughness will later refreshed good physical condition to of preparing speech, change occasionallyto other some work think may I importance of preparation and speech,but my Dglizac^y view" WORD-POWER fnlly confirmed are Cfmning value most had great of profound belief in a premeditation, and fastidious in his of choice thoroughly.Sheridan and rangement ar- read prepared and took infinite the composing was Burke words. widely, studied deeply, in the of the past. orators the "by all pains for matter his epeeches, committing important parts to Fox memory. his unremitting in was pursuit of facts, so that when spoke, his ideas, principles,and of strands a you and 1^ other upon the preparationof well to emulate a personal history great orators, and will realize the placed the cable. Closely examine of these logies ana- wrought together like were he high value estimate of speedi. tlie they painstaking You will do example of illustriousmen. 100 Dglizac^y tiiese FIXING A SIMPUCITY his "I I nsed talked he understood was to to get irritated in me That temper, and has a until he that This I intend to say, To he power. I intend Originality and directlyat yourself,"Now orig^al," is "Now of the one was to aim to to as be fatal as sincere." sincerity should not it. understand habit say to be naturally,and after satisfied not was advisable ori^nality. my mitil saying" of his subsequent It is not not distorbed "hunted could boy a conscientious secrets could put it in plain language had even one any since." ever dark a said. explained, I way always caught it, and had so iu he when And, therefore,Lincoln idea that all what child," he a understand. the acquired "putting things," so hearers "When told how once MIND YOXJR NATURALNESS AND Lincoln the art of IN SPEECH by conscious come effort Dglizac^y WORD-POWEK will Originality if yon Your whole the cumulative adopted talent only extemporaneous what to an The way shall not speak and "When your you another to write have in your and mind, of taken order pains of ideas from of your review the are to make and clearly ment refresh- hobbies. the hour your general outline bring it clearly before fix pleasurable Finally,a littlewhile before you to labors. your yourselfnp to some pastime,or get relaxation at which write sincerely." rest one sion. posses- fashion, is Qive from the have you half of thoroughly prepared speech, and the substance of speak and out go every force life's cultivation;but of tate. imi- present can vice: ad- ^never " giftyou itself Emerson's yonrself on with moment, of care resolutelyfollow "Insist a take speech, so your 102 Dglizac^y as to mind, FIXING gather actual SPEECH IN all your beat A np and use, taking with YOUR for powers proceed to comfidenoe MIND Tmder" yonr pf work bom well d"HLe. Speech A Study, with Lesson for MODEL SPEECH AND TO IT STUDY the speech as accompan^g entertaining, example of easy, conversational, Study an and address. It Note was the the felicitous be^nning. by John "William delivered of New annual banquet Commerce of York, November after-dinner instmctive Griggs, ex-Governor of HOW Talk the of Jersey,at the State 17, 1896. It Chamber of New was tuated punc- by hearty laughter and loud applause. The speaker here, you wiU notice, makes of judicious and effective use humorous stories. He tells them in the Dglizac^y WORD-POWER right place and in does not tell too many, are You in can model dinner ers' speak- some profitably study this speech of it is what an a exceptionally modem after- speech shonld be. It is intimate and as inclined to do. because detail^ good He right way. the without direct without being familiar, terest being abrupt. In- is sustained riety by appropriate va- in thought and espreesion. The terizes patrioticfervor which characthe larger part of this speech is worthy of careful analysis. The unmistakable sincerityof the speaker would alone make this speech a sno- oess. As the a at you render it style in which aloud, say yon would talk friend in ordinary conversation. throughout. Keep simplicity the definite purpose to it in to Aim in mind entertun, ele- IM Dglizac^y WORD-POWER flame as have we received from the dia- gnished Postmaster-General (William L. that WilBon), I think always composition,of the boy Baleigh 'isapplicable.He and it Ealeigh was he took a and then a very and voyage he wrote position, com- a like this: was Walter Walter Sir on the "Sir great man ; discovered ica, Amer- another voyage took and discovered Virginia,and had discovered Virginia he discovered the potato ; and when he had the potato, he discovered when done he had about friends,be this of England grace, shall sociates as- "My said: good dieer, for God's And called his him, and in he discovered tobacco. so, he day lighted which, by when we have a flame never be " quenched. New of Commerce York. ber Cham- Jersey greets to-nightthe We are of the State yonr friends of Kew and Dglizac^y your ^ FIXING A neighbors. candidate We men mnch not as of MIND fnrnished have I our sents repre- the inspirationfrom all of it. We have of sentiments We gatheredhere. see a yon of Q-arret A. Hobart person sympathies and such YOUK in this election,who ip the the IN SPEECH take York; New kinds some of inspiration peculiarto onrselves,of which we always glad are York and friends same citizens mingle daily walks not well; and ticket,by impressions of and sand marsh stretches the railroad in all yours We read dress as we vote the yon the large majority. This always apparent. The a not Jersey are with We so similarityis New in moderation of life. newspapers. do, only same partake to New our properly diluted. Our the to invite the traveller through generallyof salt banks of and nous long monoto- landscape,and piercessome marsh where shabby neigh- Dglizac^y WORD-POWER borhood,ibe weather-boards bear ehininc iiiTitatioiis to take Tarions brands of liver to pills, the chew baby Castoria"; but meadows bright with have we "Virgin leaf,"or well dnnes; and, instead Castoria,by for the gold I without whic^ and for pleasant and large majority, we Chamber all that as the opportunity the baa city whose pass great work for wrought it bears name Fraunce's period,this a were during tavern, but institution has stood and pilot,the guide,the director, of pioneerin all wise policies and are country at large. It is the at sand pillsaad long interval since t^ese dinners held green cure. State and the and of liver referring to this **^ve shining brooks; marsh as let this not can a have we high monntains valleys,as to ta^de bestowed and not commerce patriotism. Ton only wisdom and have enli^V Dglizac^y FIXING A enment and SPEECH fever. of on the Yon have how of much the conld just such among Chamber of New a your to the men as found are of tiie the corporate life have State the world, of which youth, have been lost in the thousand industrial age. into pendence indeand and progress of wonders seven we have you it advance seen along the lines of prosperity until of the est high- compose great country grow ; you extend that the York. During seen forters com- understand country Commerce of moters pro- how loyalpatriotism, true and interests of the the and I wish land this flood the disinterested devotion much upon been fortnne good of world victims, of fire and of misfortune. people MIND millions of doUaxs the unfortunate and YOUR conrage \mt commerce, IN learned sight of in our gotten for- and greater wonders You have seen Dglizac^y WOKD-POWER "dooation become of State every for Tou Bepublic increase the views of the higher the npon And are and prosperity all classes world yet there and at other any other are onr and minds and are tions, dissatisfac- think they signs that see, there over- system of popnlar government, the snhstitntion plan whereby, all the land complainings,there social revolntion,an a of conn- of the earth. gloomy coming seen in this any discontents,and there tnming some fonnd be in these, evidences is the people among of comfort snrface and nniversal more have conld of the age right Ton among try than rea- land. other average take abilityto people than of any and Te"aon things,become this among intelligence seen seen sonahlenesB, the child of tha every have have ; yon provision common by for it of legal citizens of the ments, enact- Bepublic 110 Dglizac^y FIXING A SPEECH be made can one It is good thing a try to made the it. do to discontent ambition, the incentive the of progress from height climbed she to we best, onr good a have not is the spur to better npon which, still has shining face with now of work, height,civilization to where stands ate appreci- to opportunities. onr In this sense, mountain good a It is that of most done not nnderstand thing is faction. opposite of self-satis- have we then and rich witii- ability or or (^scontent sense that MIND merit. It is the thing. and fortune to frngalityor In YOUR comfortable regard ont IN pointing npward to heightstmknown. Bnt there bom that nor build of seeks to is another of discontent, ignorant and jealous envy, not to profit by up, tind repair its but to tear its mistakes failures,not down. There Dglizac^y to is WORD-POWER in many a of sense bopelessnesaover hopelesB misfortune; and mth is blame. withal,in to opportnnity the cheap for the candidate be fooled of the time. some a and demagog for Caloryto the American not is Bepnblic. They afford the can Bnt, tiiese discontents there to the menace than pity to more these it pnblic ofSce. They peopleI all the They are time, nor too level- too patrioticto headed, too intelligent, caught by appeals of the demagog be and the social sentiments and and of envy, hatred malice. May some tates to the dicrevolutionist, I venture to minimize the danger The discontents? fooled. suggest that there by which it is possiblefor ways I have to said,have They they deserve a are we American not the ap are us find in these people, as to date nation's been court; better certificate of ohar- Dglizac^y WORD-POWER to tanght bore a text taken "IndtiBtry and wealth," "Wbo or drive," tiiere in those days " into wealth at to cMt ont feUows that and to either hold anything said leg^lating a boy about comfort or ease, cially espe- of expense are the or not was the of both cnrse days of Antony Mark lead " by the plow would political parties. from them Bichard Poor anybody remedy I would speak the demagog. They are the next of all from must or copy-book tlie fmgality thrive, himself The when imte, down We to date. of is the and had have Julius else. Csesar These fellows smooth, sleek,mellifluons-tongued that always have garment the to hold same stained blood- before np the forged will to read, populace,and some to get great whereby the people were could collect, legacieswhich they never let us cast them out Let us 114 Dglizac^y frown TTONG A SPEECH them npon in both have never IN YOUR that parties,so standing on a MIND they political any platform. Why, it makes the blood of an intelligent honest, straightforward, American citizen boil to the kind, and " I heard Long hypocrisy, of story of a Branch is now, down One day hinu was swam he once, yond be- heading was the a pean Euro- shark, coming the other They eyed each the other for shark a way, squarely in front up then at orous vig- out swam j in the out fearlesslyfor All It summer a strong and was breakers; he and swam went the man-eater, and he bold, and shore. parties. popular tJian and strongly and this nsed, when there for He surf to bathe. who more was to go outing. one of men to both they belong dence, impu- the see a blushed of ment, mo- and out Then, let us have more mutual ii" Dglizac^y sym- WORI"POWER pathy and confidence conditions and works of The men. for wages, all classes between who man day by day, is equal in right and eqnal our our the at ballot-box. Very often he has, generally as has, as high instincts, loyal he and tme is There or a no heart, for year ronnd. sympathizewith is not This what her class in children,you who says makes anybody or him as him a that Tou The stand under- teacher altruist is an own told my one interests to the of his fellows." boy, "I know; Jus sacrifice hit." one you is his It Sunday-school:"Now, know aU fellow-citizen. altruism. that is. only fais friend Show sacrifices his interests Be condescension. It is not right. ofBce employer friends with him election-time. abont the make employer. his why reason the candidate else should his as "Oh, yes," a fellow who 116 Dglizac^y FIXING A Bnt the SPEECH that that pay for earn And the learn of only "We open. sorts ns and to come wel- been hereafter only right instincts. declares that government no and gates, and to men The of law subject of proper and work those who down the the over and want tear have We from worth had those word my material. all conditions shut ployer, em- oiti- not have They and gether to- stop making to build do here come meet respect the come want "We us. men respect them. ns that who instincts, among to of merit men them to nnworthy all those sea, the employer, take then, let out zens Let Let between and wages they will learn it,will MIND plane of political equality, a and YOUR confidence wages. on and be let there men IN and stroy. de- gates wide coming " all all beliefs. t^em open merit of with the any land foreign shall be naturalized 117 Dglizac^y unless WOIU"-POWEE he can court that to the principleBof the United has heen Batisfaction of the to the prove he has heen the I citizenshipwith men who to United held who to America those it. suffers only did not will not let no OS see longer from surfeited a give and bat ns good impede our then, let every not for the of his good men lead write, oi^:anize, gestion, indi- and lutionists; revo- true, digestion,and to indigestion. citizen for what politics.Oh, that feast of foreign socialists and out those that tend And attiiched principlesare, Now, anarchists keep of principlesdiametricallyopposed from who taken Constitution the States,who what not know have not were of provision thonsands ns principles of the of the only not that 'Wh7, we into attached Constitntion How States. mocked well go into is in it,but country, to speak, processions,and 118 Dglizac^y FIXING A keep it up. keep on and and them MIND the not flag,and let your in the shouts the whole year You round have the four " heard from to-night,how important that should be alert to always defend, to knowledge and all the among that triumphant campaign. Keep sources, we "n- patriotism evaporate away round. years Do yonr die one up YOUR Bally roond rallyingI thasiasm follow IN SPEECH saying,but the that it is vigilantand educate and scatter spiritof intelligence people. It is never can two "eternal be a too very often old peated, re- vigilanceis the price of liberty." "O thou freedomi art not, poets as dream, A fair young cate girlwith lightand deli- limbs, And wavy tresses gushing from the cap With which crowned his the Boman master slave, Dglizac^y WORD-POWEH When be took bearded Arm'd the A gyves. man, the to mailed off teeth, art thou; one hand Grasps the broad shield,and one the Bword; thy brow, Glorious in beauty tho it be, is, scarr'd "With tokens of old thy wars; sive mas- limbs Oh I strong with struggling. not yet, Mayst then nnbraee thy corselet nor lay by Thy sword; nor yet, 0 Freedom! Are ... close In thy lids slumber; sleeps, And thou till the Of the new for mnst thine enemy watch and never combat day earth and heaven." Dglizac^y ,y WILL-POWER SELF- AND CONFIDENCE Ton liave must "will-power do to fnll jnstiee It stand your moral rapidly subject you daily developing " etc., " so give fearless ideas will in being the properly you process yourself studying, are your can feel to upon and of resources equipped pression ex- dence self-confi- and grow of ions. opin- and ^voice, enunciation, that courage aadienoe thoroughly informing the order large own. of i)ower will of and men to Tour a in yourself in public requires before intelligent to of degree proper self-confidence and speaking. to a of pression ex- gesture, assured speqk pnblio. Dglizac^y of in WORD-POWER Firmness and decision of mtl are veloped de- through repeated effortin solv' ing difficultproblems responsibletasks. all yon effort,bnt however to Yon wonld assuming not may like from make you and first a progress, some and this slight, plish accom- enconragee you Thus the power and mil" are steadilycolti- develop a can" "I of "I continue. rated. Ton can full degree of will-power through intelligentdaily practise. "What appear be almost an will assume it and different a The your Hen best powers one upon detail at complex problems most readilyyield to them to aspect when patientlyconsider time. to you impossible undertaking, concentrate you a may the plan of reducing to their elements. sometimes lacking in the say necessary that they are self-confidence L)ji.:...i. SELF-CONFIDENCE WILL-POWER, before apeak in public,and particularly a large andience. Primarily this to is due to lack of will-power. They have the necessary applicationto think out a subject thoroughly,and otherwise for snoh an underto equip themselves taking. not STEPS IN The THE OF BUILDING first essential POWER WILL- step toward will-power is frankly to your recognizeand thorooghlyexamine present defects in what of wiU. or what short of your mind specificinstances educated what needst isfactory. unsat- and ways it fall does circumstances under Then will is your otherwise Preciselyin been your certain Definitelyas- respects weak, inadequate, will has veloping de- Beoall to wherein your your lacking. try to realize what will would a properly do for you, not only 125 Dglizac^y WORD-POWER in your also in voA of pablie speakiBg,bnt advancing Think yonr of how general ests. inter- the leaders in every department of human activityand en- terprlBehave developed and "wills important part of their as an used their personalequipment. Next make hegiiming, however farther developing of a small, in the your will. Where own or inactive,the up may is sure. some may kind of If your building it thing is on the PHYSICAL iU or disability rational thing to exercise in the open men prooess to make that you beginning,so a will ia weak that of but the first, chief get started DEVELOP the process be slow at The the will is weak rightroad. HEALTH because of physical health, obviously do ie to take air. daily worthy It is note- of great wiH-power 126 Dglizac^y WILL-POWER, almost of SELF-CONFIDENCE invariablyhave great physical vitality.When exercise it will and have an develop The vital habit your body, all the faculties of systematically performing physical exercises plays part in building personal acter. For in are oughly thor- mind. set of a you invigorating and strengthening effect upon of your reserves example, the habit suppose of char- that drooping a you while sittingor standing. Now straighten spine,square your shoulders,take your a deep abdominal breath, and notice the direct effect mind. Ton this feel act has mentally upon your fortified and invigorated. If you inclined are maintainingan unconscious and abdomen the tise prac- upright position of the chest until it becomes and droop, to habit. an Give established your lungs greatestpossiblefree- Dglizac^y WOKI^POWER dom in all times. breathingat yourselfseveral times day a Bemind to sit and stand erect. BXSRCISE WILL YOUR STRENGTHEN There are IT where oases directlydue of the will itself. The and the will remedy beginning,as a results which continue his here I have will is said, low surely folto the student give encouragement to of weakness to lack of exercise will is to make TO A efforts. given daily to the prescribedin this book will minutes few exercises show prizing sur- results. Will and self-confidence related. you also When develop develop you the other degree. Hence, to increase is to increase and in your your mately inti- are in one some your power will- faith in yourself abilityto perform Dglizac^y cer- WORD-POWER HAKE RESOLUTIONS" You AND KEEP THEH power rapidlystrengthenyonr will- can by making definite resolutionB, livingstrictlyup and them. will-power to some so resolutions, encb to reasonably good reasons in yonr mind for Realize the advantages that you from and the to yon with assemble can carrying them further out. will such fulfilling crue ac- lutions, reso- valuable increasingyour of them them all the quires re- out carry at first make Fortify easy. It power vantage adof will. It will be into helpfulto put writing, together the Try to precisedifficultiesand dangers to to in order overcome resolutions into your the strictlycarrying realize for yourself out. will have your with for special reasons them tions resolu- your mind the to you put practise. Recall reasons why 180 Dglizac^y you SELF-CONFIDENCE WILL-POWER, failed previous occasions, and make on tion possibleprovision agwnet repeti- every of snch failure. FOR EXERCISES A INCREASING exercise good is to say resolve for period aloud from Write resolution note-book,and of what record State the fulfil your you have exercise for and at the of deliberate resolve read some of brief a actuallydone. what have yon in trying,to one aloud week, useful power, developing will- an the vain- time same able habit period reading in your night make of day, resolution. Another to down experience your to each substance read, and each writer." standard some this week, one hereby "I minntes ten of power developing will- yoarself: to to devote a for POWER WILL- speaking, is each day, extract ideas, and to for a ing containendeavor 181 Dglizac^y WORD-POWER make it last minutes. Take, to extract fulfil one's aload for the Bnbject of how on resolntions,and approximately five Every. EXTRACT "The be Gonoentrated its motiTes into at the time can STUDY the deeper of be withdrawn action. from On going to sleep tired one " the can the definite the mind otiier thoughts its attention ^ifone jnst is not nsnally best get too away details of life. The distracting resolutions with A first waking, or before " and they penetrate ready for nse compelled to give all to tillsmatter. can wUl it,to lie there moment mind shonld be set apart when and from in the de- the resolation npon it it will oconpy minntes FOR to read completelythe more lowing fol- example, the that deliberately so of nnmber certfun a shonld most be written down, importuit words Dglizac^y or WnX-POWER, phrases SELF-CONFIDENCE underlined and read aloud well as to words catch- should repeated from thought as as They mottoes. and serve* be memory, thus silently, over adding visual and. auditory images the mental them upon be be to meditating thoughts should one's allowed mast In concepts. wander not far, too constantlyreferred numbered to but nite, to the defi- resolutions. The of use symbols, of colors, etc., will readily to occur with matter who one any livelyinterest. with the resolutions possibleemphasis to carry them Bemember Always the greatest ringingin the peat re- enthusiasm,so and away that into this goes as the mind. astonishingresults of hypnotism and mental due simply the complete possession of the mind "The to by oftener the new the the resolution and mind healing are idea. is fixt upon its motives the 138 Dglizac^y more WORD-POWER deeply it. will engraved they become Sometimes determined one will carry in tration concen- dayj but if thia the qoick assault does not win the victory, do it. By a long-continuedsiege can continually at the hammering away same spot the requisiteimpression will finally be A made. momentary of the resolutions a hundred times be should can rallied instantaneous and the be time if of should if cution, exe- only by aa determination. not aged get discour- stop trying; for effort,even for foreseen, forces even flash all,one Above be made may day, in passing; and a immediately before if it hearsal re- every showing no newed re- reward failing produces its exact and uneffect. Keeping everlastingly at in success, it is as as in "The necessary for snccess in morals everything else. more vigorouslywe assert 184 Dglizac^y our WILL-POWER, to power keep our are to likelywe lack of SELF-CONFIDENCE in otherwise should that have realized confidence the in their of is not inspiringnew by preaching converts The necessarilyfaith supernatural help,but only in fact of the our own at it in the must not possess to we we it,assert resolutions are "One and it. must We in any the demonstrated must by But for grasp trolling con- morals right way. passively wait us; faith of possibility minds going bilities possi- religions necessity of faith. need we the need failures the The ns. shadow of which means realize in are that oarselves repeated by more lai^ely live in the We the enthusiasm we the It is so. past, whose the dim do confidence paralyzes ns. of resolutions we faith to it, cleave repeat our always with conviction that reallygoing excellent way to carry them out. to this prin- use 18S Dglizac^y WOED-POWEB ciple of assertion a leaf,' declaring the new and over of a fresh beginning, in snch thing the from success the when the of iteration he return ^ve the Discriminate your controL means used proper The is to look nothing helps out like even repulsed by take be this lest forgotten, unawares.*' us BBTWEEH IMPULSE WILL impulsiveneas between When are powers As the indicate led by are you not under the implies,it word acting suddenly, to jnst the needed. was not will-power. impulse past, and bayonet the principle mnst and sense beginning. But AND best may is DISTIHOUISH and the cases enemy charge with The -mth first tests; over, order old begun. new impetus that extra for the definite break a vital by 'taming is and is often quickness without forethought or judgment. Dglizac^y WORD-POWER cial Poise keeps yon nse. under Poise varied and liberate de- circumstances. increased gives you calm in your power public speaking and dailylife. Cultivate self-confidence through acquisition of right knowledge. the The tation remedy for timidity, fear, and self-limiis to power over know have they no except that which you to them. give that Truth you is the antidote to fear. mind Daily furnish your and and and will yon imbibe their spirit acquire their self-confidence. the " Uttle master your one however time" two and stylist, mental Try or of to do in ize Util- of the which to moments spare fragments seize npon a strong inspiringthoughts from great writ- ers, day with great ideas from to plant them in field. at least one thi^g each day, trifling, demanding confidence D.3l.za..y SELF-CONFIDENCE WILL-POWEK, on Keep and Make part. your written a record of frequentlyexamine with Mingle their Study vide to building of have degree learn and something from personal character. speak of sense that you in actuated the self-reliance in have subject in your will public,you developed character, thoroughly prepared in ners. man- meet. your you a progress. self-confidentpeople. to you open When your acts, Keep your mind to lielpful deavor suggestions. Enmake in the daily progress one every such thoughts, habits Try it. yourself do in your self your- band, and speaking by the are motives of unselfish service to others. Extracts for SUGGESTIONS Here extracts you Study, with FOR lesson YOUR will find several for analysis and Talk STUDY interesting practise. 189 Dglizac^y WORD-POWER They all from are speakers, and available clear a therefore modeU First read distinguishedpublic for your a stand up due regard and use. of its meaning. read to best to get silently, passage impression Then offer the aloud,with it expression. Speak slowly and distinctly. Always picturein just what others. When "earth," you speak of "hills," "rock," "tree," "morn," and" must yourselffirst your hearers see what passages for to Study these to of experience his mood their thought and speaker feels in each passage you want see. high level the set," sun- clearlyand vividly. You them yourselfin describing to are "clouds," Try tion imagina- own you "door," "mndoiv," see your what instance. and formly uniing. feeltha Fat place. Mak" reaL 140 Dglizac^y WILL-POWER, SELF-CONFIDENCE daily drill This with earnest "will develop and suggestions, abilities in your A manner. kind practiseof this speaking, coupled of these study sarprizing of its in rapid a month will convince 'g you utility. Practise casional daily regularity. Oc- with spurts will proficientspeaker. practiseof day which ten make not It is the fifteen or will produce a you systematic minutes and sure each ing last- results. EXTRACTS FOR OKATION CONCOED 1. By Geoboe WnjJAM No royal governor, for many own our CuBrra indeed, sits hostile statelycapitol,no in yon of STUDY a year has coasts, nor ever likelyto vexed is any tread the waters army our fleet but soil. Dglizac^y our Not WOKD-POWER sneh are enemies our proudly stepping to the not come, with But aim. spiritshall of freedom; shall ancient poison the Bridge. your your children hiUs, out of the and every mom rock window, chamber. you and up the enemy. earth, down in resistless clouds,pour from as love your call so, you Over from might. Dglizac^y the Fire and from his fiani through the door hearthstone upon till sunset, and have tree, from and from Hang and Mud, and would rise not blessed,spare And tional na- of Liberty, Lexington Green your country and shaU corruption Men " Concord cation; edu- on springs of very life, there, Minute are ance ignor- of caste equal rights; or at ties guaran- fatal hands the arrogance the party bigotry and or lay their or shall wherever the strmn do beat, drum- bayonets flashing in morning strike to-day. They a land WILL-POWER, blazing hordes SELF-CONFIDENCE mth indignation, hnrl the of ignoranceand oorraptionand injastice hack, ^ba*^ in " ntter defeat and min. THE SOUTH By APEICAN WAE Moble; John 2. The master-key of the prosperity strength of the reahn is. peace. and Peace low means advancement being and what it " If in the comfort the of people I do onr and of these well- ishmds, not, will not, disregard is the extension aim dominion, t^e of rent, the good will of the world. means our taxes, reduced ancient of our ritorial ter- transformation realm, which has aided civilization for generation after generation, into to be a boastfnl supported, and in,which a I militaryEmpire, Onstoms will lose us by suppose, onr Union scription con- thrown best markets US Dglizac^y WORD-POWER of the worst, for the sake financial I qnote which min I have what they and are, your a and be. ourselves?" debts, your ities responsibil- your people then, indeed, you at will have dilapidatedheritage a children to your on then, Why, your among littleEngland, to hand are paxt of the globe, starve social reforms home; ns. "Things coal, pileup multiplyand magnify in every awaits great divine a deceive to say, their consequences they will seek we Exhaust from used before: will be what shall undoubtedly sentence a then, I and your children's children. ON DEATH THE By 3. Here Sabqbnt we two to the same can S. Pkentiss not wonderful age LAFAYETTE OF and but pause template con- belonging men, to to the same Dglizac^y na- WORD-POWER Mecca of Freedom, toward pilgrims of Liberty from which their turn the eyes poleon quarter of the globe. Na- every the was red and fiery comet, shooting wildly through Qie reahns space and terror among scatteringpestilenceand the nations. the pure was whose and old warriors gratefulbeams Marengo chief. of a the the the mariner shepherd tenda and scattered Austerlitz and neath planet,be- died Napoleon " Lafayette brilliant directs his bark and his flocks. of " relics ihe mourning and always for will be feelingtoward a the tears deep is attest how his loss. the Such, difference benefactor of t^e hmnan of ^bewailed their Lafayette is dead, and civilized world few a and race. Dglizac^y a ia of queror con- WILL-POWER, SELF-CONFIDENCE KOBEET LOBD By Man, 4. virtn" were after alone. "Were not ripened by it so, "world this angels. Ko. of Like growth of the earth,he is the fruit of all seasons, eand the accident of a thon- accidents,a living mystery through he is the all the and in vapors, in autumn, well as in summer, the the or varieties and the is tured ma- of heat water, in snow of melancholy torpor of winter, rapture and the ing mov- unseen; dishonor; he cold; in mists and the to seen in sown under of BOSBBBBBT all,is paradise a the BUBNS balmy fragrance of afSuence spring, its breath, its sonshine; the of end one alone, he is as at reaped, the produce not climate, but of all,not of good but of and ripened, perhaps sorrow, perhaps lowed mel- stricken 147 Dglizac^y WORD-POWER and withered shall judge we rate, shall gifts and in comforted in was any in THE and strength for do we bring made weakuess? his weakness, and wherein he at giant, great a his Heaven thank not how, " great in in gift of Bums, can then great in temptations, great glory ns one judge we How sonr. any strength and Let we and he the not ourselves inestimable need to member rewe regret that to clay as same DEATH when imperfect, was of the be selves. our- QUEEN OF VICTOEIA By fi. Abthtje Perhaps of continuous as was Qneen J. Bauottb less known labor threw the interval which upon between was the life her position her. Short as the last trem- 148 Dglizac^y WILL-POWER, SELF-CONFIDEKCE bling signature afSst the and it bfunper the final and wheels I when of the saw documents the attention of the the at which for without break her there was difference within a few through hoars " share domestic mestic of toil. Do- sickness,made the our " of her Empire. labors; and from days in holiday, to her no in her on carry of this great became few moments her pause continued she a patience to intermission no which her was veled mar- of despondency, moments or government were Sovereign, I enabled sorrow, no awaited sixty-three years, had there which unostentatious weariness, in For administration; through suffering,in sorrow, the perfect rest, accumnlating mass of untouched of ment public docu- a yet long enough to clog and was and to they hour at Sovereign I had death. almost to said It is easy Dglizac^y WORD-POWER to chronicle the of coarse growth of empire^the of discovery, the progress trade, the events that make trimnphs existing. Bnt dare to weigh which over on snch of all the war, historyintereBtinsor who is there in the an that halance the will fect ef- example, continued sixty-threeyears, Hie higher life of her has produced peoplet Dglizac^y HOW TO THINK IN WORDS Dglizac^y Dglizac^y WORD-POWER better you control of your expression. This of powers style of speaking always carries great weight with an andience. CONVERTING INTO The WORDS daily exercise stand they of thoughts yonr that THOUGHTS YOUR out mentally into words, clearly ia mind, will be of especialvalue in extempore yon better a verting conso yonr to yon speaking. It will give of all your grasp thought forces. Choose subject in which yon are deeply interested,preferably one on which and so intend you as "say the a yon over to summon speak in thoughts your the words" mentally. Put form, thoughts into communicable that if it were necessary instantly speak such This practise of public, you thoughts verbal could aloud. thinking " ".Cooi^lc HOW having for TO THINK in yonr IN mind snocessive ideas,and It yon will buildingyonr tends to mind "say it with this exercise, entire will learn to you able at will to and be you in review. in your of mind to silentlyduring leisure Thus habit out map speech, wid subjectwith "your The pose pur- thinking. an over" moments. your clarifyyour acquirethe abilityto in your tal men- give definitenees and to proceed you portant im- an " to all your As equivalent words thonglits ^has influence in power. WORDS mind's eye," bring it before "saying things has the see further over" tage advan- systematizingyour knowledge. this way can classify your you of In ideas upon various they will be for use when more subjects,so that readily available occasion demands. Dglizac^y WORD-POWER YOUR SYSTZHATIZING Ton doabtless are ideas good many IDEAS of aware which Bcattered are and therefore disorganized, and mnch practical value remedy for this is "mental to The series of a assign pigeon-holes," and separate places the accomulated relatingto For of eeich * ' ideas particularsubject. Prohibition. to opinion, or aloud ' ' each thought, argument, both for at may but silently, thoroughly. or do it When yon have may first do in either and this case gathered together all the available material you patiently Then enumerate against it. You elect to on keep ject, this sub- one "mental section pigeon-holes" as a of depository for such material, your kind to portant example, ask yourselfwhat imideas yon have on the subject proceed of of not yoo. plan to having 166 Dglizac^y HOW TO to which you just you data as would which In the envelopes deposited In a will find it advantageous you keep for of of set a convenient the lai^e cation classifiother notes, clippings,and material upon have special a as written general plan of systematizing to serve need, desk. your knowledge, your of for turn had you pigeon-hole of at time tttm can WORDS IN THINK subjects in which useful a you This interest. will the auxiliaryto tal men- plan previously suggested. in Bear of mind your it veritable. knowledge You store of ideas and away in the vagueness It is or as may of to you ability avail- which have makes your great a information recesses of little value it is the that hidden mind, because but of its iMaccessibility. important have to knowledge systematized as it your is 167 Dglizac^y to WORD-POWER possess the defined method in facts and of A knowledge itself. inestimable well- acquiring and information value to cording re- will be in you your every-day activities. Observe public speaker of the highly distinguished any and of discussion public question,such door a and takes from out OUTLIHIHG will find it you on give a the subject than paper, increased It demands great a speaker simply a it what mentally outline of In of facts he wants A SPEECH for purpose. MENTALLY to of to his storehouse his immediate Altho dence evi- see systematized knowledge. midEft opens will you plan and to write this very value difficult more to them will difficulty the exercise. greater concentration thoroughness, and tails de- therefore and gives you Dglizac^y HOW TO better a when THINK oommand of snbjeot your anbseqaently" yon WORDS IN think your on feet" Tou loith can, tise,so little a mentally "saying over" it deliver be for easy as from you printed a that yon have yon will be it aloud the degree practised this exercise, able to images aid mental In page. it ivill read to as to comes audience an of proposed a time the before habit the highly develop speech, that when daily prac to summon yonr of the material yon want. This you does will be phraseology outlined. As not however, mean, limited to the words which a you matter have of definiteness powers will also dom expression. of to your and mentally fact, this exercise,while giving increased and that ness clear- thinking give you greater fr^-; Dglizac^y WORI"-POWER THE As POWER OF thonght ia the speaking, to realize yon basis it will fully what it is in the world that you under power THOUGHT as of all effective of be for well vital force a portant It is im- men. this bring complete great control as possible. Thought is the primary It great achievements. all the the of all cause has painted all great pictures,conceived great books, produced aU the great business inventions,discoveries,and enterprises. is Thought factor between the great determining classes of men. It is principallythought which causes to be highly successful and man to be a dismal principallythought laiin Hve to be aU his prosperous failure. which and one other an- It causes another is one to days in abject poverty. It Dglizac^y WORD-POWER The highly Baoeessful distdngaiBhed.He silent but a carries with Mm tion convincing recommenda- of his innate worth. His outward speaks eloquently of him. appearance He is readily man is erect, dignified,dear-cut. voice conveys others impression of self- an He reliance. inspires hecause His he developed has in confidence fidence con- in himself. This type of has man given thonglit to snch matters attire,Qie use right choice of of as and the of friends and associates. observe faults in himself. He criminating dis- words, courtesy manner, quick to personal voice, a of been careful selection proper and He correct has has any gladly ceived re- ble applied sensiintelligently suggestions for his improvement. and His a man life is of progressive because progressiveideas. Dglizac^y he is HOW TO Analyze and THINK iiie mind mil you IN of find that thinker. chooses Wfints the Mnd to rule WORDS sncli he He of is man, criminating dis- a deliberately thoughts his life. a which His he llioughts and affirmative, mainly optimistic, are oonstructive. As for you thinker a and weaker yourself to whidi will belong, ^the class and type " of CONSTRUCTIVE governed be or choice your subjects for thought, study, and delivery will men destructive " constructive elect you of lic pub- ingly. accord- DKSTRUCTIVB AND THINKING Let me describe the thinking in tiieir extreme Destructive tears very thought, and down subtle in its eventually enslave as kinds two forms: the plies, im- name destroys. workings, and a of man, as It is may in the 168 Dglizac^y WORD-POWEB of the criminal case Destractive all the and Bodal erate. degen- thought produces suspicion,dishonesty, hatred, falsehood chief and of cause sin, discord, failure,social nnrest, Constmctive with the as and up worry, warfare. and thought, implies, bnilds carries It is the in the world. name achieves. it the power It to encourage, elevate,and inspire.It builds churches and cathedrals. It promotes truth, integrity.It produces great speakers, statesmen, preachers, confidence,and and prophets. It gives ers. great lead- us in the greatest power stamped with immortality. It is the and worldf THB In MATERIALS order for must guard valuable to OF choose constructive your mind THOUGHT the terial ma- proper thinking as your possession. Many you most influences 164 Dglizac^y HOW work TO THINK IN WORDS constantly to divert from tlie best thought intend you fore There- channels. Hnd the definitely determine let rule to Tou mind choosing the not food you undesirable. or you must you if you knew a him lacking in good not into so food say, careful their can be is thrown a Hence, deliberately would think sense. however, If undesit^ble there you about minds. wholesome a who man poisonous to mouth your food. pure ate Strange would teUs intelligence to have eat of Tou inferior,unclean, Tour that in order body into or what they men are they put eat thing some- poisonous, happily provision whereby ofE in judgment eat. you anything knew was put which and care your else. against aught exercise of the door daily life,and resolutelyshut of your tion atten- your through the it ies count- Dglizac^y WORD-POWER lesB pores Bnt ways. a body, and not with so and it may he a in other the mind. liioiigMdown WTOi^ mind of the deeply Put into the tremendona task to eradicate it. THB SOURCES The OF of sources KNOWLEDGE thought yonr principallythrough observation, it a rule only at those you wholesome will that develop material lives are meditate you know helpful thoughts. within In upon those elevate your the you which made. will conversation your of out tunes tal men- successful of solitude, subjects whicdi brighten,strengthen,and life. greatest influence in shaping thought is that of reading. This IThe your look produce in things which subjects for Choose life to of your and versation, con- meditation. reading, and Make are 166 Dglizac^y HOW ia due TO to the the at sunriae time, and to to filch your The energy. chosen thought, inatant yon hands strictlyto from you plans. strong-willedto definite a riae extended are books, atudiee,and must, indeed, be adhere and Every constantlyto tempt you You tooka great conepiracy a bed, a hundred your WORDS newspaper. being hatched from IN of multiplicity ubiquitoua morning ia THINK of course conduct. The to do ard important thing,then, for is firat to have of will conduct a Say to my plane, I yours." This with not mean that will you to all men, that daily thought your high plane, and cumstancea definite atand- a Determine thought. "If under deacend you not can can upon no not car- it. aacend down come an to compatible in- not simplicity. It nor you from suggestion is arrogance you does air 167 Dglizac^y of WORD-POWER Bnperiority.It having means ard stand- a personal dignity,by whidi of you everything that solicits measure your attention. Your mind which is not deposit you of facta where you wanted. mind you Your seeds,so that to another a when find them can is number certain a in which field, constantly sowing thought- are seems storehouse,in a in many disappear but form The quality of the cases springB twofold or seed up in fold. hundred- a importance of the kind and seed take root in your which yon mental field can permit to not be overestimated. TO HOW CULTIVATE It is advisable which iug read your mind. only MIND to write out the plan to follow in cultivat- intend you YOUR Yon books may of say, the "I shall recognized Dglizac^y WORD-POWER to the imagination,that of none whom had at Mb a glory Sden of trees of to visit visited the home, pictured the very two students, the the flowers. One stndents the den gar- spacions, and " and fessor pro- made professor glimpse, if possible, of a day pretext a and get the a garden. received and taken into the They were garden, which, to their snrprize,they fonnd in the was bri(i by high they said illnsion, "surely you are such "Oh, strip shut narrowest walls. "But, in their pained dis- this is not the fessor," pro- garden always talkingabout, in which fine thonghts yes, it to come is," he said with yont" a smile. imagined plied "But," requite a lai^e garden!" the professor,pointing to the "Bat clear how it is BO smallt We with sky studded had stars, "see high it is I" 170 U3l.:a..y TO HOW Extract for A The from THINK IN Study, with Lesson STUDY IN following "The extract Constitution,"by speech will demands impair thought is always a You slow of utterance, Profound ately, deliber- naturallyrequires style of delivery. profitablystudy this caa for thought conceived therefore deliberate 10, 1788. meaning. its in tJie style of deliYery other any and that observe this character wonld itself admirably delivered was Virginia Convention, June that atudy, practise in deliberate speaking. The and for Hamilton, lends to Ton Talk REASONING Federal Alexander WORDS its close age pass- The reasoning. speaker's unquestioned siacerity and serionsness thought and Carefully are manifested in both expression. note the clear and com- Dglizac^y WORD-POWER of English. pact use each phrase and well-cnt block. Observe fits like sentence The how right word a cranes readily at the speaker's command. "While speaking drills in for through powers expression,yon valuable upon cultivating your are yon and useful All mind. your practise have been these also having are ideas imprest the speeches lected carefully se- for their intrinsic worth for their vocal as Do to the these from I you other books many your tise prac- too to that the way will ent conveni- selections. to make not learn whenever There of miscellaneous which can well speedies assigned here, but supplement with as use. necessarilylimit not daily often a are speeches suitable choice. remind you that speak by speaking, and talk in daily conversation you largely determine the 172 U3l.:a..y way TO HOW will you THINK pnblio. It is in speak WORDS IN a den gol- mie, therefore,to try always speak at your best FOR EXTRACT FEDERAL THE In the natural should CONSTITUTION received usurpations of more STUDY of conunencement which be than by To to nourish and private institutions. great object of all liberty became us, and other from we view this our The predominant forming our seemed appear to to despotism. The croachments en- spirit public zeal for and cessive. ex- Confederation alone than was extreme an resist Ubese the the publicmind that the was passion tion revolu- its birth from influenced and this a tyranny, nothing spiritof jealousy. In to to have secure actuate had no ourselves object certainly Dglizac^y WORD-POWER was valuable a utmost and oue, attention. another deserved But, sir, there enthusiasm our little capable of rendered regarding; I principleof strength and and vigor in its operations. This demonstrable be in of few are there republic some every this positions that than but select some peculiarlyupon There pose pur- accomplished establishment body formed government, our be never a stabUilyin organization of can us mean the the is object equally important and which by our ciple. prinmore should permanent body to correct the prejudices, check the intemperate passions,and regulate the fluctuations of a popular assembly. It is evident that these purposes to exclude its own that as a body institnted must much character formed be so as possible from those mutabilitywhich for infirmities it is as and designed J7* Dglizac^y to HOW TO THINK It remedy. its he of its powers should be of so local formed exercise much as prejudices. It as to be the to ter cen- pursue irregularpropensity to every system. Without make may this establishment experiments shall end, but have steady line of conduct, and a to reduce we the politicalknowledge, always able consider- a will divest it as possible of as it should it should that independence in an necessary small,that antborityduring period, and such WORDS is, therefore, that it ehoold hold IN never have without efficient an government. It the is unquestionable truth an body of the desire but it is they do and people in every that try coun- sincerely its prosperity; equally unquestionable 'tiiat not possess stability necessary government, To deny the discernment for that systematio they 375 Dglizac^y are WORD-POWER freqnentlyled into tiie grossest by nuBlnformatiou be a and flatterywhidi administration their are but they hear who any to will in np be not can From me. which one, shall be and by the in distinct bodies people and explained. these formed your a our to ples princi- ought to be government; stituted con- peculiarly represent for the Such all the popular tbe upon purposes before considerations tbe as who Convention Constitution State Senate truths immediately possess induced be ever unknown these features; another, formed principleand eign for- blies, poblic assem- it f ollovra. tbat there two volves in- with These grasp. often held not of branch especially which States,a community incompetent good own politicalrelations our would passion despise. That mnat Bense errors upon the ancient 176 Dglizac^y to stitute in- plan. WORD-POWEK prevailing passion some the form of gennine interest. a influence of the permanent most assnme maj these is The powerful as conviction as of the againstthis influence ests we ought to provide. The local interof a State onght in every case to the interests of the to give way Union; for when a sacrifice of one or pnblio good, the other is neoessary, only comes "uple that oppose from assemble in the the interests great your When one. his the yon county, government impracticable. There be perpetual accommodation local never apparent be sacrifice of prin- ber mem- every would a he- counties several guided only by of the good ought Legislature,were to he former yield on small the the terest, apparent, partialin- an should and to and advantages Sral expediency; but the must and to gen- spirit of 178 Dglizac^y a HOW mere be TO THINK IN WORDS popular aasembly -would rarely actuated ciple. by this importfint prinIt ia,therefore,absolatelyneeesthat sary formed the Senate unbiased to be aa should be by false ceptions of the real interests attachment their several indulge too many apprehensions of State into governments; that the moment suppose national a corrupt and their will Senators their The necessary the for seem you put their be ever of the their all fellow-oiti,that i^ constituents of imd As f essentially are form general system. become to sacrifice the governments to men insensible so as -to to lose imagine we Interest State they council, they advantage own genuine can sonable unrea- danger tyrannical and affection But zens. undue States. Gentlemen the or con* apparent good of the to io- so spirit of long, there- 179 U3l.:...y WORD-POWER fore,as Congress has a fnll convictioii of this necessity,they mnst even upon as principles purely national, have firm the attachment an other. leave States the conviction them, nnless they While to be This to read must considered and by as its as can never men. mad- become the Constitution continues principleknown every to one rational man the be essential, component parts of the Union; and, therefore,the idea of latter is sacrifidng the former wholly inadmissible. Dgliza..!. to the How Develop to SELF-CONFIDENCE Xbauaadi atrial"" ihcTlire i ledhed beUered with thin mijr dence." " effbn,and put wll *t lut p*n on without MN who fed wlthiA to thote who them It it comiuended prttciibed plan,Mr. forth a teiietof tome- to ererr Kleiter belieret ttudenti tclf-confi- for tlurtf-ooe iuggettisiit di]i that quilltic* of tobefoUowedintheculdntion bivini It it develop a lugh tjrpe of nuolr iTiIemiidcalljr He boiid- DiUiuKiiig[hemaelTci, be of nitetanCiil lerrice and mediocrity^ " "^*""*^ phjmcaLmnd of their rich pooewona. diTiot bkhericince. of meini in held uv "null that chit book of that ij KLEISER Ix'' of "elf-cBDfideDcc. to rite ibore thiol " of pavuB lileof limilcd more Manner GRENVILLE By t|", and Speech in malce for power. CXJNTENTS PnUmlBirr Sttp"-BiiUdlng the WlU-Tha Can of Sair-CaaKloai. Nctltt'* Ttiiiu[bl CoDfidHK FUNK " COMPANY, WAGNALlS N"W YORK Md in So- Publishers LONDON Dglizac^y TO HOW IN SPEAK J/oji A PUBLIC By Grenville Amthor Thii Stlf-Imtnuitr "md PnctUal Siit"**tiBt af new " Pawar nd book i* Kleiser ia SDHUBi,** PvmobIUt Mc complete elocutionur " nun- for derelopinf eiercisei comprising uumeroui the "pcckisj voice, deep breathing,pronunctUion, nel debating tocietiei,"nd, id fact,every in the ott of public speaking. OUTUNE OF one intereated CONTENTS I Previoui Prepaislioo PhyticalPreparation Mental PrepatatiMi Public Speakintf I Moral Pteparation Selection* for Irectiie Preparationof Speech of ElocntioD Mechanic* Mental A"pMtt la !(."-"*". DH"l"UeUIaiu "Mur Juol H.CktaU. NavYork. " Id Ii idmlnbla and BiiTAhirl J. New : VMrity, loitmrtioB uncdcil toaakini, und 1 coaintulala ran vpoa " la IfaeIsdaie at thoroitth woifc*" " BntrUt: }2mt".Cloth, 543 pages. PUNK foqi COMPANY, WAGNALLS NEW Write YORK and for pricei. Pnblbhen LONDON ..y
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