Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion How to get an edge with margins and marginsplot Bill Rising StataCorp LP 2012 UK Stata Users Group Meeting London 13 September 2012 Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Goals Getting Started This will be an interactive demonstration We want to explore the margins command On the way we will learn about making nice graphs to help with explanations Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Goals Getting Ready We’ll be doing a lot of work with categorical variables By default, Stata does not show the base reference class when using factor variables Let’s fix this . set showbaselevels on, permanently Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Starting Simple We will start with the low birthweight dataset from Hosmer and Lemeshow’s book on logistic regression . webuse lbw We can take a peek at the dataset . codebook, compact Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Linear Regression Coefficients Let’s start simple with an easy linear regression for birthweights . regress bwt c.age##c.age lwt i.smoke i.race We know what the coefficients mean The coefficient for 1.smoke says: all other things being equal (i.e. weight and race), we think smokers’ babies are about 400 lighter than non-smokers’ babies We can see that age looks to have a quadratic effect It would be nice to see this more clearly Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Asking a Different Question Now suppose instead of being asked about the effect of age, we are asked “What would the model take for the average weight of a baby for a mother aged 30?” There are two paths we can take here: We could plug in 30 for the age for all the women in our sample, leave all other covariates the same, predict the birthweights, and average the results Order: predict with partial info, then average We could average all the other covariates, set age to 30, and predict Order: average, then predict with partial info The first path is called ‘predictive margins’ or ‘average predictive margins’—it is the one we will take Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models A Predictive Margin Stata implements predictive margins using the margins command Here is what we could use as our best guess of the mean weight of babies of women aged 30: . margins, at(age==30) Computationally, the point estimate could be computed by Changing age to 30 everywhere Using predict to get predicted values Finding the mean of those values margins does more—it computes standard errors Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Margins Across Multiple Values One of the nice things about margins is that it can be used get average predicted values over a range This, in some way, is a way to see a variable’s effect over a range of values So, for example, if we wanted to show someone how birthweights change by mother’s age, we could make the following table . margins, at(age==(15(5)45)) This lets us see the weights drop and then rise But it forces us to use factor variable-like notation for the ages Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Picturing Predictive Margins Stata has a command which can draw graphs arising from the margins command: marginsplot Here is a very simple example . marginsplot This gives a good view of the parabolic shape We will now investigate margins Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models What About Comparing Groups? Suppose we would like to compare weights across the three race categories This is done by including race in the varlist for the margins command: . margins race We can do this because we specified i.race in the model Aside: this is equivalent to the following . margins, at(race==1) at(race==2) at(race==3) These values can be interpreted as best-guesses for partial information for your sample Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Graphing the Group Means We can graph these using marginsplot . marginsplot 2400 2600 Linear Prediction 2800 3000 3200 3400 Predictive Margins of race with 95% CIs white black race other The graph is a little odd to see Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Making a Nicer Graph We can get this graph to look nicer by Squelching the connecting lines with recast(scatter) Expanding the horizontal axis with the xscale option Here is a prettier graph Predictive Margins of race with 95% CIs 2400 2600 Linear Prediction 2800 3000 3200 3400 . marginsplot, recast(scatter) xscale(range(0.5 3.5)) white Bill Rising black race other Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models More Complex Margins There is no reason for us to limit our predictive margins to be computed over just one variable We could just as well look to see how age and smoking status work together Here is the the margins command . margins smoke, at(age==(15(5)45)) Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Still a Simple Graph The marginsplot still makes a simple graph . marginsplot 2500 3000 Linear Prediction 3500 4000 4500 5000 Predictive Margins of smoke with 95% CIs 15 20 25 30 age of mother smoke=0 35 40 45 smoke=1 The confidence intervals overlap a bit Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Driving the Point Home If we wanted to specify smoking and age, we could use the interaction notation in the margins command This is true even though there were no interactions—all that is done is that all possible combinations of smoking status and race are included The command is not bad. . . . margins race#smoke, at(age==(15(5)45)) . . . but the output is Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models We Can Still Visualize This We can still make a picture . marginsplot, noci 2500 Linear Prediction 3000 3500 4000 4500 Predictive Margins of race#smoke 15 20 25 30 age of mother white, smoke=0 black, smoke=0 other, smoke=0 35 40 45 white, smoke=1 black, smoke=1 other, smoke=1 The noci option squelches the confidence intervals to make a better graph Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models A Fancy Overlay In this particular dataset, there is an outlier: a combination of a woman who is much older with a baby whichi is much heavier We can make a graph which shows the effect of age together with a scatterplot . quietly margins, at(age==(15(1)45)) . marginsplot, legend(off) /// addplot(scatter bwt age, mcolor(gs12) below) 1000 Linear Prediction 2000 3000 4000 5000 Predictive Margins with 95% CIs 10 20 Bill Rising 30 age of mother 40 50 Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models A Richer Dataset Now will switch over to the nhanes2 dataset . webuse nhanes2 This is a nice dataset, because it has good things for both linear and logistic regression These are survey data . svyset We will need to use the svy: prefix for estimation Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Looking at Diabetes Now we would like to look at the chances of having diabetes Here is a simple model . svy: logistic diabetes age i.race bmi We can see that age and bmi both increase the odds of diabetes by about 6% for each unit increase How does this play out for race and age? . margins race, at(age==(20(5)75)) vce(uncond) Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Here Is the Picture We can get a nice picture . marginsplot, legend(rows(1)) 0 .05 Pr(Diabetes) .1 .15 .2 .25 Predictive Margins of race with 95% CIs 20 25 30 35 40 White Bill Rising 45 50 age in years Black 55 60 65 Other Margins and marginsplot 70 75 Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models This is Better than Odds Ratios This type of graph is something that makes explaining a logistic model much easier than via odds ratios It is as applicable to the general population as much as your belief that your sample is representative of the general population Which is important for the odds ratios also Here, a picture is worth a thousand hard words Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models For Probit Fans If you prefer probit models, we can use the same type of logic . svy: probit diabetes age i.race bmi Now the coefficients are not very interpretable We can still get margins . margins race, at(age==(20(5)75)) vce(uncond) Creating the predictive margins still works the same Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Picturing a Probit We can still get a very similar nice picture . marginsplot, legend(rows(1)) 0 .05 Pr(Diabetes) .1 .15 .2 .25 Predictive Margins of race with 95% CIs 20 25 30 35 40 White Bill Rising 45 50 age in years Black 55 60 65 Other Margins and marginsplot 70 75 Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Interactions Here is a model with interactions . svy: logit diabetes c.age##c.age##race bmi If we look at the output, the higher-level interactions are needed in the model They are nearly impossible to picture or to talk about, however Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Visualizing Interactions with marginsplot Here are the margins for this complex model . margins race, at(age==(20(5)75)) vce(uncond) And a nice, informative picture . marginsplot, legend(rows(1)) 0 Pr(Diabetes) .1 .2 .3 Predictive Margins of race with 95% CIs 20 25 30 35 40 White Bill Rising 45 50 age in years Black 55 60 65 Other Margins and marginsplot 70 75 Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Introducing Predictive Margins Non-Linear Models Bothered by Counterfactuals You might have been bothered by the idea in the preceding examples that we used . margins race, ... This sets every observtion to each race category while computing the predictive margins If you would rather compute the predictive margins within each race, use the over option . margins, at(age==(20(5)75)) vce(uncond) over(race) The differences from before are small, and the picture is similar (not shown in handouts) . marginsplot, legend(rows(1)) Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion marginsplot is very good for showing how models work This can be used to good effect when explaining even simple non-linear models This can be used to good effect when explaining any type of interactions Bill Rising Margins and marginsplot Introduction Predictive Margins and Their Pictures Conclusion Conclusion A Fun Plot Just For Fun Believe it or not, it is possible to make a contour plot of predictive margins . do margcon 80 Here is the picture .5 60 .4 age in years 40 .35 .3 .25 .2 .15 .1 20 .05 0 10 20 30 40 Body Mass Index (BMI) Bill Rising 50 60 Margins and marginsplot Pr(diabetes), predict() .45
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