PRACTICAL CAPONIZING AND How TO Make WM. Poultry Pay, H. WIGMORE. PHILADELPHIA, 1886. PA. Practical Caponizing How Make TO GUIDE A CONTAINING BEST DETAILS OF TO OP BREEDS AND CHICKS, Poultry MAXAGEMSNT, THE BUSINESS, DISEASES, CROSSES, KEEPING LARGE Pay. POULTRY AND FLOCKS, IN OTHER CAPITAL REQUIRED, MANAGEMENT SMALL OR UABLE VAL- INFORMATION. i^ WM. H. WIGMORE. Copyrighted 1SS6. All rights ^jt"^ ''''^"^erve^/^^^^^ AUG 21 PHILADELPHIA, FRANKLIN NE\VS Sole No. PA : "*- ^ COMPANY, Ac/entsfor the Trade. 725 Filbert 1886. Street. (^ "V-- 1886 In from I of The is book that discard tation reader valuable of the a and theory, the much of a will agree with favorable a of me and found at appreciation, United such low I volume trust success have is also a endeavored of And number., a I only. experience cost. Hence, but I other no of compilation, from in States. but information. the upon contributions individual, single derived that embraces the in useful largely drawn which reference /aei" be information readers' by amount present have poultrymen convenient vast I Garden, and derived only not form Farm results reader the practical most the give not condensed to the to The of Deparment some do boolv this presenting Poultry I?.EJ^IDEI?^. THE TO its with will i 1 believe size this attend .fforteofall. ^^,_^^^^^ can j soi expec-j the^^ PRACTICAL CAPONIZING, VrU. The art of caponizing therefore country. I and experienced most such information and as farmers would do Kl. to seems to mean 'WIG^EORE. be English, French, I have been wishing to little known very condense' enabled become the and to form as Chinese understood practiced by in this the best experts, together with gather from in the experts or other terers Poul- sources. operation of making well who to imiate dead always try their hand on surgeons performing on the living. The operation is quite simple, and in France and children. Italy is frequently allotted to mere The is a much fowl. advantage of capons to the size of larger They grow in size as a steer a does turkey, or in other to words, they increase an ox. Their is sweeter meat and of a finer flavor,therefore it sells at a much higher in raising or mothering useful price. They can be made more many young chicks from incubator than the hen will on a hen of their large or an account size. neither hens cocks They like the chicks' company, nor having any use for them. Should they object to the young chicks, coop them uj^ in a dark under their wing. place for a few days, then they will gladly take the chicks It is a common bell on his neck to put a" small thing in France to keep the ohick with him, it takes the place of the hens clucking. capons subjects before On The Cruelty of Caponizino. operation can be performed in less than two minutes, therefore ou the It is no cruel than cruelty there can be very little said. more trating caslambs and Not could calves,colts, pigs. only so, but male birds which not be kept together without conflicts,will live in great danger of constant and besides be housed more amity, can together. The former son reapeace many of itself be sufficient to warrant would the adoption of caponizing, for the as pain sufl^ered by the bird is infinitisimal compared with a single fight. The of cruelty. benefit,therefore, altogether outweighs any objection on the score But where there is the additional of obtaining very much inducement greater size in the fowls, with little outlay, it is surprising that the plan has not very been In France and largely adopted. poulardes are very numerous very capons in the ordinary markets, and it is found that birds so treated indeed, even thrive much better, fatten to a"greater extent, and as they are not so restless in temperament, lay on a finer quality of flesh. score of PRACTICAL CAPON rZING which in all c;)mm3rcial matters must First,then,the questionof profit, for the table this pre-eminent weight Upon score, fowls intended be caponized,because the the chickens treated can thus be made so Avill realize for the breeder more would. most of,and than thev otherwise Many persons objectto the giving of unnecessary pain,but there are certain thingsthat may be done in which the pain is small compared with the benefit and Avantonness or caponizing we regard as one. Causing pain for mere pleasureis at all times to be stronglycondemned, but as in this case, where the infliction of a very slightpain saves and is attended by greater suffering, there can be no legimate objection portant so to it. But it is most imbenefits, many that any one who undertakes the work should be able to perform it without bungling,or very much pain will be caused. unnecessary It is very essential that j^roper instruments should be used,and I claim that mine have no equal in the market. I have manufactured and operatedwith all kinds of caponizinginstruments for the past twenty -five years, I therefore have should claim to know what are proper instruments. Chinese The Hook Instruments. bone The whalebevelled knife a on the forcepsis for making the incision. the wound each the for hook is at with a holding end, spreader B, open. Tube F, with horse hair at the end D is for tearingthe thin skin open. i PRACTICAL CAPONIZING. sawing off the testicle. Spoon e also for spooning out they are cut loose, is for is for scoopingout the testicles after the blood. This set,I consider, takes I believe very few persons have patienceenough great skill to operate with. There are numeroiis to learn with this set. other sets on the market, some of which trifle are a improvement over the Chinese. Experts. There are several exjierts in my vicinity, who state that itis a common rence occurfor them to make ten dollars a day caponizingcockerels for poulterers and farmers in their neighborhood. Therefore,those having a taste for this line of business could turn quitea number of dollars into their pocketsby becoming and do the for farmers within radius five of a caponizing or experts, ten miles Capon Advance. in a few years farmers to their great surprise, will wonder why not could the there is in caponized fowls; besides there see profit they will be capons on the bill of fare,difi^^rent tlavovs,celery, parsley,mint, etc., duck gets its fine flavor fro)n tlie wild celerythey feed upon. the canvasback as I will endeavor to enlighten my patrons from by the enlargement year to year' and improvement in my book with facts on and poultry caponizing,as I have quitea stock of capons hand of my own on making, and I am giving them on and in my a thoroughly business princi])al, very close attention next of new year's edition, I will be able to give my readers a number pointsin regard to them. I believe " Best Breeds. Cochins, Plymouth Ilocks, Wyandottes, Pominiques and make fine capons. The witli almost every advantage is the same the common breed, even dung hill. Always select the largest breed you have. At present if you to call for capon hotel or cafe you at were your fine or common would not know whether it was a breed, unless you had Most anyone made tell them who has eaten capon a study of their taste. can the of tender and taste fine in fiict as are by flavor; they very very few hotel know themselves of what breed caterers or are serving to they managers their customers. Benefit Farmer. the to Brahma, Dorkins for asked me would it pay a farmer to raise capons will. is If 100 Tlie that it cent, use. following proof they put per into the poulterer's more pocket, by the increase in price,and from money 30 to 50 per cent, more weight,tiie farmers table will gain the extra weight without any extra cost. The his own question is often Profit Every farm in poultryjournal and and Capons. ))oultrymanwill acknowledge that why they do not raise them. enough to coponize. They raise. You ask the farmer capons pay They generallysay I cannot or have not nerve slioiildfollow the exani))le of a lady who wrote follows: which was as well to for my patent set and structio in- PEACTICAL CAPONIZING. After receivingyour patent set, I read the instructions over Sir: "Dear times carefully, I operatedon four dead cockerels. I then tried to several but could not, I took up the knife and laid it down several cut a live one last I nerved after firstincision the task and the at to to my times, myself up all left me, the following two days I caponize'd own surprisemy nervousness and work." 120 cockerels, only lost three,besides I attended to my regular houseshe gets over the cockerels. I will here give you an idea of the extra profit have tlie 120 cockerels at 8 months would old weighing 4 pounds each or for 13 cents per pound, which would net 480 pounds, and sell them $62.40, old they will weigh 6 pounds each but as tlieyare caponized,at 8 months You 720 pounds, and sell for 18 cents per pound, and will net her 129.60. or She than 100 per cent, profit this is more the cockerels. over fact I will refer you to in t!ie Poultry Magnet on page 85, June Another of 1886 signed Blake, Cardington, O., who number caponized 22 birds without losingone. They did well and averaged lOi pounds dressed. He York to the New sent them market, and they sold for 21 cents per pound or after the charges,commission, etc. The lot netted deducting $48.50, express These have weighed but 7 him 43.75. same birds,if not caponized,would market for 15 cents ])er pound, and brought pounds each and sold at the same but $23.10,without deducting the express charges,commission, etc. The time is not far distant when the incubator will enable us to capon all the year round. see Slips. Slipsare partlycaponized fowls, and they are not very easilytold from their side. on cockerels,only by their largesize and the wound They The cause of their being slips often as largeas the full capon. from are comes of the testicle within. This will leaving some piece grow quitelarge, and in some cases largerthan ordinary,and it is filled with a watery substance. They are quitea nuisance to the hens, as they are constantlychasing them. at present to be more There seems slipson the market than full capons and confident the opeprice. lam they bring within 2 or 3 cents of the capon rator have a slip after operating upon will not birds with my set. a dozen Should you leave a small particle within,it is extremely easy to spoon itout the with aid of the slot in my scoop twister. Feed. diff'erence in their food from other fowls after the first few days. They, of course, are without food from 24 to 36 hours before being operated hungry. Tiieyshould be fed very sparinglyfor the upon, therefore are very scalded corn meal with a little salt, first day or then you can two on give After a week them more. give them plenty of food ; you will find them for a month and or eat two, then they gradually ease very ravenous up If confined less. bone are give them some they meal, broken considerably clam and oyster shell. They should have plenty of the best water you have. from dirtylittle ))uddles to drink Do not allow them or stagnant ponds, which give them a bad flavor,beside causing them to die. They should be ke])t There is no PRACTICAL separate for the first month or CAPONIZING. two, as you do not want your otlier fowls the capons' appeto satisfy over-fed,Avhich would be the case if you were tites. be housed together, of their quietnature, account on an Any number keep their quartersclean and healthy. so long as you ( For Market. feathers on their dress them as you would a turkey, with make them tail. The retailer can showy by putting very and their necks ribbon around wings, as a butcher does his prize a narrow beef,veal and lamb. For market necks, wings and Ducks. It is more difficult to than any other fowl as they are very completely.At three months old their longer and narrower, and They are much for their bowels in cockerels, it is common wliile endeavoring to catch the testicles in happens with any other fowl. caponize ducks them ; their entrails filling testicles are harder to get hold of. compact bone than the incision to protrudethrough that the scoop; never something lay closer to the back up Turkeys. gobblersis their tender nature. I attention considerable at present,and therefore hope in the giving future to give the publicsome interesting pointson them. The am near only thing againstcaponizingyoung them Pullets. be made Pullets that do not lay in due time may poulardes. Opt their but a cockerel, the first and second rib,same as between you would in the but look the thin skin same the do not tear open bowels, covering positionthiit you find the testicles in a cockerel,allowing the sun to shine in at the same time,you will see the egg cluster quite plain. If they are fine like small fish roe tlieywill not lay for some time,in which case I would leftside Becommend alteringthem. Operation. ing Tear open the thin skin you will see two milky white cords or tubes leadis about the which The upper or down from the egg, cluster. larger one take hold of it with a pair size of thin wrapping" stringis the egg passage, about an inch, and hook cut out of tweezers or a bent pieceof wire for a and her make and improve: which will stop her producing "ggs, grow larger the size of a pea or of the eggs are But if some in flavor same as a capon. her. The would and I save will know she soon begin laying larger, you may PRACTICAL CAPONIZING. interfere with her a particle.The egg cut in her side will heal up and not in a pullet about to lay is considerably enlarged,and after she has passage I would laid for awhile it becomes advise those the heaviest entrail she has. make poulardesto kill a four months old pulletand an old laying hen and cut tlieirlett leg off at the hip joint,then the platefrom the second will expose Ease them rib down, which the bowels. out toward the front then you will easilysee the bowels and egg passages in both. The bowel the and tlie the left side. Now on on being right egg you wish to passage make of the egg passage in tlie pullet, introduce the probe just below sure the egg cluster, pushing it gently down the passage, and it will make its exit at the proper place. By doing tiiisyou know preciselywhat you have to do I consider it impossibleto know this dissecting to make poulardes. Without what to cut, unless you have been shown Some by an experienced person. advise cutting below the flank. I consider the above best because can you the condition of their eggs, besides it is a safer ])lace to cut. see wishing to COPYRIGHTED I3S5 Figure 1. One cord around This cut shows plainlymy metliod of holding the fowl. the legs above the knee joints. both wings, the other around and ennot drawn I would graved, here state that tlie following illustrations were and the hands shown from live but they were a cockerel, photographed tliis bird's side. not a feather plucked from besides there was are my own, bare enough of tlieflesh by wetting the feathers and turning tiiem I g-enerally would in twisting his moustache. Fitjs.6 and 7 are photounder as a man graphs I'-ach and every jneoe of niy set is entirelynew cockerel. ot a dead and originalwith myself patented June 22, Any scoop twister without 1886, stamned on it is an infringement. PEACTICAL Fig, 2. Fig. 2 shows the fowl in CAPONIZING. {Cnpi/rif/htcd1886.) positionand the operator in the act of making the first incision. Operation. it around and get First liave a narrow tahle,box or l"arrfl so you can move is a great help to a the fowl in any positionyou wish, as the sun the sun on its left side. lea''ner. Lay the fowl upon Wrap the cord twice around the selves Witli one bird's legsabove the knees. they are liable to kick themwrap out of the loop. This style hooks enables you to make a slip-loop his wings. The op])osite ends of around quickly. The other cord put once of then let them half brick the cords attach to a some a weight or Icind, hang in Fig. 1, by this means down the sides of the tahle as shown over you have them secure. and to prevent bleeding, Wet the bird's side and featiicrs with cold water them want it will also make the feathers stay where them, by twisting you will enable you to perform the This his moustache. would under as a man operationwithout pullinga feather. Pull the flesh on the side down towards the ribs will be enthe hole between tirely the hip,so when tlie operationis over Therefore the opening in its to closed by the skin going back ])lace. the rihs,enabling the- wound the skin will be | of an inch above that between between the firstand be made to heal tip in a day or two. The incision must to cut the pointd' second rib about h inch long. When are ready ])ush you the knife in quickly one-quarter of an inch, and hold it there a second,as he he will becom" Then his ribs up and down will work justat that moment. 10 PRACTICAL CAPONIZIxVG. quiet,increase the cut to i inch. Lay the knife down, keeping the skin in ^'ow are place with the left hand, ready for the spreader. See Fig. 3. you Take the spreader between the thumb and first finger, press it until the two ends come itb together. Then insert the hooked ends in the mcisiou Fig. 3. (Copyrighted 1886.) the spring end towards the bird's feet. Now turn the spring part towards the bird's l)ack, the ribs. Hold the making sure to have the hooks between spreader in positionwith the left hand, Take up the knife again. See Fig.4. the opening by cutting toward Increase the backbone, and forward on a line between the ribs,until it is large enough to admit the free passage of the scoop twister. Care must be taken not to go too near After the l)ackbone. a little practice littleor no blood, you will be able to do this cuttingand draw Should by cuttingon a line with the veins instead of crossing them. they bleed much it off with small b?fore a tear or wipe damp rag sponge you thin the skin. Otherwise will in the blood the testicles and on run open make the lower one harder to find. Take up the scoop twister. See Fig. 5. With the hook end tear open the thin skin until you have the riglit testicle well in view, and plenty largeenough to press the scoop twister through. This hook be used with care must or puncture an artery or the you may bowels. PRACTICAL CAPONIZING. 11 / Fig. h. Take the probe in your {Copyrighted 18S6.) left hand. With tlie ring handle push the bowels I Fig. 5. {Copi/righted ISSU.) side,and just below you will see See wister with your righthand. the left testicle. Introduce Fig. 6: the scoop PRACTICAL Ing. Catching the lower or 6. CAPONIZING. {Copyrighted 1886.) left testicle endways in the scoop as shown in Fig.7; Fig. 7. {Copi/righted ISS'l) it Gently sliaking to get it all in,and make the spermatic cord settle v in tlie slot. Then down beginto twist the testicle off. At this point learnei PRACTICAL CAPONIZING. 13 for keeping the testiele in the scoop, as it will find the probe very valuable sometimes the bowels beitigtwisted up by the slipsout, also for j)reventing of tliese dittieulties disappear with a little practice. An A number scoop, ex])eriencedperson will find little or no use for the probe. Now the rightor upper testicle. See Fig. 8. remove Mg. 8. (Copi/rightecl1886.'^ in Figs. 7 and 8, to give shown testicles are the left. Both Same as you it as always be taken out first, their exact position.The left testicle should the right one first and cause If you the remove is the hardest to remove. the lower one, then you cannot it as well, over see bird to bleed,it will run But when trouble in getting it out. the left one is more and will have much seconds before have the I find out. not be ten one over right out it will you first. They say they have a the ujiper one most beginners want to remove is out of the way, but that is only an excuse. the right one better view when I insist on the lower therefore the like to do easiest first, j)art Many persons first. removed being one If you should leave a small piecein by not gettingit all in the scoop properly, if it is no larger even put the scoop in again and catch it in the slot, than a pin'shead, as these are the piecesthat produce slips. with a four month If the testicle is very large,which you will find is the case until you balance tlie full after tiie then take old Leghorn, out, go scoop have it entirelyout. blood to flow,spoon it out with the scoop twister. much If vou cause The next day after the operationif you find they have a windy swelling, times justrun a darning needle through the skin and it will all escape. Someall themselves. I just let them right go and they come an cut If you should artery in the operation,they are as good for food as if thev had been bled in the neck. If all rightafter the operation, they generallyhave a passage. 14 PRACTICAL CAPONIZING. to twist than to eui| humane writer on Most says it is more capons every be caponized at any age, but the older their testicles off. Cockrels can liable they are to bleed to death. more Mr. p. H. Jacobs, who is an authorityon poultry,says: The heaviest and largestcapons are produced by crossinga Dorking cocl^ with t\vo successive crosses, is t(| The Cochin hens. Brahma or on largest, cock with Bralima, Cochin, or Langshan hens,and then mate mate a Houdan with Plymouth Rock cockerels,whicii givesyellow! the pulletsof the cross legsand skin. A stronsr,largePit Game Cock, mated with Brahmas, or an\ not of the pulletsof the above only a fair-sized capon, bu crosses, makes cock on Cochin hens iii A Brahma breast. the that excels in meat on one Cochins makes Brahmas Rock cocks or while j on also excellent, Plymouth such breeds as Legliorns,Hamburgs, Black Avoid fine ca])on. Spanish oji The Wyandotte may be used on large,eoai'se hens, howv Polish,for capons. desired. whenever i ever, it may rather premature to speak oi Caponizing. and seem Capons wish to call the atten in the season, yet we capons and caponizingthis early in for securing th( time matter the so tion of breeders to they can i)repare from will surelycome thus making use of all the solid cash benefits which surplus cockerels which are not (ifpure bred)good enough to bring remuj nerative pricesfor breeding stock. The very first thing to do is to keep the birds growing vigorouslyfrom tin start,so they will be in good condition and be of good size when from three be safelyperformed to four months old,at which time the operation can instruments such as are generallyused improved using proper instruments, the handsome and also the fact that capons profits, price does not seen pay Printed first. at as seem to be so excessive diagrams,together w4tl; may when and has had nd each a breeder directions even set, explicit accompany become on a fevv birds former experience,he can soon expert by practicing two dead birds or it is often advantageous to experiment first witli one And The and then try your hand on a few live ones. proportionof birds whicl die under the operationis very small indeed, and, in the hands ef an exper do die nude The birds which ienced person, does not exceed two per cent. bleil ar( the operationgenerallydo so in a very few minutes, and if at once w'ell be, so the loss is stillfurther reduced a fowl can as as good for table use thej " to almost nothing, practically. and amounts as chicks are just as good for this purpose Of course common pure-bre( generallyused, though we would suggest that,whei ones, and are the ones breeding for the purpose of making capons, only large fowls,or largebreed The Light Brahmi should be bred,as weight is a largeitem of desirability. breeds in fact any of the Brahma Cochin or an the Partridge Cochin or hens the best common bred pure, or on the best for the purpose, whether hatched such breeds, when From earlyand kept in vigorous growth by lib be obtained, an" can eral feeding,the very finest and highestpricedcapons tried the have not if w^ould advise our breeders, experiment, t we they yet if raise flocks of tha and s o trial it this large they especially a give season, for sale,either for food or for breeding purposes. kind of fowls each season Fanciers' Weekly,Ashland, Ohio,May 22, 1886. " " 16 CAPONIZING. PRACTICAL little practicewill enable an the advertis to do it safelyand expedftiously. one A" to the instruments liow tiiis"^ and H.' of WiiK ment they can I issue,tells where Wigniore, in 188G. obtained. June Practicvl Farmer, Fhiladeljyhia, 5, word describes very enrrectly ima",nii:iry A it. " Elsewhere in this paper of Wigmoif advertisement will be found an will do well to write liim for particuhn Orange County Farmer, June 3, is -i caponizing tools. Those interested They are very highly recommended. " of Strange as it may seem, we have met with a number distini to to a who a belong dinarilyintelligent supposed capon persons For fear that otlui class of fowls,as do the Wyandottes, Houdans, etc. that similar it be well to share a a notion, Capon is a male i)ir say may may relation to other fowls as the ox to the bull, an altered,and bears the same A Capon \\\\\ out-grow a cock be produced from any breed of fowls. may tlie same reasoi age, justas an ox excels a bull in weight,and for the same whicli are, that castration makes animal less restless and quarrelsome an an less of tlie nutriment it digestsis divested from tiesh-forming.Caponizin defended of crueltyjust as well ; the score againstobjectionson maybe The of castrating colts, calves,pigs,etc. rearing Capons will certainlyI followed to a great extent in tliis country so soon as the people learn the cellent qualityof the flesh,which is not only extremely delicate and juic\ but the birds grow to nearly the size of turkeys,and are so quiet thai' the growth is produced with less feed than in the case of other fowls. I vvoiil business,they cannot dispose engaged in the ))oultry say to those who are their culls in a better way than to caponize them ; they may be of any breci but such as Cochins,Brahmas the best. I caponize and Wyandottes are without losinga bird. They did well and average twenty-two last season York market for _' lOj pounds dressed, March 3, 1886, and sold in the New After deducting express ki cents per pound. the charges,commission, etc., netted me been asked a great many times by thos $43.75. Now as I have who interested in poultry,"does are Cajionizingpay," I would like to as the readers of the JIagnetwhat they think of it. Blake. Cardington, Ohio. Ponllry Magnet, June, 1886. Caponizix(;. n " i " ^ ( ' " REFERENCES. Hestonville, Wm. Mr. H. I 1, 1886. Wigmore, Dear and Pa., June hours, the day Sir: " I received yourcaponizing set on May 28tli 40 cockerels the next day, to my great surprise,in tw 3 in on after I was again surprisedto know that I ca]K)nized operated on thirtyseconds eacii,the best I have done with any other in minutes,therefore I feel that I cannot say too much mending your set. Yours, Truly, G. C. Mench. and minute from 3 to 5 set wa recora PRACTICAL CAPONIZING. U Rochester, W.M. H. N. Y., August 2, 1886. AViGMORE, Sir:" Since receivingthat case of Caponizinginstruments have had them in constant use up to date and have caponized 250U cockerehs and also performed a similar operationon 982 pullets. Being a professional eaponizer,I can say this nu-ch in favor of your that out of the four different Ivinds that I had been instruments using,I can tothe fraternitv at large. cheerfullyrecommend your Caponizing instruments E. K. Badgl"r. AVishingyou unbounded success, I remain, Yours fraternally, Dear from you last spring,I " Baltimore, Mr. Wm. H. Md., May 25, 1886. Wigmore, Dear Sir: I have cut quite a number of birds,but I am satisfied after altering10 generallyhave more slips than capons. I believe with a little fu-actice cockerels,your set is the best I ever saw. with your scoop twister, Chas. M. Mediary. slipswill be unknown. " I Philadelphia, Wm. II. Pa., July 20, 1886. Wigmore, to you niy thanks Dear for the Sir :" I wish to convey successful manner in which small treated lof.of cockerels. man My my you in the few said that he could see the chicks had days we had them grown I know from the place,and that I can see the growtiieach day. You remember I said I kept two good, fair specimen cockerels to marlv the change in the birds treated by you, the others not treated. They do not requireas I find them much care as strong and feed with the you enjoinedon me, as Shall want the instruments for myself,as I expect other birds. a full set of cockerels I have clone to to try my and do not own as ever skill, keep expect so mucii before,but shall have all my chicks attended to in this way, it saves trouble among the male eliicks. I shall take the weight next week, that we I found the weight,per pair,to be o pounds after the may note the increase. Thos. M. Seeds. operation. Very respectfully, Battle Wm. H. Creek, Mich., June 23, 1886, Wigmore, a day Wm. H. Dear later. I Sir: " much am Yours of the 19th pleasedwith your received,also set. the instruments H. G. Spaulding. Annapolis, Md., May 25, 1886. Mr. Wigmore : Sir: I received Farmers' Dear izing Caponyour Patent Set by mail on the 10th inst. After altering several cockerels, I am satisfied that they are superior to any used. The twister is I ever scoop of the Brewer. it much and fowl. E. saves so fingering worrying great; " Chicago, III.,April 15,1886. Wm. H. W^igmore, Dear Sir :" Your tools,I like very much. C. J. AVard. That poultry and eggs are produce enough for always in PROFIT. OF SOURCE A AS POULTRY is shown demand, the by fact that we: poultry market consumption. tj who is feared be poultry ai making contemplate overstocked, by many may but few minutes' to of profit. It requires dispel suchi matter a thought theremember time when the of our oldest can poultrymen fallacy, as many tlie roads, and hundreds of eggsof baskets driven to market on turkeys were As the failroads carried cities in wagons. to the soon as penetrated in 1} were far below the' demand would be that the the direction, prediction was every of who had the those The to so ])redicted, surprise prices, however, supply. sufficient facilities of the to and the although present day are advanced, of the however section from remote, country, bring into market every eggs forth that the prices during all seasons tl"e fact stands are nearly three times the increased The facilities. to product of i1 previous high as they were as while the of times ten and are marketing,] carcasses greater, expense eggs demand be supplied, and is much the insatiable cannot such less,"yet Europe; hand in 1 send is called to a over portion of her stock on season, every upon w'ill be any There order to help us out. never danger of over-production, asAvith the supi)ly. This has been demand will still further increase the fully its way of the blackberry, which in the case to mardemonstrated ket formerly found do not That home our tlie , i , ^ from but which the roadsides is now as well extensively that along the ditches, and cultivated so as from from the one fence station corners, in New York for New loaded with the fruit, leaves city Jersey alone, a train of cars than obtained and the the are higher i)rices during day yet, season, every but the gleaning of waste when the blackberry was why is this places. And demand created ? It is due to the fact that when articles reach the large quantities, the low prices for a while tempt the and market \ in the buyers, the articles become to of time the regular indis]"ensable adjunct course an afterwards be at must procured price. In other "family supply, and any of the buyers to population, but the education Avords, not only the increased of food in while the demand, the article excess as a necessity influences any hence the direction a one corresponding depression in another, and causes ranks who of those from the use substitutes, purchasers of poultry are taken no' in every until and an occur equilibrium can consequently over-production As is nearly impossible. article used for food is reached, which long as there them are buyers will have ing grantplenty of eggs and poultry in market ; and in quantity, ,j be that an over-production possibility there by some may who the there will "still be demand for (juality,and poultrymau a great in HOW TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. 19 fresh eggs to only the plump, fat carcasses, and sends only perfectly liiscustomers, will always find himself besiegedfor more while others are of good articles has never beggingfor sales. Hence, over-production occurred. markets THE CAPITAL REQUIRED. made Among the many inquiriesregarding the matter of raisingpoultry in largenumbers, is " How much If the inquirerwill capitalis required? " but compare the poultrybusiness with any other, a little reflection will enable him for himself v.^iiatevermystery may be attached to it. to unravel If .'^1000 be invested in a mercantile pursuit,the interest on capitalinvested, at six per cent.,amounts of ten per cent, will give to $60, and a dividend that a slOO, or a total of $160 on an investment of $1000. It is conceded return of $160 o^n a capitalof $1000,every year, is an excellent one, and why not take the same view of the |)oultry We business? safe in asserting are that $160 can easilybe made on $1000 invested in poultry,and even more; l"ut the above is given to show that the beginner does not fail simply because he cannot several hundred dollars on small investment. secure The a b usiness will in returns as as l)0ultry give large proportionto any other, is bestowed. The cajntai invested,provided proper care and management with most is that they expect too much. difficulty persons They are not ness busidisposedto take a business view of the matter, but desire the poiiltry for a moment not to do what they would expect from any other,which is a return of the capitalin one have often had parties We to ask if season. could maintain with the a family tliey poultrybusiness,on an investment of a few hundred not dollars,something which they would hope for in any other enterprise. Five cents a pound will cover of raisingchicks to the age of the expense three months. That is for the feed,but we also consider that in order must to hatch and raise a brood of chicks,there is the value of the eggs from which the chick is produced, the interest on capitalinvested in quarters, fences, The largerthe number of chicks etc.,and the labor of caring for the fowls. but little more raised the smaller the expense and as care proportionately, labor is requiredfor a largenumber In one lot of 3000 than for a smaller. chicks of all the expenses in New farm on a Jersey, a strict account five the that while but cents fact was required for producing a developed Avas pound of poultry,the total cost for buildings,labor,feed,and interest, of be maximum nine cents. estimatetl the This sum cost as safely ducing promay be reduced or increased in proportion a pound of poultry,but it may to the number raised,the largerthe number, as we stated before,the smaller the expense for each chick. for food will not be diminished or The expense ing will fluctuate in value accordand labor but the buildings, fences, increased, to the number. to about one that the cost of the quarters amounts It has been estimated build for dollar per head, or to about that it a house $10 requires rather, ten fowls,and $100 for a house for one hundred fowls,but it is apparent that 20 HOW TO ^fAKE POULTRY PAY. the largerthe house the cheaper the cost proportionate! far as the so }-, while labor is "concerned, one can as easilyfeed one hundred fowls as ten, and also keep the quarters clean more economically as compared with the fewer number. in the foce of these Yet, advantages in favor of the keeping of in the poultry large numbers, general result heretofore has been that the smaller the number result entirelyat variance with the largerthe profit, a for on the rules applying to all other industries. This can only be accounted the suppositionthat the small flocks receive more attention than the large have a few who ones, and it is prohal)lythe solution of the problem. Those and fowls only, are careful to feed them a variety, the quarters are made as comfortable member of the family not a day passingby that some as possible, does not assist in caring for the fowls, while larger numbers often overare looked, and many of the essential details neglected. The cost,of course, depends upon the Labor,but with a small flock there is bestowal of labor which and a is not valued, being performed by children be considered ladies as a source of pleasure, would but which as an important item in an account kept with a large flock. That nine cents will cover all the cost is a fair estimate,and it leaves a large margin for profit if the chicks hatched are early and advantage be taken of high prices. Even if only 12 is much cents per pound be realized the profit is 33:^ per cent., which larger than may be exj^ected from many other sources. BREEDING FOR 3IARKET. it is admitted that the markings and jdumage of a bird is an index of the best in the of some often see the sacrificing its purity,yet we flock because of a slightdefect that does no injury,but "which serves as a in the show This practice has been very damaging room. disqualification aff'ects to the value of the breeds for utility,as the plumage in no manner adds to the attractiveness of the fowls for market. the layingqualities or definite rule by which the And strict adherence to some, a yet, without flocks would degenerate breeders of thoroughbred poultry can be guided,our into dunghillsand their characteristics as breeds be entirelylost. But there the desirable oband when once ject is a limit even to the fixed outward indications, exterior the more h",s been attained of giving them a uniform important essentials should not be overlooked. Poultry is destined to serve a grander that than of The majorityof those interested have being petted. purpose birds only, inclination to devote their time to the breedingof beautiful no bui prefer to realize a profitfrom and and hence carcasses eggs ; any a straightcomb or attempt to sacrifice vigor and strength,in order to secure detrimental. This is proved shade of color will in the end prove a certain exacting already from the fact that while the fancy breeders have been more in their standard ceeded requirements than any other class,yet, they have not sucin securinga flock of unitorm show birds from the best of their prizewinners, while the Berkshire swine who give but few points to bi'eeders, color marks, have only a small number of culls in their herds. While to I J low TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. 21 The farmers who raise poultryfor market, however, owe much to the breeders of fancypoultry,for despiteall mistalves tliey have made, they may is only in its preserved the purity of the breeds,and as their'standard liaye when all the breeds will combine not only the infancy,the time will come characteristics of utility, but convey also the outward evidences of the purity of the stock. Select those that come up to the standard in points,if you can, but do not discard a good specimen of robust constitution for a slight'defect. Be liberal in allowinga few fowls to have drawbacks if such imperfections are such as to cause but above all,select for vigorand strength. no injuryto the oifspring, It is not always the largest fowl that is the most vigorous,but the one with In full, bright eyes, heavy bone, comi"act body, and quick movement. with the color of the that the color of the hens harmonizes see ]^lunutge cock. and if If the hens are too dark allow the cock to be somewhat lighter, tlie liens are very heavy in the body use a medium-size cock. Too much boast of weight in preferin fowls,although many weight is not desirable' ence to other qualities. which breed is used, Tlie chief object,no matter should be vigor and activity.An overgrown, fat fowl is a uuiexcessively sauce, and should not be tolerated. BREEDING FOR EGGS. To keep hens for laying purposes, where eggs for market only are desired, is a different matter from keeping hens to provideeggs for hatchingpurposes. and hatching,the conIt may safely ditions be said that for market i)urposes, laying, i n t principle breeding,hat thefemale must be vary. It is a well-known iiia proper condition to become and this rule appliesto the hen as fruitful, often barren, while well as to the animal. The tat Shorthorn cows are such as the Jerseys, those that producelargequantities of milk and butter, and Ayrshires, Holsteins, usuallybear calves every year, as the production of milk prevents' overfatting.In making up a])en for breeding pui poses, consider two or three pointsthat must be obthe poultryman must therefore, In observed in order to secure good hatches when the eggs are incubated. from those well the firstplace,the eggs from pullets do not hatch as as hens, what, someunless the pullets This difficulty are may be overcome earlyhatched. old cocks v.ith them. Again, while the however,by mating^two-year cockerels may beused in the yards,they should always be mated with hens, of all feed a sufficiency and not puUe'ts. The conditions to be observed are to" that tends to ])rovide the constituent elements of an egg. without furnishing scratch,we bring them a sujierabundance.By feedingso that the hens must that a mare under the same conditions bv which it isknown kept at moderate in work will producea I)etter foal than the one kei)t standing the stable,and at improved wlio sneer those stated by pampered. It is true,as has often been too' and \s this breeds of poultry,that theyare much, especially pampered and when they true of breeding hens, as eggs from such do not hatch well, HOW do, the chicks are weak TO and prevent soft-shelled eggs among them MAKE POULTRY sickly. from hens No over amount PAY. of lime or fed,wiiile^^isease will oyster-shells is liable to occur time. at any that do lay 200 eggs a yeL^-, but such statements the to believe such to be good,by inducing inexperienced a who is familiar at all with fact. Any one that during the poultry knows fall all hens undergo the process of moulting, or shedding of the feathers. This requires, usually,about three montlis,or 100 days. As there are only have in 265 days left after deducting the moulting pe365 days a year, we riod. other day, she will lay 133 eggs, If a hen lays,regularly, an egg every in hatchingout her broods, but she will probably lose three months and more she will take a restingspell. As moulting is a if she is a non-sitter, even heavy drain on the system, but few hens lay during that process, though there of eggs exceed one are exceptions,and where tlie number every two days,it will be found that a corresponding reduction occurs during some periodoi We more often read of hens harm the year. than While admit that certain individual hens have been known to are eggs in a year, sucli cases rare, and if one has a he should be satisfied if there is an more, of 100 eggs a year for the whole Four flock,or rather nine dozen. average should dozen realize thirtycents out of the nine per dozen,three dozen should bring about twenty cents a dozen, and two dozen should realize fit'tee:i cents per dozen in this section,or an average of about twenty -three cents. this calculation may be wrong, but it will convey an'idea of what Of course be expected. may gularly Many poultry raisers provide their fowls with warm quarters,and feed rebut yet they get no eggs. and on a variety, Such cases are numerous, and we will endeavor to point out a remedy for tlie difiiculty. We well know that if we less keep a horse in a stable,and feed liini well,that he becomes restand unhappy, and in order to keep him in good health he must be exercised. With fowls,the winter prevents foraging,and our kind readers go to the coops in the morning and give tlie hens a good, lieavyfeeding. The hens and have no inducement to ramble, consequently, do being full,are satisfied, not take any and become better })lanis to get some too fat. The exercise, cut straw, leaves,or even chaff", dirt,and place it where the hens can scratch in it. In the morning give. the hens a mess of warm food,but only a little. iNTow throw some grain into the scratchinglieap,and make them work for the oalance of their meal. Feed' nothing but what they will have to ivork for. all they will eat. At night feed them The objectis to keep the hens busy during the day, but let them go on the roost full. Hens that are compelled fo woi-k will lay better and keep in good health,while the eggs will produce mess ing, stronger chicks. They should always have a warm earlyin the mornin the winter, but the meal should be so given as to leave especially them somewhat hungry. Do not feed them at noon, except by puttingtheir food in the scratchingheap, and never give soft food in the scratchingheap. In other words, keep them for scratchingfor oats, wheat, seeds,and even ground shells. Give no corn except at night,and give them their night's meal without making them scratch for it. lay as we 175 150, or even flock of twenty hens or many as HOW 24 the material She consumes from which TO MAKE to do so, she is useless largeamount PAY. POULTRY of carbon unless her Avants every time are supplied. inhales air,wliile the and nervous bones, flesh, and system are constantlybeing wasted repaired. Should this waste be permitted, without a renewal, the bird will die starve a she " although she be fed liberally, far as certain kinds of food are conas cerned. may If she received nothing but corn, she would become as corn fat, very is rich in carbon,and her body would be kept warm from the lieat created; but while fat and apparently in good condition, her bones and tissues would graduallywaste away, and she would droop and die without apparent cause. But food of a carbonaceous is requiredalso in some nature form, as the heat of the body is necessary, while carbon is an of the constituent important yolk. Corn contains a small proportionof all the elements of food,but in insufficient quantities for the proper nourishment of a laying hen. We may divide the food proper into three kinds carbonaceous,nitrogenousand phoslime, soda,potash,etc.,must also be included. phatic The minerals Some of the grains,such as wheat, oats, and buckwheat, furnish quite an of all the elements amount needed, lime included,but as such foods are balanced with all the hen requires, not perfectly her purposes for they serve short time. is when chick the a a only Hence, rapid formation of growing, iiiuscle and bone (not fat)requiresfood rich in nitrogen,which is best given in the form of milk or meat, and it is the absence of nitrogenous food that them to die when The is largelycomcauses posed they are fed on cornmeal. of nitrogen,tlie wliite especally,and the hens that are fed on meat and milk as a part of their diet,will lay in winter if kept warm. To vary the food means to vary the qualityof the articles provided, in order that no element may be lacking,and while it is important that the food be of a varied in order to provide all the proper materials character, necessary, the fowls need succulent and bulky food for dietarypurposes. Corn, wheat, meat, etc., concentrated are foods,and should be accompanied with grass, or any kind of bulky food,in order to assist digestion,as well as plenty of water, justas be allowed all the grain he desires. a horse needs hay, although he may In feedinga variety,however, do not over-feed. Never allow the stock to get too fat,or the hens will lay soft-shell eggs or none at all. Fat intei-feresAvith the generativefunctions. Always endeavor the hens to make exercise, by taining scratchingfor their food. If they are made to work, and are fed on food conthe necessary refrain from elements, they will lay. and cannot " " " " doing so. RAISING CHICKS. Broilers are usuallyhatched under hens in Marcli for the earliest supply, but where the season'is severe, the hens and broods must be kept in a good location. It is useless to attempt to raise broilers by leaving the chicks warm entirelyto the care of the hens. They will graduallydrop off one by one, until as many left as the hen can mum are convenientlycover, and when the minihas been reached,the chicks will thrive. 'Chicks under hens demaml those in brooders,especially as as much care at this season, and unless they receive it,at least one-half will perish. HOW TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. 25 convinced that artificial incubation of persons are While a largenumber find wlio there it a very difficult matter are some be made a "'an success, jet in incubators. raised every year That chicks are to raise chicks hatched be conIn the first place,it must from incubators is a fact not to be denied. tlie chick is kept at a temperature exceeding "idered that during incubation stand a sudden It can 100". more no change to a temperature twenty or tlian child a can. Hence, the most important thirtydegreescooler, young the brooder from 90" to sliould be to keep 100"; for while the chick may object have a very warm out in the cold,it must at times run placewhen it returns. of brooders made is that the yprds or runs One of the faults of the majx)rity four weeks of the chick's existence it too large. For the first three or are the outside of tlie mother, but may be should have but very little space on given greater range as it grows older. Plenty of fieaiand at a/l times,is very be lower than 90",but may be as mucli as 100". and it sliould never essential, ter than too cold,as the chicks will scatIt is better to have a brooder too warm brooder should the the entrance if it is too warm but and sleep near ; cate become too cold they will crowd together. The chicks themselves will indiwhether the heat is too liigh or too low, as they will always crowd togetherwhen the heat is insufficient. Should they remain in a brooder over it they are apparentlywell the night,and the temperature is too low, even disease will occur, in bowel result will be that hours next a fev morning, the of feeding, conditions "avorable is which caused manv ur by some suppose -when the lack of heat is at the bottom of all the difficulties. It is given as pel to allow the heat in the brooder to be so low as to comii caution, then, never " the chickens to crowd. portant imbut the water is more in regi^'d to feeding, admonitions We have made than the feed. That is,it should be so i)lacedbefore the chickens stantly, that they can only reach it with their beaks. Keep water before them conallow a drop of it to get and give them all they can drink,but never should they wade in it. Dampness isfatal to young chicks, the chicks,nor on Should a chick get while Iieat and dryness are importantfactors to success. mistaken for In feeding will which is often the have it gapes. "damp croup, be varied two days,but the food may or it is best to use hard-boiled egg for one kind of diet, Do not keep them on three days old. one after they are JNlilk is excellent, and feed a sniall allowance'of meat two or three times a week. cornmeal should not be whether fresh or clabbered,but too much from those chicks differently to feed incubator ^-"iven.It is not necessary well them to hatched under that are jirovided. The hens, except keep chicks is to in main give them plentyof raising artificially-luitclied point heat in the brooder, and keep them dry. Of course, the strictest cleanliness ers The coojis or broodnot be crowded. be observed,and the chicks must must be cleaned must daily,and if they are well dusted with Persian insect powder once a week, allowing it to fallover the chicks and settle in their down, thev will be free from vermin and grow ra])idly. that chicks can be made to weigh on It has been doubted the])artof some to our has been the case such months two pounds at two kno\ylold, yet, tried have who from those never doubt The comes several occasions. cdge on lengthof time. As a rule, to have the chicks attain that weight in the same 26 HOW TO MAKE POULTRY Pa \. the rapid increase is on the part of incubator chicks,or where only a fe\ in incubate raised. The i-eason hatched is made Those easilyapparent. under of the the and are care are constantly always suppliedwit operator, plenty of food, which is varied, and they are also ke\)tdryand tvarm, whi is as important as the feeding. The in their chicks receive a check never out of the shell until the two pounds are growth from the time they come reached. A few chicks with a hen also receive extra of member care, every the familyjoiningto add to the care Wei and pleasureof their management. add that something also depends upon the breed. The Plymouth Rocks, may best fori are Langshans, Brahmas, Cochins, and Wyandottes, or their cross'es, the purpose, but a cross of ihe Dorking or Houdan on any kind of a largesized hen, will give good results. Such chicks must be forced,and althoughi they may even get weak in the legsfrom high pressure feeding,yet, the com-' of them with chicks not so managed will be very marked. j)arison HATCHING Although CHICKS has confined EVERY of chicks to the earlyspringj be hatched and raised withi profitthe entire year. There is not a month in the year that does not presentii and the most often meeto successful persons advantages and disadvantages, with loss when when the obstacles seem unexpected, and success greatest. there will! because not September is an excellent time to begin liatching, be a sale for broilers when they are six weeks old, but because they can be raised with less care. In such cases the poultryraiser must take into consideration the fact that the best pricesare not attainable until after Christmas, and the chicks must The broilers pass through the beginning of winter. that bring the highest prices are those that are f\it, comi)act, and nicely should into market feathered,and when they firstcome weigh trom one-hfdf to i of a jiound. How in September, and yet to raise chicks hatched three-quarters to have them small enougii for sale in January, is best done by crossing manage bantam cock on small, comi)act, common hens. a black-red The game game blood givesvigor,the flesh is the l)est of all table fowls,and the bantam size of but allows and before the prevents rapid growth, quick feathering age weather becomes As the chicks will have too cold. made sufficient growth during the fall to enable them to withstand the severityof winter, they will be able to endure much than the chicks from standard fowls of the more The rule that applies to September, may same hold good for same age. demands of a larger kind, for the chicks will a cross October,but November fast after frost. We not grow should too the hens with a cock of a cross that feathers up well, such as the Plymouth Rock hardy breed, and one (or Dominick, if the hens are large),but avoid such breeds as Hamburgs or Black Spanish,as they are too tender for winter. The firstconsideration for the chicks is dryness. The slightest dampness is worse than cold,though warmth is also absolutelyessential. The breeder will find that his duty will be shovelingsnow, thawing drinking fountains. custom months, there is no reason the hatching why they may not 3I0NTH. HOW TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. chicks that have nd occasionally resuscitating been chilled, but after he has amply rewarded by the high prices Chicks hatched in November, December, and January are btained. more sold the at weight of half a pound. February and March chicks sell eadily ot a poand, and April hatched chicks at a pound, the "est at three-quarters "rice averaging about fiftycents a chick, the half pound sellingat one at seventy-five lollar per pound, the three-quarters cents per pound, and ttended "ro to them he faithfully, will be rata. Although the difficulties in winter may seem arduous, the prices are remuneration,but tlie largestand easiest profitsare derived from chicks latched in the spring months" March, April,and May, owing to the expenin comparison, the chicks not being subjectto such extremes es being lighter f heat and cold as during the winter and summer. The best m"nth for ellingis April,and the poorest, September and October. be raised profitably at all times,may That chicks may be made aiyparent becomes less than twelve and one-half i-onithe fact that the price seldom iu the dullest season, though adults often sell for much ents a pound, even actual while the five cents cost is about pound. The summer ess, per the most unfavorable nonths are usually considered for hatching young of failure may be attributed to lice, which ihicks,but the cause rapidlymulweather, the mortalitybeing greater than in winter or iply during warm is easilyobviated,however, by proper pring. This difficulty management, md as the increase of carcass is greatest during the first three months of a :hick's existence,a fair profit be realized even at low prices. may To classify each month, iu a condensed form, in regard to the advantages Lud disadvantages, in state that we September chicks may be hatched, may but the )rought to a good condition,and sold in January at a fair profit, "reeder must buy all the food and expect to do hard work before they reach he market. October enables the breeder to have the chicks feathered before the cold in September, be sold with those hatched eason sets in, and they may Xovember chicks will bringgood pricesabout the beginning of February, )ut they demand the closest supervision, and unceasing care. December chicks come at a time when at they must not be allowed to roam for tlie cold, if allowed and to injurethem, brings on vill, they graduroup, be and sunlight,however, they may illydrop off". With plenty of warmth tarried forward with but littleloss, January chicks are those that j)roducethe earlypulletsfor winter laying^ )ut they must It is the extra be raised witliout snow and ice to injurethem. ;are requiredthat makes them valuable. Both January and February are the months for raisingthe April market jhicks ; the best breeds for the purpose being those possessingstrong consti;utions, heavy bone, and close feathering. All chicks raised in the winter nonths grow faster the greater the proportionof artificial heat supplied. March chicks get the benefit of the first growth of vegetationin warm, jandy sections,and a varietyof food is more easilyobtained than previously. i cross of the Leghorn on common die best, as the chicks will hens is now HOW TO POULTRY MAKE PAY. into market with greater attractions, owing to t rapidlyand come maturity of the Leghorns. Chicks hatched in March sell best in ^1; when about one pound each in weight. April and May are twin months, the conditions being nearly the san The chicks will*receive a greater variety,and can begin to forage. Th of June reach the market about the middle and first of July, up to whi time the priceswill be from fifty cents down to twenty-five cents per pou for two pound chicks,but the cost of productionwill be less. feather easy GEOWTH THE OF YOUNG CHICKS. Considerable discussion as to the growth of young fowls here the of careful result give experiments. The growth of chicks,as ascertained by us during the was as follows,viz : having reached i we jiadtthree montl " The egg weighs Chick newly hatched weighs " 1 week old weighs " old weighs 2 weeks " 2 .... 2 4 3 " '' *' 4 " " "' 5 " " 0 7 " " 18i " " 23V 8 " " 2S" 9 10 " " " " " " " *' " '' " " 11 oune(j li 6i 10 14 32 36 , 41 The mixed chicks experimented with were Plymouth Rocks, though considerab with other bloods. fed mostly on of bran, oa were mixture a They meal, and corn meal, moistened with milk or water, and baked, sometim Whole and skim wheat milk chee; merely cooked with boiling water. served as a varietyduring th- first four weeks, and tlie cake was sometime' made richer by the addition of a little animal meal, (" pulverizeddried boi and meat."). Out of quitea largeflock,not one chicken died from diseas They were fed very regularlythree times a day, and all they would eat u' A flock which clean. increased two le' pounds in weight a day, consumed than six pounds of corn its in in other food meal, or equivalent twenty-foi; hours; and what vegetableor animal matter they could pick up, which, spite of unlimited range, did not appear to be very much; at least they wei "From the above, you wi| to their meals. always hungry when they came that the actual expense see of making one pound of ''springchicken " wa in this case, not than four cents. more The market price in cities durin July, varied between twenty and twenty-eightcents, W"* might have grown these chicks stillfaster by giving them a greatii ' HOW TO MAKE of food,but did not attempt 'ariety hem slower,but with less expense, Chere were no grasshoppers. ,EXPEEI3IEXTS POULTRY to f jrce hai we WITH them. made YOUXG PAY. Or them we might have grown shift for themselves. CHICKS. indebted to Mr. Geo. W. Pressey,of Hammonton, N. J., for the has which been derived him after careful bllowing, by experiments in artiand iciallyhatching,brooding, successfullyraising and marketing large lumbers of chicks. incubator and brooder,he began Constructinghis own We are series of I )arkingin That or ten which investigations, artificial incubation. valuable as to all who follows : contemplate em^ " it will cost to raise a weeks, the cost being eached, and me are He states chick,without regard to breed,one cent a week less until the fifth week is proportionately greater afterwards,the cost for the fifth week being exactly cent. the brood of chicks will double in weight each week until they are old. He found ten chicks to weigh half a pound (together) when latched. to a pound in a week, reached two They doubled pounds in mother week, four pounds the next, and so upwards to the fortieth day, in weight, the ratio of gain to increase vhen, although they continued )ecame gradually less. That it requiresone pound of feed (corn,oats,wheat, etc) per week for of course ach chick for ten weeks, the minimun'i being the first week, the the naxinium the tenth,and the fifth week making ten denoting average, After that period the quantity necessarily 30unds of food for ten weeks. That brty dajA ncreases. That it is easier, cheaper,and safer,so far as health is concerned,to use but in order to get the best results, ncubatoi-s instead of hens, for hatcliing, more and attention to the matter, but not necessarily must me give care of hens for the number ;han is required in any other pursuit. To care than chicks as a 300-eggincubator,entails more accessary to hatch as many louble the time and expense. That it has been heretofore dilficult to raise chicks hatched in incubators, ivith most farmers and others,but by experiment he has been satisfied that a stream of pure, warm air,which he furnishes the chicks by the arrangement )f the brooder,is absolutely as to be necessary, the loss being so insignificant 3ut a matter. trifling THE BEST BREEDS. breed that suits all the different climates of the United is .10 one and therefore the desire to secure a generalpurpose hen, like the general States, the is W hen snow very deep the heusmust purpose coWj is au impossibility. There HOW 30 be kept indoors,and vices,such as the active MAKE breeds PAY. POULTRY (which are the best and restive, Hamburgs, become etc. feather-pulling, egg-eating, tlie Leghorns, Houdans to TO and such layers), are soonaddicti have a small comb, in ord^ hen best suited for a cold climate should and easilykept in connnemeii should be well feathered, the frost, the pure breeds exclusively, Nor is it the best to use as they are bred,as forhis rule,too fine. The beginner should rely on crosses purpose, seekii in one. The hardiness of tl of several bj:eeds to combine the good qualities Plymouth Rocks, the lieavy featheringof the Cochins, the earlymaturity " and Wyandottes shoul the Leghorns, and the small combs of the Brahmas be retained yellow legs,skii time tliere must be secured ; and at the same is the common and good laying qualities.The best foundation fowl,for tli first thing to do is to increase tli that it is always acclimated, The reason cock,which also in size,which may be done by the use of a lightBrahma A cross of the Rose-comb White Leghorn v^i plantsthe small pea comb. and if the cross is continued by the use of th give early-ma?turing qualities, Wyandotte, the size is again largerand the comb small, with plump bodit and golden yellow skin and legs. Occasionally, for a change, a dash of tli Pea-comb Cochin used with Partridge maybe advantage; but whenever with the Cochin or Plymouth Rock be followed wit is made, it should cross Wyandotte, as one of the principalobjectsshould be to breed for small comb:One-fourth Leghorn blood is enough in any cross, as the Leghorn blood prt dominates. A half-bred Leghorn hen will have nearly as largea comb, an* be nearly as small in size,as a pure-bredone, and in making crosses th use cock with hens of the breeds instead of tlie other J Leghorn larger way. fluff" hen indicates that she is well cold on a good, heavy protectedagainst and if the houses are warm and comfortable, the hens well cared for, and mad about getting eggs ii to scratch for all they eat,there will be no difficulty winter. But to get eggs in winter, if the climate is severe, there is no re liance to be placed iu BJack Polish. Tin or Spanish,Hamburgs, Houdans Leghorns may be partially excepted,but the best are the Brahmas, Langshaiis and of all of whicl Cochins,Wyandottes Plymouth Rocks, the good qualities be certain to a combined, may extent, by judiciouscrossing There mistakes made in winter management due to a lack "" are many knowledge of the ])roper mode of feedingand protectingagainstcold. Ti keep the hens closelyconfined in a poultryhouse because the weather iscoh is to deprivethem of pure air and exercise. At the same time, if they art exposed to cold winds they will not lay. Some breeds go through the wintei without injuryto the combs and wattles by freezing, such as the Brahmas, foi which reason considered the best winter layers. Thi.' are as they by many claim is not true. Brahmas better for winter laying than tht The are no but the small combs and wattle.^ Leghorns, if the latter are properlyprotected, do not present a large surface to the action of the frost, of the Brahmas anc and they are consequentlyexempt in that respect. They are also heavih and are usuallygross feeders and create more animal heat than tht feathered, But the will than the Brahmas if more Leghorns. Leghorns lay eggs poultryhouse is kept svarm, as has been demonstrated by actual experiment.! While the Brahmas better protected, are easilyfatted.| yet they are more The to avoid ^hejl 32 HOW TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. LANGSHANS. A stron; The the Langshans are tried, the better they are liked. more of their dark legs,but as sensibL prejudiceexisted againstthem on account that tlie legsare the most useless part about a fowl, people are reflecting far as tahle purposes are concerned,the breed is becoming more popular and yet tin The Langshan is a large fowl nearly as large as the Brahma pulletssometimes lay as early as the'pulletsof the Leghorns. "We can \)\\ five month hands on two pullets that began to lay ^vhen they were our old,an" that that began before they were six months old. When mud w^e a score say in their favor,it is not all,for they lay as steadilyafter they begin as an;^ other fowls. They are not non-sitters like Leghoriis,but they do not inclim s" " " LANGbHANS. quickly as the Brahmas, though they make excellent mothers,and lay again before leavingthe chicks. For the table they are fine. Ihe^ and flesh is close-grained and the body is full,compact, tender,dresses w'hite, and nice-looking.If there is any one particularfowl that may be lor claimed as a perfectone, it is the Langshan^ breed answers but as no one to sit as begin to it is safe to say that this breed comes to that desideratum nearer ban any other. The jdumage, cainage, and form is simply magnificent. A black in color, the lustre is heiglitened by a greenishcast that adtla a polishand brilliancyi onsurj^assed. They are beautiful in every respect, aud are as useful as they a".e pretty. One cannot judge by looking at a young cLick what the edult 'illpurposes, HOW TO MAKE POULTRY 33 F\\. bird must be seen to be appreciated,lor the lustra with their them until they are completely endowed white and chicks black and The tails. hackles are saddie-teathers, young and when they grow yery fast hatched, but the white gradually disappears, hold their own It IS safe to say that the Langshan chicks can against any' ^ * and are intelbgentand gentle. Crossed on other fowls,they impress themselves very strongly, and make has the witli any breed. If crossed with Black Spanish,the cross a good cross both than comb of hardier the and they are vSpanish,though itraiglit parent.^, he latter has clean legswhile those of the Langshan are feathered heavily. afraid to recommend not the Langshans to any one, for they are e are be found for nearly all purposes ibout as good as can This cut represents a pair of MajorY'road's imported Langshans, direct their native from place. Their plumage is of a uniform glossyblack,ami 1111 ot lustre ; combs single,and a bright red color. The beak and legs are lark, with flesh-colored variations along the line of the mouth, and lower jart of toes and sole of foot. The wattles and ear-lobes a bright is\lark, eve "ea color; tail very full and flowing,carried rather high and forward,and with in the breeze as streamers, urnished which wave good-sized sickles, quickly, lliey are grow agile,active, and impetuous; are very prolific, they are nature early, and lay well. to Ijroody, being Although not given a' have and they oitters flesh is white Their mothers. food very thin. good ; vane skin, and as a table fowl,are equal to small turkeys,and not inferior o them m and flavor. AVe belieye them to be the best. delicacy The grown IS. LiUi,L,^slian does not iully ai)pear on VJ ^ JDISEJ^SES. leave the droppings How manv be numt)ered. Some persons the use of absorbents defer the is to clean out the houses and is It the stables. done with not at all surprisingthat so oops daily,as is attach that do not as they do not as regard poultrv profitable, lany persons clean out did not who farmer Any the it to business deserves. rnpoi-taiice much how matter oftener than no IS stables or a a week once month, off in condition find his stock falling bsorbent material he used, would soon and yet, because the hens are no r dying of disease, exception to the rule, le raising of poultryis regarded by such persons as unprofitable.Poultrv The cholera but not otherwise. iseases maybe prevented by cleanliness, and are houses runs nd roup but the be unless cured a dozen times, may the of the will moon, such diseases as ])eriods ept clean, appear as regularly conditions. but not under unfavorable business, oultry is a profitable of the farmyard for years, On old farms, where the hens have had the run earlyall diseases may be traced to filth. in large heaps,cannot thejr^ccumulatout the coops weekly, while others,by lea^ii safest course Fork to longer periods. The mtil matter of decomi)osed a certain amount graduallyaccumulated with which the dirt which f rom is not distinguishable i_edroppings, lere is iixed. Ihis condition is the cause of gapes in chicks and cholera in from it is adults. HOW 34 TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. has been repeatedlyproved by those who have tried the experiment o W( avoided. the gapes were feedingchicks on board floors, by which means do not allude to yards in which fowls are confined,but the farm yards,ir which they are supposed to have plenty of room. Gapes and cholera an in in for confining fowls the small used than more prevalent farmyards yards for the reason and turned that the small yards are frequentlycleaned uj with the spade. If the farmyards could be occasionallyscraped over, an( then thoroughlysprinkl6"l with of chloride of lime or copperas a solution it would do much What is to mix to prevent disease. is better, O' an ounce sulphuric acid with a bucket of water, and sprinkle the yards,but it is noi A pound d as easilyhandled as the chloride of lime or copperas water. chloride of water of lime to ten buckets or a pound of oopp*jra.s to fou as buckets will of water answer the purpose. CHOLERA. disease. What roup is to the winter,cholera is to th parasitic disease, arisingfrom the rapidmultiplicationof minute parasitethat destroysvitality by preying upon the fowls,as the para sites pass wherever the blood reaches,the liver being the principalpoint o\ attack. To cure it we and while there are plenti must destroythe parasites, of remedies,they are too severe, endangering the life of the fowl. Sulpliui is the agent by which all diseases may be avoided or cured,but sulphur i of sulphur can insoluble. The fumes be collected in water, which absorbs it and administered; but we in another can give sulphur gas shape. Hyposul phite of soda is a compound of soda, sulphur,and sulphur gas. It is harir less,is solid,and easilygiven. It acts as a cathartic,and not only destroy the parasites, but compels them to pass off. With cholera, the fowl weakened and debilitated, and care be observed not to kill it in th must This is a summer It is summer. a endeavor it. to cure The first thing to do is to give a teaspoonfulof hyposulphiteof soda,fon ing it,slightly moistened,down the throat of the fowl. An hour afterwarc give a grain each of powdered mandrake, red pepper, ground ginger,an Each substance should be finelypulverized,mixed with a littl copperas. starch meal, moistened and administered. Place the sick fowl in leave it until well enough to ea Then feed on cooked food for a few days, and it will most likelybe all righ The symptoms are a nervous, anxious look,droopingspirits, ar great thirst, It comes from filth. pale or black comb. or corn quietplace,give plenty of cool water, and ROUP. The ever, comes inquiriescoming to us relate to roup. But few,ho^'i prevalence of the disease when roup is present,as : "questionable shapes" as to completelydeceive many who ai the of the majorityof are aware in such HOW TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. rect inexperienced. They will,perhaps,treat for every ailment except the corwhich is easily a one. discharge at the nostrils, Roup usually causes discernable. It is,as a rule,accompanied with hoarse breathing,the comb changes color,and the fowl droops. The beak will be open if breathingis and a foul odor will prevailin the coop or will be given off by very difficult, occasional "pip" may be heard, the bird. In lightattacks, a sneeze, or an but the great danger is from the cases accompanied by the foul odor ana the phlegm, which hoarse breathing. The first thing to do is to remove in a solution of should be done with soft the a gently mop mop, dipping chlorinated be had to at store. soda, Repeat this Larrabaraque's any drug once a day until the bird is well. Feed, either in the soft food or in the of equal parts of asafoetida, a mixture shape of a pill, ground ginger,gentine, fowls. and boracic acid,allowing a teaspoonfulof the mixture ten to every It may be given night and morning. A dry, warm as roup place is essential, is caused by cold and dampness. A spoonful of kerosene oil in the soft food for ten hens will assist in preventing the disease, while the drinking water should be changed often to prevent contagion. such as minor difficulties, In addition to cholera and roup there are many bumble foot,scaly leg,feather-pulling, etc.,which may be prevented with but it never the part of the poultyman. Bumble foot is common, on care them if the roosts are so constructed occurs as to permit the foAvls to get upon be be low and should descend without to or being compelled flyor jump. They made firm and steady. Scaly leg comes from a parasite.If taken in hand as is is easilyprevented,but should the matter soon as the first symptoms appear, and the legs be deferred, the hens will soon have an unsightlyappearance, graduallygrow largeand rough. By applying a mixture of kerosene and lard twice it will disappear,if it is done during the first stages,but when or once the legs are fullycovered, much scraping and frequent applicationsare the vice is acquired, Feather be cured when cannot once pulling necessary. but by keeping the hens busy and giving them animal food in some shape at least twice a week, there will be but little danger of its appearance. Cropbound, frosted combs, and loss of appetitemay be occasioned by carelessness. 11 With protectionfrom winds frosted combs need not be feared,wnile a supply liof gravel and ground shells are excellent preventivesof diseases of the diA piece of [" gestive causes. Crop-bound may arise from mechanical organs. tlold rag, tarred rope, or any other substance clog up the passage to the may culties gizzardand prevent the food being conducted from the crop. As the diffiis all that are more easilyprevented than removed, a little foresight is necessary to save at a time when vexation and annoyance, :li prices especially desired. are high and production most LEG Somehow other we haVe received a great many relatingto leg inquiries this the inquirers in all their state manner: complaints nearly of my chicks move stand on about on their knees,and cannot I feed well,and give them Leg-weakness is every attention." or and loiweakness, "Several asj ih" ojiiheir legs: WEAKNESS. " m HOW TO POULTIiY MAKE PAY. occasioned by very high feeding. It is not dangerous nor does it indicate that It means that they have been with the chicks. there is anything wrong does with not the increase of that and strength correspond thegro'vvth forced, is the of the body. A deficiencyof phosphate or of lime in the food,which bone-forming material,will cause leg weakness, especiallyif the food is rich is the fat-formingsubstance, Carbon in nitrogen,or flesh-formingmaterial. and is useless to a growing chick unless it is intended for market. Sometimes, however, the leg weakness is reallya slightattack of rheumatism,especially from the same forced growth. if the weatlier is damp, but it comes cause for the chicks generallycome No alarm need be entertained, up again,unless the food fed is largelydeficient in some respects. How to avoid and cure leg weakness, is to feed judiciously.Plenty of meal, the table,is justthe material which is usuallygiven with scraps from that but contains little of nieat the the chicks forward, rapidly pushes phates. phosvery Wheat, of course, contains it,but it is not sufiicient when the growth But if \ve will I of the chicks is very rapid. Corn is injuriousat such a time. then feed anything de add a substance that suppliesthe deficiency, we can With is ground bone. sired. Such a substance ground bone and pounded 1 will ward off leg weakness,and to chicks be shells the fullyequipped oyster such a system. but very little trouble will ensue on is a deficiency of green other cause, however, which There is one food. and if grass, Highly-concentratedfood given at every meal is too stimulating, boiled'potatoes, turnips,or any kind of vegetablesare fed,it will be better the scrap diet. In cold weather the green food | than feedingtoo exclusively on in if the De preferred,' shape of finelycut clover hay, steeped in given, may In fact,any kind of hay will serve hot water and fed warm. such a purpose, if it is cut into short lengths and steeped. Always give a little salt in the for fowls as for cows other stock. A littlered soft food. It is as necessary or in awhile is also but do not feed it daily,as is often once good, pepper " . suggested. LICK It is sometimes to get rid of lice on an fowls,but the poultry easy matter house is not so easilymanaged. During June the lice will be active and increase rapidly. It is no to attempt to rid the fowls of lice until the use premises are thoroughly cleaned,as such labor is lost. If the houses are kept To rid clean,the hens will,with the use of the dust bath,clean themselves. first remove the house of lice, all filth from the roosts,floors, walls,and nests. Scrub the roosts with coal oil,not overlookinga singlespot. Take the nests clean them out, and with a white-wash brush outside, apply a lightcoating of coal-oil to them, inside and outside. Now touch a lighted match to che nest boxes and let them burn. No damage will be done, as the oil will bei quicklyconsumed, but such work should not be done inside the houses. Now make bucket of whitewash, and add to it an a of liquidcarbolic ounce and of tobacco which be a made acid, pint water, may by pouring boilingwater over tobacco refuse, and allowing the water to remain over HOW TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. 37 and dust Persian Apply the whitewash night with the tobacco. profusely, insect powder through the feathers of the hens, holding them by the legsfor Do little chicks. not that purpose. Persian insect powder use grease on will to use remove in the Little's Chemical lice from them. Fluid is an place of carbolic acid,it being etticacious ajid excellent article non-poisouous. DUCKS. PennsylvaniaState Easton,Mass.,the Fair had an interriew with Mr. Jas. Rankin, we manufacturer of the Monarch Incubator, who with 300 time of the our visit,busy ducklings and chicks which he was, at is enthusiastic over Mr. Rankin his results with ducks out. had justhatched his and the follows: as gives experience during past year, he hatched 3000 ducklingsin hiHis adult ducks number 35, from which from each adult. He received $45 from 18 to sv profit incubator,making when for the about cents per pound ducklings they were eightor nine weeks from that 8 10 to and at pounds per pair,growing nearly old, age they weighed At the of South " sold dressed,the feathers paying for the fast as chicks. They were Each of feathers, duck and picking. yieldedabout two ounces killing young of the young sold at 50 cents per pound. which ducks Occasionallysome On weighing them would increase at the rate of a pound a week. at six week more would attain weeks old,they have averaged 2i pounds, and in one but require manner as 3} pounds. They are fed in the same cliicks, young is animal food. Soft food better for them than little more ?,rain. a hard-boiled soaked in milk, anfirst hatched "When swers egg, with stale bread of scalded meal three or four days old a mixture well. When and excellent food. an potatoes are added, makes middlings,to which mashed The best months not be omitted. for Green food and meat, however, must selling (Boston market) are May and June, the average price ])er pound, in at a time when chicks are depressed They come wholesale,being 22 cents. is two cents for nine weeks, cost for each duck a week in price. The average five cents a pound. or about the 1st of February, and luy about ducks begin to lay near Mr. Rankin's old. commencing wlien five months They are of ,140 eg^s each per annum, feathers and skin and white the the Pekin variety, being yellow legs pure desirable. The old ducks can be kept with only a large trough for bathing at all,except ducks he uses water no As to the raisingof young purposes. as chicks, for drinking purposes. Tliey are kept in little yards the same Rankin Mr. and fast. and fewer are to diseases, hardy grow subject being astonished the and literally incubators being very successful, uses entirely, from Boston 'exhibit his with his visitors of the State Fair by bringing eggs ing hatchoiit and of the hours 18 them incubator, to Philadelphia, keeping the journey, well shaken on nearly all of them ; although they were The figuresgiven,as well as the out during transit. "them of hatching many to be ex' feet that no water is required,solves the problem as to the ])rofit twice as HOW 38 TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. states,the secret is in a good incu pected from ducks,but, as Mr. Rankin the time of incubation upt( and attention a during breed, good good bator, tlie periodof marketing the ducklings. not to b( in ducks, for tlieypossess many Tliere is a profit good qualities faster than chicks, and are read} overlooked. In the first place they grow old. for market when three months anc They are subjectto fewer diseases, and attention. need less care They usuallylay earlyin the morning, anc and consume are anything regularin their habits. Ducks are gross feeders, with meal and mid A })otof boiled turnips,thickened that may be offered. dlings, furnishes them with a delicacy,while the tops of vegetablesar" to a pond, bui tlveyhave access They thrive best when greedilydevoured. for if desired is what without be required drinking, kept water, except may but in such case they should be supplied with a ration of meat every day; them for bathing purposes, and if suppliedwithal A largetrough will serve Ducks voracious and greedy,anc are they require,will give good returns. will run unless fed judiciously, nearly equal to the receipts up an expense consist of grass and other bulky material but a largeportionof tlieir food may concentrated food. which is better for them than too much They do no* therefore have as much for exercise as can be al and should room scratch, the largestbreedst but the Aylesbury; The Pekins and Rouens lowed. are the claimed be best to are layers. The breeds of ducks consist of the Aylesbury,Rouen, Lall,Cayuga,Muscovy Crested,and Pekin, though the Call and Muscovy are of two colors,dividet and Colored Th' into White Muscovy, and Gray and White Call ducks. about largest is the Pekin, which twenty pounds per pair,an" averages deriv* often weighs eighteen pounds per pair. Ducks the Rouen, which seeds and grains on th fish and aquaticplantsfrom the water, and worms, land,and consequentlyare not very dainty;grass also being accepted. On be allowed. The period of incubation is foui drake with three females may The Pekins may be kept in yards with no weeks. running water, provider them for bathing purposes. Ducks will average fron a trough be allowed hundred instances known in whicl to one are though seventy eggs per annum, they have laid as many as loO. Ducklings, if allowed on ponds where turtles exist,will be destroyed When Then hatched, feed nothing for twenty- four hours. give boiled oat meal and corn After the second meal, mixed with milk and eggs. day pieceof meat, boiled to pieces,and thickened with oat meal, should be give) three times a week, adding to the mess chopped grass, cabbage or onion Cooked Feed oi vegetablesare excellent,as also bread soaked in milk. clean places,and give the food and water in sliallow dishes. Ai'ter they ar two weeks old give anything that they will eat. RAISING G^mSAS. Q When c guineasare confined they seldom sit,but when given the liberty the fields, they will hatch broods and rear them under difficulties that woul be fatal to other kinds of poultry. The young feather very rapidly, ones an HOW 4i) TO POULTRY MAKE PAY. be plucked for feathers two or three times during the summer, \vorth from sixty to yield about a pound of leathers per annum of is if the will Geese sexes cents. proportion equal,but pair seventy-five limit. be permitted with one as a three geese may Ihey are easily) gander restrained within enclosures by clippingtheir wings. the Wild, Toulouse, Embden, African, There are eightvarieties of geese White Chinese, Brown Chinese, Egyptian, and Sebastopol. The Toulouse the largest, and sometimes and Embden are weigh sixty pounds per pair. other breeds. The latter is entirelywhite, and also more prolificthan some the lai-gest; Embden makes with the of the Toulouse A cross gander goose They and may will " bird for market. inanagement of The other ornamental than useful. breeds are more ducks. be similar to that of young The goslingsshould TUEKEYS. hens, and allow six hens with eacW| gobbler witli common limit,though fewer are better. Each hen will lay from twentyj The to fortyeggs, accordingto management. periodof incubation is thirtjl no] f or hen. Allow the young constitute Sixteen a ones a sitting "lays. eggs Then feed often (but avoid overfeeding), food for twenty-fourhours. giving] of this is tliat The reason food at least every hours until they feather. two the growth of feathers on a con^ turkeys is very rapid and demands young stant supply of nutrition,hence a singleomission of food for a few hours be coarse .sometimes proves fatal. The feed at firstshould corn meal, which should be mixture of milk and Tliis is added to a cooked, and am eggs. three to it. After onion chopped up and added are they days old, feed and well mixed withl oats inashed onions, chopped ground egg, potatoes, Milkis always excellent. After they are a week old the milk, and cooked, and a little ground bone meat be omitted,but a proportionof cooked egg may sliould be allowed. grain of all kinds (corn They may then be allowed and milk. The water should be fresh and being ground),cooked vegetables, iron of of of be gi""n in every to tincture a teaspoonful clean,one-quarter Cross a as jj^obbler l)intof Bronze a water. of the secrets of raisingyoung to allow them to gel turkeys is never in a coop with the hen wet The damp grass is fatal. Keep them or chilled. for three or four days, and tlien allow them with her on dry day"\ to ramble in a place on the a[)proachof damj) w^eather. only,keeping them roomy They cannot be confined like chicks,as it is not their nature, but if carefully take care watched until they are beyond danger they are very hardy and cnn of themselves. Do not attempt to raise turkeys unless you have ample room for them to forageupon, as they are fond of straying off to long distances, the highest fences. and easilyflyover Keep the male away from the hens he will eject them from the nests. When while the latter are sitting, or on the nest the hen sticks closely,and will nearly starve before she will leave it,consequentlyher food should not be neglected. Turkeys are subjecttc the same diseases as chickens,and the remedies in the case of one apply tc the other. One TO HOW MAKE PAY. POULTRY 41 varieties of turkeys the Wild, Bronze, Narragansett, There seven are "White, Bh\ck, Buff,and Slate,the Bronze and Narragansettbeing the largest in size,sometimes attainingthe weight of fortypounds. All varieties prefer " to roost in trees, but may, to roost iu the by being hatched under THE POULTRY HOUSES. if eggs TL.e warmer the poultry houses the better, there is no and houses make the little to warm, very and barnyard hens,be taught poultryhouses. wattles, if the poultryman is careful. Wall are It costs but for frozen combs and so is is excellent, desired. excuse paper tarred paper. If conimon brown is pasted on the wall, it will keep paper out tlie cold admirably. Make of glue to of a paste flour,adding an ounce add a teaeach quart of paste, first soaking the glue in hot water. Then spoonful of carbolic acid to each gallon of paste. Use plentv of paste, and of paper straightup and down, on the walls. Lay another course lay a course over this,running the paper crosswise,and lapjiingeacli layerover the first. Common An ordinary, newspapers may be used if the paste is used liberally. brush is all the implement required. Siiould there be fear cheap whitewash of lice, the carbolic acid will serve a a as preventive,and as a precaution, it i3 o?" tlie Insect Powder Persian J)rofuse dusting over dnmp paper, as HOW 42 TO MAKE POULTRY PAY, the walls,will render tlie poultryhouse decidedlj' unhealthy for to ha\'e a close roof to prevent dampness, all kinds of insects. It is necessary also be pastedif necessary. and the underside of the roof may of We give here a row poultryhouses, and also one of them enlargedand the floor, is one house that contains a large space on The shown singly. from the front to the the there same room where it is most needed, being that in house with tlie roof Avould be contained a covering as larger rear, of house this The the is are which advantages to arranged. glass portion that less lumber is requiredin proportionto space gained,while it also serves a covered as yard during the cold days of winter. ^X'\X\\most poultryhousesdo not enter until quitelate in the morning, but with this the rays of the sun tinues the light and heat enters as soon as the sun rises,and so conarrangement, until sundown, thus allowing heat the whole ihty. Our readers may, economical be enabled to build an with tlmhelp of these illustrations, try poulothers,or make an improvement on the plans house, compared with some applied to suggested. G. W. Mr. Pressey, of Hammonton, poultryhouses, one number. says We can is shown of which better describe it J., sends us illustrations of his arranged in a alone,wirh the same by using Mr. Pressey'slanguage. He N. : " '"I send you feet wide, and a of my poultryhouse. into 12 rooms, 5 feet each. sketch i)encil is divided long by 12 has in it partition It is 60 feet Each HOW TO :make pay. poultry 43 door,2ix6 feet. The front is 6 feet high, and the back is 3 the back of these shed rooms, as will be plainlyand quickly At high. is a the roosts Under nests. the roosts and roosting are placed seen, bottom the of the sill. abov^e and 1 foot board 2^ feet wide by five feet long, lu front of foot above it the two roosts. Under this are four nests,ond one a wire screen feet these is and 3^ feet wide attached to partition in front of the roosts down extending a the at the roostingboard, but 10 inches in front of nnd from the roosts,when for cold shut down a roof,2i feet from the plate, rightangle,nearly as low as that the hens to ',an go in t. as seen "e sheds. weather, it,so POULrRY MAKE TO HOW 44 PAY. lower half of tiiis partitionis hinged to the The be turned ujd in warm weather, and for cleaning in firstshed. " In front of these sheds are yards about 50 feet long,fan-shaped,and 15 end. This feet wide at the outer building fronts the south. The entrance should be made of boards,to keep out the end the west fence on door and the Avill of wire the sun should be made the so others All clotli, cold wind. as shine in the yards and sheds as much possible. In very cold climates,it be found best to close the fronts of tlie sheds with glassin cold,stormy may do not think it best. but here we M-eather, the with little room in Avhich the hens sleep,is nicely warmed **The hens which animal heat of the ten or twelve we keep in each pen. These apartments may be made twice as largefor twenty-fivehens each,if the eggs not to be hatched. are Being open at the bottom,the poisonousgases, being the greatest heavier than pure air,drop out, and Ave have proper ventilation, in most of both the animal and compact, and possiblesaving cheapest, heat, convenient form. " for breeding pure Langshan fowls, I have used these sheds three seasons I know and I am satisfied it is the best plan of which anything. If it proves of benefit to your readers, I shall feel well repaid." exceptingthe first one. upper halt,so that it can the roostingboard,as seen PO UL TR Y no USE FOR CHICKS. More fowls are destroyedin infancy,like humans, by injudiciousfeeding, of the young than at any other time. fir-t four weeks' management The for no after-cares can chicks is everything, compensate for neglectduring the be given the critical period. For the first twenty-four hours no food should be given hard-boiled At first they may chicks of any kind. egg, chopped fine. This need the food should be only be given two or three days,when of oatmeal cooked in milk to which an changed to one consisting egg has The been added. second and oatmeal week the milk nuxde, gruel,stiffly be continued,and good Avheat screeningsallowed should After the also. second week the food may be varied so as to consist of anything they Avill eat,but do not co)ifine them to a singlearticle of diet,as disease of the bowels Green grass, cooked and milk occur. vegetables, may may be given freely. The chicks should not be alloAved to roam outside witli the hen, if possible, until the sun is well uj), as dampness is more injuriousto them than cold. and meat are is cleanliness forming very after observed but few diseases appear. Never let a surplusof food remain the feedingis over, but see that they are suppliedbefore taking sufficiently the excess Young chicks are not troublesome to raise if a little system away. "When very feed every two houi-s,as featr.ers. bone When fast,requiringplenty of nourishment. young and care is practicsd. Our artist has prepared another of his admirable poultryhouses for the farmer. In many instances it is desirable to keep the breeds separate, same side The two outshows and the cnt a^ ove houses for three varieties of chickens. houses h ve doors opening toward the front out of which the poultrycan HOW at "onio TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. 45 The centre house,though it has a window facingfront and inside partitions The opening into a yard at^theback. simply with lath doors for the owner. By being in a row thev much more and no cheaply, arrangement other thau this will pleasure. snath, has its door vnn -an ho made be made allow so small an amount of ground to make three yards. For those wanting more than three houses,the followingplan can the first: II H H H representsfour houses such as are shown in the Y Y Y Y are the four yards,made by fence F F F F, and at the yards. The houses the doors from which enter can poultry liave glassat south as shown in first cut. THE I breeders and be added to first picture. d d d are should each d ROOSTS, instinct of self-preservation prompts fowls to perch on the highest cause attain wiien seeking the quarters at night. This is done becan of from above reach desire be far the to below, danger they naturally that flyin the air. This inand they go under shelter to avoid the enemies sti!\ctof the fowl is well known, and yet a largemajorityof breeders construct the rear to have cross as piece higher than the their roosts in such a manner will take first is the low. until ]lfanyone one and so continuing, quite The pointthey next, HOW 46 TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. look into the quarters at night after the fowls have retired, it wiA be seen how mucli that no matter there may be on the roots, a portionof the room lower space will be unoccupied,while the higher poles will be crowded, the fowls being as compactly pressedtogetheras though the packing process had been purposely done to get them all as high as possible. There are several objections to such fort roosts,not only so far as the discomof the fowls is concerned,but because they are unsightly,unhandy, and filthy. The gridironroost,with its low and high perches,is an obstacle in It takes up unnecessary the way of cleaning the coop. space, and it compels the heavy fowls to jump higher,at the risk of knocking over the small ones, when and an occasional fall is the consequence coming off. Not only are the feet injured,but bruises and jarsto the body are also the result. should all be on Perches the level with each other,and should be made easilyremovable. By so doing the fowls will not crowd each other,and the perches can be cleaned and washed with coal oil occasionally. No injury from getting on or off will occui-, and conflict for preferenceof position no "c. will take place,to say nothing of superiorventilation, a CLEANLINESS IN THE POULTRY HOUSE, task at all times to clean out the poultry houses and a disagreeable but, like every other undertaking, much depends on the systematic have seen in whicn the work is performed. We labor hard manner persons with shovel and hoe,cleaningthe poultryhouse, all day, in the midst of filth, finished but little appearance and when the job was of cleanliness was added effectual of x'here is an if the neat, cleaning poultry house, easy, way the dread and disgustof the work, and makes it Wiiich,if adopted, removes of an annoyance. The first consideration is the construca pleasure instead tion of the floors. Dry dirt will not answer, for the reason that it absorbs and the filth can only be removed the impurities, with the dirt,thus entailing the necessityof changing the entire floor and substituting fresh material. found the use of the broom the cleanest,easiest, and best We have to be method of removing the droppings,but in order to do so, the floor must be hard. Wood is the best material,but a wooden floor is liable to become a ciently harboringplace for rats,unless it is well closed underneath, or raised suffi- It is coops, " in and out under it. When cat or terrier to run this is to allow a done the cold air comes in winter,and makes the up into the poultry house is better, for it not only prevents vermin wooden floors objectionable.Cement from entering,but also the drafts. The cheapest way to make such a floor is of cement, and to take 1 barrel oi lime, 2 of sand, 1 of fine gravel,1 bushel Mix the ingredientsdry, then add water, and 2 gallons liquid coal tar. spread evenly on a hard surface which has been graveled. The coal tar may be brought to a proper consistencywith coal oil. It keeps away lice,and undisturbed for twenty-fourhours, colors the cement. Let the floor remain and. add another coatingin order to stop the cracks. HOW TO PUBLICATIONS NEW OF rOTATOES." IN "MONEY FRANKLIN for the Potato ooinplete Instructor Fifty-six chapters. plaiued iu seventeen the to Grower. A Feed different from amounts to how shooting with snap shoot rifle a a ISSUES Complete Novels all and think we jne no form 1. book The over cried, and Widow which it is etc., :i. The Other and 4. The _ ^ all the works 5. Manual of fairystories ever publihed. delighted with them. of the Lake. By Sir Walter " Lake is a guide 6. and to ^ving plain directions kind, with everv V. 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" author books pa|ior" and and our taining catalogue, con- b,.,,k-^ for 18 NEWS CO., St., Philadelphia, cents " Pa" WIGMORE'S PATENT FARMERS' Set Caponizing the in this country; little known very and and in France Italy is frequently and allotted I have manufactured children. to mere operated with all kinds and not isfied of caponizing for the past twenty-five instruments being satyears, the of my with other own or present set, any makes, until I invented I am satisfied is perfect, and had which therefore 22, 1886. My patented June farmers set is especially invented to enable and poultei'ers to do their own Witli caponizing. improved set, after a little practice, you will not have my killed. three over Slips or partly-caponized fowls will be unknown. per cent, The of art caponlzinof however, operation, is to seems be quite simple, and from farmers poulterers using my daily receiving congratulations and States and in all parts of the United Canada, experts speak of them With set you in the terms. can assistance, caponize, without highest my little or no with than r"ieaner with apparently quiclcer and other, and any after the first incision. motionless pain to the fowl, as they lay almost and finer meat, The of capons much are advantages larger fowls, sweeter and more they sell at a much higher price. They will rear and care for many of their from chicks an incubator a hen will, on account or young hen, than hens cocks neither nor like chicks' the young large size. They company, and feed out a brood, coop after bringing hen The having any use for them. she will lay again. her for a few the flock and with up days, then let her run of their quiet food as cockerels, on account Capons do not require as much I am S('t"i ^ the food all going to flesh. to one hundred per cent, more farmer who poultry can nyses nature, Fifty on profit is made capons. and set. book aff'ord to be without my Poultry Make tains How to Pay, conand PRACTirAi. Caponizing My book: 8 illustrations of with 40 pages, to caponizing 12 are devoted which of life. from the operation at diflTerent points photographed steel nickle-plated spreader, set consists fine steel knife; one of one My German-silver both cutting and well adapted for the purpose; improved my German-silver fine with fine hook on opposite end; one twisting scoop, " No probe, and the fowl; "Daponizing ""n for quickly to cords hooks attached securing German-silver book 25-cent : Pkaotical, fine velvet-lined a my case, with Make Poultry by mail, How Pay, sent to any address to and of price, $3.00. Send postal order or registered letter four all in receipt and inventor Iwi M. H. WIGMORE. 107 S. EIGHTH manufacturer, ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. S.A. 6.6. "D -1 A- "
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