Chick Checklist Chicken Care After First 60 Days

Chicken Care After First 60 Days
Now that they are old enough, your chicks are ready to move
to the coop!
Chicken Coop: When planning your chicken coop, remember
that you are not only protecting them from the climate, but
also from your local predators. To keep them warm during the
weather roller coaster of spring and fall, make sure the coop
is well insulated and draft-free. Give your hens a safe place to
roost; don’t make it easy for predators to sneak in by leaving
Flooring: Pine shavings are the most popular, but you have
plenty of other options (like processed paper, wood chips and
straw) if cost and availability prohibit. However, these other
materials do provide some potential health risks in certain
climates so make sure to do some research first!
Chick Checklist
Pullets, Bantam, Cornish Cross Chicks and More.
Pine Soft Pellet Bedding 40lbs.
5 lb. or 40 lb. Chick Starter
101009169, 109508992
5 lb. or 40 lb. Gamebird/Showbird Feed
101013091, 109501966
Oyster Shell 5 or 50 lbs
109506013, 101009172
Fancy Scratch Grains 50lbs.
16% Layer Crumbles 40lbs.
16% All Purpose Poultry Crumbles 40lbs
Hanging Poly Feeders (3lb. 10lb. 22lb.)
101274071, 4078, 4099
Hanging Galvanized Feeder 30lb
20” Plastic Flip Top Feeder
18” Reel Feeder
Deep Litter is popular in commercial operations and it may
work well for you as well. It is more convenient since you only
need to clean out the litter once or twice a year. Just watch
out for patches of moisture and caking – remove these spots
right away and churn the litter frequently.
Food & Water: Chicken pellets and layer feed are a good
option. Treats like vegetables, bread and bugs will help them
keep a balanced diet. All Poultry must also have access to grit for
digestion. Oyster shell has the advantage of adding calcium to
the bird’s diet.
Chick Guide
24” Top-Slide Galvanized Feeder
1 Gallon Poly Poultry Waterer with Base
2 or 5 Gallon Double Wall Galvanized Fount
Hanging or Clamp-On Brooder Reflector
105820146, 103953630
Heat Bulbs or Splatter-Proof Heat Bulbs
103800017, 0025, 0033
30 Egg Still Air Incubator
Automatic Egg Turner
Duramycin 6.4 oz. Tetracycline Soluble Powder
Answers & Low Prices Down Every Aisle SM
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take for an egg to develop into a chick and
About three weeks, twenty-one days to be exact.
How often do chickens lay eggs?
That depends on three main factors:
Breed of chicken:
Some chickens are bred for meat production and lay few eggs;
some are bred for egg production and can lay as often as once a
day; others are bred as “dual purpose” and are good for both egglaying and meat, although not optimal for either.
Hen’s age:
Hens start to lay at 4-5 months of age, and lay best during their
first year. Each year after that, their production decreases.
In the winter (with fewer daylight hours) egg production
drastically decreases. High laying season is summer.
Why are my eggs so small?
The first eggs your chickens lay will be small, but as they lay
more the eggs will slowly grow to a size you are more accustomed
to. Also, check on the breed of your chickens, the size and color of
egg will vary by breed.
Why do I have wavy eggs?
Wavy egg shapes occur when your chickens do not have enough
calcium in their diet. Consider switching their feed to layer
crumbles and/or adding oyster shell to their diet to increase
calcium levels.
Should I wash my eggs?
Just like with any food we gather, it seems logical to think that
washing and refrigerating our eggs is the correct procedure.
However, eggs are incredibly resilient and stay fresh for weeks
with or without washing and refrigeration! Eggs are covered with
a protective coating called bloom that keeps them sealed from
outside contaminants. Washing will remove this coating, so make
sure you refrigerate your eggs in a sealed container if you decide
to do so. Unwashed eggs can be stored on the counter (though
not near a heat source.) or refrigerator and can actually stay fresh
longer than washed eggs.
How long will my eggs keep?
Eggs can be kept in the refrigerator or on the counter for storage,
though they keep longer when kept at a constant 35-40 degrees.
Eggs can last for several weeks and up to several months if stored
How do I know if an egg is bad?
There are two methods for checking to see if an egg has gone bad.
1. Crack the egg into a separate bowl - If you smell sulfur or see
foreign objects in the yolk, it is bad.
2. Use the float test -Place the egg into a bowl of water, if the
egg floats, it is bad.
What breed would you suggest I should raise for meat?
If you want meat as soon as possible then you should buy a meat
hybrid, such as the Cornish Cross. If you don’t mind waiting a
while, then a dual purpose breed such as the Barred Plymouth
Rock should fit you just fine. Some people claim that home-grown
chickens taste better than commercial meatbirds, but that’s for
you to decide. Other people are raising meat birds for themselves
to avoid hormones and chemicals injected into commercial meat
birds to boost body weight.
As necessary: fill feed and water containers and replace heat bulbs.
Daily: egg collection, and closing the coop if you’ve let them out.
Monthly: change bedding and remove waste.
Twice a year: a thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the coop.
Read about the CDC’s recommendations for handling live
poultry on their website:
Chick Care & Equipment
Basics of Chick Care
Proper poultry care is based on six key points, illustrated by the acronym “FLAWSS” (feed, light, air, water, space and sanitation).
1. Feed must be clean, fresh and dry. Improperly stored feeds
can develop molds and mycotoxins, which result in poor
health and growth.
2. Feed should always be measured by weight per package
specifications, not by volume. Weigh the feed in the
container that will be used.
3. As soon as the chicks arrive, scatter some feed so they can
find it easily.
4. Keep height of feeder even with the back of the birds to
reduce feed waste and contamination.
5. Allow 1” of feeder space per bird for the first 2 weeks,
increase to 2” for weeks 3-6, and 3” after 6 weeks.
1. Light should be continuous for the first 48 hours of the
chicks life.
2. Layers require reduced light 8-12 hours per day (simulates
Spring conditions).
3. Standard rule is 15-watt of light for each 200 square feet for
14 hours per day for layers.
1. Good, fresh air is mandatory. Stale, dusty or ammonia-laden
air will cause health problems or death for the chicks.
2. Excessive temperatures will stunt growth and feathering.
3. Temperature under brooders should be 90-95 degrees
for the first week, decrease by 5 degrees per week until
reaching 70 degrees.
4. Typically, brooders require one 250-watt bulb for each 50-75
5. If the chicks are peeping a lot and loudly or cuddling, they
are cold!
1. Cool, fresh water needs to be available at all times.
2. Allow 1 gallon waterer fount for each 25 chicks.
3. Keep waterers clean to prevent spread of bacterial
4. Use a water-soluble antibiotic, 6.4 oz Duramycin
(102110057) from day one of chick production.
5. Utilize a water-soluble vitamin product if health or
growth problems are apparent. Examples would be Vital
(102113461) or Vitamin & Electrolyte (102110366).
6. Vitamins and electrolytes are also valuable as a preventative
measure during periods of stress (molting, weather changes,
start of egg production).
1. Avoid over-crowding. Crowding increases bad litter
conditions, which generate ammonia, which can burn eyes
and footpads and lead to crippling.
2. Allow ½ square foot per chick for 0-4 weeks.
3. Allow 1 square foot per chick during 4-8 weeks.
4. Allow 2-3 ½ square foot per chicken for mature birds.
Common Terms
Broilers- affective meat producers
Biddy- laying hen over one year of age
Cock- rooster over one year of age
Cockerel – rooster under one year of age
Comb- flesh on top of chicken’s head
Feather Out- loss of fuzz and growth of actual feathers
Usually occurs between 6-12 weeks depending on breed
Layers- affective egg producers
Pullet – hen under one year of age
Straight run – mix of pullets and cockerels (lower price)
1. Uncleanliness destroys any chance of a healthy flock.
2. Clean and disinfect coop before arrival of chicks.
3. Keep 3-4 inches of clean, dry litter on the floor – Orscheln
Stall Dry (101246456) is excellent for this purpose.
NOTE: Stall Dry is a natural product, a lightly scented blend of
natural clays and diatomaceous earth, safe for animals, people,
and the environment. Well-known for use in horse stalls, it is also
excellent for poultry houses and pet cages. Never use newspaper
as a bedding for waterfowl – the slick surface can lead to a
condition called “straddle-leg”. Also, do NOT put birds directly on
pine shavings as they could eat the shavings, which can clog the
digestive track and kill the birds.
We also carry poultry protection for IPS Carefree (enzyme) in
16oz (101016045) and 1 liter (101016046) sizes.
All natural, non-toxic enzymes used to clean away mites, fleas,
and lice at all stages from eggs to adult insects. Benefits include
increased egg production and body weight.
Orscheln Poultry Equipment
Ground Feeders
•20in Plastic Flip Top Feeder (101062783)
•36in Galvanized Range Feeder (103765194)
•24in Galvanized Slide Top Feeder (103760233)
•18in Reel Type Feeder (101274127)
Round or Hanging Feeders
•30lb Galvanized Hanging Tube Feeder (101274120)
•Hanging Plastic Feeder (101274078)
•1 Qt Jar Base Feeder (103765178)
•22 lb Hanging Plastic Feeder (101274099)
•3lb Hanging Plastic Feeder (101274071)
Orscheln Poultry Feed Selections
Country Lane 18% Chick Starter/Grower
Crumbles (109508992)
Medicated to provide coccidiosis control. Balanced
nutrients to promote rapid early growth. Highly
palatable to encourage early consumption. For
layer replacement pullets, feed Chick Starter from
1 day to 6 weeks old. For broiler chicks, feed Chick
Starter from 1 day to 4 weeks old.
Country Lane 16% All Purpose Poultry Crumbles
May be fed to layers, turkeys, ducks, geese and game
birds (pheasants, quail, chukar and mallard ducks).
Flexible feed for use as a grower and developer
from 6 weeks of age through laying. Feed as the
sole ration, do not add corn. High energy feed for
maximum egg production.
Trip-L Duty All Purpose
Poultry Feed (101330932)
All-purpose ration for poultry – starter and
finisher. Complete and balanced to supply the
proper amounts of vitamins and minerals.
Crumbled form to aid in consumption and reduce
wastage. Can also be fed to ducks, geese, turkeys
and game birds.
NOTE: Chick Starter (or any medicated poultry
feed) can NOT be fed to ducks, turkeys, or game
birds (pheasants, peacocks, chukars, and quail) – it
will be FATAL. Ducks, turkeys, and game birds tend
to eat more than chicks and will overdose on the
Country Lane Fancy Scratch Grains (109509118)
Inexpensive energy source for all types of poultry
when complete feed is not desired. High-test weight
grains provide an economical source of energy.
Introduce Fancy Scratch Grain gradually until the
birds can be fed free-choice or in self-feeders.
Country Lane 16% Layer Crumbles
High energy ration for high egg production.
Balanced ration, do not feed grain in addition.
Begin feeding at the onset of lay (approximately
22 weeks) through laying period.
Feed Solutions Flock Block (107299753)
Whole grain enrichment supplement for free ranging
poultry and game birds. Encourages natural pecking
instincts to help reduce cannibalism. Contains oyster
shell and grit. Available in a 25 lb. block.
Manna Pro Poultry Conditioner (107298433)
Comprehensive pelleted supplement helps
condition birds for performance and exhibition.
Supports brilliant, high quality plumage.
Provides complete fortification for vigorous,
healthy birds. Contains Calf-Manna for protein
and energy.
All Poultry must have access to grit for digestion
– either Oyster Shell (109506013) or Poultry
Grit (101252651). Oyster shell has the
advantage of adding calcium to the bird’s diet
as well.
Waterer or Fountain Complete Units
•Poultry Waterer with base 666/750 (101274085)
•5 Gal Galvanized Poultry Fountain (103760209)
•5 Gal Plastic Poultry Fountain (101274113)
•Heated Plastic Poultry Fountain (101018412)
•2 Gal Galvanized Poultry Fountain (103760186)
•7 Gal Plastic Poultry Fountain (103760144)
•3 Gal Plastic Poultry Fountain (101274106)
Waterer or Fountain Base and Jar Separates
•1 Qt Galvanized Mason Jar Waterer Base (103765217)
•1 Qt Jar Chick Waterer Only Fits 740 (101167664)
•Chick Waterer Base Only for 1 Qt Jar (109030511)
Incubation Equipment
•Still Air Incubator (109510565)
•Automatic Egg Turner (109510581)
Forced Air Fan Kit Model 7200 available by special order from
Miller Mfg. Convert still air incubator into circulated incubator, to
improve hatching in situations of fluctuating temperatures.