Calendar How-to Guide Version 2.2 Last updated: 2/4/2013 [email protected] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints © 2012 Intellectual Reserve Inc. English approval: 8/12 Calendar How-to Guide Table of Contents Calendar Overview Calendar Help Browser Requirements Release Notes Version 2.3 (December 2012) Version 2.2 (August 2012) Interface Changes Functionality Changes Printed Help Materials Quick Reference Guides How-to Guide Getting Help with Calendar Initial Setup Rights and Roles Member Role Editor Role Building Scheduler Role Administrator Role Settings Menu Options for Each Role Privacy and Available Member Names in the Calendar Make Your Profile Visible Add or Remove Calendar Editors Add or Remove Building Schedulers Add or Remove Administrators Why Don't I Have Admin Rights? Setting Up the Calendar Mass-create New Calendars Import Events from Another Calendar Turn Off the Classic Calendar Creating Calendars Stake Versus Ward Calendars Private Calendars Calendar Approval Stake-Sponsored Ward Calendars Create Calendars Approve Calendars Rename Calendars Delete Calendars Troubleshoot Calendar Creation Calendar Views Agenda, Month, and Week Views Agenda, Month, and Week Views 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 21 23 23 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 29 29 29 30 31 32 32 Page i Calendar How-to Guide Agenda View Month View Week View Subscribed Calendars and Locations Locations E-mail Notifications for Calendars Change the Color of Icons Set International Display Options Manage Subscribed Calendars View Events by Location View the Calendar on Mobile Devices Printing the Calendar E-mail and Sync Managing E-mail Notifications Manage Global E-mail Notifications Manage E-mail Notifications for Specific Calendars Change Your E-mail Address Syncing with Third-Party Calendars Which Calendars Sync Sync URLs and Privacy Sync Intervals Sync with Google Calendar on Your Computer Sync with Google Calendar on the iPhone Sync with Apple Calendar Sync with Microsoft Outlook Export the Calendar as an iCal File Troubleshooting Google Sync Issues Event Scheduling About Event Scheduling Determining Calendar Publishing Rights Rules that Prevent Double-Booking Limitation with Publishing the Same Event to Multiple Calendars Scheduling Funerals, Weddings, Family Reunions, and Other Private Events Scheduling Events Check Location Availability Schedule Events Edit Events Send E-mail Notifications about Events Schedule Equipment for Events Working with Repeating Events Exceptions within a Repeating Series Change a Single Event within a Repeating Series Delete Instances within a Repeating Series 32 33 34 35 36 36 36 37 37 38 39 40 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 46 46 47 48 48 49 49 50 52 53 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 59 59 60 61 Page ii Calendar How-to Guide Sample Solutions for Repeating Events Overcoming Scheduling Conflicts Did the calendar allow two events to be double-booked? Locations About Locations Equipment at Locations Management of Location Information Locations and Resources Shared by Multiple Stakes Managing Locations Set Up Locations, Rooms, and Equipment Specify Locations Units Can Reserve Remove Locations Make a Location Unschedulable View Rooms and Equipment Designate a Primary Building Scheduler for a Location Change Building Scheduler Contact Information Troubleshoot Incorrect Location Information Reservations About Reservations Common Uses of Reservations How Reservations Appear on the Calendar Reservations Versus Scheduled Events Scope of Reservations for Units Who Can Make Reservations Building Scheduler Rights Per Location Event Conflicts with Reservations Blocked Locations Multiple Stakes and Reservations Making Reservations Reserve a Location Reserve the Chapel for a Private Event Block Calendar Editors from Scheduling a Location Change Details of an Event in Your Location View All Scheduled Events at Your Location View Contact Information for Other Building Schedulers Troubleshooting and Questions Known Issues Troubleshooting "Data Temporarily Unavailable" Messages "Access Denied" Messages Browser Issues Wrong Ward or Stake Shown Can't Remove an Event 61 63 64 66 67 67 68 68 68 68 70 71 72 72 72 73 73 74 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 78 79 80 80 80 81 81 82 82 83 84 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 Page iii Calendar Overview Calendar Overview Calendar How-to Guide Calendar Help The calendar shows events and activities for your ward and stake. Like Google Calendar, the calendar provides numerous calendars that you can show or hide to personalize the kind of events you want to see. This multi-calendar approach means each organization in your ward or stake can have its own calendar to publish and manage events. For example, you can have a Ward Activities calendar, a Young Women calendar, a Bishopric calendar, a Fireside calendar, a Temple calendar, and more. The events for each calendar are automatically displayed on your main calendar in different colors. The calendar names appear in your sidebar in a section called “Subscribed Calendars.” By selecting or clearing the check boxes next to calendars in your Subscribed Calendars list, you can control the events shown on your calendar. You can select the calendars you want to see. When you select a calendar, events for that calendar appear in that calendar's color. You can also select from a variety of locations to view events taking place at specific meetinghouses and other Church buildings or places. Locations works similar to calendars, except that rather than showing or hiding events for calendars, you show or hide events taking place at locations. Browser Requirements You will have the best experience viewing the calendar in Chrome, Page 2 Calendar How-to Guide Calendar Overview Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer 9. The calendar does not display correctly in Internet Explorer 7 or 8. If you have a Windows XP operating system and therefore cannot upgrade your browser to Internet Explorer 9, download Chrome or Firefox. Release Notes Version 2.3 (December 2012) l l l Bug fix: You can now delete building schedulers. Bug fix: You can now print calendars (including PDF) without dropping events. Bug fix: Fixed ability to delete calendars. Version 2.2 (August 2012) Calendar version 2.2 was released in August 2012. The following is a list of changes for version 2.2. Interface Changes Calendar Overview: You can view quick help information for the home page by clicking the Overview button. When you click the Overview button, a dimmed canvas overlay appears with various callouts. Click the underlined callouts to read more information. Agenda view: You can view events in a consolidated list format for the entire month by clicking the Agenda button. The events shown are similar to events in the Month view. You can also print the Agenda view. When you choose Print, the calendar renders the information as a PDF that you can either download or print. Adding events: The Add Event button has been aligned on the right and now appears as a plus button . Settings : The Settings menu on the left side of the calendar page has been switched to the right, and it appears as a gears icon Depending on your rights, Settings options: . can contain the following Page 3 Calendar Overview l Print l Help l Options l Sync l Calendars l Subscriptions l Administrators l Locations & Rooms l Reservations l Initial Setup l Import Events Calendar How-to Guide Tabbed pane: The tabbed pane has been removed. Each option in Settings takes you directly to the option’s page. When you view the page, the title of the page appears on the calendar bar. Page 4 Calendar Overview Calendar How-to Guide Subscriptions: On the Settings > Subscriptions page, the Subscribed/Unsubscribed button appears closer to the calendar name. (The Notifications and Status columns have been swapped.) Calendars: On the Settings > Calendars page, when you move your mouse over a calendar, background shading highlights the calendar you select. Setup time: When you create an event with a location, the check box to enable or disable setup time has been removed. Instead, the setup time is enabled at all times and the selection defaults to none. Functionality Changes Churchwide calendars: You can now view Churchwide events on the calendar. In the list of Subscribed Calendars, a new calendar appears at the top called “Churchwide calendars.” Churchwide events functions similarly to the Churchwide events feature on the classic calendar, in that you cannot post events to the Churchwide calendar. Only a select group of people at Church headquarters posts event information in the Churchwide calendar. If the event is available in multiple languages, the event appears in each language as appropriate. Page 5 Calendar Overview Calendar How-to Guide Importing events: If you are a calendar editor, you can import events from an ICS file into any calendar for which you have rights. Scheduling events: When you schedule an event, after choosing a location, the check box "Schedule entire location" is not selected. This helps prevent calendar editors from inadvertently scheduling the entire location and preventing others from scheduling the location during that time. Creating events: If you’re in the Month view and you create a new event, by default that event is set as an all-day event (rather than starting and ending at a specific time). If you're in the Week view and you create an event, the time corresponds with your selection. Initial setup l Stake or ward setup selector: If you are both a ward and stake administrator, when you go to Settings > Initial Setup, you can choose whether to set up a ward or stake. If you’re only a ward administrator, or only a stake administrator, you’re taken directly to the next step: Set Up Calendars. l Import Events: The Import Events tab has been removed. Instead, on the Settings menu, all members can see an Import Events option. (Note that you must be an editor or administrator to import events into a calendar.) l Private interview calendars: When setting up a calendar, several new private interview calendars, intended for bishoprics and stake presidencies, are available. These calendars are the same as a private calendar you might create yourself, with various callings given viewing and editing permissions. The only thing new about these private interview calendars is their convenience — they are available from the Initial Setup screen of the calendar, making it easier to add to your list of calendars. Page 6 Calendar How-to Guide Calendar Overview To add these new calendars, you can run the initial setup again at any time — even if you've already set up your calendar. Go to Settings > Initial Setup. Select the new check boxes next to the new calendars, and then click Save calendars. Viewing rights for these private calendars are as follows: Ward Calendar Bishop Interviews Viewers and Editors Bishop, executive secretary Bishopric first coun- Bishop, bishopric first counselor, bishopric second counselor, selor interviews ward executive secretary Bishopric second Bishop, bishopric first counselor, bishopric second counselor, counselor inter- ward executive secretary views When running the setup for a stake, the viewers and editors are as follows. Stake Calendar Stake President Viewers and Editors Stake president, executive secretary interviews Page 7 Calendar How-to Guide Calendar Overview Stake Calendar Stake presidency Viewers and Editors Stake president, stake presidency first counselor, stake pres- first counselor inter- idency second counselor, stake executive secretary views Stake presidency Stake president, stake presidency first counselor, stake pres- second counselor idency second counselor, stake executive secretary interviews You can verify the viewers and editors for each of these private calendars by going to Settings > Calendars. Click the name of the new calendars and review the list of callings in the Viewers/Editors section. Stake selector for out-of-unit leaders: If you are an out-of-unit leader, you can select the stake whose calendar you want to view from the Settings the unit name. menu. Options for each unit appear below Building scheduler contact information: By default, the first building scheduler in the list is the primary contact for a location. If you don't want the first building scheduler to appear as the contact, you can select another building scheduler's name. A box appears around the name you click, indicating that the person is selected as the primary contact for the building. Description information in tooltips: When you move your mouse over an event in the Month view, a description of the event appears in a tool tip. This helps you see event information even when the full event is compressed visually because multiple events are scheduled at the same time. Unit information on events: When you view the details of an event, you can see both the person who scheduled the event and the unit the person belongs to. This is particularly helpful when you're viewing events by location in the Week view, since this view allows you to see events outside your ward that take place in locations you have rights to view. Auto subscribe options segmented by ward and stake: Previously, to be notified of new calendars, you had just one autosubscribe option. Now when you go to Settings > Options, Page 8 Calendar How-to Guide Calendar Overview the options for subscribing to new calendars has been segmented into two options: Auto subscribe to new ward calendars, and Auto subscribe to new stake calendars. Additional detail shown when adding administrators or building schedulers: When you add administrators (by going to Settings > Administrators, or when you add new building schedulers by going to Settings > Locations & Rooms), the lookup lists show the person's unit and street as well as their name. This additional detail helps you identify the right member when multiple members have similar names. Documentation: Documentation for the calendar has been moved off the wiki to a new help system. The new help system increases search efficiency, provides print outputs, facilitates translation, and makes it easier to navigate to the content. You can access the documentation by going to Settings > Help. Continual beta: The calendar test site,, is now a perpetual beta site for testing new releases of the calendar. Printed Help Materials Quick Reference Guides To get started with the calendar, you can print a series of one-page guides by role. The getting started guides introduce you to the calendar and provide basic information for each role. To access the guides, go to Settings The guides include the following: > Help in the calendar. Page 9 Calendar Overview Calendar How-to Guide How-to Guide For a full PDF of the online help, see the Calendar How-to Guide. The how-to guide accommodates those who prefer to read through the help offline or who want a version they can annotate and mark up. Getting Help with Calendar For help with the calendar, you can use the LDSTech Forum to ask questions, raise concerns, or look for information. To access the LDSTech Forum, go to In the Website forum section, click Calendar. You must sign in with your LDS Account to post a new thread. Page 10 Initial Setup Initial Setup Calendar How-to Guide Rights and Roles The calendar has four main roles associated with it: member, editor, building scheduler, and administrator. In general, the member, editor, and administrator roles have successively increasing levels of rights, meaning that an editor can perform any tasks a member can do, and an administrator can perform any tasks an editor can do. The building scheduler role, however, has a unique set of rights. Member Role As a member of your ward or stake with an LDS Account, you can view the calendar. You are automatically subscribed to all ward and stake calendars that have already been created. You can change calendar colors, unsubscribe from calendars, print the calendar, and sync the calendar with a third-party calendar. You can also create a new calendar, but the new calendar must be approved by a calendar administrator before it becomes available. Editor Role Calendar editors can add and manage events on a specific calendar. If you created a calendar (for example, Relief Society calendar), you are automatically added as an editor for that calendar. As an editor, you can designate additional editors for your calendar. If you used the Initial Setup to create calendars for your ward, the leadership roles appropriate to each calendar were already added. For example, if you created a bishopric calendar, the bishopric, ward executive secretary, and ward clerk are automatic editors for the calendar. If you think you should be an editor for a calendar but are not, contact an administrator requesting that he or she make you an editor for that calendar. Building Scheduler Role Stake administrators designate one or more ward building Page 12 Initial Setup Calendar How-to Guide schedulers for each location. The building scheduler is responsible for all events taking place at a location. Building schedulers can do the following: l Update the details for any event scheduled in their location. l Reserve locations for wards at specific, recurring times. l l Block out the location for a specific time, preventing any calendar editor from scheduling it. Override any reservations for their locations. Contrary to what the name might imply, building schedulers cannot actually schedule events. They can only create reservations, which are not events. (See "Making Reservations" on page 80 for more information about the difference.) No one automatically receives rights as a building scheduler in the calendar (not even stake administrators or stake building specialists). A stake administrator must manually designate each building scheduler. A stake administrator can designate himself as a building scheduler as well. You cannot assign someone outside your stake to be a building scheduler, even if the person meets in your stake's location. If two stakes share the same location, the building scheduler must be assigned from within the agent stake. Administrator Role Ward and stake administrators can approve new calendars. They can make calendars inactive and remove calendars in cases of misuse or lack of use. They can also manage events on calendars. In contrast to ward administrators, stake administrators can also manage locations and rooms, including designating building schedulers. Note that ward administrators have administrative rights for ward calendars only; stake administrators have administrator rights for stake calendars only. Rights are not hierarchical from stakes to wards. Page 13 Initial Setup Calendar How-to Guide Members with the following callings are default ward administrators for the calendar: l Bishop l Bishopric first counselor l Bishopric second counselor l Ward executive secretary l Ward clerk l Ward assistant clerk l Ward assistant clerk, finance l Ward assistant clerk, membership l Ward website administrator Members in the following callings are default stake administrators for the calendar: l Stake president l Stake presidency first counselor l Stake presidency second counselor l Stake executive secretary l Stake clerk l Stake assistant clerk l Stake assistant clerk, finance l Stake assistant clerk, membership l Stake assistant clerk, technology specialist l Stake assistant executive secretary Page 14 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup l Stake website administrator l Stake building specialist (The callings are parallel for branches and districts – just replace “ward” with “branch” and “stake” with “district.”) You can add other people as calendar administrators as well. However, if someone has been added as an administrator (rather than receiving administrator rights because of his or her calling), the person cannot see a list of other administrators, nor can he or she grant administrative rights to others. To troubleshoot issues with administrative rights, see the topic "Why Don't I Have Admin Rights?" on page 18. Settings Menu Options for Each Role The options that appear in the Settings role. Role menu depend on your Settings Options Member Print, Help, Options, Calendars, Sync, Subscriptions Calendar Editor Print, Help, Options, Sync, Calendars, Subscriptions, Initial Setup, Import Events Building Scheduler Print, Help, Options, Sync, Calendars, Subscriptions, Reservations, Initial Setup, Import Events Ward Admin- Print, Help, Options, Sync, Calendars, Subscriptions, Initial istrator Setup, Import Events Stake Admin- Print, Help, Options, Sync, Calendars, Subscriptions, Locations istrator & Rooms, Initial Setup, Import Events Privacy and Available Member Names in the Calendar When you try to add a member as a calendar editor or administrator, if the member has selected to make his or her profile private Page 15 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup in the directory, the member's name will not appear for you to add in the calendar. In the United States, Canada, and many other areas, profiles are public by default. For members in European Union countries, Mexico, Australia, and other countries, profiles are private by default to comply with data privacy laws. Make Your Profile Visible 1. On, go to Sign In/Tools > Directory. 2. In the left column, select My Household. 3. Click Edit. 4. Above the Household Information section, select the check box labeled Allow authenticated members of my stake [district] to see my household information ... (If this text doesn't appear, your profile is already visible.) 5. Next to Household Visibility Limit, click Edit and select the maximum visibility setting for any member of your household. The three options are as follows: l l l Private - Leadership Only: Only administrators for your ward and stake can see the information. Administrators include stake presidencies, bishoprics, clerks, executive secretaries, and website administrators. Ward: Administrators and ward members can see the information. Stake: Administrators, ward members, and stake members can see the information. 6. Click Save. Add or Remove Calendar Editors 1. Go to Settings > Calendars. 2. Click the calendar name. 3. To remove a calendar editor, in the Viewers/Editors section, click the X in the row of the member you want to remove. Page 16 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup 4. To add a calendar editor: a. In the lower-right corner, click Add new person. b. In the By calling box, select whether to add the person by calling or name. Selecting calling eliminates the need to update the list of calendar editors when callings change (assuming your ward clerk keeps the list of callings updated in MLS). c. In the Permissions box, select the permissions you want the member to have: l l View Only: The member can view the calendar. This is relevant only for private calendars. View and Edit: The member can view the calendar and edit events on the calendar. a. Start typing the member's name, and then select it from the list that appears. 5. Click Save. Add or Remove Building Schedulers 1. Go to Settings > Locations & Rooms. 2. Under the Locations column on the left, select a location. 3. In the main column, under the location name, click Edit. 4. To remove a building scheduler, click the X by the name of the person who should no longer be a building scheduler. 5. To add a building scheduler, in the Building Schedulers section, click Add Scheduler and add the name of the building scheduler for this location. You can add as many building schedulers as you want. 6. To designate a primary contact from a list of building schedulers, click one of the building scheduler names. When you click a name, a red box appears around the name. This person's contact information will appear for the location. 7. Click Save. Page 17 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup See also "Designate a Primary Building Scheduler for a Location" on page 72. Add or Remove Administrators 1. Go to Settings > Administrators. 2. To remove an administrator, click the X at the end of the row of the administrator you want to remove. Note: Default administrators are administrators by virtue of their particular callings; administrator permissions cannot be taken away from them as long as they have that calling. However, a default administrator can remove administrators that were designated by calling or by name. 3. To add a new administrator: a. Click Add New Administrator. b. Select whether you want to add the administrator by role or name. A. Type the name in the list and select the match. a. Click Add. Note: Currently the calendar has a bug that occurs when you try to delete non-default administrators (it returns a 500 error). This will be fixed in an upcoming release. Why Don't I Have Admin Rights? If your calling falls within one of the default administrator roles, but you don't have administrative rights in the calendar, the following reasons may explain your lack of rights. Reason 1: You're signed in with the wrong LDS Account. Page 18 Initial Setup Calendar How-to Guide If you share your computer with your spouse or someone else, you might be signed in with the wrong LDS Account. Your administrative rights depend on your LDS Account information, so try signing out and back in with the right LDS Account. Reason 2: Your calling in MLS is a custom calling. Make sure your calling in Member and Leader Services (MLS) is listed as a standard calling and not a custom calling. For example, "ward technology specialist" is a custom calling and does not include default administrative rights for the calendar. Determining what is a standard and custom calling in MLS can be a bit tricky. Many times you may think your calling is entered as a standard calling, when in fact it's a custom calling. In MLS, standard positions are indicated by a star icon. To verify that your position is entered as a standard position, it's easiest to remove and then readd your position. To remove and re-add your position in MLS: 1. Sign in to MLS. 2. Click Organizations. 3. Click the appropriate leadership group, such as Bishopric. 4. Next to the calling you want to remove, click Remove, and then click Yes. 5. Click Add Position in the upper-right corner. 6. Click Select. 7. In the dialog box, choose a calling that has a star icon next to it. The star icon indicates a standard calling. A red dot indicates a custom calling. Standard positions have a star icon next to them. If you don't have admin rights, make sure you have a star next to your position in MLS. 8. Click OK. After making this update, click Send/Receive in the lower-right corner to update the calling in the Church member and leader databases. Allow time for the update to process (an hour) before Page 19 Initial Setup Calendar How-to Guide checking back with the calendar to see if you now have default administrator rights. If you have administrator access in MLS, you can also check your position by doing the following: 1. Sign in to MLS. 2. Click the Organizations pane. 3. Under Reports/Tools, click Custom Positions Review. 4. If you can find the member with issues here, you know he or she has a custom position. 5. Click Find nearest match. You can also click Show All to see all standard callings. 6. Select the correct standard position from the list, and then click OK. 7. In the confirm position dialog, click Save. If you have access to the Church Directory of Organizations and Leaders (CDOL), you can also sign in and verify your calling there. Access to CDOL is limited to ward or stake leaders and above. You can access CDOL online by going to Reason 3: Your administrator role pertains to a stake, not a ward. Administrator rights are not hierarchical from stake to ward. Administrators for stake calendars do not have administrative rights for ward calendars, and administrators for ward calendars do not have administrative rights for stake calendars. If you don't have administrative rights, yet you have one of the default administrator callings, make sure you aren't trying to manage a stake calendar when you have only ward administrator rights. Similarly, make sure you aren't trying to manage a ward calendar when you have only stake administrative rights. Reason 4: You're an out-of-unit leader. Out-of-unit leaders do not have any administrative rights for calendars, even if they are serving in one of the above roles. For Page 20 Initial Setup Calendar How-to Guide example, suppose you're an out-of-unit bishop serving in a BYU ward. You will not have administrative rights to the BYU ward calendar. As a workaround, if you're an out-of-unit leader, you can call someone in your ward or stake to manage the calendar. Reason 5: A leadership database has the wrong information. If reasons 1 through 4 don't explain the problem, there may be something wrong in a records database. You need to gather some information about your log-in and send it to Local Unit Support. Go to Copy the information shown and include it in an e-mail message that you send to Local Unit Support. If none of these methods works, contact Local Unit Support at They will help troubleshoot the problem. There may be a problem with your LDS Account. Setting Up the Calendar If you're setting up the calendar for the first time, follow these general steps: 1. Set Up Locations Based on the Places Members Can Meet for Events Stake calendar administrators manage the location information. Much of the location information will appear in your calendar by default (based on facilities information), but stake administrators need to ensure the locations are correctly named and have the right rooms. Stake administrators may want to add equipment at each location as well. See "Set Up Locations, Rooms, and Equipment" on page 68 for more information. 2. Designate Building Schedulers for Each Location Building schedulers are members who oversee the schedules taking place in their assigned building. Only building schedulers can create scheduling rules that define which units can schedule the buildings. Stake administrators do not have building scheduler rights by default unless they designate themselves as building schedulers. Page 21 Initial Setup Calendar How-to Guide See "Add or Remove Building Schedulers" on page 17 for more information. 3. Define Restrictions for Unit Scheduling Most stakes have rules about which ward can schedule the cultural hall and other locations on specific weekday evenings. Building schedulers can enforce these schedule rules by creating “reservations” in the calendar. Building schedulers should create these reservations for each ward before opening the calendar to the ward for use. Making unit reservations helps prevent scheduling conflicts. See "Reserve a Location" on page 80 for more information. 4. Create All the Calendars You Need Now you’re ready to create the calendars you need in your ward. Remember the calendar offers not just one calendar, but as many calendars as you want. You can create a calendar for each organization, quorum, or group. You can even create a calendar for missionary meals or chapel cleaning assignments. Let organization leaders know they can have calendars for their own needs. These calendars can be public or private (for example, a bishopric interview calendar might be one to keep private). See "Mass-create New Calendars" on the next pagefor more information. 5. Import Events from the Classic Calendar or from a ThirdParty Calendar If you’ve entered a lot of events on the classic calendar, now is the time to import them into the new calendar. You can import them by going to Settings > Import Events. Events from the classic calendar will appear, and you can select which calendars you want to transfer them to. See "Import Events from Another Calendar" on the next pagefor more information. 6. Associate Locations with Each of Your Events The new calendar allows you to associate locations with events, so that rather than just indicating the location of an event, you can actually schedule it. No two events can take place simultaneously at the same place at the same location. The first calendar editor to schedule it gets priority — unless a reservation set by the building scheduler prevents the editor from scheduling it. See "Edit Events" on page 57 for more information. Page 22 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup 7. Train Your Organization Leaders In leadership meetings, communicate to organization leaders that they have a calendar for their organization and can add and edit events on their calendar. Invite other groups to create calendars as needed. See the "Calendar Help" on page 2 for helpful guides you can distribute. Mass-create New Calendars 1. Go to Settings > Initial Setup. 2. Select the check boxes next to the calendars you want to create. 3. Click Add new calendar to create additional calendars not already listed. Note: If you're creating stake calendars, include the word "stake" before the calendar. Otherwise users may not be able to distinguish stake calendars from ward calendars. 4. Click Save calendars. The new calendars appear under the Subscribed Calendars section of your calendar. Import Events from Another Calendar 1. Go to Settings > Import Events. 2. If you're importing events from the Classic calendar, the events should already appear in the iCal events column. 3. If you're importing events from Google calendar, export the events from the Google calendar as an iCal file by following these steps: a. In Google Calendar, in the left sidebar, click the dropdown arrow next to My calendars and select Settings Page 23 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup . b. Click Export calendars. c. Expand the zip file that downloads and drag out the ICS files to a convenient location. d. In the calendar, click Import iCal Files and select the ICS file you downloaded previously. Then click Import. The imported files appear with check boxes you can select in the left column. 4. In the iCal events column, select the check boxes of the events you want to import. 5. In the New Calendars column, select the calendar you want to import the events into. 6. Click Move to new calendar. 7. Repeat steps 4-6 for your remaining events, importing them into your other calendars. 8. Click Import Events. Turn Off the Classic Calendar Stake web administrators can turn off the classic calendar and directory so that members aren't confused about which calendar and directory the stake is using. After you deactivate the classic calendar or directory, members who try to navigate to the classic calendar or directory will be automatically redirected to the new calendar or directory. Deactivating the classic calendar and directory can only be done at the stake level. The deactivation of the classic calendar at the stake level will propagate to all units within the stake. 1. Go to the classic stake and ward website at 2. Sign in with your LDS Account. 3. On the stake home page, in the left-hand navigation, click Administrator Options. Page 24 Initial Setup Calendar How-to Guide 4. Click Use New Calendar/Directory. An options page appears with options to deactivate the classic calendar or directory. 5. Select the following as desired: l Deactivate Classic Calendar l Deactivate Classic Directory 6. Click Save Changes. Stake members who navigate to the classic calendar or directory will be redirected to the new calendar or directory. Creating Calendars Regardless of your calling, you can create a calendar to schedule and manage events for your organization. For example, you could create a Missionary calendar, Scouts calendar, Relief Society calendar, a Chapel Cleaning calendar, and many more. Each calendar appears in a different color (which you can select) in the sidebar. Events for the calendar correspond to the calendar's color. Calendars appear in unique colors listed in the Subscribed Calendars section in your sidebar. Events for the calendar match the calendar's color. Page 25 Initial Setup Calendar How-to Guide Regular members themselves can create calendars as needed. A calendar administrator needs only to approve the calendar for it to become available to all members. Stake Versus Ward Calendars In creating a calendar, you can choose whether the whole stake sees your calendar, or just your own ward. Stake calendars are visible by all members of the stake, whereas ward calendars are visible only by members of your ward. Generally, you create a stake calendar when the events or information are applicable to all members of the stake. Private Calendars You can choose to make your calendars private. You may want to keep your calendar private, for example, if the events include the bishop's appointments, personal priesthood interviews, or families you are visiting as a presidency. When you make your calendar private, you must select the viewers who can see the calendar's events. Note the following about private calendars: l l l Members can see event blocks for private calendars on the calendar, but they cannot see the name or details of any private calendar events. Administrators can see the editors and viewers for the calendar. However, to view, add, or manage the events on the calendar, administrators must be added as an editor or viewer. This security restriction ensures the privacy of the calendar. Private calendars are intended for Church use, not for personal family calendars. As with other calendars, if the person creating the calendar is not already an administrator, private calendars are sent to administrators for approval. Calendar Approval Although anyone can create a calendar, a calendar administrator Page 26 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup must approve the calendar before it becomes available to members. Approval rights for stake and ward calendars are not hierarchical between stakes and wards. Ward calendars must be approved by ward administrators; stake calendars must be approved by stake administrators. Additionally, stake administrators cannot change ward calendar names or events. The only additional rights that stake administrators have (which ward administrators do not) is the ability to set up and manage locations. Stake-Sponsored Ward Calendars Some calendars are created by the stake but are relevant only to specific wards. For example, cannery assignments, welfare assignments, ward conferences, and temple cleaning assignments are usually managed by the stake but are specific to individual wards. To create a stake-sponsored ward calendar, you have two options: l l Stake calendar administrators can give ward calendar administrators dates for the events. The ward calendar administrator can then create a calendar and add events according to the dates relayed by the stake calendar administrator. Stake calendar administrators can create a stake calendar. With each event, the stake administrator can note the ward associated with the event. Individual wards can then view the ward's initials on the event to determine whether the event is relevant to their ward. Note: It's not possible for a stake administrator to create a calendar that only a specific ward sees. Create Calendars 1. Go to Settings > Calendars. 2. In the upper-right corner, click Create Calendar. Page 27 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup 3. Complete the Name and Description fields for your calendar. 4. In the "Who can see this calendar" drop-down box, select the visibility for your calendar: l l Entire ward / Entire unit. If the calendar is a ward calendar, everyone in the ward can view it. If it's a stake calendar, everyone in the stake can view it. Private. If you select Private, no one can view the calendar unless he or she is added as an editor or viewer for the calendar. If you select Private, you must add viewers in the Viewers/Editors section near the bottom of this screen. 5. In the "This calendar is for" section, select whether the calendar is for your ward or stake. Ward calendars are visible to members in your ward; stake calendars are visible to members in your stake. l l Click Add new person in the lower-right corner and add the names of those who you would like to add as editors for your calendar. You can add editors by name or by calling. Start typing a name or calling to see matches, and then make a selection from the names or callings that appear. Click Add or press Enter after selecting a name. 6. To allow other people to add and manage events on your calendar: 7. Click Save. After you create a calendar, its status is Pending Approval. An administrator must approve your calendar before it becomes active. Calendar administrators receive an e-mail letting them know a new calendar is pending. When an administrator approves your calendar, you will receive an e-mail notifying you that the calendar is ready to use. To see a list of default administrators by their Church calling, see "Rights and Roles" on page 12. If you're already an administrator, the calendars you create are automatically approved (as long as the calendar falls within your administrative domain). Page 28 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup Approve Calendars 1. Go to Settings > Calendars. The New Calendars section shows all calendars waiting for approval. Only calendars that you have authority to approve appear available for you to approve or deny. 2. In the New Calendars (Waiting for approval) section, select one of the following: l l Approve: The approved calendar will appear in the list of Subscribed Calendars for members of your ward or stake. Deny: The denied calendar will be removed from the list. Whether you approve or deny the calendar, the person who created the calendar is notified by e-mail. Rename Calendars 1. Go to Settings > Calendars. 2. In the name column, click the name of the calendar you want to change. 3. Update the calendar's name, description, and other settings as desired. 4. Click Save. Note: If you save changes to a calendar pending approval, the calendar's status will change to approved. Delete Calendars Administrators can remove calendars as needed. Editors can remove calendars for which they have edit rights. Page 29 Calendar How-to Guide Initial Setup 1. Go to Settings > Calendars. 2. The Status column shows whether the calendar is active or inactive. Do one of the following: l l To deactivate the calendar, click Active. Deactivating a calendar allows you to reactivate it at another time To delete the calendar, click the X at the end of the row. Deleting a calendar moves the calendar to the Deleted Calendars section, where it is deleted after 30 days. You can restore a calendar before the 30-day period expires. Troubleshoot Calendar Creation I changed "this calendar is for" from Ward to Stake. Now our calendar has disappeared. How do I get it back? When you select "Stake" in "This calendar is for:", you are submitting that calendar to stake administrators for approval. It will not be available until a stake administrator approves it. Once it is approved you can, as the calendar creator/editor, go back into that calendar and change it back to "Ward," and it will be as it was before. But until a stake administrator takes action, the calendar is unavailable. Page 30 Calendar Views Calendar Views Calendar How-to Guide Agenda, Month, and Week Views The calendar has three main views into the events: Agenda, Month, and Week. Additionally, you can show or hide events on various calendars and locations by selecting or clearing check boxes in the Subscribed Calendars and Locations sections in the sidebar. Agenda, Month, and Week views of the calendar. You can use the back or forward buttons above the mini-calendar (upper-left corner) to navigate to another month. Then just click on a day in the mini calendar to update the main view with that date. If you have navigated to another week or month, click Today to return to the current week or month. Note that you cannot restrict the calendar to a day-view only, nor can you specify when the day starts or ends. Today shows the current month or week, not the current day. Agenda, Month, and Week Views Agenda View The Agenda view shows events in a consolidated list format for the entire month. This view provides a more compact view of the events scheduled for the month, omitting days when there aren't any events. For all-day events, you see a gray arrow rather than the time. Page 32 Calendar Views Calendar How-to Guide The Agenda view shows events in a consolidated list format. Month View The Month view excludes reservations and shows only events for your Subscribed Calendars. The Month view styles the events differently as well. All-day events appear as a solid block of color at the top of the calendar day. Additionally, rather than appearing side by side, events in the month view are stacked on top of each other. The Month view shows all events for the month, styled in a wall calendar type format. Page 33 Calendar Views Calendar How-to Guide Week View The Week view shows events similar to the above views, but for the duration of a week. Events appear side by side. The Week view shows two additional types of items: reservations and unsubscribed calendar events. Additionally, the Week view includes two other types of items not shown in the other views: l l Reservations. Reservations look like events but have a white rather than color fill. Reservations hold rooms or locations available for specific wards and stakes according to rules set by the building scheduler. Think of reservations more like “facility holds” rather than actual events. The ward or stake chooses whether they want to schedule an actual event in that location during their reserved time. See "Making Reservations" on page 80 for more information. Unsubscribed calendar events. The Week view also shows events taking place throughout your stake at the locations you can view, even if the event belongs to a calendar you aren't subscribed to. This all-encompassing view allows you to see events taking place at every location in your stake. As a result, you will probably see more events in the Week view than you do in the Month view. See "Agenda, Month, and Week Views" on page 32 for more information. Page 34 Calendar Views Calendar How-to Guide Subscribed Calendars and Locations The calendar has two sections in the sidebar: Subscribed Calendars and Locations. Subscribed Calendars shows you all the calendars for your ward and stake that you’re subscribed to. When someone creates a ward or stake calendar, the calendar automatically appears in every member's Subscribed Calendars section. This visibility allows members to see all events for their ward and stake without having to manually subscribe to the calendars. You can select the check boxes next to the calendars you want to see, or click the arrow next to the calendars and unsubscribe from a calendar entirely. Your ward or stake may have a large number of calendars, but usually only a small subset of those events are related to any particular member. For example, if you're an elder with small children, the Elders Quorum and Primary calendars may be relevant to you, but perhaps other calendars not so much. By selecting or clearing the check boxes in the Subscribed Calendars section, you can limit the view of events to only those that matter to you. The calendars are sorted in alphabetical order, listing ward calendars first and then stake calendars second. You cannot change the order, but you can change the calendar color. Changing the Page 35 Calendar Views Calendar How-to Guide calendar color changes the color for your view only, not for the whole ward or stake. Note: There isn't a visual indicator separating ward and stake calendars, so it might be helpful if stake administrators add the word "Stake" in front of each stake calendar. Additionally, if you're an out-of-unit leader, the calendars from the two wards and stakes are mixed together without any distinction. Hence, you may see calendars with duplicate names. This display will be improved in an upcoming release. Locations In the same way that you can turn calendars on or off to view events on that calendar, you can turn locations on or off to view events at specific locations. Locations include meetinghouses, pavilions, ball fields, or other distinct places where members gather for events. In the Week view, when you select a location, all ward events (throughout your stake) taking place at that location appear. You can click the event to see details about the event’s calendar editor and unit. Using the Locations feature (in the Week view) is the only way to view calendar events for other wards. If the events on calendars outside your ward do not include a location, you cannot view the events at all. E-mail Notifications for Calendars You receive e-mail notifications when new ward or stake calendars are approved and when a calendar editor decides to send an e-mail reminder about an event from one of your subscribed calendars. The e-mail used for all calendar notifications is the e-mail address listed in your LDS Account. You can control e-mail notifications on both a global and calendar-specific level. Change the Color of Icons Each calendar and location has its own color icon. You can change Page 36 Calendar How-to Guide Calendar Views these colors. The changes affect your view only, not the entire ward or stake's view. 1. On the main calendar view, click the down arrow next to the calendar or location. 2. Select the new color square. Set International Display Options You can set international display options for the calendar. Specifically, you can choose to use a 24-hour clock and have Monday appear as the first day of the week (rather than Sunday). 1. Go to Settings > Options. 2. Select one or more of the following: l Make Monday the first day of the week l Use a 24-hour clock Manage Subscribed Calendars You can hide or unsubscribe from calendars that appear in the Subscribed Calendars section in your sidebar. Changing the Subscribed Calendars section changes your view only and does not affect the calendars that appear for the rest of the ward or stake. To change the list of subscribed calendars that appear, do the following: l l l To temporarily hide a calendar, select or clear the check box next to the calendar. To remove the calendar from the Subscribed Calendars list, click the arrow next to the calendar and select Unsubscribe. To manage subscriptions for all your calendars, go to Settings > Subscriptions. (Or click the arrow next to a calendar and select Calendar Settings.) On the Subscriptions page, you can subscribe or unsubscribe from calendars as well as select e-mail preferences for each calendar. Page 37 Calendar Views Calendar How-to Guide Note: If you plan to sync your calendar with a thirdparty calendar, and you want to sync only a subset of calendars rather than all your calendars, you must unsubscribe from the calendars you don't want to sync prior to syncing your calendar. See "Syncing with Third-Party Calendars" on page 45 for more information. View Events by Location 1. Under Subscribed Calendars, click Hide all calendars to hide the calendars from view. This will declutter the calendar so you can better see what events are taking place at each location. (Note: If you have a large number of calendars, performance issues may slow the responsiveness of the check boxes, so wait a few seconds for the calendar to process the update.) 2. Click Week near the top of the calendar to switch to the Week view. (The Month view does not show reservations, nor does it show events for calendars not listed in your Subscribed Calendars list.) 3. In the sidebar, under Locations, select a check box next to the location whose events you want to see. Page 38 Calendar Views Calendar How-to Guide The Locations section allows you to see all events and reservations taking place at that location. On the calendar, events appear in light gray; reservations appear in white. 4. Click the event or reservation to see the details. The event includes contact information for the calendar editor who scheduled the event. Note: If you don't see the right locations in your sidebar (under Locations), a stake administrator needs to add the location to your unit. See "Specify Locations Units Can Reserve" on page 70 for more details. If events don't have an associated location, and the events are in a ward you don't belong to, you will not see the event, regardless of your role. View the Calendar on Mobile Devices You can view your calendar on Apple and Android platforms through LDS Tools. Search for LDS Tools in your device's application store. Support for other platforms, such as Palm, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile, is in development. Page 39 Calendar How-to Guide Calendar Views One limitation with viewing the calendar through LDS Tools is that you can't see the events integrated with other events on your personal calendar. The LDS Tools calendar simply shows the calendar. To view calendar events integrated with your personal calendar events, you must sync the calendar to your personal calendar. See "Syncing with Third-Party Calendars" on page 45 for more information. Printing the Calendar You can print the calendar in a week or month view. You can also control the title of the page, text size, and other options. The printout will reflect the calendars you have selected in the Subscribed Calendars section. 1. In the Subscribed Calendars section, select the check boxes next to the calendars you want included in the printout. 2. Go to Settings > Print. 3. Select your print options. The options include the following: Title, Font Size, Month, Black & White, Page Setup, Add Margins. Note that some of these options are hidden until you click Advanced options. Page 40 Calendar Views Calendar How-to Guide 4. To download a PDF of the calendar, click Download PDF. 5. To print the calendar, click Print. The print preview shows you what the calendar will look like when printed. 6. Click Print. 7. Choose your printer options, and then click Print. Page 41 E-mail and Sync Calendar How-to Guide E-mail and Sync Managing E-mail Notifications You receive e-mail notifications when calendar editors choose to send broadcast e-mails about events, and when new calendars are available. Administrators also receive notifications when there are new calendars to approve. The e-mail address the calendar uses is the e-mail address listed in your directory profile. You can control e-mail notifications both at a global and calendarspecific level. You can decide not only whether you want to receive e-mail reminders for new calendars, but also which calendars you want to receive e-mail notifications about. For example, you can turn off e-mail notifications for the Young Women calendars but still receive e-mail notifications for the High Priests calendar. If you don't want to receive any e-mail notifications at all, you can turn off e-mail notifications globally. You manage your e-mail notifications globally at Settings > Options, and you manage calendar-specific e-mail notifications at Settings > Subscriptions. Manage Global E-mail Notifications 1. Go to Settings > Options. 2. Select the following options as desired: Subscription & Notification Options Description Auto subscribe When someone creates a new ward calendar, the calendar to new ward will automatically appear in your list of Subscribed calendars Calendars. If you clear this check box, newly added calendars will not appear in your list of Subscribed Calendars. You will not know about new calendars unless you go to Settings > Subscriptions and look for calendars with a status of Unsubscribed. Page 43 Calendar How-to Guide E-mail and Sync Subscription & Notification Options Description Auto subscribe Same as above, but with stake calendars rather than ward to new stake calendars. calendars Send me email Receive an e-mail notification when new calendars are notifications added. If you clear this check box, you will still be about new subscribed to new calendars, but you will not receive e- calendars mail notifications about them. Allow email Receive e-mail notifications when calendar editors decide reminders for to send broadcast e-mail reminders to calendar calendar events subscribers about events. Manage E-mail Notifications for Specific Calendars 1. Go to Settings > Subscriptions. 2. As desired, select the Allow email reminders for calendar events check boxes in the Notifications column for each calendar. Note: These notifications inform you about new calendars. There's no way to always receive an e-mail whenever a calendar editor adds or modifies an event. The calendar editor must choose to send an e-mail notification to all calendar subscribers. Change Your E-mail Address 1. Sign in to the Directory by going to and selecting Sign In/Tools > Directory. 2. In the left column, click My Household. 3. At the top of your profile, click Edit. Page 44 E-mail and Sync Calendar How-to Guide 4. Next to your e-mail address, click Change. 5. In the e-mail address field, make your changes, and then click Save. Syncing with Third-Party Calendars You can sync your LDS calendar with Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, and other calendar applications that support the iCal format. As events are added to your LDS calendar, the events will be synchronized with your third-party calendar to keep it updated. The sync from calendar to other calendars is a one-way sync. Events that you create or modify in your third-party calendar will not update your LDS calendar. Page 45 E-mail and Sync Calendar How-to Guide Which Calendars Sync When you sync your LDS calendar to a third-party calendar, all your calendars sync, even if you leave some of the check boxes in Subscribed Calendars unselected. To sync a subset of calendars, first unsubscribe from the calendars you don't want to sync, and then sync your calendar with a third-party calendar. You can unsubscribe from calendars by clicking the arrow next to the calendar and selecting Unsubscribe. See "Agenda, Month, and Week Views" on page 32 for more information on unsubscribing from calendars. With Google, the synced calendar appears under the Other Calendars section in Google Calendar. Sync URLs and Privacy The URLs on the Sync page provide a key that will subscribe your third-party calendar to all your Church calendars. Because some of your calendars may contain sensitive information and reflect your own personal calendar subscriptions, do not share the URLs with anyone else. The sync URLs should be treated like a password. Sync Intervals The interval rate at which the calendar syncs depends on the thirdparty calendar application. For example, on the Mac, you can manually set the sync refresh rate. With Google, their calendar Page 46 E-mail and Sync Calendar How-to Guide syncs according to their own unpublished refresh rate. Regardless of the rate, the calendar will not process more than one refresh every nine minutes, so if you do have the ability to set the refresh rate, do not set it to refresh more quickly than nine minutes. Note that this one-sync-per-nine-minute rule applies only to calendars using the sync URL, and does not refer to how many times you can access the calendar on directly. Sync with Google Calendar on Your Computer 1. From within the Church calendar, go to Settings > Sync. 2. Click Google Calendar. 3. Copy the URL that appears. Note: If you are resyncing your device, or troubleshooting a problem with sync, click Generate new sync URLs in the upper-right corner to create a new sync URL. 4. Go to Google Calendar. 5. In the sidebar, click the down arrow next to Other Calendars, click Add By URL, and then insert the URL in this field. (Do not select the check box that says, "Make the calendar publicly accessible.") 6. Click Add Calendar. The calendar now appears in your Other Calendars list. 7. To change the calendar name, in the Other Calendars section in Google, click the drop-down arrow next to the calendar and select Calendar Settings. Then change the name of the calendar in the Calendar Name field and click Save. You can toggle the calendar on or off by clicking the calendar name in the left column. Page 47 E-mail and Sync Calendar How-to Guide Sync with Google Calendar on the iPhone By default only your primary Google calendar will be synced to your iPhone. To sync your calendar with your iPhone's calendar: 1. Complete the steps in the previous task, "Sync with Google Calendar on the Desktop." 2. Go to the Google calendar Sync Settings page: (Google Apps users can go to<your_ domain> /iphoneselect, replacing <your_domain> with your actual domain name.) Your calendar appears under Shared Calendars. 3. Select the check box next to your calendar, and then click Save. The selected calendars will display on your device at the time of the next sync. To refresh your iPhone calendar to show the new calendar: 1. Open the calendar app on your iPhone. 2. Click Calendars in the upper-left corner. 3. Clear the check mark next to All Gmail. 4. Click Done. 5. Click Calendars again. The new Church calendar appears. 6. Select All Gmail or just the calendars you want to sync. 7. Click Done. Sync with Apple Calendar Note: These instructions apply to the Mountain Lion operating system. 1. From within the Church calendar, go to Settings > Sync. 2. Click Apple iCal. Page 48 E-mail and Sync Calendar How-to Guide 3. Copy the URL that appears. 4. In Apple Calendar, go to File > New Calendar Subscription. 5. Insert the URL into the given field. 6. Click Subscribe. Sync with Microsoft Outlook 1. From within the calendar, go to Settings > Sync. 2. Click Microsoft Outlook. 3. Copy the URL that appears in the Microsoft Outlook section. 4. Start Microsoft Outlook. 5. Go to the Calendar by clicking the Calendar accordion tab. 6. With the Home tab selected, in the Manage Calendars group, click Open Calendar and select From Internet. 7. Insert the URL you copied earlier into the New Internet Calendar Subscription dialog box's field, and then click OK. The calendar appears as another calendar in your Other Calendars section. 8. To rename the calendar, right-click the calendar and select Rename. Export the Calendar as an iCal File 1. From within the Church calendar, go to Settings > Sync. 2. Click Google Calendar. 3. Copy the URL that appears. 4. Paste the URL into your browser's address bar. 5. Press the Enter key. Some browsers will prompt you to save, in which case you should save the file with a .ics extension Page 49 Calendar How-to Guide E-mail and Sync Other browsers will simply save the file on your computer, and you can view the downloaded files in your browser to find the saved file. Note: There isn't an export function for the calendar to create a spreadsheet of the year’s events, but this is planned for a future release. Troubleshooting Google Sync Issues Google has its own algorithms for updating events from a sync URL from any source. We cannot guarantee any specific frequency of event updates, but generally when having problems it is best to follow the instructions here. These steps prompt Google Calendar to do a fresh setup and sync of the calendar. If Google Sync is not working for you, try the following: 1. Delete any existing calendar sync feeds from Google Calendar by doing the following: a. In Google Calendar, click the down arrow next to Other Calendars in the sidebar. b. Click Settings . c. In the Other Calendars section, click Unsubscribe next to the Church calendar you previously sync'd. 2. Sign in to the calendar. 3. Go to Settings subtab. > Sync and select the Google Calendar 4. Click the Generate new sync URLs button in the upper-right and confirm the selection. You will be immediately assigned a new unique URL. Your old URL will no longer work. 5. Copy your new URL. 6. Go to Google Calendar. Page 50 E-mail and Sync Calendar How-to Guide 7. In the sidebar, click the down arrow next to Other Calendars, click Add By Url, and then insert the new sync URL in this field. 8. Click Add Calendar. Your events should now appear in Google Calendar. Page 51 Event Scheduling Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide About Event Scheduling Anyone who is a calendar editor can schedule events on calendars for which he or she has rights. There is no need to push events through a single person to schedule an event. You don't need to schedule all events through a single calendar editor. You can entitle anyone who needs to update the calendar with publishing rights. If your event doesn't fit on any specific calendar (such as a funeral or wedding), contact a calendar administrator (such as a clerk, executive secretary, or website administrator) with the request. The event can be added to an appropriate calendar. See "Scheduling Funerals, Weddings, Family Reunions, and Other Private Events" on the next page for more information. Determining Calendar Publishing Rights Calendar editors have rights to schedule events on calendars for which they have rights. Administrators can schedule events on any calendar. If you're not sure which calendars you can publish events to, go to Settings and select Calendars. All calendars you can edit and publish events to appear here. If no calendars appear, you cannot publish events to the calendar. Contact a calendar editor or administrator and ask to be added as an editor to the appropriate calendar. Rules that Prevent Double-Booking When you schedule events, the calendar will not allow two different Page 53 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide groups to schedule the same room at the same time. Prohibiting double-booking helps prevent room conflicts. For example, two different groups (Group A and Group B) cannot book the Primary room on Saturday at 10 a.m. Group A might book the Primary room at 10 a.m., and Group B might book the Relief Society room at 10 a.m., but they cannot book the same room at the same time. Limitation with Publishing the Same Event to Multiple Calendars When you schedule an event, you must select a single calendar for the event. You can't publish the same event to multiple calendars at the same time. For example, if you have a Young Men and a Young Women calendar and you want to publish an activity for both groups, you would need to create two separate events, one for each calendar. Or you could create a YM/YW Combined calendar and publish the event there. Scheduling Funerals, Weddings, Family Reunions, and Other Private Events If you're not a calendar editor but need to schedule a meetinghouse for a funeral, wedding, family reunion, or other private event, contact a calendar editor to schedule the building. For example, you might contact the ward or stake executive secretary (who is a default calendar administrator and interfaces with the bishop or stake president) with the request, and the executive secretary will schedule the event on the appropriate ward calendar. Tip: You can find your executive secretary through the directory on by going to Sign in/Tools > Directory and then clicking Ward Leaders in the sidebar. Unless your ward or stake prefers to involve the building scheduler in event scheduling, recognize that building schedulers are not Page 54 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide calendar editors nor calendar administrators, and they cannot schedule events. Building schedulers can create reservations, but a reservation does not reserve the location for a specific group, nor is a reservation an event (see "Making Reservations" on page 80 for more details). A reservation only prevents other wards from scheduling the location during a specific time; it does not prevent other groups within the ward from scheduling the location. The building scheduler's role is mainly to arbitrate location conflicts between wards, not to schedule events for wards. When you schedule an event, you can select a location for the event. This is the typical way that rooms are held for specific groups at specific times. Scheduling Events Check Location Availability Before you schedule an event that includes a location, room, or equipment, it's helpful to know whether the resource is already scheduled by another group. 1. Click Week to switch to the Week view. (The month view does not show events on calendars you aren't subscribed to (such as calendar in other wards), nor does it show reservations. 2. From the main calendar view, in the Locations section, select the location. You cannot select rooms or equipment—you can select only the location that contains the rooms and equipment. To select just one location, click Hide all locations below the locations. Then select the location you want to view. 3. Note the location's icon color. 4. Look at the desired date on your calendar. If any other ward or stake group has scheduled the location (or rooms or equipment for that location) on that date, an event will appear on that date with the same location icon. Page 55 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide 5. Click the event to view the details. In the dialog box, you can see the location with any rooms and equipment that are scheduled. You can also see the calendar and unit the event applies to. Schedule Events 1. If you're in the Month view, switch to the Week view by clicking Week at the top of the calendar. (The week view allows you to select a specific time when creating events, rather than entering it manually.) 2. Click and drag the time span on the calendar where you want to add an event. A New Event dialog box appears with the time span you selected automatically specified in the When field. 3. Click Add event details & location. 4. In the Event Details column, do the following: a. Select the calendar for the event. All calendars you have rights to publish events to appear in the Calendar dropdown box. b. Type a description of the event in the Description box. If you have a flier to attach, you can link to it, but you will have to upload the flier somewhere else. The description field does not accept HTML. For long links, use a URL shortener, such as or c. As needed, adjust the start and end times of the event. If the event spans an entire day, select All day event. d. If the event is recurring, select This event repeats. Then select the repeating event pattern on the right under Repeating. If you need to create exceptions to repeating events, first create and save the repeating event. Later, after you finish creating the event, click the event date where you want to add an exception. Page 56 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide 5. In the Where column, do the following: a. Select the location where the event takes place. You can schedule events only at locations your unit has rights to schedule. b. After selecting a location, select the rooms and equipment you want to use within that location (if the location has individual rooms you can schedule). Clear the Schedule entire location check box, and then select the rooms you want to schedule. Hold down the Ctrl key (Cmd key on a Mac) to select multiple rooms. c. To specify time at the location for setup and cleanup, select the time in the Setup and Cleanup drop-down boxes. This will schedule the location for this additional time in a way that does not confuse members about the actual start and end time of the event. 6. Click Create Event. The calendar checks to see if other events are taking place at the same time using the same location. If another unit has already scheduled the location or room you selected at the same time, or if a building scheduler has reserved the location for another unit at the same time, you cannot save the event. If this is the case, you will see the conflicting event as well as the building scheduler's contact information. Edit Events The following roles can change or remove events: Calendar editors can change events on any calendars for which they have been added as an editor; ward administrators can change events on any ward calendar; stake administrators can change events on any stake calendar; building schedulers can change events taking place in their assigned locations. 1. Click the event. 2. Make your changes as desired. Page 57 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide 3. Do one of the following: l To save your changes to the event, click Update Event. l To remove the event, click Delete Event. 4. If the event is a repeating event, you're asked how you want the series changed: l Only this event. Changes only the event you're editing. l Entire series. Changes the entire repeating series. l l All following events. Changes the event you're editing and all that follow. Cancel changes. Closes the dialog box. 5. In the event details window, click Edit event details & location. Note: If you change an event that others expect to take place, consider sending a broadcast e-mail to all those subscribed to the calendar letting them know that the event changed. Otherwise, members will not know the event has changed. Send E-mail Notifications about Events You can send e-mail notifications about events at the time you're scheduling an event or at a later time. Notifications are sent to anyone who subscribes to the calendar. 1. Schedule an event or edit an existing event. 2. Do one of the following: l l To send the e-mail notification immediately, select Now and then either create or update the event. To send the e-mail notification later, select Later and then select the time before the event that you want the e-mail notification sent. Page 58 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide 3. Select the Send an email about this event check box. All calendar subscribers who allow notifications to be sent to them will receive the reminder notification within several minutes. Note: It's not possible to send e-mail notifications to specific groups only, such as to all youth or to all elders, unless you use the groups defined in the directory. For more details about sending e-mail messages to your ward or stake, see "Send Broadcast E-mails to Your Ward or Stake" in the Newsletter help ( Schedule Equipment for Events As long as stake administrators have properly set up locations, rooms, and equipment, you can schedule that equipment in the same way you would schedule a room for an event. The calendar treats equipment at a location in the same way as a room at a location. Working with Repeating Events The calendar provides several options for repeating events. You can set events to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, and you can specify exceptions to the repeating series that you set up. You can specify that the series repeats until a specific date or that it repeats for a set number of occurrences. The repeating options can handle complex scheduling scenarios. To schedule a repeating event, see the steps in "Schedule Events" on page 56. Select the This event repeats check box and select the options for the repeating series. Exceptions within a Repeating Series Once you have created a series of repeating events, you can make exceptions for individual events, either by deleting an instance or by editing a particular instance. You can make changes to one instance at a time, or you can apply your changes to all subsequent events in Page 59 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide the series as well. After you have created exceptions to a repeating series of events, you may have many events that have consistent details, as well as some events that have different values for one or more fields. You can update the series by editing a series and choosing Entire series when prompted. When you edit a series that contains some exceptions, you will also be given a warning that informs you that your changes to the series might overwrite settings for exceptional events. If you apply your changes, your exceptions will be overwritten and will be changed back to match the information shown in the other series events. Change a Single Event within a Repeating Series If you run into conflicts when scheduling a repeating event, you can change a single event within the series to avoid the conflict. Even without conflicts, occasionally you will want a particular instance of an event to differ from the other events in a series. For example, you may have a regular missionary coordination meeting, but for one particular meeting you choose to invite the bishoprics to attend, so you move the meeting from a classroom to the Relief Society room. 1. Click on any event within the series. 2. Change any values, and then click either Update Event or Delete Event. 3. You are prompted about what you want to update or delete: l Only this event l Entire series l All following events 4. Make your selection. If your changes result in conflicts, you will be informed of those conflicts. Page 60 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide Delete Instances within a Repeating Series It may be helpful to delete a particular instance of an event within a series. For example, you may have a PEC meeting on the second Sunday of every month, but you choose not to have that meeting on Mothers Day, which falls on the second Sunday of May. You can delete a particular instance in two ways: l l Right-click on the event, and choose Delete this event only. Click on the event to edit it, and then choose Delete event. You will then be asked whether you want to delete: Only this event, Entire series, or All following events. Sample Solutions for Repeating Events The following are examples of complicated repeating event series and how to configure them in the calendar. Scenario 1: You have a bishopric meeting that takes place the first, second, third, and fourth Sundays at 7:00 a.m., except on the fifth Sunday, when it takes place at 8:00 a.m. » Set your meeting time for 7:00 a.m. With the repeating options, select Weekly and select Sunday. Save the event. Then go to the fifth Sunday of each month and click the event. Select to edit Only this event. Create an exception for each fifth Sunday meeting, adjusting the time. Scenario 2: You have a Cub Scouts meeting every Wednesday night except for the month of July due to Scout camp. » In the repeating event options, select Weekly. Select Wednesday. In the End Date box, enter 31 Dec. Then save the event. In the calendar view, go to the month of July, and then click and delete each event in the month. All events for July will be removed, but events before and after will remain in the series. Scenario 3: You're a stake president and you have priesthood interviews with bishops every third and fourth Thursday, but with different wards each time. Page 61 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide » Create the calendar at the stake level so that individual ward bishops can subscribe to it. Make it a private calendar and add the bishops and executive secretaries as viewers. Edit each event to reflect the participating bishop. Other bishops will see the events and will decide whether the event is relevant to them or not. Scenario 4: You have an elders quorum presidency meeting held from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. every Thursday, but the first Thursday of the month you also include the home teaching district supervisors from 8:00 to 8:30 p.m. You want the home teaching district supervisors to see only the calendar days they should attend. » Create two separate calendars. On the elders quorum presidency calendar, create an event that repeats weekly every Thursday from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Create a second calendar called, for example, "Home Teaching Supervisor Reports." On that calendar create a repeating event for the first Thursday of each month from 8:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Now the supervisors can subscribe to the relevant calendar, and the elders quorum presidency can subscribe to both. Scenario 5: You want to schedule a repeating event for basketball every Tuesday night for the year in the cultural hall, but the Talent Show calendar has that resource already reserved for two weeks in November. You can't schedule the resource for your repeating event due to the November resource conflict. » Schedule the basketball event for every Tuesday night, but don't specify any resource, and save the repeating event. Then go to the two weeks in question when the cultural hall is scheduled for talent shows, and delete those two individual occurrences for basketball. Then edit the repeating event (entire series) and specify the cultural hall resource for the location. Now there should be no conflict, and you can save the updated repeating event. Scenario 6: You're a stake administrator, and you need to schedule ward conferences for the 12 wards in your stake for the coming year. You want each ward to see only their own ward conference. » Communicate to each ward their ward conference dates so that a ward administrator can add the ward conference to a ward calendar. Avoid creating 12 different stake calendars uniquely tailored to each ward, since these calendars will appear on each ward's list of calendars by default. Page 62 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide Scenario 7: You're a stake administrator and you need to make cannery assignments for each of the 12 wards in your stake. The 1st Ward has the cannery assignment on the first Tuesday of the month. The 2nd Ward has the cannery assignment the second Tuesday, and so forth. You want each ward to see only the cannery events that pertain to their wards. » Communicate to each ward their cannery dates so that a ward administrator can add these events to a ward calendar. Or create one stake cannery calendar and specify the ward it applies to in each event's title. Scenario 8: You have separate YM and YW calendars, but every fifth Wednesday of the month you have a combined YM/YW activity that needs to appear on both the YM and YW calendars. » Create a new calendar that shows YM/YW combined activities, and then set this new calendar to repeat every fifth Wednesday of the month. Avoid posting the same event to multiple calendars at once, since by default every member is subscribed to all new calendars. Overcoming Scheduling Conflicts Building schedulers reserve locations, rooms, and equipment to each ward at given times. Once a location, room, or piece of equipment is reserved, if another calendar editor tries to schedule it at the same time, he or she won't be able to. For example, suppose the Primary calendar editor schedules the cultural hall for activities every first Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for an entire year. The Scouts group also wants to reserve the same room at a conflicting time—Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. In trying to schedule the cultural hall, the Scouts calendar editor will receive a conflict and will not be able to schedule the event with that room. Scheduling conflicts can be tricky if the room conflict occurs just once or twice in a repeating schedule that spans an entire year. Even one conflict for a year-long repeating schedule will prohibit you from saving the event. Page 63 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide If you experience a scheduling conflict with a location or resource, you have several options: l Choose another time to schedule the location. l Choose another location or room for your scheduled time. l l Contact the calendar editor who reserved the location first, and negotiate rights to the room for the time slot. Leave the location for your event unselected. Then negotiate with the designated building scheduler to arbitrate rights to the room. Probably the easiest workaround is to choose No Location for your event. Then, if your event repeats, edit each event and choose a location that is available. If the conflict occurs for just a few events, you can probably get the location you originally wanted for most of your events, and simply choose a different location for the conflicting events. Note that the calendar has no built-in mechanisms for conflict resolution, other than preventing conflicts from occurring. However, each location has a building scheduler designated to administer the location. When scheduling conflicts occur, the building scheduler's name and contact information appear. The building scheduler can decide priority for the room, if necessary. For example, a building scheduler might change an event's location on a calendar, giving priority to one group over another. Did the calendar allow two events to be double-booked? One common question people ask is whether the calendar allows two events to be doubled booked. This is not technically possible. In most cases, one of the events is actually a reservation, while the other is an event. Events are planned meetings or activities. Reservations are restrictions about who can schedule the building at what time. In the Week view of the calendar, both events and reservations appear very similar. Events, however, have color whereas reservations do not. See Video: Reservations Versus Events for a clearer Page 64 Event Scheduling Calendar How-to Guide understanding of the difference. Also see "About Reservations" on page 75 for more detail. In general, do not use reservations for events. When you schedule an event, you have the ability to schedule a room. In future releases, the term "reservation" will be dropped, as it has been the source of great confusion. Another possibility is that one event has one room scheduled, while another event has a different room scheduled. The calendar allows two events to take place at the same time if the events are scheduled in different rooms. Finally, it could be the case that you have duplicate locations in the calendar. In setting up the calendar, a stake administrator may have created duplicate locations. If so, look in the Locations section in your sidebar and see if two locations have the same name. Alternatively, ask a stake administrator whether different units have rights to the same building that has two instances in the list of locations. Page 65 Locations Locations Calendar How-to Guide About Locations Locations include meetinghouses, pavilions, ball fields, or other distinct places that members can schedule for events. Each location can have multiple rooms and equipment that can be independently scheduled. Locations include any place that members meet for activities. For example, a typical meetinghouse location has the following rooms: baptismal font, chapel, cultural hall, kitchen, nursery room, Primary room, Relief Society room, stage, stake offices and high council room, Young Men/Young Women room. Some locations, such as pavilions, may not have individually schedulable rooms. Equipment at Locations A location might also have some equipment that can be scheduled, such as a projector, DVD player, and some Scouting equipment. When you add this equipment to your location, members can schedule the equipment as needed in the same way they schedule rooms. You cannot view a resource calendar separate from a location calendar. See "Agenda, Month, and Week Views" on page 32 for more information. Page 67 Locations Calendar How-to Guide Management of Location Information Information about locations, rooms, and equipment is managed at the stake level by stake administrators. Ward administrators do not have any control over locations, rooms, and equipment except that they can schedule what's available for an event on their calendars. Building schedulers also do not have control to change the details of locations, rooms, and equipment, even for their assigned building. Building schedulers can, however, block locations, rooms, and equipment so that these resources are unschedulable by calendar editors. It's important that stake administrators set up the locations, rooms, and equipment for their stake. Without this information, members won't be able to schedule any locations, rooms, or equipment for their events. Locations and Resources Shared by Multiple Stakes If the same location is shared by two stakes (an agent stake and an external stake), the agent stake manages the locations, rooms, and equipment. This stewardship also includes designating building schedulers. (Building schedulers must be members of the agent stake.) The external stake still has the ability to schedule the agent stake's location or resources. The integration of locations between stakes is automatic if the external stake's meetinghouse is entered into the Facilities Management database (FMAT). If a location needs to be shared with another unit that is not automatically assigned to that location, the unit needs to be added to the location. In this case, a stake administrator in the stake that manages the location edits the location and clicks Add Unit to Location to give scheduling rights to the external stake. See Specify Locations Units Can Reserve for more information. Managing Locations Set Up Locations, Rooms, and Equipment 1. Go to Settings Page 68 Calendar How-to Guide Locations > Locations & Rooms. Your locations appear in the left column. 2. Do one of the following: l l To add a new location, click Add a location. To edit an existing location, click the location name, and then click Edit. 3. Enter or update the text in the Name, Address, and Description fields. 4. Select a time zone for the location. 5. If appropriate, select the check box that says This location can be scheduled by Wards and Stakes. Selecting this check box allows wards and stakes to schedule the location. Before you check this box, ask building schedulers to set up all reservations first. This way other wards can't schedule the location before the building scheduler can reserve it for the appropriate ward. 6. In the Building Schedulers section, click Add Scheduler. Select the unit the scheduler belongs to, begin typing the name, and then click Add. 7. You can add more than one building scheduler. The first one in the list will appear as the contact for the location. If you don't want the first building scheduler to be the contact, click the building scheduler who should be the contact. A red box appears around the person's name, indicating that the person is the primary contact for the location. 8. Under Rooms & Equipment, select the appropriate options: l l Treat this location as a single room. Select this option if the location is a pavilion, cabin, ball field, or some other location that cannot be divided into individually schedulable rooms. Choose room to be scheduled at this location. If the location is a meetinghouse and has multiple rooms, select this option and then select rooms available at the location. Page 69 Calendar How-to Guide Locations 9. To add equipment (such as projectors, DVD players, or Scouting equipment) or to add custom rooms, first select the Choose rooms to be scheduled at this location option. Then click Add and enter the equipment. 10. Click Save. Specify Locations Units Can Reserve You can define the units that are allowed to have a reservation at a location. On the Locations & Rooms page, when you click Add a unit to a location, only those units you specify are authorized to reserve the location. 1. Go to Settings > Locations & Rooms. 2. In the Locations sidebar, expand a location. 3. Click Add unit to location and select the units that may be granted a reservation at this location. You can select any unit in your area, not just units within your own stake. If you don't want to allow reservations for a particular unit, do not add that unit to the location. You must select the units that can use each location. Page 70 Calendar How-to Guide Locations Now when building schedulers log in and go to Settings > Reservations, they will only be able to schedule reservations for the units that have been added to that location. Building schedulers can only make reservations for units they have rights to reserve. If it were important that a reservation be created for the "3rd Ward" at the "Canyon Meetinghouse," a stake administrator would need to add the 3rd Ward to the location by going to the Locations & Rooms tab and following the process described above. Remove Locations 1. Go to Settings > Locations & Rooms. 2. In the left column, select the location you want to change or remove. 3. In the middle column, click Edit. 4. Click Remove. If your stake recently transferred an existing location (meetinghouse) to another stake, you may see this legacy location but not be able to remove it. If so, you should mark the extra location Page 71 Calendar How-to Guide Locations unschedulable. The location will then not appear in the list of locations for calendar editors to schedule. Make a Location Unschedulable 1. Go to Settings > Locations & Rooms. 2. In the left column, select the location you want to change or remove. 3. In the middle column, click Edit. 4. Clear the check box labeled This location can be scheduled by Wards and Stakes. 5. Click Save. View Rooms and Equipment In the Locations section of the sidebar, you cannot select rooms or equipment. You can select only a location. Any event that uses a room or equipment in that location will appear on the calendar. When you click the details of the event, it will indicate which rooms (including equipment) are scheduled. A more robust, resourcespecific calendar is not available. Designate a Primary Building Scheduler for a Location By default, the first building scheduler in the list will appear as the primary contact for the building. To designate a different building scheduler: 1. Go to Settings > Locations & Rooms. 2. Under the Locations column on the left, select a location. 3. In the main column, under the location name, click Edit. 4. Click a name. A red box appears around the name. This person's contact information will appear for the location. 5. Click Save. Page 72 Locations Calendar How-to Guide See also "Add or Remove Building Schedulers" on page 17. Change Building Scheduler Contact Information The contact information for building schedulers is pulled from the the directory. You can update building scheduler contact information, such as phone numbers and e-mail addresses, through the Directory. 1. On, click Sign In/Tools, and then select Directory. 2. In the left sidebar, click My Household. 3. Click Edit above your profile. 4. Click Edit or Change next to the information you want to change. 5. Click Save. Troubleshoot Incorrect Location Information Most stakes have a default set of locations and rooms that will already appear in the system. These locations are imported from the Facilities Management database (FMAT). You can review the existing locations and rooms and add more detail as needed. If your stake recently acquired a new location (for example, meetinghouse) that previously belonged to another stake, you may not see this location in the list of default locations if FMAT was out of date. If so, you will need to add the location manually. See "Set Up Locations, Rooms, and Equipment" on page 68 for details. Conversely, if your stake recently transferred a building to another stake, but this update isn't reflected in FMAT, you will have legacy locations that you cannot remove. In that case, a stake administrator should make the location unschedulable. If you have extra buildings or missing buildings, contact your facility manager and ask him or her to update the information in the FMAT database. Page 73 Reservations Reservations Calendar How-to Guide About Reservations By default, calendar editors can schedule events at any location at any time, without needing special approval from a building scheduler. Locations are open by default. However, building schedulers can restrict the locations that wards can schedule at specific times. These restrictions are called “Reservations" in the calendar. Building schedulers are the only ones allowed to restrict scheduling (or create reservations) at locations. Building schedulers have access to a Reservations option on the Settings menu that shows all reservations currently scheduled. Building schedulers can create reservations on a Reservations calendar — a view that shows reservations only, not events. After building schedulers create a reservation, only calendar editors of the stake or ward for which the reservation has been made can schedule the reserved location. Calendar editors of all units that normally have access to the location will receive a notice of conflict when attempting to schedule the reserved location during any part of the reservation time. Page 75 Reservations Calendar How-to Guide Note: If you're just looking to schedule a room, see "Schedule Events" on page 56. When you schedule an event, you can select a room for the event. You do not need to "reserve" a room for a single event. Instead, just select a location when you schedule an event. If the location is available, it will be exclusively available to your group at that time. If the room is already taken, you will see a conflict message. If you don't have rights to schedule events, ask a calendar administrator to add you as a calendar editor. See "Rights and Roles" on page 12 for more information. Common Uses of Reservations Mostly commonly, reservations designate which ward is entitled to use the meetinghouse during the week. For example, a building scheduler might reserve the cultural hall for the 1st Ward on Tuesday nights from 6-9 p.m., the 2nd Ward on Wednesday nights from 6-9 p.m., and the 3rd Ward on Thursday nights from 6-9 p.m. When building schedulers create this reservation, only the designated ward entitled to the reservation can schedule the location. In this example, the 1st Ward would not be able to schedule events in the cultural hall on Thursdays. Only the 3rd Ward would have this privilege, because the location is reserved for their ward. In this way, reservations help prevent scheduling conflicts. How Reservations Appear on the Calendar When a building scheduler creates a reservation, a blank event (lacking any color fill) appears on the main calendar. The reservation is visible to everyone. To see the reservation, make sure you have the right location check box selected under Locations in the sidebar. Then switch to the Week view rather than the Month view, since the Month view does not show reservations. When a calendar editor schedules an event during a reserved time, the scheduled event appears beside the reservation, rather than on top of it. This allows units to see whether they have completely Page 76 Reservations Calendar How-to Guide scheduled all of their reserved time or whether more available time remains. Building schedulers can also view reservations by going to Settings > Reservations. This view shows reservations only, not events. Reservations Versus Scheduled Events Reservations are used for repeating occurrences by an entire ward rather than individual occurrences for a specific calendar. If the event takes place only a few times, a calendar editor should simply schedule the event rather than requesting that the building scheduler create a reservation. For example, if the 1st Ward wants to use the pavilion on June 16 for a barbecue, they don't need to ask the building scheduler to reserve the pavilion for them on that date. Instead, a 1st Ward calendar editor can simply schedule their barbecue event with the pavilion selected as the location. In contrast, if the 1st Ward has an ongoing monthly Primary activity at the stake center each first Saturday morning from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., they could request that the building scheduler reserve the stake center for their ward at that time. This secures the location for the ward, preventing other wards from being able to schedule it. Whether the 1st Ward always schedules an event during their reserved time on the field is the 1st Ward's decision. Either way, no other ward will be able to schedule the stake center at that time except the 1st Ward. Scope of Reservations for Units Reservations take place at the unit level only and do not apply to specific calendars within a ward. Building schedulers can set aside a location or room for an entire ward or stake but not for a particular calendar within that ward or stake. For example, a building scheduler might reserve the cultural hall for the 3rd Ward. Any calendar editor in the 3rd Ward — from Primary to Relief Society to Scouts and other groups — would then be able Page 77 Reservations Calendar How-to Guide to schedule the room. The building scheduler cannot reserve the Relief Society room specifically for the Relief Society calendar. Who Can Make Reservations Only building schedulers have rights to make reservations. Stake and ward administrators cannot add or edit reservations. Stake administrators can add themselves as building schedulers if they want the ability to make reservations. (You can add as many building schedulers per location as you want.) Note that building scheduler rights in the calendar are not inherited from MLS. Building schedulers must be manually designated by stake administrators. Building Scheduler Rights Per Location Building schedulers can manage reservations only for locations for which they have been designated. For example, if you are a building scheduler for the Canyon Meetinghouse, you cannot create reservations for the Beachview Meetinghouse. You can create reservations only for the Canyon Meetinghouse. Building schedulers also have special rights to override reservations and events for their assigned location. Building schedulers can adjust all events taking place at their location. If a building scheduler needs to reserve a location that already has a pre-existing event scheduled at the location, the building scheduler can edit the existing event and change its location to "No location." Then the building scheduler can make a reservation for the correct unit. Building schedulers cannot, however, adjust the rooms or equipment available at their location. Only stake administrators can manage location information. Event Conflicts with Reservations If calendar editors for Ward A attempt to schedule a location when the location has been reserved for Ward A, they will be able to save the event. No conflict is reported in this case, because this is precisely what reservations are designed for: to allow the calendar Page 78 Reservations Calendar How-to Guide editors in a designated ward (but no other wards) to create events for that location at the reserved time. If calendar editors attempt to schedule a location at a time when the location has been reserved for another ward, the calendar editor sees a conflict and cannot save the event. In the conflict message, the calendar editor can view contact information for the building scheduler and, if there's a conflicting calendar event, contact information for the appropriate calendar editor. If there's already an event at a location and a building scheduler later blocks off the location for the entire day, it doesn't make the pre-existing event null. Instead, the pre-existing event and the reservation co-exist on the calendar. The building scheduler would need to manually edit the pre-existing event's location and notify the calendar editor of the change. Although the calendar doesn't allow calendar editors to doublebook the same location at the same time, the same rules don't apply to building schedulers creating reservations. When you schedule a reservation, you are not alerted about any conflicts with other reservations or events. Blocked Locations When building schedulers make reservations, rather than setting aside the location for a particular ward, building schedulers can block the location from any scheduling whatsoever. If calendar editors try to schedule a blocked location, they will receive a conflict. You might want to block a location in cases of general conference, Christmas holidays, floor refinishing, remodeling, or other events when the location will be unavailable. Some stakes may want to purposely block valid locations so that calendar editors can't schedule locations at all. If a building scheduler blocks all locations for all times, the calendar editors would need to manually submit requests to the building scheduler to hold events in any location. Page 79 Reservations Calendar How-to Guide For example, if you don't want to allow anyone to schedule your stake's canoes, you could make this equipment "Blocked" so that requests must first be submitted to the equipment manager. Building schedulers are not prevented from making reservations for locations that other building schedulers have blocked (assuming both building schedulers are assigned the same location). Multiple Stakes and Reservations If different stakes share the same building, the building information is managed by the agent stake in charge of that building. The building will still appear to the other stakes using it as long as the building information is correctly entered into the Facility Management database (FMAT). If the building information isn't correct, contact your facility manager to update the location information. Making Reservations Reserve a Location 1. Go to Settings > Reservations. (If you don't see this option, ask a stake administrator to add you as a building scheduler.) On the Reservations screen, the Locations list on the left shows you all the locations you can reserve. The schedule shows the times when this location is reserved. Color icons on the calendar show you what locations are reserved. 2. Switch to the Week view. Then drag the time period on the calendar that you want to reserve. 3. In the New Reservation window that appears, click Add reservation details. 4. In the Reservation Details column, complete the details: Title, Description, Start and End times, and recurrence. If you select This event repeats, a new column appears where you can set the repeating pattern. Page 80 Calendar How-to Guide Reservations 5. In the Where column, select the location and who the location is reserved for. Note the following: l l l You can select only one location per reservation. To select multiple rooms at a location, hold down your Ctrl key (Cmd key on a Mac) as you make your selections. Selecting Blocked - Location Unavailable blocks the location from being scheduled by anyone other than the building scheduler for that location or resource. It does not prevent calendar editors from scheduling events that do not use the location at that time. 6. Under Resources at this location, select the rooms (if applicable) that you're reserving. To select multiple rooms, hold down the Ctrl key (Cmd on a Mac). If you need to add more rooms to a location, you must request this adjustment from a stake administrator. 7. Click Reserve. If there's a conflict, check the schedule to see if another reservation takes place during the reservation time. Note that a building scheduler can create a reservation even if an event is already scheduled for that location or room for that time. This allows a scheduler to create recurring reservations, even if an occasional event conflicts with the recurring time. Reserve the Chapel for a Private Event For information on scheduling weddings, funerals, family reunions, and other private events, see "Scheduling Events" on page 55. Block Calendar Editors from Scheduling a Location 1. Go to Settings > Reservations. 2. Switch to the Week view. 3. Drag the time period on the calendar you want to block out. Page 81 Reservations Calendar How-to Guide 4. In the New Reservation window that appears, click Add reservation details. 5. Complete the necessary details. 6. In the Where column, select the location. Instead of selecting a specific unit for the location, select Blocked - Location Unavailable. 7. Click Reserve. Change Details of an Event in Your Location Building schedulers can override the time and details of any event that takes place in their location. Building schedulers cannot, however, change the event's location to a location the building scheduler has no stewardship over. 1. On the main calendar, click the event. A dialog box appears with event details. 2. Click Edit event details & location. 3. Change any of the details about the event. For example, you can change the date, time, resources, or title. You can adjust the location information to select another location as long as you have building scheduler rights for the new location. 4. Click Update Event. View All Scheduled Events at Your Location You can see all scheduled events at your assigned location by following the steps in "Agenda, Month, and Week Views" on page 32. If you want to view reservations only, go to Settings > Reservations. Note: If an event does not include a location, and the event belongs to a calendar outside your ward, you cannot view it. Page 82 Reservations Calendar How-to Guide View Contact Information for Other Building Schedulers In the Locations section in the sidebar, click the arrow next to a location and select Contact Building Scheduler. This will show you the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the building scheduler. Page 83 Troubleshooting and Questions Troubleshooting and Questions Calendar How-to Guide Known Issues The following are known existing bugs and issues with the calendar. These issues will be fixed in an upcoming release: l l The calendar does not display correctly in Internet Explorer 7 or 8. Even if you select the 24 hour time display option, conflict messages show time in the 12 hour format. Troubleshooting The following sections provide information about troubleshooting error messages and other calendar issues. If the problem you're troubleshooting isn't listed here, post the question in the Calendar section of the LDSTech Forum. To access the LDSTech Forum, go to Under Website, click Calendar. "Data Temporarily Unavailable" Messages Some users may see this message: "Data is temporary unavailable. Please check back later.” This is a general error message that is typically caused by network communication problems. In most cases, waiting 30-60 minutes and trying again should resolve this problem. "Access Denied" Messages If you see the message, "Access Denied trying to access Calendar," this error can often be caused by the following: l A duplicate LDS Account is registered to a membership record number (MRN). l The LDS Account resides in a country with restricted access. l There’s a data integrity problem with the LDS Account. l The LDS Account does not have the member's Membership Record Number linked to it. Page 85 Troubleshooting and Questions Calendar How-to Guide If you encounter this error, first go to and sign in. On the right, see the Membership Status section and enter your membership record number if it's not already entered. If you're membership is already entered, go to to report the problem. Be sure to describe the details of the error, such as the browser and version used, your LDS Account information, and any other relevant details. Browser Issues The calendar does not work properly in Internet Explorer 8 or older. You will have the best experience viewing the calendar in the latest supported version of any of the mainstream browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Internet Explorer 9. To upgrade your browser, see the help file for your browser. Wrong Ward or Stake Shown If you recently transferred wards and your old ward still shows up in your calendar, make sure your current ward clerk requests your records in MLS. After a couple of weeks, if your old ward still appears, you can contact Local Unit Support to resolve the issue. See Local Unit Support on the LDSTech Wiki ( for contact information. Can't Remove an Event If you can't remove an event from the calendar, even though you're a calendar administrator, first note whether the event is for a ward or stake calendar. Stake calendar administrators don't have rights to edit ward calendar events, and vice versa — ward calendar administrators cannot edit stake events. If you should have rights to edit the event but still can't, next consider whether the event is actually an event. If you switch to the Month view, does the event disappear? If so, it's not actually an event. It's a reservation. Only building schedulers can edit reservations. As a stake administrator, you can give yourself building scheduler permissions so that you can edit the event. See "Add or Remove Building Schedulers" on page 17. Page 86 Troubleshooting and Questions Calendar How-to Guide Note, however, there's currently a calendar bug that prevents you from adding or removing building schedulers. This will be fixed hopefully by January 2013. In the meantime, ask one of your building schedulers to remove the event. Page 87
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