Christian Life Community England and Wales GIFT AID DECLARATION I have entered my name and address on the reverse of this declaration and I want all membership fees and donations that I pay to CLC from the date of this declaration until I notify CLC otherwise to be treated as Gift Aid donations to the Christian Life Community in England and Wales, Reg. Charity No. 1056891 OR I am not eligible for Gift Aid contributions [PLEASE TICK IF APPROPRIATE] Signed ………………………………………………...…………………… date ………………...………….. Notes: 1. Notify CLC of any change to your name and address in the future. 2. You must pay tax (income tax, tax on savings or capital gains tax) each year at least equal to the tax which CLC (and all other charities to which you make Gift Aid donations) reclaims on your donations in a tax year (25p for each £1 you give, from April 2011). 3. If in future your circumstances change so that you no longer pay enough tax please tell CLC that you wish to end your declaration. You can do this at any time for any reason. 4. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief from the Inland Revenue on your Self Assessment Tax Return. 5. Please contact the CLC Treasurer if you have any questions via the CLC Office, 114 Mount Street, LONDON, W1K 3AH or email: [email protected]. 6. Further information available at: How to join CLC or subscribe to ‘FOCUS’ Christian Life Community England and Wales 114 Mount Street, London, W1K 3AH email: [email protected] website: Reg. Charity No. 1056891 July 2013 WHY BECOME A MEMBER? HOW DO I PAY? For you: Members receive FOCUS, our monthly newsletter, and detailed notification of CLC events, as well as discounts on CLC events and on some literature. If you are not near an existing community, we will put you in touch with any new members from your area and give as much help as we can to enable a new group to start. The easiest way, for you and for CLC, is to pay by Banker’s Order using the form opposite. You can arrange for payments to be made monthly or once a year, whatever suits you. Or, you can send a cheque, made out to ‘CLC’, to cover your fees for the remainder of this year and we will send you a reminder at the beginning of each calendar year. If you do not have a bank account, you may be able to arrange payment through the contact person of your local CLC. TO MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN… Please complete and return the whole form to: CLC, 114 Mount Street, London, W1K 3AH For CLC: By paying a membership fee you help the work of CLC to continue. At present we have the services of a Jesuit priest as our National Chaplain, thanks to the generosity of the Jesuits, but all other work — including that of producing the newsletter — is done on a voluntary basis. To ensure that no-one is out of pocket we pay all expenses. So membership fees enable us to foster growth in CLC at both local and national levels, to organise regular CLC events and to bring CLC to others. FREE MONEY CLC is a Registered Charity so you can declare your membership fees as Gift Aid donations—if you pay income tax and if your membership fee is £2 per month or more. This gives CLC extra money from the taxman at no further cost to yourself. (And actually saves you money if you pay any tax at the 40% rate!) Name: ……………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………….. Tel: …………………………………………..….…… email: ………………………..………………………..……….…………………….. Address: ………………………………………………………………………..……………………………...…………………………………. …………………………………………………………………….………………………….POSTCODE…………………….………………… Name of local CLC group (if any) ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………… I wish to become a member of CLC and I am aware that I am entitled to a full calendar year without any payment. Therefore: Either: I have completed the Banker’s Order form below* commencing 1st January a full year after the date of starting with CLC. (or earlier if I wish) Or: I wish to pay by cheque and ask to be contacted when my membership fee becomes due (or enclose a cheque to ‘CLC’ now) GiftAid it! If you are a tax payer, please complete and sign the Gift Aid declaration on the back of this form (subject to the conditions) Thank you. Or: I wish to subscribe to FOCUS only and enclose a cheque for £10 to ‘CLC’ (or £5 for e-FOCUS) (Not eligible for Gift Aid) *OPTIONAL: BANKER’S ORDER To the Manager: ……………………..…………………………………………………………………………….…..[NAME OF BANK] HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Members are asked to help finance the activities of the national community. When deciding how much to pay, they are invited to reflect upon the importance of CLC in their life and to take their financial circumstances into account. Therefore the fee structure is flexible, but it is recognised that this must be proportional to the person’s means and to the development of each member’s understanding and acceptance of CLC as a way of life and as a national and international community. Recommended standard subscription 50p for each £100 of net income (0.5%) Bank Address: ……………………………………...………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………… POSTCODE …………………………….…………… Please transfer from my/our account Sort Code: ………….…………………………………………….………………….. Account number: …………...…………………………………………………… Minimum for established* members £2 per month or £24 p.a. Unwaged/low income: 75p p m. (£9 p.a.) but no one is prevented from belonging to CLC simply because they cannot afford it, so if in that situation they are asked to pay what they can, even if it is only £1 per year. * For new members the minimum is waived from the time they start through to the end of their first full calendar year. SUBSCRIPTION TO FOCUS ONLY Non-members who are interested in CLC are able to obtain copies of the CLC newsletter ‘FOCUS’. The annual postal subscription is £10 for 10/11 issues each year or £5 for e-FOCUS by email. to the credit of Christian Life Community at Santander UK PLC, Bootle, L30 4GB , Sort Code 09-01-51, Account No. 45663507 the sum of: £ …………………….… …………………………………………….……………………………………………………………...……… [AMOUNT IN WORDS] to be paid each month/quarter/year [DELETE AS APPROPRIATE] from …..01/01/………………………..………. until cancelled by me/us in writing [DATE OF FIRST PAYMENT] Please quote Ref: CLC FEE ……………………………………………… [SURNAME] Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………...………………………. Date ………………………….
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