Document 18848

SOURCE Undergraduate Symposium and Poster Session
April 16, 2010
Adelbert Gym
Oral/Paper & Performance Presentations
Kent Hale Smith Rooms 146 & 318
Poster Presentations
Session 1: Noon – 1:15pm
Session 2: 1:30-2:45pm
Second Annual Celebration of Student Writing
Adelbert Gym
Part of Writing Week
Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Writing, the Department of English and the
SAGES Department
Michelson-Morley Research Competition
Clapp Hall Room 405
April 16, 2010
Thank you for attending our 6th annual Intersections: SOURCE Symposium and Poster Session.
Every year, undergraduates at Case Western Reserve University perform remarkable feats of
research and creative endeavor. This event simultaneously celebrates their accomplishments, and
also shares them with the broader community.
Our students bring immense enthusiasm and passion to their academic pursuits. At Case Western
Reserve, they work with faculty just as energized by the opportunity to guide and support their
work. We are proud of students’ many opportunities for hands-on learning, among them activities in
campus laboratories, area hospitals, or far-away villages where students build new water systems.
Other students have travelled to the United Kingdom to learn more about a Scottish theater
company, and stayed right here in Cleveland to help design park space.
Every one of these examples shares a common thread: an academic mentor who worked with the
student to develop and execute a project. As much as today’s event honors outstanding student
efforts, it also highlights the extraordinary influence of those who worked with them. On behalf of
all of us at Case Western Reserve, I extend my deepest gratitude to these exceptional faculty.
Finally, I also applaud our SOURCE office. In addition to sponsoring today’s activities, SOURCE
informs students of the many options for experiential learning that are available during the academic year
and in the summer. I encourage all of our students to become involved in research, creative projects,
service learning study abroad or any one of the countless other opportunities available to enhance their
education. As is evident today’s presentations and exhibits, the lessons are impressive indeed.
Congratulations to all participants.
Barbara R. Snyder
Intersections: SOURCE Symposium and Poster Session
April 16, 2010
Adelbert Gym
Project Title
Yassmin Aljaberi
Effect of Personal Characteristics and
Demographics on Dental Health
Knowledge and Beliefs in College
Quantitative Metrics for Describing
Topographic Organization in Individuals
An Analysis of the Feasibility of CampusWide Composting
Type II Diabetes and its Effect on Foot
Health Care in the US
Examination of Solar Power Potential
in Cleveland’s Greater University Circle
Lawrence Greksa, Department
of Anthropology
Anthony Jack, Department of
Cognitive Science
Peter McCall, Geological
Sciences, Biology
Richard Drushel, Department
of Biology
Lillian Kuri, The Cleveland
Foundation & Peter Whiting,
Department of Geological
David Burke, Department of
Biology/The Holden
Hatsuo Ishida, Department of
Macromolecular Science and
Renee Sentilles, Department of
Roy Ritzmann, Department of
Biology and many thanks to Dr.
Roy Ritzmann, Department of
James E. Zull, Department of
Cody Allen
Trevor Allen
Hanya Almudallal
Maya Alunkal
Joe Amick
Si Young An
Laura Ansley
Katayoun Ayasoufi
Joshua Barzilai
Geoffrey Browning
Mir Bear-Johnson
Yasmeen Shahin
Precipitation, pathogens and place:
Microbial contaminants in the rooftop
rainwater runoff of urban and rural
1, 3-Bis(benzoxazine) from Cashew Nut
Shell Oil and Diaminodiphenyl Methane
and Its Composites with Wood Flour
“Girls-in-Breeches:” The Gendering of
Female Heroines in American Western
Dime Novels
Tongue Flicking Behavior in Snakes: the
Maximum Angle of Tongue Flicking
Varies Among Species and Depends on
the Environmental Conditions
Flight Patterns of Large and Small Avian
Increased Memory Formation by Stress in
Mice: a proposal
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Katelyn Begany
K. Grace Bell
Gary Bhagat
Stacey Woodcraft
Himali Bhatt
Lacy Blazetic
Neena Bolla
Cory Breed
Bradley Hughes
Brian Tietz
Elle Brennan
Kevin Brent
Andrea Briggs
Michael Bryniarski
Caitlin Burkman
Steven Burns
David Dashevsky
AJ Ferrick
Colleen Konsavage
Megan Carl
Rebecca Carter
Amy Catalani
Emily Konen
Two Domains of Human Higher
Cognition: Distinct Brain Networks
Underlie Social and Mechanical
A Catalyst for Change: Impact of
Electronic Medical Records and
Meaningful Use Policies on American
Health Systems
Is There Learning? A Comparison of
Neuronal Growth and Vascularization in
the Brains of Autistic Youths Due to
Behavioral Treatments
Pregnancy: Pre- and Post-Partum Practices
and Nutritional Beliefs in West India
Parental Depression and its Interactions
with in the Family
Clinical Applications of GATA3 in
Luminal Breast Cancer
Sensory Recording and Feedback System
for Cockroach Studies
Emotion Regulation and Physical Activity
in Response to Emotions in a College
Determination of the Relative Response
Factor of Methane in Gas
Chromatography with Flame Ionization
The Effects of Play Intervention When
Conducted By The Primary Care Giver
Coarse Graining Food Webs
Learning in Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera:
Sphingidae): Adult exposure to the
tobacco plant (Nicotiana) leads to a
stronger oviposition response
Local Projects, Global Impact: Engineers
without Borders – Case’s Rainwater
Catchment Project at the Squire Valeevue
Farm, Water Conservation Project with
CWRU Facilities, and Research into
Water Treatment
Galvanic Skin Response in Family
Interaction Tasks as a Predictor of
Adolescent Depression
Addiction and “Generation Me”:
Narcissistic and Prosocial Behaviors of
Youth with Substance Dependency
Disorder in Comparison to Normative
Are You Positive You Are Negative: HIV
Awareness in Parma, Ohio
Anthony Jack, Department of
Cognitive Science
JB Silvers, Weatherhead
School of Management:
Departments of Health System
Management and Finance
James E. Zull, Department of
Jill Korbin & Lawrence Greksa,
Department of Anthropology
Arin Connell, Department of
Valerie Haywood, Department
of Biology
Roger Quinn, Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering and Roy
Ritzmann, Department of
Amy Przeworski, Department
of Psychology
Chih-Jen Sung, Dept. of
Mechanical and Aerospace
Sandra Russ, Department of
Robin Snyder, Department of
Mark Willis, Department of
James McGuffin-Cawley –
Department of Materials
Science and Engineering
Arin Connell, Department of
Maria E. Pagano, Department
of Psychiatry, Division of Child
Rita Sfiligoj, Department of
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Benjamin Chandhok
Li Chen
Patrick Chirdon
Kathryn Clusman
Rachael D. Cooper
Rachel Craft
John Christian Dalton
Yardena Daon
Frederick Davey
Michael Ding
Leah G. Dodson
Xi Du
Jaquetta Duncan
Daniel Engel
Elizabeth Ennis
Drew C. Enns
Steven Ewart
Andromeda Fair
Correspondence vs. Compensation
Hypothesis: How People View Their
Relationships with Their Parents and with
Cheating in American and Asian
The Role of Thyrotropin Releasing
Hormone and Orexin in the Pathogenesis
of Alzheimer’s Disease
The Relation Between Divergent Thinking
and Novel Events in Play
Impact of Linguistic Skills on Play
Performance of Preschoolers with
Developmental Disabilities
The Effect of Heat Treatments on the
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
of Ti-6Al-4V (a Sensitivity Study)
Improved Methods for Copper-Steel
Bonding of Electrical Connectors in
Railway Applications
The Cognitive Semiotics of Poetry and
Dance: Emotive Embodiment of Ecstatic
Sensorial Cognition in Modern
Time Dependence of Liquid Crystal
Orientational Memory Effect at a Polymer
Energies of Nematic Liquid Crystals in 2D
Polygonal Cavities
On the Interaction of the Pharmaceutical
Salbutamol with Light in Water Solutions
A Novel Mechanism of Action for an
SCN5A Brugada Syndrome Mutation
Women Experiencing Domestic Violence
in Three Ethnic Groups
Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tungsten
onto the Inside of a Quartz Capillary for
the Creation of a New In Vitro Biosensor
Site Selective Modifications of Peptides
and Proteins Using Bioorthogonal NTerminal-Glutathione Scaffold
Breaching Martian Craters
Role of Cellular Mg in Modulating
Collagen Deposition and Enzyme
Efficiency in Hepatic and Kupffer Cells
The Roles of Guilt and Self-blame in
PTSD for CSA Survivors and non-CSA
Trauma Survivors
Julie Exline, Department of
Jessica E Gerard, Department
of English
Mark A. Smith: Department of
Sandra Russ, Department of
Elizabeth Short, Department of
David Schwam, Dept. of
Materials Science &
David Schwam, Department of
Material Science and
Per Aage Brandt, Department
of Cognitive Science
Charles Rosenblatt, Department
of Physics
Timothy Atherton, Department
of Physics
Carlos E. Crespo-Hernández,
Department of Chemistry
Isabelle Deschênes, Department
of Medicine
Jill Korbin, Department of
Heidi Martin, Department of
Chemical Engineering
Viswanathan, Department of
Ralph P Harvey, Department of
Andrea Romani, Department of
Physiology and Biophysics
Norah Feeny, Department of
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Alexis Ferrera
The Association between Periodontitis and
Prostatitis through Cytokine Assays
Beatrice Floyd
William Fox
Bio-Inspired Polyelectrolytes: Next
Generation Thermoelectric Materials
Analysis of Heterogeneously Vancomycin
Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus Drug
Susceptibility and Resistance
Alex Galante
Ted Roman
Ashley Gan
Chemical Bath Deposition of CdS and
TiO2 Semiconductor Sensitized Solar
Empathy, Rationality and Legal Judgment
Rebecca Gans
Samuel Geiger
Julia German
Alexander Graber-Tilton
Kevin McDonald
Chad Rockey
J.P. Graulty
Canting Guo
Brittany Rogers
Yashi Gupta
Matthew Hakes
Anne Hall
Colleen Heffernan
Brian Weeks
Tiffany Henkel
Lauren Hennen
Synthesis and Properties of
Polyetheramine-Based Main Chain
Smart Metering for Monitoring Energy
Mimicking Cockroach Behavior with a
Small Robot
Obesity and the Minimum Wage: Using
State-Level Data
The Role of Cockroach Brain Circuits in
Visual Guided Turning
Intracellular Accumulation of Ribosomal
Protein S6 is Increased in Alzheimer’s
Computer Simulations of Nonimaging
Knockdown of an Ephrin Receptor
inhibits proper lateral line development in
Interfering With Emotional and Sensory
Brain Function Offers New Potential
Treatments for PTSD
Women and Depression in the United
States: A Review of the Literature
Targeted Disruption of CCR5 Functioning
to Treat HIV-1 Infection
Valerie Haywood, Biology;
Richard Jurevic, School of
Dental Medicine Department of
Biological Sciences; Jyotsna
Chandra, Center for Medical
Mycology Department of
Alexis Abramson, Department
of Mechanical Engineering
James Bader, Department of
Biology; Geraldine Hall,
Department of Clinical
Microbiology at the Cleveland
Clinic Foundation
Mehmet Koyuturk, Department
of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science; Rob Ewing,
Center for Proteomics and
Mark DeGuire, Department of
Materials Science and
Anthony Jack, Department of
Cognitive Science
Hatsuo Ishida, Department of
Macromolecular Science and
David Schwam, Department of
Materials Science and
Roger Quinn, Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace
David Clingingsmith,
Department of Economics
Roy Ritzmann, Department of
A. Smith, Department of
Covault, Department of Physics
Brian M. McDermott, Jr.
Departments of
Otolaryngology, Biology and
James E. Zull, Department of
Atwood D. Gaines, Department
of Anthropology
Richard Drushel, Department
of Biology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Sean M. Hobson
Giving a Pathogen New Legs: Enabling
Motility in the Attaching and Effacing
Pathogen Citrobacter rodentium
Erin Hollinger
Benzoxazine-functionalized Chitosan:
A New Class of Green Polymers of Many
Potential Applications
Research Comparisons between Schizoid
Personality Disorder and Social Phobia
Spatial Influences on Arithmetic in
College Students
Removal of sensory feedback effects on
flight muscle activation and wing
movement in tethered flying moths
Identification of a Heat Shock
Transcription Factor in Schistosoma
Model Platinum Nanoparticle
Electrocatalyst Supported on Graphene
Cardiac Imaging with an Optical Mapping
and Optical Coherence Tomography
Imaging by Magnetic Particles with a
Nonlinear Field Response
Adenovirus RID-α induces an autophagylike pathway to restore cholesterol
Clay Hurley
Ken Hwang
Kara Imbrogno
Kayla Imbrogno
Kenji Ishida
Christine Jackson
Kaitlyn Zolton
Andrew Jenkins
Gareth Kafka
Akash Kataruka
Rebecca Keating
Varandt Y.
Tanvi Khot
Rebecca Kopplin
Ji-Eun Lee
Mee Jee Lee
Rebecca Levinson
Shen Li
Guozhi Liang
Experiences in self-development: A
critical reflection and partial Spanish-toEnglish translation of Armando Nougués
Fernández’s “El despertar de la oruga”
Decreased α-hemolysin production
through inhibition of AgrA in methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus
MKK6/SEK-1 is a Substrate of
LRRK2/LRK-1 Kinase in Pakinson’s
Disease Pathogenesis
The development of a single-use
amperometric biosensor for the detection
of lactic acid
Mindfulness: A Literature Review
Cultural Difference in Ideal Weight and
Body Shape for Women
The identification of cochlin isoforms in
deafness using 2D DIGE and 1D Gel
fractionation approaches
Establishing a Caenorhabditis elegans
model of LRRK2-linked Parkinson’s
Prototype Cherenkov Detector and its
Application in Cosmic Ray Experiments
Lynn Bry M.D. Ph.D Clara
Belzer Ph.D, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Harvard
School of Medicine,
Department of Pathology
Hatsuo Ishida, Department of
Macromolecular and Polymer
Amy Przeworski, Department
of Psychology
Lee Thompson, Department of
Mark Willis, Biology
Emmitt R. Jolly, Department of
Robert Savinell, Department of
Chemical Engineering
Andrew Rollins, Department of
Biomedical Engineering
Robert Brown, Department of
Nicholas Cianciola and
Cathleen Carlin, Department of
Molecular Biology and
Kimberly Emmons, Department
of English & Mauricio Duarte,
Department of Modern
Languages and Literature
Menachem Shoham,
Department of Biochemistry
John Feng, Department of
Chung-Chiun Liu, Department
of Chemical Engineering
Mary Quinn Griffin,
Department of Nursing
Jessica Gerard, English
Mark Chance, Department of
Shu G Chen, Department of
Corbin Covault, Department of
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Kirtishri Mishra
Christa Modery
Heather Morgan
Seraina Murphy
Paul Niebrzydowski
Megan Norr
Jenna Novak
Samantha Reed
Julia Obejero-Paz
Susan Orra
Kelly Rogers
Harry Owusu-Dapaah
Neel Pancholi
Sarah Park
Mayank Patel
Christine Petzold
Funita P. Phan
Nicole Pilasky
Mariya Pogrebetskaya
Kathleen Puttmann
Testing the Efficacy of the Tamoxifen
Inducible Expression System with
Conditional Cftr
Platelet-targeted liposomes for sitespecific drug delivery in vascular disease
Development of a new telescope for
detecting Ultra-Rapid Optical Flashes
Going Beyond Protons in MR Study
Multiplex assay development for species
identification and monitoring of knock
down resistance in Anopheles mosquito
vector populations of Papua New Guinea
Project Retrospect: Historicizing the
Rhetoric of Energy Independence
Culture, Mind, and Morality Project: Yoga
and Emotional Response
Diamond Microelectrodes for In Vitro
Adenosine and Dopamine Detection
The Presence of an Emotional AttentionBias in Adolescents with Depression
The Fronto-pariatal fasciculus is essential
for memory recall in Multiple Sclerosis
Linking Parkinson's Disease Symptom
Type and Severity with LRRK2
Pathogenic Mutation Status
Reduction in Mitochondrial Superoxide
Dismutase Accelerates the Onset of
Oxidative Damage in J20 Young Human
Amyloid Precursor Protein Transgenic
Diminished early visual sensitivity for
affective stimuli in depressed versus
nondepressed individuals
An Examination of Autonomic
Functioning in Adolescents with Type 1
Diabetes at Risk for Depression
Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay occurs
on polyribosomes
Molecular Recognition of Histone
Modifications by a DNA Damage
Response Factor
The Depositional Flux of Phosphorus in
Lake Erie
Seasonal modulation of a sensory
feedback system by the neuropeptide
Use of Main Chain Benzoxazine Polymer
Chemistry for Aerogel Synthesis
Craig Hodges, Department of
Anirban Sen Gupta,
Department of Biomedical
Corbin Covault, Department of
Robert Brown, Department of
Physics; and Fraser Robb, GE
Healthcare Coils
Peter A. Zimmerman, Global
Health and Disease
Peter A. Shulman, Department
of History
Anthony Jack, Department of
Cognitive Science
Heidi Martin, Department of
Chemical Engineering
Arin Connell, Department of
James Zull, Department of
Amy Wilson-Delfosse,
Department of Pharmacology
Hyoung-gon Lee, Department
of Pathology
Arin Connell, Department of
Arin Connell, Department of
Jeff Coller, Department of
Steven Sanders, Department of
Gerald Matisoff, Department of
Geological Sciences
Debra Wood, Department of
Hatsuo Ishida, Department of
Macromolecular Science and
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Ramya Raman
Roshni Rao
Mary Beth Ray
Abigail Reed
Nicholas Reinsvold
Megan Ritchey
Sarah Robinson
Raymond Rodgers
Andrew Rosenberger
Joshua Rubin
Zachary Rubin
Patient’s Attitude and Knowledge
Concerning the Efficacy and Usage of
Face Masks
Child PTSD and the Influence of Social
Health Care for Latinos in the United
States- Discrepancies, Obstacles, and
The Reality of Uncertainty: A Novel
Surface Orientation of Chiral Liquid
Creativity in a Pediatric Bipolar
Health as a Human Right: Multi-level
Influences on Undocumented Migrant
Health in Thailand
Shape-controlled Pt nanoparticles for
carbon nanotube growth
STM Study of Hexagonal Nano-Lattices
Projection of New Solar Electric Process
Technologies as Compared to Traditional
Photovoltaic Cells
Mini Medical Experience
Paul Salamon
University Lofts: An Innovative Student
Housing Complex in University Circle
Anshul Saurastri
Age Related Loss of the DNA Mismatch
Repair Pathway in Human Hematopoietic
Stem Cells
A Comparison of Periodontal Referral
Patterns: Trends Toward Urgent Care
Gait Patterns in The Domestic House Cat
Chase Behavior
Physical Aging of Layered Glassy
Muscle Activity and Function in the Front
Legs of Walking Cockroaches
Reinforcement of Clay Aerogels Via
Incorporation of a Polymer Derived from
Tina Saw
Vivek Sengupta
Andrew Shaver
Elaine Simpson
Michelle Sing
Eduardo A Somoza
Molecular Imaging of Myelination in the
Peripheral Nervous System
Connie Stamoolis
Aging and Ethnicity: Historical and
Cultural Limitations of Cumulative
Disadvantage and Ethnic Compensation to
the Study of Ethnic Elderly in America
Lily Stanley
Nanowire Biosensors
Vicken Totten, Department of
Emergency Medicine
Norah Feeny, Department of
Jacqueline Nanfito and Antonio
Candau, Department of Modern
Languages and Literature
Amy Przeworski, Department
of Psychology
Charles Rosenblatt, Department
of Physics
Sandra Russ, Department of
Charlotte Ikels, Department of
Mohan Sankaran, Department
of Chemical Engineering
Kathleen Kash, Department of
Justin Sydnor, Economics
Elizabeth Banks, Center for
Civic Engagement and
Jennifer Johnson, Department
of Marketing and Policy
Stanton Gerson, Department of
Leena Palomo , Department of
Roy Ritzmann, Department of
Anne Hiltner, Macromolecular
Science and Engineering
Roy Ritzmann, Department of
David Schiraldi and Jack
Johnson III, Department of
Macromolecular Science and
Yanming Wang, Department of
Radiology, Chemistry, and
Biomedical Engineering
Charlotte Ikels, Department of
Xuan Gao, Physics Department
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Michael Steward
Statistical Methods for Malaria Allele
Kyle Strodtbeck
Measuring the Density of Bone
David Johannes Stute
Multiplying Interaction
On a notion of perception and
understanding in the age of interrelation
Sustainable Eating in Cleveland
Mariya Topolyanskaya
Colleen Vadia
Stephanie Velloze
Development of a Protocol to Establish
Whether Crayfish Develop Preference for
Ethanol Consumption and Addiction
The effects of HIF and Notch signaling
during vascular development
Kevin Vietmeier
Synthesis and Properties of Benzoxazine
Functional Cellulose via Click Chemistry
B. Corbett Walsh
Conduit of ATP release in Astrocytes
John Weaver
Human Somatic Cell Gene Knockout of
Nanocomposites of Healable
Supramolecular Systems
Brandon Wenning
Anthony White
Erica Wieser
Alexander Wijangco
Robin Wilson
Kathryn Woeste
Andrea A. Wojtowicz
Timothy Wong
Yuren Xie
Creating a hybrid wheel to wheel-leg
system for use in search and rescue
Surface Modification of Diamond Films to
Develop Selective Biosensors
Constraining Inelastic Dark Matter with
Effect of Pluronic Copolymers on Lipid
Bubble Size and Stability
The Effect of Smoking on Corneal
Inflammatory Event Development in
Continuous Wear Silicone Hydrogel
Contact Lens Wearers
The Association of Self-Esteem,
Depression, Stress, Personality, and
Academic Achievement on Division-III
Hemostatically Active Liposomes as
Synthetic Platelet Substitutes
Study of the effect of organic cationic
salts on the polymerization of benzoxazine
monomer and properties of their
Peter Thomas, Departments of
Mathematics, Biology, and
Cognitive Science
David Farrell, PhD, Department
of Physics
Laura Hengehold, Philosophy
Peter McCall, Geological
Sciences; John Ruhl, Physics
and Astronomy; Mano
Singham, University Center for
Innovation in Teaching and
Debra Wood, Department of
Diana Ramirez-Bergeron,
Cardiovascular Research
Tarek Agag, Department of
Macromolecular Science and
George Dubyak, Department of
Physiology and Biophysics
Guangbin Lou, Department of
Stuart Rowan, Department of
Macromolecular Science and
Richard Bachmann,
Department of Mechanical
Heidi Martin, Department of
Chemical Engineering
Glenn Starkman, Department of
Agata Exner, Department of
Radhika Atit, Department of
Amy Przeworski, Department
of Psychology
Anirban Sen Gupta, Biomedical
Hatsuo Ishida, Department of
Macromolecular Science and
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Alexander J. Zaddach
Modeling the Tensile Fracture Behavior of
Metallic Glasses
Sander Zandbergen
Reflectivity Measurements of Critical
Materials for the LUX Dark Matter
A Novel Method To Facilitate the
Polymerization of Polybenzoxazine
Syed Zulqadar
John J. Lewandowski,
Department of Materials
Science and Engineering
Thomas Shutt, Department of
Tarek Agag, Department of
Macromolecular Science and
Second Annual Celebration of Student
Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Writing, SAGES and the Department of English
Course/Organization Faculty/Staff/
Student Participants
Between Doctors and
Patients: Literature and
Case Reserve Review
Anne Ryan
Nirmal Bhakta, Tim Darlington, Lediana
Goduni, Chelsea Lasky, Kara Monnin,
Amanda Robinson
Chance Poetics
Sarah Gridley & Annie
Brad Ricca
Colors, Capes and
John Rooney
Common Reading
Selection Committee
Crime and Punishment in
German Literature and
Cross-Cultural Research
and Cross-Cultural
Composing: Bilingual
Writers at Case Western
The Future of Food
Mayo Bulloch
Heroes and Hustlers in
Latin Literature
Timothy Wutrich
Immigrant Entrepreneurs:
Can They Drive
Cleveland’s Economy
Once Again?
Jessica Gerard
Shannon Harkin, Elizabeth Johnston, Tesia
Meade, Matthew Napfel, Tracy O’Brien,
Johnny Wright
Mary Beth Wetli
Megan Witzke, Sage Schaff, Brittany
Lavanty, and Dan Levine
Jessica Gerard
Gongxia Chen, Yi (Tracy) Chen, Xuejing
(Jenny) Wang, Xuhui (Terry) Chen,
Shanshuai Sun, Ding Wang, Tianxin Luo,
Anni Li, Wenyu Chen, and Kan Jia
Mary Holmes
Scott Becka, Sammy Sarett, Faezeh
Ghassemi, Phil Young, Rachel Wagner,
Mark Ilhan
C.J. Dunlap, Allison Early, Ryan Hohman,
Adam Kozak, John Rooney, Peter Schiraldi,
Eritt Sinkko
Buxbaum, Andrew; Galiano, Josette; Gilbert,
Kelsey; Kang, Chang Won; Koepka, Ryan;
Kwass, Daniel; Li, Zhipeng ;Luong, Quyen;
Mhanna, Christiane; Nardone, Samantha ;
Nassif, Alexander; Okoye, Chimadika ;
Pearlman, Isaac; Pentz, Andrew; Pomerantz,
Jeremy ; Shivers, Luke
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Introduction to Chemistry
Mike Kenney
Island Science
Mark Bassett
Life of the Mind
Jennifer Butler, Mark
Bassett, Suraj Shetty
Judit Simó
Life of the Mind
Nik Bauer, Amy Cai, Roy Chiou, Matt
DelBrocco, Wes Farra, Ali Hollingshead,
Brandon Lavery, Matt Loosli, Ray Moore,
Yue Qi, Matt Richards, Joe Sewell, Jonathan
Stone, Tiarra Thomas, Tony Vicini, Alex
Warofka, and Alex Weldon
Xin Chen, Zhengyu Chen, Cheng Cheng, Lin
Cheng, Minghao Du, Kaiwen Gao, Jing Hu,
Xian Huang, Wooyoung Jung, Weiying
Kang, Yiqing Tong, Hanwen Zhang, Zeyin
Zhang, Yingren Zhao, Hao Zhou, and
Zhaozhong Zhu
Morgan Redenshek
Management of Chronic
Illness in a Cultural
Metaphors of Sports and
Tracey Hallman
Judit Simó
Yi Cai, Quinn Gleisner, Samantha Lewis,
Brandon Rolle, Arjun Sharma, and Yang Ye
One World Many Cultures
Susan Dominguez & Cara
FSCS 150-104: Wendi Cai, Jun Choi, Il
Kwon Lee, Mi Ri Lee, Tony Li, Emma Lu,
Ted Park, Fez Yang, Zhong Zheng
FSCS 150-105: Linneker Carvajal, Alex
Chen, Ang Duan, Mimi Guo, Tianyu Han,
Reechal Jiang, Yoon Kim, Kaola Li,
Christina Min, Chris Zhang, Haidee Zhang78
Poetry Wall
Jessica Gerard
Sean Thomas Dougherty
Susan Dominguez & Trudy
E. Bell
Political Hype vs.
Scientific Fact: Evidence,
Risk, Preferences, Values
and “Spin”
Communication for
Eve McPherson
The Making of a Cultural
Barbara Burgess-Van Aken
Sigma Tau Delta
John Rooney
Solomon Alkhasov, Keith Angelino, Jane
Backus, Johnathan Barrett, Austin Bishop,
Cory Breed, Jenna Caputo,
Stephen Johnson, Alex Jordan, Ben
Kaufman, Daniel Levy, Michael Lyrenmann,
David McCauley, Ryan Miller, Geoff
Peyton, Vikram Ramanujam, Michael
Slattery, Kumiko Sano, Andy Sekely, Drew
Swartz, Jordan Welch, Diane Wisinski, Josh
Corey Bowen, Doug Brubaker, Nora Evett,
Emily Griffin, Andrew Hale, James Hale,
Candace Martin, Gabi Matthews, Even
McDowell, Julie Qiu, Michael Sayler, Ethan
Smith, Ryan Stroud, Christine Yeh
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Katherine Clark
Travel Literature in the
Age of Discovery
Annie Pécastaings
Travel Literature in the
Age of Discovery
Voices of Musical
Resistance: Spoken Word
Annie Pécastaings
Sean Dougherty
Stefan Blagojevic, Kevin Brayer, Sean Carr,
David Jannotta, Alex Kloss, Robert Lapadot,
Ren Li, Tim Maleski, Jessica Parker, Jessica
Robinson, Mark Schultz, Zach Scott, Devon
Smith, Jacob Snyder, Jaanki Thakkar
Jake Bell, Nicholas Couturier, William Lang,
Eric McCray, Jessica McRitchie, Simone
Michaels, Laura Palmer, Stephen Sreshta,
Kristen Zozulin
Stephen Sreshta (Oral Presentation)
Christopher Carlson, Amy Christianson,
Anna Czekaj, Ian Dimayuga, Thomas
Dooner, London Holt, Jenna Pansky, Lillian
Perez, Matthew Rucker, Raheem Stanfield,
Latia White, Lydia Whittington, Melinda
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Celebration of Student Writing
2009 Common Reading Essay Winners
Senior Capstone Students
2009 SOURCE Award Winners
SOURCE Summer Program
2009 Summer Program Participants
2009 Summer SURES Program
Case School of Engineering – Alcoa Campus Partnership 2010 Participants
CWRU – Formal Summer Programs
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Effect of Personal Characteristics and Demographics on
Dental Health Knowledge and Beliefs in College Students
Yassmin Aljaberi, Department of Anthropology
All around the world and within the U.S. people view their oral health in different ways.
Research indicates that these different views are largely determined by a person’s background, primarily
their socioeconomic status and parents’ attitudes. These beliefs about oral health in turn influence the way in which
personal oral hygiene and dental services are utilized. This research describes the relationship between personal
characteristics (gender, race, family size, and dental insurance status) and oral health knowledge, dental service
utilization, and views on oral health in college students. CWRU students were informed about a survey in several
large lecture classes. A total of 215 students responded (117 females, 98 males). Women were found to place more
importance on oral hygiene than males and students with dental insurance were found to visit the dentist more
frequently than those without insurance.
Project Mentor: Dr. Lawrence Greksa, Department of Anthropology
Quantitative Metrics for Describing Topographic Organization in Individuals
Cody Allen, Department of Physics; and Anthony Jack, Department of Cognitive Science
Visual areas in the brain of both monkey and man contain organized maps of the visual field. These
maps can be measured using fMRI while participants view visual stimuli presented at different locations
relative to a fixation point. However, current methods for topographic mapping are purely qualitative in nature, and
involve using visual inspection to search for consistent patterns in pseudo-colored figures. We seek to develop a
method of quantitatively describing topographic organization on the cortical surface, allowing us to describe
differences between individuals, and between distinct visual areas in occipital, parietal, and frontal cortex. In
addition to developing quantitative metrics, more meaningful color-coded topographic maps will be created with the
use of overlaid gradient fields. A goal of this research is to identify the neural basis for individual differences in
visuo-spatial ability. The techniques developed in this research might one day be used to predict how well a person
can perform word searches, play baseball, or even solve physics problems.
Project Mentor: Professor Anthony Jack, Department of Cognitive Science
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
An Analysis of the Feasibility of Campus-Wide Composting
Trevor Allen, Department of Physics
Composting is the collection of organic materials, such as food scraps and plant debris, for the purpose of
facilitating the natural biodegradation process, resulting in a nutrient-rich soil called humus. As of 2007, the EPA
estimates Americans dispose of 25% of all food; at 96 billion pounds annually, this comprises the single largest
component of the U.S. solid waste stream. In the anaerobic conditions of a landfill, the break-down of biodegradable
materials is slower and constitutes the largest anthropogenic source of methane. This project is examining the
feasibility of and steps involved in a campus-wide composting program. Ideally, all pre- and post-consumer food
waste would be collected separate from trash and composted. Such a program relies heavily on customer
participation. Difficulty arises in altering the habitual behaviors of these customers, as well as those of irregular and
visiting customers. The project specifically includes gathering customer attitudes towards and knowledge of
composting, as well as estimating the amount of organic wastes that can potentially be collected. Together these
factors can provide a strong indication of the potentiality of campus-wide composting. In general, provided certain
requirements are met—adequate informational displays, clear bin labeling, and conveniently locating disposal
areas—many institutions across the country have shown that a full-scale composting program can be successful.
Project Mentor: Dr. Peter McCall, Geological Science, Biology
Type II Diabetes and its Effect on Foot Health Care in the US
Hanya Almudallal, Department of Biology
Diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s ability to metabolize glucose properly due to the absence of
insulin or the reduced sensitivity of insulin receptors. There are two types of diabetes: Type I and type
II. Diabetes is common in the US and affects almost 8% of the population in various ethnic categories.
While some of the complications associated with disease have become common knowledge, the field of podiatry has
opened up a very specialized avenue of research and health care for patients with diabetic complications affecting
foot health. This research aims to explore the biological concepts of the disease and explain how type II diabetes
can affect the nervous system and consequently, foot health in patients across the US.
Project Mentor: Professor Richard Drushel, Department of Biology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Examination of Solar Power Potential
in Cleveland’s Greater University Circle
Maya Alunkal, Department of Geological Sciences
Ohio’s current electric load supplied by solar is less than 0.01 percent. An increase in the state’s solar
projects is needed to decrease reliance on non-renewable energy. This research will explore and examine the
magnitude of opportunity for solar energy production in the Cleveland’s Greater University Circle region in order to
determine the most attractive photovoltaic project possibilities. This investigation will direct installations for the
Cleveland Foundation’s Ohio Cooperative Solar project. The rooftops of several public institutions, such as the Case
Western Reserve University, The Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, and City of Cleveland buildings are found
to be the most suitable for solar installation.
Project Mentors: Lillian Kuri, The Cleveland Foundation
Dr. Peter Whiting, Department of Geological Sciences
Precipitation, pathogens and place:
Microbial contaminants in the rooftop rainwater runoff of urban and rural buildings
Joe Amick, Department of Biology
Factories and farms aren’t the only sources of water pollution. Rainwater draining off of impermeable surfaces, like
roofs, parking lots and roads, also contribute to the microbial and chemical contamination of water supplies. One
way to alleviate the infrastructure strain and environmental damage caused by contaminated stormwater runoff is the
collection of rooftop rainwater runoff in catchments. Urban rain gardens have been proposed as one way to treat
contaminated rainwater prior to discharge into catchments or waterways. In this study, we examined how a
building’s surroundings affect the microbial contamination in rooftop rainwater and the factors that lead to a higher
risk of rainwater contamination. Samples of rooftop rainwater were collected from five buildings in urban Cleveland
and five buildings in exurban Kirtland, Ohio once a week for four weeks. Escherichia coli, total coliform and total
heterotrophic bacteria counts were made using selective media. Water chemistry, including conductivity and pH of
the rainwater water samples were also measured. Our study will help us better understand the extent of
contamination of rooftop runoff and the factors that contribute to the contamination.
Project Mentor: Dr. David Burke, Department of Biology/The Holden Arboretum
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
1, 3-Bis(benzoxazine) from Cashew Nut Shell Oil and Diaminodiphenyl Methane and
Its Composites with Wood Flour
Si Young An, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Tarek Agag, Department of Macromolecular Science and
Engineering; Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
As part of the major effort in developing useful, green materials from renewable resources in our group,
cashew nut shell oil-based benzoxazine monomers have been synthesized applying solvent-less method. These
monomers have been synthesized by a Mannich-condensation reaction of the different phenols in the cashew nut
shell oil with paraformaldehyde in the presence of diaminodiphenyl methane (DDM) as a primary amine. Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) are
employed to characterize the structure of the monomers. Wood flour is mixed with these novel monomers to prepare
composites in different ratios. The sample preparation and properties of the composites containing different content
of wood flour will be discussed. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) are
used to study the composites’ crosslinking behavior and thermal properties.
Project Mentor: Professor Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
“Girls-in-Breeches:” The Gendering of Female Heroines in American Western Dime Novels
Laura Ansley, Department of History
A common character in nineteenth-century Western dime novels, the “bad-good woman” is essentially a
masculinized female, who rides, shoots, and drinks as well as any of the male heroes. This paper
examines this stock character, her purpose in these novels, and how she compares to real women of the American
West in the nineteenth century.
Project Mentor: Renee Sentilles, Department of History
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Tongue Flicking Behavior in Snakes: the Maximum Angle of Tongue Flicking Varies Among
Species and Depends on the Environmental Conditions
Katayoun Ayasoufi, Department of Biology
Snakes’ lack of keen visual abilities forces them to rely on other organs to enhance their
sensing; one of which is the Jacobson’s organ. 1 When a snake is busy investigating its environment, the
tongue flicks in and out via a notch in its upper jaw known as the lingual fossa(1). The twin tips of the tongue pick
up molecules from air then insert themselves into the Jacobson’s organ where these molecules are identified1. I used
high-speed video (300 fps) to compare the angle of tongue flicking of a pine snake when there was a mouse present
in the study arena to flicking that occurred when there was no prey. The angle fluctuated between 52-86 degrees in
the absence of prey and between 28-114 degrees in the presence of prey. Observations on two other species of
snakes (python and a black rat snake), revealed that the amount of time spent on a tongue movement and the angle
varies from species to species. The highest angle for the black rat snake was 163 degrees and for the python it was
238 degrees. Based on these observations, I hypothesize that each species has a mechanical maximum angle of
tongue fluctuation and that the behavior of flicking changes when the snake detects the presence of prey with other
(1)-Mattison, C., The Encyclopedia of Snakes, Blandford an imprint of Cassell plc, London, UK, 1995.
Project Mentor: Dr. Roy Ritzmann, Department of Biology and many thanks to Dr. Rosenberg
Flight Patterns of Large and Small Avian Species
Joshua Barzilai, Department of Biology; Geoffrey Browning, Department of Biology
Flight is an essential behavior in most species of birds. There are two types of flight that birds’
exhibit: continuous flapping and intermittent flight, in which flapping and non-flapping phases alternate.
In the non-flapping phases, wings can be flexed resulting in a flight pattern called bounding, or they can be extended
to generate gliding (Tobalske and Dial, 1996). We are testing the hypothesis that body size influences the choice of
flight strategy (flapping, bounding, and/or gliding) in take-off, flight, and landing. Our preliminary observations
suggest that larger birds exhibit a combination of gliding and continuous flapping flight propulsion, while smaller
birds exhibit a combination of continuous flapping with intermittent bounding phases. We used high-speed video
(300 fps) of large birds in flight, including Canada geese (Branta canadensis), vultures (Coragyps atratus), and
mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and of smaller birds, including parakeets (Melopsittacus undulatus) and chipping
sparrows (Spizella passerina). These video records are being analyzed and compared using motion analysis software
in order to quantify the time spent flapping, gliding, and bounding among the different-sized birds. This will provide
insight into the question of how physical size affects flight behavior of these birds.
Tobalske, B. W. and K. P. Dial. (1996) Flight Kinematics of black-billed magpies and pigeons over a wide range of
speeds. J. Exp. Biol. 199, 263-280.
Project Mentor: Professor Roy Ritzmann, Department of Biology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Increased Memory Formation by Stress in Mice: a proposal
Mir Bear-Johnson, Department of Biology; Yasmeen Shahin, Department of Biology
Stress, which everyone experiences, can affect learning in either positive or negative ways.
Stress is shown to enhance memory retrieval, yet, research has not explored the ways in which we can
use the chemical and biological pathways involved in stress to improve memory. We propose that stress
can increase formation of long term memories by alterations in brain chemistry. One such alteration may be brain
norepinephrine (nor) or nor-receptors. We will test this by examining memory formation in mice. Three groups of
thirty mice will be timed while running a maze. The first group will be the control (no stressor). The second group
will be exposed to a strong stressor fifteen minutes before running the maze. The final group will run the maze while
a stressor remains in their environment. One, five and ten days following their first exposure to the maze ten
members of each of the three groups will be timed while running the maze again without any stressors. Shortened
run times will indicate learning. To examine chemical changes, in vitro LTP will be measured with control mice and
mice that have shown stress-induced memory before and immediately after each run. In addition, following the final
run for each mouse, a slice of brain will be removed and its response to norepinephrine will be tested. We expect
that the third, stressed, group will retain the information for longer, be able to run the subsequent mazes quicker,
have higher LTP levels and a higher response to norepinephrine.
Project Mentor: Dr. James E. Zull, Department of Biology
Two Domains of Human Higher Cognition:
Distinct Brain Networks Underlie Social and Mechanical Reasoning
Katelyn Begany, Department of Cognitive Science & Department of Philosophy; Regina Cesaro,
Department of Cognitive Science; Kevin Barry, Department of Cognitive Science & Department of
Mathematics; Abigail Dawson, Department of Cognitive Science; Angela Ciccia, Department of
Communication Sciences; Anthony Jack, Department of Cognitive Science
Folk psychology (i.e. 'common sense') has long held a distinction between social reasoning (e.g. the ability to
discern the beliefs, intentions and emotions of others) and mechanical reasoning (e.g. the ability to understand
physical principles and predict the operation of mechanical objects). In contrast, psychologists have often speculated
that these domains rely on the same underlying processes. To shed further light on this issue, we set out to examine
the degree to which these two domains of human higher reasoning recruit distinct or overlapping brain areas. We
used a two factor crossed design to examine the brain areas recruited during social and mechanical reasoning, using
problems presented in two different modalities: text and videos. On each trial, participants had 20 secs to either read
a passage or watch a video depicting either a social interaction or a physical/mechanical principle. After each text or
video, a short textual comprehension question was presented and participants were given 7 seconds to respond yes
or no. Participants (N=20) were scanned using a 4T Bruker-Siemens MR scanner. Each participant experienced 5
BOLD scans of 10 mins duration. Each scan consisted of 4 presentations of each of the 4 stimuli, resulting in 16
questions and 4 rest periods of 27 seconds in length. Brief fixation periods of variable duration separated each
question/rest period. Stimuli and rest periods were randomly interleaved. There were marked differences in the brain
areas recruited. Social reasoning conditions, regardless of presentation modality, recruited inferior medial parietal
cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, and the right temporoparietal junction. Mechanical reasoning conditions, regardless
of presentation modality, recruited inferior parietal sulcus, frontal eye fields, and the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex.
These findings support a view of social and mechanical reasoning as largely distinct cognitive domains.
Project Mentor: Professor Anthony Jack, Department of Cognitive Science
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
A Catalyst for Change: Impact of Electronic Medical Records
and Meaningful Use Policies on American Health Systems
Grace Bell, Weatherhead School of Management: Health Care Finance Concentration
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are on the forefront of the American healthcare system. In
2009, the government stated that $20billion would be given as grants to hospitals who adopted EMR by
the goal date of 2014. After announcing these large grants, the United States government wanted to ensure that their
money would work to benefit the healthcare of the patients. In 2010, “meaningful use” policies, rules dictating the
benefits and stipulations of a government approved EMR, were drafted for review, a review that will continue into
Summer 2010.
This project focuses on a the current state of the Meaningful Use stipulations and expert feedback on the
draft policies from the American Medical Association, the federal Health Information Technology committee, and
health care administrators. The Meaningful Use policies have the opportunity to change the role of EMR from just
an electronic platform of the current patient care method to a tool utilized for quality and cost improvements for the
best patient care. This project will project where EMR will be going in 10years and why each health system should
invest now in a quality EMR platform as well as proper implementation and training.
Project Mentor: JB Silvers, Weatherhead School of Management: Departments of Health System Management and
Is There Learning? A Comparison of Neuronal Growth and Vascularization in the Brains of
Autistic Youths Due to Behavioral Treatments
Gary Bhagat, Department of Biology and Department of Psychology; Stacey Woodcraft, Department
of Biology; and James E. Zull, Department of Biology.
Autism is a highly common developmental disability and affects over 400,000 people in the
U.S. The core symptoms of autism are social disinterest, repetitive and overly focused behavior, and problems in
communication. These symptoms can emerge as early as infancy. Autism is a complex condition and the exact
cause(s) are unknown. The traditional educational route is not adequate to teach those with autism. Thus, many
various methodologies for educating these individuals exist.
Research has indicated that increased neuronal growth and vascularization of the brain due to
environmental stimulation is associated with learning. Therefore measurements of these factors will indicate the
progress of learning. The aim of this experiment is to see if constant stimulation that occurs on several sensory
levels simultaneously (i.e. tactile, auditory, visual) will lead to the greatest amount of vascularization and neuronal
growth in normal and autistic children.
Several behavioral therapies used on autistic individuals will be examined for this purpose. The therapies
being examined are Applied Behavioral Analysis of Autism (ABA), Picture Exchange Communication System
(PECS), and the Rapid Prompting Method (RPM). The proposed plan encompasses a six year span of scans
comparing the brains of approximately 60 children with mild autism: 15 who have had no exposure to behavioral
treatment, and 15 from each of the therapies listed, and an additional 15 children with no cognitive defects will serve
as a control. DTI scans will show cortex brain density; Xenon blood-flow radionuclide scans will show
vascularization; and EEGs will illustrate topographical brain activity. We predict that RPM will generate the greatest
amount of neuronal growth and vascularization because it provides constant sensory stimulation.
Professor Mentor: Dr. James E. Zull, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Pregnancy: Pre- and Post-Partum Practices and Nutritional Beliefs in West India
Himali Bhatt, Department of Anthropology (CI); Dr. Jill Korbin, Department of Anthropology (RI)
There is strong evidence that the poor, particularly in developing nations, frequently have diets that are
low in energy and essential nutrients. The poor nutritional status of women during pregnancy can have
both short- and long-term negative consequences for both the mother and the fetus. For this reason
programs that once focused on children after birth are now beginning to focus on mothers during pregnancy.
Although poverty is certainly the most dominant factor affecting dietary choices among the poor, diet is also
influenced by local traditions, beliefs, and customs, which must be taken into account in the formulation of any
effective public health program. The purpose of this project was to examine local pre- and post-partum practices
and nutritional beliefs and to understand why women in the Western part of India ate as they did, followed specific
practices, and observed certain rules. Twenty five participants were interviewed: n = 21 pregnant women were
interviewed about their beliefs and behaviors during pregnancy, including their nutritional beliefs and practices; n =
2 OB/GYNs and n = 2 Ayurvedic Practitioners were interviewed regarding their recommendations to pregnant
patients. Ayurveda is an Indian form of professional medicine. The conclusion was that all of the different customs,
nutritional beliefs, and practices that these women observe have a central focus: to maintain personal health, have a
healthy child, and to protect the infant and self.
Project Mentors: Dr. Jill Korbin, Department of Anthropology; Dr. Lawrence Greksa, Department of Anthropology
Parental Depression and its Interactions with in the Family
Lacy Blazetic, Department of Psychology
This study looked at the relationship between adolescents age 11-17 and one of their parents; focusing on
parental depression and how it affects adolescents. Past research has found that parental depression has
many negative consequences in an adolescent’s life. The study used questionnaire data from 54 families
to analyze family interactions and depression. The results show a positive correlation between parental depression
and adolescent depression, along with a correlation between depression and family interactions.
Project Mentor: Professor Arin Connell, Department of Psychology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Clinical Applications of GATA3 in Luminal Breast Cancer
Neena Bolla, Department of Accountancy
Evidence has suggested that various mechanisms involved in cell differentiation during
development may also play a role in tumorigenesis. In addition to their role in tumorigenesis,
differentiation markers have been linked to the metastatic potential of tumors. In general, there is an
inverse relationship between the level of differentiation and prognosis of a tumor. For example, tumors that are
poorly differentiated tend to be characterized as aggressive and the patient’s prognosis is worse than tumors that are
highly differentiated. The GATA family of transcription factors is integral in specification and maintenance and
GATA3 is the most highly expressed transcription factor in the mammary luminal epithelium. GATA3 has been
used as a predictor for tumor differentiation and clinical outcome. The aim of this review is to evaluate GATA3 in
determining metastatic potential of tumors as well as a possible treatment agent in luminal breast cancer. The paper
will explore the current use of GATA3 in determining and decreasing metastatic potential of luminal breast cancer
as well as the affects of GATA3 mutations.
Project Mentor: Dr. Valerie Haywood, Department of Biology
Sensory Recording and Feedback System for Cockroach Studies
Cory Breed, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Bradley Hughes, Department of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Brian Tietz, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Our goal is to develop tools to help biologists build and validate models of specific animal behaviors and
control systems. Brain lesion research in cockroaches conducted in the Ritzmann Lab has yielded hypotheses
regarding the role of the central body complex, a central part of insect brains. Behavioral responses have been
shown to be strongly dependent on the location of the lesions. In our project, two tools have been developed in
order to measure possible behavioral deficits of brain lesions. The first tool is an optical light-gate that detects the
motion of a cockroach antenna past a plane in space. A laser diode, lens, aperture, and linear diode array have been
interfaced with a National Instruments' CompactRIO computer platform for prototyping purposes. Real time data
collection and analysis software written in National Instruments LabVIEW analyzes the linear image and provides
triggers for cameras, monitors, and other controlled tools that can be used to record or stimulate the cockroach's
behavior. The final designed sensor will consist of an Atmel ARM7 series microprocessor that will handle the
acquisition and processing of the optical light-gate sensor data. The second tool, interfaced with the designed
sensor, is a T-shaped track that acts as a controlled environment for data collection. One specific behavior that is
under analysis is the cockroach's reaction to a stripe generator. A computer monitor, interfaced with the maze,
displays variable width and variable speed moving stripes. In preliminary results, the cockroach's movement
appeared to be correlated to stripe generation, but the biologists needed to compare the influence of the visual
stimulus of stripes with the tactile stimulus of its antenna.
Project Mentor: Professor Roger Quinn, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Professor Roy
Ritzmann, Department of Biology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Emotion Regulation and Physical Activity in Response to Emotions in a College Population
Elle Brennan, Psychology; Sarah Mason, MA, Psychology; Amy Przeworski, PhD, Psychology
Emotion regulation, or the ability to regulate one’s emotions appropriately or inappropriately, is
an important aspect of human emotional understanding and interaction. Difficulties with emotion
regulation underlie various forms of psychopathology including anxiety, mood disorders, and eating
disorders. To our knowledge, there is little to no literature examining physical activity in reaction to experiencing
various emotions. A developing literature has examined eating in response to feeling emotions, called emotional
eating, which has been related to depression, anxiety disorders, poor emotion regulation, and other psychopathology.
The emotional Physical Activity Questionnaire (EPAQ) was designed to investigate the relationship between
emotional responses and physical activity. The EPAQ will be integrated into an ongoing study that is investigating
emotional eating in a college population. The measure will examine four specific emotional constructs: happiness,
sadness, anger, and anxiousness. We predict that angry emotions will correlate with an increase in physical activity
while sad and anxious emotions will correlate with a decrease in physical activity. We also predict that happy
emotions will show little change in amount and frequency of exercise, and will be more highly correlated with
stretching exercises than other emotions. Lastly, we predict that high levels of emotional exercise will be positively
correlated with poor emotion regulation, as well as with emotional eating. We believe that an improved
understanding of the relationship between emotion regulation and physical activity may potentially provide further
insight into the etiology of eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorders, and other health problems such as obesity.
Results will be discussed.
Project Mentor:Professor Amy Przeworski, PhD, Department of Psychology
Determination of the Relative Response Factor of Methane in Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization
Kevin Brent, Aerospace Engineering; Bryan Weber, Aerospace Engineering
Flame ionization detection (FID) is in widespread use in gas chromatographic analysis because of its
effectiveness in accurately determining the number of moles of specific hydrocarbons in a gaseous mixture.
However, in order to accurately use the flame ionization detector, current systems require empirically determined
calibration curves for every compound analyzed and for every chromatographic method used. In an effort to be able
to predict the response of the flame ionization detector to various compounds, a system of determining relative
response factors has developed. For propane and heavier alkanes, the response per mole of carbon is constant. The
relative response for methane, however, depends on the chromatographic method in use. Experiments were
conducted to obtain a reproducible value for the relative response factor of methane using a Shimadzu GC-2014
with a Restek RTX-5 Capillary Column, 15m long, 0.53in. inner diameter, 0.20μm stationary phase of 5% diphenyl/
95% dimethyl polysiloxane. Butane was used to find the equal-per-carbon response of 6109.8μV/ppm-C. Testing
methane then gave 5577.6μV/ppm, implying a relative response factor of 0.913. This value was lower than
expected. It was suspected that some of the responses for butane were actually beyond the range of linear response
for the FID in use, skewing the equal-per-carbon response.
Project Mentor: Professor Chih-Jen Sung, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Effects of Play Intervention When Conducted By The Primary Care Giver
Andrea Briggs, Department of Psychology; Sandra Russ, Department of Psychology
Pretend play helps children develop skills necessary for interpersonal communication and
creativity. A recent trend in childhood studies involves creating a program that will show children how to
play better and therefore maximize their development of these skills. Because of the strong influence of
the child’s primary care giver (PCG) on the child’s development, an interesting new direction in the field of play
intervention would be to teach the PCG how to help improve their child’s play abilities. In this study we will
specifically exam the effects of play intervention on children’s play quality, divergent thinking ability, and
storytelling organization and determine whether the facilitation of the play intervention by the child’s PCG has any
influence on the child’s improvement. We hypothesize that participation in an intervention will improve skills and
that the participation of the PCG will improve skills further. We will compare 4 groups of 20 children. Two groups
will participate in an intervention. Two will act as controls. One intervention group and one control group will
include PCG participation. We will analyze the effects of the variables by using paired t-testing. This study will
have a limited sample size and it is likely that if PCGs have any influence it will be a result of their positive
relationship with the child and not their role as PCG. Future studies may want to gather a more diverse sample size
and look at how results might change if the child and PCG do not have a good relationship. If the hypothesis is true,
researchers, educators, and community leaders will be able to plan more efficient programs to get PCGs involved
with their kids and help children develop better abilities.
Project Mentor: Professor Sandra Russ, Department of Psychology
Coarse Graining Food Webs
Michael Bryniarski, Department of Systems Biology
Food webs are directed networks that capture the “whom eats whom?” relationships between organisms in
an ecosystem. Ecological flow networks are an extension of food webs that quantify the carbon moving between
compartments. For large ecosystems, these networks become difficult to analyze in terms of individual
compartments; to simplify these networks, compartments can be aggregated to form a coarse grained network.
Spectral Coarse Graining (SCG) is a recently developed method that allows nodes in a network to be combined in a
way that preserves the behavior of a random walk on the network. We have applied SCG to flow networks
representing ecosystems in the Florida everglades. We believe this approach has advantages over the ad hoc coarse
graining often applied to food web models.
Project Mentor: Professor Robin Snyder, Department of Biology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Learning in Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae): Adult exposure to the tobacco plant
(Nicotiana) leads to a stronger oviposition response
Caitlin Burkman, Department of Biology
The Hopkins’ Host-Selection Principle states that female insects are more likely to oviposit on a
host plant they have had previous exposure to over another host plant species. There are contentious
findings in the literature over when such a critical exposure period can occur, but a previous study (Yamamoto et al.,
1969) suggests that larval feeding in Manduca sexta influenced subsequent adult preference. However, postimaginal experience has been shown to influence other insect and moth species, but has not been studied in M. sexta.
Therefore, this study aims to compare ovipositional preference of M. sexta when previously exposed to either
tobacco (Nicotiana) or jimson weed (Datura) plants as early adults. Females were placed with either tobacco or
jimson weed leaves overnight as a 1-day old adult. After mating, 3-day old females were flown in a wind tunnel for
5 minutes. Each moth was allowed to oviposit on freshly cut tobacco and jimson weed leaves, and most moths
oriented initially to and spent more time on tobacco. All exposure groups demonstrated a preference for tobacco
leaves, but females pre-exposed to tobacco leaves demonstrated a slightly stronger preference for tobacco by laying
a higher number and proportion of their eggs on these leaves. These findings suggest that M. sexta adult females
either demonstrate associate learning of host plants or can become sensitized to them. Future experiments should
aim to determine how visual, olfactory, and tactile cues influence preferences.
Project Mentor: Professor Mark Willis, Department of Biology
This is a Michelson Morley Presentation
Local Projects, Global Impact: Engineers without Borders – Case’s Rainwater Catchment Project at the
Squire Valeevue Farm, Water Conservation Project with CWRU Facilities, and Research into Water
Steven Burns, Biomedical Engineering; AJ Ferrick, Systems and Control Engineering; Colleen Konsavage,
Systems and Control Engineering and Biomedical Engineering; David Dashevsky, Engineering Physics and
Biomedical Engineering; and Jesse Lee, Mechanical Engineering
Case Western Reserve University’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders has integrated research initiatives and
local projects to complement its international efforts. A significant portion of the research is dedicated to water
treatment, where techniques such as chlorination and ultraviolet light filtration are being developed and adapted for
the international projects. Additionally, a group was formed to execute local projects in tandem with international
efforts. Some of the projects include developing water catchment systems and working with the CWRU facilities on
water conservation projects. Knowledge and skills gained through these endeavors are not only beneficial to EWBCase’s international projects but also to the students involved in them. Students learn practical engineering skills
that benefit the university and the community.
At the Squire Valleevue farm, students are in the process of completing a rain water catchment system. When
completed, the system will pump water collected from the roof of the chicken coop to the gardens using wind power.
In the CWRU Facilities project, students have designed a system to divert waste condensation from air conditioning
units to cooling towers. This will result in significant water savings for the university and a payback period of under
a year.
EWB-Case’s water treatment research group has done significant research into water treatment option in EWBCase’s international partner communities. Research has included personal slow sand water filtration, individualand community- scale water chlorination, and ultraviolet sanitization.
Project Mentor: James McGuffin-Cawley – Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Galvanic Skin Response in Family Interaction Tasks as a Predictor of Adolescent Depression
Megan Carl, Department of Psychology
Adolescents are commonly thought to be prone to Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). One
primary component of risk for MDD is theorized to be family functioning, specifically relationships and
interactions between adolescents and their parents. The more stressful these relationships are the more
likely an adolescent is to display depressive symptoms or have a diagnosis of MDD. This study will utilize Galvanic
Skin Response (GSR) data during two five-minute interaction tasks in order to gauge stress in parent-adolescent
relationships. The first interaction task is designed to elicit negative emotions and the second interaction task is
designed to elicit positive emotions. It is theorized that if the mean GSR responses of both parent and adolescent are
highly correlated the family relationships are more adaptive and less likely to produce depressive symptoms in the
adolescent. GSR data should have better predictive power during the first task because prior research has
demonstrated that familial physiological responses are better synchronized during stressful contexts. It is expected
that adolescents that have a diagnosis of MDD or have sub-clinical symptoms will be more dysregulated during the
second task because of a decreased ability to respond to positive stimulation. These hypotheses will be tested
through general linear mixed modeling of GSR responses and depressive symptomatology measures in adolescents.
Faculty Mentor: Arin Connell Ph.D., Department of Psychology
Addiction and “Generation Me”: Narcissistic and Prosocial Behaviors of Youth with Substance
Dependency Disorder in Comparison to Normative Youths
Rebecca Carter, Department of Psychology; Dr. Julie Exline, Department of Psychology; Shannon
Johnson, Department of Psychiatry, Division of Child Psychiatry
Alcoholics Anonymous theorizes narcissistic behaviors to be a root cause of addiction. To
date, no study has provided empirical support for this theory. This is partly due to the inability to randomly assign
subjects to disease vs. no disease conditions and prospectively compare their reports of narcissistic behaviors or, at
the opposite end of the spectrum, other-oriented behaviors. Using a quasi-experimental design, this study compares
narcissistic and prosocial behaviors of 133 adolescents with substance dependency disorder (SDD) to 133 normative
controls matched by age and gender. Using fixed effect random regression analysis, Narcissistic Personality
Inventory (NPI) scores and General Social Survey (GSS) items reported by youths in the 21st century were
compared between matched pairs. Findings support narcissistic and prosocial behaviors as multi-faceted constructs,
certain facets of which appear related to addiction. In the current study, higher overt narcissistic behaviors and less
monetary giving to charity and the homeless strongly distinguished adolescents with SDD. This study is the first to
provide empirical support of AA’s theorized root cause of addiction, which points to self-absorption as fundamental
to the disease.
Project Mentor: Dr. Maria E. Pagano, Department of Psychiatry, Division of Child Psychiatry
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Are You Positive You Are Negative: HIV Awareness in Parma, Ohio
Amy Catalani, Department of Nursing; Emily Konen, Department of Nursing, Blaze Hirsch,
Department of Nursing; Alyssa Messina, Department of Nursing
The purpose of this project is to introduce, describe, and evaluate our public health/senior
capstone engagement experience. Our capstone site was located at the Cuyahoga County Board of
Health (CCBH) in Parma, Ohio, a suburban city in the southwest part of Cuyahoga County. In this project, we share
much about this community where we immersed ourselves and details about the campaign that we created. The
main focus of our project was working with CCBH and their free HIV testing grant to create an HIV awareness and
testing campaign for the community. Our strategies provided the public with accurate sexual health information to
increase their knowledge and interest in HIV testing. Our outcomes in outreach and testing numbers reflect success
and hope for a future increase in testing numbers. Our project also includes suggestions for CCBH for additional
interventions based upon our own personal findings as well as current academic research. In conclusion, we are
hoping our project and results prove to be a valuable tool for future use.
Project Mentor: Rita Sfiligoj, Department of Nursing
Correspondence vs. Compensation Hypothesis: How People View Their Relationships with Their
Parents and with God
Benjamin Chandhok, Department of Psychology
This research compares the correspondence and compensation hypotheses for attachment to
parents and God. The correspondence hypothesis states that people’s relationships with their caregivers
should be similar to their perceived relationships with God. The compensation hypothesis states that people should
have opposing relationships with their caregivers and God; in other words, people might turn to God to compensate
for a poor relationship with their parents. These two hypotheses were tested using a sample of 163 CWRU
undergraduates (56 men, 107 women) who took a survey concerning God’s perceived role in suffering. Correlational
analyses revealed that students with positive relationships with their caregivers had more positive perceived
relationships with God. Student’s positive relationships with caregivers were also negatively correlated with a
perceived distant relationship with God. These data support the correspondence hypothesis rather than the
compensation hypothesis.
Project Mentor: Professor Julie Exline, Department of Psychology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Cheating in American and Asian Universities
Li Chen, Department of Management
Cultural differences in educational systems have an unexpected influence when international students with different
cultural backgrounds happen to study in an American university. In particular, one significant area of differences
involves diversity in higher education. Many issues can be caused by different understandings of cheating when
students with different cultural backgrounds take tests together in one classroom. In order to find out the differences,
a small, interview-based pilot study on how students with different cultural backgrounds define cheating is
conducted. Problems might occur for new Asian international students who want to obtain a degree in American
universities. The research aims to find those problems by comparing different understanding of cheating in Asian
and American universities from several aspects, such as grading and honor system, cultural value, teaching service
and economy. The research results not only enable new Asian international students to prepare themselves better for
their academic life abroad in American universities, but also give suggestions for institutions about setting up special
policies that benefit international students.
Project Mentor: Jessica E Gerard, Department of English
The Role of Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone and Orexin in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Patrick Chirdon1 (Cognitive Science/Biology), Wataru Kudo1 and Mark A. Smith1
Department of Pathology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
The pathological markers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) include neurofibrillary tangles, accumulation of amyloid-β
plaques, neuronal loss, and inflammation. Recent research suggests that two neuropeptides, orexin and thyrotropin
releasing hormone (TRH), colocalize in the hypothalamus and have opposing effects on the buildup of
neurofibrillary tangles. Indeed, in the mouse brain, there are close appositions between TRH-immunoreactive nerve
terminals and orexin-A-immunoreactive cell bodies. The effects of central orexins on TRH release in the
hypothalamus could be significant because researchers have found that TRH has a protective effect against synaptic
loss and neuronal apoptosis of neurons in the hippocampus of AD patients. In one study, depletion of TRH in cell
cultures with TRH-anti serum caused an upregulation in phosphorylation that was observed to initiate axonal
retraction in cultured neurons. Also, recent research suggests that thyrotropin releasing hormone is significantly
lower in the hippocampus of AD patients compared with controls and that TRH may have a neuroprotective effect
on neurons in the hippocampus and hypothalamus of AD patients. However, these neuroprotective effects may be
suppressed by orexin. In the hippocampus of mice genetically altered to have higher levels of amyloid-β in the
hippocampus, hippocampal orexin levels were significantly higher. Moreover, infusion of orexin into the
hippocampus increased amyloid-β levels. To date, the effects of central orexins on TRH levels in the hippocampus
and hypothalamus of AD patients have not been investigated in detail. Based on the aforementioned, we hypothesize
that lower levels of TRH and subsequent buildup of neurofibrillary tangles in the hippocampus of AD brain tissue
sections may be partially due to higher levels of orexin in the hypothalamus inhibiting the release of TRH.
Project Mentor: Dr. Mark A. Smith, Department of Pathology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Relation Between Divergent Thinking and Novel Events in Play
Kathryn Clusman, Department of Psychology
Playing is something every child does daily, each in their own way. It has been shown through the years
that play significantly promotes positive development in social skills, self esteem, problem solving,
abstract thinking, creativity, empathy, storytelling skills, self helping and perspective taking. When
children develop these skills through play they build a foundation for continuing development through life. Studies
have concluded that when children are asked to solve a problem using divergent thinking, they use the skills they
have created through their years of playing. While previous studies have connected the fluency and creativity of
divergent thinking to play they have not examined the divergent thinking in direct relationship to novel events in
play. In this study we investigated children’s responses to questions in a divergent thinking task and compared the
number of fluent and original responses with whether novel events were present in a five minute pretend play task.
Participants were fourteen children age’s four to six. The pretend play task was conducted with a constant set of toys
and a set script as a part of the Affect in Play School – Preschool (Russ, 1993). Goodwin and Morin’s (1990)
Multidimensional Fluency Task was used for the divergent thinking questions, and consisted of six scripted
questions. The results will be analyzed to assess divergent thinking in the pretend play task. In addition, the results
will also be analyzed to assess which items on the Multidimensional Fluency Task are most related to each other in
relation to evaluating play.
Project Mentor: Professor Sandra Russ, Department of Psychology
Impact of Linguistic Skills on Play Performance of Preschoolers with Developmental Disabilities
Rachael D. Cooper, Department of Psychology; Andrea Wojtowicz, Department of Psychology; Elizabeth J. Short,
Department of Psychology; Maia M. Noeder, Department of Psychology; Barbara Lewis, Department of
Communication Science; Michael Manos, Cleveland Clinic Foundation; Sandra Russ, Department of Psychology
Play provides a unique and nonthreatening window into the cognitive world of young children. A crucial and largely
ignored question is whether play differences in children diagnosed with developmental disabilities stem from a
generalized symbolic deficit or a more narrowly defined language deficit. Play performance of children was
compared in a sound versus no sound condition. When play was evaluated without the augmentative assistance of
language (NO Sound Condition), fewer differences between the groups were noted. Play performance was assessed
using the Affect in Play Scale Preschool Version (APS–P) with 63 children aged 4-7 diagnosed with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD; n=10), Speech Language Impairment (SLI; n=13), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD; n=18), combined SLI and ADHD (n=8), and Typicals (n=14). Performance in the sound condition
revealed that typically developing children and children diagnosed with ADHD scored higher on the APS–P (i.e.,
imagination, organization, comfort, complexity), had greater verbal fluency, and displayed more affect in their play
than children with SLI and ASD. Examination of the NO Sound condition revealed that the depressed play scores of
the SLI group were in large part due to their delayed language skills. That is, the play of SLI group was comparable
to the ADHD and Typical group under conditions of no sound, lending credence to the idea of a more narrowly
defined language deficit. This was in stark contrast to the ASD children, who seem to have a generalized symbolic
deficit, as their play did not show significant differences between the two conditions.
Project Mentor: Professor Elizabeth Short, Department of Psychology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Effect of Heat Treatments on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V
(a Sensitivity Study)
Rachel Craft, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering; Dr. David Schwam, Dept. of Materials Science &
Engineering; Dr. Xuejun Zhu, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering
The Ti-6Al-4V alloy, or Ti-6-4, has found many applications in both the aerospace and automotive
industries. There are some well-established correlations between its mechanical properties and its microstructure,
which is to a large extent determined by its thermo-mechanical processing history. The aim of the project is to
identify an optimal heat treatment cycle that will provide adequate tensile strength over a range of forged part sizes.
It is also of interest to determine the sensitivity of the microstructure and mechanical properties to slight variations
in the heat treating conditions, i.e., time and temperature of the heat treatment.
Forged parts for the study have been provided by DropDies, a Whyman-Gordon/PCC forging plant in
Cleveland. These parts’ as-forged macro- and microstructures were characterized by cutting and polishing the
samples, then performing optical metallography and scanning electron microscopy to examine the microstructure.
The various heat treatment parameters under scrutiny (forging temperature, cooling practice, aging time, aging
temperature, heat chemistry, and elemental limits) will be analyzed in relation to resulting mechanical properties.
This will require a variety of heat treatment procedures to be carried out in the Case Metal Processing Laboratory.
Emphasis will be placed on varying the heat treatment temperature in order to understand microstructural and
mechanical responses to slight temperature changes (less than 50oC). Data from DropDies regarding the mechanical
characteristics of treated samples will be compared to the mechanical properties and the microstructural features
measured at Case to determine how sensitive the properties and microstructure are to slight variations in heat
treating temperature.
Project mentor: Professor David Schwam, Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Improved Methods for Copper-Steel Bonding of Electrical Connectors in Railway Applications
John Christian Dalton, Department of Material Science and Engineering
Demands for faster and more efficient means of transportation have driven the global railway industry to produce
safe and reliable tracks. Copper electrical connectors play an important role in modern day railway systems for
grounding and communication purposes. Exothermic welding, or cad-welding, is currently the most popular bonding
method to permanently fix copper to the steel to create an electric connection between discontinuous rails. A series
of bonding methods including brazing, tinning, epoxies, and plate geometry were explored to meet the strength
requirements of the bond while minimizing the HAZ. Fatigue testing was also performed on traditionally welded,
plated, and regular steel to determine the HAZ effect on the bond’s life cycle. Microstructural analysis was then
conducted to determine any differences in failure modes.
Project Mentor: Dr. David Schwam, Department of Material Science and Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Cognitive Semiotics of Poetry and Dance: Emotive Embodiment of Ecstatic Sensorial Cognition in
Modern Representations
Yardena Daon, Department of Cognitive Science
This thesis studies cognitive semiotics of poetry and dance by examining emotive embodiment of ecstatic sensorial
cognition in modern representations. The research investigates the existence, cause and process of ‘bursting
emotions’ leading to an ecstatic sensorial emotive state, through the singing and dancing elements of the
choreography ‘Minus 17’ of the Hebrew liturgical poem Echad Mi Yodea performed by Batsheva Dance Company.
The writer attended a rehearsal and performance of ‘Minus 17,’ and conducted personal discussions with the
Company. For the advancement of this research the writer participated in an individual workshop with the founder
of Cognitive Poetics, Professor Reuven Tsur in Jerusalem, Israel. The thesis concludes that both song and dance
create an emotive sensorial cognitive level, a form of energy, which generates a wild though controlled sense of
pleasure, ending the performance, for both the performers and audience, in the most ecstatic state of emotion.
Advisor: Per Aage Brandt, Department of Cognitive Science
Time Dependence of Liquid Crystal Orientational Memory Effect at a Polymer Surface
Frederick Davey, Department of Physics; Joel Pendery, Department of Physics; Sameh Ferjani,
Department of Physics
The surface interaction behavior of liquid crystals is fundamental to our ability to exploit liquid
crystals for technological purposes. The rendering of an otherwise orientationally-degenerate surface to
be anisotropic upon exposure to an orientationally ordered liquid crystal has been observed previously, although
little has been reported on the dynamics of this effect. In this experiment a cell, wherein one surface is treated for
strong alignment and the other is coated with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) for planar degenerate alignment,
was filled with a liquid crystal in the isotropic phase. On cooling into the nematic phase, the liquid crystal induced
an orientational memory in the adjacent PMMA layer. The growth of the strength of anchoring as a function of time
was monitored by a periodic application of an electric field that perturbed the liquid crystal orientation; this was
monitored optically such that a larger rotation of the liquid crystals from their unperturbed state would correspond to
a increased intensity of light transmitted. A trend of decreasing intensity transmitted over time, stabilizing after a
period of several minutes, was found, indicating that the liquid crystal at the PMMA surface was becoming more
rigidly anchored with time. More work is currently underway to generate quantitative values for the anchoring
strength coefficient of the PMMA surface based on the observed intensities.
Project Mentor: Professor Charles Rosenblatt, Department of Physics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Energies of Nematic Liquid Crystals in 2D Polygonal Cavities
Michael Ding, Department of Physics
Nematic liquid crystals are cylindrically shaped rod-like molecules, which may be aligned by a
specific boundary treatment in a cavity. We consider 2 dimensional geometries, in which the distribution
of the liquid crystal may be obtained by conformal mapping. For cylindrical geometries, two
configurations are known to be stable, referred to as planar radial and planar polar respectively. We use the
Schwarz-Christoffel transform to map these solutions to a polygonal boundary. The Frank free energy can then be
calculated. Our research has so far produced analytical expressions for the general free energy integral, total energy
of nematic liquid crystals in a circular boundary, and conformal maps for the N-sided regular convex polygon. The
main goal is to achieve a formula for the total free energy of nematic liquid crystals for any N-sided regular convex
polygon. Our work will be generalized to describe non-convex polygonal cavities."
Project Mentor: Dr. Timothy Atherton, Department of Physics
On the Interaction of the Pharmaceutical Salbutamol with Light in Water Solutions
Leah G. Dodson, Department of Chemistry; R. Aaron Vogt, Department of Chemistry; Joyann Marks, Department
of Chemistry; Christian Reichardt, Department of Chemistry
Recent concerns over the presence of pharmaceuticals in drinking water and natural water sources have prompted
evaluations of not only the potential health risks associated to the constant intake of minute amounts of these
compounds by living organisms, but also concerning the fate of these pharmaceuticals in the environment.
Degradation of salbutamol by sunlight may be responsible for contributing new products to the already polluted
waters. In this work we used analytical and spectroscopic techniques to show that light-induced degradation of
salbutamol forms at least seven primary products, some of which absorb at longer wavelengths than the parent
compound. Experiments at different pH conditions further show that salbutamol is sensitive to light absorption in all
pH conditions studied. However, the degradation rate is faster in pH 12, suggesting that the anionic species should
be the most reactive to sunlight. The formation of dissimilar products at pH 3 indicates that the cation also reacts to
light. Quantum yields of degradation were determined for the cationic and anionic species in the presence of oxygen
and in an oxygen-free environment. The quantum yields of degradation at pH 3 and 12 confirm that the anionic
species of salbutamol is one order of magnitude more reactive to near visible (UVB-UVA) light than the cationic
species. Quantum yields of fluorescence for the cation and anion were determined showing that the fluorescence
yield for the cation species is more than one order of magnitude higher than that for the anion. Time-resolved
experiments were performed to obtain direct information about the high-energy states and the reactive species
formed in salbutamol after light absorption leading to products formation. The implications of this study to the
environmental pollution of the natural water sources will be discussed.
Project Mentor: Professor Carlos E. Crespo-Hernández, Department of Chemistry
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
A Novel Mechanism of Action for an SCN5A Brugada Syndrome Mutation
Xi Du, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Haiyan Liu, Heart & Vascular Research Center; and Isabelle
Deschênes, Department of Medicine
Brugada Syndrome (BrS) can be caused by mutations in the SCN5A gene that encodes for cardiac sodium channels.
The disorder displays variable penetrance and is associated with high risks of cardiac death and increased risk of
ventricular arrhythmias. Cardiac sodium channels are composed of a pore-forming α-subunit and increasing
evidence suggest that there could be an α-α interaction between channels. Since some BrS mutations display only
small biophysical changes that are insufficient to produce the clinical phenotype of BrS, we aimed to see if an α-α
interaction could help explain this phenomenon. Using the patch clamp technique in the whole cell configuration, a
BrS mutation, SCN5A-L567Q, that displays minimal biophysical alterations was expressed and co-expressed with
wild-type channels and channels containing the SCN5A-H558R polymorphism in HEK293 cells. Channels
containing the mutation alone did not display significant biophysical changes nor a reduction in current density as
compared with the wild-type channels. However, interestingly, when both the mutation and wild-type channels were
co-expressed together, there was a significant reduction in sodium current density. This reduction in sodium current
is similar to what is usually observed for typical BrS mutations and could therefore explain the clinical manifestation
of the disorder for patients carrying this SCN5A-L567Q mutation. In addition, since our data suggest a dominantnegative effect of the mutation on the wild-type channel, these results also contribute to the growing bodies of
evidence suggesting an α-α interaction between sodium channels.
Project Mentor: Professor Isabelle Deschênes, Department of Medicine
Women Experiencing Domestic Violence in Three Ethnic Groups
Jaquetta Duncan, Department of Anthropology
Approximately 5.9 million women in the United States have encountered some form of
domestic violence (Tjaden and Thoennes, 1998), and between 25% and 30% of women who visit
emergency rooms are there as a result of domestic violence (Centers for Disease Control, 2006).
Domestic violence occurs when one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family,
friendship, or cohabitation engage in altercations that result in some form of aggression against one or both partners
(Jackson, 2007). Domestic violence has many different facets, which include physical, emotional, psychological and
sexual abuse as well as stalking. This literature review will examine how experiences of domestic violence vary
among African-American, Caucasian and Hispanic women and how members of these groups respond to these
experiences. The main issues at hand are the prevalence of domestic violence, the rates at which domestic violence
is reported, the severity of the abuse, the victims’ experiences in battered women’s shelters, and the incidence of
depression among the three ethnic groups.
Key words:
Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Ethnicity, African American women,
Caucasian women, Hispanic women
Project Mentor: Dr. Jill Korbin, Department of Anthropology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tungsten onto the Inside of a Quartz Capillary for the Creation of a New In
Vitro Biosensor
Daniel Engel, Department of Chemical Engineering; Jeffrey Halpern, Department of Chemical Engineering;
Clifford Hayman Department of Chemical Engineering, Heidi Martin, Department of Chemical Engineering
Currently, there is a need for an electrode small enough (1-4 μm inner diameter, ID) to measure
intracellular voltages. Electrodes fabricated from electrically conductive, boron-doped diamond have proven
properties of biocompatibility, electrochemical sensitivity and mechanical durability. Conventional fabrication
methods of diamond electrodes are vapor deposition of diamond directly onto the tip of a tapered quartz capillary, or
onto a tungsten wire protruding slightly from the quartz tip, neither of which is appropriate for the desired size. The
latter is extremely difficult to fabricate, and the former provides no electrical connection to the diamond. In order to
make this electrical connection, four methods have been previously attempted: filling the capillary with a conductive
solution, filling the capillary with a metal ink with solvent vaporization, electroless plating, and tungsten
sublimation. The most successful method has been lining the inside of a pre-pulled capillary with tungsten using
MOCVD (Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition), and then growing diamond on the tungsten annulus, sealing
the tip. In order to do this, tungsten hexacarbonyl (W(CO)6) in a carrier gas (H2) is passed through the ID to the
capillary tip, where it is deposited as tungsten metal onto the quartz.
Results: Tungsten was successfully deposited on the inside of the quartz capillary. The electrical resistivity
is low, probably on the order of bulk tungsten. It is as yet unknown whether it is conductive for the entire length of
the capillary. Diamond has also been successfully grown on the tungsten.
Future goals: More diamond growth, Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry to determine properties of the
electrical connection of the deposited tungsten, and some modifications to the reactor, which will help to improve
the process.
Advisor: Dr. Heidi Martin, Department of Chemical Engineering
Site Selective Modifications of Peptides and Proteins
Using Bioorthogonal N-Terminal-Glutathione Scaffold
Elizabeth Ennis, Department of Chemistry; Alden Voelker, Department of Chemistry
The overarching aim is to develop a novel strategy for the site specific labeling and tethering of
proteins in their native fold. Glutathione is a polypeptide composed of γ-glutamine, cysteine, and glycine. Syntheses
for glutathione are known but it is more commonly found in vivo. In vivo, glutathione S-transferase (GST) is
involved in detoxification of endogenous and exogenous compounds which include drug metabolism. A useful
precursor to GSH is composed of glutamine and cysteine. Our envisioned entry toward accessing γ-glutathionyl
peptides variable at the glycyl termini, is through the synthesis of a thioester of appropriately protected  -glutamic
acid. Evidently, a direct modification of the γ-position of glutamic acid of the corresponding activated thioesters has
not been reported. The approach used to access the activated thioesters was initially based on the pyroglutamate ring
opening reaction with thiol containing nucleophiles. However, the thiol nucleophiles proved to be too unreactive
either requiring lengthy durations even for trace conversions despite several modifications to the procedure. The
alternative approach involved the use of a bis-protected version of glutamate which has a methyl ester protection at
the alpha-carboxylic acid portion of the molecule along with a Boc protected amino functionality. The alternative
approach was studied through the native chemical ligation reactions of cysteine and thiol nucleophiles.
This proposed strategy will be used to fabricate protein microarrays that may exceed the performance of
those commonly used. This novel strategy is based on Glutathione S- transferase (GSTase) ability to perform the site
specific modification to the cysteine of GSH. Currently an elaborate list of substrate analogs of GSTase are
synthesized through an optimized strategy. Incorporation of a glutamyl scaffold onto peptides and proteins through
the thiol exchange-mediated ligation of glutamate derivatives is the current focus in the development of the project.
Project Mentor: Dr. Rajesh Viswanathan, Department of Chemistry
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Breaching Martian Craters
Drew C. Enns, Department of Geology, CWRU; Ralph P. Harvey, Department of Geology, CWRU;
and Alan D. Howard, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
Valley networks, channels and deltas carved into the Martian surface record a wet climate in
the distant past of Mars. In many cases the geomorphologies associated with these fluvial systems are
analogous to those found on Earth; however, some commonly observed Martian features present enigmatic
problems. One such feature occurs when a crater rim has been breached by a fluvial system. Examples of crater rims
that have been breached by a river channel are not uncommon on Mars. Typically they consist of a single channel
breaching a crater rim with little or no deviation of flow where the channel and the crater rim intersect. On Earth,
imposition of a significant barrier to pre-existing flow typically leads to diversion around the obstacle, something
documented for martian craters only on the small scale. Breaching a significant barrier on Earth, such as a mountain
ridge, typically invokes downcutting through extensive lateral strata or simultaneous tectonic uplift within a mature
drainage system, neither of which are considered common on Mars. Furthermore, fluvial and precipitation systems
superimposed on pre-existing craters should show radial development patterns, rather than linear breaches. In an
effort to examine these paradoxical breaches and better understand potential interactions between martian impact
craters and fluvial systems, we have conducted a number of geomorphological simulations. These models help
identify the limiting conditions necessary for producing crater breaches and can be used to interpret the history of
individual crater/fluvial systems on Mars.
Project Mentor: Professor Ralph P Harvey, Department of Geology
Role of Cellular Mg2+ in Modulating Collagen Deposition and Enzyme Efficiency in Hepatic and
Kupffer Cells
Steven Ewart, Department of Physics; Andrea Romani, Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Acute and chronic ethanol administration reduces total Mg2+ content in liver tissue. A decrease in
cellular Mg2+ content has been associated with increased pro-inflammatory cytokines release and altered
collagen deposition. Increased collagen deposition can lead to liver fibrosis, while increased inflammation caused
by overproduction of Il-2 and Il-6 can lead to hepatitis. The two conditions combined can lead to cirrhosis and liver
function failure, which can be fatal. The goal of this study is to test the hypothesis that a reduced cellular Mg2+
content within Kupffer cells and hepatocytes is sufficient to generate an increased production of interleukin-2 (Il-2),
interleukin-6 (Il-6), and NFk-B and an increased collagen deposition, respectively, mimicking the effect of alcohol
exposure. Alternatively, it can be expected that a low cellular Mg2+ concentration will enhance the effect of ethanol
in eliciting the changes.
Project Advisor: Andrea Romani, Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Roles of Guilt and Self-blame in PTSD for CSA Survivors and non-CSA Trauma Survivors
Andromeda Fair, Department of Psychology and Norah Feeny, Department of Psychology
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder associated with experiencing a
traumatic event that has an estimated lifetime prevalence in the general population of 7.8% (Kessler et
al., 1995). Many people experience traumatic events and do not develop PTSD, but it is not well
understood why some individuals develop this disorder and others do not. One of the factors thought to play a major
role in development of PTSD is the experience of negative cognitions during and after the event (Ehlers & Clark,
1999). Of these negative cognitions, guilt and self-blame have been less studied than others such as shame (Lee,
2001; Wilson, 2006; Amstadter, 2008) and anger (Taft, 2007; Amstadter, 2008). Previous studies have found that
different levels of guilt (Amstadter, 2008) and different types of guilt (Kubany, 1995) occur after different types of
traumatic events, but one type of traumatic event that has been understudied in terms of guilt is child sexual abuse
(CSA). In general, CSA survivors have been shown to experience more severe symptoms of PTSD (Rodriguez et
al., 1997) and poorer mental and physical health (Ullman & Brecklin, 2003; Campbell et al., 2008; Lang et al.,
2008) than controls. Because of increased self-attribution in survivors of CSA (Wenninger & Ehlers, 1998; Owens
& Chard, 2001), guilt and self-blame may be particularly important in the development of PTSD in this population.
Considering the differences in levels of guilt across other traumatic events found in previous studies (Amstadter,
2008), it is hypothesized that CSA survivors will show differences in levels of guilt and self-blame than those with
PTSD who do not report a history of CSA.
Project Mentor: Professor Norah Feeny, Department of Psychology
The Association between Periodontitis and Prostatitis through Cytokine Assays
Alexis Ferrera, Department of Biology
Levels of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) are normally tested to determine if a patient has prostate disease.
Elevated levels of PSA in the blood stream can be suggestive of prostate diseases such as cancer of the prostate,
benign enlargement of the prostate tissues, urinary retention, or prostatitis. In a recent study by Joshi et al. (2009),
PSA levels were tested in patients with periodontitis and chronic prostatitis, both inflammatory-mediated diseases,
to determine if there is an association between the two. Data from this study showed that PSA levels are high in
patients with moderate or severe prostatitis and periodontitis. The purpose of this study is to determine if there is an
association between prostatitis and periodontitis through the use of cytokine assays. We hypothesize that proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), will be expressed on
the cytokine profiles of patients with periodontitis and prostatitis. Previous studies have found that levels of these
cytokines are elevated in the serum of patients with periodontitis alone (D’Aiuto et al., 2004) and prostatitis alone
(Alexander et al., 1998). If these results occur, it could signify that there is a causal relationship between the
cytokines released from periodontitis triggering a greater inflammation in a prostate gland that is already inflamed
from prostatitis.
Project Mentors: Dr. Valerie Haywood, Case Western Reserve University Department of Biology
Dr. Richard Jurevic, Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine Department of
Biological Sciences
Dr. Jyotsna Chandra, Case Western Reserve University Center for Medical Mycology Department
of Dermatology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Bio-Inspired Polyelectrolytes: Next Generation Thermoelectric Materials
Beatrice Floyd, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Alexis Abramson, Department of Mechanical Engineering
A gel-like substance found in the pores of sharks is used by the animal to sense temperature gradients in the water in
order to find prey and mates. The gel contains a high content of salt water and long glycoproteins, and exhibits a
high Seebeck coefficient, which is a measure of the voltage response of a material due to the presence of a
temperature gradient. The goal of our work is to develop similar bio-inspired materials for thermoelectric
applications that exhibit high Seebeck coefficients. Thermoelectric materials have great potential in transforming
waste heat into usable energy, but because of low efficiencies, have not been put to use. Nonetheless, these high
Seebeck coefficient liquids/gels o have the added benefit of being comparably inexpensive compared to more
conventional solids since their main ingredients are salt and water. Additionally, liquids/gels may be used in flexible
thermoelectrics and may be more suitable for biocompatible applications such as to power a pacemaker, by way of
the temperature difference between the body and the outside air. In this project, we have synthesized a bio-inspired
synthetic liquid, which also contains salt water but instead of glycoproteins, we are using polystyrene doped with
negatively charge sulfate groups. Experimental results of Seebeck coefficient as a function of concentration will be
Project Mentor: Alexis Abramson, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Analysis of Heterogeneously Vancomycin Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus Drug Susceptibility
and Resistance
William Fox, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University; Amy Miskov, Department of
Clinical Microbiology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation; and Geraldine Hall, Department of Clinical
Microbiology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
The advent of vancomycin intermediate strains of Staphylococcus aureus is of particular interest to the
medical community. Certain strains of S. aureus are displaying a unique and variable pattern of
susceptibility/intermediate resistance to the drug vancomycin. The organisms in question possess a parental
phenotype that is susceptible to the drug, whereas the daughter cells from the same strain are observed to possess a
phenotype with intermediate resistance to the drug. The goal of this project is to examine aspects of this selective
behavior by examining the true response of the organism to the drug in question via the use of Minimum Inhibitory
Concentration (MIC) susceptibility plates (Magellan Biosciences, Chelmsford, MA, USA) and vancomycin Etest
strips (AB bioMérieux, Solna, Sweden). Additionally, any daughter cells potentially possessing intermediate
resistance will be isolated and examined for viability and further resistance studies. Isolates were collected from the
stock organism collection in the Department of Clinical Microbiology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation
(Cleveland, OH, USA) and selected based on their potential to possess intermediate resistance, as demonstrated by
an MIC equal to 2 μg/mL vancomycin as determined by the Clinic’s Vitek 2 AES System (bioMérieux, Durham,
NC, USA). Special attention will be paid to the site of collection of each stock sample, as certain sites within the
body offer reduced effectiveness for the drug and thus can potentially create a more hospitable environment for the
intermediate strain of S. aureus.
Project Mentor, Case Western Reserve University: Mr. James Bader, Department of Biology
Project Mentor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation: Dr. Geraldine Hall, Department of Clinical Microbiology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Ted Roman, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Mathematics,
Computer Science and Mathematics Major; Alex Galante, Department of Biology, Biology Major;
Sudipto Saha, Center for Proteomics and Bioinformatics; Mehmet Koyuturk, Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Center for Proteomics and Bioinformatics; Rob Ewing, Center for
Proteomics and Bioinformatics
The Wnt signaling network plays important roles in multi-cellular development and human cancers. A better
understanding of interactions of this network enables better modeling of processes, also potentially resulting in the
development of novel therapy strategies. While some of the key members of the network and their interactions are
well-characterized, knowledge of others is limited. Building on existing knowledge, we construct a comprehensive
model of the network in order to illuminate novel regulators.
Published protein-protein interaction (PPI) data has provided us with a list of well-known Wnt network interactors.
We call these proteins in the WNT core. We developed an in silico model based on this core to enrich our
understanding of the WNT signaling network. This model consists of three layers: the core of seed proteins; all
interactors that interact with an least one core protein--second-level proteins; and all indirect interactors of the core.
We scored the non-core nodes of the network based on degree of connectivity to the core and the random walk
model for scoring proximity and closeness to the core. To ensure our scoring did not occur simply due to chance, we
compared the model to a collection of random networks, generated by preserving the topology of the original
network. Using a combination of metrics enables the algorithm to identify locally and globally important nodes. A
high score for a node indicates that the protein is highly connected to the known proteins, and may play a role in
signaling. This new in silico method of building a set of candidate proteins to investigate in the wet lab will result in
a more focused, efficient investigation of potential players in the WNT network.
Funding provided by the Case Alumni Association through the office of SOURCE at Case Western Reserve
University and NSF Grants DUE-0634612 and CCF-0953195.
Project Mentors: Mehmet Koyuturk, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Rob Ewing,
Center for Proteomics and Bioinformatics
Chemical Bath Deposition of CdS and TiO2 Semiconductor Sensitized Solar Cells
Ashley Gan, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
CdS and TiO2 composite films for use in semiconductor sensitized solar cells (SSSCs) were formed on tindoped oxide (FTO) glass substrates via chemical bath deposition (CBD) with subsequent heat treatment. In a SSSC
a transparent conductive oxide such as FTO is coupled with a large band gap semiconductor such as TiO2 (Eg= 3.2
eV) and a semiconductor sensitizer such as CdS that has a smaller band gap (Eg= 2.42 eV). The sensitizer delays
recombination of electron-hole pairs as well as increasing the range of wavelengths that can be absorbed by the
semiconductor. CBD is a relatively cheap method of simultaneously depositing oxides and sulfides onto a
conductive glass substrate such as FTO. Previous undergraduate researchers discovered deposition parameters that
deposited both CdS and TiO2, the first time that both constituents have been formed from a single aqueous solution.
Three deposition parameters were further tested: solution pH, temperature, and deposition time. Solution pH ranged
from 3.7 to 3.9, temperature ranged from 50 ˚C to 70 ˚C, and 100-minute and 18-hour deposition times were tested.
The films were then heated at 400 ˚C for 2 hours to further crystallize the CdS and TiO 2. Glancing incident x-ray
diffraction (GIXRD) showed evidence of anatase TiO2 as well as cubic and hexagonal CdS. Photovoltaic testing of
the films, conducted by Professor Gary Hodes at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel, yielded photocurrents
up to ~1.2 mA (~2 cm2 specimen area) and voltages up to 0.35 V. Films deposited with solution pH of 2.8,
deposition temperature of 50 ˚C, and 18-hour deposition times yielded the strongest photovoltaic response.
Project Mentor: Professor Mark DeGuire, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Empathy, Rationality and Legal Judgment
Rebecca Gans, Department of Cognitive Science; and Anthony Jack, Department of Cognitive Science
Jurors across the United States are instructed to base their legal judgments on rational judgment only. Laws
in the United States assume that empathy and emotion are inherently biasing and should not be possible sources of
insight. However, in the field of psychology, there has been conflicting evidence about the positive and negative
aspects of rational vs. empathic approaches to judgment. Two possible reasons for this conflict include that
psychological research in general tends not to compare rational to empathic styles of judgment and that research on
empathy tends not to compare different styles of empathizing. Specifically, there may be a difference between
people that empathize with others broadly and automatically and people that empathize only if doing so fits with
their notions about morality. The current study is a survey designed to examine whether scores on psychological
evaluations of rationality, empathy and philosophical beliefs are associated with different types of legal judgment
errors, such as failing to factor out racial bias and irrelevant, but emotionally salient, information.
Project Mentor: Professor Anthony Jack, Department of Cognitive Science
Synthesis and Properties of Polyetheramine-Based Main Chain Benzoxazine Polymers
Samuel Geiger, Department of Chemical Engineering; Syed Qutubuddin, Department of Chemical Engineering;
and Tarek Agag, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Polybenzoxazines are a developing class of thermosetting resins characterized by cost effective synthesis, attractive
performance properties, and molecular design flexibility. The goal of this research project is to synthesize an
elastomeric polymer with crosslinkable benzoxazine moieties in the main chain. The incorporation of a
polyetherdiamine as a reagent for synthesis benzoxazine will produce a flexible polymer in a class of typically brittle
resins. The polymer will be characterized using proton nuclear magnetic spectroscopy and Fourier-transform
infrared spectroscopy; curing behavior will be investigated using differential scanning calorimetry. Furthermore,
thermal properties of the crosslinked material will be investigated using thermogravimetric analysis and dynamic
mechanical analysis.
Project Mentor: Professor Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Smart Metering for Monitoring Energy Consumption
Julia German, Materials Science and Engineering
A Smart Meter is used to track electricity, gas, and water consumption. However, unlike traditional meters,
these are two way communication devices. This means both the utility and the consumer are able to monitor and
control real-time data regarding energy use, cost, emissions, etc. There are many disadvantages with the current
metering system: billing is inefficient and typically inaccurate, customers are generally unaware of their daily
energy use and the implications of it, slow response to outages, and high demand during peak hours, making prices
skyrocket. The goal of my research is to gain expertise on what has been done with Smart Meters in the US and
locally, determine the benefits of Smart Metering for the consumers and utilities, and educate others on the
importance of energy monitoring by exposure to available resources.
Advisor: Dr. David Schwam, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Mimicking Cockroach Behavior with a Small Robot
Chad Rockey, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Alexander Graber-Tilton,
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; and Kevin McDonald, Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering
Biologists in the Ritzmann Lab are performing animal behavioral experiments for the purpose of understanding how
the brain interacts with its local control system. Cockroach behavior is studied by observing the animal's reactions
to stimuli such as moving, high contrast video and antennal contact in a constrained environment. These
observations in tandem with neurobiological studies are then used to theorize how the insect’s brain may make
decisions in the context of changing situations. Once a theory of how an insect’s brain may work is concluded, the
theory is then applied to a robot and tuned to so that the robot repeats the behavior. The theory is tested when the
stimuli are changed in both the cockroach and the robot experiments and the new results are compared. This requires
the robot to have similar locomotion and sensing capabilities and operate in a similar environment. The robot was
designed to replicate the behavior of a Cockroach in a T-shaped track. The design of the robot incorporated both
turning and obstacle traversal capabilities, as well as two tactile antennae sensors and a 1.3 megapixel color camera
to model the robot’s vision system. These sensors allow the robot to detect physical barriers and motion patterns and
react accordingly.
Project Mentor: Professor Roger Quinn, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Obesity and the Minimum Wage: Using State-Level Data
J.P. Graulty, Department of Economics
Increasing consumption of fast food is thought to be a significant cause of the increasing rate of obesity.
Meltzer and Chen (2009) use changes in the real minimum wage to test the hypothesis that the increase
in fast food consumption is a significant cause of rising obesity rates in the United States. Meltzer and
Chen hypothesized that decreases in the real minimum wage would result in increases in Body Mass Index (BMI).
Meltzer and Chen found that the decline in real minimum wage rates explain 10% of the change in BMI since 1970.
However, Meltzer and Chen use national minimum wage and obesity data in their analysis. During this period, the
real minimum wage has fallen for the United States as a whole. However, some specific states have had increasing,
or stable real minimum wage rates. I use this state-level variation to answer the same question with a more robust
methodology, allowing me to establish a stronger line of causality between the real minimum wage and obesity. To
do this, I use data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System from 1984-2008, and state-level minimum
wage data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Because the real minimum wage has fallen from 1984-2008, and
minimum wage labor is a major cost of fast food restaurants, the decline in the real minimum wage probably
explains some of the increase in BMI. However, I hypothesize that the effect when looking at state-level variation is
smaller than the 10% Meltzer and Chen found.
Project Mentor: Professor David Clingingsmith, Department of Economics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Role of Cockroach Brain Circuits in Visual Guided Turning
Brittany Rogers, Biology (BA); Canting Guo, Biology (BS); Amy Brown, Department of Biology;
Roger Quinn, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Roy Ritzmann, Department of
Cockroaches use both visual and tactile stimuli to maneuver through their environment. When a
cockroach approaches a corner, its antenna(e) touches the opposing wall and its eyes see the corner. Using this
information, the cockroach turns. Other observations indicate that a field of moving stripes can also evoke turning
movements. Neurons within the central complex of the brain respond to both antennal contact and visual
information (Harley and Ritzmann 2010, Ritzmann et al., 2008, Barth and Heisenberg 1997). Brain lesions of the
central complex inhibit the ability of cockroaches to successfully turn when they encounter a corner (Harley and
Ritzmann 2010). How do visual and mechanical stimuli interact to guide turning? More precisely, how do
moving stripes influence antennal evoked turns? To study this, we observed cockroaches walking in a T-maze
placed in front of a computer monitor that displayed moving stripes. We then asked whether the direction of the
moving stripes affects the direction the cockroach turns. We examined the effect of stripes on turning mechanics
such as body angle and turning rate both before and after antennal contact. We plan to lesion the central complex to
examine its role in guiding stripe generated turns. We are also working with our engineering partners on
development of a system that will activate the stripe generator in response to movements of the cockroach within the
Project Mentor: Roy Ritzmann, Department of Biology
Intracellular Accumulation of Ribosomal Protein S6 is Increased in Alzheimer’s Disease
Yashi Gupta1 (biochemistry), Sandra L. Siedlak1, Peggy L.R. Harris1, Jeff M. Coller2, Rudy Castellani3,
and Mark A. Smith1
Department of Pathology and 2Center for RNA Molecular Biology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio, 3Department of Pathology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland
The phosphorylated ribosomal protein S6 is associated with stress granules, more specifically the 40S ribosomal
subunit in eukaryotes, which play a role in RNA storage, degradation, and re-entry into translation. In this study we
found that S6 protein accumulated in structures resembling granulovacuolar degeneration within pyramidal neurons.
Immunohistochemical analysis of hippocampus tissue showed nearly 20 fold more neurons contained S6 positive
granules in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) compared with control. Further, more than half of the neurons containing
ribosomal protein S6 postive granules did not contain neurofibrillary tangles, none were associated with
extracellular neurofibrillary tangles, and S6 positive cells contained less RNA than neighboring pyramidal neurons
that did not contain ribosomal protein S6. S6, in other model systems, is considered a specific marker for stress
granules which are transient intracellular dense aggregations of proteins and RNAs that accumulate when a cell is
under stress. Chronic oxidative stress is central to the pathogenesis of AD and in neurons RNA is a target for
oxidative damage in AD, specifically accumulating 8-hydroxyguanosine. While granulovacuolar degeneration is
often considered part of the autophagic pathway, the current study linking these intracellular inclusions to stress
granules suggests that RNA modulators and RNA protection mechanisms may serve vital roles in neuronal viability.
Project Mentor: Dr. Mark A. Smith, Department of Pathology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Computer Simulations of Nonimaging Concentrators
Matthew Hakes, Engineering Physics
A new type of detector has been proposed for inclusion in the Pierre Auger Observatory to study the
origins of ultra high energy cosmic rays by measuring the Cherenkov radiation they emit when they enter
the atmosphere. This detector requires a concentrator to focus the Cherenkov radiation into a
photomultiplier tube. Simulations of concentrators consisting of two cone segments sitting on top of each other
were carried out do determine if they would be a suitable compromise between highly efficient but expensive
compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs) and simple but inefficient conical concentrators. The simulations
calculated the path of photons as they reflected inside the concentrators and calculated the angular acceptance for
each configuration. By varying the location at which the two sections come together and the angle of the bottom
section it was determined that certain combinations of these parameters will result in better optical performance and
a shorter height than a simple cone. This demonstrates that a concentrator consisting of two cone segments sitting
on top of each other is a viable alternative to the more common but ill suited CPCs and conical concentrators.
Project Mentor: Dr. Corbin Covault, Department of Physics
Knockdown of an Ephrin Receptor inhibits proper lateral line development in zebrafish
Anne Hall, Department of Biology; Brian M. McDermott, Jr. Departments of Otolaryngology, Biology and
A zebrafish sensory organ system known as the lateral line follows a highly conserved pattern during
embryonic development. It is characterized by the appearance of mature neuromasts at expected spatial and
temporal intervals. Because of this high degree of regularity, the zebrafish is an excellent model organism for in
vivo studies of developmental genetics. Though many genes likely play a role in the organization of the lateral line,
this study focuses on Eph Receptor a4b (epha4b) which is thought to be involved in axon guidance and cell
movement. Using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides targeted to block translation of epha4b mRNA, a morphant
phenotype was obtained in which the lateral line lacks most or all mature neuromasts expected at 4 days
postfertilization. This establishes a role for epha4b in lateral line development; however the exact mechanism by
which it acts remains to be elucidated.
Project Mentor: Brian M. McDermott, Jr. Departments of Otolaryngology, Biology and Neurosciences
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Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Interfering With Emotional and Sensory Brain Function Offers New Potential Treatments for
Colleen Heffernan and Brian Weeks, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University
Fear memories resulting from a traumatic event can produce Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD), resulting in recurring memories that trigger hyper-arousal of the sympathetic nervous system.
A consolidated fear memory retains both sensory and emotional aspects. We hope to isolate and treat these
two aspects via approaches directed toward the sensory system and the amygdala. The emotional aspect will be
studied by pharmacological inhibition of the anxiety neurocircuitry using three types of drugs: (1) a serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (venlafaxine), (2) a D2 dopaminergic and serotonin type 2 antagonist
(risperidone), (3) a β1 and β2-adrenergic antagonist (propranolol). Others have reported success with the latter, so the
first experiments are aimed at reproducing those results. Each treatment will be performed in a double-blind study,
in which post-combat DSM-IV diagnosed PTSD soldiers are exposed to sensory cues specific to their traumatic
memory. Subjects will undergo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine the effectiveness of the
treatment in reducing activity in the amygdala.
Study of the sensory aspect of the memories will be done with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
(rTMS) of the visual and auditory sensory cortex. The experimental group will be exposed to cues suggested by their
original traumatic event, whereas the control group will be exposed to neutral cues. In using rTMS we will attempt
to prevent initiation of the PTSD response.
Our work may lead to new strategies for the erasure or reduction of fear memories.
Project Mentor: Dr. James E. Zull, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University
Women and Depression in the United States: A Review of the Literature
Tiffany Henkel, Department of Anthropology
Women experience depression more than men. This project explores the divergent etiologies of
women’s depression and the various biological and social explanations for the heightened prevalence.
Biomedicine, for example, emphasizes the somatic aspect of a woman—namely a woman’s present
reproductive stage and its relation to hormonal fluctuation. Social discourse, on the other hand, emphasizes the
social aspect of a woman—namely her role in society. Biomedicine likewise emphasizes the permanence of the
depression symptom criteria, whereas social discourse emphasizes the variability of depression across culture,
gender, and history. The main goal is to evaluate both discourses as a product of United States culture to help
determine why depression rates for women are higher than their male counterparts. Other factors of United States
specifications for women’s depression are reviewed, including the prevalence of pharmaceutical direct-to-consumer
advertisements and standardized symptom inventories in diagnosis. All of this coalesces into a broad scope analysis
of women’s depression as a product of the distinct culture of the United States.
Project Mentor: Professor Atwood D. Gaines, Department of Anthropology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Targeted Disruption of CCR5 Functioning to Treat HIV-1 Infection
Lauren Hennen, Department of Biology
The entry of HIV into target cells is facilitated by the virus binding to CD4 receptors, causing a conformational
change which allows binding to co-receptors CCR5 or CXCR4, through which HIV is able to enter and infect cells.
Because of its involvement in HIV cell entry, the CCR5 co-receptor is being focused on as a potential area of
interest in the study of HIV treatment and prevention due to the effects of mutations in the co-receptor. Individuals
who are homozygous for a CCR5 mutation that deletes 32 amino acids from the CCR5 gene sequence are much
more resistant to HIV infection than those who carry the wild-type allele, and infected individuals who are
heterozygotes often display a slower disease progression. Whereas downregulation of CD4 or CXCR4 has proven to
be harmful to the immune system, there seem to be no such harmful effects in downregulating CCR5. This has
generated interest in treatments that cause the CCR5 co-receptor to mutate or otherwise disrupt its activity. This
research will focus on current strategies to disrupt CCR5 functioning by blocking cell surface expression of the
receptor or by decreasing the production of CCR5 proteins. RNA- and protein-based agents such as small interfering
RNA, ribozymes, intrabodies, and zinc finger nucleases are being developed and tested for use in HIV treatment and
represent potential strategies for the prevention of HIV progression.
Project Mentor: Professor Richard Drushel, Department of Biology
Giving a Pathogen New Legs: Enabling Motility in the Attaching and Effacing Pathogen Citrobacter
Sean M. Hobson, Philosophy & Biochemistry
Citrobacter rodentium (CR) Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), and Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) are
attaching and effacing (A/E) pathogens. These pathogens are similar in that each colonizes the gastrointestinal tract
of their host’s intestine. CR affects mice and EPEC and EHEC are restricted to humans. Prior analysis of the
genomes of CR, EPEC, and EHEC revealed that each possess the genes fliA, fliB, fliC and fliD necessary for
expressing flagella. Yet, of these three A/E pathogens CR alone lacks motility. Motility is an important asset to
pathogens because it heightens their virulence and enables travel to more favorable environments. In analyzing the
genome sequence of CR, we found that a bacteriophage had inserted in the main fli operon between the fliB and fliC
genes. This insertion appears to prevent the expression of genes necessary for structural flagella. We hypothesize
that removal of this phage will re-construct the operon, (1) enabling motility in the organism and (2) possibly
affecting the sites in the gut where it can cause an infection. Our chief aim was reconstructing the fli operon so as to
‘loop out’ the bacteriophage from the genome. We then through the use of specific antibiotics and excision enzymes
created a novel plasmid that would, upon being taken up by CR, be expressed in the genome prior to the portion
containing the bacterial phage. We expected that upon removal of the bacteriophage, CR would express flagella and
exhibit motility. As only the isolation of our novel plasmids were accomplished, we cannot conclusively assert that
expression of the fliABCD genes gives CR motility. In the future, we hope to confirm motility through use of a
‘sloppy agar,’ followed by close study of the pathogenicity of this new novel CR strain in-vivo.
Project Mentors: Lynn Bry M.D. Ph.D Clara Belzer Ph.D, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard School of
Medicine, Department of Pathology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Benzoxazine-functionalized Chitosan:
A New Class of Green Polymers of Many Potential Applications
Erin Hollinger, Department of Macromolecular and Polymer Science; Professor Tarek Agag, Department of
Macromolecular and Polymer Science
Growing emphasis on the environment with the rising prices of oil has increased interest in the
development of a “green” polymer. The use of inexpensive, naturally abundant, and environmentally friendly
reagents is becoming an important and urgent need as alternative resources to produce starting materials for
polymers to replace the use of petrochemical-based materials as common resources. Chitosan, made from deacetylated chitin found in the shells of crustaceans, is the second most abundant biopolymer in nature after cellulose.
The presence of free amino groups in its structure gives a tremendous possibility to more easily produce a lot of
functional materials using its high reactivity. In addition, the successful derivation of usable polymers with chitosan
would be important to begin the use of biodegradable polymers. Polybenzoxazine is a relatively new class of
thermosetting polymers which exhibits excellent thermal and mechanical properties including low water absorption
and good dimensional stability. The benzoxazine monomers are typically synthesized using a primary amine and
phenols, allowing for flexibility in molecular design and properties of the desired product. The absence of harsh
acid and bases catalysts and hazardous gases adds to its environmental advantages. By reacting benzoxazine and
chitosan, a “green” polymer can be created. This study explores the derivation of environmentally-friendly
benzoxazine-functionalized chitosan for potential use in coatings and fibers.
Project Mentor: Professor Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular and Polymer Science
Research Comparisons between Schizoid Personality Disorder and Social Phobia
Clay Hurley, Department of Psychology
Schizoid personality disorder and social phobia exhibit many similar characteristics and symptoms. This is difficult
for clinicians and researchers alike, as it is often difficult to distinguish schizoid personality disorder from social
phobia. Comorbidity is the presence of two or more disorders, or a general association between two or more
disorders, in one person. This topic is of particular importance to the field of psychology and the diagnostic criteria
for anxiety disorders and personality disorders. In the case of anxiety disorders (such as social phobia), clients often
meet the diagnostic criteria for more than one disorder. In fact, in 2001, Brown et al. found that over half of all
people with one anxiety disorder were diagnosed with at least one other anxiety or mood disorder. The DSM
personality disorder diagnoses (such as schizoid personality disorder) have also historically shown relatively high
comorbidity (Ottoson, Grann, & Kullgren, 2000; Schopp & Trull, 1993). The goal of my research was to identify
literature similarities and differences between schizoid personality disorder and social phobia. More specifically, I
studied the similarities and differences in emotion regulation, defense mechanisms, and genetics between the two
Project Mentor: Professor Amy Przeworski, Department of Psychology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Spatial Influences on Arithmetic in College Students
Ken Hwang, Biology and Psychology
The exploration of visuo-spatial connections in the brain has received a lot of attention,
especially in regard to number recognition. A theory that proposes a mental number line has been
supported by previous research. This experiment is designed to expand on the mental number line theory
by investigating the visuo-spatial connection between spatial fields and arithmetic processing. Participants were
asked to perform an experiment involving simple addition and subtraction. It was hypothesized that the mental link
between space and numbers will influence a participant to be more facile adding in the right direction and
subtracting in the left direction reflected in faster reaction times when addition is performed towards the right spatial
field compared to the left, and vice versa for subtraction. Findings from this study may lead to a greater
understanding of the spatial connection the mind makes in order to store, process, and utilize numerical information.
Project Mentor: Professor Lee Thompson, Department of Psychology
Removal of sensory feedback effects on flight muscle activation and wing movement in tethered
flying moths
Kara Imbrogno, Biology; Kayla Imbrogno, Biology; Mark Willis, Biology Department; Jennifer
Avondet, Biology Department
Substantial research has been conducted on how an insect’s nervous system controls flight. One
goal of this research has been to understand the role of touch sensors, which report wing movements to the central
nervous system. Most of these studies have focused on locusts, but recently, limited research has been done on
moths. Moths fly with more maneuverability and have much different wings than locusts. Our research aims to
understand the tethered flight of Manduca sexta moths before and after removal of the tegulae, the mechanosensory
organs at the base of the insect’s wings. Flight is being studied using synchronized high speed video of wing
movements and electrophysiological recordings of the flight muscle activation patterns. Electrodes are inserted into
each moth’s thorax to record from the left and right dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMs) and the left and right
dorsoventral muscles (DVMs). The DLMs are the insect’s depressor muscles, controlling the downstroke of each
wingbeat. The DVMs are the elevator muscles, controlling the upstroke of each wing beat. The electrodes record the
activation of the muscles by the central nervous system. While the electrodes record the muscle activation patterns,
the high speed video camera allows us to measure the associated wing motion. By taking these recordings before
and after tegulae removal, the role of the tegulae in flight control may be revealed. This research is a starting point
for more advanced research on moth flight mechanisms, which may prove useful for gyroscopic technology in manmade flight machines.
Project Mentor: Mark Willis, Biology Department
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Identification of a Heat Shock Transcription Factor in Schistosoma mansoni
Kenji Ishida, Department of Biology
Schistosomiasis, a disease caused by the parasitic worm, Schistosoma mansoni, affects over 200 million
people and ranks second only to malaria in terms of its impact on quality of life. Little is known about the specific
regulators of gene transcription in S. mansoni or about many of the biological pathways in which they participate. In
this study, we identified a schistosome gene that encodes for a transcriptional activator. We designed fusion proteins
consisting of the yeast Gal4p DNA binding domain (DBD) and a putative schistosome transcriptional activator and
asked whether these fusion proteins could drive expression of several reporter genes in a modified yeast one-hybrid
system. The genes coding for the putative transcriptional activators were found through predicted protein homology
BLAST comparison between confirmed activator-coding genes in yeast and uncharacterized genes in S. mansoni.
We describe in this paper the cloning and analysis of a schistosome homolog of the yeast gene HSF1 (Heat Shock
Factor 1), a gene involved in activating heat shock response genes. The identification of this schistosome
transcriptional activator will provide a strong foundation from which we can build a better understanding of the
biological pathways involved in gene activation, expression, and development in response to stress.
Project Mentor: Professor Emmitt R. Jolly, Department of Biology
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Model Platinum Nanoparticle Electrocatalyst Supported on Graphene
Christine Jackson, Department of Chemical Engineering; Kaitlyn Zolton, Department of Chemical Engineering;
and Robert Savinell, Department of Chemical Engineering
This research is concerned with developing high surface area platinum nanoparticles supported by graphene in an
attempt to create electrocatalysts with high electrochemically active surface area and high stability, but with minimal
amounts of platinum. Graphene is a two-dimensional crystalline structure made up of a single layer of carbon atoms.
This structure results in high electron mobility and high mechanical strength, making graphene a possibly useful
support for platinum electrocatalysts. Graphene supported platinum will also serve as a model for understanding
support stability especially at elevated temperatures and high potentials.
Project Mentor: Dr. Robert Savinell, Department of Chemical Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Cardiac Imaging with an Optical Mapping and Optical Coherence Tomography System
Andrew Jenkins, Biomedical Engineering; Christine Fleming, Department of Biomedical Engineering;
Andrew Rollins, PhD, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Radio frequency ablation procedures are used as a treatment for cardiac arrhythmias. Lesions are
created in the heart tissue with the hope of interrupting conductive activity. Due to the use of ablation in
a clinical setting, various imaging and ablation protocols are being developed to reduce procedural time and increase
the safety and efficacy of cardiac ablation therapy. Currently, the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) is
being used to study tissue structure during ablation procedures due to its high spatial resolution properties. Optical
mapping is also currently used to visualize conduction propagation across the heart tissue. When used together,
optical mapping and OCT will help us study the relationship between cardiac tissue structure and function. For this
reason, an optical mapping system has been built for use alongside an OCT imaging system. The system has been
built with shared optics between both imaging systems and the ability to control image acquisition alongside of
arrhythmia pacing protocols. Information gained from experiments using our new imaging system will help better
understand ablation therapy.
Project Mentor: Dr. Andrew Rollins, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Imaging by Magnetic Particles with a Nonlinear Field Response
Gareth Kafka, Department of Physics; Lisa Bauer, Department of Physics; Yong Wu, Department of
Physics; Zhen Yao, Department of Physics; Dr. Mark Griswold, UH Department of Radiology, Matthew
Riffe, UH Department of Radiology
Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a new tomographic method which is based on the nonlinear response
of superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (SPIOs) to magnetic fields. Various simulations of this technique have
been conducted which investigated the effect of particle size on the spatial resolution of the reconstructed image;
however, these simulations assumed the particle magnetization responded immediately to applied fields. This project
involved both the investigation of particle relaxation in simulations and the construction of an MPI spectrometer.
The relaxation simulation results show that larger particles have longer relaxation times leading to blurred images.
Coupled with previous simulation results, it is shown that there should be an optimal particle size. The MPI
spectrometer currently being built involves the application of an oscillating, homogenous field to a sample of SPIOs.
The applied field is to be purely of one frequency so that any harmonics detected come from the SPIO sample. The
goal of this spectrometer is to compare the frequency response of the SPIOs to that assumed in the simulations.
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Robert Brown, Department of Physics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Adenovirus RID-α induces an autophagy-like pathway to restore cholesterol trafficking
Akash Kataruka, Department of Chemistry, Dr. Nicholas Cianciola and Dr. Cathleen Carlin,
Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology
Autophagy (or self-eating) is a degradative process by which portions of the cytosol, obsolete organelles,
and protein aggregates are captured inside unique vesicular compartments, termed called autophagic
vescicles, and targeted for lysosomal degradation. Autophagy occurs regularly to maintain intracellular homeostasis
by ensuring the removal of damaged and aged cellular components, and to promote survival during cellular stress.
The deleterious consequences of improper vesicular trafficking manifests itself in Niemann-Pick type C disease
(NPC), a genetic disorder resulting in the accumulation of unesterified cholesterol in late endosomes and lysosomes.
NPC disease is also accompanied by increased autophagic flux, which has been linked to neuronal cell death.
Previous findings have demonstrated that RID-α, a protein encoded by the early region of human type C adenovirus,
restores lipid trafficking in NPC cells and averts the pathophysiological consequences of cholesterol accumulation.
In this study, we report that RID-α accomplishes its cellular function through induction of an autophagy-like
pathway. This is evidenced by elevated levels of LC3-II, a common marker for autophagy, in cells expressing RIDa. We also observed an increase in the number of LC3 positive autophagic vesicles, along with enhanced
degradation of the long-lived protein p62 in RID- α expressing cells. Furthermore, fluorescent staining revealed
RID-α to colocalize with known markers of autophagasomes, such as LC3-II, MDC, and Beclin-1. Further
characterization of the RID- α autophagy-like pathway will provide insight into the mechanism of RID α -mediated
NPC correction, and may present a cure for this fatal disease.
Project Mentor: Dr. Nicholas Cianciola and Dr. Cathleen Carlin, Department of Molecular Biology and
Experiences in self-development: A critical reflection and partial Spanish-to-English translation
Armando Nougués Fernández’s “El despertar de la oruga”
Rebecca Keating, Department of English and Department of Modern Languages and Literature
Doctor Armando Nougués Fernández is a Naturist, Homeopath, Sophrologist and Professor of Chi
Kung. He practices medicine in Málaga, Spain, is the creator of a self-improvement training method known as
Sofrodynamia, and has published multiple books in his native country. He is very well respected among the Spanish
health community but, to date, none of his works have been translated for an English-speaking audience. I had the
pleasure of meeting Dr. Fernández, visiting his office, and spending extensive amounts of time with one of his
students during my stay in Málaga this past summer. After learning about the classes he offers and having the
opportunity to see how he inspires his students and contemporaries, I became interested in learning more about his
methods. As a parting gift, Dr. Fernández gave me his most recent book, “El despertar de la oruga”. In order to
commit myself fully to understanding what he had written I decided to translate the work in to English. This
translation-in-progress and essay represent an analysis of my experience translating the work and the culmination of
my SAGES Senior Capstone project, but also the beginning of what I hope will be a complete English translation
that I can send to Dr. Fernández in return for his gift to me.
Project Mentor: Professor Kimberly Emmons, Department of English
Project Consultant: Mauricio Duarte, Department of Modern Languages and Literature
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Decreased α-hemolysin production through inhibition of AgrA in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Varandt Y. Khodaverdian, Department of Biochemistry, Michelle M. Pesho, Department of Biochemistry, and
Menachem Shoham, Department of Biochemistry
Infecting an estimated 94,360 and killing 18,650 people per year, methicillin-resitant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) is the most common cause of bacterial infections infecting individuals in the community and patients in
hospitals. As an alternative treatment to traditional antibiotics, we have targeted specific transcription factors that
control the production of virulence factors. Extensive studies have shown that the major regulatory pathway for
virulence in MRSA is the agr (accessory gene regulator) system. A traditional two-component signal transduction
system, agr codes for a transcription factor AgrA. Once phosphorylated, AgrA becomes activated and up regulates
production of virulence factors such as α-hemolysin (hla), δ-hemolysin (hld), phenol-soluble modulins α and β
(psmα, psmβ), and many more. By preventing the activation of AgrA we expected a decrease in the production of
such toxins as those listed above. Through homologous model building we generated a model of the N-terminus of
AgrA. Using this model, we conducted virtual screenings to determine the most probable compounds that would
bind to the activation site of AgrA and prevent phosphorylation. With an ELISA, we found that several of the
compounds decreased the overall production of α-hemolysin. Furthermore, qRT-PCR was conducted to measure
relative changes in the transcription of α-hemolysin. The decreased transcription of α-hemolysin suggests that we
are likely inhibiting AgrA in the manner we have proposed.
Project Mentor: Professor Menachem Shoham, Department of Biochemistry
MKK6/SEK-1 is a Substrate of LRRK2/LRK-1 Kinase in Pakinson’s Disease Pathogenesis
Tanvi Khot, Department of Biology
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a major neurodegenerative disease that impairs motor skills. Leucine Repeat Rich
Kinase 2 (LRRK2), an autosomal-dominant gene associated PD is the leading genetic cause of PD, but the causative
pathological mechanisms remains undefined. The project that I am involved in the Feng lab aims to dissect the
molecular mechanism of LRRK2 in maintaining dopaminergic neuron integrity and establish its pathogenic
connection by using Caenorhabditis elegans, a genetic model organism, human neuroblastoma cells and substantia
nigra cells from PD patients. In a pilot study, the Feng lab has identified that LRRK2 may function upstream of
Mitogen-activated Kinase Kinase 6 (MKK6)/p38 to defend C.elegans dopaminergic neuron degeneration induced by
the PD mimetic, 6-hydrooxydopamine (6-OHDA). As a part of the whole project, I together with a postdoctoral
fellow in the Feng lab, tested whether LRRK2 functions as a MAPKKK and signals through the MKK6/p38
pathway. To do so, we used methods of molecular biology and biochemistry, and human neuroblastoma cells. We
found that 6-OHDA promoted association between LRRK2 and MKK6, and a LRRK2-dependent p38 activation.
Together with a previous finding that LRRK2 processes MAPKK phosphorylation activity in an in vitro kinase
assay, we conclude that LRRK2 is a MAPKKK. We are now testing the role of this novel signaling pathway in
dopaminergic neuron degeneration and its PD relevance with C.elegans, human neuroblastoma cells and samples
from PD patients.
Project Mentor: Dr. John Feng, Department of Pharmacology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The development of a single-use amperometric biosensor for the detection of lactic acid
Rebecca Kopplin, Department of Chemical Engineering; Brandon Bartling, Department of Chemical Engineering;
and Chung-Chiun Liu, Department of Chemical Engineering
Lactic acid in human saliva is an important biomarker for oral health and the presence of mutans streptococci. This
research investigated the feasibility of detecting lactic acid in saliva using a disposable, screen-printed biosensor.
These small electrochemical biosensors are inexpensive to manufacture, yield results quickly, and require a sample
volume of only 2 microliters. The biosensor contains immobilized lactate oxidase enzyme that catalyzes the
production of hydrogen peroxide from the lactic acid in the sample. The hydrogen peroxide is oxidized on the
working electrode of the sensor, yielding an electrical current proportional to the concentration of lactic acid in the
sample. The current response of the biosensor in the presence of lactic acid and enzyme was investigated, as was
temperature dependence. Different methods of electropolymerization to immobilize the enzyme onto the electrode
surface were also investigated, as was the effect of changing the buffer solution to mimic human saliva. The results
suggested that such a measurement of oral lactic acid levels would be feasible.
Project Mentor: Professor Chung-Chiun Liu, Department of Chemical Engineering
Mindfulness: A Literature Review
Ji-Eun Lee, Department of Nursing
Background: Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is an intervention to promote individuals’ coping skills
and emotional well-being with interventions such as yoga or meditation.
Aim: To identify the use and effectiveness of MBSR methods among workers and nurses.
Methods: A literature search was conducted from January 2000 to March 2010, using keywords mindfulness, stress
reduction, nurses, and workers. Search engines Pubmed and CINAHL were used.
Findings: Mindfulness interventions included 4 to 8 weeks of MBSR program. Each program varied slightly but
generally had a weekly class, a daily mindfulness exercise and a one day retreat. Studies were conducted using pre
and post test designs. Data were collected using self-report surveys and interviews.
Use of the mindfulness intervention showed significant reductions of stress levels and increased general well-being
including life satisfaction. There were reductions in exhaustion, stability in depersonalization, and increased job
related personal accomplishment.
Participants provided positive comments about MBSR when interviewed at the end of the studies. Also they
intended to continue practicing mindfulness after the studies were complete. One limitation of mindfulness-based
stress reduction is the time commitment as the program involves a high commitment from participants. One
researcher has developed a low dose mindfulness-based stress reduction program lasting 6 weeks with reductions in
the time commitment for the retreat and daily mindfulness exercise. Future studies need to focus on the feasibility of
this low dose mindfulness with particular attention to effect of the intervention when participants do not attend all
the classes during the program.
Project Mentor: Mary Quinn Griffin, PhD., RN. Department of Nursing
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Cultural Difference in Ideal Weight and Body Shape for Women
Mee Jee Lee, Department of Biology
Although it is believed that there is a universally held value of beauty in women, people have
different criteria and definitions of ideal body weight based on their cultural backgrounds. This study
aims to explore the general relationship between self-esteem and body weight for women, focusing
specifically on the differences in Korean and American females’ perception of beauty. One-on-one
interviews and picture-rating-tasks indicated that Asian female beauty is primarily judged upon their
slender body shape while Americans tend to prefer a more voluptuous and curvaceous figure. It was
found that Asians are more concerned with the idea of thinness and have a much stronger aversion to
obesity as well. These results have implications for counseling services and residential life, and further
improvements can be made in mutual understanding of cultural differences.
Project Mentor: Dr. Jessica Gerard, English Department
The identification of cochlin isoforms in deafness using 2D DIGE and 1D Gel fractionation approaches
Rebecca Levinson, Department of Biology; Parminder Kaur , Department of Proteomics; Giridharan Gokulrangan,
Department of Proteomics; Kumar Alagramam Department of Otolaryngology, UH; Mark Chance, Department of
Usher syndrome is a degenerative disease characterized by blindness and deafness in humans. The cochlea
(inner ear) encompasses hair cells, the loss of which causes deafness. Usher syndrome is an autosomal recessive
degenerative disease of which there are three types, 1, 2 and 3 classified according to severity. Usher syndrome type
1F (USH1F) is reproducible in the Ames Waltzer (av) mouse which has a mutation in protocadherin15 (PCDH15
gene). The use of wildtype mice in comparison with av mice will allow a look at the changes in the proteome
(protein profile) during the disease progression, with a concentration on the changes of cochlin, the most abundant
protein in the inner ear. Protein profiling, using gel-based approaches like 2D differential expression analysis (2D
DIGE), has shed light on the possible roles of cochlin. That data has suggested that Cochlin and its isoforms are very
much involved in the mechanism of hearing loss. A 1D gel based protein fractionation approach provides a different
perspective on the same protein. Together these two approaches are capable of identifying modifications of cochlin,
changes that may be essential to its structure and function. While the importance of the various isoforms has yet to
be determined, their identification provides clues about how to proceed in the study of USH1F.
Project Mentor: Mark Chance, Department of Proteomics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Establishing a Caenorhabditis elegans model of LRRK2-linked Parkinson’s disease
Shen Li, Biology; Shu G. Chen PhD, Pathology; Yao Chen, Pathology; Wen Wang, Pathology; Yue Gao, Pathology
The human LRRK2 is a large of protein of 2527 amino acids. LRRK2 contains several functionally important
domains with multiple scaffold protein modules and signaling domains, including Ras-related GTPase and
MAPKKK (mitogen activating protein kinase). LRRK2 is likely to regulate functions that help maintain homeostasis
of neuronal functions. Mutations in LRRK2 have been linked to the late-onset Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s
disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects motor functions. It has already been determined that over
expression of LRRK2 mutants lead to neurotoxicity in cultured neurons in vitro. In order to understand the LRRK2linked pathogenesis, our group’s goal is to establish a transgenic model of LRRK2-associated neurodegeneration in
the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, which is commonly used in neurobiological studies. MoscI mediated
single copy insertion designed by Jorgensen’s lab will be applied to insert Prab3-LRRK2 for the pan-neuronal
expression of LRRK2, in the genome of C. elegans. Using the technique micro-injection, our gene mixture which
includes, our specific gene LRRK2 with the pan-neuron promoter, two negative selection markers and a mcherry
fluorescent marker used to verify whether or not the injection was successful will be injected into 10-15 young adult
C. elegans. Pan-neuron expression ensures that LRRK2 is expressed in all neurons of the body rather than simply
dopamine neurons. A specific protocol called selection based insertion of single copy gene was applied for
establishing the transgenic expression of Prab3-LRRK2 in the neurons of Caenorhabditis elegans. The over arching
goal of this experiment is to establish a useful model for the study of the expression of LRRK2 and its role in the
pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease.
Project mentor: Professor Shu G Chen, Department of Pathology
Prototype Cherenkov Detector and its Application in Cosmic Ray Experiments
Guozhi Liang, Department of Physics
Cosmic rays, that reach and interact in the Earth's atmosphere, create high energy charged
particles which often produce Cherenkov radiation. Cherenkov radiation is the light analog of a sonic
boom. When charged particles travel at speeds greater than the speed of light in a certain medium, they
produce radiation which can be detected in the sky. Over the past few years, the High Energy Astrophysics lab have
worked on making a Cherenkov detector which would measure this radiation in the night sky as a method of
detecting cosmic ray air showers. The primary focus of my research involves the renovation or replacement of some
of the detector's aging components, and the testing of the detector's functionality. Work is currently underway to
reconstruct key components in the detector as well as to find the proper detection triggering. Ultimately such a
detector would be deployed as a detector array to get better sky coverage. One of the prime candidates for large
scale deployment of this detector is the Pierre Auger Observatory.
Project Mentor: Professor Corbin Covault, Department of Physics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Testing the Efficacy of the Tamoxifen Inducible Expression System with Conditional Cftr
Kirtishri Mishra, Department of Biology
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-threatening disorder that causes severe lung damage and nutritional
deficiencies. An inherited condition, cystic fibrosis causes an organism wide defect in epithelial tissue function.
This ubiquitous affect poses a challenge for researchers studying the disorder, because it is difficult to distinguish
which affects are primary results of the mutation in the CFTR protein, and which are manifested due to the lack of
proper function by other systems. Knock-out mouse models have provided a way for researchers to knock out
CFTR functions from specific tissues, and to determine how this affects the function in other tissues or organ
systems and the mouse over all. Through selective breeding mice are born with inactivated CFTR function in
specific tissues; however, in order to fully understand a disease and its development it must be studied in a temporal
context as well. A tamoxifen inducible gene expression system allows researchers to inactivate CFTR function from
desired tissues at specific time periods of the organism’s life cycle. In current work, we have generated a mouse
model that permits us to cause tissue mediated recombination, stimulated by an estrogen like drug called Tamoxifen
(TM). The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the optimum concentration of TM, and the time span of
treatment that would yield the highest rate of Cftr inactivation.
Project Mentor: Dr. Craig Hodges, Department of Pediatrics
This is a Michelson Morley Presentation
Platelet-targeted liposomes for site-specific drug delivery in vascular disease
Christa Modery, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Madhumitha Ravikumar, Department of Biomedical
Engineering; Anirban Sen Gupta, PhD, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Arterial thrombo-occlusions are a major cause of vascular disease-related morbidity and mortality. Current treatment
modalities include a combination of endovascular angioplasty/stenting or bypass grafting along with oral/systemic
pharmacotherapy. Invasive methods like angioplasty, stenting, and bypass grafting are associated with restenosis,
graft failure, and secondary thrombotic events. Additionally, current pharmacotherapy strategies have issues of short
plasma half-life of drugs, insufficient drug concentration at the thrombus site, and harmful side-effects like
hemorrhage due to non-specific drug action. These issues with existing pharmacotherapy can be resolved by
designing a delivery platform that can encapsulate the drug, protecting it from plasma, and ensure thrombus siteselective delivery, reducing systemic side-effects while enhancing therapeutic potential. With this rationale, we
created a liposomal drug delivery platform which can selectively target activated platelets at the thrombus site by
virtue of two simultaneous ligand-receptor mechanisms. We hypothesize that this platform will provide synergistic
pathways of site-selectivity and ensure stable attachment under a dynamic flow environment. A fibrinogen-mimetic
RGD peptide, having specificity to activated platelet integrin GPIIb-IIIa, and an EWVDV peptide, having specificity
to platelet surface P-selectin, were developed using solid-phase chemistry and conjugated to lipids via amide
linkage. The lipid-peptide conjugates were incorporated into fluorescently labeled liposomes, approximately 150nm
in diameter. In-vitro binding studies were performed using activated platelets under static and dynamic flow
conditions and analyzed using fluorescence microscopy. Results show statistically significant binding of our
targeted liposomes to activated platelets compared to untargeted liposomes. We envision that these bioengineered
liposomes can facilitate targeted treatment of arterial thrombo-occlusions.
Project Mentor: Professor Anirban Sen Gupta, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Development of a new telescope for detecting Ultra-Rapid Optical Flashes
Heather Morgan, Department of Physics
OSETI is a field of research that focuses on the search for extraterrestrial life by locating light pulses. This is a
variation on traditional SETI research, which searches for radio signals rather than light pulses. The assumption is
that light-based extraterrestrial communication will have a duration of only a few nanoseconds. Space is vast and
the origin of these light pulses would be a long distance away. In order to have a chance of locating these light
pulses we would have to search a large portion of the sky in order to locate them and isolate them from the
background of other visible light “noise” in the sky. In order to pursue this goal Professor Corbin Covault has
designed a prototype observatory to find such signals. The project is called “Double Twin Mirror Optical SETI
Observatory”, or “DTMOSO”. The proposed observatory would be comprised of an array of sensitive light
detectors that scan the sky for light flashes. If a flash is detected, a signal will be sent to the detector. One of the
most important components of this design is an analog fan-in/out device. The signals sent through the device would
be very small and short. It is not certain if the current commercial models meet our performance requirements for
speed and sensitivity. If a suitable model cannot be found, the design cannot be implemented. A potential model
produced by LeCroy, the 428F, was finally located and tested. I found it to be slightly lacking according to the tests
I performed. More revealing tests are planned in the future using better testing equipment.
Project Mentor: Professor Corbin Covault, Department of Physics
Going Beyond Protons in MR Study
Seraina Murphy, Department of Physics
In the current market for magnetic resonance imaging technology, the coils used for imaging
are singly tuned to resonate at the precession frequency of hydrogen nuclei; however, recent research has
proven that the use of dual-tuned coils is favorable for imaging hydrogen-poor areas of the body, such as the lungs.
These ‘dual-tuned’ coils resonate with both hydrogen nuclei and the nuclei of a locally injected hyperpolarized
element such as carbon-13 or helium-3. This research investigates the feasibility of an innovative dual-tuned coil
design that involves two concentric birdcage resonators, each tuned to a single frequency—in this case, one is tuned
to the precession frequency of hydrogen and the other to that of carbon-13. This particular design integrates two
birdcages that have each proven highly effective as separate, single-tuned devices: a “low-pass” birdcage, which is
very effective for resonating with low-frequency elements like carbon-13, and an “inductive resonator,” which is
easy to tune to high-frequencies like that of hydrogen, but also has greater stability than other high-frequency
resonators. Ultimately this design has proven successful, as the two concentric coils have simultaneously displayed
resonance behaviors at their respective frequencies. Compared to previous designs, this dual-tuned coil has
equivalent output and has the advantage of greater uniformity and easier tuning capability.
Project Mentors: Dr. Robert Brown, Department of Physics; and Dr. Fraser Robb, GE Healthcare Coils
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Multiplex assay development for species identification and monitoring of knock down resistance in Anopheles
mosquito vector populations of Papua New Guinea
Kogulan Nadesakumaran, Department of Biology; Cara N. Henry-Halldin, Center for Global Health and Diseases
CWRU; John Bosco Keven, Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research, Goroka, Papua New Guinea; Allison
Zimmerman, Department of Anthropology; Lisa Reimer, Center for Global Health and Diseases CWRU; Peter A.
Zimmerman, Center for Global Health and Diseases CWRU
Extensive distribution of indoor residual spraying of insecticides and long lasting insecticide treated
bednets for prevention of malaria have created selective pressures resulting in the development of insecticide
resistant mosquitoes in malaria-endemic regions of the world. A point mutation in the voltage-gated sodium channel
gene (VGSC), kdr, is the most common variation associated with resistance to DDT and pyrethroid insecticides used
in vector control. In the Papua New Guinean Anopheles punctulatus (Ap) species complex (>10 species), speciesspecific insecticide resistance has not been characterized. As morphological species identification has proved
challenging within the Ap complex, we undertook DNA sequence-based strategies to evaluate species-specific
differences and kdr associated polymorphisms. We observed consistent differentiation among Ap, A. koliensis, A.
farauti 1 &4, revealing species-specific ITS2 and VGSC polymorphisms from DNA sequences of 90 mosquitoes in
7 provinces of Papua New Guinea. To determine if VGSC sequence polymorphisms distinguish Ap sibling species
consistent with ITS2 variation, VGSC and ITS2 sequence specific probes were designed and 237 mosquitoes were
evaluated. Results showed that all samples were homozygous wild type at the kdr mutation site. Results comparing
species-specific polymorphisms were 100% (237/237) concordant between the traditional ITS2 marker and the
VGSC sequence variants. Together, VGSC and rDNA molecular methods consistently showed that morphological
factors are less reliable in identifying species than DNA based analyses due to the cryptic nature of the Ap complex.
In addition to monitoring for common insecticide resistant mutations like kdr, effective vector control programs
must have reliable methods of species identification. Our results suggest that the VGSC gene-based assay allows for
the simultaneous evaluation of the kdr associated genotype and molecular species identification following a single
Faculty Advisor: Peter A. Zimmerman
Project Retrospect: Historicizing the Rhetoric of Energy Independence
Paul Niebrzydowski, History
What does energy independence mean? Although our nation's dependence on imported energy
dominates current political discourse, it is not a recent issue; ideas of energy independence have
influenced political discourse since the early 1970s. In November of 1974, following the implementation
of the OPEC oil embargo, President Nixon launched 'Project Independence.' Evoking analogies of the Manhattan
Project and the Apollo program, President Nixon called on American science and technology to archive energy
independence by 1980. However, was Project Independence an earnest and feasible goal, or rather an attempt to
regain the trust of a post-Watergate Nation? Furthermore, did President Ford's continuing interest in energy
independence serve to ultimately achieve self-sufficiency or rather to reestablish the legitimacy o the American
Presidency? Did the Nixon and Ford administrations deem it reasonable to expect technology to solve political and
social problems, or were notions of energy independence molded to appeal to the political culture and allay short
term pressure on the administrations during the energy crisis of the 1970s? Placing the language of energy
independence proposals of the early 1970s in a historical context will entail an examination of how and why
expectations of domestic energy production came to be tied to concepts of independence, and how these ideas fit
into the broader American political vocabulary.
Project Mentor: Professor Peter A. Shulman, Department of History
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Culture, Mind, and Morality Project: Yoga and Emotional Response
Megan Norr, Department of Cognitive Science
The networks the brain utilizes for emotional processing and other aspects of social cognition,
particularly regions of the prefrontal cortex, have been shown to be highly activated when making
emotional moral judgments. It has also been shown that meditation affects activation in some of the same areas. In
this study, three types of tasks were studied to determine whether they had an effect on three aspects of emotional
processing: making moral decisions, emotional intelligence, and likelihood of attributing higher order cognitive
processes (e.g. self-reflection) to non-human beings. Yoga practitioners, Case undergraduate students of various
disciplines, and video game players at Local Area Network (LAN) parties were given paper and pencil surveys
before and after their respective tasks. We hypothesized that performing tasks that required mindful awareness of
one’s breath and body posture would facilitate greater emotional awareness, thereby increasing emotional response
in moral judgments, emotional intelligence, and the likelihood of assigning mindedness to non-humans. We
predicted that attending lectures/taking notes and playing video games (particularly violent killing games), both
tasks which utilize visuo-spatial processing and analytical networks, would lead to utilitarian morality, decreased
emotional intelligence, and decreased mindedness attribution. In all three tasks, we were also interested in the degree
to which participants’ engagement in the activity (as measured by the Flow State Scale-2) mediated the effect of
their particular task. We found that yoga increased emotional intelligence in recognition of subtle facial emotions,
and increased emotional moral judgments.
Project Mentor: Dr. Anthony Jack, Department of Cognitive Science
Diamond Microelectrodes for In Vitro Adenosine and Dopamine Detection
Jenna Novak and Samantha Reed, Department of Chemical Engineering; Heidi Martin, Department of Chemical
Engineering; Christopher Wilson, Deptartment of Pediatrics UH
Diamond microelectrodes have high sensitivity for neurotransmitters and low bio-reactivity, which makes them
ideal for in vitro testing of neurotransmitters relevant in respiratory rhythm modulation. Experiments show that
30µm disk electrodes can be produced and are capable of detecting dopamine and adenosine while any drugs, which
are applied for in vitro applications, will not interfere with these detections. Careful control of the procedure for
creating disk electrodes is necessary to create usable electrodes with a pure disk geometry and no overgrowth. The
best electrodes have been created through hot filament chemical vapor deposition with a methane percentage of 0.9
at a distance of eight mm from 2000°C filaments. Before growth the electrodes are seeded through beveling on a
diamond pad and then cleaned with water and a Kimwipe. After growth, flow cell testing allows calibration of the
electrodes for their sensitivity to various neurotransmitters, including dopamine and adenosine. Flow cell tests can
also be used to assess the possibility of broken electrodes or incomplete diamond coverage of the tungsten substrate.
Fast scan cyclic voltammetry is used to detect neurotransmitters both in flow cell and in in vitro experiments.
Voltammetry with slower scan rates is used when an electrode is suspected to have exposed tungsten. As the
reproducibility of the electrodes is improved, their in vitro use will be expanded and testing for neurotransmitters
will be completed.
Project Mentor: Heidi Martin, Department of Chemical Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Presence of an Emotional Attention-Bias in Adolescents with Depression
Julia Obejero-Paz, Department of Psychology
Depressed individuals as well as individuals at high-risk of developing depression have been
hypothesized to selectively attend to negative information. The presence of an attention-bias to negative
emotional stimuli has been proposed to be a cognitive vulnerability factor for the development of
depression. In the present study, the author investigated whether or not adolescents with depression show an
attention-bias to positive versus negative emotional stimuli. The research focused on depressive symptomatology of
adolescents and their parent. Parents completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)
and adolescents completed the Child Depression Inventory (CDI). During a lab visit, adolescent participants also
completed an emotional dot-probe task to measure attention-bias to emotional faces. Parent and adolescent
depressive symptoms interacted to predict attentional bias to negative but not positive facial-expression stimuli. The
results indicate that when an adolescent is depressed and their parent is not depressed, adolescents display a bias
away from sad faces, demonstrating an emotional avoidance. When an adolescent and their parent are both
depressed, however, adolescents display a strong bias toward sad faces. These results indicate that the presence of an
emotional attention-bias is related to both adolescent and parent symptoms of depression.
Project Mentor: Professor Arin Connell, Department of Psychology
The Fronto-pariatal fasciculus is essential for memory recall in Multiple Sclerosis patients
Susan Orra, Department of Biology; Kelly Rogers, Department of Biology and Department of Spanish
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune neurodegenerative disease characterized by
demyelination, axonal damage, and progressive neurologic disability. MS can be diagnosed by the
detection of lesions on MRI images that show areas of prominent demyelination. Research indicates that
lesions in the brain may cause cognitive dysfunction in 40-65% of MS patients and that 10-15% of MS patients have
deficiencies in long-term memory recall.
Research on Left Unilateral Neglect Syndrome has indicated that the connection between the front and the
back cortex through the myelinated axons of the occipitofrontal fasciculus (OPF) is essential to spatial processing,
recognition of symmetrical objects, and is linked to an inability to recall left hemisphere visual memories. We
propose that the OPF is important in visual long-term memory recall, and that the function of these myelinated
axons is inhibited in MS patients due to lesions on the OPF.
We will employ Nexstim eXimia Navigated Brain Stimulation (NBS), a new system that allows for more
accurate interpretation and use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) than previous technologies. TMS is
gentle and non-invasive excitation of the cortex by exposure to a specifically applied, rapidly changing, magnetic
field that gives rise to excitation of conducting neurons in the cortex. Nexstim NBS generates real time 3-D
images that enable the precise reproduction of particular TMS stimuli at specific locations with measured strengths.
With the use of NBS in conjunction with Electroencephalography (EEG) we will be able to stimulate precise brain
areas and measure the excitation of other brain areas in response to the stiumuls, thus measuring cortical
connectivity. We will use NBS to compare the conduction of neuronal signals along the OPF in the brains of
healthy individuals and the brains of MS patients experiencing deficiencies in long-term memory recall. The
research may indicate the involvement of this pathway in long-term memory recall as well as indicate the possibility
that lesions in the OPF may be causing the inability of MS patients to recall long-term memories efficiently.
Project Mentor: Dr. James Zull, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Linking Parkinson's Disease Symptom Type and Severity with LRRK2 Pathogenic Mutation
Harry Owusu-Dapaah, Department of Chemistry; Yanina Natanzon, Department of Pharmacology;
Teresa Rice, Department of Pharmacology; Shu Chen, Department of Pathology; David Riley and
Stephen Gunzler; Neurological Institute of University Hospitals Case Medical Center and Amy WilsonDelfosse, Department of Pharmacology
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects the central nervous
system. The disease is clinically characterized by selective loss of dopaminergic neurons and the deposition of
abnormal protein aggregates in the substantia nigra, termed Lewy bodies. Mutations in the PD-associated gene,
leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2), are the most common cause of autosomal dominantly inherited PD and
idiopathic PD. A number of pathogenic mutations have been found throughout LRRK2, with the kinase domain
G2019S mutation being the most prevalent. We seek to determine whether PD patients who express the G2019S
mutation exhibit unique phenotypic attributes in comparison to PD patients who do not express this mutation. In
order to correlate symptom type and severity with LRRK2 mutation status, approximately 300 patients are being
recruited into this study from the Movement Disorders Center of the Neurological Institute of University Hospitals
Case Medical Center. These subjects are being genotyped for LRRK2 mutation status and are being extensively
phenotyped utilizing established physical examination techniques such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, the
Movement Disorder Society-sponsored revision of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale motor score, and
the Hoehn & Yahr scale. Phenotypic and genotypic data are being collected and organized in an electronic REDCap
database. Revealing the phenotypic-genotypic correlations in Parkinson’s Disease has numerous important potential
implications for improvements in treatment paradigms. Developing a characteristic clinical profile could lead to
enhanced yield in screening for mutations. Clinicians could provide more individualized prognostic information to
affected patients. The utility of genetic counseling could be enhanced. Ultimately, more rapid identification of
mutation carriers might permit earlier introduction of targeted neuroprotective therapy.
Project Mentor: Professor Amy Wilson-Delfosse, Department of Pharmacology
Reduction in Mitochondrial Superoxide Dismutase Accelerates the Onset of Oxidative Damage in J20 Young
Human Amyloid Precursor Protein Transgenic Mice
Neel Pancholi, Department of Economics; Hyoung-gon Lee, Department of Pathology; Mark Smith, Department of
While oxidative stress has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease the underlying pathophysiological relationship is
unclear. In this study, oxidative stress was simulated via the ablation of a superoxide dismutase 2 (Sod2) allele in
human mutant amyloid precursor protein (hAPP) transgenic mice. Young mice (5-7 months) and old mice (25-30
months) with the four genotypes, hAPP-/Sod2+/+, hAPP-/Sod2+/-, hAPP+/Sod2+/+, and hAPP+/Sod2+/- were
examined using immunohistochemistry for the levels of oxidative stress markers 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and hemeoxygenase-1. Sod2 reduction in young hAPP mice, prior to the formation of amyloid plaques, resulted in
significantly increased oxidative stress in the hippocampus region of the brain, while no difference was found
between the old mouse groups. The results suggest that the reduction of Sod2 increases the level of oxidative stress
and works synergistically with hAPP in the induction of neuronal oxidative damage.
Project Mentor: Instructor Hyoung-gon Lee, Department of Pathology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Diminished early visual sensitivity for affective stimuli in depressed versus nondepressed
Sarah Park, Department of Psychology, psychology major; Arin Connell, Department of Psychology;
Susan Klostermann, Department of Psychology
Previous studies have been done to evaluate the relationship between emotion regulating skills, brain
responses to emotion evoking pictures, and indications of emotional distress, including depression. These
questionnaire studies indicate that there is an association between emotional regulating skills and emotional distress;
those who possess inadequate emotional regulating skills score higher levels of emotional distress. The purpose of
this study, however, is to investigate the neurological component to understand emotional dysregualtion and its
relation to depression. The technique used for this study is called Event Related Potential (ERP), a non-invasive
approach of assessing brain activity during cognitive processing. ERPs are very reliable because of the ability to
look at the electric shifts (or ERP components) that is time locked to a stimulus (emotional picture) on a millisecond
level, providing the capability to look at cognitive processes that reflects emotional regulation with high temporal
resolution. In the current study, visual ERPs to neutral, negative, and positive affective pictures were compared in a
sample of young adults reporting clinically-significant depressive symptoms, and a demographically-matched
control sample. Affective picture processing ERP components were examined, using a sample of 25 participants.
Significant differences between depressed and non-depressed participants were found for component p1, an early
visual component reflecting initial screening of visual information. Differences between depressed and
nondepressed individuals were found for negative and positive affective pictures, with non-depressed participants
showing greater frontal negativity for negative pictures relative to depressed individuals, but greater parietal
positivity for positive pictures. Results are consistent with Emotion Context Insensitivity theory, highlighting that
depressed individuals fail to show the early visual processing sensitivity to emotions evidenced by healthy
Faculty Sponsor: Professor Arin Connell, Department of Psychology
An Examination of Autonomic Functioning in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes at Risk for
Mayank Patel, Department of Biology, Samantha Huestis, Department of Psychology
Management of Type 1 diabetes is a complex and arduous task which requires the long term
maintenance of a regiment involving frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels, implementation of a
diabetes-specific diet to monitor daily carbohydrate intake, and daily insulin treatment. Overall, the diabetic
lifestyle can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety, especially in adolescents. Given this increased likelihood of
stress, research has shown that adolescents with Type 1 diabetes who are forced to incorporate this lifestyle are at
high risk for developing depression due to the inability to effectively regulate the negative emotions associated with
this stress. This research is concerned with evaluating the level of depression in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes at
risk for depression by examining their autonomic responses to three mood-induction tasks. Specifically, we will
analyze the level and fluctuation of respiratory sinus arrhythmia and skin conductance level across the three tasks to
search for differences in emotion regulation ability which may be associated with a higher risk for depression in
adolescents with Type 1 diabetes.
Project Mentor: Dr. Arin Connell, Department of Psychology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay occurs on polyribosomes
Christine Petzold, Department of Biochemistry; Wenqian Hu, Department of Biochemistry; Kristian
Baker, Department of Biochemistry; and Jeff Coller, Department of Biochemistry
Messenger RNA (mRNA) relay the genetic code from DNA to protein. This information can
occasionally be made incorrectly which has detrimental effects for the cell. To prevent this unfavorable
result, cells have created several methods to get rid of these “bad messages”, one such being nonsense-mediated
decay (NMD). NMD triggers the destruction of an mRNA that contains a nonsense mutation that prematurely stops
the synthesis of an essential protein. If not destroyed, the mRNA could continue to promote the generation of
truncated non-functioning proteins. It was previously thought that NMD occurred away from polyribosomes (the
cell’s machinery for translating mRNA into proteins) and in regions of the cell termed processing bodies (P bodies).
But in our studies we show that this popular model is incorrect. Our experiments have led us to develop a new
model for NMD where the decay occurs on polyribosomes. Our studies alter a well accepted dogma in gene
expression. In addition, our results are significant because of the medical relevance of NMD. Nonsense mutations
are at the root of 25% of genetic disorders including a form of cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. More
information on how the NMD process works can unlock tools for novel therapeutics to help treat numerous human
genetic disorders.
Project Mentor: Professor Jeff Coller, Department of Biochemistry
Molecular Recognition of Histone Modifications by a DNA Damage Response Factor
Funita P. Phan, Biochemistry (BS) and Music Performance (BA) Major; and Steven L. Sanders,
Department of Biochemistry, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Case Western Reserve University
DNA damage response functions as an essential cellular defense that ensures the integrity and stability of
genetic material. After genomic insult, the rapid accumulation of DNA damage factors at lesion sites
triggers cell cycle arrest and DNA repair. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the checkpoint protein
Crb2 is one such factor that is essential for genome integrity. Crb2 is a member of a conserved family of checkpoint
mediators that also include the human p53 binding protein 53BP1. Crb2 targeting to sites of DNA damage relies on
two distinct modules: a Tudor domain, which binds preferentially to di-methylated histone H4 lysine 20 (H4K20),
and a pair of BRCT repeats, which mediate phospho-recognition and dimerization of Crb2. Although published data
has shown that all three motifs (tudor domain binding, phospho-recognition, and dimerization) are necessary for
Crb2 recruitment at DNA damage sites, the interplay between these three factors is poorly understood. Here we have
used a combination of genetic and biochemical studies to dissect this molecular interplay and investigate the
mechanisms that control targeting of Crb2 to sites of DNA damage.
Project Mentor: Dr. Steven Sanders, Department of Biochemistry
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Depositional Flux of Phosphorus in Lake Erie
Nicole Pilasky, Department of Geological Sciences
In the last century, high amounts of phosphorus have been input into Lake Erie due to an increase in
population growth and a demand for lake services. Large contributors to the loading of phosphorus in the
lake include agriculture, and water treatment plants. The excess amount of phosphorus has a negative
effect on the lake, causing an over abundant growth of cyanobacteria and phytoplankton, which consume high
amounts of oxygen. The lack of oxygen in the water creates dead zones, areas of non-growth. The Great Lakes
Water Quality Agreement of 1978 was implemented in hopes of reversing the dead zones by reducing the amount of
phosphorus that facilities could dump into the lake. The reduction of phosphorus dumping was successful until
research in the mid 1990’s showed increased amounts of phytoplankton biomass and a recurrence of wide-spread
cyanobacterial blooms in the western basin and in the near-shore areas of the central and eastern basins. Despite the
increase in phytoplankton and cyanobacteria, phosphorous input levels have not risen, which poses the question,
what is changing the state of the lake this time? The invasion of dreissenid mussels to the near-shore environment is
one proposed hypothesis. The dreissenid mussels have essentially changed the cycling of phosphorus by trapping it
in the near-shore, changing the whole dynamic of the lake. This research aims to obtain an estimate of the
phosphorus depositional fluxes at select locations within each of the three basins, and to observe how they have
varied with time, while also observing how the fluxes differ from near-shore, where the mussels have colonized, to
Project Mentor: Professor Gerald Matisoff, Department of Geological Sciences
Seasonal modulation of a sensory feedback system
by the neuropeptide proctolin.
Mariya Pogrebetskaya, Biology, and Debra Wood, Department of Biology CWRU
Neuromodulators released as hormones have wide access to both the central nervous system and
peripheral neurons. These neuroactive substances exert long-lasting effects that underlie adaptive
behavioral changes. Neuromodulators can act upon peripheral sensory receptors, some of which provide feedback
to motor control centers. Invertebrate model systems, such as the crayfish, are useful because their neurons can be
identified, and are accessible for physiological measurements. The neurohormone, proctolin, is known to modulate
sensory receptors; for example, sensitivity of peripheral sensory receptor in lobsters is altered in the presence of
proctolin. We are interested in how proctolin modifies performance of an abdominal stretch receptor in the tail of the
crayfish, stretch receptor 1 (SR1). The SR1 neuron senses tail stretch and regulates abdominal posture. Prior work
showed that proctolin modulates central motor neurons that control tail posture but the effect is seasonal. Using a
reduced crayfish tail preparation, we previously showed that proctolin alters SR1 activity: it increases SR1 action
potential firing frequency, slows adaptation rate of action potential firing, and increases sensitivity to tail stretch. My
hypothesis is that proctolin effects on SR1 are also seasonal. We found that in winter it has no effect on the
measured SR1 activity parameters, while in warmer months the effects are significant. Crayfish often hibernate by
burrowing during winter and the seasonal effects of proctolin are likely adaptive for reduced winter activity.
Project Mentor: Dr. Debra Wood, Department of Biology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Use of Main Chain Benzoxazine Polymer
Chemistry for Aerogel Synthesis
Kathleen Puttmann, Department of Chemical Engineering; Saeed Alhassan, Department of Macromolecular
Science and Engineering; Tarek Agag, , Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering; David Schiraldi, ,
Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering; Hatsuo Ishida, , Department of Macromolecular Science
and Engineering
Various main chain type benzoxazine polymers have been synthesized applying various approaches. These
approaches include a bisphenol A based benzoxazine. Synthesis of this monomer will be discussed. The polymers
formed tough, stable sol-gels in DMSO. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and 1H and 13C nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) are used to characterize the structure of the polymers. Multiple
concentrations of the polymer were freeze-dried to form main chain type benzoxazine polymers in the form of
Aerogel. Aerogel samples were gradually thermally treated to form crosslinking polybenzoxazine Aerogel. These
aerogels exhibit much lower density than any previously synthesized benzoxazine based aerogels. The morphology
and properties of polybenzoxazine Aerogel will be discussed. Advanced mechanical analysis was conducted on the
completed aerogels and the results will be discussed.
Project Mentor: Professor Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Patient’s Attitude and Knowledge Concerning the Efficacy and Usage of Face Masks
Ramya Raman, Department of Biochemistry; Vicken Totten, Department of Emergency Medicine
With the increasing threat of H1N1 flu, and the limited supplies of flu shots, preventative
measures are necessary and need to be further investigated. Masks are devices meant to be worn over the
nose and mouth to prevent communicable diseases. Research has shown that unless a national or local
health crisis has occurred, the use of masks among medical students, nurses, residents and physicians is low. In
some foreign countries, it is socially acceptable to wear a mask in public; masks are felt to significantly lower the
transmission of disease in these countries. The primary object of this study is to understand patient’s reactions to
face mask use, their attitudes and knowledge. (1) Are patients comfortable with health care workers wearing masks?
(2) Do patients approve of masks being worn in public? (3) Do patients understand what protection masks offer?
This is a prospective, observational survey study of a convenience sample of persons in the Emergency Department
and its waiting room. All willing adult ED patients and visitors, waiting for care, of ages 18-64, will be approached
by a Research Assistant and asked if they would answer a brief survey about wearing masks. Data will be collected
for 370 patients, and the analysis done through: simple summary statistics, categorical representation of comments,
and correlations between patient demographics and their responses.
Project Mentor: Vicken Totten, Department of Emergency Medicine
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Child PTSD and the Influence of Social Support
Roshni Rao, Department of Psychology
The study examined the relationship between the perception of social support in children as
investigated through the social support survey (Harter, 1985) and severity of post traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) or post traumatic stress symptoms in these children. PTSD can be characterized as a
disorder that occurs in children when a child experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. Social Support has been
more and more frequently associated as a protective factor from PTSD and post traumatic stress symptoms. After
assessing a community-based sample of 38 American children (ages 6-17) from low income families of varying
racial background who qualified for inclusion to be considered for this research, these children were surveyed again
on perception of social support and family, cohesion and adaptability (FACES II, Olsen et al., 1982) and were
assessed for severity of PTSD. The findings of this study revealed that no correlation could be found between PTSD
severity and social support with this data. This study further attempted to find a relationship between type of trauma,
either sexual or nonsexual abuse, and family cohesion and adaptability. No difference was found in reporting on
family cohesion and adaptability between children who had experienced sexual abuse and those that had
experienced nonsexual abuse. It was found that children who reported a higher family cohesion also reported a
higher perception of social support. These results have implications for children living in urban areas who come
from low-income families, experience many traumatic events, and do not receive the proper amount of support. This
emphasizes the need for further research in the area of social support in children at risk of developing PTSD and the
potential need for social support programs as a protective factor against the development of PTSD.
Project Mentor: Dr. Norah Feeny, CWRU Department of Psychology
Health Care for Latinos in the United States- Discrepancies, Obstacles, and Solutions
Mary Beth Ray, Department of Modern Languages and Literature, Department of Psychology
Individuals of Hispanic origin are at a statistical disadvantage in the obtaining of health insurance
and quality health care. As Latinos currently comprise 15.1% of the United States population and are
predicted to account for almost one quarter of the population by 2050, these inequalities must be
investigated and remedied. The research presented here examines the accessibility of quality health care to Latinos;
their level of satisfaction with the care they receive; and the number of uninsured individuals amongst their
population as compared with other cultural groups (which is currently at 30.7%, twice the rate of White nonHispanic individuals.) This project also investigates the cultural, sociological, and economic reasons these
discrepancies exist, (such as language barriers, doctor-patient expectations, or poverty-related obstacles.) After a
thorough review of the research on these topics, the current and proposed solutions to these obstacles (such as CHIP
and its Reauthorization Act) are presented, along with their success rate thus far and possible options for the future.
This thesis seeks to illustrate that by identifying the problem and understanding its roots, the United States can close
the gap that exists in the realm of health and medicine.
Project Mentors: Professor Jacqueline Nanfito and Professor Antonio Candau, Department of Modern Languages
and Literature
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Reality of Uncertainty: A Novel Manipulation
Abigail Reed, Department of Psychology; Nicole Pucci, Department of Psychology
Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) has been defined as the tendency to react negatively on an emotional,
cognitive, and behavioral level to uncertain situations and events (Dugas, Buhr, & Ladouceur, 2004).
Individuals who are intolerant of uncertainty find uncertainty stressful and upsetting, believe uncertainty is
unpleasant and should be avoided, and have difficulty functioning in uncertain situations (Buhr & Dugas, 2002). IU
has been theorized as one of the main components of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Previous studies that
have investigated this relationship have used simulations such as intelligence tests, computerized gambling games,
and recall tasks to replicate feelings of intolerance of uncertainty. However, the ecological validity of these methods
is not ideal. A more ecologically valid way of manipulating and evaluating uncertainty may be through ambiguous
scenarios that an individual is likely to experience in their life. The goal of the current study is to create three unique
scenarios that will more realistically induce IU. This study consisted of three scenarios, which focused on facets of
interpersonal relationships, job interviews, and personal well-being. The level of uncertainty was manipulated (low,
moderate, or high uncertainty) based on information that was provided to the participant following the scenario.
Participants indicated level of uncertainty after each scenario. In addition, participants completed the Intolerance of
Uncertainty Scale. Results. and their implications will be discussed.
Project Mentor: Professor Amy Przeworski, Department of Psychology
Surface Orientation of Chiral Liquid Crystals
Nicholas Reinsvold, Department of Physics
Previous experiments have demonstrated that placing a planar-aligned achiral liquid crystal on a
chiral substrate results in an azimuthal rotation of the director from the expected angle due to the rubbing
direction at the surface. In this project I explored the reverse, i.e., the surface orientation of a pitchcompensated (infinite pitch at one temperature) chiral liquid crystal mixture on an achiral alignment layer. Although
attempts to observe and measure the expected rotation failed due to difficulties arising from the internal alignment
and possibly phase separation of the liquid crystal, the experimental setup was sound. Given more time to sort out
this problem should result in a measurement of the rotation angle, or at least a determination of its lower limit.
Project Mentor: Professor Charles Rosenblatt, Department of Physics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Creativity in a Pediatric Bipolar Population
Megan Ritchey, Department of Biology and Psychology; Sandra Russ, Department of Psychology;
Denise Bedoya, University Hospitals Department of Psychiatry; Robert Findling, University Hospitals
Department of Psychiatry
Studies have demonstrated a strong relationship between creativity and bipolar disorder in adult
individuals, however there is little information relating creative process to a pediatric bipolar population. The
manifestation of child-onset bipolar disorder is beginning to become more understood in children, and is often
characterized by rapid cycling and decreased executive functioning. This study utilized the figural and verbal
components of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, Guldford’s Alternative Uses Task, and the Affect in Play
Scale, to objectively measure creativity in children ages 6-11 with a KSADS diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The
Stroop Color-Word Test and Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence were also used to measure executive
functioning and intelligence, respectively. This study was one of the first to measure the relationship between
childhood-onset bipolar disorder and creativity, which may prove to be a compensatory advantage.
Project Mentor: Professor Sandra Russ, Department of Psychology
Health as a Human Right: Multi-level Influences on Undocumented Migrant Health in Thailand
Sarah Robinson, Anthropology, Environmental Studies
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its related conventions endeavor to create “a common
standard of achievement for all peoples and nations.” Health is outlined as an inherent human right
regardless of locality, country of origin, race, class, political or other opinion, language, ethnicity,
culture, religion, birth or other status. Yet millions of people migrate across borders every year, many
undocumented (“illegal”), in search of work, asylum, or other means, and face health risks and barriers often
unshared by other “legal” peoples. Such risks include occupational and environmental hazards, gender inequity and
violence, and human trafficking. Language differences, discrimination, cost of treatment, physical barriers to
access, and cultural differences in concepts of health, medicine, and care-seeking behaviors all contribute to health
outcomes. This research attempts to examine the complexities in achieving the right to health for the more than 2
million undocumented migrant workers residing in Thailand. In many ways Thailand has implemented policies and
practices congruent with protecting the right to health, yet many citizens and migrants alike remain without the basic
physical and mental health to which they are entitled by international law. Through the examination of Thai history,
culture, and politics, we can begin to understand the challenges and successes of health policy versus local
implementation, the roles of Non-Governmental Organizations, pressures on the government’s and society’s ability
to include migrants, and barriers influencing migrant ability to be included in government and society, and thus fully
actualize their right to health.
Project Mentor: Professor Charlotte Ikels, Department of Anthropology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Shape-controlled Pt nanoparticles for carbon nanotube growth
Raymond Rodgers, Departments of Chemical Engineering and Physics
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are novel nanoscale materials that have attracted attention for potential
electronic, optical, energy, and medical applications. A major obstacle for these technologies is the inhomogeniety
of the material that is grown by most chemical processes. Nanotubes are usually grown by a catalytic process
involving metal nanoparticles and reaction with a carbon feedstock such as acetylene gas. In this project, we are
interested in studying the role of the metal catalyst particle and controlling its properties to produce well-defined and
homogeneous nanotubes. We have recently developed a technique to control the size and shape of metal
nanoparticles by reducing metal salts in the presence of surfactants. The as-grown metal nanoparticles have been
characterized by TEM and XRD to confirm their size and shape. In this presentation, we will discuss the properties
of the metal nanoparticles and plans to use them for CNT growth.
Project Mentor: Professor Mohan Sankaran, Department of Chemical Engineering
STM Study of Hexagonal Nano-Lattices
Andrew Rosenberger, Physics Department; Casey Check, Department of Macromolecular Science and
Hexagonal lattices of Benzene rings doped with sulfonic acid groups attached to substituted biphenyl
units are promising new structures being produced by Professor Morton Litt and his Ph.D. student Casey
Check in the Department of Macromolecular Sciences and Engineering. When deposited on surfaces, these
molecules should form stacked hexagonal arrays with a hole size of 20 to 500 nm. These structures could have
applications in fuel cells, water desalinization, and as thermoelectric materials. In order to ascertain the usefulness of
these materials and the effectiveness of the current synthesis techniques, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) was
used to determine the molecular and aggregate shapes of a layer of particles deposited on a HOPG substrate. The use
of noise reduction and optimization techniques yielded information about the aggregate and molecular structure of
the molecules.
Project Mentor: Professor K. Kash, Department of Physics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Projection of New Solar Electric Process Technologies as Compared to Traditional Photovoltaic Cells
Joshua Rubin, Physics and Economics
Nontraditional energy sources are a topic of much debate in the United States, and worldwide.
Technologies such as mono-crystalline and poly-crystalline solar cells, well established low efficiency and high cost
power sources, have begun to be replaced by a new generation of less efficient but significantly cheaper
photovoltaic cells. In the last decade a new substrate basted cell has been developed, producing thin film
photovoltaic cells. By comparing the newer approaches to the more traditional processes, through traditional
economic methods such as cost-benefit analysis, one might be able to succinctly demonstrate the viability of each
setup to the general consumer. Information such as recent trends, government legislation, environmental factors,
and state electrical costs will provide a solid foundation on which to compare the technologies. One might hope to
observe recognizable technological adoption trends in data available from NREL, the EPA, and other sources. This
project will use baseline comparison of the characteristics of thin film photovoltaics, over state by state differences,
to achieve this goal. Through statistical analysis techniques, run in Microsoft Excel, this project will present costbenefit comparisons of the different technologies and their potential roles as components of the American electrical
Project Mentor: Justin Sydnor, Economics
Mini Medical Experience
Zachary Rubin, Department of Biology
For my capstone project, I developed an educational outreach program called Mini Medical
Experience. The purpose of Mini Medical Experience is to expose high school students to the field of
medicine in an exciting way and to help them determine if a career in medicine is right for them. Mini
Medical Experience is comprised of nine hands-on educational activities that are related to medicine, including
taking vital signs, performing intubation, and suturing. In addition, handouts are provided on how to get into
medical school along with information about special combined medical school programs. It has been designed to be
adaptable so that a diverse audience can facilitate this program, including high school science teachers and premedical college students. For the Mini Medical Experience to be portable and easily replicated, I created and wrote
a curriculum guidebook to provide detailed lesson plans on the activities, a projected budget, and supplemental
handouts. As part of the capstone project, a Mini Medical Experience has been successfully implemented for
students at the Cleveland School of Science and Medicine at John Hay High School, and components of this
program have been adopted by the new Health Profession Pipeline Program. Mini Medical Experience was modeled
after Dr. Rubin’s Mini Medical School, an 18-hour program I started with my father in 2005 at Edward Hospital,
Naperville IL, and was designed to make this type of exposure experience more accessible throughout the country.
Project Mentor: Elizabeth Banks, Center for Civic Engagement and Learning
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
University Lofts:
An Innovative Student Housing Complex in University Circle
Paul Salamon, Weatherhead School of Management
The purpose of this business is to construct a unique student housing complex in University Circle
catered to the students of the Cleveland Institute of Art and graduate students from Case Western
Reserve University. Our company recognizes an untapped market of undergraduates and young professionals who
seek modern living arrangements in this urban area. University Circle is the perfect location to build such a project;
it is an unsurpassed center of innovation in the fields of health care, education, arts and culture with approximately
13,000 students; also, over 50% of the residents are between the ages of 15 and 30. Through a partnership with the
Cleveland Institute of Art, our company will provide housing to the school’s first and second year students. The
complex will consist of two unique apartment styles, the Artist Lofts and Live+Work Lofts, each specifically
designed to cater to our target market. A central atrium, referred to as the Lawn, will serve as the main gathering
spot for students, with smaller multipurpose and entertainment rooms dispersed throughout the complex. University
Lofts' innovative design will support sustainable living practices, and it will be constructed to the highest
environmental standards. Salamon Development’s mission is to provide modern, innovative and sustainable student
housing within walking distance of all the institutions in University Circle, at prices that currently do not exist.
Through this project, our firm’s vision is to be become an established and reputable developer of unique urban
student housing as well as to contribute to the ongoing development of University Circle and the Greater Cleveland
Project Mentor: Professor Jennifer Johnson, Department of Marketing and Policy Studies, Weatherhead School of
Age Related Loss of the DNA Mismatch Repair Pathway in Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Anshul Saurastri, Department of Biochemistry; Jonathan Kenyon, Department of Pathology and
Stanton Gerson, Department of Hematology/Oncology
The DNA Mismatch Repair Pathway (MMR) is a critical pathway in cells that repairs base substitution
mismatches and insertion deletion mismatches caused by faulty replication or recombination. Its
biological function is to maintain the genomic integrity of DNA, which, if left unrepaired, could lead to the
accumulation of mutations and oncogenesis. Defects in the MMR pathway have been linked to a variety of human
cancers, including Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer. Our lab has previously shown that loss of MSH2, an
essential gene in the pathway, leads to hematopoietic repopulation defects and methylating agent resistance in mice.
The current study is concerned with investigating MMR failure in clonal expansions of CD34+ human
hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). Our hypothesis is that the process of aging leads to a series of changes, both genetic
and epigenetic, that result in reduced mismatch repair function. Using Microsatellite Instability (MSI), a welldefined diagnostic marker for MMR failure, we monitor five different Microsatellite Loci for irregularities in human
bone marrow samples from patients of different ages. The data suggests that with an increase in age there is an
increase in MSI. This genomic instability observed in aged patient shows failure in HSC maintenance over time due
to MMR failure.
Project Mentor: Dr. Stanton Gerson M.D, Department of Hematology/Oncology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
A Comparison of Periodontal Referral Patterns: Trends Toward Urgent Care
Tina Saw, Department of Biology; Stuart Sears, DDS, MScD, Department of Periodontics; and Leena Palomo,
DDS, MSD, Department of Periodontics
OBJECTIVES: The objective was to identify the frequency of periodontal disease diagnosis and the
referral of patients for specialized therapy in men versus women. METHODS: 1000 random charts from the Case
School of Dental Medicine were reviewed to identify if periodontal diagnosis took place and if a referral to a
periodontist was made based on the findings. Overall frequency of periodontal diagnosis in cases with clinical
attachment loss as indicated in clinical or radiographic records, frequency of subsequent referral to a periodontist
and the correlation of missing teeth and diagnosis of periodontitis were recorded and compared between the genders.
RESULTS: 45% of all charts included a periodontal exam. 10.4% of all patients were noted to have periodontitis.
22.1% of all patients were given a diagnosis and 16.1% were referred for periodontal care. No significant difference
in referrals was observed between genders (p=0.601, α=0.05). There was no correlation between having a diagnosis
and overall number of missing teeth (p=0.563, α=0.05) between the genders. CONCLUSIONS: Associations
between periodontal diagnosis and the referral to a periodontist for preventative care regimens and the treatment of
present pathology in an effort to retain teeth were not significantly different among genders. Across genders, the
majority of clinically or radiographically identifiable cases of periodontitis were not diagnosed nor referred. Since
steps toward periodontal care were not taken in either gender to achieve periodontal therapy's goal of preventing
tooth loss, the study observes a trend away from preventative care, presumably towards urgent care.
Project Mentor: Leena Palomo, DDS, MSD, Department of Periodontics
This is also a Michelson Morley Presentation
Gait Patterns in The Domestic House Cat Chase Behavior
Vivek Sengupta, Department of Biology
Hunting behavior of the domestic cat (Felis catus) was studied using high-speed videography
(300 fps) and motion analysis. Cats were tested in a prey capture scenario to investigate gait changes
during hunting. The study of mammalian locomotion has revealed that specific gait patterns are
employed when performing different tasks (Hildebrand, 1989). Predatory behavior was observed on an oval shaped
track, using a laser pointer as the cat’s simulated prey. The hunting behavior was divided into two stages; active
stalking followed by pounce and capture. The stalking stage was characterized by low profile pursuit of prey and
stable head orientation relative to both the cat’s body and the prey. Both the gait and head stabilization is distinct
from normal walking movements. The pounce/capture stage occurs when the cat is close enough to the prey to grasp
it in a single jump. Two-scenarios were investigated which depended upon how close the laser-target was to the cat.
In the first the target was close to the cat resulting in “capture” during stalking without a pounce. In the second the
target was distant from the cat resulting in stalking with a pounce. Data was analyzed frame-by-frame to produce
gait diagrams of each behavior. Preliminary results reveal distinctly different and reproducible gait patterns in the
pouncing and stalking stages of the hunt.
Reference: Hildebrand, M. (1989).The Quadrapedal Gaits of Vertebrates. BioScience, Vol. 39, No. 11 Animals in
Motion. Pp 766-775.
Project Mentor: Professor Roy Ritzmann, Department of Biology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Physical Aging of Layered Glassy Polymers
Andrew Shaver, Macromolecular Science and Engineering; Deepak Langhe, Macromolecular Science and
Physical aging of glassy polymers involves a gradual densification of polymer thus reducing the free volume in
polymeric system. The process causes changes in the mechanical, physical and optical properties of the polymers.
The physical aging accelerates when the polymer is present as an ultrathin single layer. However, it is very difficult
to make single layers of ultrathin polymers to study this phenomenon. We use a novel approach of multilayer
coextrusion process to easily nanolayered films of polymers. The effect of layer thickness on the physical aging of
nanolayered glassy polystyrene (PS) confined against a glassy polymer, polycarbonate (PC), was investigated via
forced assembly coextrusion. The PS layer thicknesses studied are 50nm, 100nm, 200nm, 300nm, and 1µm. The
thermal history of the PS nanolayers was reset by heating the multilayered films above the glass transition (Tg) of
PS, 100°C, to 115°C for 15 mins. The films were subsequently quenched to room temperature. The aging of
multilayered films was carried out at various temperatures below a Tg of PS . The changes in the relaxation enthalpy
at the Tg peak were measured using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The relationship of layer thickness to
polystyrene physical aging was investigated.
Project Mentor: Dr. Anne Hiltner, Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Muscle Activity and Function in the Front Legs of Walking Cockroaches
Elaine Simpson, Department of Biology; John Bender, Department of Biology; Roy Ritzmann,
Department of Biology
Cockroaches are able to move quickly and efficiently over rough terrain, making them excellent models
for studying movement in animals. Much is known about the neural network responsible for muscle
activity and movement in the middle and hind legs. However, very little is known about control of the front legs,
which are crucial to steering, have one more degree of freedom than the middle and hind legs, and are the only legs
that enter the animal’s visual field. In order to investigate the connection between muscle activity and movement of
the front legs, we inserted electrodes into the coxal musculature of a cockroach’s front leg and then filmed the
animal with two high-speed cameras while they walked in place on oiled glass. We used these muscle recordings,
coupled with three-dimensional kinematic data, to determine the functions of specific muscles in the front legs of
walking cockroaches. In our analysis of the front leg, we identified homologs of the coxal depressor muscles found
in the middle and hind legs, as well as their innervating nerves. During walking, the front legs normally reach
forward and pull back in contrast with the exclusive backward movements of the other legs. Thus, these muscles are
activated in different patterns during the step phase than they are in the middle and hind legs. In addition to these
homologs, we found muscles that are responsible for actuation of the front legs extra degree of freedom which are
important in swinging the leg forward.
Project Mentor: Roy Ritzmann, Department of Biology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Reinforcement of Clay Aerogels Via Incorporation of a Polymer Derived from Chitin
Michelle Sing, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Clay aerogels, ultra low-density materials produced using a simple freeze-drying technique, show great promise
due to their low densities and their ability to be modified for various applications. These materials suffer from low
mechanical strengths; in order to increase the mechanical properties of aerogels, polymer reinforcement via
incorporation of a biopolymer into the clay matrix is of interest. While polymer incorporation has already been
achieved, the type of polymer incorporated helps in tailoring the properties of the resulting aerogel. Chitosan
(CHIT), a derivative of chitin, was incorporated using varying solution molarities at varying concentration, and the
resulting change in mechanical properties was investigated.
Project Mentor: Professor David Schiraldi and Jack Johnson III, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Molecular Imaging of Myelination in the Peripheral Nervous System
Eduardo A Somoza 1,3, Changning Wang 2,3; and Chunying Wu3, , Yanming Wang 1,2,3
1. Department of Biomedical Engineering; 2. Department of Chemistry, 3. Department of
Radiology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44122
In previous years we have designed and developed molecular probes that specifically binds to myelin membranes in
the central nervous system (CNS). One of these compounds is known as (E, E)-1,4-bis(49-aminostyryl)-2dimethoxy-benzene or BDB. The exact binding site of BDB is unknown but it is believed to be myelin basic protein
(MBP). Both CNS and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) myelin contain MBP in their composition, therefore, we
hypothesize that BDB can also bind to PNS myelin. We first performed in vitro fluorescent staining of the sciatic
nerve, the largest nerve in the PNS, to evaluate BDB’s binding properties towards PNS myelin. We then performed
ex vivo studies by administering BDB into a mouse via tail vein injection. At 1 hour after injection, the sciatic
nerve was removed and the nerve was visualized under a fluorescent microscope to examine specific staining. In
vivo imaging of the sciatic nerve after injection of BDB was conducted via multiphoton microscopy and fluorescent
luminescence Imaging. Results show the BDB indeed binds to PNS myelin with high specificity.
Project Mentor: Dr Yanming Wang, Department of Radiology, Chemistry, and Biomedical Engineering.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Aging and Ethnicity: Historical and Cultural Limitations of Cumulative Disadvantage and Ethnic
Compensation to the Study of Ethnic Elderly in America
Connie Stamoolis, Department of Anthropology
The study of ethnicity and aging is oriented to understanding the extent to which ethnic distinctions
make a difference in the experiences of aging. Historically, this field has been contested in its emphasis
on minority aging and the limited populations of study, its theories on aging, its utility, and its lack of perceived
difference among studied groups. The aim of this research is to discuss the empirical controversies and theoretical
challenges to the study of ethnicity and aging. This research looks to understand this literature via two related, albeit
dated, theories in aging and ethnicity literature- cumulative disadvantage and ethnic compensation, and examines
their historical context in the formation of current knowledge and study.
Project Mentor: Professor Charlotte Ikels, Department of Anthropology
Nanowire Biosensors
Lily Stanley, Engineering Physics; Juan Du, Physics Department
As electrical devices have gotten smaller, nanowires have become a novel material for use in
fabricating electronics. Using nanowires, transistors can be made on the nano scale. One possible use for
these small transistors is to detect biomolecules. The advantage nanowire biosensors have over current methods of
detecting biomolecules like DNA is that they are ultra-sensitive and can detect in real time. The methods that are
now used require the molecules first be labeled using fluorescents, and with nanowires this is no longer necessary. I
have studied the effects of binding biotin to the nanowire and hybridization with avidin. The strong binding of biotin
to avidin can then be used to form a base on which detector molecules can be attached. A better understanding of the
properties of the biotin-avidin base will help to build better biosensors.
Project Mentor: Xuan Gao, Physics Department
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Statistical Methods for Malaria Allele Calling
Michael Steward, Department of Mathematics; David Kent, Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science;
Dr. Peter Thomas, Departments of Mathematics, Biology, and Cognitive Science; and Dr. Peter Zimmerman, Center
for Global Health and Disease
Malaria causes a significant number of deaths throughout the world. Treatment of malaria has been
hampered by the evolution of drug-resistant mutant strains, which are difficult to distinguish via conventional
microscopy. A new detection technique, the Fluorescent Microsphere Assay (FMA), has been developed to
distinguish these mutants from the drug-sensitive wild-type. We have developed a process to draw the distinction
between these strains from fluorescence data. First we transform Cartesian data into polar coordinates to assess the
total fluorescence and ratio of fluorescences. Using various statistical methods, we then approximate the underlying
distributions from which the data were drawn.
Before we calculate the distributions for each strain of malaria, we need to decide which samples are
infected. To determine the threshold between the infected and uninfected samples, we fit a distribution consisting of
a truncated normal distribution and a nonparametric distribution to the radius data. The parameters for the truncated
normal are determined by minimizing the area shared between the distributions describing the infected and
uninfected populations. We then find the threshold between the uninfected and infected samples.
To find the thresholds between single and double infections, we fit two transformed normal distributions
and a uniform distribution to the angle data. The parameters for these distributions are found through maximum
likelihood estimation. Once the distributions have been determined, the thresholds between samples infected with
one allele of malaria and those infected with both alleles are determined. This segmentation of FMA data can allow
evaluation of drug effectiveness and teach us how mutations are distributed in the sample.
Project Mentor: Professor Peter Thomas – Departments of Mathematics, Biology, and Cognitive Science
Measuring the Density of Bone
Kyle Strodtbeck, Department of Physics
Density is a fundamental property of condensed matter and some recent work suggests that there
may be a direct relationship between it and magnetic susceptibility for biological materials. Magnetic
susceptibility may therefore provide a method to image the density of the human body, which would be
of considerable value in medical diagnostics. However, checking this relationship requires measuring the in-vitro
density of biological samples. Because of their porous structure, inhomogeneity, and restricted lifetime, this is a
challenging task. The present investigation is focused on bone, which offers the most stable biological material for
physical measurements. In preliminary studies, using the standard water immersion method, it has been found that
changes in density of several percent can occur on immersing bone samples in water. Furthermore, these changes are
not a monotonic function of immersion time, presumably reflecting a complex interplay between the diffusion of
water into the sample. Bone samples were collected, for a variety of different species, and a specially designed
container was utilized to accurately determine their density at room temperature. Careful attention was paid to
reproducibility and experimental uncertainties. The non-monotonic behavior mentioned was studied between species
and it is our conclusion that these changes do not fit a simple pattern.
Faculty Mentor: David Farrell, PhD, Department of Physics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Multiplying Interaction
On a notion of perception and understanding in the age of interrelation
David Johannes Stute, Philosophy Department
Whereas the second half of the 20th century saw a fierce rivalry between two political theories, the rise of
globalizing markets in the past twenty years has brought up new questions concerning the proper
systemic and governmental framework in the new age of interrelation. Old conceptions of the body politic and its
public sphere seem to be inadequate to accommodate and perpetuate the new structures arising out of economic
relations and interdependence. At the same time, challenges of universal scope, such as global warming, lack of
resources, and global injustice caused by joint policy, continue to gain prominence while old problems remain
unsolved. All this leaves little doubt that cooperation is necessary, requiring new systemic-political approaches to
accommodate an evolving reality. In my thesis I attempt to apply Jürgen Habermas’ theory of communicative reason
to these circumstances, thus reconstructing a notion of the public sphere in its original role as a counterweight to
economic and institutional interests. While Habermas limits himself to an interpretation of public spheres within a
liberal modern democracy, my goal is to analyze its nature among multiple states and their constituencies.
Technology and modern lifestyles have contributed to an exchange of ideas between diverse actors, which bears the
potential to constitute multinational spheres of interest. These developments will be discussed so as to provide one
plausible prediction of its outcomes based upon common communicative denominators across state borders.
Project mentor: Prof. Dr. Laura Hengehold, Philosophy Department
Sustainable Eating in Cleveland
Mariya Topolyanskaya, Environmental Studies, Natural Sciences, Psychology B.A
This project was inspired by the book “Plenty” which encompasses the year-long attempt of two
journalists living in Vancouver to eat food exclusively from a 100-mile radius of their home.
Research entailed shopping for local (that is, from the state of Ohio) food ingredients and cooking three full
meals a week. Food purchasing decisions were also based on ethical and ecological consideration. Purchasing was
focused on supermarkets, farmers’ markets, farms, and Community Supported Agriculture programs in the
Cleveland area. Project also included literature research on what sustainable food is, and issues surrounding this
kind of eating. An informal blog was also used to supplement investigation.
Convenience of purchasing was looked at, including time spent driving and distance traveled to purchasing
location, as well as costs of local as opposed to non-local food. Data was divided into products that were measured
on a cost per pound (mass measure) and cost per pint (volume measure) basis. Local food was found to be more
expensive than non-local when looking at mass measures (p=.0041), but not significantly more expensive when
looking at volume measures (p=.6517), suggesting that overall, local food is more expensive at times, but other
times comparable in price to non local food. Further research could be conducted to determine if there are certain
types of local food that are cheaper.
Project Mentors:
Peter McCall, Director, Environmental Studies Program; Professor, Benthic ecology, Paleoecology
John Ruhl, Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Mano Singham, Director University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education (UCITE)
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Development of a Protocol to Establish Whether Crayfish Develop
Preference for Ethanol Consumption and Addiction
Colleen Vadia, Biology; Debra Wood, Department of Biology
Animals of many different species become addicted to rewarding substances. Vertebrates are
most often used to study ethanol consumption and addiction. However, invertebrate animals demonstrate
addictive behavioral responses as the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying addiction in mammals are also
found in invertebrates. Studies show that the fruit fly, Drosophila, is averse to ethanol odor but can develop a
preference for its consumption, demonstrating a hallmark for addictive behavior. Other invertebrate models, such as
crayfish, offer advantages for study: their nervous systems have fewer neurons than vertebrates and their neurons are
identifiable, larger, and more accessible than flies. It is unknown whether crayfish can become addicted to ethanol;
however, crayfish develop morphine addiction. My goal is to develop methods for testing whether crayfish exhibit
ethanol addiction. We are assaying ethanol consumption, antennal flicking (sniffing) and locomotion to determine
whether crayfish are attracted, indifference, or averse to ethanol odor. We found crayfish will consume ethanolsoaked food. If crayfish avoid ethanol odor alone, this suggests that crayfish overcome the odor aversion to consume
ethanol-food, exhibiting a feature of addictive behavior. Addictive stimuli require more time for extinction of
learned preferences than non-addictive rewards. If the crayfish are averse or indifferent to ethanol odor, we will use
a conditioned-place preference test to determine if they develop ethanol-food preference and the relative time
needed for response extinction after ethanol is withdrawn. If ethanol odor is attractive, then we will use an aversive
stimulus paired with ethanol-food to determine whether ethanol preference is acquired, and extinguished.
Project Mentor: Dr. Debra Wood, Department of Biology
The effects of HIF and Notch signaling during vascular development
Stephanie Velloze, Department of Biology
The development of the cardiovascular system is regulated by responses to low O2 tension
(hypoxia). In response to hypoxic conditions, hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) acts as a heterodimeric
transcription factor consisting of HIF-1α and HIF-1β subunits. Our laboratory has shown that HIF
promotes the emergence and differentiation of endothelial cells (ECs) in response to hypoxia. Another signaling
pathway thought to be involved is Notch. Notch is important in controlling cell fate, and there is indication that it is
involved in early cardiovascular progenitor specification. Activation of Notch receptors occurs through direct
contact to a ligand-containing cell, resulting in cleavage of an intracellular form (NICD) that acts as a transcription
factor. Importantly, the HIF-1α subunit interacts with and stabilizes NICD. This project is concerned with
elucidating how interactions between Notch and HIF affect early vascular development. We hypothesize that Notch
will delay the hypoxic induction of EC differentiation. This was analyzed using an embryonic stem cell
differentiation assay where the release of NICD was pharmacologically blocked in wild-type and HIF-deficient cells
cultured under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Changes in cell differentiation were detected by measuring the
expression of EC markers CD31, Flk-1, and Flt-1. Analysis of day 3 and 5 cultures showed Flk-1 expression was
delayed when Notch was inhibited. Differences were also observed between day 5 wild-type and HIF-deficient
cultures, indicating that Notch and HIF signaling pathways interact during vascular development. Analysis of CD31
and Flt-1 expression in day 3 and 5 cultures, and of day 7 and 9 cultures is underway.
Project Mentor: Diana Ramirez-Bergeron, Case Cardiovascular Research Institute
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Synthesis and Properties of Benzoxazine Functional Cellulose via Click Chemistry
Kevin Vietmeier, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering; Dr. Tarek Agag, Department of
Macromolecular Science and Engineering; Dr. Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular Science and
Benzoxazine is a novel engineering resin with extremely high thermal and mechanical properties. Benzoxazine
is also simple and relatively inexpensive to synthesize, and it is extremely flexible in design, which allows it to be
combined with a multitude of other polymers. The goal of this research is to create a bio-based copolymer between
benzoxazine and cellulose. By using cellulose, which is the most abundant natural resource, the cost of producing
this engineering polymer is greatly reduced, as is the amount of environmentally harmful reactants required.
Monofunctional 3-acetylene benzoxazine has been combined for the first time with cellulose on a molecular level.
The increased available surface area for coupling between benzoxazine and cellulose will increase the synergy
between the two materials, resulting in a final product with excellent thermal and mechanical properties. The
structure of the benzoxazine was confirmed by 1H NMR. Cellulose then underwent tosylation and then
azidification, and this material was used in the reaction with the benzoxazine. The compound was then studied
using infra-red spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and thermogravimetric analysis. The coupled
monomer was confirmed using these techniques, and it was then polymerized via heat. Further research will be
performed to determine the thermal and mechanical properties of this novel copolymer.
Project Mentor: Dr. Tarek Agag, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Conduit of ATP release in Astrocytes
B. Corbett Walsh, Department of Physics
Cell volume regulation is of particular physiologic importance in neural tissues due to the adverse effects
of even small changes in brain volume. In the brain, extracellular ATP acts as an autocrine / paracrine
signaling molecule and participates in volume regulation by activating a family of P2 receptors. While
significant advances have been made regarding the signaling controlling ATP release, the actual conduits for the
export of ATP have not been clearly defined. Investigations of ATP release from astrocytes have identified several
ubiquitously expressed large channels as candidate conduits for ATP release; non-junctional “gap-junction
hemichannels” comprised of connexin or pannexin subunits, volume sensitive organic anion channels, and Maxianion channels. ATP Assay and transfection using 1321N1 Human Astrocytoma and C6 Rat Glioma are currently
underway to determine which conduit is responsible for releasing ATP within astrocytes.
Project Mentor: Professor George Dubyak, Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Human Somatic Cell Gene Knockout of Rpb1
John Weaver, Department of Biology; Dr. Guangbin Luo, Department of Genetics; and Tao Chen,
Department of Genetics
In this project I will be studying α-amanitin, a type of mushroom toxin, that when ingested by
human cells it binds tightly to the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II known as the Rpb1 subunit.
This inevitably leads to death of the cells. In order to make human cells resistant to α-amanitin, both copies of the
Rpb1 must be knocked out resulting in subunits that do not facilitate the binding of α-amanitin to RNA polymerase
II. Because human cells are diploid, both copies of the Rpb1 gene must be knocked out in order to completely
ensure that the Rpb1 gene is no longer functioning properly. We will begin by knocking out the first copy of the
Rpb1 gene similar to the way in which the gene would be knocked out in the haploid organism yeast. This knockout
will be carried out by first creating two homology arms. The primer designed for these homology arms was made in
a way that if recombined with human DNA will cause a frameshift mutation in exon 3 and exon 4. The primers for
these homology arms were amplified using PCR and then they were introduced into a target vector. The vector used
was a Paav-lox P-Neo vector that contained a Neomycin gene containing both the EM7 promoter and PGK
promoter. An AAV virus will then be created and will later be used to infect human cells. The human cells
subjected to the AAV virus will then be screened to determine which cells were infected and as a result are now
heterozygous for the Rpb1 gene. At this point the human cells that have been infected by the AAV virus resulting in
an Rpb1 gene knockout will be subjected to chemical mutagenesis. Following this the cells will be tested to see if
any have become resistant to the toxin α-amanitin. If this is the case then we can come to the conclusion that both
copies of the Rpb1 genes in these resistant cells have been mutated. We can then use RT-PCR-amplification to
amplify the Rpb1 gene in the form of cDNA. From here we can analyze the DNA and determine the exact mutation
that took place that conferred resistance to the cells in question. From this project we can then extend our research
to studying other implications of Rpb1 knockouts. For example we can later study the interactions between Rpb1
and Recq5 and their effects on cancer therapy.
Project Mentor: Dr. Guangbin Lou, Department of Genetics
Nanocomposites of Healable Supramolecular Systems
Brandon Wenning, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering and Department of Chemistry; Justin
Fox, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Forming nanocomposites of commercial polymeric materials has been shown to dramatically increase the
mechanical properties of such material systems. Cellulose fibers with a high aspect ratio blended into a polymer
matrix begin to dramatically strengthen a material above a certain concentration where the whiskers are able to
percolate across the sample. This project seeks to use these high aspect ratio fillers to strengthen and toughen a new
class of supramolecular materials which are designed to exhibit crack-healing properties. These high performance
materials utilize non-covalent bonds including hydrogen-bonding and π-π stacking to form dynamic networks which
give the materials their strength and advanced properties. The materials consist of low molecular weight soft
polymeric material as the core, in this study poly(tetrahydrofuran) was used. The polymer is then end-capped with a
three-ring aramid, which exhibits very strong intermolecular interactions and can also phase segregate from the
polymeric core. These materials are highly thermally responsive, allowing the networks to dissociate above a
healing temperature such that they can reform without compromising mechanical integrity. Mechanical testing of
these materials seeks to show that forming nanocomposites of these materials can increase the strength by an order
of magnitude, without sacrificing the ability to crack heal nor the material strength after the healing process.
Project Mentor: Dr. Stuart Rowan, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Creating a hybrid wheel to wheel-leg system for use in search and rescue missions
Anthony White, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Dr. Roger Quinn, Department of Mechanical
Engineering; and Dr. Richard Bachmann, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Wheel-legs are a mechanical device used by specifically designed robots (Whegs) to traverse rough terrain.
Each wheel-leg is essentially a multi-spoke wheel without a rim. After many years of development and a further
understanding of Whegs locomotion, wheel-legs have proven to be less-than-optimal at travel over hard, smooth
surfaces. To counteract this problem a new system, wheels2-legs, is currently being developed. The system will
utilize two wheel-legs stacked on a single axle. On rough terrain, the two wheel-legs would be “in phase”, and act as
a single wheel-leg. For locomotion over smooth, hard surfaces, the user should be able to activate a system that
causes one wheel-leg on each axle to rotate with respect to the other wheel-leg on that axle. By rotating fully out of
phase, the two wheel-legs will cover the enter circumference of the rim, thus creating a “wheel”. This research
pertains specifically to creating the wheel-leg itself. In the past, wheel-legs were created from solid pieces of plastic
or aluminum. Wheel2-leg calls for a wheel-leg that has a large volume, which rules out aluminum and plastic,
because of weight issues. In the end a carbon fiber product is most desirable. However, carbon fiber cannot be
simply shaped into a specific form, molds must be utilized. For the core mold, balsa wood with aluminum structural
supports was chosen as a filler material. Balsa proved to be extremely light and the aluminum allowed the mold to
withstand the vacuum bagging process. Currently the process is extremely time consuming and relatively difficult.
Efforts in creating a more streamlined process are underway.
Project Mentor: Dr. Richard Bachmann, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Surface Modification of Diamond Films to Develop Selective Biosensors
Erica Wieser, Department of Chemical Engineering
Diamond electrodes have been discovered to be viable alternatives to metal electrode sensors in sensitivity and
resolution. Attaching a functional molecule to the diamond surface creates an electrode capable of sensing specific
neurotransmitting chemicals such as adenosine and dopamine. This research describes the first steps towards
creating an electrode that could potentially, indirectly sense acetylcholine, which is not electrochemically active.
First, diamond electrodes are grown in a hot filament vapor deposition reactor. Phenylenediamine is then reacted
with sodium nitrite and electrochemically reduced with cyclic voltammetry to form an aminophenyl free radical,
which attaches to the surface of the diamond film. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), a method for surface
and near surface analysis of chemical composition, can be used to determine whether nitrogen bonds (nitrogen 1s,
400 eV) are present at the diamond before and after cyclic voltammetry. If nitrogen appears after the cyclic
voltammetry, then the attachment of the aminophenyl molecule is supported. When XPS was performed, it did
indicate a raised nitrogen surface level, which could signify a successful attachment of the intermediate functional
molecule. The next step in the research would be to attach an enzymatic sensing molecule to the aminophenyl group
that would react directly with acetylcholine.
Project Mentor: Professor Heidi Martin, Department of Chemical Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Constraining Inelastic Dark Matter with X-Rays
Alexander Wijangco, Department of Physics
Dark matter is a generic term for an exotic class of particles that might explain the observed
gravitational movements of stars and galaxies. However, despite the best efforts of several experiments,
dark matter particles have eluded direct detection. There have been experiments attempting to indirectly
detect these Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), but the results of these experiments are inconsistent
with the traditional notions of dark matter scattering. To accommodate this data, inelastic models of dark matter
have been proposed as new theory for dark matter. This research concerns itself with the inelastic model used to
explain the results of a particular indirect detection result: the DAMA signal. If these models are correct, then there
should exist other detectable evidence for these particles from the byproducts, principally X-Rays, of excited dark
matter decays. This research examine the theoretical signal one would see off massive gravitational bodies and
whether this signal falls within the realm of what can be experimentally verified.
Project Mentor: Professor Glenn Starkman, Department of Physics
Effect of Pluronic Copolymers on Lipid Bubble Size and Stability
Robin Wilson, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Tianyi Krupka, Departments of Biomedical Engineering
and Radiology; Luis Solorio, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Hanping Wu, Department of Radiology; Nami
Azar, Department of Radiology; and Agata Exner, Department of Radiology.
Ultrasound contrast agents (UCA), gas-filled bubbles stabilized by lipid, protein, or polymer shells, have typically
been used to improve ultrasound (US) imaging capabilities. Recently, UCAs have been researched for another
application –US-mediated drug delivery. In order to use these bubbles for effective tumor treatment, they must have
diameters less than 300 nm, so that they can escape the tumor vasculature and deliver drug at the target cells. To
reduce bubble size, we propose adding Pluronic, a triblock copolymer surfactant, to the bubble formulation. We
have studied six different Pluronics, ranging in molecular weight and hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB).
Through these studies, we have shown a dependence of bubble size on Pluronic concentration, molecular weight,
and HLB. Being able to manipulate bubble size through these simple relationships gives us a novel method for
producing nanobubbles.
Project Mentor: Professor Agata Exner, Department of Radiology
The Effect of Smoking on Corneal Inflammatory Event Development in
Continuous Wear Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens Wearers
Kathryn Woeste, Department of Biology; Dr. Loretta Szczotka-Flynn, Department of Ophthalmology
& Visual Sciences
Silicone hydrogel contact lenses offer the benefit of enhanced oxygen permeability, but a continuous
wear (CW) modality can present clinical complications for the patient. Corneal inflammatory events (CIEs),
characterized by infiltration of white blood cells in the cornea, were investigated in this study. Research was
undertaken to determine if smoking is a significant risk factor for development of CIEs among CW silicone
hydrogel lens wearers. Patients enrolled in the Longitudinal Analysis of Silicone Hydrogel (LASH) Contact Lens
study were followed over the course of one year, receiving examinations after 1 week daily wear, and 1, 4, 8, and 12
months of continuous wear. During these visits, patients were assessed for development of CIEs. The role of
corneal staining, tear inflammation and microbiology of lenses were examined in evaluating CIE development
among smokers. Additional factors such as gender, age, dry eye symptoms, meibomian gland dysfunction, and
blepharitis were looked at to determine their significance in CIE etiology.
Project Mentor: Professor Radhika Atit, Department of Biology
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Association of Self-Esteem, Depression, Stress, Personality, and Academic Achievement on
Division-III Student-Athletes
Andrea A. Wojtowicz, Department of Psychology
This study investigated the association of being a varsity athlete at Case Western Reserve University and
academic performance. The sample included 74 undergraduate students. The study group consisted of
37 varsity athletes from the women’s soccer, women’s volleyball, and football teams. The control group was 37
psychology 101 students that used their participation in the study as required research credit. Each participant
completed an online survey including demographics, self-assessment of academic abilities, an activities list
including the number of hours spent in university sponsored activity per week, Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale,
Gadzella’s student-life stress inventory, the Big Five Personality inventory, and the Beck Depression inventory. In
the analyses of the Gadzella’s, the Big Five Personality inventory, and GPA no significance was found between the
athletes and non-athletes. Significant results were only found on Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale, while the Beck
Depression Inventory showed a trend toward significance.
Project Mentor: Professor Amy Przeworski, Department of Psychology
Hemostatically Active Liposomes as Synthetic Platelet Substitutes
Timothy Wong, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Madhumitha Ravikumar, Department of Biomedical
Engineering; and Anirban Sen Gupta, PhD, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Platelet transfusion plays a major role in the treatment of thrombocytopenia in patients with hematologic
and oncologic platelet disorders. The clinically used transfusion therapies with allogenic platelet concentrates suffer
from biologic infections, febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reactions, alloimmunization-induced refractoriness, and
possibility of transfusion-associated immunosuppression. Moreover, the complex platelet-harvesting, processing,
and storage methods are expensive, and the short shelf-life (5-7 days) of platelet concentrates result in severe
shortages in supply. Hence, there is a significant clinical interest in designing a synthetic platelet substitute that can
mimic hemostatic functionalities of platelets, while providing advantages of large-scale preparation, reproducible
quality, long storage life, and absence of biologic infections. The two most important hemostatic functions of
platelets are to form (1) a stable adhesion to specific matrix proteins (collagen and vWf) under physiological shear
and (2) to aggregate via fibrinogen-mediated platelet bridging. Both functions require unique synergistic ligandreceptor interactions, and mimicking these interactions on a liposome platform provides a way to develop a synthetic
platelet substitute. With this rationale, we have developed liposomes surface-modified with a fibrinogen-mimetic
RGD peptide, having specificity to platelet integrin GPIIb-IIIa, and a GPIbα protein fragment having specificity to
vWf. In-vitro studies were performed using fluorescently-labeled RGD-liposomes and GPIbα-liposomes under static
and dynamic conditions, to test their binding to activated platelets and vWf-coated surfaces respectively.
Furthermore, we have integrated these functionalities on a single liposome to study liposome-mediated aggregation
of activated platelets on vWf-coated surfaces under shear. We envision that these hemostatically active liposomes
can be effective in treating thrombocytopenia.
Project Mentor: Anirban Sen Gupta, PhD, Biomedical Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Study of the effect of organic cationic salts on the polymerization of benzoxazine monomer and properties of
their polybenzoxazines
Yuren Xie, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tarek Agag, Department of Macromolecular Science and
Engineering, Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
The influence of various epoxide group-functional organic phosphonium and ammonium cations on the
ring opening polymerization of the standard bisphenol/aniline type benzoxazine monomer (BA-a) had been used.
For comparison, the effect various amines, phenols, acids on the ring opening polymerization of BA-a have also
been studied. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the polymerization behavior catalyzed BAa monomer, following the exothermic polymerization peak. Phosphonium salts were the most successful since
before the addition of epoxy, it brought the polymerization temperature of BA-a down to 210 from 235oC. The
phosphonium salt containing an epoxide group was observed to bring the curing temperature down to 218 from
235oC, however increasing the amount of salt added can further bring the temperature down without compromising
the thermal properties of the polymer, making this salt a dual functional catalyst.
Project Mentor: Professor Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Modeling the Tensile Fracture Behavior of Metallic Glasses
Alexander J. Zaddach, Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Lisa A. Deibler, Department of
Materials Science and Engineering; John J. Lewandowski, Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
It is believed that the tensile fracture of metallic glasses is a result of the formation of a thin band of low
viscosity material caused by high localized shear while the material around the band remains solid. This forms a
distinctive vein-like fracture surface. The mechanism has been modeled using a thin layer of grease between parallel
plates. By using greases of different viscosities, varying the viscosity of the outside medium through immersion in
liquids and temperature change, and measuring the size of the vein-like features after pulling the plates apart in
tension, a relationship can be found between the ratio of the viscosities and the feature size. This relationship could
then be used to estimate the viscosity in the shear band during fracture by measuring the feature size on the fracture
surface. Additionally, the viscoelastic properties of some metallic glass ribbons have been studied using dynamic
mechanical analysis.
Project Mentor: John J. Lewandowski, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Reflectivity Measurements of Critical Materials for the LUX Dark Matter Experiment
Sander Zandbergen, Department of Physics
The key component of the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) detector is measuring scintillation light
from liquid xenon in order to detect particle dark matter in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive
Particles(WIMPs). Optimal performance requires highly efficient transportation of photons to the
photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), so all other materials must be highly reflective. The two prime materials are a large
surface of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and some metal for electric field producing grids. I will use the group’s
prototype liquid xenon detector in situ, with liquid xenon scintillation light at a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV)
wavelength of 175 nm, to take measurements from samples of several critical LUX components. These
measurements will be compared to a light collection Monte Carlo simulation, and reflectivity values will be
extracted. This will allow for proper selection of materials and full understanding of LUX light collection.
Project Adviser: Professor Thomas Shutt, Department of Physics
A Novel Method To Facilitate the Polymerization of Polybenzoxazine
Syed Zulqadar, Department of Macromolecular Engineering; Tarek Agag, Department of Macromolecular Science
and Engineering; Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
This research will directly impact society by making a class of exceptionally useful materials, made up of the
polymer benzoxazine, more commercially available by reducing its production costs by way of lowering the intense
temperatures currently needed for its manufacture. This project consists of manipulating the monomer used to
create polybenzoxazine to yield lower temperatures at which one can polymerize polybenzoxazine. Lowering the
temperature at which a ring opening for polymerization occurs is the major challenge of this project. The
manipulation mainly consists of changing the positions of the amide group (NH) within the two different types of
monomers, c-amide bifunctional benzoxazine and n-amide bifunctional benzoxazine. The n-amide structure has
yielded a significant drop in the temperature for the onset of exotherm (temperature at which a ring-opening for
polymerization occurs). In the case of c-amide structure, the position of the amide group is shifted so that it is not
attached to the benzene ring containing the hydroxyl group, and this change has yielded an even further decrease in
the onset of exotherm. Thus this research shows extreme promise in the possible creation of an entirely new class of
extremely eco-friendly polymers which can be used for a myriad of commercial purposes.
Project Mentor: Tarek Agag, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
The Celebration of Student Writing, a centerpiece of the University’s Writing
Week, showcases undergraduate student writing projects. The Celebration
encourages students to re-present and display their research and writing in formats
other than conventional word-processed letters and lines on the printed page. Some
students create video projects; others produce poster presentations or read aloud
portions of their writing; still others design models or digital illustrations that
present their writing projects in new media.
The Center for the Study of Writing, established in 2008 to facilitate research
and scholarship on writing at the University and in the world, serves three distinct
but interrelated roles at the University: to support writing and research by resident
and visiting students and scholars; to facilitate exciting new courses and curricula
on writing; and to provide an array of practical writing and publishing support
services to the University and University Circle communities. For more
information, see
Writing Week and the Center for the Study of Writing are supported by generous
gifts from Marilyn McCulloch (FSM ’50); from Edward S. Sadar, M.D. (ADL ’64,
SOM ’68) and Melinda Melton Sadar (FSM ’66); from Sharon Schnall (MBA '87)
and Dr. R. Drew Sellers (EMBA '08); from Eric Winter, M.D. (CWR '98, GRS '91,
MD '98); from Jackson McHenry (ADL '52); and from an anonymous donor. The
Celebration of Student Writing is also supported by SAGES and the Department of
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Between Doctors and Patients: Literature and Medicine
Anne Ryan, Course Instructor (USSY 287A)
Students: Nirmal Bhakta, Tim Darlington, Lediana Goduni, Chelsea Lasky, Kara Monnin, Amanda
Our seminar has examined nineteenth and twentieth-century literature written by and about doctors, nurses, and
patients, including works by Louisa May Alcott, Jean Dominique Bauby, George Eliot, Atul Gawande, Charlotte
Perkins Gilman, Rachel Naomi Remen, Abraham Verghese, and William Carlos Williams. In particular, we’ve
focused on historical changes in the relationships between doctors and patients. We’ve also found that literature
about medicine unmasks the deep emotional responses that often go unexplored in the daily grind of scientific
education, research and medical work, and it provides an excellent context for discussing ethical issues faced by
doctors and patients such as the meaning of suffering, death and dying, medical authority and responsibility, the
rights of society’s most vulnerable members, professional detachment and compassion, and what to do in the face of
uncertainty or failure. We plan to display posters that represent the results of some of our research into the
fascinating intersections between literature and medicine.
Case Reserve Review
Representative: John Rooney
Our Mission
To provide a forum whose contents shall be original poetry, prose, and other forms of creative writing, as well as
original photography, by all undergraduate and graduate students of Case Western Reserve University, the
Cleveland Institute of Art, the Cleveland Institute of Music, and any undergraduate student currently attending an
institution of higher learning in the United States of America.
About Us
The CRR is entirely student-run, although we are lucky to have Sarah Gridley, poet and professor at CWRU, as a
faculty advisor. The CRR is a member organization of CWRU’s Student Media Board.
What We Do
We encourage creative expression at CWRU by producing at least two book-styles issues containing creative writing
and photography each year (that’s one per semester). Prizes are awarded for exceptional work in poetry, prose, and
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Chance Poetics
Representatives: Sarah Gridley and Annie Pécastaings
This table will conduct 3 activities, all of which invite on-site student participation: an Exquisite Corpse
collaborative poem; a Magnetic Poetry collaborative poem; and a collaborative “Erasure” poem performed on a
selection from Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself.” Students are invited to stop by the table and engage in one, two,
or all of the experiments.
Chance poetics and collaborative poetics both partake of a long history in poetic counterculture: surrealists created
the poetic “game” of Exquisite Corpse in the early 20th century to encourage playful, associative composition, and it
received an enthusiastic renaissance among Beat poets in the sixties. Whereas Exquisite Corpse operates through an
additive process (writers contribute a new line to the “body” of a long poem, seeing only the line directly preceding
the new contribution), Erasure Poetics operates through the process of subtraction: poets begin with a completed,
published (often canonical) text, and “erase” word after word until a new poem emerges from its re-negotiated
“depths.” Contemporary works of erasure poetics will be on hand for inspiration (e.g. Ronald Johnson’s radi os (an
erasure performed on the first four books of Milton’s “Paradise Lost”) and Jen Bervin’s Nets (erasure performed on
Shakespeare’s sonnets).
The Chance Poetics Table invites students with an experimental spirit to come make poetry through the combined
influences of chance and collaboration. Readings of each will take place at conclusion of experiments.
Colors, Capes and Characters
Brad Ricca, Course Instructor (USSY 275)
Students: Shannon Harkin, Elizabeth Johnston, Tesia Meade, Matthew Napfel, Tracy O’Brien, Johnny
Why We Write About Comics
Superman. Wonder Woman. Batman. Power Girl? Is there really a course on comic books at Case Western
Reserve University? Maybe you’ve heard about it and always wondered what it was like. What do they read?
What do they write? And it’s GOT to be easy, right? Join us at our table to find out how a silly little comic book
can be an incredibly interesting, provocative, and oftentimes hilarious (and disturbing) place to think about how we
often view (and imagine) ourselves and others in popular culture. Look at panels, comics, slides, and papers as we
share with you our findings of what indeed you can learn from comic books.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Common Reading Selection Committee
Representative: Mayo Bulloch
CWRU’s Common Reading Program
The Common Reading Program was started in 2002 for first-year students. For the past nine years, new
undergraduate students have been given a common reading assignment during the summer. The assigned book then
serves as a basis for programs and discussions beginning at orientation and continuing through the fall semester.
The Common Reading Program at Case also includes an essay contest about the assigned reading. Last year,
winners received $300 gift certificates from the University Bookstore sponsored by the Baker-Nord Center for the
Humanities. Winners also have dinner with the author.
This year's Common Reading Bottlemania by Elizabeth Royte will introduce the Year of Water. Over the summer,
all new undergraduates will receive a copy of Bottlemania, and discussions about the book will begin during
Orientation Welcome Days. Elizabeth Royte will then be the keynote speaker during the first week of classes at the
University Fall Convocation, Wednesday, August 25.
The Year of Water will promote events and programs focusing on issues such as the bottling of water and recycling
of plastic bottles, water quality, the wise use of water, watershed planning and management, water conservation,
storm water run-off, the politics and ethics of a scarce resource, and other related topics.
Crime and Punishment in German Literature and Film
Mary Beth Wetli, Course Instructor (USSY 285R)
Student Participants: Megan Witzke, Sage Schaff, Brittany Lavanty, and Dan Levine
How we determine what constitutes a crime? How is the violation of the law different from or similar to
transgressions of morality or ethical norms? What constitutes just punishment? In what ways is punishment an
insufficient answer to crime? What if regimes themselves are criminal? How societies define violations of the legal
code is related to a web of interconnected considerations including the form of government, social mores, evolving
conceptions of justice, the purpose of punishment, and attitudes toward individual criminals and criminality in
general. This course has explored these questions in German literature, film, and philosophy from the eighteenthcentury through the present against the backdrop of monarchy, democracy, occupation, fascism and communism.
Our survey of literary works and films has paid particular attention to the ways in which criminal transgression is
defined, when and why punishment is necessary, and the degree to which these resolutions are “just.” As a result,
students have developed an appreciation for the social, political, and historical context in which these questions are
For the Celebration of Student Writing, the students have chosen to make a film of one of the scenes from Heinrich
von Kleist’s novella Michael Kohlhaas, to illuminate some of the questions this text raises about the nature of justice
and its role in society. Four students will be on hand to screen it for others.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Cross-Cultural Research and Cross-Cultural Composing: Bilingual Writers at Case Western Reserve
Jessica Gerard, Course Instructor (FSCS 150)
Students: Gongxia Chen, Yi (Tracy) Chen, Xuejing (Jenny) Wang, Xuhui (Terry) Chen, Shanshuai Sun, Ding
Wang, Tianxin Luo, Anni Li, Wenyu Chen, and Kan Jia
This presentation will showcase the individual and collaborative research and documentation efforts from two
SAGES seminars focusing on cross-cultural communication. The students in this class, who are bilingual (and in
some cases, multilingual) writers, will present on their original research in the area of cross-cultural communication.
In this SAGES seminar on Cross-Cultural Communication, students completed pilot studies in which they
formulated socially relevant research questions in the area of cross-cultural communication, collected data via
questionnaires, surveys, and interviews, and then analyzed and wrote up their results in a 3-4 page report. Topics
include cultural differences with regard to academic integrity, cross-cultural perceptions of classroom participation,
and cross-cultural perceptions of humor.
The Future of Food
Mary Holmes, Course Instructor (USNA 252)
Students: Scott Becka, Sammy Sarett, Faezeh Ghassemi, Phil Young, Rachel Wagner, Mark Ilhan
Since World War II, science and technology has transformed the way Americans produce and consume food. This
transformation has been supported by government policies and accomplished through the application of industrial
methods in agriculture, food processing, and food delivery. Such methods have allowed a tiny fraction of the
American population to produce vast quantities of food products at very low prices for American consumers. But
this American diet, while inexpensive, has turned out to be high in sugar, fat, and processed grains that are
contributing to chronic disease such as diabetes and obesity. In addition environmental impacts of confined animal
feeding operations, vast monoculture grain production, and global food transport are raising questions about the
sustainability of American agribusiness. This seminar has explored the evolution of food production in the United
States since World War II and has asked these question: Is it possible to nourish the world's population using
nutrition and flavor as guiding principals rather that cost? What is the true meaning of "sustainability" in
agriculture? The last third of the course was devoted to exploring the idea of restoring some farming to the
University Farm. We examined the growing trend at colleges and universities across the county of establishing
student run, sustainable farms for educational, outreach, and research purposes.
Heroes and Hustlers in Latin Literature
Timothy Wutrich, Course Instructor (CLSC/WLIT 204)
Students: C.J. Dunlap, Allison Early, Ryan Hohman, Adam Kozak, John Rooney, Peter Schiraldi, Eritt
This class surveys Latin literature. Students read the comedies of Plautus, Caesar’s commentaries, Cicero’s
speeches, Vergil’s epic, Tacitus’s history, Augustine’s spiritual works, and the lyric poetry of Catullus, Horace, and
Ovid. In the assignment showcased here, students, who had just read the Odes of Horace, were asked to write a
poem in the style of Horace. They were invited to imagine how Horace, writing today, might have handled tone and
meter, length and topic in composing a poem.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Can They Drive Cleveland’s Economy Once Again?
Michael Goldberg & Annie Pécastaings, Course Instructors (USSO 286P)
Students: Buxbaum, Andrew; Galiano, Josette; Gilbert, Kelsey; Kang, Chang Won; Koepka, Ryan; Kwass,
Daniel; Li, Zhipeng ;Luong, Quyen; Mhanna, Christiane; Nardone, Samantha ; Nassif, Alexander; Okoye,
Chimadika ; Pearlman, Isaac; Pentz, Andrew; Pomerantz, Jeremy ; Shivers, Luke
This seminar focuses on the impact of immigrant entrepreneurs in Cleveland, and asks whether Cleveland should
proactively recruit foreign talent to rebuild its economy and spur a demographic growth. At the Celebration, the
students’ work will showcase the rich mosaic of diverse cultures that make up Cleveland’s immigrant community;
students will also evaluate policies and projects—such as the creation of an Immigrant Welcome Center – designed
to put Cleveland on the road to economic success.
Introduction to Chemistry
Mike Kenney, Course Instructor (CHEM 106)
Chemistry is a visual science. Students in CHEM 106 are using a variety of multimedia techniques to communicate
science to their peers in a format that appeals to that specific audience. Videos and other multimedia presentations
will be shared.
Island Science
Mark Bassett, Course Instructor (USNA 255)
Students: Nik Bauer, Amy Cai, Roy Chiou, Matt DelBrocco, Wes Farra, Ali Hollingshead, Brandon Lavery,
Matt Loosli, Ray Moore, Yue Qi, Matt Richards, Joe Sewell, Jonathan Stone, Tiarra Thomas, Tony Vicini,
Alex Warofka, and Alex Weldon
Islands figure strongly in the Western imagination. (Think about Atlantis, Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Daniel
Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, H.G. Wells’ The Island of Dr. Moreau, or television programs like Survivor and Lost.)
This seminar has journeyed beyond the myths and legends to explore the scientific realities of island life. Besides
tourists and vacationers, who or what lives on Kelleys Island--north of Sandusky, Ohio, on the coast of Lake Erie?
How did visiting the Galapagos Islands shape Darwin's theory of natural selection? What issues are faced by U.S.
states whose geographic territories incorporate islands? What concerns about global warming are being expressed
by AOSIS (the Alliance of Small Island States)? Of "island science" in general, this seminar has pondered questions
like these: Which islands are being studied? What do scientists learn by studying islands? Readings have focused
on biogeography, biodiversity, and natural history, but we were also introduced to such fields of study as ecology,
morphology and drift, ecotourism, and conservation, and management. During the last half of the course, seminar
students each designed an independent research project focusing on the island(s) and academic disciplines that most
interest them. Our topics include Tuvalu, Madagascar, Taiwan, Hawaii, and much more! Our exhibit will feature
small posters designed by the seminar participants.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Life of the Mind
Jennifer Butler, Course Instructor (FSCC 100)
As part of their first semester on campus, first year students enroll in First Seminar. First Seminar classes have an
enrollment limit of 17 and are taught by the students’ academic advisor. Through First Seminars provide a valuable
opportunity for students to pursue academic inquiry, to learn about Case Western Reserve and its relationship with
other University Circle institutions, and to gain information from each other. First Seminars offer an intensive focus
on writing quality for all students. Students often engage in informal writing projects, formal written papers, group
projects, and oral presentations. Our presentation will highlight some of the books students have read, highlighting
some of the ideas about the mind, the academic community, and the world at large that students have explored as a
result of First Seminar.
Life of the Mind
Judit Simó, Course Instructor (FSCS 150)
Students: Xin Chen, Zhengyu Chen, Cheng Cheng, Lin Cheng, Minghao Du, Kaiwen Gao, Jing Hu, Xian
Huang, Wooyoung Jung, Weiying Kang, Yiqing Tong, Hanwen Zhang, Zeyin Zhang, Yingren Zhao, Hao
Zhou, and Zhaozhong Zhu
The course is a first seminar continuation class for first-year international students. The proposed poster displays
students’ work from the previous semester, which focused on issues in cross-cultural communication. For their
projects, students came up with their own research questions, collected data through interviews, surveys, and
observation, and finally, analyzed and wrote up the results. Papers include small-scale studies on the different
metaphorical uses of the color “red” in China and the USA, on the symbolic animals of the US and Korea,
differences in nonverbal communication, including gestures and eye-contact, between cultures and genders, and the
synchronism of verbal and nonverbal communication. Two projects explore the consequences of being educated in a
subculture different from one’s own.
Management of Chronic Illness in a Cultural Context
Tracey Hallman, Course Instructor (USSO 286V)
Student: Morgan Redenshek
Providing Prospective: Insights and Analysis of Picasso's "Bottle, Glass, and Fork"
Morgan Redenshek, a student in SAGES USSO286v, the Management of Chronic Illness in a Cultural Context, will
read from a paper written in her first semester seminar, Fall 2009. In the essay, Morgan employs her unique insight
to deconstruct a Picasso painting that she had viewed during a visit to the Cleveland Museum of Art. Morgan’s
observations and provocative vision of Picasso’s work is both illustrative and highly discerning.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Metaphors of Sports and Games
Judit Simó, Course Instructor (USSY 286X)
Students: Yi Cai, Quinn Gleisner, Samantha Lewis, Brandon Rolle, Arjun Sharma, and Yang Ye
The purpose of this course, titled “Metaphors of sports and games”, is to examine how sports and games are
metaphorically represented in language, whether in the media, biographies, or fiction. The course also touches on
the issue of how the language of sports and games is drawn on in other areas of life, most notably war, business, and
politics, just to name a few. For the display, students will assemble the findings of their research projects, which
involve the collection and analysis of data gained through surveys, interviews, observations, and text- analysis.
Perceptions and representations of several sports and games, among them football, tennis, soccer, and basketball will
be discussed.
One World Many Cultures
Susan Dominguez & Cara Byrne, Course Instructors (FSCS 150-104 and FSCS 150-105)
Students: FSCS 150-104: Wendi Cai, Jun Choi, Il Kwon Lee, Mi Ri Lee, Tony Li, Emma Lu, Ted Park, Fez
Yang, Zhong Zheng
FSCS 150-105: Linneker Carvajal, Alex Chen, Ang Duan, Mimi Guo, Tianyu Han, Reechal Jiang, Yoon Kim,
Kaola Li, Christina Min, Chris Zhang, Haidee Zhang
Case’s international students enrolled in Dr. Dominguez’s One World Many Cultures SAGES seminar will host a
Scrabble Tournament using two Scrabble tables. Members of the Case community may compete individually or with
a partner. The theme of the game is CASE ENGLISHES. “New Rules” designed by students will be posted and
prizes will be awarded for every session.
Poetry Wall
Representatives: Jessica Gerard and Sean Thomas Dougherty
Students, faculty, and staff at Case Western Reserve are invited to write a favorite verse, poem, song, or saying in
any language they wish on our “Wall of Words.” Join us in celebrating our linguistic, cultural, and artistic diversity
through words!
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Political Hype vs. Scientific Fact: Evidence, Risk, Preferences, Values and “Spin”
Susan Dominguez and Trudy E. Bell, Course Instructors (USNA 256)
Students will present abstracts of their research papers with an accompanying illustration. Topics range from
debates over nuclear and alternative energy, intellectual property, legalization of marijuana, organic foods, the diet
industry, obesity and health care, alternative energies, legal supplements for enhanced athletic performance, future
funding for NASA, the fresh water crises, global warming, cryonics, health effects of abortion, tanning salons and
cancer links.
Professional Communication for Engineers
Eve McPherson, Course Instructor (ENGL 398)
Students: Solomon Alkhasov, Keith Angelino, Jane Backus, Johnathan Barrett, Austin Bishop, Cory Breed,
Jenna Caputo, Stephen Johnson, Alex Jordan, Ben Kaufman, Daniel Levy, Michael Lyrenmann, David
McCauley, Ryan Miller, Geoff Peyton, Vikram Ramanujam, Michael Slattery, Kumiko Sano, Andy Sekely,
Drew Swartz, Jordan Welch, Diane Wisinski, Josh Wunder
Professional Communication for Engineers, English 398, introduces principles and strategies for effective
communication in both academic and workplace engineering settings. Through analysis of case studies and of
academic and professional genres, this course develops the oral and written communication skills that characterize
successful engineers. Students prepare professional documents that specifically communicate academic and
technical knowledge to diverse audiences. As part of the course, students develop individual research or product
proposals on a topic reflecting professional interests and goals. The proposal’s required contents include an abstract,
problem statement, description of proposed research, literature review, research plan, qualifications of researcher,
budget, and works cited. The proposals are then adapted to a formal oral presentation that distills the proposal’s
contents into a concise oral argument for research support or product development. For this table presentation,
students have been asked to re-imagine their work for an even wider audience by developing a flyer or brochure that
reflects the most significant contents of the proposal and places an emphasis on visual design as a means of
generating interest in their work.
SHAKESPLOITATION: The Making of a Cultural Icon
Barbara Burgess-Van Aken, Course Instructor (USSY 286S)
Students: Corey Bowen, Doug Brubaker, Nora Evett, Emily Griffin, Andrew Hale, James Hale, Candace
Martin, Gabi Matthews, Even McDowell, Julie Qiu, Michael Sayler, Ethan Smith, Ryan Stroud, Christine
Students in this University Seminar have been exploring Shakespeare reception from the seventeenth to the twentyfirst centuries applying variety of literary and cultural theories. The five segments of the exhibit include: a puppet
adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, a Marxist adapation of a Shakespeare play; a survey of the Case community about
its knowledge of Shakespeare; a display and quiz about portraits of Shakespeare, and a Shakespeare insult contest
(with prizes!).
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society of Case)
Representative: John Rooney
Sigma Tau Delta is the official English Honor Society of Case Western Reserve University. We provide a unique
opportunity for high-achieving English Majors to share their love of writing, reading, and the English language.
In the past, we have held a writing contest and met with English Department Representatives often to discuss
promoting the English Major on campus. Thus, we are a voice for students of English, and we try to represent their
Sigma Tau Delta membership also provides scholarship opportunities and an atmosphere of collegiality
among likeminded devotees of the written and spoken word.
We are actively pursuing new membership to bolster our ranks and to increase our campus presence and
Katherine Clark, Course Instructor (USSY 286W)
Students: Stefan Blagojevic, Kevin Brayer, Sean Carr, David Jannotta, Alex Kloss, Robert Lapadot, Ren Li,
Tim Maleski, Jessica Parker, Jessica Robinson, Mark Schultz, Zach Scott, Devon Smith, Jacob Snyder,
Jaanki Thakkar
In this seminar we have discussed spying in its many manifestations including the reasons and justifications offered
for spying; the different types of spying; the means by which spying is conducted; and whether or not spying is a
necessary evil. We have explored the fascination with spies and what spies represent culturally and historically.
Our object was that by the end of the semester we would be better readers of texts and more knowledgeable about
issues of identity, deception, and information gathering. Spies appear in all aspects of society. We are all aware of
spies who look for military and political secrets, but spies come in all flavors. There are spies in prisons who work
for the police and spies who work for criminal organizations; people who steal industrial secrets; and there are spies
in educational systems. Motivations for spying range from those who spy for ideological reasons to those who spy
for money, to those who spy because they are blackmailed in some form. Spies are international, both genders, all
religions. A spy can be anybody, which is part of the reason why the subject is so fascinating. Spies use whatever
natural tools they possess. They will use their intelligence and physical prowess, their sexuality and charisma, their
analytical skills and emotional connections to achieve their goals. For these reasons, studying spies as presented
historically and in popular culture is a perfect field for SAGES because spying is universal, and how cultures
interpret spying, especially at different historical points, is quite revealing about a culture's mores.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Travel Literature in the Age of Discovery
Annie Pécastaings, Course Instructor (USSO 285V)
Students: Jake Bell, Nicholas Couturier, William Lang, Eric McCray, Jessica McRitchie, Simone Michaels,
Laura Palmer, Stephen Sreshta, Kristen Zozulin
The discovery of the Americas in the late 15th century challenged Western assumptions about nature and culture,
and forced Europeans to draw the world anew, both literally and metaphorically. In this course, we address the
following questions: how did travel literature in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries reflect successive discoveries of
new geographical worlds? What new maps (geographical or metaphorical) did this literature help draw? Our core
texts include Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, Voltaire’s
Candide, and Laurence Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey. At the Celebration, students will present on a variety of
themes, from technical topics to creative takes on the meaning of travel today.
Travel Literature in the Age of Discovery
Annie Pécastaings, Course Instructor (USSO 285V)
Student: Stephen Sreshta
“A One-Way Trip to Tennessee”
This creative piece was designed to explore the feelings of isolation and indifference that accompany graduating
from high school. These sentiments are expressed through a summer road trip to the modern Woodstock.
Voices of Musical Resistance: Spoken Word
Sean Dougherty, Coruse Instructor (USSY 287)
Students: Christopher Carlson, Amy Christianson, Anna Czekaj, Ian Dimayuga, Thomas Dooner, London
Holt, Jenna Pansky, Lillian Perez, Matthew Rucker, Raheem Stanfield, Latia White, Lydia Whittington,
Melinda Wolboldt
This interactive display will feature a site-specific "cube-like" installation of word and sound. In addition, there will
be a number of small and spontaneous, unannounced performances. This installation piece will be created out of
found objects, sound recordings, and text written on large sheets of paper. Join us!
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
2009 Common Reading Essay Winners
The CWRU Common Reading Program was started in 2002 for first-year students. For the past eight years, new
undergraduate students have been given a common reading assignment during the summer. The assigned book then
serves as a basis for programs and discussions beginning at orientation and continuing through the fall semester.
The Common Reading Program also includes an essay contest about the assigned reading. In 2009, four winners
each received $300 gift certificates from the University Bookstore, sponsored by the Baker-Nord Center for the
Humanities. The winners also received an invitation to have dinner with the author. of Three Cups of Tea, Greg
Mortenson. The prompts for the essays are provided below, and the four prize-winning essays are published here
(alphabetically by author). Congratulations! For more details about the Common Reading Program, visit
2009 Essay Questions
Prompt #1
The book Three Cups of Tea relates the inspirational story of Greg Mortenson. After failing to climb mountain K-2,
Mortenson recuperates among the people of Korphe, who inspire him to focus his passion, energy, and resources on
building schools in rural Pakistan — a successful venture that continues today. While Mortenson's transformative
decision may seem abrupt, his family background, personality, education, and work experience may have prepared
him for his new mission.
As you reflect on Mortenson's story, where do you perceive radical changes in his approach to life and where do you
notice continuities? More generally, which elements of our personalities do you see as stable and which do you see
as subject to change, depending on our individual experiences and life choices?
In responding to this prompt, you are welcome to describe a transformative decision in your own life, or in the life
of someone you know about, instead of focusing on Mortenson's. Whatever your choice, your essay should help the
reader understand the decision and subsequent events in the light of previous experiences or specific personality
Prompt #2
What does the book Three Cups of Tea tell us about the issues or risks that we face when attempting to help others,
especially when we may be perceived as outsiders?
Does Mortenson do a good job of being aware of cultural contexts? To what extent did his humanitarian work
depend on building relationships "one cup of tea at a time?" What general lessons do you draw from his example?
In responding to this prompt, you are welcome to describe your own experience, or the experience of someone you
know about who is trying to make a positive contribution to another person's life or to a community. What obstacles
or challenges does this kind of effort present? What difference did relationship-building make, or what difference
could it have made to the story you tell?
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Thea Emmons
A Game of Old Maid
I don’t remember what I was doing in the infirmary that early in the morning. I must have been getting a
BandAid, or maybe dropping off something that needed to be washed. I had never been in there before, so I entered
cautiously and looked around. On my left, two rooms with two bunk beds each. The nearest room was empty, and I
jumped when I realized that the other wasn’t, and that its occupant was staring back at me. Not only that, he looked
more surprised to see me than I him. He was a camper, a boy to whom I had never spoken, but had noticed since the
beginning of camp a few days before. He was one of the few campers there with no hair, and since I had assumed
chemo automatically leaves you hairless, those few who were actually bald had stuck out to me. Now, the little
amount of light in the room bounced off the top of his perfectly smooth head onto the wall. I had clearly caught him
in the middle of dressing, and he was only wearing shorts. He had his body partly covered up with his arms, but I
could still see the tubes that were taped down in loops, plastered onto his chest. When I think back to that instant, I
just see a freeze frame of him looking up at me, like I was his mother and had just walked into the room to see him
stealing a cookie, or drawing on the wall. Embarrassed, I quickly looked away, finished whatever I was doing, and
Our encounter at this camp for kids with cancer couldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds, and I have
never actually spoken to him. But that image of him is etched into my mind, as clear as if I had just walked into the
infirmary. It is as if that moment was a window that I looked through, from my world into his. I could see, just for a
second, into his world of early morning hospital visits and waking up every day with less hair than the day before.
From my world of practically nonexistent medical records, I peeked into his world, where the records burst with
years of chemotherapy and Zofran, radiation and CAT scans. But even more than that, through my window, I could
see how scared he was. True, he only looked scared because I had surprised him. But his face had such a raw look of
fear, I couldn’t help but draw parallels to what he and his family undoubtedly feel as they fight his leukemia.
And then the window shut. I was out, he was in. I was back on the other side, peering over the ledge to
catch a glimpse of what goes on inside. This was one of the first times I had really felt like an outsider in this cancer
community. As my interest in the field of pediatric oncology grows, so does this constant struggle. I am not one of
them, I have no idea what this seven year old has already been through. There’s no way I could. Maybe I should just
leave this sensitive area to someone who knows what it’s like, firsthand. On the other hand, they still need my help,
and my concern for these kids isn’t meant to be overbearing, I just sincerely care about them. Whenever I am around
children with cancer or their families, I always feel a sense of awe towards them. Before, this would prevent me
from interacting with them normally, because I felt as though I wasn’t on their level. I was afraid to help out,
because a nagging voice in my head kept reminding me that I am an outsider, I am not a part of this community.
Now that I have more experience, the awe has changed into a strong feeling of respect. But still, it is hard for me to
create the balance of being an outsider in one sense, but having earned my way, in the eyes of the patients and their
families, into my own spot in their community. I’ve come to realize that although we’re in different worlds,
sometimes they can overlap. And to make that intersection happen, I must have some kind of relationship with this
community that I am reaching out to. Similar to Greg Mortenson’s situation in Three Cups of Tea, our relationship
can’t be based on a shared experience, so I believe that it must instead be based on trust. Trust that I have to gain
from them, whether it is by playing endless games of Old Maid with my camper, or just by being there. Whatever it
is, it must be done slowly, day by day, one cup of tea at a time.
Mortenson does an extraordinary job of being aware of cultural contexts. He somehow strikes the balance
between knowledge for these peoples’ culture, and keeping enough distance to not be intruding. It is not at all an
easy thing to do. He speaks the language, learns the customs, and invests in the clothing. And to an extent, so have I.
My vocabulary has expanded to include words like broviac catheter and Medulloblastoma, and I can explain the
difference between a bone marrow transfusion and a bone marrow transplant. I no longer look twice when a child
has only wisps of hair on his head from chemo, or when he has ballooned to twice his previous size from the
steroids. But I am still learning. I still seem to be testing my boundaries, and struggle with where to draw the line.
When am I helping, and when am I intruding? When is my attention appreciated, and when do I need to back off?
One second I am telling myself that these kids are special, they’ve been through too much, they’ve ‘seen the other
side’. But then the next second I forget all of that, and am caught up in water guns and s’mores.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
It is a frustrating and difficult balance to make, and many times I’ve told myself that it’s an impossible
balance, one I’ll never be able to create. But Three Cups of Tea continues to prove to me that it is not impossible.
True, it is hard, and takes time, patience, and understanding. No, I don’t have leukemia or a brain tumor. But
Mortenson wasn’t born into an impoverished Pakistani village, and he was never pressured to join the Taliban, or
had to scratch his arithmetic lessons in the dirt with a stick. So maybe these differences shouldn’t discourage us
from reaching out, but rather give us more reason to do so. And to make it an effective relationship, one that can
flourish, the people on the other end must trust us. So we must do whatever it takes to build that trust, very slowly,
bit by bit, “one cup of tea at a time”. If I learned anything from my encounter with the boy in the infirmary, it was
that rushing into this cross-cultural relationship would scare them away, make them wary of our intentions. If
Mortenson had never taken the time to drink tea with Haji Ali, or to get to know the people of Korphe, the villagers
would never have trusted him. But he did, so they did. As Mortenson’s interest and involvement with this part of the
world grew, his relationship with the people did as well. And that’s the only way to do it. One cup of tea, or game of
Old Maid, at a time.
Caitlin Hearn
A Lesson From Korphe
I’ve never been the type of person who uses sticky notes or pencils to mark up books as I’m reading them.
Maybe it’s because it’s never occurred to me, or because nothing has ever stirred me enough to do so. But as I was
reading of Greg Mortenson’s travels and experiences in his book, Three Cups of Tea, I came across a passage that I
could not continue reading past until I had read it several times over and marked it with a Post-It.
The passage takes place during the time Mortenson is overseeing the construction of the bridge that
connects the village of Korphe to the rest of the world. He describes the scene in the village after a hard day’s work:
villagers “basking in the last of the sunlight . . . on their warm, dry roofs, among the fruits of their successful
harvest, eating, smoking, and gossiping with the same sense of leisure as Parisians on the terrace of a sidewalk
café.” This image of the entire village relaxing and chatting with one another across the rooftops at dusk in early
autumn evoked strong memories of my experiences with my own family. How many times have I myself sat on the
porch of my grandmother’s house at twilight, surrounded by family, good food, and a sense of utter contentment?
There are some valued aspects of life that are never lost in translation.
That being said, here was a man who lived, both geographically and culturally, a world away from
Pakistan. Yet he had more of a positive influence on this tiny, isolated village than any pact or declaration passed by
the U.S. or Pakistani governments. After making his promise to build a school for the children of Korphe, Greg
Mortenson could have easily written a letter to his congressman, senator or president requesting U.S. aid for the
village. He could have shifted the task from his shoulders to the legislators’ and considered his promise fulfilled.
Instead, he chose to dedicate several years of his life, as well as most of his money and belongings, to raising money
and building the school himself. Mortenson understood that personal communication between himself and the
villagers was the most effective way to achieve their common goal of educating Korphe’s children.
The aforementioned passage depicts just how well Mortenson was aware of cultural contexts, and the
excellent job he did of using them to his advantage (and that of Korphe’s). He knew that Pakistani customs were
entirely different from those he was used to. However, in no way did he try to resist or change these customs;
rather, he embraced them and tried to learn as much about them as possible. The scene in the ‘Pindi shop of the
tailor, Manzoor Khan, is a perfect example of this. Not only did Mortenson watch and respect the tailor as he went
through the pre-prayer ritual, but he also asked to be taught how to pray to Allah. Even when Khan critiqued him,
he did not shy away or give up; he practiced, often alone, until he improved. It is this sort of enthusiasm with which
we should all throw ourselves into learning about other cultures. It is not just a sense of duty we should feel, but
rather a desire to help those who need it. Mortenson felt this desire, perhaps because he knew the people of Haji
Ali’s village, as well as their traditions, before he learned of their plight. Thus, his acceptance of and interest in this
culture was a vital factor in his drive to build a school for Korphe. It seems that the better we know people, and
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
know them personally, the more likely we are to feel this desire to help. In failing to do so, we risk falling into the
worst trap a humanitarian worker can stumble into: being branded as an outsider.
Coming across as an outsider to those you are trying to help is most likely the least effective way to help
them. Unfortunately, it is also rather an easy error to make and a difficult one to fix. We tend to see those we are
trying to help as having some sort of fault that we must repair, whether it be with their behavior, customs or beliefs.
It is only when we can put ourselves in their shoes, see life the way they do, that we can help others most
effectively. Greg Mortenson has accomplished this. He seems to be a complete natural at immersing himself in a
totally unfamiliar setting, though it is certainly easier for some than for others. It is when one falls into the trap of
continued ignorance, of disinterest, of failing to try to see things from another perspective, that one establishes
himself as an outsider. Mortensen avoided this, and in so doing was extraordinarily successful in his quest to build
schools all over rural Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Other aspects of life are suddenly at risk as well when we decide to help another person or group of people.
Of course, this often depends on the situation, but humanitarian workers can risk losing time with those they love,
money, sleep, or the chance to raise a family. In Mortenson’s case, he risked death more than once to build his
schools as he traveled the dangerous Karakoram Highway and ventured into the hostile lands of the Taliban. But
those who seek to help others risk something else as well: their weltanschauung, or worldview, as they know it. In
striving to create a better life for others, Mortenson’s worldview has changed considerably. And, since his
worldview draws from more experience with other cultures than most people gain in a lifetime, it has most likely
changed for the better.
Greg Mortenson’s relationship with the cha, or butter tea, of the Balti people can be seen as a metaphor for
his relationship with the people themselves. At first taste, on the way down from his failed attempt at K2, he found
the tea to be unfamiliar and rather unsavory. However, the more he drank it, the more accustomed he came to the
taste until he found himself gulping it down with relish. Similarly, he found the people of Korphe unfamiliar, but
the longer he stayed with them and the more he learned about them and their customs, the closer he grew to them
until he loved them like his own family. And they loved him back.
Mortenson’s link to Korphe is a microcosm of what could happen, what needs to happen, between
countries and people. The more we learn about each other, and the more we want to help each other, the closer we
will be to achieving peace.
George Linderman
3 Cups of Tea Essay
A month or so ago, my father and I were watching an episode of ABC News' What Would You Do program. The
program is a type of hidden camera experiment to see if passersby would help a homeless man lying unconscious on
the ground with a can of beer in his hand. With heavy hearts, we watched eighty-eight upstanding citizens of our
country walk right on by, ignoring the man as if he weren't there. It was all his fault, they reasoned. He drank, he
didn't go to school, so why would they take the time to reach out to him? Thus, they walked right by, trading their
compassion for hard-heartedness, their concern for nonchalance, and in essence, their very humanity for a few
minutes of precious time.
Just as we were coming to the fearful realization that not one person in the entire crowd would help their fellow
human lying vulnerably on the ground, the hidden camera focused on a feeble, raggedly dressed lady, who was
slowly hobbling onto the scene, leaning on a cane for support. She started crying out, "Excuse me, excuse me,
somebody please call an ambulance." A single voice of compassion, alone in a sea of apathy, she just stood there
begging for someone to help the man she named, "Billy." Eventually, someone joined her and called 911, after
which the experiment was revealed, and the truth was told.
There is a remarkable lesson to be learned from this extraordinary lady named Linda Hamilton. The producers of the
program tried to find more information about her, and found that she was often homeless herself. How is it possible
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
that so many of the well-off people of Newark did not stop for the unconscious man, but rather it was a poor,
homeless woman who had the heart to help him? What would drive someone with absolutely nothing to help such a
person, when no one else would even consider stopping?
Remarkably, this situation is not unique. While living in Albania, one of the poorest countries in Europe, my family
and I have come to the amazing realization that the people who have suffered greatly in their lives are the ones who
are willing to sacrifice everything they have for a total stranger. A perfect example of this is a lady named Tefta
Kuqe, who was born into a world of restriction and suffering while the communist regime was in power. She was
persecuted for her beliefs at every turn, persecutions that broke up her family, and sent her brother to prison--all due
to their devotion to freedom. However, this childhood of hardship and persecution led her to ingloriously dedicate
her life to people in need, an undertaking that she continues even now, at sixty-seven years old. In fact, some would
argue that it was her lifetime of hardships that actually prepared her for her work among the poor. If she were not so
clearly exposed to suffering, she would very possibly not have the devotion to spare others from it.
While reading 3 Cups of Tea, I realized that Greg Mortenson is another example of this concept. The co-author,
David Relin, aptly includes Mortenson's childhood to give us a sense for how such an amazing humanitarian is
created. When he was a child, he grew up as a missionary in Tanzania, where he and his family dedicated their lives
to helping people who were less fortunate. They built a teaching hospital, established relationships with the people
there, and otherwise engaged in humanitarian activity. After living in Africa for many years, he devoted his life to
caring for his epileptic sister--even to the extent of entering a neuroscience program with the hope of learning how
to cure her. Despite his best efforts, she passed away while he was in the hospital, recovering from a fall during
As the book goes on to tell, Mortenson attempted to scale K2, but he failed and was saved by the residents of the
Pakistani village, Korphe. While there, he made the decision that would change his entire life: to build a school for
the children in the village of Korphe. By doing so, Mortenson committed himself to a lifetime of service and
sacrifice. He would eventually become the director of the Central Asia Institute and have an enormous effect on the
lives of the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Just like Linda Hamilton and Tefta Kuqe, Greg Mortenson's decision to dedicate his life to the service of others was
not without similar experiences in his past. Ranging from his devotion to his sister, to his family's service in Africa,
Mortenson was constantly exposed to both his own hardships, and those experienced by others. It was this contact
with human suffering that prevented the terrible callousing that so many of us experience. One could even argue that
he was being prepared for the momentous day when he would make the decision to build that first school for the
children of Korphe.
At the peak of our suffering, we will often ask for a purpose to it all. We will beg our loved ones for an answer to
the simple question of, "Why?" and hear them somberly reply that, "It's just the way life is." What if there is more to
it than that? Perhaps the answer to this question lies in the lives of people like Greg Mortenson, Tefta Kuqe and
Linda Hamilton. Perhaps it is in our greatest suffering that our personalities are molded in such a manner that will
allow us to make the decision to help others. By looking at the lives of these amazing people, perhaps we can see
that when we undergo hardships, or when we are exposed to the suffering of humanity, we are being prepared for
the day when we have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the people around us.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Michelle Williams
Three Cups of Tea
Santhosh Kumar Benya, age six, lives in East India and goes to school at the Nabarangpur Child
Development Center. He is dressed in white shorts and a blue polo shirt slightly too large for his skinny frame. He is
standing with his arms tightly pressed to his sides, staring into the camera with a blank gaze, in front of a scuffed
whitewash wall. He has just been matched with a sponsor, a twelve year old American girl who is wondering what
on earth she can write to him about. The year is 2003, and the girl is me.
Completely at a loss, I decide to read through the material that came with the photograph and short
description. There are many cautionary instructions, such as no pictures in swimsuits or revealing clothing that
would be offensive to another culture. More helpful are the directions not to write about material possessions or
experiences that will emphasize disparity between my life and his. “As time goes on,” the packet states, “you’ll
discover shared interests, perhaps a favorite school subject or a love of music.” Grateful for the advice, I dive into
writing the letter.
Six years later, I have indeed discovered shared interests. Santhosh sings in his school choir and in church
and loves music, as do I. He enjoys playing cricket with his friends as much as I like tennis. He has two younger
siblings, and I have three younger brothers. And though my family provides money for him to go to school and
receive vaccines, he provides me with a smile every time I get a letter from him describing his schoolwork and
family life. He always includes his love and prayers for the well-being of my family. Never complaining about his
life, he occasionally sends news of others in his village suffering from heat stroke or injuries from hard labor.
Though I never thought of myself as a prejudiced person, I have to admit that I was surprised by his joyful and
caring attitude, despite his poverty. Luckily, I had been wisely advised in my written approach.
It is always important to come at other cultures from a position of respect rather than judgment. In Greg
Mortenson’s case, his initial contact with the people of Korphe was guaranteed to be humble enough, since he
stumbled into the village tired, hungry, and lost. However, as Twaha notes much later, “he had peculiar habits, very
different from other Europeans. He made no demands for good food and environment. He ate whatever my mother
put before him and slept together with us in the smoke like a Balti.” In other words, Mortenson did not assume the
typical American manner of superiority, expecting to be treated like a king and enjoy the lifestyle he had become
accustomed to. Instead, he indicates by his behavior that there is absolutely no difference between the importance of
the Balti people and himself. His passion and love for children coupled with this respect formed the basis of his
quick acceptance into the society of Korphe, and later other villages all over Pakistan.
When people approach others with conversion as a part of their goal, they often exude condescension
regardless of how commendable their intentions are. I believe that the most imperative factor in Mortenson’s largescale success is that he had no intentions of transforming Muslims into Christians. People are put automatically on
the defensive by the criticism implied by attempts at conversion, and when one is already surrounded by suspicions
simply because of nationality, the last situation one wants is to create more hostile feelings. On several occasions,
village mullahs take offense to Mortenson’s efforts because he is an infidel, despite his extreme care to honor the
traditions of the Islamic faith and culture. Had he expressed any desire to bring the Christian religion into his school
projects, he doubtlessly would have been prevented from building, and probably would have been attacked by
Impatient Americans often expect to be able to waltz in and “fix” other people or nations and still have time
for dinner. But as Haji Ali so wisely tells Greg Mortenson, “you must make time to share three cups of tea.”
Relationships meaningful enough to effect change cannot be forged in a rush. In attempting to help other nations,
Americans in particular are often unwilling to take the time to understand the recipients of aid. In many of
Mortenson’s experiences, the illiterate Pakistanis had a deeper knowledge of how to solve problems than he or our
government. For instance, Haji Ali advised using contacts the village already had in place to help set up the next
school building project. Faisal Baig correctly identified Osama bin Laden as the perpetrator of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks within a day of their happening. The list goes on and on, proving that it is extremely beneficial to listen to
the people who are “uneducated,” living in the midst of the crushing poverty Mortenson targets. Greg clearly knows
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
how crucial it is to devote the necessary time to get acquainted with the people of Pakistan. Otherwise, his efforts
would surely not have been nearly as effective, and possibly would have failed entirely.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13.)
As this verse from the Bible states, “morality” and “religion” are nothing without the love to back it up. Mortenson’s
grueling work for the people of Pakistan, especially the children, demonstrates the quality of his heart for the
impoverished. He selflessly gives his time and strength to the project of providing a quality education to society’s
abandoned and overlooked. The American people as well as the government could learn a lesson from Greg
Mortenson’s work. He made the effort for the “three cups of tea” in approaching another culture: humility, no
ulterior motives, and time to build relationships. These simple steps provide the foundation for one man to change
the world.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Students may elect to have their presentations judged by faculty reviewers for our SOURCE
Provost Award. One $200.00 and one $100.00 award will be given in each of seven categories:
Arts, Engineering & Computer Science, Humanities, Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Nursing,
Social Sciences, and Management & Accounting.
Awards will be announced at the Honors Convocation on Friday, April 25, during the
Community Hour.
Michelson-Morley Awards
This annual research competition, sponsored by the Department of Biology, is open to all Case
Western Reserve University undergraduates who have conducted research at CWRU or other
universities which is biologically related. One $300, one $200, and one $100 award will be
given. Awards will be announced at 1pm today in The Cleveland Room.
The competition honors the collaborative research initiated in 1885 between Albert A.
Michelson, a Case physicist, and Edward W. Morley, a Western Reserve Chemist, which
culminated in the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887. This experiment negated the ether
theory of space, and constituted some of the experimental findings basic to Albert Einstein’s
theory of relativity.
SAGES Capstone Award
The Outstanding Capstone Project Award is given annually by The Executive Board of the Case
Western Reserve University Women's Club. Last year's winner was Katherine Hagen. Her
capstone was entitled "Analysis of Viola Vibrato Waveforms."
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Many Thanks
Thank you very much to our alumni, faculty, post doctorate fellows, and graduate students who have volunteered to
serve as judges for the SOURCE competition. Without their assistance, our competition would not be possible.
Warren Alilain, Neurosciences
Elshad Allakhyarov, Physics
Tim Atherton, Physics
Jeff Balcerski, Geological Sciences
Sam Barker, Materials Science
Ilya Bederman, Physiology and Biophysics
Anthony Berdis, Pharmacology
Patrizia Bonaventura, Communication Sciences
Lauren Buerkle, Macromolecular Sciences &
John Cleary, Civil Engineering
Arin Connell, Psychology
Lopamudra Das, Medicine
Melissa DeLucchi, Alumna
Julie Exline, Psychology
Gaurav Goel, Chemical Engineering
Mary Quinn Griffin, Francis Payne Bolton School of
Alan Ho, Psychology
Chris Hudak, Nursing
Leslie Hayden, Geological Sciences
Craig Hodges, Pediatrics
Ruth Jacob, Geological Sciences
Joyce Jentoft, Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry
Casey Johnson, Macromolecular Sciences &
Eliza Kaltenberg, Geological Sciences
Vijay Kumar, Biochemistry
James Laird, Chemistry
Hossein Lavvafi, Materials Science
Carol Liedtke, Physiology & Biophysics
Nayandeep Mahanta, Mechanical Engineering
Ernest Marsolais, MD, Professor Emeritus, Orthopedics
Uri Mbonye, Biological Sciences
TJ McCallum, Psychology
Emilia McGucken, Sociology
Jonathan Metcalfe, Anthropology
Barbara Morrison, Francis Payne Bolton School of
Samantha Morley, Nutrition
Leah Orchinik, Psychology
Lain Pierce, Genetics
Patricia Princehouse, Philosophy and History
Kaustubha Qanungo, Biochemistry
Saifur Rashid, Neurosciences
Andrea Romani, Physiology and Biophysics
Vernon Ruffin, Physiology and Biophysics
Sudipto Saha, Proteomics
Anindya Sarkar, Physiology and Biophysics
Kadhiravan Shanmuganathan, Macromolecular Sciences
and Engineering
Mark Smith, Pathology
Jing Song, Proteomics
Lee Thompson, Psychology
Ravikumar Varadarajan, Materials Science &
Elizabeth Woyczynski, Office of the President
Jingting Yang, Macromolecular Sciences & Engineering
Yu Zhang, Chemistry
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Senior Capstone Participants
The Senior Capstone is the culmination of our SAGES, Seminar Approach to General Education and
Scholarship, program. The senior capstone allows students to gain experience in defining a problem and
then developing a response to that problem, whether this involves research or artistic creation. Students
work individually or in small groups under the guidance of faculty mentors. SOURCE congratulates the
following students who are presenting their senior capstone projects today:
Yassmin Aljaberi
Cody Allen
Hanya Almudallal
Maya Alunkal
Laura Ansley
Katayoun Ayasoufi
Johsua Barzilai
Mir Bear-Johnson
Katelyn Begany
K. Grace Bell
Gary Bhagat
Himali Bhatt
Lacy Blazetic
Neena Bolla
Elle Brennan
Andrea Briggs
Geoffrey Browning
Caitlin Burkman
Megan Carl
Rebecca Carter
Amy Catalani
Benjamin Chandhok
Kathryn Clusman
David Dashevsky
Frederick Davey
Michael Ding
Jaquetta Duncan
Elizabeth Ennis
Drew Enns
Steven Ewart
Andromeda Fair
Allen Ferrick
William Fox
Alex Galante
J.P. Graulty
Canting Guo
Yashi Gupta
Matthew Hakes
Colleen Heffernan
Tiffany Henkel
Lauren Hennen
Ken Hwang
Kara Imbrogno
Kayla Imbrogno
Andrew Jenkins
Gareth Kafka
Akash Kataruka
Rebecca Keating
Emily Konen
Colleen Konsavage
Guozhi Liang
Seraina Murphy
Paul Niebrzydowski
Megan Norr
Julia Obejero-Paz
Susan Orra
Harry Owusu-Dapaah
Sarah Park
Mayank Patel
Christine Petzold
Funita Phan
Nicole Pilasky
Mariya Pogrebetskaya
Ramya Raman
Roshni Rao
Mary Beth Ray
Abigail Reed
Nicholas Reinsvold
Megan Ritchey
Sarah Robinson
Brittany Rogers
Kelly Rogers
Theodore Roman
Andrew Rosenberger
Zachary Rubin
Paul Salamon
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Anshul Saurastri
Heather Schultz
Vivek Sengupta
Yasmeen Shahin
Elaine Simpson
Eduardo Somoza
Constance Stamoolis
Lily Stanley
Kyle Strodtbeck
David Stute
Marika Tapolyai
Mariya Topolyanskaya
Colleen Vadia
Stephanie Velloze
Corbett Walsh
John Weaver
Brian Weeks
Alexander Wijangco
Kathryn Woeste
Andrea Wojtowicz
Stacey Woodcraft
Sander Zandbergen
Intersections: SOURCE Symposium & Poster Session
2009 Winners
Arts-Poster Competition
1st (tie) – Christopher Kervick, “Experiencing Theatre at Scotland’s Fringe Festival with This Bridge Theatre
Company.” Faculty mentor: Catherine Albers, Department of Theater and Dance
1st (tie) – Esther Wysong, “Cleveland Design Competition 2008: ‘Project InterPlay’ Design Entry for Park Space in
West Cleveland.” Faculty mentor: Sally Levine, AIA, Art Studio Department: Architecture
Humanities Poster Competition
1st - Stephen Skentzos, “‘Smell how good this smells!’: a cross-linguistic study of medial constructions in
expressions of sensory experience.” Faculty mentor: Per Aage Brandt, Department of Cognitive Science
Humanities Oral Competition
1st - Jason Huber, “Meaning’s Ambiguity: The Multivalent Discourse of Primitivism in the Polynesian Art of Paul
Gauguin.” Faculty mentor: Anne Helmerich, Department of Art History
2nd - Mari Elisse Cortez, “Overseas Filipino Workers: National Benefits, Personal Sacrifices, and Unresolved
Issues.” Faculty mentors: Laura Hengehold, Department of Philosophy; Eileen Anderson-Fye, Department of
Anthropology; Mark Chupp, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences
Natural Sciences Poster Competition
1st –Andrew Opsitnick, “Accumulations of Oil and Natural Gas in Clinton Sandstone near CWRU’s Squire
Valleevue Farm.” Faculty mentor: Beverly Saylor; Department of Geological Sciences
2nd (tie): Jimmy Ibrahim, “Atherosclerosis: An Evolutionary Explanation For Human Vulnerability.” Faculty
mentor: Cynthia Beall, Department of Anthropology
2nd (tie): Rebecca Levinson, “Hearing loss phenomenon in Usher Syndrome 1: Protein profiling of the cochlea,
using proteomic methodologies.” Faculty mentors: Mark Chance, Center for Proteomics and Bioinformatics;
Robin Snyder, Department of Biology
Natural Science Oral Competition
1st – Lauren Boucher; “Conformational Dynamics of Antithrombin III With Its Allosteric Activator Heparin.”
Faculty mentor: Patrick Wintrode, Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Social Sciences Poster Competition
1st: Ashley Berdine, “Parent Interactive Style Modifications Leading to Increased Rates of Development.” Faculty
mentor: Lee Thompson, Department of Psychology
2nd (tie): Puja Shroff, “Emotions, Attention, Reactivity Study.” Faculty mentor: Arin Connell, Department of
2nd (tie): Andrew Gardella & Jeremy Safran, “A characterization of the boundaries of the anti-Hicks effect.” Faculty
mentor: Bonnie Lawrence, Department of Psychology
Social Sciences Oral Competition
1st – Joseph Drungil, “Beyond the Lega Nord and Padanian Political Nationalism: A Cultural Explanation for
Shifting Group Identities in Northern Italy.” Faculty mentor: Charlotte Ikels, Department of Anthropology
2nd – Amy Brown, “The Benefit of an Elective Year of Research: Comparison of Allen Fellows to Traditional 5Year Orthopedic Surgery Residents at Case Western Reserve University.” Faculty mentors: Randall E. Marcus
and Ellen Greenberger, Department of Orthopaedics; Stephen Hayensworth, Department of Biology
Engineering Poster Competition
1st – Kathleen Sutter, “Injectable Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) Acid Scaffolds with In Situ Pore Formation for Tissue
Engineering.” Faculty mentor: Eben Alsberg, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Engineering Oral Competition
1st - Alexander Schepelmann, “Vision-Based Obstacle Detection for the CWRU Cutter Autonomous Lawn Mower.”
Faculty mentors: Roger Quinn, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering; Frank Merat,
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
2nd – Mitchell Cooper, “Comparison of Weighted and Weightless Transduction Mediums for Use in Urological
Catheter Manometer.” Faculty mentor: Margot S. Damaser, Department of Biomedical Engineering;
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
1st – Diane Lui, “Midwifery and Obstetrics: A Comparative Study.” Faculty mentor: Claire Andrews, Frances
Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
SOURCE Summer Program
The SOURCE Summer Program provides financial support for Case Western Reserve University students from all
academic majors to take part in research and creative endeavor projects. The program is very generously supported
by the Case Alumni Association and the University.
2009 Summer Program Participants
Akash Kataruka
Project Title
The effects of the adenovirus protein RIDα on
autophagy and apoptosis
Cathleen Carlin,
Physiology and
Andrew Jenkins
Cardiac Imaging with an Optical Mapping and OCT
Andrew Rollins,
Biomedical Engineering
Antuane Rogers
Washington University in St. Louis Shakespeare Globe
Ron Wilson, Theater
Ashley Gan
Chemical Bath Deposition of CdS-TiO2 Films for
Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Mark DeGuire, Materials
Science and Engineering
Aswin Sundaram
A low cost drug delivery system for reductioin of HIV
Horst von Recum,
Biomedical Engineering
Eduardo Somoza
Molecular Imaging of Myelination in the Peripheral
Nervous System
Yanming Wang,
Department, University
Elizabeth McDonald
Cross-Analyses of International Anti-Bullying
Emilia McGucken,
Erica Weiser
Surface Modification of Diamond Films to Develop
Selective Biosensors
Heidi Martin, Chemical
Heather Morgan
Development of a New Telescope for Detecting UltraRapid Optical Flashes
Corbin Covault, Physics
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Henry Snow
Augmenting an Autonomous Navigation System
Through Computer Vision
Roger Quinn, Mechanical
and Aerospace
Himali Bhatt
Pregnancy: Pre- and Post-Partum Practices and
Nutritional Beliefs in West India
Jill Korbin, Anthropology
Jenna Novak
Diamond Electrode Detection of Adenosine in the PreBotzinger Complex
Heidi Martin, Chemical
John Christian Dalton
A Comparative Study of Brazing versus SelfPropagating Reaction-Welding of Electrical Connectors
David Schwam, Materials
Science and Engineering
Jonathan Taylor
The Design and Construction of a Refined Autonomous
Roger Quinn, Mechanical
and Aerospace
Kaitlyn Zolton
Model Platinum Nanoparticle Electrocatalyst Supported
on Graphene Sheets for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Robert Savinell,
Chemical Engineering
Kirtishri Mishra
Quantification of the Efficacy of Tamoxifen-Inducible
Gene Expression System to Regulate Cystic Fibrosis
Mitchell Drumm,
Laura Ansley
“Girls-in-Breeches:” The Gendering of Female Heroines
in American Western Dime Novels
Renee Sentilles, History
Leah Dodson
Degradation of the Pharmaceutical Salbutamol in
Aqueous Solution by Light
Carlos Crespo, Chemistry
Megan Norr
Culture, Mind and Morality
Anthony Jack, Cognitive
Megan Ritchey
Creativity in a Bipolar Pediatric Population
Sandra Russ, Psychology
Michael Steward
Statistical Analysis of Drug Effectiveness on Malaria
with Recrudescence
Peter Thomas,
Michelle Sing
Biomineralization of Clay Aerogels
David Schiraldi,
Macromolecular Science
and Engineering
Neel Pancholi
Determining the Effect of Oxidative Stress in the
Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Hyoung-gon Lee,
Patrick Chirdon
The Effect of 5-HT Deletion on Brain Orexins and
Depressive Behaviors
Pingfu Feng, Pulmonary
Raymond Rodgers
Shape controlled catalysts for carbon nanotube growth
Mohan Sankaran,
Chemical Engineering
Rebecca Carter
Addiction and “Generation Me”: Narcissistic and
Prosocial Behaviors of Youth with Substance
Dependency Disorder in Comparison to Normative
Maria Pagano, Phychiatry
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Rebecca Gans
Empathy, Rationality and Legal Judgment
Anthony Jack, Cognitive
Rebecca Kopplin
The developmet of a nano-particle catalyst based single
use disposable lactic acid biosensor
Chung-Chiun Liu,
Chemical Engineering
Robin Wilson
In Vitro Characterization of Drug Delivery Using
Ultrasound-Sensitive Bubbles
Agata Exner, Radiology
In Vitro Dopamine Detection Using Diamond
Heidi Martin, Chemical
Tanvi Khot
MKK/SEK-1 is a Substrate of LRRK2/LRK-1 Kinase in
PD Pathogenesis
Zhaoyang (John) Feng,
Theodore Roman
Combinatorial Analysis of Gene Copy Number in Lung
Mehmet Koyuturk,
Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science
Tina Saw
Dental Care Parameters, Dairy Consumption: A Study
of Women’s Oral Health
Leena Palomo, Dental
Xi Du
Role of Sodium Channel Polymorphisms in Cardiac
Isabelle Deschenes,
MetroHealth Medical
Center, Medicine
Samantha Reed
2009 SOURCE Summer SURES Program
Summer Undergraduate Research in Energy and Sustainability
Summer Participants
Trevor Allen
Project Title
An Analysis of the Feasibility of
Campus-Wide Composting
Peter McCall, Geological
Kevin Brent
Determination of the Relative Response
Factor of Methane in Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection
Chih-Jen Sung, Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering
Beatrice Floyd
Bio-Inspired Polyelectrolytes
Alexis Abramson, Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering
Julia German
Smart Metering for Monitoring Energy
David Schwam, Materials
Science and Engineering
Michael Kelley
Measurement of Thermoelectric
Properties in InAs and InSb Nanowires
Kenneth Singer, Physics
Joshua Lostroh
A Study of the Thermoelectric Effects of
Polyelectrolyte Solutions
Ana Locci, Biology and
University Farm
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Paul Manglona, Jr.
Feasibility Study of Thermoelectric
Power Harvesting
Xiong (Bill) Yu, Civil
Michael MacDonald
Measurement of Thermoelectric
Properties in InAs and InSb Nanowires
Xuan Gao, Physics
Cassandra McFadden
Pilot Study of Microbial Fuel Cell
Technology for Commercial Use in
Waste Water Management and
Generating Electricity
Xiong (Bill) Yu, Civil
Paul Niebrzydowski
Understanding Conceptions of Energy
Peter Shulman, History
Alexander Papadopulos
Carbon Footprint of Forged and Cast
Automotive Components
David Schwam, Materials
Science and Engineering
Mariya Topolyanskaya
Sustainable Eating in Cleveland
Peter McCall, Geological
Brandon Wenning
Supramolecular Polymeric Systems for
Healable Materials
Stuart Rowan, Macromolecular
Science and Engineering
The Case School of Engineering –
Alcoa Campus Partnership Program
Academic Year Undergraduate Research Internship
Spring 2010 Participants & Presenters
The goals of the CSE-ACPP academic year internship are to increase the number of women and underrepresented
minority men who earn bachelor’s degrees in Engineering, to encourage more of our degree recipients to pursue
graduate study in these fields, and to increase the pool of diverse and globally-competent students in technical and
business fields. One of several means of achieving the goals is to encourage more students to participate in
undergraduate research. SOURCE is grateful to Alcoa for its continuous support of this program.
Student Name, Project Title, Faculty Mentor, Department
Rachel Craft, The Effect of Heat Treatments on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V (a
Sensitivity Study), David Schwam, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering
Erin Hollinger, Benzoxazine-functionalized Chitosan: A New Class of Green Polymers of Many Potential
Applications, Hatsuo Ishida, Department of Macromolecular and Polymer Science
Anthony White, Creating a hybrid wheel to wheel-leg system for use in search and rescue missions, Richard
Bachmann, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Alex Zaddach, Modeling the Tensile Fracture Behavior of Metallic Glasses, John J. Lewandowski, Department of
Materials Science and Engineering
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Case Western Reserve University
Formal Summer Programs
Research & Creative Endeavors
As a research intensive university CWRU has several formal summer programs providing many
opportunities for research and creative projects to our undergraduates. Information about these
and other programs can be linked from the SOURCE website:
Academic Careers in Engineering & Science (ACES+)
Biomedical Engineering National Science Foundation REU Program (BME-REU)
Case’s Rising Engineers and Technological Entrepreneurs (CREATE)
Center for AIDS Research Minority HIV Research Training Program (MHRTP)
Center for Layered Polymeric Systems (CLiPS)
Center for Proteomics and Bioinformatics
Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Undergraduate Student Summer Program (ENGAGE)
Experiential Learning Fellowships – College of Arts and Sciences
Heart, Lung & Blood Minority Research Training Program
Macromolecular Science and Engineering Program in Polymers (EMAC-REU)
National Cancer Institute – Integrative Cancer Biology Program
Physics (NSF-REU)
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
SOURCE Summer Research Program
Summer Program in Undergraduate Research (SPUR)
Summer Undergraduate Research in Energy Studies (SURES)
Summer Undergraduate Research in Pharmacology (SURP)
Summer Undergraduate Research in Physiology (SURP)
The Wellman Hill Political Science Internship
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
There are many to thank for making this day happen. Obviously, the student presenters and their
faculty mentors for making the day possible and allowing all of us to see some of the great work
being done by our undergraduates with our faculty. I also appreciate our many judges who are
noted elsewhere in this program. Students request to be judged and we cannot provide this
educational experience without the assistance of many from all over the University.
There are many others who have contributed, some more visibly than others, but all in needed
ways. I apologize ahead of time for leaving anyone out. I wish to thank: Mark Bassett and the
Center for Student Writing for allowing Intersections to serve as the host for The Celebration of
Student Writing, Vice Provost Don Feke, Henry Hill and Rico Mixon-our wonderful campus
movers, Ryan Keytack and the Admissions staff, Charles Rozek with the Michelson-Morley
competition, and James Salerno. I also want to thank Carol Stark who is working our judges’
table again this year and to Hollie McGivern for assisting Carol and us. I hope you will be back
with us again next year. Thanks also to Andrea Hemphill from Undergraduate Studies who is
assisting us at our student check-in table.
This semester SOURCE has had five student workers who have contributed much to our office.
Sultan Ahmed, Maya Alunkal, Jeanne Li, and Darshan Pollepalli: we have enjoyed working with
each of you and appreciate very much the different talents and skills you have provided. And of
course, we appreciate your putting together all 50 easels early in the semester. Also many thanks
to Sean Yeldell who again provided us with all our marketing design work.
Bethany Pope contributes to Intersections (and SOURCE in general) in so many ways that I
won’t begin to detail here, but I will say thank you very much.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session
Please note:
Research project titles, student names, mentor names and abstracts were submitted by the student researcher. The
SOURCE office cannot ensure the accuracy or omission of information submitted for publication.
Intersections: Symposium and Poster Session