Sermons by Bishop Shemmy Makelele
27 September 2010
How to Connect to Your Miracle
2 Kings 4:8-17 NIV One day Elisha went to Shunem. And a well-to-do woman was there, who urged
him to stay for a meal. So whenever he came by, he stopped there to eat. (9) She said to her
husband, "I know that this man who often comes our way is a holy man of God. (10) Let's make a
small room on the roof and put in it a bed and a table, a chair and a lamp for him. Then he can stay
there whenever he comes to us." (11) One day when Elisha came, he went up to his room and lay
down there. (12) He said to his servant Gehazi, "Call the Shunammite." So he called her, and she
stood before him. (13) Elisha said to him, "Tell her, 'You have gone to all this trouble for us. Now
what can be done for you? Can we speak on your behalf to the king or the commander of the
army?'" She replied, "I have a home among my own people." (14) "What can be done for her?"
Elisha asked. Gehazi said, "Well, she has no son and her husband is old." (15) Then Elisha said, "Call
her." So he called her, and she stood in the doorway. (16) "About this time next year," Elisha said,
"you will hold a son in your arms." "No, my lord," she objected. "Don't mislead your servant, O man
of God!" (17) But the woman became pregnant, and the next year about that same time she gave
birth to a son, just as Elisha had told her.
Every miracle we read about in the Bible was recorded for a purpose. Miracles were not just intended
for the people who received them but they were intended to touch and bless all generations.
Acts 2:39- The promise of the Holy Spirit is not just for us but for all whom the Lord will call
1 Corinthians 15:22-23- Because Christ rose from the dead it follows that all who believe will rise from
the dead.
 Locked up in every miracle is the anointing to reproduce and perpetuate the same miracle
 Locked up in every miracle is a prophetic message of defeat and victory over the powers of the
 We unlock and release the anointing that is locked up in a miracle through preaching and
reading God’s word
Therefore Locked up in the miracle of the Shunamite woman is the anointing of conception and the
anointing that breaks every spirit of barrenness. As you prayerfully read this sermon, may the anointing
that breaks the spirit of barrenness be released upon your life in the name of Jesus. May you become
fruitful and increase in all areas of your life.
Child of God, God has already worked out your miracle. In fact, even before you were born your miracle
had always been waiting for you. All you need to do is to recognize and connect to your miracle.
2 kings 4:8- “One day Elisha went to Shunem”
1. Knowledge that God uses His servants to connect us to our miracle
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Sermons by Bishop Shemmy Makelele
27 September 2010
How to Connect to Your Miracle
God is the source and the author of all miracles. May I bring to your attention the fact that it is only the
anointing you respect and recognize that blesses you. If God uses His servants to create a platform for
our miracle, we should have a right attitude towards His servants.
2. A right attitude to the servants of God connects you to your miracle
A right attitude to God and His servants is what connects us to our miracle. When we compare the
attitude of the Shunamite woman with the attitude of the youths in 2Kings 2:23-24 we discover that it
was their attitude which determined what they received from Elisha. The Shunamite woman received a
blessing while the youths received a curse from the same Elisha.
The Shunamite woman saw her miracle and breakthrough in Elisha. May you see your miracle and
breakthrough in the servants of God.
{Exodus 28:2}-The Bible says that we should honor them
{Genesis 12:3}-The Bible says we should bless them
{1 Thess 5:12}-The Bible says we should respect them
{Galatians 6:6}-The Bible says we should share with them all good things
{Acts 23:2-5}-The Bible says we should not speak ill of the servants of God
{Matt 10:41}- The Bible says that we should receive and welcome them as servants of God
{2 Chron 20:20}- The Bible says we should have faith and confidence in them
A right attitude towards God’s servants will connect you to your miracle
3. A prayer of faith connects you to your miracle
2 Kings 4:8- “She urged him to stay”
It is important to observe that Elisha had no appointment with the Shunamite woman. I believe he had a
different mission to fulfill in that town. I want you to notice how different versions of the Bible use
different words to describe the Shunamite woman’s appeal and effort to make Elisha stay and have a
NIV- She urged him
NKJV- She Persuaded him
CJB- She pressed him
NCV-She begged him
NETB-She insisted that he stays
KJV- She constrained him
Copyright © 2010
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Sermons by Bishop Shemmy Makelele
27 September 2010
How to Connect to Your Miracle
Douay –Rheims- She detained him
Looking at the above words we can conclude that the Shunamite was a woman of prayer, faith and
Prayer is not just words, it is faith attached to your prayer that touches the heart of God.
4. Building an altar of God connects us to our miracle
2 Kings 4:10- “Let’s build a small room for him”
Building a small room for the servant of God is picture of building an altar of God. It is also a picture of
accommodating and having a place for God’s presence in our lives. An altar is a place of Gods visitation
and a point of contact with God’s presence. The absence of an altar is the absence of God’s visitation.
The Bible says in 1kings 18:30-32 that it was only after Elijah had repaired the broken altar that the
nation of Israel experienced God’s visitation.
An altar represents the word of God, prayer and fellowship with God. The absence of God’s word, prayer
and fellowship disconnects us from God.
It was an altar of God that connected the Shunamite woman to her miracle. I pray that there will be an
altar of God in our lives and in our homes which will stand as a point of contact with God’s presence.
5. A prophetic declaration connects you to your miracle
2kings 4:16- “About this time next year, you will hold a son in your hands”.
This is how God operates; whatever He wants to do, He will speak it before He does it. In other words,
He speaks it before He does it. He said that let there be light and light manifested.
A prophetic declaration is an announcement of a miracle or breakthrough before it happens.
A prophetic declaration that came from the mouth of Elisha is what connected the Shunamite woman to
her miracle.
I encourage you, child of God not to take prophetic declarations lightly because they have the potential
to connect you to your miracle.
Every true child of God is a candidate for a miracle. Your miracle has been waiting for you. All you need
to do is to discern and connect to your miracle. The Shunamite woman discerned and connected to her
May you connect to your miracle and breakthrough in the name of Jesus
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