1 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software Raquel Rico EDTC 6321 2 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 The Instructional Strategy Goal Statement Given the opportunity to adopt computer technology in the dental office, the dental hygiene students will be able to demonstrate their ability to 1) review patients’ medical history 2) perform a clinical exam 3) chart existing restorations and dental probe readings 4) record plaque scores, provide patient education, and develop the treatment plan, and 5) take digital xrays and intraoral pictures using images on Patterson EagleSoft. Overview Thus far, I have targeted the audience, developed the instructional goal, completed a task analysis, identified performance objectives, and developed assessment instruments; therefore, I am ready to develop the instructional strategy for this unit. The instructional strategy will be important to help the learners achieve their instructional goal. The learners’ goal is to be able to use computer technology in the dental environment using Patterson EagleSoft. This instructional unit will consist of three parts. 1. Instructional Strategy 2. Media Selection and Delivery System 3. First Draft of Instructional Materials (.pptx) ______________________________________________________________________________ 3 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 I. Instructional Strategy-Observational Learning For this instructional unit, I will utilize the Observational Learning Theory. Observational learning, also known as Social learning, is implemented through four steps, 1)attention, 2)retention, 3)reproduction, and 4)motivation. This theory was developed by Albert Bandura, a psychologist in Congnitive Theory. After performing one of his most important studies, the bobo doll studies, he concluded that learning occurs through observation, retention, and replication of a certain task. Motivation then has to be implemented as the fourth step in order to encourage the learners to want to replicate the same task. For this instructional unit, I will utilize the Observational Learning Theory because it helps evaluate the intellectual skills performance for the target audience. The learners’ attention will be captured by emphasizing the need for learning EagleSoft. During patient treatment, the transition from paper charts to digital format is always very confusing and frustrating for the students because it causes them to slow down and, therefore, fall behind with clinic requirements. Learners’ retention will be stimulated by conveniently having tutorials available and accessible for review online. Pre-Instructional Materials 1. This instructional training will be uploaded into the Moodle Management System. Moodle is an open-source learning management system that we use at Texas State Technical College for our students. It is a free web application site used by instructors to create online learning modules. The resources and learning materials 4 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 are uploaded into this website and therefore, the students are able to view everything from their courses, including the course syllabus, their schedules, assignments, lessons, etc. The students are also able to communicate to their instructors through discussion forums especially designed to ask questions about any concerns or issues. The students must be able to access Moodle in order to view this instructional unit. 2. Objectives a. Select Patient’s Name. The learners will select the patient’s name from the corresponding list. b. Select Smart Doc. The learners will review the Privacy Act forms (HIPPA) with the patient which include 1) patient’s Bill of Rights, 2) patient’s Consent & Agreement. The patient will confirm HIPPA review with the student by signing in the appropriate space. c. Select Medical History. The learners will collect all appropriate medical information from the patient including any medical concerns, medications taken, patient’s current blood pressure, patient’s height and weight, physician’s name and phone number, and dentist’s name and phone number. d. Select Clinical Exam. The learners will perform a thorough intra-oral and extraoral inspection of the patient. The learners will then document all findings in the appropriate boxes. e. Select Charting, Record Plaque Score, and Develop Treatment Plan. The learners will perform an inspection of the patient’s existing restorations, including any proposed restorative treatment. After taking and recording a plaque score for the patient, the learner will develop a treatment plan. f. Select Perio Charting. The learners will perform an inspection of the patient’s current periodontal status. The learners will document any findings and compare those to the patient’s last visit appointment. 5 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 g. Select Note History. The learners will document all of the patient’s findings, including risk assessment, medical history, dental history, concerns, needs, and treatment provided throughout the appointment. 3. The pre-requisite skills that were identified during the development of the in-depth analysis are: a. Dental hygiene student. Learners need to be 2nd year students in the Dental Hygiene Program and already be knowledgeable about providing patient treatment and understand patient records. b. Basic computer concepts. Learners should be familiar with basic concepts like logging in, keyboarding, etc. c. Launch EagleSoft Patterson software. Learners should know how to start the program. They will need to be familiar with logging in to Eaglesoft and be able to access the patient’s name from the Patient’s List which will be entered by our front desk secretary at the beginning of each clinic session. d. Have Access to the Moodle Management System. Learners should already be familiar with accessing and navigating Moodle. Content Presentation The presentation will be sub-divided into 8 major tasks. Each task will be recorded using Camtasia software. I have chosen Camtasia to develop the tutorial because it is very user friendly and it will allow the learners to pause, stop, re-play, rewind, and forward the training as judged convenient. The tutorial will have video and audio to guide the learners through the training. The training tutorial will then be uploaded to the students’ clinic course using Moodle. All of the students in the program should have access to Moodle, therefore, they will be able to review the tutorial as convenient. The tasks are as follows: 6 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 Task 1: Select patient’s name. This task will consist of two steps to ensure that the learners understand how to find the patient’s records. 1. Go to the toolbar and select Patient tab. 2. Highlight the patient’s name and click use. Task 2: Select Smart Doc. This task will consist of four steps where the student will review the Privacy Act (HIPPA) regulations which include the patient’s Bill of Rights and Consent & Agreement with the patient before they confirm their approval with a signature. 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to the toolbar and select Smart Doc tab. Fill out information for HIPPA requirements. Fill out patient’s Consent & Agreement. Sign patient’s Bill of Rights. Task 3: Select Medical History Tab. This task will consist of three steps to include all of the patient’s medical information. 1. Go to the toolbar and select Medical History tab. 2. Add medications names, uses, and contraindications on dialogue box. If more space is needed, add them under comments (remember to review comments and add additional information as needed). 3. Have the instructor and the Dentist sign as witnesses for the medical history verification using the signature pad. 4. Save. Task 4: Select Clinical Exam on Toolbar. This task will consist of seven steps to ensure that the learners understand the appropriate sequence of treatment. 1. Select Clinical Exam on Toolbar. There will be different tabs to select. Record any abnormal findings. TMJ: include clicking, popping, and locking of the jaw. Head & neck: include normal and abnormal findings. Habits: include any and all patients’ habits. Cancer screening: include all findings. 7 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 Occlusion: Record patient’s occlusion. Use the “comments” section to document occlusion based on molar relationship (class I, II, III). For children, select “molar relation” tab. Select crossbite, midline deviation, overbite, and/or overjet tabs and document your findings. Perio: record periodontal findings to determine periodontal status. Save. Task 5: Select Charting, Record Plaque Score, and Develop Treatment Plan. This task will consist of two steps to help the student document all of the existing restorations and findings in the oral cavity of the patient. 1. Select the Chart tab on the operatories’ page and document all of your findings to include all of the present restorations, missing teeth, and proposed dental treatment for that visit. 2. Select Note History tab on tool bar. On the note history, select Auto Note tab. Select Plaque Index Auto Note, record the plaque index score for your patient. Click OK. 3. Select the Treatment Plan tab on tool bar. Place a check mark by each box of proposed treatment and name it “Dental Hygiene Plan”. 4. Select the Acquire New tab under informed consent on the treatment plan page. Select Auto Note and click on Treatment Plan. Fill out treatment details. 5. Have the patient sign their treatment plan with the signature pad. 6. Have the instructor sign as a witness for the treatment plan with the signature pad. 7. Save. Task 6: Select Perio Chart. This task will consist of two steps to help the student document the periodontal status of the patient. 1. Select the Perio Chart tab on the operatories’ page and document all of your findings. 2. Save. 8 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 Task 7: Select Images. This task will consist of three steps to help the learners learn to take digital x-rays and intra-oral pictures. 1. Select Images on toolbar. 2. Select the type of images you are going to take, complete mouth series, PA, BWX, or intra-oral pictures. 3. Once taken. Save. Task 8: Select Note History on Toolbar. This task will consist of two steps to help the learners understand the importance of recording all the treatment provided to their individual patients and keeping it in their records. 1. Select Note History on toolbar. 2. Select Auto Note tab. Select Risk Assessment Auto Note, record your findings. Click OK. 3. Select Auto Note tab. Select Progress Notes Auto Note, record all findings and information gathered throughout the appointment. 4. Save. Learner Participation The major resources of this instructional unit will be Camtasia and Moodle. Considering that the learners will have access to both, the training tutorial and Moodle, the learners will be able to go through the instruction as many times as they wish in order to successfully learn the material. The Camtasia tutorial will review each one of the tasks and subordinate skills, thus, allowing the students to follow and learn each step at their own pace. 9 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 Learner Feedback The learners will provide feedback to the designer using the Moodle Management System. The learners will have discussion forums on Moodle allowing them to provide constructive feedback. These discussions will focus on the learners’ opinions about the instructional unit, major difficulties encountered and technical concerns. This feedback will allow for modifications and corrections to the instructional unit. Assessments Short answer questions will be built into the Camtasia training module at the end of each task. These questions will help emphasize the major concepts illustrated in each task. A short survey and a rubric will be available to help assess the learners’ knowledge. Those questions will have to be answered correctly in order to continue to the next slide. Some of the short answer questions that will be incorporated to the tutorial will be as follows: 1. Where will you click on to select the patient, “Rico Test,” from the patient’s list? 2. Show me how to save the HIPPA forms. 3. Where do you click on to document any medical conditions and/or medications for the patient not listed on the medical history review? 4. Where does the dentist have to sign after review of the medical history to confirm approval to treat the patient? 5. Where do you document any conditions not listed under the named tabs in the Clinical Exam? 6. Where do you find the tabs to document mobility? furcation involvement? recession areas? 7. From what page will you access the treatment plan? 8. Show me how you can compare your periodontal findings to the last patient’s visit? 9. Where do you document all of your findings for the patient’s current appointment? 10. Where will you and your instructor need to verify your documentation with a signature? 10 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 This short assessment will allow the learners to receive instant feedback when they answer those questions. A check mark will appear when they answer a question correctly allowing them to continue to the next slide or an X will appear when they answer incorrectly keeping them from continuing and giving them a second chance to try. Follow-through Activities This instructional unit has been designed to help the Dental Hygiene students become comfortable when transitioning from patient paper records to computer records using Patterson EagleSoft software. This training will be uploaded to Moodle so the learners can access the unit at any time and from any place. The learners will be able to review the unit as many times as needed in order to learn the material. The learners will also be given handouts of the steps to follow along with the training. This handout will be the order of patient treatment that the students must follow and it will show them step by step what they should be doing. II. Media Selection and Delivery System The primary media that will be utilized for this instructional unit will be Camtasia software. Camtasia is a video-based screen capturing software with high quality audio and, therefore, will enhance this instructional lesson. The learners will be able to play, pause, rewind, and stop the tutorial at any time, thus, allowing them to dissipate any confusion. This instructional unit will be self-paced and will be uploaded into Moodle; therefore, allowing easy access for the students from home or school. 11 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 III. First Draft of Instructional Materials The first draft materials have been developed using Microsoft PowerPoint. The following elements of this unit are included in this first draft. These include the content, illustrations, and assessment questions. The lesson storyboard can be found on: http://raqueleportfolio.pbworks.com/Instructional-Strategy-Lesson-Storyboard ______________________________________________________________________________ Summary This training module has been designed to help the dental hygiene students become familiar with digital technology for the dental practice. It is very hard and time consuming to be coaching the students during their clinic sessions; therefore, the training module will be very beneficial for the students. This module will allow the dental hygiene students to demonstrate their ability to review patients’ medical history, perform clinical exams, chart existing restorations and dental probe readings, record plaque scores, provide patient education, develop treatment plans, take digital x-rays, and take intraoral pictures using Patterson EagleSoft. 12 How to Use EagleSoft: a clinical dental software- IU4 References Boeree, G. C. (2006). Albert Bandura . Retrieved July 23, 2010, from http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/bandura.html Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. O. (2005). The systematic design of instruction (sixth ed. , pp. 122-140). Boston: Pearson. GNU. (n.d.). Moodle. Retrieved July 25, 2010, from http://moodle.org/about/
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