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Official Organ of the
Atlantic Union Conference
of Seventh-day Adventists
Volume LXIII
How to Be Happy
By C. G. EDWARDS, District Leader
Southern New England Conference
Some years ago a humble man in
Yugoslavia longed to serve God and
help others to know of the love of Jesus.
So he walked to a nearby city and gave
out literature from door to door.
There was intense prejudice in this
city, however, and certain ruffians
threatened him if he should return. Despite these threats, he was undaunted.
The next week he returned to do this
work again.
That night as he walked home, he
was set upon by a gang of rough men
and beaten and finally tossed in the
ditch, where his persecutors left him
for dead.
Back in the city where he had given
out literature a man who had read his
tracts and whose heart had been
touched by them, heard that he had
been assaulted. He went out into the
night to try to find him.
When he found our Christian brother he was still alive, and the man was
instrumental in getting him into a hospital. Soon the word was flashed to
some nearby ministers who rushed to
the hospital to give comfort and to
pray. When they approached the bedside, they noticed that their brother and
friend was so badly beaten he was hardly recognizable. His face was almost a
bloody pulp. And yet when he regained
consciousness, they saw his lips moving
and, when they leaned over to hear
what he said, these words came from
that tortured body: "Tell the brethren
that I am happy."
In direct contrast to this spirit of
tranquillity was the distraught attitude
of a famous movie actress a few years
ago, who had everything money could
buy and, in addition, she had fame and
popularity. Yet, at the height of her
career, she committed suicide—in utter
Millions are seeking for happiness,
many times in a wild and reckless
search. They search for it in riches, in
the wine cup, or in the pleasure centers.
Forty-seven billion dollars a year are
gambled away in this country in the
vain search for peace and happiness.
How is happiness to be attained?
The most powerful and successful
demonstrations of happiness in the
midst of affliction and trouble have
come from Christians. Witness the
apostle Paul, and his co-worker Silas in
a Philippian jail with their feet fast in
the stocks, and yet they are singing at
midnight. (Acts 16) Their hearts are
full of praise to God and happy contentment. Note the significant words
of the apostle Paul: "I have learned, in
whatsoever state I am, therewith to be
content" (Phil. 4:11).
Some of the great martyrs of history
were described by eyewitnesses to have
gone to be burned at the stake while
singing songs of praise to God. The
supreme examples of contentment are
found among Christians. What, then,
is the secret?
First of all, one can never find happiness by making that the goal of his
Number 21
life. Notice the great words of Jesus,
"He that findeth his life shall lose it:
and he that loseth his life for my sake
shall find it" (Matt. 10:39). One sure
way to lose happiness is by the selfcentered approach. Our lives must be
unselfish—they must be absorbed in
thinking of others and doing for others.
The moment we begin to think of ourselves we begin to lose the contentment
which is so important. We must make
it a habit to think always of others
and of their happiness. This very act
will contribute much toward the wellbeing of our own lives.
A second great principle that will
make for happiness in the life is absolute and complete trust in the watch
care and the goodness and power of
God. Notice the words of Proverbs
16:20: "Whoso trusteth in the Lord,
happy is he." If one believes in God's
watch care and personal interest in
people as Jesus taught in Matthew
10:29-31, he can face any problem no
matter how big, and be contented and
happy in the realization that through
God all things are possible.
He will make the principle of . Romans 8:28 his own: "And know that
all things work together for good to
them that love God, to them that are
the called according to his purpose."
When difficulties and trials come, he
will go to God in prayer, asking for
divine help, with the absolute assurance
and belief that no problem is without
solution, if our trust is in the guidance
of our Heavenly Father.
The third fundamental rule for happiness is right-doing. Proverbs 29:18
tells us: "Where there is no vision, the
people perish: but he that keepeth the
law, happy is he."
The apostle Paul expresses the same
principle in Romans 14:22. "Happy is
he that condemneth not himself in that
thing which h
find true hap
what he believ
so made us tha
permit real pea
ing his energie
in doing what
The applicat
could make t
could add ne
their lives.
As Christia
world on the
salvation, let u
by pursuing th
for the conten
tasks of life.
all things thro
let us be happ
alloweth." No one can
ess if he is ignoring
to be right. God has
he conscience will not
unless one is expendin doing his duty and
knows to be right.
n of these simple rules
usands happy. And it
zest and meaning to
who seek to sell the
y of life which leads to
add to our effectiveness
rules which will make
d performance of the
owing that we can do
h Christ, (Phil. 4:13)
Souther New England
Conference fficers Re-Elected
By W. J. ACKETT, President
Atlantic nion Conference
Delegates of he Southern New England Conferen met for the nineteenth
biennial sessio on Sunday, May 10,
in the beautiful new
cafeteria building of
Pioneer Valley Academy in New Braintree, Massachusetts.
Theodore Carcich,
vice-president for
North America and
a former president of
the Southern New
England Conference,
M. L. Mills
attended and gave
the devotional essage.
M. L. Mill was unanimously reelected as pre ent and A. E. Harms
as secretary-t asurer. Also re-elected
were all the ther members of the
England Conference
Southern Ne
staff as well s the Book and Bible
House manag
Concerning the work in Southern
New Englan Elder Mills reported:
There were 45 accessions to the church
during the pa biennium which results
in a total me ership of 6,070. During
the two-year nod tithe amounted to
was an 8-1/2 per cent
$2,057,590 w
gain for the nod. The gifts to missions for the ame period aggregated
$596,270 or a ain of nearly 4 per cent.
Out of the xty-one conferences in
North Amen , Southern New England was amo g the nine who reached
the Silver V guard goal in the last
Ingathering c paign.
Five new churches have been organized and accepted into the sisterhood of
churches. These include Northboro,
Sterling, Leominster, and Brimfield in
Massachusetts, and the Bridgeport
Spanish in Connecticut.
Highlight of the day for the delegates was the tour of the newly completed academy facilities which included the cafeteria and kitchen, and
the boys' dormitory. All rejoice at the
progress that has been made thus far.
Construction has started on the girls'
dormitory which will complete the
present phase of the building program,
and it is anticipated that the doors will
be open for our youth in the fall of
The Plans Committee brought in a
number of resolutions that were voted
which included a resolution of gratitude, a resolution putting the conference on record as being opposed to the
Becker Amendment to the Constitution, and a resolution encouraging the
widespread use of the daily Voice of
Prophecy broadcast. A five-year plan
was introduced which would place a
number of Spirit of Prophecy volumes
into every Adventist home in the conference at a very nominal cost.
May God richly bless the members
and workers of this challenging conference as they move forward in a
united way to advance the work of God
in a mighty way in the days ahead.
Seventh-day Adventist nurses attending the American Nurses' Association
Convention in Atlantic City are invited
to a breakfast in the West Room of the
Claridge Hotel, Tuesday, June 16, at
7:30 a.m. Tickets for the breakfast may
be purchased at the A.N.A. booth when
you register for the convention. If you
plan to attend, will you please send a
card today to:
Mazie A. Herin
6840 Eastern Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20012
Did You Know?
Emphysema, a deadly suffocationtype disease caused mostly by cigarette
smoking, has now passed tuberculosis
as a cause of death, according to the
May Smoke Signals.
Almost unknown fifty years ago,
emphysema has rocketed into the ranks
of major killers today. Nine out of
every ten victims are long-time smokers. Thus, smokers now have another
specter to face when they begin or continue the smoking habit.
Smoke Signals is available through
your Book and Bible House.
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering
for North America
The American Indians were the first
people to live in North America, They
were here centuries before Christopher
Columbus reached the western hemisphere.
These aborigines, figuratively speaking, have been pushed into the background and almost forgotten. Yet, "If
a red man ... gives his heart to God in
obedience and faith, Jesus loves him
none the less for his color. He calls him
His well-beloved brother."—Christian
Service, p. 218.
We are happy to announce that the
General Conference Committee has
voted to allocate the 13th Sabbath overflow for the second quarter of 1964 to
the "Red Indians" of North America.
Our projects are: (1) The up-grading
of the Navaho Mission School in Arizona; (2) The purchase of a medical
Atlantic Union Gleaner
Official organ of the Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, South Lancaster, Mass.
Emma Kirk
K. W. Tilghman
Managing Editor
Published weekly, except one week in July
and one week in December, by the Atlantic
Union Conference, and printed by the College
Press, South Lancaster, Mass.
Subscription price, $1.00 a year. Make all
checks and money orders payable to the Atlantic Union Gleaner.
All copy for publication should reach the
GLEANER editorial office in South Lancaster,
Mass., not later than Tuesday morning Preceding date of issue. Copy to appear under local
conference headlines should be seat through the
respective conference offices. copy should be
typewritten and double spaced.
Both old and new addresses should be given
when a change is requested. Zip Code numbers
should be included for all addresses.
Second class postage paid at Post Office,
South Lancaster, Mass. 01561.
Atlantic Union Conference Directory
South Lancaster, Massachusetts 01561
(Tel. Area Code 617 Clinton 3164328)
W. J. Hackett
President, Ministerial
Radio-TV, Religious Liberty
K. W. Tilghman.. Secretary-Treasurer, A.S.I.
Public Relations
F. R. Aldridge
E. L. Gammon
L. E. Smart
Education, MV
National Service Organization
G. W. Peterson
Home Missionary
Sabbath School. Civil Defense
J. W. McFarland, M.D. —Medical. Temperance
G. H. Rainey
Associate Ministerial
W. C. Whitten
Symbols Indicate
Thousands Of Indians
Adlai Albert betel,
At lost we hear a cry for help
that comes to you and me
From neighbors just as needy as
our brothers o'er the sea.
The Indians of America are
stretching out their hands
Tograsp the truth of Christ, just
like the folk in mission lands.
Just recently a Navajo—a
drunkard, so they say—
Received a most impressive dream
that made him kneel and pray.
He saw the heavens open, and ha
saw Christ come again,.
Observed how all the Navajos
became fear-ridden men;
They cried for rocks and mountains
to hide them from God's face.
But saw the Sabbathkeeping Christians saved by God's great grace.
This dream was so Impressive
that he told it everywhere,
And many Indians were led to turn
to God in prayer.
Just recently this convert and twenty
others too,
Received the rite of baptism—if
thrilled us through and through.
The hand of God is working; the task
will soon be done,
So we must do our duty before the
set of sun.
,,er 441fr
w'sk NON?
Il's our responsibility to spread
the truth abroad,
And gather in the lost of earth—.
each straying child of God.
And in this happy family, the Indians
must hove a parr;
Will you now love them with your
means, and also with your heart?
This Thirteenth Sabbath Offering
gives us a chance to reach
The Indians of America--what
sermons checkbooks preacht
N. M.
Let us remember our North American Indians
in a very special way on June 27.
boat for the coastal Indians of British
Columbia, Canada; (3) The erection of
a new school for the Indians in the
northern section of the Carolina Conference.
All will be pleased for this announcement, but perhaps some will wonder
why it is necessary for a 13th Sabbath
overflow to go to a home base like
North America.
The facts are that most Indians live
in territories where our conferences are
small and do not have funds to carry on
this mission work. Thus little has been
done—except in the Pacific Union—
during the past 100 years or more.
The 1960 Decennial Census enumerated 523,591 Indians in the United
States. In addition, over 28,000 Eskimos
and Aleuts were enumerated in the
State of Alaska. Of the 552,000 Indians
and Alaskan natives in the United
States, it is estimated that about 345,000
live on reservations or similar jurisdictional areas of the Bureau of Indian
Affairs, with about 207,000 living in
other parts of the country.
Following the discovery of America
by Columbus, the number of Indians
gradually decreased from about 846,000
until, in the latter part of the nineteenth century, the estimated Indian
population was approximately 243,000.
Since then the number has increased
The souls of our North American
Indians living within the shadow of
our own doors are as precious as are
the souls in far away Africa, India and
the islands of the sea.
The gospel must go to all the world
—to every nation, kindred tongue and
people. Therefore, we plead for a most
liberal overflow this coming 13th Sabbath, June 27, 1964.
G. R. NASH, Secretary
General Conference
Sabbath School Department
. . . are histo c words, and history has a way of repeating itself. Without doubt
many Sevent9. -day Adventist young men will one day soon be caught in the
dilemma of ing unprepared when the call comes for national service, because
they have giv n too little thought to the necessity of making preparation until
it was too lat. to do so.
Medical C
it comes to m
young man t
youth to be p
be well prep.
MCC trainin
For details w
det training gives the young Adventist a decided advantage when
eting the challenge of military service. It is not necessary for any
be unprepared. Camp Doss is operated specifically to help your
pared. This year Camp Doss will be training those who wish to
ed for the eventual. If you are a young man who has not had
plan to attend Camp Doss, Grand Ledge, Michigan, June 9-23.
NATIONAL ERVICE ORGANIZATION, Missionary Volunteer Department
General Conf ence of Seventh-day Adventists
6840 Eastern venue NW, Washington, D.C. 20012
Application Blank
National Medical Cadet Corps Training Camp
Grand Ledge, Michigan
June 9-23, 1964
1. Enclosed ease find $1.00 for application fee to the 1964 SDA National
Medical C set Corps Training Camp for the following course:
❑ Officers' Training*
❑ Advanced
❑ Basic
2. I agree to bide by all the standards of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
while at ca p, and will to the best of my ability obey the rules of the camp.
Street or R.F
City and Stat
Grade in scho 1 next school year
Note: The
ference or of
letter or other
whole amount
camp fee must be cared for at the time of registration. If a conr institution is paying part of your camp fee, you must have a
otification with you when you register, or be prepared to pay the
Be Sure to Enclose $1.00 Application Fee
* Read "Cour s Offered."
Greater New York
G. ERIC JONES, President
D. E. LATHAM, Secretary-Tressurer
Telephone Area Code 212, 268-8110
108-11 69th Road
Forest Hills, N.Y. 11375
Make wills and legacies payable to the
Greater New York Corporation of Seventh-day
Greater New York
Moves Forward
Five-Day Plan
The Five-Day No-Smoking Plan introduced by the Atlantic Union Conference has proved to be of wide benefit
both on the East Coast and throughout
the North American Division. Greater
New York has been no exception in
taking advantage of government medical releases on smoking and cancer and
other diseases and has promptly
launched into a series of Five-Day
clinics. The first clinic held in Hunter
College attracted 2,000 people and
this was followed by two more in Manhattan, one at the Academy of Medicine and one at the High School of
Fashion. Since that time a new team
consisting of Elder J. R. Hoffman and
Dr. Dunbar Smith have conducted
three such clinics on Long Island, one
at Port Washington, one in Wantagh,
and one in Forest Hills. The last two
were conducted in Jewish Synagogues
at the request of the rabbis and other
influential people in the synogogue.
The latest clinic was scheduled for
Great Neck, Long Island, in the Saddle
Rock School and began May 10 with
this same team. Approximately three
thousand have attended the six clinics
that have been held and it is hoped that
many more can be conducted both in
the Long Island and in the Manhattan
area of New York City.
Berkshire Auditorium
A contract has been let to the Timber
Structures Incorporated to erect an
auditorium at Camp Berkshire 120
feet wide and 140 feet long to replace
the auditorium that was destroyed by
fire last July. Laminated timbers are
now in the process of being manufactured and it is thought that they will
arrive on the premises sometime the
latter part of May. It is in the plans that
the building will be far enough along
to use as a main gathering place for
the 1964 camp meeting.
Secretary Treasurer
General Conference
Vice•President. North
American Division
General Field Secretary
General Conference
Associate Secretary
General Conference
Faith for Today
To Attend Camp Meeting
Associate, Radio Dept.
Voice of Prophecy
Wingdale, New York
July 2-11, 1964
Associate Secretary
S.S. Dept. G.C.
Camp meeting, 1964 edition, in the Greater New York Conference presents
a choice list of speakers from the General Conference. Every meeting will
be charged with inspiration and help for better Christian living. The rural
beauty of Camp Berkshire will provide an ideal setting for an unforgettable
ten days of Christian fellowship. Good gospel preaching, personal counselling,
small group study and prayer, Christian fellowship and recreation—all these
add up to an experience you can not afford to miss as you endeavor to develop
a faith that will make "Christ first, and last, and best in your life."
For reservations write:
Camp Meeting Reservations
108-11 69th Road
Forest Hills, New York 11375
Associate Secretary
Ed. Dept., G.C.
Associate Secretary
Ed. Dept., G.C.
Atlantic Union
Faith for Today Quartet, Left to right: Don
Siebenlist, bass; Jim Ripley, baritone; Larry Fillingham, second tenor;
Stan Schleenbaker, first
tenor; Van Knauss, organist.
Cha e Date of
Spec 1 Meeting
Bates Me orial Hospital
A special mee ng of the constituency
of the Greater ew York Conference
has been called to meet at the Bates
Memorial Hos tal property, Sprain
Ridge, Yonkers, ew York, on Sunday,
June 21, 1964, at :00 p.m. The purpose
of the meeting 11 be to have a progress report on t Bates project and to
give careful stu to immediate needs
of opening the spital.
In addition t the regular delegates
to be selected by e churches, we invite
anyone among r members to attend
who would like o see the progress on
conducted tour of
this institution.
the hospital is sc eduled and soup and
a sandwich will e served those attending.
The institutio to this people has
medical institution
long been that
should be in the icinity of New York
City. We are so ery close to this realikes us tremble with
zation that it
what God can do
anticipation as
for this church i this great influential
area as soon as o doors can be opened
to the public. P1 now to attend this
special meeting d support your conference in the p jects that are designated to benefit God's cause and to
alleviate man's s ering.
(Note change f date and time of
Camp Meeting Application—For Camp Berkshire
❑ English—July 2-11, 1964
❑ Spanish—July 12-18, 1964
the City
More than se n hundred Greater
New York layme and ministers vowed
to shake this grea megalopolis with the
power of the cro of Christ. This was
the heart-warmin dedication made at
the launching pr gram of the Adventist Laymen's Cr sade recently held at
the New York
Nerved by coal of spiritual fire from
the altar of full mmitment, the laity
and ministry ha joined in an inteness for Christ. The
sive personal
focus of the ou ach is presenting to
friends, neighbor , and wayfarers the
infinite love of C' as reflected in the
cross of Calvary.
Introducing th launching program
G. Eric Jones, reater New York's
president, stated: Heeding the counsel
that of all profe ing Christians, Seventh-day Adventi s should be foremost
in uplifting Chr t before the world,
108-11 69th Road
Forest Hills, New York 11375
Locating Committee
Greater New York Conference
Please check below the type of accommodation desired.
Total number of beds needed:
Names of people coming:
Hotel, 2 beds, hall bath, lavatory
Hotel, 2 beds, connecting bath, lavatory each room
Hotel, 1 bed, connecting bath, lavatory (limited number)
Hotel, 2 (or more) beds, private bath, lavatory (limited number)
Castle (over Dining Hall), 2 beds, connecting bath, lavatory
Castle, 2 beds, hall bathroom, women only
Cottage or hotel style rooms, men or women, per person
Cottage, two beds, private bath
Cottage, or Apartment with Housekeeping Unit, includes stove,
refrigerator, table, chairs (number of units limited)
Cabin (Eagle Lake type) community rest rooms
Tents with floor, community rest rooms
Payment in full is requested with application on above accommodations, PLUS
$5.00 refundable room, key, and lock deposit on each room. If needed, send deposit
of $10 to hold each room and balance within 30 days but in no case later than
June 15. Please enclose check or money order. Be sure to bring linen, bedding,
and pillows, as they will not be furnished. Prices quoted upon request. Indicate
English or Spanish as prices diger due to length of meetings.
In case of emergency, notify:
we are joining hands in this intensive
personal evangelistic outreach." Several
leading laymen including George Suhrie of New Jersey praised the Crusade's
objectives as they participated in the
Keynote of the Crusade launching
was given by Ralph Watts, one of the
vice-presidents of the General Conference. In a heart-probing appeal he emphasized that there are thousands in
this giant city and its environs who are
waiting for God's message to be
brought to them. "Success is sure as
we harness God's power to a fully committed witness for Christ," he declared.
Responding for the laymen in this
concerted soul-winning endeavor was
Emilio Knechtle, originator of the Crusade, who has injected great fervor into
the laymen's action program. "I was
simply amazed at the centrality of the
cross in the Seventh-day Adventists be-
liefs. I thought the church was legalistic in its thinking. Many of my
friends in the upper echelons of evangelical circles have this false concept.
This program is designed to give the
true picture of God's remnant church,"
Knechtle declared.
Climax to the laymen's appeal was
the charge given by W. J. Hackett,
Atlantic Union Conference president.
The challenge, centered on the cross,
hid all to see the Lamb staggering
under the cross, Christ agonizing in the
throes of a sinner's death on the cross,
and rising victorious as a conqueror
over the power of sin and death. "I
charge you to tarry no more," he
appealed as hearts in turn responded
with wholehearted dedication.
Following demonstrations of the
"how" techniques all were invited to
experience the thrills of "Do It Yourself" by crusade co-ordinators, union,
and local home missionary leaders, H.
W. Peterson, and H. E. Voorhees. The
Crusade is being followed by additional
training sessions in local churches. The
soul-reaching tools are letters, introductions to Christ, and a new series of
Christ-centered Bible lessons.
Succinct was the close with the
power-capsulated thought: "And I,
when I am lifted up from the earth,
will draw all men to myself" (John
12:32 R.S.V.)
H. E. HAss, Director
Center Public Relations
New York
R. W. MOORE, President
R. C. MILLS, Secretary-Treasurer
Telephone Area Code 315, 479-5549
Box 1285 528 Oak St. Syracuse, N.Y. 13201
Church and Conference Men
Meet with Mayor
0. A. Canada, pastor of the Syracuse
church, H. J. Harris, Sabbath school
and home missionary director of the
New York Conference, and John Milton, public relations director, recently
visited Mayor Walsh of Syracuse, New
York. The purpose of the visit was to
acquaint the mayor with the work of
Seventh-day Adventists in the Syracuse
The cause of God has been advanced
by this friendly visit with the chief
executive of the hub city of New York
State, Mayor Walsh of Syracuse.
Public Relations
Baptism at Utica
Sabbath, April 11, was an eventful
day at Utica, when for the first time
the ordinances of humility and the
Lord's Supper were celebrated in the
new church building. These services
were well attended, and in the afternoon the entire district met in the new
sanctuary for the first baptismal service to be held in the new house of
worship, during which 18 were baptized.
We are reminded of I Corinthians
3:5-9 where the question is implied,
"Who is a worker for Christ?", and
also the implied statement, "Someone
planted, another watered, arid God
gave the increase." The faithful work
of previous pastors, including that of
Benjamin F. Hartman, is richly bearing
fruit. The late Mrs. Anna May Shull,
who worked so diligently in time past,
is responsible for several who followed
their Lord, including the Robert B.
Olsen family and a number of their
friends. Joseph Twing and his good
wife exerted a strong influence and
helped in a wonderful way in preparing for the results witnessed on April
It was a real pleasure, too, for all concerned to have Roscoe W. Moore, our
conference president, present on April
25 at the worship services in this district when he joined in extending the
right hand of fellowship and welcomed
those joining with their particular
church group.
We praise the dear Lord for His
blessings, and trust confidently for the
future, as we continue to work with
others for another baptismal service.
We solicit your prayers, and will be
happy to pray for you in return, as we
work together in cooperation with the
Lord in preparation for the wonderful events that God has planned for the
remnant church.
Utica District
R. T. HUDSON, President
F. L. JONES, Secretary-Treasurer
Telephone Area Code 212, 286-0233
New York, N.Y. 10031
560 W. 150th St.
Send the Light!
Jets of light must shine from every
village. Soon thousands are to be converted in a day and many of these will
trace their conversion to the reading of
our literature. But it will be impossible
for people to read our literature unless
they get it.
We are now engaged in a Message
Magazine campaign endeavoring to
scatter the truth like the leaves of
autumn. This is a time when the ministers must take the lead and the home
missionary leaders and other church
officers must unite with them in doing
a great job for God. If ever there was a
(Continued on page 10)
Mayor Walsh of Syracuse, New
York, seated center, with Elder Harris,
left, and Elder Canada, right.
Mayor Walsh cordially received these
men and spoke well of the purposes
and aims of the Adventist cause especially mentioning the Five-Day Plan.
The mayor stopped smoking several
years ago and is an ardent advocate of
others quitting, too.
Two books, Your Bible and You and
A Century of Miracles, plus a recorded
album by the King's Heralds were presented to the mayor on behalf of the
Syracuse church.
Baptismal group at Utica, who were united with the church
April 11,
144 illion Blind and Visually
Han icapped People Long for Eyesight
Just a few
only 144 mill
America. So t
continent ful
would not co
sighted folk
not come for
tinent, would
Neither doe
forget these
a farseeing P
why they, ins
without seein
father, childr
out seeing mo
ing colors an
Someone e
and anxiety
this poem:
ears ago there were
n people in North
s number is almost a
of people. Christ
e to take only the
heaven. He would
s, and forget a cone?
the remnant church
Mons to whom only
vidence can explain
ad of us, must live
the faces of mother,
and friends. Withment. Without seeshapes.
ressed the longing
a blind person in
T ee Days
"Three days," a lind one said,
"Give but three ays to me;
Three wondrou days—that I could see.
"I would not sle ;
I would not ea
My hungry eye would feed on
Beauty I have •ver seen.
My feet would race
To pastures gr n.
would hold in awe
My eager han
A glistening s e
Found in a sp kling stream.
Oh, could I vie a church's lofty spire!
A sun's last gl
That sets a wo d on fire!
Or climb a hill
A tall tree's no e height
Whose silhouet shines soft
Against a purpl night.
`Wait, wait,' I'd call,
As time ran on apace,
`Show me a lov s smile,
A baby's face,
fondling touch.'
A mother's gen
O God—I have issed so much!
"Three days," a lind one said,
"Give but three ays to me;
Three wondrous ays—that I could see."
What Is Our Denomination
Doing For Blind People!
ences where campmeetings are held
on this date, perhaps another date
will be chosen for the offering.
The General Conference, in 1899,
established what is now known as
the Christian Record Braille Foundation, Inc., to help blind and
visually handicapped people, and
to teach them the truths of God's
last message. The organization now
produces and conducts the following services—all being completely
without cost to recipients in 77
• 5 Braille magazines
• 1 large print magazine
• 1 recorded magazine
• 1 taped magazine (Senior Sabbath School lessons)
• A Bible correspondence school of
11 courses in Braille and on
• A large Braille lending library
• A new tape lending library
• Scholarship program for needy
blind youth
• Consultation for blind people
and their families
• Research for new services for all
age levels
• Preschool nursery for blind
• Supplies all 31 regional libraries
of the Library of Congress
and all state schools for the
• Personal visits with blind people
in their homes by trained
This Offering is to
Make if Possible to—
' Produce and conduct doctrinal
Bible courses in Braille and on
2. Publish Sabbath School lessons
and mission readings in Braille
and on tapes.
3. Braille and record "Patriarchs
and Prophets," "Prophets and
Kings," "Desire of Ages," "Acts
of the Apostles" and "The Great
Controversy," and place them in
our own free lending library, also
in the 31 regional libraries of the
Library of Congress and in state
schools and social centers; also in
English language areas overseas.
4. Braille condensed "Review and
Herald" magazine articles monthly, especially for deaf-blind and
blind Adventists.
5. Start Braille or recorded literature in at least Spanish and
maybe another foreign language.
6. Pubish some E. G. White books
and the entire Bible in large
This Program Costs
$410,000 This Year
Business people give generously
so we may conduct the general nondoctrinal phases of the work. But,
the only funds we can use to
produce parts of the program that
bring people face to face with testing truths are provided by an
offering in our churches once each
two years. The next offering is
scheduled for June 13. In confer-
Teenage fingers search for truth in Braille
for eyelightl we on tune 13 ao mite blind maya.leell the truth.
J vippreciate . . .
Atlantic Union—
"1 have very little sight left, therefore I
thank you with all my heart for my
YOUTH HAPPINESS magazine in the
large print."—Mns. 0. H. M., NEW YoRK
Canadian Union—
"We are especially grateful to you since
we are Canadians, and without American publications we would have few
magazines. We particularly like the approach of the editors and their references to the better things of life."—
Central Union—
"My husband and I are active Presbyterians, but we have often mentioned how
no church is 'run down.' I receive so
much Christian inspiration from your
publications."—MRs. D. N., WYOMING
Columbia Union—
"Your generosity in making it possible for
our oldest son to enter Mt. Vernon
Academy has been taken by us as a sign
from the Lord that by faith we should
send our boy to the Academy."—H. D.
Lake Union—
"I have read the magazine more than
forty years. I am a Roman Catholic, but
enjoy and profit from the material found
Northern Union—
"1 thank you for encouraging all of us to
read our Bibles through. I finished in
eight months. This was the first time.
It has helped me to see more clearly
the great plan of salvation and redemption for us."—D. T., NORTH DAKOTA
North Pacific Union—
`Your services are food to my soul and
help to fill many long hours."—MRs.
Pacific Union—
"I marvel at the services. To start the day
with the taped Sabbath School lesson
and sometimes a mission story means
more than I can say. My heart is full of
gratitude."—H. M. H., CALIFORNIA
Southern Union—
"Little did I realize all that you were
doing for the blind until I myself was
afflicted. No one but the sightless
knows what it means to be shut away
from the activities that have been their
very life. Your Talking Books have
opened a whole new world to me! God
bless you all."—M. H. M., TENNESSEE
Southwestern Union—
"The CHRISTIAN RECORD lifts some of the
deep darkness from our lot in life."—
Elder Theodore Carcich
urges the church
to braille and record
more books like
THE DESIRE OF AGES in Braille consists of 14 volumes, costs
$420 to produce.
Recently five blind children came to the Arlington National
Cemetery to see President Kennedy's grave. The schoolteacher, who
accompanied the children from Massachusetts, personally collected
300,000 trading stamps to make the trip possible. Watching the children
grope in their effort to reverently feel the wooden fence surrounding the
grave—for this was the only way they could "see" the grave—caused the
eyes of observers to mist and strong men to look away. The experience
helped all to appreciate the blessings of sight and to strengthen the
hands of any who labor for the blind.
As a church we have the responsibility of helping thousands of
blind people in North America to see God's truth for these last days.
The sightless, as the children at President Kennedy's grave, can only
"see" God's truth by feeling it with their fingertips on the Braille pub-'
lications prepared by the Christian Record Braille Foundation of Lincoln,
On Sabbath, June 13, an offering will be received in all churches
to make possible the Braille publication of such books as Desire of Ages,
Steps to Christ, Great Controversy, et cetera. If a schoolteacher was
willing to collect 300,000 trading stamps to bring five blind children to
see the president's grave, what should God's people give to help the
great number of blind to "see" their way out of the grave?
Whether you give $1000, $500, $100, or $1.00, mark your offering
"Christian Record" or just "Offering for the blind." We are counting on
you to do your best for the blind on Sabbath, June 13.
no lovelier way to thank god for your Jight than by giving a
helping hand to Joineone in the dark.-Helen Keller. Give compassionately on June 13
"Mere i3
North stern Conference
Se d the Light!
ued from page 7)
time when t world needs our truthfilled literatu , it is now. Thousands
are soundin the Macedonian call
"come over a d help us."
The Messa Magazine is the world's
religious journal. Let
leading Neg
us seek to ke it in first place. We are
counting on a the constituents to unite
with us in se ding the light.
R T. HUDSON, President
Camp Meeting Order Blank
The following accommodations have been provided at the Victory Lake
campground, at Hyde Park, New York, for the Northeastern Conference camp
meeting which will be held from June 25 to July 4, 1964.
Cottages and apartments furnished. 3 rooms, kitchen
and shower, beds to accommodate 6 persons.
*Cottages have space for 2 or 3 additional cots which
can be rented. Lights and gas furnished _________
Private rooms with shower privileges (limited number
available). Accommodations for 3 persons. In some
rooms 1 or 2 cots can be added
Private rooms with kitchen and shower privileges
(limited number available). Accommodations for 3
persons. In some rooms 1 or 2 cots can be added. Start at 50.00
Northeaster Dorcas Federations
M t in Albany
More than ven hundred men, women, and c ldren from the three
Northeastern orcas federations met at
the Lark Str t Recreation Center in
Albany, New ork, on Sunday morning, May 3, or their annual spring
meeting. The ay was perfect for trayeling—sunny nd warm with a clear
sky. Many a ived by chartered bus.
their own automobiles.
Others came
By eleven o ock the meeting was
every seat filled and
underway w
hundreds stan ing. More chairs had to
other places to meet
be brought fr
the needs of t e people.
H. W. Kibb conference home rnissionary secreta , and Miss Mattie Johnson conferenc federation president,
had charge of he meeting.
Following a hort devotional by the
writer on the life of Barnabas, Miss
Johnson calle on the junior Dorcas
leaders to repo on their activities during the past s months. Last year a
plan was discu ed and set in operation
to enlist more f the young people in
ssionary work of the
the medical
church. Last nday we heard many
thrilling expe nces related to soul
winning in u elfish ministry to the
sick and need thus giving concrete
evidence of th success of this plan in
enlisting the s vices and strength of
al musical selections
our youth. S
by talented s ists, choirs, quartets,
and trios adde to the joy and interest
of the meeting.
One of the hi hlights of the morning
session was the rganization of a new
Dorcas Federat n with officers. It was
named Hudson alley Federation and
was made up f the following five
Motels. Accommodations for 4 persons. Use of public
rest-room facilities
Tent with floor and lights (unfurnished)
Beds with mattresses (Single beds)
Transients (per night)
Total $
Please Note:
No applications will be accepted before June 3, 1964
Curtains and bedding will not be furnished
Orders must be placed in advance. A deposit is required with each application
of $25.00 for cottages, $10.00 for rooms, and $5.00 for tents. Mail it to the
Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 560 West 150th Street, New
York, New York 10031. Deposits will not be refunded after June 20. Balances
on all accommodations must be paid by June 15.
Phone No.
*Additional cots must be requested with this application
*No facilities will be rented to teen-agers
churches — Poughkeepsie, Kingston, we cannot finish it without the help of
Newburgh, Albany, and Ellenville. the Dorcas ladies," said Elder Hudson.
Mrs. Frances Moore from Pough- "The world must be made better bekeepsie was elected leader of the new cause we have passed this way. We
federation, and Mrs. Laura Butler of must be concerned when others are
Newburgh, secretary. The climax of burned out, when disaster strikes as in
the morning session came with a dy- Haiti, when clothes are worn out, and
namic address by R. T. Hudson, presi- jobs are difficult to get." Elder Hudson
dent of the Northeastern Conference, dramatized the story of the Good
who stressed the importance of this wel- Samaritan, who helped a fellow traveler
fare ministry of love in breaking who fell among thieves on the road to
through the apathy and indifference of Jericho. "The world is looking for somethe people. "We have a message to give one to practice his religion. I wonder
to the world—a work to finish—and what would happen if we would prac-
tice religion like this." The speaker
closed his appeal by referring to
Christ's message to the church as recorded in Matthew 25 and asked the
question: "Are you glorifying God by
using your talents in His service?"
When the nations are gathered before Him,
there will be but two classes, and their eternal destiny will be determined by what they
have done or have neglected to do for Him
in the person of the poor and the suffering.
--Desire of Ages, p. 637.
The main feature of the afternoon
session was a firsthand, eyewitness report by Rene Adrien of the disaster
which struck Haiti last October. The
three Northeastern Dorcas federations
went into action immediately when
news reached them of the disaster with
earnest appeals for help. In twenty-four
hours they had sixteen tons of clothing,
food, and medicine ready to be flown
to Haiti by the Navy and Pan-American airways. A total of 120 bales had
to be gathered, prepared, and packed
for shipment. One hundred twentynine women and a few men worked
around the clock to speed the needed
food and clothing to Haiti. One thousand dollars in cash was also raised and
given to our people, mostly through our
local conference in Haiti. Then Northeastern Conference sent Pastor Adrien
over in person to visit our people and
help in supervision of the materials and
money. Letters of gratitude and appreciation were read from the people of
The kind of ministry God would
have His people do at this time is clearly outlined in the fifty-third chapter of
Isaiah. When put into actual practice,
it will bring new life into our churches.
This chapter should be read over and
over again as it contains information
of the highest importance. The poor,
the unfortunate, the sick and suffering,
are God's legacy to His church. They
are placed among us for a purpose—the
development of a godlike character. By
unselfish ministry to their needs our
sympathies are drawn out, efficacy is
given to our prayers, and a character is
formed after the divine similitude.
H. W. PETERSON, Secretary
Home Missionary Department
Atlantic Union Conference
Enroll others in a
Bible Correspondence
Northern New England
C. P. ANDERSON, President
W. H. SMITH, Secretary-Treasurer
Telephone Area Code 207, 774-3611
Box 1340
Portland, Maine 04111
Library Purchases Books
Several weeks ago we had a lead card
for the town of Wilton, Maine. While
we were there (Frank Tyler and I), I
asked him if there was anyone else in
town we could visit besides the person
who sent in the lead card. He informed
me that the minister of the Congregational church was interested in the
Bible Story.
pocket to put in the library. The other
books they purchased are to be paid for
by the town of Wilton. They purchased
one set of the Bible Story, one set of
Bedtime Stories, and one year's subscription to Life and Health.
The librarian made the statement
that she was pleased to get the books
because they needed something to counteract the comic books and other books
of that nature. The thought came to
me that God has many strange and
unusual ways to carry on His work
while we are sleeping.
Southern New England
MERLE L. MILLS, President
ARTHUR E. HARMS, Secretary-Treasurer
Telephone Area Code 617 Clinton 365-4551
South Lancaster
Massachusetts 01561
Make wills and legacies payable to the
Southern New England Conference Association
of Seventh-day Adventists.
Village Church Observes
Library in Wilton, Maine
We called on him and he was delighted that we had come. He said,
"You know, these Bible Story should
be in the library here in Wilton. [f you
fellows will go with me, I would like
to go down and show these books to
the librarian." We went down and
showed them to her.
Several weeks passed. We were in
Wilton again on Friday, May 1. We
went over to see the librarian and she
said: "Last night the board voted to
take the books." We delivered the
books to the library. Mrs. Althea Babb
paid for the Bible Story out of her own
The week end of April 30-May 3
marked the centennial of the South
Lancaster Village church for it was on
April 30, 1964, that the church was
Elder Adams, the pastor, had a wellplanned program. Among the speakers
were 0. D. Wright, a former pastor
and president of the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference; Arthur White, secretary of the Ellen G. White Publications; and F. D. Nichol, editor of the
Review and Herald. Joseph Melashenko
was in charge of the music for the
week end.
On Sunday, Elder White led a large
group on a tour of historical sites in
and around South Lancaster and New
Hampshire. The following historical
article appeared in the centennial bulletin.
Frank Tyler delivering books to librarian, Mrs. Althea Babb
One hundred years ago, this April 30, 1964,
God in His Providence chose to gather in a
small hamlet in Massachusetts, known as
South Lancaster, a church which would become one of the mighty factors in giving the
Advent message to the world.
One of the pioneer founders of this body,
Stephen N. Haskell, was led by the Spirit of
God to establish a church society on that day
and eighteen years later a school. This was
indeed a day of small beginnings in which a
carriage shop became the cradle of the South
Lancaster Seventh-day Adventist church and
then the Atlantic Union College.
D. Wright
Arthur White
F. D. Nichol
Left: The Viii ge church as it appears today. Right: Elder and Mrs. Melashenko presenting a special number with
their five sons.
Lett: El r Hutchins at the keyboard of the
new Baldwin organ.
Elder White and the group who toured
historical spots on Sunday.
The infant church had eight charter members, four men and their wives. It was born
in the home of Lewis Priest in North Lancaster. On a faded page, evidently from the first
church record, the following names are inscribed: Stephen N. Haskell, Mary How Haskell, Lewis Priest, Jr., Mary L. Priest, Henry
Priest, Maria Priest, Benjamin F. Rice, Roxie
A. Rice. This small beginning was in truth
a dream child of those Adventist pioneers,
who in organizing the Seventh-day Adventist
church that same year, looked for its growth
• into a world-wide movement. But even their
dreams could hardly have envisioned the
worldwide influence the South Lancaster
church was destined to have.
In its early years the growing church had no
permanent abiding place. Like Israel of old
they moved from place to place. Not long after the organization in North Lancaster, Lewis
Priest, Jr., and his brother Henry moved to
the South Village, Lewis purchasing the
white cottage that stands north of the campground on Sawyer Street. Now the Sabbath
services were held in South Lancaster. In 1869
they met in the Odd Fellows Hall over Turner's blacksmith shop. Later, they used a
large room in the Rice home, until that house
was sold. The now homeless church group
was delighted to accept the offer of S. N. Haskell's carriage shop as a sanctuary in which
to worship their God. This shop was located
on the Haskell estate near the present site
of our present church, the building was 20
feet by 25 feet and was used until 1877, when
it was discarded, being too small.
Years went by. In the fall of 1877 a general meeting was held in South Lancaster but
the church was too small to house the group,
so a forty-foot tent was pitched to meet the
need. Among other topics discussed was the
question of a suitable church building. This
resulted in the solicitation of donations and
pledges, and the erection of the new building
was begun almost immediately! The following spring, May 1878, the new church was
dedicated. It was fifty-six feet by thirty-two
feet in size and cost three thousand dollars.
In those days it was one of the finest in the
denomination. The membership then was
eighty. Though it has been enlarged several
times since, the original structure still remains as the front part of the present church.
The South Lancaster church is wealthy in
its rich spiritual heritage. Here was the scene
of one of Ellen G. White's visions which God
gave for the encouragement and instruction
of His people. It is recorded in Testimonies to
the Church vol. 5, p. 114.
Here in 1869 was formed the Vigilant Missionary Society for the purpose of distributing
missionary tracts and papers. In 1871 Ellen
and James White visited South Lancaster to
study this work of Haskell and his associates
and were greatly impressed by its organization and effectiveness. They endorsed the
plan and recommended that it be followed by
other churches. From this society came the
formation of our Home Missionary Department of the General Conference and our local
conference Book and Bible houses.
Here in 1870, on the edge of South Lancaster was held the first New England camp
meeting, and where Ellen G. White spoke to
ten thousand people who eagerly gathered
from all over New England to hear her.
Here in the winter of 1899 convened the
General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. In that same year also,
the New England Sanitarium was established.
Later it was moved to its present location in
Farewell services for departing missionaries
have been frequent here in South Lancaster.
The first was for J. N. Andrews, when he
sailed in 1874 for his mission field in Europe.
Since that time over three hundred missionaries have departed from this church and the
Atlantic Union College to the four corners of
the earth to give their lives in the furrows of
the world's need.
"What bath God wrought?" This church
has indeed become by the Providence of God,
the focal point of the Advent message in the
East and undoubtedly is destined to fill an
even larger place in the plan of God in the
finishing of the work.
Hello again! Chippy Chipmunk reporting. These beautiful May days
make us realize that camp time is not
very far away. Things are beginning
to come to life here at Camp Winnekeag. The last week- end of April the
M.C.C. from South Lancaster Academy
were here for their annual bivouac.
The weather was beautiful and from
what I observed, they learned a lot and
had a good time.
I understand Elder Lake and his
crew are coming to put in the pier on
the 24th of May. Hope Mr. Sun shines
bright and warm that day because the
water is still plenty chilly. A number of
groups have already reserved the camp
for outings and it is nice to see folks
again. Mr. Doughty came and turned
on the water around the last of April
when they were sure Jack Frost
wouldn't come calling again until next
There are several applications already in for camp. That is the way to
do it, juniors, then you will be sure of
a place when camp starts. We are looking forward to a bigger-and-better-thanever camp this summer. I hear that a
lot of the fellows and girls who have
gone beyond the Junior-Camp age are
interested in coming back to camp to
work. I know for some people the summer would not be complete without
spending some time at Camp Winnekeag. To come to Camp Winn ekeag is
to love it. So get those applications in
right away and plan on a good time
this summer. Be seeing you.
Send $2.00 deposit with this Application and
Health Record to: MV Department, Southern
New England Conference, South Lancaster,
City _
Grade __________ _ ____ _______ Age ----Birthday
If my application is accepted, I promise to
abide by Camp Winnekeag's regulations and
to co-operate with my leaders. Please enroll
me in the camp checked.
Ages 8-11
❑ July 12 - July 19
❑ July 19 - July 26
Ages 11-15
❑ July 26 - August 2
❑ August 2 - August 9
I prefer ❑ Lower bunk
I prefer ❑ Upper bunk
I would like to be in the same cabin as
Receipt #
Amount $
Balance Due $
1. Check if applicant has had heart trouble ❑
Lung trouble ❑
Rheumatic fever ❑
2. Check immunization record
Smallpox vaccination
Yes ❑ No ❑ When
Diphtheria immunization
Yes ❑ No ❑ When
Tetanus immunization
Yes ❑ No ❑ When
Poliomyelitis shots
Yes ❑ No ❑ When
3. Operation or injury
4. Serious illness during past year
5. I find applicant in good condition.
(Physician's Signature)
(If you are unable to have your family physician check applicant, we will have a physician
on the grounds who will check each camper
on arrival.)
Leominster Church Organized
On May 9 a church of forty members
was organized in Leominster, Massachusetts, by Elders Mills and Harms
from the conference office. The mem-
Left: Elde
Leominster. R
associate pasto
and R. R. Ad
bers of the for
joined with thi
voting to disb
For several
been meeting
the leadership
sociate pastor
He, with Eld
Hallock, have 1
day night eva
were well atte
work for futur
The nomin
Samuel Lomba
Mrs. Regina C.
Mrs. Frank Jac
Adams, Pastor Gilley, and Milton Hallock as they conducted Sunday night evangelistic meetings in
ht: Ministers who led out in the organization of the Leominster church. Left to right, J. W. Gilley,
• Samuel Lombard, local elder; M. L. Mills, conference president; A. E. Harms, conference treasurer;
s, pastor.
embers and ministers attending the
organization service.
er Italian church have
new congregation after
d their church.
onths a company has
rented quarters under
f Pastor Gilley, the asf the Village church.
Adams and Milton
out in a series of Sunelistic meetings which
ed laying the groundwork.
ng committee chose
to serve as local elder;
olini to serve as clerk;
s to serve as treasurer;
Jim Ripley presented the special music
at the organization service.
and Frank Jacobs to serve as Sabbath
school superintendent.
Jim Ripley, baritone with the Faith
for Today Quartet, presented the special music. The church will have its
worship service at 9:30 a.m. and its
Sabbath school at 10:45 a.m.
S. A. YAKusH
Public Relations Director
South Lancaster Academy
SLA News
(Continued from page 16)
and Judy Gaspie. Their court consisted
of; Melody Smith, Ellen Myllykangas,
Leonard Harms, and Trenton Frost.
The king and queen each received a set
of luggage, and every member of the
court was given a travel clock. Dennis
Sabol and Lynn Craig, next year's
A.S.B. president and newspaper editor,
were named. A $50.00 scholarship was
awarded to the top student from each
of the schools represented at Academy
Day. These students were: Janet Noyes,
Pine Tree Memorial Intermediate
School; Christine Medeiros, Cedar
Brook Intermediate School; Carol Harlow, Woodstock Elementary School;
Irvin Tolles, Cedar Brook Intermediate
School; Betty Hunt, Athol Elementary
School; Madeline Lowell, Hudson Elementary School; Donna Wethey, Middletown District School; Judy Mae
Mitchell, Brooklawn Intermediate
School; William Sparks, Pittsfield Elementary School; Sherril Martyn, New
London Elementary School; Donald
Upson, New Haven Elementary
School; David Wormhood, Amesbury
Elementary School; Donna Anderson,
Worcester Elementary School; Ronald
Kreaseck, Hartford Intermediate
School, and Wayne Sanders, Riverview Intermediate School.
BLOOD-Mrs. Flora Ann Blood was born
on July 5, 1871, in a Scotch settlement twelve
miles from Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada,
and fell asleep in Jesus on April 21, 1964,
at the Marlboro Hospital in Marlboro, Massachusetts, at the age of ninety-two. Her father
was Kenneth MacLeod and her mother was
Sarah MacDonald.
On July 5, 1896, she was united in marriage
with George H. Blood, Sr., of Lancaster,
Massachusetts. To this union were born a son,
George H. Blood, deceased; two daughters,
Mabel J. Blood-Wright of Worcester, Massachusetts, and Ada M., of Marlboro, Massachusetts with whom she made her home.
Mrs. Blood joined the Seventh-day Adventist
Church at the age of twenty-five. She was
active in Dorcas activities for over twentynine years and was a diligent worker in the
Ingathering program as long as health would
permit. She was a charter member of three
different churches, first in Framingham, then
in Hudson, and just recently in the newly
organized church in Northboro.
Funeral services were conducted at the
Merrill Funeral Home in Hudson by the
writer, assisted by Elder Skilton. She rests
in the hope of the first resurrection when
Jesus will call to life all those who have laid
down their burdens after lives of dedicated
service for Him.
PUBLICOVER-William Robert Publicover
was born January 12, 1882, on Prince Edward Island, Canada. He came to Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1895 and lived there
all the rest of his life. On September 9, 1912,
he was married to Edith L.Jones and together
they had a long and happy life until he died
Wednesday morning, April 1, 1964, at the
Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jamaica Plain,
He leaves, besides his wife, two sons,
William, of Cambridge and Edward, of
Quantico, Virginia; one stepson, Charles
Brown, of Cambridge; six daughters, Mrs.
Mary Shaw, of Natick, Mrs. Katherine Volpe
and Mrs. Henrietta McIsaac, of Cambridge,
Mrs. Barbara Warner, of Allston, and Mrs.
Lillian Harkness and Mrs. Dorothy Gaynor,
of Central Falls, Rhode Island.
Mr. Publicover became a Christian while
a young lad and joined the Pilgrim Presby-
terian church. Later, about twenty years ago,
he became a member of the Boston Temple
and remained a faithful member to the end.
Services were held in the Watson Funeral
Home in Cambridge and he was laid to rest
in Gethsemane Cemetery, West Roxbury,
WIELT-Henry Wielt Jr. was born July 15,
1886, at Brooklyn, New York, and passed to
his rest Sunday morning, April 26, 1964,
at his home in Buskirk, New York. His life
was dedicated to the physical education of the
American youth of which his works do live
in memories of those who came in contact
with him. His was a radiant faith and a
blessed hope.
Left to mourn are his wife Anna Wielt to
whom he was married in 1914; one son,
Ronald; a granddaughter; four brothers and
one sister,
Funeral services were held Tuesday, April
28, at the Spurr Funeral home in Cambridge,
New York, with Stanley Folkenberg and the
writer officiating. Interment was in the Buskirk Cemetery where our brother awaits the
call of Jesus.
WINOT-Clyde Winot was born in Mill
Village, Nova Scotia, and passed to his rest
at the age of seventy-nine at his home in
Charlton, Massachusetts, on February 8, 1964.
For a number of years Mr. Winot has
known and embraced the Advent message. He
was a loyal, active member of the Worcester
church at the time of his death.
A granddaughter, Mrs. Howard Ackerman,
Jr., of Worcester, Massachusetts, and three
great-grandchildren survive.
Funeral services were conducted by the
writer at the Longstreet Funeral Home in
Worcester and burial was in High Plains
Cemetery in Oakdale.
TAYLOR-Margaret E. Taylor, born September 3, 1927, in Wales, passed to her rest
Wednesday afternoon, April 15, 1964, at Elmira, New York, after an extended illness.
She leaves to mourn her passing, her. husband, Lehman; two daughters, Elizabeth and
Beverly; and a little son, Timothy, all at
home. Also surviving Margaret is her mother,
Mrs. Dilys Williams; a brother, Trevor Williams; and a sister, Mrs. Mary Smith, all of
Staffordshire, England.
Margaret and Lehman were married in England, March 3, 1945, during the closing days
of World War II. After coming to the United
States, she was baptized into the Seventh-day
Adventist Church, February 11, 1950, by
A. D. Livengood.
Mrs. Taylor loved her church and served
it well in many ways, the last two of which
were as deaconess and church missionary
secretary. However, her work did not stop
with the church. She served on many civic
committees such as Community Chest, Cancer
Drive, Beecher P.T.A., March of Dimes, and
was this past fall, the co-chairman of the
Mother's March.
Only will eternity tell the Godly influence
she has had on those around her. She now
sleeps waiting for the call of the Life-giver.
All advertisements should be sent, together
with payment, to your local conference office
for approval by the president or secretarytreasurer. The rate is $3.00 for each insertion
of forty words or less, and 5 cents for each
additional word. No ad can run more than
once a month. Check or money order should be
made payable to Atlantic Union Gleaner or
Atlantic Union Conference. Advertisements appearing in the GLEANER are printed without
endorsement or recommendation of the Atlantic
Union Conference.
NURSES ARE URGENTLY NEEDEDTakoma Hospital School of Practical Nursing
offers you a 13-month training course to
prepare you for State Board examination and
licensure. Classes begin September 1, 1964.
Applications should be in our office by July
15, 1964. Write Training School, Takoma
Hospital, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743.
ATLAS JUICER-Atlas vegetable and fruit
juicer-juices any vegetable or fruit. Fasterwith more juice per pound. Pin-point balance.
No plastic, bakelite, or aluminum. Solidly
built with lifetime guarantee. An investment
in good health. Free information upon request.
To order, write or call Stout's Distributing
Co., 31 Green Road, Newport, New Hampshire 03773, Telephone 1112.
ATTENDING WORLD'S FAIR?-Can accept limited number of guests in beautiful
suburban S.D.A. Center. Plenty of parking
space. On public transportation line. Approximately 15 miles from Fair. Write: P. G.
Christakos, 35 Central Boulevard, Mount
Vernon, New York.
FOR SALE-Duplex house in South Lancaster, 7 Parker Road (near Sterling Road),
two bedroom, full basement, double garage,
blacktop drive and patio, conveniently located.
Contact Wiebe Middendorp, Box 503, South
Lancaster, Massachusetts 01561
CARPENTER WANTED-Thoroughly experienced in all phases of residential construction and trim. Permanent position, Glens
Falls area. State in first letter: experience,
when available, financial requirements, and
references. B. Peter Jensen, 506 Main Street,
Corinth, New York 12822.
watches, travel alarm clocks, table alarm
clocks, beautiful bookends. Use our convenient lay-away plan. Academy Shop, 24 Prescott Street, South Lancaster, Massachusetts.
Open Sundays.
COME AND SHOP-At New York's most
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line of Worthington frozen foods. Introducing
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Chipped Beef. Our special while they lastfrozen Soyameat, chicken style-you buy
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are right. Special for May 15-July 15, is
Battle Creek Vegetable Burger 20 oz. can, 550;
Worthington Vegetarian Cutlets 20 oz. can,
55¢; MC sliced 20 oz. can, 55¢. Open all day
Sunday, plenty of parking space. We ship anywhere-send for our free price list. Naturganic Foods Distributors, 410 West 45th
Street, New York, New York 10036.
R. L. RE
Telephone Area
South Lancaster
Mon College
OLDS, President
de 617, Clinton 365-4561
Massachusetts 01561
Selected as
Aca mic Dean
The Atlantic
Trustees on T
H. E. Douglas
religion and h
the religion an
ology departme
serve as the ne
demic dean o
Douglass re
R. E. Clevelan
has been dean
college since
Dr. Cleveland
cepted a positi
Loma Linda U
Douglass has
ments for his
Pacific School
top-rated n
naries in the
He is the
ventist to recei
is a five-year p
His thesis t
Solution to th
ism Dichotom
nion College Board of
sday, May 12, selected
presently professor of
d of
thet, to
s acH. E. Douglass
n as
f academic affairs at
versity, California.
ust completed require.D. degree from the
f Religion, one of the
denominational semiited States.
and Seventh-day Adsuch a degree, which
pic was "A Proposed
Subjectiv i sm-Obj ectivn Christian Faith as It
Atlanti Union College
or 1964
Instruction Be ins
Instruction E s
Final Examin tions
er Session
June 1
June 2
June 25
June 26
Su mer Session
June 28
June 29
Instruction Be ns
Aug. 6
Instruction E
Aug. 7
Final Examin ions
Instruction B ins
Instruction E
Final Examin tions
Aug. 9
Aug. 10
Sept. 3
Sept. 4
For summ school offerings write
to the Direct , Summer School Sessions, Atlant Union College, South
Lancaster, M sachusetts.
College students needed to work in
the Atlantic Union College Book
Bindery for summer months. Continuous employment during school year.
If interested contact
Michael Bogdanovich, Manager
College Bindery
Box 599
South Lancaster, Massachusetts
Relates to Christian Proclamation." He
has been working for a year on the dissertation, which was completed and
submitted to his graduate school last
Douglass spent the school year 196263 on leave of absence from Atlantic
Union College, living with his family
in Berkeley, California, where the Pacific School of Religion is located. He
remarks that his experience as the only
Adventist there was very valuable, adding that he was "probably one of the
very few conservatives to go through
the program there."
The dean-elect, a native of Springfield, Massachusetts, is an alumnus of
Atlantic Union College, Class of '47.
He is married to Vivienne Trask-Douglass, whom he met at college. With
their four children, they live in a large
old farmhouse off George Hill Road.
After his graduation from college,
Elder Douglass pastored several Illinois
churches. In 1956 he received his M.A.
in systematic theology from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, and his B.D. from the same institution the following year.
He was called to the Pacific Union
College religion department, where he
taught until joining the Atlantic Union
College staff in 1960.
Reflecting on his new position, he
said: "The happiest thought at this
time is recognition of the excellent academic posture of Atlantic Union College which Dr. Cleveland bequeaths to
his successor."
He remarked that "Christian education is concerned with the development of commitment of the whole man
as he rightly relates to his Lord in
Elder Douglass concluded with "It
is to this end that the coming years
will be devoted as Atlantic Union College continues to educate its students
for useful service and fullness of meaning in this life and for the life to come."
South Lancaster Academy
Lloyd S. Davis, Principal
Spring Formal Held
The Adelphian Club presented its
annual formal Wednesday evening,
May 6, in the dining room of Preston
Hall. The head hosts and hostesses
were: Richard Emery, Allan Rice,
Edna Myles, and Winnifred Solonika.
Dennis Sabol, Adelphian Club president, presided as master of ceremonies.
H. Dean Kinsey, guest of honor, gave
the after-dinner speech.
A program, "A Night of Television
Entertainment," and a film, Walt Disney's "Toby Tyler," followed in Machlan Auditorium. Those taking part
were: Isaac Johnson, Richard Emery,
Alvin Trace, Daniel Cochran, Jerry
Phair, Douglas McIntyre, H. Dean
Kinsey, William Farley, William Rice,
Phillip Bolan, Roy Aijala, Donald Burgess, Thomas Gibbs, Leonard Harms,
Arthur Wakeley, and Trenton Frost.
The Adelphian Club honored Mr.
and Mrs. Kinsey by giving them a patio
table-and-chair set.
SLA News
* The Academy choir, band, combined
choir and band, and the Choralists presented a secular concert Saturday night,
May 16. The John Philip Sousa band
award was given to Robert Stotz, a
senior band member.
* Monday evening, May 18, the Associated Student Body presented a program for the prospective students who
attended Academy Day. The program
included numbers by the band and
Choralists. Richard Emery, master of
ceremonies, announced this year's courtesy king and queen, Clifford Jennings
(Continued on page 14)
Sunset Table
Eastern Standard Time
Bangor, Me.
Augusta, Me.
Portland, Me.
Boston, Mass.
South Lancaster, Mass.
Pittsfield, Mass.
Hartford, Conn.
New York, N.Y.
Utica, N.Y.
Syracuse, N.Y.
Rochester, N.Y.
Buffalo, N.Y.
May 29
June 5
Add one minute for each thirteen miles west.
Subtract one minute for each thirteen miles east.