How to order eBooks/eAudiobooks from EBSCO What’s EBSCOhost Collection Manager for?

How to order eBooks/eAudiobooks from EBSCO
October 2011, Version 3
What’s EBSCOhost Collection Manager for?
You will be able to use EBSCOhost Collection Manager to find eBooks and eAudiobooks you
would like to purchase from EBSCO. Note that you must still use the Purchase Request form
in Horizon to actually order your eBooks and eAudiobooks. Do not try to order titles using
the EBSCOhost Collection Manager website!
At the moment, the full version of EBSCOhost Collection Manager is not yet available. A
preliminary version is online, which contains monthly spreadsheets of new titles that have
been made available through EBSCO. You can find these spreadsheets on the PRL website
Finding New Titles
Go to:
(You can also find this page on the PRL website by going to Training & Resources > Shipping &
Ordering and then clicking on the link to eBook/eAudio spreadsheets of new titles.)
Click on one of the monthly title lists for either eBooks or eAudiobooks. These are in Excel
spreadsheet format. Open the spreadsheet.
Use the Purchase Request form in Horizon to order titles from EBSCO – do not order
through the EBSCO website. (Go into the Acquisitions section in Horizon, then Purchase
Request, then click on New PR, just as you would to order a physical book.)
In the ISBN field on the form, enter the item’s eISBN number.
In the Format field, enter either eBook (if it is an eBook)
or eAudio (if it is an eAudiobook.)
These two pieces of information are
very important! If Parkland does not
receive them, it is possible a physical
copy of the book will be ordered
instead of an electronic copy.
In the CND list price field, enter the price given on the spreadsheet from EBSCO. This price
will be in U.S. dollars, but do not convert it into Canadian dollars. Parkland will convert the
price to Canadian dollars according to the exchange rate at the time of purchase.
In the Lib.CODE-Request Note field, enter your library code followed by “EBSCO”. For
example, “AOL – EBSCO.”
Enter the Product ID number in the Vendor’s Product ID field – this is located farther down
the Purchase Request form. This is a very important piece of information!
Note 1: If you order an eBook or eAudiobook for which we already have a subscription, your
order will be processed, as Parkland will assume you wish to order an additional
electronic copy of the item (so that more patrons can access it simultaneously).
Check Horizon before ordering to see if another library has ordered an item. (eBooks
and eAudiobooks will not be immediately listed on EBSCOhost after an order is
placed, whereas in Horizon, items on order show up immediately, so it is best to
check Horizon rather than EBSCOhost.)
Note 2: Remember to record the titles AND the Product IDs when ordering eBooks and
eAudiobooks. You will need these to obtain your end-of-year usage stats - see the
statistics section in this document for more info on this.
eBook and eAudiobook Pricing
The price listed in the spreadsheets from EBSCO is now the price you will pay (in USD). Do
not convert into Canadian funds when filling out your Purchase Request. Parkland will do
You should keep a running list in Excel of eBooks and eAudiobooks purchased by your
library (regardless of the year of purchase). For example, as you purchase titles in 2012, you
would simply keep adding them to your spreadsheet of items bought in 2010 and 2011. Then
your statistics for 2012 will include patron usage during that year for all titles purchased by
your library, regardless of when they were purchased.
Your spreadsheet MUST include the following columns for each item:
Product ID
If you wish, you may include other columns as well – for example, an “author” column or a
“date purchased” column. Extra columns are purely for your own use; Parkland only needs
the title and Product ID information to generate your usage statistics.
Parkland recommends you include a “date purchased” column in your spreadsheet, because there is no
indication in Horizon of when you purchased an eBook or eAudiobook (as no item records are created
for these).
At the end of the year, send this spreadsheet to Parkland to obtain usage statistics for titles
owned by your library. Parkland will then send your spreadsheet back to you with a column
containing the number of times each title was accessed in the preceding year.