W orkshop ord

Prices include all meals & workshop materials.
Option One - The Lodge (and "off campus")
(2 or 3 nights... no extra charge) Total - $ 50.00
Note: Any who are staying "off campus" must
also be charged the $50 workshop fee.
Give these numbers to your wife...
Lodge Phone Number:
Brimstone Condo:
Single room occupancy
per person per night $ 70.00
Double room occupancy
per person per night $ 50.00
Option Two - The Brimstone Condos
[You must secure your own roommate (or be assigned one)
and write in his name below or put wife. Your wife will cost
the additional $50 per night (but no program for wives).
Purgatory Durango Mtn.
Ski Area
Brimstone Condos
(Fill in One)
. 550
Where You Plan to Stay
Cascade Creek
Lodge (or "off campus") - enter $50 $_________
Condo Single Occupancy
enter $140 for 2 nights or
$210 for 3 nights
to Cortez
Condo Double Occupancy
enter $100 (per person) for 2 nights or
$150 (per person) for 3 nights $_________
Roommate: _________________________
Arriving (check one):
What To Mail:
1. This form after cutting it off at the fold.
2. A signed "Indemnification" form (enclosed).
3. A check made out to Workshop in the Word for full amount of your choice of above options.
Mail all 3 items to:
Guy Orbison, Jr.
P.O. Box 633
Durango, CO 81302
Durango, Colorado
April 24 - April 26, 2014
[Optional Arrival Day - April 23]
Hwy. Dept. Camp
Old Cascade Lodge
Workshop Site
Cascade Village
Figure Your Cost Here...
An Expository Sermon Seminar
[Each condo has at least two bedrooms and a living room.
This option is for the single occupancy bedroom].
to Silverton
orkshop in
ord 20th Annual
(dirt road) Old
Lime Creek Road
How To
Get There
Preaching Through
U.S. 160
to Pagosa
The workshop site is located 30 miles north of Durango,
or 17 miles south of Silverton. At two miles north from
the Purgatory (now called Durango Mountain) Ski Area,
locate the southern entrance to the Old Lime Creek
Road (there should be a green sign - it is a dirt road).
Proceed east on Old Lime Creek Road 0.9 miles to the
first driveway on the left.
What to Bring Checklist:
Bible & note-taking
casual/comfortable attire
soap, toothbrush, etc.
snacks to share with all?
If staying at the lodge: Sleeping
bag, pillow, and towels
a positive attitude
sermon materials to
share? (100 copies
needed last year)
We've had lots of snow!
You may want to bring
boots and gloves.
Guy Orbison, Jr.
Durango, CO
Denny Petrillo
Denver, CO
Wednesday Speaker
Steven Hill
Van, TX
Workshop Schedule
The 20th Annual
Workshop in the Word
Please Read All Materials Before
Sending In Registration. There will again
be two options in regard to sleeping quarters.
Option One, of course, is the barracks style
quarters of the Cascade lodge (snoring at no
extra charge).
Option Two is to share a condominium with
other men, but with more private baths. We have
made arrangements with Brimstone Condos, (the
ones we've used several years - see map). You
may opt for a private, single occupancy room at
$70 per night or bunk with a roommate at $50 per
night per person (roommates may have to share
the same king or queen size bed). You may bring
your wife (at $50 per night for her) as a roommate, however, the workshop is only for men
(there is good shopping in Durango). Those
wanting single occupancy will be given a private
room (however, on rare occasions this might be
the hide-a-bed in the living room), the double
occupancy option will be a bedroom or the
living room (couch beds) if we have a large
crowd. Roommates will be assigned to those who
want double occupancy but have not made prior
arrangements for a roommate. All those staying
at the lodge (or "off campus" on their own)
will pay a total of $50 for two (or three) nights
lodging with meals. All meals and workshop
sessions will continue to be held at the lodge.
Please read all materials carefully and send in
your registration with a check for the correct
amount along with the signed indemnification
sheet. Like last year, if you would like to come
a day early on Wednesday afternoon, you are
welcome to spend that night at the lodge with
no extra charge and enjoy the area on Thursday.
The condos will cost the extra per day amount.
Get your reservation in early... it is going to be a
great study of Acts 13-28!
Guy Orbison, Jr.
Wednesday, April 23
(Please Print)
This is an optional night for any who want to come
early to enjoy the area. (Afternoon arrival).
Fill out both sides of this panel,
then cut it off and include in your mailing.
6:30 - D I N N E R
7:30 - "Treasuring the Word" - Steven Hill
Thursday, April 24
5:30 - D I N N E R
7:00 - "How To Do An Exegesis" Denny Petrillo
7:45 - BREAK
8:00 - "On Being A Preacher" Guy Orbison, Jr.
Mailing Address:
Street or PO Box
Friday, April 25
Introduction - Guy Orbison, Jr.
Acts 13-14 - Denny Petrillo
Acts 15-18 - Guy Orbison, Jr.
Area Code
Acts 15-18 - Guy Orbison, Jr.
Acts 19-24 - Denny Petrillo
Acts 19-24 - Denny Petrillo
6:30 - B R E A K F A S T
Morning departure
E- Mail:
6:45 - Acts 25-28 - Guy Orbison, Jr.
7:45 - BREAK
Saturday, April 26
5:30 - D I N N E R
8:00 - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Guy Orbison, Jr. & Denny Petrillo
12:00 - L U N C H
Don't Be Left Out!
We will limit the number of
participants this year... so...
HELP us out... If you have special dietary
needs (diabetes, etc.) send a page with