November 4, 2011 10:14 WSPC/185-JBCB S0219720011005793

November 4, 2011 10:14 WSPC/185-JBCB
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Vol. 9, No. 6 (2011) 795–812
c Imperial College Press
DOI: 10.1142/S0219720011005793
J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 2011.09:795-812. Downloaded from
by TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH on 10/08/13. For personal use only.
¨ ‡
Systems Biology Research Centre
University of Sk¨
Box 408 Sk¨
ovde, 541 28, Sweden
∗[email protected][email protected][email protected]
Received 24 August 2011
Revised 5 October 2011
Accepted 5 October 2011
Low-density arrays for quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) are increasingly being used
as an experimental technique for miRNA expression profiling. As with gene expression
profiling using microarrays, data from such experiments needs effective analysis methods
to produce reliable and high-quality results. In the pre-processing of the data, one crucial
analysis step is normalization, which aims to reduce measurement errors and technical
variability among arrays that might have arisen during the execution of the experiments.
However, there are currently a number of different approaches to choose among and
an unsuitable applied method may induce misleading effects, which could affect the
subsequent analysis steps and thereby any conclusions drawn from the results. The
choice of normalization method is hence an important issue to consider. In this study we
present the comparison of a number of data-driven normalization methods for TaqMan
low-density arrays for qPCR and different descriptive statistical techniques that can
facilitate the choice of normalization method. The performance of the normalization
methods was assessed and compared against each other as well as against standard
normalization using endogenous controls. The results clearly show that the data-driven
methods reduce variation and represent robust alternatives to using endogenous controls.
Keywords: miRNA; qPCR array normalization; quantitative real-time PCR.
1. Introduction
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) constitute a family of ∼22 nucleotide long non-coding
RNAs, which has proved to represent an important class of gene regulatory
biomolecules.1–4 MicroRNAs are responsible for the regulation of a large number of
‡ Corresponding
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J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 2011.09:795-812. Downloaded from
by TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH on 10/08/13. For personal use only.
A. Deo, J. Carlsson & A. Lindl¨
genes in animals, plants and humans, and are important in many different biological and cellular processes, such as development, differentiation, cell cycle control
and oncogenesis.5,6 It has been reported that ∼30% of the coding genes in humans
may be regulated post-transcriptionally by miRNAs.7,8 Due to the importance of
miRNA expression profiling, several technologies have been developed that enable
high-throughput and sensitive profiling, such as microarrays,9–14 quantitative realtime PCR (qPCR)15,16 and bead-based flow cytometry.17 qPCR has become a
powerful technique as it combines improvements in sensitivity, specificity and signal detection.15,16 However, the accuracy of the results from experiments utilizing
high-throughput techniques is critically dependent on proper data normalization,
so also data generated by qPCR.18,19 There are several variables in a qPCR experiment that needs to be controlled for, being either technical, e.g. differences in
the sample procurement, stabilization, RNA extraction and target quantification,
or biological, e.g. reflecting sample-to-sample inconsistencies or differences in bulk
transcriptional activity. Normalization is a pre-processing step with the purpose
of removing experimentally induced variation and differentiating true biological
changes.19,20 On the other hand, inappropriate normalization may induce misleading effects, which could affect subsequent analysis steps and thereby any conclusions
drawn from the results.18,21–25 Consequently, the choice of normalization method
is a crucial step in the analysis of qPCR data.
Regarding miRNA qPCR experiments, low-density arrays have become available
that makes it possible to measure the expression of 384 miRNAs on one qPCR
panel (e.g. TaqMan miRNA low density arrays), thus facilitating high-throughput
profiling of miRNA expression.26,27 On the other hand, the technique has also
introduced new analyses challenges that need to be solved. For example, to profile
all available miRNAs in an organism would generally require multiple panels, since
each panel is limited to only a few hundred targets. This type of setup makes it
difficult to utilize normalization methods developed for DNA microarrays, since
those have been developed with other requirements in mind. However, as with
large-scale DNA microarrays, it is assumed that the majority of the miRNAs is not
influenced by the experiment and therefore shows an unchanged or no expression
at all in the sample.
A frequent approach for qPCR data normalization is the use of invariant endogenous controls or reference miRNAs, commonly identified from a pilot study with representative samples from the experimental condition(s).19,23,27 Although recently,
alternative data-driven methods have been proposed for proper normalization, e.g.
using the mean expression value or quantile transformation.19,28,29 Here we present
the comparison of a number of data-driven methods for normalization of qPCR
arrays; mean expression normalization and quantile normalization, and compare
those to using endogenous controls for normalization. We also use different descriptive statistical techniques in the process of choosing a proper normalization method.
The normalization methods were tested on a qPCR dataset generated by Jukic
et al.,30 a profiling analysis of the intergenerational differences in miRNA expression
November 4, 2011 10:14 WSPC/185-JBCB
How to Choose a Normalization Strategy for miRNA Quantitative Real-Time (qPCR) Arrays
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by TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH on 10/08/13. For personal use only.
of melanocytic neoplasms in young adult and older adult groups. This dataset
constitutes an excellent example to test the methods on, since two panels were
used (TaqMan Low Density Array panels A and B) on a large number of samples
(in total 52 arrays; 20 lesions plus 6 controls for each panel) and the samples were
taken from different background groups (primary melanoma lesions from two age
groups, < 30 and > 60 years old, and nevi benign specimens).
The results show that for this dataset, quantile normalization performs best in
reducing variations between arrays and is better than the standard method using
an endogenous control.
2. Results
2.1. Raw data outline
The example dataset used in this study was obtained from GEO31 (accession number GSE1922930) and comprises CT values for 26 samples profiled on TaqMan
miRNA low density arrays (TLDA). Of the samples, 10 originate from older
adult melanocytic neoplasm (AM/group 1), 10 from pediatric and young adult
melanocytic neoplasm (PM/group 2) and 6 from adult nevi and pediatric nevi
specimens as controls (control/group 3).
The TaqMan MicroRNA Array Set v2.0 from Applied Biosystems (Applied
Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) consists of two panels, A and B, containing in
total 364 TaqMan MicroRNA assays plus 20 control assays per panel. This setup
enables quantification of 667 unique human miRNAs in total. Panel A contains
337 miRNAs that tend to be functionally defined and are broadly and/or highly
expressed, whereas the 289 miRNAs on panel B are more narrowly expressed and/or
expressed at low levels and are usually not functionally defined.
Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) is an experimental technique based on the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), where a target molecule (PCR product, DNA
or RNA) is amplified and quantified simultaneously. As the amplification reaction
progresses the amount of PCR product is detected in real time, as opposed to
a standard PCR where the amount is detected at the end of the reaction. The
amount of PCR product is measured at each amplification cycle and reported in
fluorescence units. The process leads to an exponential amplification of the amount,
since the number of products is doubled at each cycle. The CT value corresponds
to the number of amplification cycles required for the fluorescent signal to exceed
the background level. This means that CT levels are inversely proportional to the
amount of products in the sample, i.e. a low CT value means a high expression of
the miRNA and vice versa. Moreover, in this study miRNAs with a CT value above
40 cycles are considered non-expressed.
2.2. Raw data analysis
As a first step, a visual analysis of the distribution of the data is recommended, to
spot any apparent discrepancies between panels and/or samples; this can be done
November 4, 2011 10:14 WSPC/185-JBCB
J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 2011.09:795-812. Downloaded from
by TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH on 10/08/13. For personal use only.
A. Deo, J. Carlsson & A. Lindl¨
Fig. 1. Boxplots of raw data. The boxplots show the distribution of CT values in the raw (nonnormalized) data, where upper plots show CT values for miRNAs on panel A for group AM/1,
PM/2 and control/3, respectively, and lower plots show CT values for miRNAs on panel B for
group AM/1, PM/2 and control/3, respectively.
by generating a boxplot for each panel and sample, such as in Fig. 1. Studying the
raw expression values, variations in the distribution patterns among samples and
panels can be seen. To note is that less miRNAs on panel B are expressed, since
mean expression level for each array of panel B is ∼40 CT and in general higher
than for arrays of panel A. Consequently, more outliers are indicated for arrays
of panel B. However, there is no clear distinction between any of the different
groups and no group or sample discerns from the others, which indicates an overall
successful execution of the experiments.
2.3. Measure of dispersion and correlation for raw data values
The coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of the dispersion of the
data and in the context of expression profiling experiments it indicates to which
extent the expression for an individual miRNA/gene varies among samples. Preferably, after normalization the CV value should have decreased in comparison to
raw data. A lower CV denotes a better removal of experimentally induced noise
and indicates a good performance of the normalization method.32,33 The CV is a
dimensionless number and is therefore useful when comparing datasets with different units or widely different means. However, when the mean is close to zero,
the CV approaches infinity and is therefore sensitive to small changes in the mean,
November 4, 2011 10:14 WSPC/185-JBCB
How to Choose a Normalization Strategy for miRNA Quantitative Real-Time (qPCR) Arrays
which can give a skewed picture of the variation in the data. If this is the case,
then the standard deviation (sd ) may be a better measure of the dispersion, since
it is more robust to such changes. However, the sd is easily affected by outliers and
may therefore give a skewed picture if such values are frequent in the data. In this
study, we calculated the CV according to the following equation
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CVg =
(standard deviation)tI···tn
[(mean)tI···tn ]2
[see also Sec. 5, Materials and Methods for Eq. (1)]34 as well as the sd, for each
individual miRNA across all samples/arrays within each sample group in the raw
The results show that the CV values for individual miRNAs range from 0.00–
0.13, 0.00–0.10 and 0.00–0.10 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively and the sd from
0.00–3.94, 0.00–3.47 and 0.00–3.12 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively (Fig. 2). Both
CV and sd values are very small, which indicates a very small dispersion among
samples with the same background and, hence, a good consistency in the executed
experiments. It can also be seen that the CV and sd values are fairly smaller for
group 3 (having smaller average values) than for groups 1 and 2, indicating a slightly
less dispersion in the controls than in the neoplasm samples.
The Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) is a measure of the linear dependence
between two variables and is represented by a value between ±1, where +1 indicates
a perfect fit of the data points for the two variables and −1 an opposite fit. In the
context of expression profiling experiments, r gives an indication of how well the
expression values from one array/sample is consistent with the expression values
from another array/sample. Hence, r should be calculated for each pair of samples
with the same background and after normalization r should have increased for
samples from the same group.
We also calculated r for each pair of arrays of the same panel and from the
same sample group (i.e. all arrays of panel A from group AM/1 was compared to
each other, etc.), but summarized the r values in one boxplot for each sample group
(Fig. 2). The correlation is overall high, again indicating a good consistency among
samples with the same background, and is also larger for samples in the control
group, which again indicate an overall better consistency among the controls.
All in all, the data has good consistency among samples with the same background and hence only small variations need to be adjusted for.
2.4. Normalization of data
As previously described, there are several technical and biological variables in a
qPCR experiment that can lead to variations among samples with the same background, and these variations need to be controlled for. Hence, normalization aims
to reduce any experimentally induced variation and differentiate true biological
November 4, 2011 10:14 WSPC/185-JBCB
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Fig. 2. Boxplots of CV, sd and r values. The boxplots show calculated CV, sd and r values of
individual miRNAs across samples and for each sample group separately. The first row shows
non-normalized (raw) data, second row shows normalized data using an endogenous control, third
row shows normalized data using the approach by Mestdagh et al. (2009), fourth row shows
normalized data using array mean, fifth row shows normalized data using qpcrNorm and sixth
row shows normalized data using Affy.
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How to Choose a Normalization Strategy for miRNA Quantitative Real-Time (qPCR) Arrays
A frequent approach for normalization of qPCR data is the use of invariant
endogenous controls or reference miRNAs.19,23,27 On the TaqMan MicroRNA
Array Set v2.0 there are several endogenous controls present on each panel that
can be utilized as normalizers, e.g. MammU6, RNU44 and RNU48. However, as
previously stated, the normalization is only as good as the normalization method
used,18,21–25 and when using an endogenous control the preferable normalizer is an
RNA that is consistently stably expressed across all samples and expressed along
with the target genes of interest27,35 ; since any biological variations in the expression levels of the normalizer will obscure real changes. It is therefore important
to carefully evaluate which control available on the array that is the best normalizer, and which can be done by utilizing algorithms such as geNorm36,37 and
NormFinder.38,39 These will be described in more detail in Sec. 2.5.
Several methods for normalization of large-scale gene expression profiling experiments using microarrays have been developed during recent years. These methods
are commonly data-driven, in that they utilize the large amount of data generated,
aim to use all data points available and make no prior assumptions about which
genes can be used as controls. Examples of methods are those that utilize the mean
or median expression value, lowess or quantile normalization.39–41 The common
assumption of these methods is that the majority of genes show an unchanged
expression level and only a small portion of the genes needs to be adjusted. With
the advancement in the qPCR technique using arrays, the range of possible targets to analyze has increased to a few hundred targets and, consequently, datadriven methods have also been proposed for this type of experiments, e.g. using the
mean value of expressed RNAs or quantile normalization.29,40 As with large-scale
microarrays, it is assumed that the majority of the miRNAs is not influenced by the
experiment and therefore shows an unchanged or no expression at all in the sample.
But, as previously described, the technique introduces new analyses challenges, such
as profiling all available miRNAs in an organism would generally require multiple
panels, since each panel is limited to only a few hundred targets. Moreover, since
normalization methods developed for microarrays do not take this type of setup in
consideration, this could make them inappropriate for data generated using qPCR
2.5. Normalized data using endogenous control
As previously described, qPCR miRNA profiling data is commonly normalized
against the expression of some reference RNA(s) that is present on the array. On the
TLDAs used in this study the endogenous controls MammU6, RNU44 and RNU48
are represented on both panels and on panel B the additional controls RNU24,
RNU43 and RNU6B are also present. To facilitate the identification of a normalizer that is consistently stably expressed across all samples and expressed along
with the target genes of interest, the algorithms geNorm36,37 and NormFinder38,39
have been developed.
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A. Deo, J. Carlsson & A. Lindl¨
geNorm ranks candidate control RNAs according to their expression stability
and outputs the two most stable candidates. From a candidate set of plausible controls, the algorithm compares the M -values of all candidates and removes the control with highest M -value. The process is repeated until only two candidates are left,
which is the optimal pair of controls having the smallest M -values in the set of candidates. The M -value is a gene stability measure and is “the average pairwise variation of a particular gene with all other control genes”. The standard deviation of the
log transformed expression ratios between two controls for each sample is calculated
and then the arithmetic mean of all standard deviations becomes the M -value.
NormFinder is also based on gene expression stability, but ranks the candidates
based on minimal inter- and intra-group variation. The output is a ranking list of
all candidates included in the analysis. The algorithm is based on a mathematical model of the gene expression, taking into account the amount of mRNA in
the sample as well as the random variation caused by biological and experimental
factors, and is used for estimating the inter- and intra-group variation. The underlying model for estimating the expression variation is based on the log transformed
expression levels of each candidate control. The intra- and inter-group variations are
estimated separately and thereafter combined into a stability measure representing
the estimated systematic error; a low stability value means a low systematic error
and thereby a stable expression across samples.
The algorithms were applied to panels A and B separately, and geNorm identifies
RNU44 and RNU48 as the most stable candidates for panel A, and RNU48 and
RNU24 for panel B. NormFinder also ranks RNU48 as the most stable candidate
for panel A, and RNU24 and RNU48 as the best and second best, respectively, for
panel B. The CV for RNU48 across all arrays is 0.045 for panel A and 0.047 for
panel B, which indicates a relatively stable expression across all arrays. The mean
CT value is 20.3 and 20.1 on panels A and B, respectively, which shows that the
RNA is expressed. Since RNU48 is suggested as candidate for both panels, this
RNA was used to normalize the data.
When using an endogenous control, the standardized way of normalizing
the data is according to the ∆CT method, where ∆CT = (CT miRNA −
CT endogenous control ).42 Hence, the data was normalized according to this method
(see Methods and Materials for more details), and for each array separately.42
After normalization, we calculated CV, sd and r values as previously described.
The results show that there is a general increase of the CV for all groups compared
to raw data (Fig. 2) and we can also see that the mean CV has increased for
all groups (Table 1), and for a few miRNAs there is even a dramatic increase
in the CV (see the outliers in the boxplots in Fig. 2 for normalized data using
endogenous control). On the other hand, the sd values has decreased for all groups
when compared to raw data. Regarding the correlations between samples, there is
a general deterioration for all sample groups. But, for some individual samples the
correlation has increased, e.g. study the whisker for group 2 that is increased and
almost reaches r = 1.0.
November 4, 2011 10:14 WSPC/185-JBCB
How to Choose a Normalization Strategy for miRNA Quantitative Real-Time (qPCR) Arrays
Table 1. Calculated mean CV, sd and r. The table shows the mean of CV, sd and r for raw
(non-normalized) and normalized data, respectively, using different normalization methods.
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Endo Contr
Array mean
2.6. Normalized data using mean
Mestdagh et al.40 recently proposed the use of mean expression level of expressed
miRNAs, i.e. miRNAs with a CT value less than some pre-defined threshold, e.g.
35 or 40 CT , as a normalization method. The mean CT value of expressed miRNAs
for an individual array is subtracted from the CT value of each miRNA, to get
a scaled value for each miRNA. The calculated mean, after removing all miRNAs
with an expression value ≥ 35, was included in the input data for geNorm36,37 along
with the expression values of the endogenous controls previously evaluated, and the
mean turned out to be top-ranked by this algorithm. Additionally, the mean has
a smaller dispersion across arrays than the endogenous controls, as indicated by
lower CV values (0.024 for panel A and 0.020 for panel B), and which follows the
reasoning by Mestdagh et al.40 that the mean is a more stable normalizer.
The results, after normalization, show that the CV in general has increased
compared to raw data and, additionally, for a portion of the miRNAs there is a
dramatic increase in the dispersion (study the outliers in the boxplots for the CV
values in Fig. 2 for normalized data using the approach by Mestdagh et al.40 ).
Moreover, the mean CV has increased for all sample groups (Table 1). The reason for this is that the mean for individual arrays in this dataset are generally
high, around CT = 30, which yields very small normalized values and this in turn
results in a small normalized mean. As previously described, a small mean could
affect the CV values negatively and give a skewed picture of the normalization.
Inspecting the miRNAs with an extreme CV show that their normalized mean is
indeed very close to zero (data not shown), which supports this suspicion. The calculated sd values additionally confirm it, since the boxplots of sd values show no
extreme outliers (Fig. 2). However, the sd values have not improved compared to
raw data and thereby neither compared to normalized data using the endogenous
We also calculated the correlation between samples, which should also give an
indication of whether this normalization method is robust or not. But, the removal
of values ≥ 35 causes problems when calculating the correlation between samples,
since consequently for excluded miRNAs there are missing values in the data. To
overcome this problem, we replaced all removed values with 10, which is a higher
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by TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH on 10/08/13. For personal use only.
A. Deo, J. Carlsson & A. Lindl¨
expression value than the maximum normalized expression value in any of the
samples (max ≈ 8.5). The results show that the correlations of the normalized
values are higher when compared to using the endogenous control as normalizer
(see the boxplots for r values in Fig. 2 for normalized data using the approach by
Mestdagh et al.40 and the mean values in Table 1). However, the correlations are
slightly worse when compared to raw data, which is a similar result as when using
the endogenous control.
We also tested a second approach using the mean as normalizer, but where each
CT value was divided by the mean expression level for each array without prior
removal of CT values ≥ 35. This method results in both very small CV and sd
values, which are also in general smaller than for previous tested methods as well
as raw data (Fig. 2). In addition, the method results in very high r values that are
slightly better than for raw data (compare mean r values in Table 1), showing an
improved consistency among arrays within each group.
2.7. Normalized data using quantile
In DNA microarray analysis, quantile normalization is widely used and based on
the principle that on average the distribution of gene transcript levels within a cell
remains constant across samples; thus, if the expression level of one gene increases,
that of another decreases.41 In detail, the quantile measures the degree of spread
in the data. The typical example is that of the percentiles; in this case, the data
is divided into 100 regular intervals and split into quarters. The lower quarter
represents the 25th percentile, meaning that 25% of the data points are lower than a
specific value. Quantile normalization generalizes this approach to n-fold partitions
of the data, where n is the number of data points, and assumes that the data for
individual samples have the same overall rank-order quantile distribution. Finally,
quantile normalization adjusts the overall expression levels to make the distribution
for all samples equal.
There can also be panel-specific effects present in the qPCR experiments, since
the number of miRNAs assayed in each sample are dispersed across multiple PCR
panels (or plates), which can induce bias in the results.29 This is also indicated by
the boxplots of the raw CT values, which show that the average CT value is on the
same level for all samples on panel B but varies on panel A (Fig. 1). The solution
here is to use the quantile normalization approach assuming that the distribution
of the expression levels is the same across all arrays for the same experimental condition. By forcing the distribution for each array to be equal, the variability associated with panel-specific effects in the data can be removed. This approach was
incorporated in the normQpcrQuantile method (available in the package qpcrNorm
for R) developed by Mar et al.29 The method proceeds in two stages: first, the
quantile normalization is applied to each individual sample and if the sample is
distributed across multiple plates, plate-to-plate effects are removed by enforcing
the same quantile distribution on each plate. Then, in the second stage, the quantile
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How to Choose a Normalization Strategy for miRNA Quantitative Real-Time (qPCR) Arrays
distribution is enforced between samples, so that each sample has the same distribution of expression values as all of the other samples that are compared.
We applied the normQpcrQuantile method on the neoplasm data, which produced very small CV and sd values as well as high r values for all groups, and
which are slightly better than raw data (Fig. 2). However, the results are not as
good as when using the array mean, since the sd value have not decreased to the
same extent, but the CV and r values are on a comparable level.
The quantile normalization approach was first developed for large-scale DNA
microarrays in mind, which have a different magnitude, and a method for such data
is available in the R package Affy.41,43 In case of Affy quantile normalization, only
sample normalization is performed and no plate effects are corrected for, i.e. each
plate for each sample is quantile normalized. We also tested this algorithm and
applied it on arrays of the same panel separately, i.e. first for arrays of panel A and
then for arrays of panel B, which enforces the same distribution for samples from
the same panel.
This normalization yields a highly similar result as when using normQpcrQuantile normalization, only here slightly lower CV and sd values (with less outliers than
for normQpcrQuantile normalization) as well as better correlations can be seen for
all groups (Fig. 2). As with normQpcrQuantile normalization, the sd values have
not decreased to the same extent as when using the array mean as normalizer.
2.8. Distribution of normalized data
The distribution of the data after normalization is also important to consider
in the choice of a proper normalization method. After normalization, the data
should become more homogenous compared to raw data, so that any experimentally induced variations have been adjusted for. To compare with raw data, we
inferred boxplots of the distribution of the concatenated data from panels A and B,
and for each sample group and each normalized dataset, respectively (Fig. 3). The
boxplots show that the quantile-based normalization methods generate the most
homogenous distributions of the data after normalization and also an improved
distribution compared to raw data.
Although the array mean normalization produced the lowest CV and sd values,
the distribution of the normalized values are less homogenous than the quantilenormalized data. Normalization using the endogenous control, on the other hand,
has introduced more outliers in the data and thereby a less homogenous distribution
compared to raw data as well as any of the other normalized datasets. In the
distribution plots of the approach proposed by Mestdagh et al., all values ≥ 35 have
been replaced with the value 10, which could be a reason for its relative homogenous
distribution plots. Moreover, these plots are more similar to the quantile-normalized
data than the array mean and endogenous control normalized data.
It can also be seen that the normQpcrQuantile method was here unable to
adjust for plate-to-plate effects, since the results are highly similar as for Affy
November 4, 2011 10:14 WSPC/185-JBCB
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Fig. 3. Boxplots of normalized data.The boxplots show the distribution of CT values of raw and
normalized data according to the different methods tested.
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How to Choose a Normalization Strategy for miRNA Quantitative Real-Time (qPCR) Arrays
J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 2011.09:795-812. Downloaded from
by TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH on 10/08/13. For personal use only.
normalization (where no plate-to-plate effects were considered) and the distribution plots are not entirely homogenous (e.g. the mean value is not the same for all
samples). Additionally, when studying the distributions plots for each panel separately it can be seen that the distributions are completely homogenous, having the
same mean and same sd (data not shown). This also applies for the Affy normalized
data. Moreover, it can be seen that these two methods produce somewhat different
results, since the distribution for some samples are not identical, e.g. sample 2 for
group AM/1 have a lower mean after normQpcrQuantile normalization then after
Affy normalization. However, the differences are very small.
3. Which Method to Choose?
A common normalization strategy for qPCR data is the use of one or several
endogenous control RNAs available on the array and according to the ∆CT method.
Problems with this strategy arise if the control(s) in the study are not stable, not
expressed or very weakly expressed. Regarding the data used in this comparative
study, the use of an endogenous control was clearly not optimal, since the correlation and the distribution plots showed a deterioration of the normalized data
compared to raw data, although the sd values decreased.
Of the data-driven normalization methods, the mean and quantile-based methods performed best; using the array mean as well as the quantile showed a decrease
in CV and/or the sd values and an increase in the correlation between samples
with the same background compared to raw data. However, the method proposed
by Mestdagh et al.40 is questionable for this dataset, since all results indicate a deterioration in the spread of the data and an introduction of more variation among
samples within the same group.
The array mean normalization produced the smallest sd values as well as an
increase in correlation values, which indicate that it is a good choice for normalization. However, the distribution patterns showed that the quantile-based normalization methods are to prefer over the array mean for this dataset, since for
both quantile-based methods the data became more homogenous after normalization compared to raw data and more homogenous than when normalizing with the
array mean. Additionally, for both quantile-based methods the CV and sd values
decreased and the r values increased compared to raw data.
4. Discussion
In the current study, we compare the performance of different normalization strategies for miRNA expression data generated by using qPCR arrays. The qPCR technique is commonly regarded as the golden standard, due to its high sensitivity,
specificity and good signal detection,15,16 and has been widely used as a validation technique in gene expression studies following microarray experiments. Moreover, the development of qPCR arrays has made it possible to increase the number
of targets assayed in parallel and, hence, the technique has recently increased in
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J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 2011.09:795-812. Downloaded from
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A. Deo, J. Carlsson & A. Lindl¨
use for miRNA expression studies. However, the data produced by this technique
requires the development of amended analysis methods, since qPCR arrays have
other requirements than common microarrays that need to be regarded, e.g. the
magnitude of the data (the number of targets/transcripts on one array) is much
smaller and the samples may be distributed over several panels if the number of
targets assayed exceeds the capacity of the array.
The results from this study show that it is important to test and evaluate several
normalization strategies to find the optimal one for the dataset in consideration as
well as testing different measures for evaluating the methods. For the data used in
this study, quantile transformation is recommended, since it best accomplished to
remove variations among samples with the same background. However, none of the
quantile-based methods were able to adjust for plate-to-plate effects.
Finally, it should be noted that we have made no comparison of how the different normalization methods affect the inference of differentially expressed. Since,
clearly, the methods produce different results, their impact on which miRNAs will
be considered differentially expressed should also be investigated, and this would
be the next step in the analysis of the data.
5. Materials and Methods
5.1. miRNA dataset
The processed qPCR dataset, i.e. with obtained CT values, was downloaded
from GEO, accession number GSE19229. The dataset consists of 56 TaqMan
microRNA low density arrays (TLDA, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, ) — 26 samples distributed on two panels: panel
A representing 377 functionally defined miRNAs and panel B representing 289 miRNAs whose function is not yet completely defined. Endogenous controls on panels A
and B include MammU6, RNU44 and RNU48, and on panel B the additional controls RNU24, RNU43 and RNU6B. CT values had been obtained by running the
arrays in the 7900 HT Sequence Detection system and using the ABI TaqMan
SDS v2.3 software. The data includes three different groups: 10 samples from older
adult melanocytic neoplasm (AM), 10 samples from pediatric and young adult
melanocytic neoplasm (PM), and 3 controls from adult nevi and pediatric nevi
specimens, respectively (AN and PN). For PM, one of the samples had been replicated three times; however, only the first sample was included in this study.
5.2. Normalization methods
MicroRNA expression values were normalized using:
(1) Endogenous control expression value
To identify candidate endogenous control RNAs the algorithms geNorm36,37
and NormFinder38,39 were applied to the raw CT values. For geNorm,
the package SLqPCR (
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How to Choose a Normalization Strategy for miRNA Quantitative Real-Time (qPCR) Arrays
SLqPCR.html) in R was used and for NormFinder the MS Excel Add-In
(http://www. was used. NormFinder was
applied without using a group identifier. After identifying endogenous control
RNA(s) the CT values were normalized according to the ∆CT method, where
∆CT = (CT miRNA –CT endogenous control ).42
(2) Mean expression values
The mean expression value was used in two different approaches. First, according to the method proposed by Mestdagh et al.,40 where prior to normalization
all CT values ≥ 35 were removed and not included in the normalization, and
thereafter, for each array the mean expression value was calculated and directly
subtracted from each individual miRNA’s CT value. Second, for each array the
mean expression value was calculated, without prior removal of CT values ≥ 35,
and thereafter divided with each individual miRNA’s CT value.
(3) Quantile transformation
Quantile normalization was performed by using the normQpcrQuantile function available in the R package qpcrNorm and the normalize.quantiles function
available in the R package Affy.
5.3. Measures of performance
The performance of the normalization methods were assessed by using boxplots to
investigate the distribution patterns of CT values for each sample/array and the
correlation of variance (CV) as well as standard deviation (sd ) to investigate the
dispersion of CT values for individual miRNAs.34 Both measures were generated
using functions in R. Since there is a possibility to get negative mean values after
normalization, the CV values were computed as
CVg =
(standard deviation)tI···tn
[(mean)tI···tn ]2
where g is a miRNA, and the standard deviation and mean were calculated for each
individual miRNA across all arrays.
We thankfully acknowledge the kind permission to use the qPCR data produced
by Drazen M Jukic, Uma NM Rao, Lori Kelly, Jihad S Skaf, Laura M Drogowski,
John M Kirkwood and Monica C Panelli.
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Ameya Deo obtained both his Bachelor (B.Pharm) and Master’s (M.Pharm)
degrees in Pharmaceutical Science from University of Pune, India. From 2007–2008
he was working as a lecturer in pharmaceutical chemistry. In 2010, he obtained
his second Master’s in Bioinformatics from University of Skovde, Sweden. He is
currently working as a lecturer in pharmaceutical chemistry in RJSPM College of
Pharmacy, Pune, India. His research interests are very broad and at the interface
of organic medicinal chemistry and biology, which includes computer-aided drug
design, synthesis of newer analogues of different medicinally active drugs and their
testing, bioinformatics data analysis, protein structure prediction, network analysis
using systems biology approaches, development of newer software based on Perl
language, development of newer organic reaction systems and their analysis.
Jessica Carlsson graduated with a M.Sc. in Biomedicine from the University of
ovde in 2008. She currently has a Ph.D. position at Orebro
University, working
with the tumor biology group at the Systems Biology Research Center, University
of Sk¨
ovde. Her area of research in tumor biology encompasses miRNA expression
in prostate tissues.
Angelica Lindl¨
of graduated with a M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Sk¨
ovde in 2001 and a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology with specialization in
bioinformatics from G¨
oteborg University in 2009. She is currently a post-doc in
bioinformatics at the Systems Biology Research Center, University of Sk¨
ovde. Her
area of research is bioinformatics and systems biology with applications in crop
tailoring, human cancers and bull fertility as well as analysis of DNA microarray,
miRNA qPCR expression and deep sequencing data using Perl and R.