How to set Hercules to Manually Restore Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services Back to an Active Status Hercules v2.2.0 Citadel Security Software, Inc. 8750 North Central Expressway Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75231 (214) 520-9292 (214) 520-9293 FAX Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services ©2003 Citadel Security Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This document cannot, in whole or part, be copied, photographed, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior written consent from Citadel Security Software, Inc. Hercules is copyrighted software of Citadel Security Software, Inc. Hercules is a trademark of Citadel Security Software, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc. W3C® SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE Copyright © 1994-2003 World Wide Web Consortium <>, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology <>, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique <>, Keio University <>). All Rights Reserved. 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Please have the following information available: ii • Hercules version number • The Hercules serial number • The type of hardware being used Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services How to set Hercules to Manually Restore Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services Back to an Active Status 1. You can create a custom remedy from scratch. To do this, open your Hercules Admin console and expand the Policies section. 2. Click on the policy in which you wish to add the custom remedy. For this document, we will be using the default policy. 3. Once the policy settings have loaded, right click on the policy folder and choose ‘Add Custom Vulnerability…”. YES, we are adding a custom vulnerability. Remember, Hercules must have vulnerability before it can remediate. 1 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 4. A screen will appear asking for the name of the vulnerability, a description and the severity level. You can input whatever you like. For this document, we are calling our custom vulnerability ‘Norton Antivirus Services’, our description will be ‘Not running’, and our severity level will be set to Medium. 2 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 5. Click the ‘Next’ button when you have finished inputting your info. 6. There will not be a need for any CVE or CAN identifiers for this vulnerability, so click ‘Next’ to continue. 7. Again, no identifiers for BugTraq are necessary, so click ‘Finish’ to continue. 3 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 8. You will be asked if you want to add a custom policy remedy for this newly created vuln. Click ‘Yes’. 9. You should now be at the ‘Add Custom Remedy’ screen. Your new vulnerability should already be highlighted under the ‘Vulnerabilities’ window. If so, then click ‘Next’ to continue. If not, then click on it to highlight and click ‘Next’. 10. Our remedy will work for all versions of windows, but you can create for any of the versions listed. We will be choosing ‘All Windows’ for this document. Click ‘Finish’ to continue. 4 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 11. 12. 13. 14. You should now be at the Custom Remedy editor. Set the recommendation level to ‘Recommended’. Expand the ‘Action Definitions’ under Available actions. Scroll the list all the way to the bottom. 5 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 15. Expand ‘WindowsServiceManagement’. 16. Click on ‘WindowsChangeStartup’ and click the ‘Add’ button. 17. You should now have three properties listed each with a value of %UNKNOWN%. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 6 Click on the property ‘ServiceName’ to highlight it. Click in the property value window at the bottom and delete the %UNKNOWN% value. Type in ‘Norton Antivirus Server’ without the quotes. Click on the property ‘StartType’ to highlight it. Click in the property value window and delete the %UNKNOWN% value. Type in ‘2’ without the quotes. Click on the ‘RebootNow’ property and delete the %UNKNOWN% value. We will leave it blank Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 25. 26. 27. 28. Click the ‘Apply’ button to save changes to the first setting action. Click ‘WindowsStartService’ and click the ‘Add’ button. You should now have two action properties listed, again with values of %UNKNOWN%. Click the property ‘ServiceName’ and change the value to ‘Norton Antivirus Server’ without the quotes. 29. Click on the ‘RebootNow’ property and delete the %UNKNOWN% value. We will leave it blank 7 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 8 Click ‘Apply’ to save changes. Click the ‘-‘ sign to contract the ‘WindowsServiceManagement’ section. Expand ‘WindowsRegistryManagement’. Click on ‘WindowsRegistrySetDWORD’ and click ‘Add’. You should now have five action properties, each with a value of %UNKNOWN%. Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 35. Click on property ‘Root’ and set the value to ‘2’ without quotes. 36. Click on property ‘Key’ and set the value to ‘SOFTWARE\INTEL\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\Storages\Filesystem\RealTimeScan’ without the quotes. 37. Click on property ‘Value’ and set the value to 1. 38. Click on property ‘ValueName’ and set the value to ‘OnOff’ without quotes. 39. Click on the ‘RebootNow’ property and delete the %UNKNOWN% value. We will leave it blank 9 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 40. 41. 42. 43. 10 Click ‘Apply’ to save the changes. Review your settings before continuing. Once you are certain your settings are correct, click the ‘OK’ button. Your new remedy will now be listed in the Policy window. Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 44. Now you are ready to add this vulnerability/remedy to your machines. 45. Right click on the device name and choose ‘Add Vulnerability to Device…’. 46. Under ‘Name Starts With’ input ‘Norton’ without quotes and click the ‘Search’ button. 11 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 47. Your newly created vulnerability should be found in this list. Click on it to highlight and click ‘Finish’. 48. Expand the ‘Import Session’ folder for the device you are currently on. 49. You should have a manually added vulnerability now. 50. Click on the vulnerability on the right hand side to highlight and then place a check in the ‘repair’ box to set the remedy to an ‘activated’ status. 12 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 51. Repeat steps 46 through 51 until all needed devices contain your manual remedy. 52. Click on the group containing the devices to show which ones are in a ‘waiting’ status and place checks into each box you wish to remediate. 53. You are now done with your custom remedy. 13 Manually Restoring Norton/Symantec Antivirus Services 54. You just need to wait for each global remediation status to change to 100% for each selected device, then check the remediation session history to see if any failed. 14
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