How to Revamp Your Marketing Program November 4, 2011 NJ Credit Union League 299 Ward Street Hightstown, NJ 2011 Conference Agenda 8:30 am - 9:00 am 9:00 am - 9:30 am 9:30 am - 10:30 am 10:30 am - 10:45 am 10:45 am - 11:45 am 11:45 am - 12:45 pm 12:45 pm - 1:15 pm 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Registration What are the Biggest Marketing Challenges in Front of Us? The conference will begin with a brief group discussion in order to get the largest issues in the open so we can develop solutions throughout the day and leave with a clear action plan. Branding Begins Internally (Ken Bator) As Marketing Professionals we need to be seen as just that – professionals. Getting other areas involved in the process and leading the way for everyone to communicate in a consistent way is the key. Consistency is critical to successful marketing. If we can demonstrate that we all have a very similar perception of the institution and what it stands for, many of the hidden agendas can be erased. Break Who Owns Your Brand (Bret Rigby) Most brand managers and executives think they own their brand. While they make decisions about the brand, ultimately it is owned by the customer/member. It is the brand image in the customer/member’s mind that is most important because it drives the buying decision. This session will include also look at the disconnect between market research and the reality of what our members actually spend their time, energy and money on. Lunch Build Relationships on the Front Line (James Robert Lay) In today’s market place, the most trusted and well received marketing channel is not a direct mail piece, TV spot, newspaper ad or even a web site. Your best marketing channel as a credit union is your members and staff. During this session, progressive social marketer James Robert Lay will explore ways organizations outside of the credit union world are growing through word of mouth initiatives. It’s all about turning your staff and members into walking and talking billboards to share your credit union’s love with their friends and family. How Do We Put All These Ideas Into One Plan? (Ken Bator) If we can put the ideas on paper, at least in some form, they become a reality. The key is to use it as a valuable tool rather than a pile of paper sitting on a shelf collecting dust. Q&A Panel Discussion A wrap-up discussion reviewing the issues listed at the beginning of the day to ensure we all leave with a clear and concise action plan. Speaker Information Ken Bator Bator Training & Consulting Kenneth C. Bator, President of Bator Training & Consulting, has over two decades of experience in management, marketing, and sales in the financial-services category. The vast majority of this experience has been as an executive of two corporate credit unions in the Midwest – both over $1 billion in assets – as well as a natural-person community credit union in California with over $500 million in assets and 11 branches. Bator has facilitated several training and strategic planning sessions for credit unions across the country. He is also a co-founder of the Police Officers’ Credit Union Conference. Bator has earned a BS in Finance and an MBA in Entrepreneurship from DePaul University as well as a Certificate in Integrated Marketing from the University of Chicago. His articles have appeared in The Credit Union Journal, ABA Bank Marketing, and the Michigan Credit Union League Gazzette. James Robert Lay PTP New Media Seven years ago, in his sophomore year at San Jacinto College, James Robert founded PTP NEW MEDIA in the bedroom of his parent’s house. Since starting, PTP NEW MEDIA has worked with more than 100 clients including 35 plus credit unions, credit union chapters, and CUSOs. PTP NEW MEDIA has found success in helping credit unions grow relationships with members through web, viral and social marketing. He is also one of the founders of CU Grow, a credit union blog dedicated to innovation, communication and collaboration. James Robert completed his MBA in 2006 at the University of Houston – Clear Lake and enjoys sharing his passion for web, viral and social marketing at credit union conferences and chapter meetings. Moving to the other side of the desk, James Robert began teaching a marketing class in the fall of 2008 at San Jacinto College. When he is not rockin’ it out with credit unions, James Robert enjoys traveling with his wife and experiencing the world throughout. Bret Rigby Deepwater Industries FCU On May 1, 2011, Bret Rigby was appointed as the CEO of Deepwater Industries FCU. Bret served as the CFO for the Credit Union for the previous 5 years where he has been responsible for financial reporting, ALM and marketing. In addition to his day-to-day activities and responsibilities, he has earned his Certified Credit Union Executive and NAFCU Certified Compliance Officer designations. Prior to working for the Credit Union, Bret was a Strategic Planning and Marketing Consultant, CEO of a Trade Organization that promoted milk and dairy products in the Mid-Atlantic and a Marketing Specialist with the US Department of Agriculture. He holds an MBA from George Washington University and a BA from Brigham Young University. 2011 Marketing Conference Registration 2011 Marketing Conference | November 4, 2011 | 8 am - 4 pm Organization Name:__________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________Email:______________________________________ Registrant Name Registrant Title 1. 2. 3. All registration forms can be completed and sent to Mary Zelinsky in one of the following ways: e-mailed to [email protected]; faxed to her attention at 609-448-3499; or mailed to her attention at 299 Ward Street, Hightstown, NJ 08520. PAYMENT METHOD: _________ x $209.00 (Over $100 million) _________ x $159.00 ($25-$100 million) _________ x $109.00 ($10-$25 million) _________ x $ 69.00 (Under $10 million) Total Amount Due: $_______________ ☐ Check Enclosed (make payable to NJCUL) ☐ Visa ☐ Mastercard ☐ American Express ☐ Discover Please charge $_______________ to the above credit card. Card Account #: ___________-___________-___________-___________ Exp.:_____________ CVV Code:__________ Print Name as it Appears on Card:____________________________________________________________________ Billing Address:____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________Date:________________________________ By signing this form you are acknowledging that you are personally liable to NJCUL for the dollar amount printed in the “Please charge $___________” space above.
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