How to Create/Open a Case Quick Start Guide

How to Create/Open a Case
Quick Start Guide
> Creating/Opening a case
To Create a “New” Case:
1. Choose “New Case from the home screen or
2. Choose “New Case” (Ctrl + N) from the “File” menu.
> Creating/Opening a case
To Open an existing case:
1. Choose “Open Case from the home screen or
2. Choose “Open Case” (Ctrl + O) from the “File” menu.
> New Case settings
The first dialogue box requests basic inputs and settings:
• Case name
• Directory where the case is to be saved (must be local disk as using network shares for the case
index can be unreliable and may lead to database corruption – (Apache Derby Requirement))
• Investigator (name or ID)
• Description (of case)
Note: These details can be changed by selecting File, -> Case Properties
> New Case – Advanced Settings
The Processing Tab
After selecting the Advanced Settings button, users will be able to set processing and parallel processing
Note: The options set here cannot be changed later for the case. So any additional evidence
that is added will also have these settings.
Note: These settings are sticky and will be remembered for the next case you create.
> New Case – Advanced Settings
Text processing options
By selecting “Store and index text of data items” enables searching of text contained in the dataset.
The options for storing and indexing are:
• English language stop words, as set by the Lucerne database: a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but, by, for,
if, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on, or, such, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, to, was, will
and with.
• English language stemming: searches for plurals and other word variants. For example, if the search
word is “control”, this option will return documents containing “control”, “controlling”,
“controller”, “controls” etc. If not selected, the search will return only documents containing the
word “control”.
> New Case – Advanced Settings
Text processing options
• Enable exact queries
– Case Sensitive – ‘OTG’
– Special Characters - ‘P&L’
– Punctuation – ‘ASAP!’
Extract named entities
– Extract entities such as credit card number, social security number, company name, etc
> New Case – Advanced Settings
Store binary of data items
• Pro: Enables the reviewer to very quickly review documents in their native format;
• Pro: Speeds up the export of native files;
• Con: - Reduces indexing speed by 20-30%;
• Con: Data storage requirements for evidence will increase from approximately 20-50% of the
original data set to approximately 150-250% *
* Index size will depend on the make up of the data
> New Case – Advanced Settings
Extract from slack space of email boxes
Nuix Desktop can recover permanently deleted e-mails in Microsoft formats, including PSTs, OSTs, DBX
and EDB/STM files.
> New Case – Advanced Settings
Create thumbnails for image data items
Enables the display of all extracted images as thumbnails for quick review
> New Case – Advanced Settings
Skin tone analysis
Nuix Desktop applies a skin-tone detection algorithm on all images. This analysis categorizes images into
four groups based on the percentage of skin tone present (pixel analysis):
• Severe
over 50%
• High
between 20% and 50%
• Medium
between 5% and 20%
• Low
below 5%
> New Case – Advanced Settings
SHA-1 and SHA-256 Digest
Nuix provides two alternative digest values to assist in forensic investigations:
• SHA-1
• SHA-256
Note: Calculating SHA digest values will increase the processing time. (MD5 is the default digest)
> New Case – Advanced Settings
Maximum Digest Size
This value specifies a threshold for calculating the MD5 digest for an item. Files over that size will not
have a digest calculated and therefore will not be eligible for de-duplication.
Note: Carefully consider this value to ensure that it is large enough to cover most user files but is not too
large so that Nuix tries to hash large forensic image files/segments.
> New Case – Advanced Settings
Maximum Binary Size
This value specifies a threshold for inserting items into the Binary store. Only files under the Binary size
threshold will be stored in the Binary store.
> New Case – Advanced Settings
Parallel Processing
 Use this section to specify the number of workers used and the amount of memory assigned to each
 The maximum number of workers will be specified by your license and typically will equal the
number of cores available.
 The recommended amount of RAM is 4GB per worker or higher.
 You can also specify the location of the worker temp directory.
> Finalizing New Case Settings
Once all options have been set, click OK.
During this time Nuix is creating four data stores:
• Text;
• Metadata;
• Images; and
• Binary (if selected for processing).
> Tips/Best Practices on Case Creation
1. Select the options which best suit your analysis requirements.
2. Choosing unnecessary options will only increase indexing time.
3. Ensure you have enough disk space available for the index, especially for large cases
and if storing the binary data.
4. Due to the complexity of datasets; Nuix Desktop cannot predict indexing times.
5. Consider splitting large cases/data sets into logical groupings such as by custodian or
data type so that you can divide the processing work load and also easily filter by these
groupings later.
6. Processing in smaller batches reduces risk of reprocessing everything in the event of
some failure.
7. Add each grouping of data as either new evidence or as a new case and then join the
cases later into a compound case.
8. Plan a consistent naming schema for your cases (simple and compound)
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