* * * News-Press • Saturday, January 6,1996 - OUR Co NAME A mmr DCA KM Ou* COMMUMTV KCTIOM? TEU. us AMUT fit • Bos MATWVS • PHONE: 652-0342 • FAX: 2344522. • MAJU P.O. Box 1088, SAVANNAH, QA., 31402-1068 Who we are; *what brings us together NOTEWORTHY Sharon Brookahir* o» Rictanond HW is the reopient of a 1995-96 Wine md Spirits Wholesalers Foundation Scholarship. The scholarship covers tuition and books tor one academic year Brookshtre is a dental hygiene student at Armstrong State College and has a 382 grade point average Armstrong is one of only six colleges to offer a scholarship with the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers Foundation this academic year. The foundation is the largest private contributor of Brookshire scholarships to the University System of Georgia. Catherine H. Harrison of Savannah received a bachelor s degree from the College of Charleston during commencement exercises held Dec. 17. Joanna Wright Heard, a senior biology and English double major, was recently inducted into Phi Beta Kappa at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, N.C. She is the daughter of Keith R. and Betty S. Heard of Savannah. Phi Beta Kappa is open to undergraduates in the College of Arts and Sciences and the schools of education, journalism and mass communication, and business. A student with 75 graded hours of coursework must have a 3.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale to be eligible. Students with 105 total hours, with at least 45 graded hours completed at UNC-CH, must have a 3.6 average. Kenneth Btersack assumed command of. the Tybee Light Power Squadron in a Change of Watch ceremony on Dec. 2 at The Mulberry, relieving Commander Jack Pinkowski. Biersack holds the designation of navigator, full certificate, and has served as chairman of the squadron's public boating course, which is offered three times a year. Squadron bridge officers elected for 1996 are: Executive Officer, Robert Fesster; Administrative Officer, Herbert Bailey; Educational Officer, Jerome T, Clendenen Sr.; CALENDAR Secretary, Peter AHto; end Ti uei W. Petaier. Batey and Clendenen hold the designation of navigator. Randall K. Ptckerd of Garden City was named to the Distinguished Achievement Let tor fan quarter at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural CoHege Students who complete between five and 14 quarter hours of academic course work with a grade point average of 3.3 or higher on a 4.0 scale are recognized on this test Jede Vinsoii, son of Davelyn and Bin Vinson of Savannah, was elected to Pi Mu Epsilon, the national honorary society in mathemaiics, at Washington University in St. Louis. Vinson attended Windsor Forest High School and is a junior majoring in mathematics. Andrew ReU Teepto and Jeffery Lloyd Teeple, sons of Ronald E. and Shirley W. Teepte. were both awarded the Odum Scholarship at Vaktosta State University in Vaktosta for the 1995-96 school years. • Three employee* of the Savannah Regional Youth Detention Center recently were honored for longtime service. John I. Lenler was recognized for 25 years service, Kay II McBrlde for 10 years and Deborah L. Bonier .for 10 years. The three were recognized during a reception in their honor, held at the Savannah RYDC facility on Eisenhower Drive. Those participating in the recognition program included Larry Vaughn , director of the facility; Gary Pattman, assistant director; and Doris Hagan and Gloria Mathis. Deena R. Sanders of Bloomingdate, a senior at Effingharn County High School has been selected to receive a $1,500 Alumni Scholarship at Brewton-Parker College for the 1996-97 academic years. Alumni scholarships are awarded to students who have received a score of 1,000 or above on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and have a cumulative average of B or higher from four years of high school or from college. Sanders is the daughter of Kathy Sanders of Btoomingdale. Camilla Sorensen of Savannah has been named to the fall quarter Dean's List at South Georgia College in Douglas To be eligible for the Dean's List, a student must earn at least a 3.5 grade point average out of a possible 4.0. spective and expectant parents will be held at 7 p.m. Jan. 9 at the Family Health and Birth Center. There is no charge. The Oglethorpe Astronomical As- Astronomical group slated to meet sociation will meet at 3:30 p.m. Jan. 6 at the Oglethorpe Mall Branch Library. The public is invited. Artist, author to speak to guild The Telfair Academy Guild is meeting at 10 a.m. Jan. 8 at the Museum Rotunda. Refreshments and a business meeting will be followed by guest speaker Myrtle Jones King,: artist and author of "Savannah Ex perience". Book to be discussed at library The book discussion group, which meets at the main library on the second Monday of each month, will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 8. "Ballard of the Sad Cafe" by Carson McCullers will be discussed. The session will be moderated by Steven Smith, professor of history at Savannah State College. The book discussion meetings are free and open to the public. For more information, call Roy Day at 652-3600. Seminar about childbirth offered The Motherhood Experience, a seminar about childbirth for pro- For reservation or more information, call 231-0207 or 912-826-4155. Stroke survivors group to meet Stroke Survivors will meet at 2 p.m. Jan. 9 at First Presbyterian Church, 520 Washington Ave. For more information, call 598-1766. Workshop offers tips for parents "Behavior Tips For Parents," a workshop for the parents and staff of Hesse Elementary School, will be presented at 7 p.m. Jan. 18 in the school's cafeteria Members of Hesse's Behavior Management Team and counseling staff will focus on helping parents utilize conflict resolution methods at home. For more information, call 351-6311. Lodge to get visit from supreme governor Philip Brankin, supreme governor of Moose International, is scheduled to be at Savannah Lodge No. 1550 on Jan. 21 for a special enrollment of new Moose members in his honor. For more information, call 355-8985. Spend a week learning about the coast Openings are available for commuters ages 55 and older to participate in a marine science elderhostel program at The University of Georgia Marine Extension Service on Skidaway Island. Spend a week learning about the coastal environment. Activities include a trip, to a barrier island and trawling on a research vessel, Jan 7-Jan. 13.; $160 per person, all meals are included. For more information, call 598-24%. Free public boating course offered The Tybee Light Power Squadron is sponsoring a public boating course beginning Jan. 8. The eight-week course is open to any person 12 years of age or older. Instruction is free with a nominal charge for course LAMP & SHADE CONNECTION Knight-Ridder Newspapers WICHITA, Kan. • Families have dispersed and college bowl games are finished. The kids are back at school and most folks are back at work. All around you are signs that things have returned to normal but you're in a funk that even the afterChristmas sales haven't been able to lift. Maybe it's the post-holiday blues. It's not uncommon or unexpected this time of year. Gregory Olson, psychologist and CEQ of Sumner Mental Health Center, says all emotions are heightened around the holidays, including expectation, anxiety, depression and nostalgia. "It really starts out at Thanksgivingi which we Symbolize with a cornucopia. WJe~expect all things to come to us:" Then comes Christmas, "which we think of as a Christmas card; another perfect scene," says Olson. Unfortunately, for most of us, the holiday can't meet our high expectations. Families squabble, gifts disappoint, pie crusts fail and favorite teams lose. Then we end the holiday season with New Year's, when we expect our life to be changed for the better, //and many times it's not," says 01- son. But you don't have to take feeling miserable lying down. "Depression feeds on isolation," says Andover, Kan,, psychologist Stephen Amos, "so make plans to be with other people especially people who are fun to be with and make you get out and do things." You also may have to work at being nice to yourself, says Jon Burghart, project manager for the Crisis Intervention Service of the Sedgwick County, Kan., Department of Mental Health. Olson, Amos and Burghart offer these tips for coping: • Exercise. Even though it may take some motivation just to get off the sofa, physical activity really is one of the best weapons against depression. It has a calming and uplifting effect on both the body and mind. • Take care of your body: Get enough sleep, but don't lie in bed all • Get a reality check. If you keep telling yourself you're worthless, lazy, selfish or have other bad traits, ask yourself if you'd say that to your best friend Chances are, you're kinder to others than you are to yourself. Give yourself a break. • Turn off the TV. Commercials and programs may heighten your ABERCORN 1:30 sense that your life falls short of the American Dream, • Plan your day. Even if you're just catching up on chores or meeting a friend for lunch, it can help give you a sense of purpose accomplishment and control; • Stay in touch. Don't just wait for the phone to ring. If you feel isolated from your friends or family, information, call Neighborhood association to hold meeting The Cuyler Brownsville Neighborhood Association will hoW its first meeting for 1996 on Jan. 9 at the Most Pure Heart of Mary Pastoral. Center at 812 West 36th St., BuUoch; and West 36th streets, at 5:30 p.m. Membership is open to all the residents within the boundaries of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Ogeechee Road and Kolloch Street; West Anderson Street to West Victory Drive. All areas of the community are encouraged to send representation, as well as area churches and business. Full Service L a m p Kejvt Design & Restoration' Hodgson Memorial Dr. in Savannah Center 351-6040 GRUMPIER OID MEN STB! YELLING STILL FIGHTING. STILL READY FOR LOVE. REGAL CINEMAS VICTORY SQUARE 12:45 3:05 5:15 1:15 3:30 5:40 7:45 10:00 2:10 4:20 7:009:15 7:25 9:40 '"COMEDY HOUSE THEATRE I IANCE MONTAITO EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. Fast paced comedy of a Cajun kfnd.•»* Aaaeen on H80, Comedy Central* Star Search, A6W0 Cortwdy on the Road,and the Showtime Network, & * * *We * *are * *proud * * *to* * **. * * *tte **** announce SYMPHONY a^ition of another SMOKE-FREE ehowi Now, WEDNESDAY am< tST SHOW FRJDAY ar« NON-SMOKJN6 SHOWSI1J Philip Greenberg Music Director & Conductor i COME EARLY AND JOIN US FOR DINNER For Reservations and Advanced Ticket info 9I%C* OOD"" 711 MALL BOULEVARD •5S^:.s:v'v?TWK|!wwwH«F«l^K?^B!if»K'r'icCT^^^ap>;*X'!'>:« g^:!ia^^:!i^^S^^^S^^lii^^^^ 12:15 2:304:45 7:309:4512:00 4:15 7:05 «:SQ ITOYSTOAY i 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 IIIUMPIU! 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Here's how to fight them By L Kelly materials. Registration will be at 7 p.m s Jan 8 at Memorial Medial Education Center. 4700 Waters Ave., auditorium in south of emergency ei* trance Classes will meet for two hours each Monday at 7:30p.m. I1— 12;1S 2:30 4:45 7:30 9:45 12:30 2:30 4:30 7:30 9:45 12:00 2:15 fBBrmD8F"""'*" " " ^^ 1:00 2:30 4:45 7:30 9:45 12:00 UTTHROAT ISLAND l:iSS:?S":;:::?«5wS%Wr\5??:«!K5«?5!;.:5x««! 1:00 FOUR ROOMS 2:00 3:45 7:15 9:45 <w»» 12:00 4:30 7:30 9:30 12:00 If 3D 4:15 7:10 9:30 LITCHFIELD VICTORY SQ. 4:45 7:15 10:00 I WAITING TO EXHALE 12:45 5:15 7:50 STORY o -AS &-as 7-20 iFATMtH Of THE BRIDE H 7:00 fc3D IOWMPMER OUD MEN -LOJL ISUDOCN DEATH 4.40 7:10 9:46 7:05 9-.2Q ITDMANDHUCK |2:jS 4:30 7:06 ORACULA: DEAD AND LOVING IT GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION THE WAIT IS OVER WHIflHTHOUSTON AN*11MASSETT 12:30 2:30 4:30 7:30 9:45 12:00 2:00 3:45 5:35 7:20 Q^oiting to/Exhale 't pick up a fork without it. &'tttf?$ti$i$f'?--,.-.. 12:15 2:45 5:10 7:209:25 2:002:46 1:15 4:00 VICTORY SQUARE 4:465:15 7:157:5010:00 7:15*50 —iv 1:001:303:45 4:007:007:15 9:309:4512:00 m ; 1 s,-jiji >S^ii^.;S. :-,...••.'.•'.•. 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