Document 195119

What is research and How to do it? Yeni Herdiyeni Computer Vision Research Group Materi Dapat di download di : h>p:// Dept. of Computer Science IPB Materi • 
Apakah riset itu? Riset di Ilmu Komputer Personal Management Research Management/Research Process What Research Is “…the systemaNc process of collecNng and analyzing informaNon (data) in order to i n c r e a s e o u r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e phenomenon about which we are concerned or interested.”1 1. Leedy P. D. and Ormrod J. E., PracNcal Research: Planning and Design, 7th EdiNon. 2001. Research is 80% hard work and 20% creaNvity (inspiraNon, moNvaNon, or skill) All you need is PASSION! J What is CS Research? •  Discovery of new knowledge of compu/ng through mathema&cal analysis and experimental evalua&on of algorithms and computer so6ware Computer Science Is Interdisciplinary CS is NOT about programming Computer Science Physics Math Biology Brain/Cogni/ve Economics Research Project Grup Computer Vision ILKOM IPB (2013 – 2015) 1.  PeneliNan Kerjasama Luar Negeri and Publikasi Internasional (DIKTI). Mei -­‐ November 2014. DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICINAL PLANT LEAF INDENTIFICATION SYSTEM BASED ON LEAF BIOMETRIC CHARACTERS TO SUPPORT PLANT CONSERVATION IN INDONESIA. 2014. Kerjasama dengan University of Paris Diderot, Perancis 2.  IPB CompeNNve Research Grant (BOPTN DIKTI -­‐ Lintas Fakultas). Mei -­‐ November 2014. Pengembangan Teknologi Computer Vision Dalam Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu di Pertanaman Padi. 2014. Kerjasama dengan Dept. Proteksi Tanaman, Faperta IPB 3.  IPB CompeNNve Research Grant (BOPTN DIKTI -­‐ Lintas Fakultas). Mei -­‐ November 2014. IPB Biodiversity InformaNcs (IPBioNcs) untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. 2014. Kerjasama dengan Dept. KSHE, Fahutan IPB The only way you can improve
yourself is to learn
things that you are the most
afraid of!
The Illustrated guide to a Ph.D h>p://ma>­‐school-­‐in-­‐pictures/ Elementry School Master Degree Reading Research Paper Bachelor Degree Ph. D ComputaNonal Intelligence •  ComputaNonal Intelligence = Sog CompuNng –  EvoluNonary compuNng –  Fuzzy compuNng –  Neuro-­‐compuNng •  ArNficial Intelligence (AI) – 
ArNficial Neural Networks (ANNs) Fuzzy Logic (FL) Support Vector Machines (SVM) Self Organizing Maps (SOM)-­‐ unsupervised •  GeneNc Algorithm (GA) •  GeneNc Programming (GP) •  Swarm Intelligence/ParNcle Swarm OpNmizaNon (PSO) CI Research Roadmap InformaNon ExtracNon ClassificaNon/
clustering IdenNficaNon/
RecogniNon I. Personal Management 1.  Mo/va/on and Goals 2.  Memilih Pembimbing 3.  Managemen Waktu 4.  Bekerjasama/Kolaborasi 5.  Sikap (Aktude) MoNvasi dan Tujuan Apa moNvasi anda ? Tentukan tujuan anda? Apakah tujuan Anda hanya ingin lulus dan menjadi sarjana? “your goals should be stated in measurable terms “I want to do some good research this semester” is not a concrete goal “I want to write and submit a conference paper” is a concrete goal “I want to be more involved in extracurricular ac/vi/es” ” is not a concrete goal “I want to parNcipate in acNvity X this semester” ” is a concrete goal Memilih Pembimbing the student's and supervisor's research interests and preferences should be as much compa*ble as possible Topic + Advisor = Thesis You have to consider: How much direc/on do you want? How much contact do you want? How much pressure do you want? How much emo/onal support do you want? What kind of research group does the advisor provide? •  Do you want to be working on a part of a project? •  Is the advisor willing to supervise a thesis on a topic outside his main area of research? • 
Time Management Time Management Focus on your scien/fic work Ge`ng started • 
Choose a research area Choose a research advisor Work on a research team 1 2 Comple/ng your research •  Complete your research 3 •  Problem idenNficaNon Defining your research 4 5 6 Month Kurva Mhs Tugas Akhir Tips #1 Tips 2 : Student should always avoid ge=ng stuck for a long &me. Dealing with people, collaboraNon and mentoring You will not succeed in your research by going through it alone Aktude • 
Confident Responsibility ProacNve Don’t give up Dealing with failure Enjoy J Perasaan yang muncul keNka riset? excitement depression Research needs faith!! II. Research Management: Research Process How to do research in CS? • 
Research notebook Reading WriNng Programming Talking/Discussing/PublicaNon MathemaNcal Analysis Background subject knowledge Reading is fundamental •  Keep reading (10 – 15 paper untuk S1) •  Read arNcle with care –  What is the contribu/on of this research? –  How does this contribuNon relate to work previously encountered? –  What are the important references cited in this paper by author? Reading ScienNfic Paper Reading a paper carefully is a task that takes several hours. "Reading is important to know what is going on, but reading to get the solu&ons is not the way to do great research." WriNng Don’t wait to finish all your work before beginning to write A very common mistake of young researchers is to separate research &me from wri&ng &me. The best strategy is to write along the way and the notebook helps a lot with that. The soluNon is gekng feedback from colleagues first (especially those from your collaboraNon network) and then invoking the wisdom of the advisor only in the final stages J Diskusi Mingguan PresentaNon (Talking) PresentaNon (Talking) Bogor, December 2013 105 Inovasi 2013 Inovator: Yeni Herdiyeni, Ervizal A.M Zuhud, Desta, Mayanda Mega, Rahmat Se/awan Desta dan Rahmat mahasiswa Alih Jenis Ilmu Komputer IPB Conferences/PublicaNon Desta Sandya Pravista : Mahasiswa Alih Jenis 2011-­‐2012 Publikasi Grup Computer Vision – ILKOM IPB h>p:// Saga, Japan, November 2012 Research and Vaca/on ☺ References •  Bailey, D. A. A lefer to research students. Dept. of Computer Science, William College. Williamstown, Massachussets •  Blaxter, L., Hughes, C., Tight, M. How To Research. Open University Press. Buckingham. Philadelphia