ACTION RESEARCH: PARADIGMA, ISU DAN PENERAPAN DALAM PENELITIAN PENDIDIKAN Yuli Rahmawati, M.Sc., Ph.D UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA SIAPA SAYA? q Yuli Rahmawa0, M.Sc., Ph.D q h6p:// [email protected] q Dosen Kimia UNJ q Staf Pengembang Pembantu Rektor IV UNJ q Pendidikan Kimia q Science Educa0on q Ibu dari dua orang anak OVERVIEW Pendahuluan Perspektif Tahapan Penelitian Karya Ilmiah PENDAHULUAN Mengapa Action Research? Isu-isu terkait Tantangan PENDAHULUAN: Mengapa Ac#on Research? Masalah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (Improve & Solve) Bermakna Self-Reflections PENDAHULUAN: Isu-‐isu Terkait Apakah ini penelitian?? Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif Model Action Research Guru, Calon Guru, dan Peneliti Fokus Penelitian Waktu dan Jumlah Siklus PENDAHULUAN: Tantangan UNJ Kualitas Penelitian Skripsi dan Tesis Mahasiswa Aturan dalam Institusi Publikasi PERSPEKTIF: Terminologi Paradigma Metodologi Metode Metodologi Metode Metode Metodologi Metode PERSPEKTIF: Karakteris0k Ac#on Research (Creswell, 2012) al Fo c i t c a r AP cus The Educa tor-resear cher’s Own Prac tices Collaboration Sharing Research A plan o f action A Dyn amic P roces s PERSPEKTIF: History Kurt Lewin (1946) Stephen Corey (1949) Elliot & Adelman (1973) Carr & Kemmis (1986) Jack Whitehead & Jean Mc Niff (1988) PERSPEKTIF: Human Interests, Paradigms, Types, and Models Human Interests (Habermas, 1972) Paradigms (Denzin& Lincoln, 2011; Willis, 2007) Types (from different perspecGves) Technical Posi0vism TYPE 1: Technical/TechnicalPost/posi0vism Collaborative/Scientific-Technical/ Prac0cal Positivist Interpre0vism • Prac0cal Ac0on Research • Classroom Ac0on Research • Ac0on Learning • Ac0on Science • Sof System Approaches Emancipatory Cri0calism • Par0cipatory Ac0on Research • Cri0cal Ac0on Research • Industrial Ac0on Research Models • Iden0fikasi, inves0gasi, planning, ac0on, evalua0on (Kurt Lewin, 1946) • Plan-‐Act & Observe-‐Reflect (Kemmis & Taggart, 1970) • Reconnaissance-‐general plan for ac0on (Steps1,2,3)-‐Implement Ac0on (Step1)-‐Monitoring-‐ Reconnaissance-‐Revised general ideas-‐Amended Plan ( Elliot, 1991) • Look-‐Act-‐Think (Stringger, 1999) • Plan-‐Act-‐Observe-‐Reflect (O’Leary) • dll PERSPEKTIF: Human Interests, Paradigms, Types, and Models Human Interests (Habermas, 1972) Paradigms Types TYPE 1: Technical/Technical(Denzin& Lincoln, (from different Collaborative/Scientific-Technical/ 2011; Willis, Positivist 2007) perspecGves) Postmodernism (Prac0cal & Emancipatory) Integralism (holis0c) • Personal • Professional • Poli0cal (Noge & Somekh, 2009) Models PERSPEKTIF: Model Ac0on Research PERSPEKTIF: Model Ac0on Research 1. Kurt Lewin, 1946 3. Kemmis & Taggart, 1970 PERSPEKTIF: Model Ac0on Research 3. Sussman, 1983 4. Ellio6, 1991 PERSPEKTIF: Model Ac0on Research 5. Jean McNiff, 1988 6. Jack Whitehead (Living Educa0onal Theory, 1988) Self Reflec0ons Data Genera0on Ac0on Ac0on Research should offer the capacity to deal with a number of problems at the same 0me by allowing the spirals to develop spin-‐off spirals. Evalua0on Submission to a valida0on group • What am I concerned about/what do I want to improve; • What am I going to do about it; • What data will I need to collect to enable me to make a judgement on my effec0veness; • Act and gather data; Evalua0on of effec0veness; • Modifica0on of concerns, ideas and ac0ons in the light of evalua0ons; • Submission of descrip0ons and explana0on of my learning in the educa0onal enquiry, ‘How do I improve my prac0ce?’ to a valida0on group. PERSPEKTIF: Model Ac0on Research 7. Stringer (1999): Community Ac0on Research 8. Spears & Skrzypic (2012) PERSPEKTIF: Model Ac0on Research (A. McKay, 2000; B. Susman and Evered, 1978; C. Burns, 1994; D. Checkland,1991) TAHAPAN PENELITIAN: Iden0fikasi Masalah Refleksi Masalah dan Solusi Kajian Pustaka Kolaborasi TAHAPAN PENELITIAN: Perumusan Masalah/Research Ques0ons Significant Manageable Contextual Clearly Stated Open-Ended Self-Reflective TAHAPAN PENELITIAN: Desain Peneli0an Research Paradigm Metodologi & Model Action Research Metode/Teknik Pengambilan Data Analisis Data Quality Standards Desain Peneli0an: Research Paradigms Post/Posi#vism Interpre#vism Cri#calism Postmodernism Desain Peneli0an: Metodologi & Model Ac0on Research Pemilihan Model Siklus yang 0dak linier Jumlah siklus? Desain Peneli0an: Metode/Teknik Pengumpulan Data EXPERIENCING Observing and taking fieldnotes • Par0cipant Observa0on • Privileged, ac0ve observer • Passive Observer ENQUIRING Asking people for informa0on • Informal interview • Structured formal interview • Ques0onnaires • Aqtude scales • Standardised tests Narra0ve Inquiry EXAMINING Using & making records • Archival documents • Journals • Maps • Audio & Videotapes • Ar0facts • Fieldnotes Desain Peneli0an: Analisis Data & Refleksi Organise Eksplorasi data Analisis data kuan#ta#f vs kualita#f? Refleksi untuk perencanaan selanjutnya Desain Peneli0an: Evaluasi Peneli0an/ Quality Standards Lincoln (1995) Guba and Lincoln(1989) Creswell (1998) Richardson (2000) Inquiry TRUSWORTHINESS Rigorous data collec0on Substan0ve contribu0on Posi0onal • Credible Consistent with characteris0cs Qualita0ve Aesthe0c merit Community • Transferable (rich detail Inquiry Reflexivity Voice • Dependable (process audit trail, emergence) Single focus phenomenon Impact Cri0cal Subjec0vity • Confirmable (data persuasively audit trail) Expression of reality Desain Peneli0an: Evaluasi Peneli0an/ Quality Lincoln (1995) Guba and Standards Lincoln(1989) Creswell (1998) Richardson (2000) Reciprocity AUTHENTIC? (RELATIONSHIPS) Mul0ple level analysis Sacredness of rela0onship Fairness (inclusive, representa0ve) Narra0ve engagement Sharing Privileges Ontological (self understanding) Accuracy Educa0ve (understanding others) Cataly0c (ac0on commitment) Tac0cal (empowered to act) Desain Peneli0an: Quality Standards Kriteria • Permasahan/ isu di lapangan • Data yang cukup • Tindakan berdasarkan data • Perencanaan #ndakan memberikan kontribusi terhadap profesionalisme peneli# • Empowerment • Membawa perubahan/menyelesaikan masalah • Pelaporan Triangulasi vs Kristalisasi KARYA ILMIAH Audien Tipe Laporan Bentukbentuk Laporan • Mahasiswa, dosen, reviewer, pemegang kebijakan, peneliti • Tesis, disertasi, jurnal, dll • Pendekatan ilmiah • Pendekatan bercerita • Pendekatan deskriptif • Pendekatan teoritis • Pendekatan alternatif (auto-etnografi) KARYA ILMIAH: Topics KARYA ILMIAH: Tesis KARYA ILMIAH: Tesis KARYA ILMIAH: Tesis KARYA ILMIAH: Tesis PUBLIKASI ILMIAH: Jurnal • AcGon Research Publisher: Sage Publica0ons ISSN: 1476-‐7503, Impact factor: 0.87 • Asian EducaGon AcGon Research Journal (AEARJ) Publisher: UPSI Educa0onal Research Laboratory (UERL) at the Sultan Idris Educa0on University (SIEU) ISSN: 2289-‐3180 • EducaGonal AcGon Research Publisher: Informa UK Ltd., ISSN: 1747-‐5074 • Systemic PracGce and AcGon Research Publisher: Springer Verlag ISSN: 1573-‐9295, Impact factor: 0.51 • Journal of Voluntary AcGon Research ISSN: 0094-‐0607 • InternaGonal Journal of AcGon Research* ISSN: 1861-‐9916 • Concepts and TransformaGon Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company ISSN: 1384-‐6639 • EducaGon Research for Social Change Publisher: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University ISSN 2221 4070 • The Canadian Journal of AcGon Research Publisher: Nipissing University • The Wisdom of PracGce: An Online Journal of AcGon Research Publisher: Washington State University, Vancouver PUBLIKASI ILMIAH: Jurnal PUBLIKASI ILMIAH: Jurnal 1. AcGon Research : KuanGtaGf & KualitaGf I usually classify ac#on research under what is usually called cri#cal paradigm. However, as the chapter argues there are different types of ac#on research some of them are very semi-‐posi#vist. However, the type of ac#on research that I encourage is ala Kemmis and his colleagues, which fits under the cri#cal paradigm the way I understand it from the lecture notes. You are right to say that ac#on research does not differen#ate between the value of the different data types – that is it uses both qualita#ve and quan#ta#ve as need be. However, if depth is to be achieved, quan#ta#ve data is limited. Most ac#on research studies rely heavily on qualita#ve data. 2. Pre – service teachers conduct acGon research I know what you are talking about. In the Philippines also there is a percep#on that ac#on research is informal research that only school teachers do. I was told by a student that a thesis is not accepted at university if it is ac#on research only. This was denied by the administrators!!! There are hundreds of thesis around the world that use ac#on research as main methodology. Also there are interna#onal journals that mainly publish ac#on research projects!! This is wrong and should be fought and exposed. Having said that, there are many very bad research that claims to be ac#on research and is not rigorous not well thought. But then there are very bad experimental research too ;-‐) In the mind of many people this is what makes ac#on research ac#on research! As I argue in the book chapter I sent, there are many other important characteris#cs that I value. Not all ac#on research tradi#ons of course adopt them. 3. Cycles and Time The concept of a cycle simply says that planning and implemen0ng does not happen in linear way. You plan act and reflet in spiral way. But then all qualita0ve research does that to a certain extent. In my mind, it does not ma6er what those cycles are and how many of them there are. Some project formalise the cycles more than others. There are no rules about how many of them should be. Like all research when you run out of 0me, and develop sufficient learning, you stop ;-‐) 4. Cycles , Focus, and Criteria Regarding the cycles (most of my colleagues focused on it), if the research focus is students engagement, should we determine criteria of successful students' engagement that we need to improve for each cycle? Yes. Like all research, the variables have to be clarified a li6le bit. However, in countries such as Philippines and I imagine Indonesia, there is a tendency of insis0ng that variables are measured by a ques0onnaire. I would resist that. Student engagement can be manifested in many ways. It can be things they say – and not only when we ask them! – things they do including amount of 0me they spend on project as other distrac0ons, the exten0on of the work they do. I recall both Hendra and Nurwa0 used this reference to talk about engagement Chapman, E. (2003). Alterna0ve approaches to assessing student engagement rates. Prac#cal Assessment, Research & Evalua#on, 8(13). 5. Pre-‐service teachers teach in classroom during ac0on research? That is always problema0c in ac0on research in thesis work. Typically the researcher works with the teachers to change their own prac0ce. Hence the teachers should be conduc0ng the teaching. However, in short term projects, the logis0cs of the situa0on may make this more difficult since the teachers need to be professionally developed to teach in a certain way. In some cases, it is possibly be6er that the students teach the class and write about their own learning and their own prac0ce. There are no fixed rules about it. any decision needs to be jus0fied either theore0cally or for strategically. The wri0ng up (and possibly the research ques0ons) would be slightly different in each case. But either decision generate interes0ng learning. 6. Ac0on Research and Students’ Achievement This is the same ques0on about engagement above. Tests and surveys are so much entrenched in understanding of research here and in Indonesia. I always encourage my students to think about student learning rather than achievement. This may include achievement on tests, but this is only a small part of the learning that results. Unfortunately, I don’t have a single reference that discusses this. however, if you look at your curriculum and find out ‘outcomes’ or standards that are higher than knowledge you may find a wider understand of learning (that may include communica0on, confidence – ie learning about themselves – learning about mathema0cs – higher order thinking etc depends on what the project aims are. 7. Thesis wri0ng format for ac0on research There is no specific thesis wri0ng format. Many students s0ck to the tradi0onal format since examiners feel comfortable with it. the danger is AR thesis, like most qualita0ve thesis, is to go to one two extreems, on one hand just be narra0ve in terms of sta0ng what happened rather than analysis and the other not to pay enough a6en0on to what actually happened and what people actually said. a balance between narra0ve and themes should also be maintained. SIMPULAN Memahami berbagai perspek0f dalam melaksanakan Ac0on Research Refleksi dan solusi masalah sebagai fokus Tahapan peneli0an memiliki kekhususan pada siklus yang difokuskan untuk menyelesaikan masalah/ memperbaiki situasi Publikasi karya ilmiah sebagai tantangan terkait konsep dan relevansi TERIMA KASIH Email: [email protected] Hp: 0812 819 7677 9
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