,, T THE COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL NEWS yeoUrctaar . snow, Hfce hardsae discount an unfavorable bank statePrice and procmcte . . . 01- ow nu" .,........ o f ment, toalthough money on call was In free on accoujv on... of a account on supply pnoes ante, so 2 per cent for the greater part of at not lr mi present shortage la stocks as It was- In aaUoi-p- b the day. The record shows, boweer, that oa scab. Soom oeetefs the banks have lost on subtreasury operations ion of a oontt 10 wore $2,180,000. fi.nced. the price at 8 t faacy lc: otMre Mock hogs According to reports from the leading banks, e iU letting go at Me. Sew sMpmeats of money by express this week are sold at 7c ana batter, voal at poultry w w potatoes oh Hearty $1,008,000 greater than last week, while U a efaade higher. "With vory the reeeipts from the Interior by express have the market. The sjvatn markets were weaker, tut locallr there is not much. cnto la e.ota-lion- s. fallen off considerably over $1,000,000. This would Indicate a net Ices on the Interior move-meof nearly $1,000,000, bringing the total less, including subtreaaury operations, over Baak Olenrlngrs. $8,000,009. It is known tha some gold has TTwaJMiaeea. Balances. .. $46,18 been received from Catda which does not Port.and ..fafW 32.SS6 Sgure In this estimate. There has been a conSeettle HUH 4T.STB XH.MT Spokane tinued absorption of money into mercantils m. Tacoma 1MK paper aad, other forms the course of loans-iof active business, so that a further expansion PORTLAND MARKBTS. of the loaa Item Is looked for. A large upon surplus reserves, therefore, Grain, Plear, Bite. seems unavoidable. Sterling exchange hardThere is usaaUr sm csshcajtty la boosting ened a fraction in response to the higher disships at count rates in London. The declaration of the the prloe of wheat aaja the price tie tune time, iMt hath wrni to he keeping Brat dividend oa the new preferred stock ol nearly aide b side at preeoat, with the ships the Baltimore Jk Ohio was fully expected, and fci-j& iap or two ahooa at the dose of busiwas without Influence on the market. ness last evening tJamc ssalpia shaded thtlr There was a good absorption of some dormant i8 n Walla Walla yvetoseJar to Hs. hut railroad bonds at advanced prices, but changes the- - vere Mill quoting c, and Valley was generally were Irregular. There was quite e&ry at S3 , with a Pgfet stecnaist. Blueetera is an active market for go eminent bonds, preS ?' a! ) 56S7c. Owmh are hohttag snipe at sumably a account of the passage of the tug1 rates, all sort of extravagant demand bill by the senate. Total sales, $2,025,-00- 0. be Tg made, but little new business transacted. United States new 4a advanced . while "tt heat Walta. Walta. K4aCe. VaUer, W the old 4s declined in the bid price. C3y llueetem, epS7c per basbeL ' BONDS, grades, $ , graham, 2 W; I U. a 3s, reg4.....102V5.Gen. Electric 5a... 117 eure-fl- '. $2 10 per barret do 3i rec. 1Q9HIN. T. Central lsU.110 . White, an fa Oc. gray. MJS4c; stained, do 3s. coupon... r&oinc 3s 66 2C4 ,5 c per bushel. 104 do ew 4s, reg..l34HI do 4s Liri'j-Fee- d, do sew 4s. coup.lS4)Oregon Nav. Ist3..110 brewtag, $174S xer $Ma; 102 do old 4s. reg....ll41i do 4s tr do okt 4s, coup.. ll&V Oregon S. L. 0s...l27 M Muffs Bra. fUkfIS per tan; ariddttags, do 6b, reg 112 do con. Os llfe V io shorts, fMOlS; ehop. $14. do 6s, ceupon....n2fPio Gr. 'West. lsts. 97 Hi. j Steady, timothy, fiefftl; stover, $70 Dist. of Col. Paul consols... 1C7, ist. adj. 7 Ok, Oregoa wild bar. 82ISt- - P. C. &. P. lEts.li0 sec tea. wm. k t - $f ado Vegetables, Frnlt, Hto. rgetablue Parsnips. $1; arrets, $1; turnips. onions, $1 M f) 2 per cental; eabhage, per pound, potatoes, W08l per cental; meei potatoes, SBSfcc per pound. rruit Lemons, fS MOW. oranges. $2 783 pe'- x fur navels. $2 tor seedlings. Urfigerinee, $1 7G Japanese oraaeas. Mefl M per box. r.eepple $4 0Q per daaea; bananas, $2 fcfl I 63 i r bunch, Pentoa dates, TBc per poaad, e.iiei?, $10 ISO. pears, 7od$l 28 per hex; crtiberries. $ SO0T per barret lor Ilwaoo, $: 7Z'a for Eastern. I nod fruit Apples, evaporated, 7 8c pet d, pears, sacks ar boxes. ,a and evaporated. mc. plume, pttless. 4 prunes. ItaUaa. HtHc. stiver, extra tHic eh loe, 6 0 8c, flsjs, Sssyraa, CaHfornia black. do white, 19c per pound. tVi , 1W 4e; ac, 0c, Batter, Hggrs, PeHltrj-- , Htc. Butter Fancy creamer)', seoonds, 42M 4Cf , dairy 80S7Mc, store, aSffCSe per roll. -- 140 16c per doeen for Oregon. 50c; ne, Ptultrj-Chlcke- K $4; Mixed. hens, $4 ducks, $54, geese, $7h8 per aoeen; Ue. 10911c. dressed. lSttt4c per pound. Game --Mallard dacha, $; widgeon, $1 GO0S, teal, $101 26 per daaea. fheese Full oreasa, twtas, Tonne America, 14c per & 12le; Groceries, Nats, Btc. Cffee Mocha. StW6c. Java, fancy. 29S83c; good, xipaie. Java, erdtoery. 1630c; Jva, lSc. t asta Rica, faner, do good, 19fl6c; ae c dinar. lO01Se per pound. Columbia, roast, $.2 75 per case, ArbucMe's, $14 28; Lion, 4 10 26. Sugar Cube, ft 86; crushed, $6 85; pow tforeJ $6 85. dry granulated, eane, $ SS; beet, $0 23 extra C f 86. golden C, $4 7H etS fcair barrela, He more thaa barrels, maple mgar 16lc pr pound. Beans-Sm- all white, Sftc; barea, 4c; Una, 6c $(" found. Salmon Columbia river, tans, $10 1 6C , 2 - pound tolls, $S2 SO. fancy, 1 - pound fia 5 $1 6501 76. fancy flats, 850&c; Alaska. 1 --pound toHt, $1 901 80; tails, Jt"2 $1 25 Oram bags-CstoM per 109. $fT Nu -- Peanuts. per pound for raw. 16 or roasted. coeoasMts, 80c per doeea; walnuu, liHll,. per pound, ptee nuts. Me; Mekory nuts. 7 rhcBtnuut, c. BraaU. Uc. Slherts, lee. fancy pecans, 19014c; atmsnaa, M0J7He per t0fc pund, ai oil Geflea, Mlie per gattoa; feerreH tanks, - Island, nc; Japan, Vc; New Orleans, :H.i5ic, fancy head, $707 SO per sack. 1 lc. 4 liicp- Meat RHtl PrevislaBS. Mutton Oroes, best nhiap. wethers and ewes, dressed mutton, 70Vc per peund. H(e --Gross, eholoe heavy, $a; light, $4 SO; tossed, Gc per pound. Beef-Ur- oes, top sieere. $404 SO; eews, $S M) C4 dressed beef, 0Tc per poumt. eal Large. 706c per pound; small, $44, 4 25 S0 Piwlsions Portland pack (Shteid brand): Hams, smoked, are euoted at lHc per pound; I"We hams, &c per pound, breakfast baeoe. c, dry oalt sides, 13V bacon, Pc, baoke, f'n dried beof, I7c per pound, ird, p.thi, loc. 10 -- pound palls. 9e; SOs, c; tie-a- e, tHc per pound. Kastern pack (Ham-mis Hams, large, lc, medium, li4c; email 13Sc. plcnle name, fcc, shouldetz, Hfcc; trcakfaBt bacon, lSfcc. dr salt sides, 8H8Wc, Ix r sides, bacha, 10c. butts, 6c. lard, pura leaf, kettle rendered. Ss, Mc; 10s, lOfca 01c, Heps, "Vreel, Hldos, Btc. Hops 308c per pound. ot 1 Valler. 1S01&C for eearse. lS09Oc for peat EaKern Oregon, 8014c; mohair, 27080c round PTSeepeklna-ShtoHlnga, lS09Oc; short-woo- l. Si medium-woo- l. 00c 9$ 1 8O0Oc, long-woo- l, ( "tt Bear sMna, each, as to else. $6013; cubs, each, $106. badger, each. M014e; wlM-c- l 25640c, houeeeat, 6 0 10c. fox, eommoa Era' 40&WC, do red, $1 M01 7. do ereae, $2 So wC, 1; ir $1 SO0S 80, mink. 8o0fl X; mar-- t ". uark Northern. $40e, do pale, pine. $1 26 C Riunkrat, 8 018a, skunk, 86010c, otter R'" $46 panther, with head and daws por-- t ' $16 S. racoaoa, 86060c, wolf, mountain, v. ' head perfect, $t 8006. wolverine, $2 Sv0e, skin, large, $007. do medium, per ek- - $45, do small, per skin. $1C; do kits. Tc Ub t"' )r 6Oc0$l. pc-s- Ti. . No. 2 and grease, SM04c per pcun' H 3es-r- ry hides. Ko. 1. 15tTHc. dry Us, Wo. 1 pounds and 1, S to 1 1, under S up-- pounds, pounds, lt per pound, dry oaK. Mo. dry Baited, then dry rISC " salted hides, sound steers, less 00 pounds and ene-thi- rd sc. do 80 to 00 pounds, S0e4; 5o pounds and oawe, kto. 18 to3 do veal. M to 14 pounds. 7H; do L. T, under 10 paunde, green (uneaHed), 1- ixr jkund leas; cutis (buUs. tftaga, mat. eater, bad cut. scored hair sttpped, weather. CAcr r -- T0c; 7c, 'ua 706c. beaten r grubby), one-tht- less. t SSerlBsa Shewed fer tke Daj-- . Leases Xct XEW T RK, Feb M.-- Th drooping tendency cf prices jroed to be too much to overcome, ani the majority of stock show net losses on In the standard Mocha these tosses are rie daj xn 1 but the decline from the early high ranee was tonslderabie The opening was nW,t m vmpathr with but the initial transaettona, the weakness of the local traction stocks, and of Paotne o wnw io untitle the market. The pne-- a . sagged pretty Mdu, ft ttmc vm the bear operators among the ream traders Marted to cover their short oentracto l-ibe flnnl dealings Thbs rallied the level of the market from the loweat, but the move-tnewas listmm and entirely without force. Lonl.in was net encouraged b Ita news South Africa, to buy stoou here, and la Mi nit. in the home market. lx ' J rues Osn-- f a all of their enrlj gam. Mppsdlr th Imminence a new of i" But Len--C n was dtapoaad to take pronto at an potato ever fUr ' mines showing a sharp reaction from Ce earls advance. There was no occasion for therefore, that the local market failed ooT-l- a t h i,' the advance of the South African new. Thf beam had not ae much anNnuutt'ju In the shape of woahmms of special Mocks as the yesterday, but the gonial tone of the marfca ket vm nevonhotees torn reactionary The tears made Inroads upon Paette Mall and Rubber, but otherwise no very ' r ted States woo mit breach weremade In values. The Heal Inclined to rally with tbt traction stocks testation of pressure against Third Avenue. during was tnnrlc the early part of fgar day bu htinmt armor towards the dose. tf v, ! i nsl4era effeot on the general net. Ttu i"Wlr marntslned Its attitude of apathr. inc thut was the nln cause ot the heavhMss. th unculnm ts Pnbabl some to be fel als rejrard ng the Winter Ue rrcuna u bare of wheat oron, becu rT f lt wt to. r. s The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Close. $0 66 February 6S ?0G8 May $008 $8CS CS 63 July mi 08 35 35 May July 35 35 ":: 34 85 3 34 24 28 23 22 23 35- I May July - Sft M3S3 PORK. 10 97 1Q0O 11 CO 1105 May 1107 1097 1092 1101 July LARD. 610 607 May 6 12 615 015 015 July SHORT RIBS. 6 02 802 May 602' 597 602 6C5 600 005 July Cash quotations were as rollows: Fkmr Steady. "Wheat No. 3 spring, 6467c; No. 2 red, 2 o e o 2, 33eG3c. Com Oats No. 2, 2302&c; No. 2 white. No. 3 white, 25026c Rye No. 2, 25o: G22c. Cheese Firm, 1213c. Eggs Firm; fresh, 12 Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels Oats, bushels Rye, bushels Barley, bushels a f ei "" rfv 11 Stock Brokers Union Depot, Sixth and OF COMMERCE S. S. NOME CITY, .- -. s The above steamers wjlfcail every 10 days during the season for Cape Nome, York and St. Michael and Yukon river points. .A first-clas- tv:; ia&sing mlay- - . APP LY TO FOR RATES AND INFORMATION TANDSOUTHEAST lb, 9l i&k3IBBasSSB. AND PORTLAND - CHICAGO SPECIAL ROUTE.' Leaves for the East Via Spokane dally at 3.45 P. Mr Arrives at 8.00 A. M- Leaves for the East, via Pendleton and Ht-lngto- n. dally at 8 "CO P; M. Arrives, via Huntington and Pendleton, at P. M. -'THRCraGH POLLMAN AND, T0?RIST SLEEPERS. Water lines schedule, subject to change without notice: OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. StearBsMbs OCEAN DIVISION sill frra Alnsworth dock at 8 00 P. M. Leave Portland Columbia sails Thursday, Feb. 1. Sunday 'Feb. lit WfKliwxjBV VV. 1 State of flHfeCa sails Tuesdny. Feb. Ol Friday, Feb. 18; Mon-da- v. ?Feh. "ft. H From San Francisco State of CalKaraia Friday. Feb 2. Monday. Feb. 12; Thursday, Feb 22. Columbia sails Wednesday. Feb. i. Saturday. Feb. J7; Tuesday, Feb. 27. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8 00 P M , on Saturday" at 10.00 P. M. Returning, leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7.00 A. M. "WDLLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLANp AND CORVALLI3. OR. Salem. Albany, Corvallls Steamer Ruth. and way points. leavf Portland Tuwdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 60 A M. Returning, leaves Corvallls Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6.00 A M. Steamer Modoc, for Salem and way points, leaves Portland Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at fl CO A. M. Returning, leaven Salem Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 A. M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND 1. SFprDI 0 5Q0c 844 AND DAYTON. American Porta. Feb. easier; spot, dull and weak. Barley, steady for spot and dull for futures. Oats, quiet. "Wheat No. 1 shipping, $1; choice, $1 01, misting. $1 O20t 03. larley Feed, 700" c; brewing, 770S5c Oregon. $1 O701 12; milling, Oate-Gr- ay, 17. Call board red, $1 1201 20. sales: "Wheat Baeier, May, $1 01 per cental; D eember, $1 07, cash, $1. Barley No sales. Cora Large yellow, $1 1 05. $1 1HH 02f CUicnco Grain. Produce, Etc. CHICAGO, Feb. 16. The wheat market opened eaey on heavy Argentine shipments and lower cables. May depressed, at 0c Sc export 6S0 There was little doing in cash wheat, demand was ot encouraging, and May gradually sold off to 6806Se. The decline was helped along by the weakness of corn. At the bottom some demand from oomml&sioi houses caused a reaction to 6SHc. The dose was weak. May c down, at CSc Except for some activity during the first hour, and the lest 80 minutes, the session was quiet. The eora market yielded to heavy sales for profit-takin- g by recent buyers, and, considering the deluge, the price held pretty well Country offerings generally were reported email May dosed down, at 34c. Oats receded with the other grain markets. The ansa demand was poor. May okwed c under yesterday The weakness of corn and selling by longs depressed the provision market, which cleeed barely steady. Trade was quiet. There was severing of perk and lard, and a. little nlbhUng at lard by exporters. May- - pork closed 20&c dowaj' May' lera weed & "shade tleproeeett, "at 0e Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Feb. 16. Coffee-Opti- ons closed firm at 5010 points net advance; sales, 27,250 bags. Including March at $7 1507 20; July, $7 3007 35. Spot, Rio, steady, tending upward; No. 7, invoice, 8c; No. 7, jobbing, "Mild, steadr to firm; Cordova, lO013c. Sugar Raw and refined, steady. 0c Crying; Necessity for Two Wives. "Clarlssabel" In Baltimore Sun. Carlyle's "Lady Ashburton" said that every man ought to be compelled by law to have at least two wives. The first wife's "business should be to go out and enjoy berself, collect amusing anecdotes with which to amuse her husband, and fresh bits of gossip and new recipes for the second wife. Whose duty It should bo to stay at home and cook and keep house. This Idea, so It seems to the subscriber. Is pregnant with good sense. No woman whose husband Is In ordinary circumstances can be an ideal housekeeper and at the same time an ornament to society (one to whom .he "Is proud to introduce his friends," to use the good old phrase), because the dar is only 12 hours long. But if there are two wlve, the work can bo equally and fairly divided. One woman will attend to his physical wants, the other to his mental ajxi sp'rltual wants. One wlH be ready to gree't him with a smile when lie returns home any time between S o'clock and midnight; the other with a hot beefsteak and potato puree. Aad as it hs conceded that when he does return the great thing is to usher him Into a restful presence, where he will forget the caros and struggles of the day, defend his adopted country against his native land if Germany had interfered in the Philippines, because he, from an Inborn feeling of Justice, would have regarded it as an act of usurpation and an Insult to the flag he had sworn to defend. Should, however, our president enter into a secret alliance with England, and the latter country become involved in war with Germany, and the president Issue a call for volunteers, no one of German origin would appear. A skunk who would! A feeling for justice and fair play is one of the peculiarities of the German. It is also impossible for him to see why one should not give expression to his opinion, and that the opinion he entertains for the polipy of a country has nothing to do with the individual. The writer thinks the Germans only fit to make Imported sausages, stale beer, etc. Let ma politely Inform him that, with the exception of the Pacific Northwest, which Is but a small part of the world, apparently, howe-ver,the limit of the radius of the writer's mental horizon, the Germans lead by great odds in the more important branches of commerce, banking, export EAST O foGKN&lMASaO) SOUTH Leave , Drpot t ... ' 8;30AM.. Flfti aaj I SIk:1j OVERLAND EX- PRESS TRAINS. for Salem, Rose-i-.nburg. Ashland, Sac- ramento, OgdJn, San Francisco, Mo- t feasof Ne6 'leans -- andthe East. At Woodburn except Sunday), morning train connects with train for ML Angel. SH-- v e r t on. Browns- (dally ' Arrive art5 A. M. - . I I " and ObIt tlTti ladies uk lauacjut iire;nn Bed ul $3$L t0ttt Tako SfcJ&3 other. Original rtllafcli. OArc, ! . ' iS Gcrrniae. ior Mnfftu via A Geld bmUIUsV flund .Brand In wlta Una rlMoa 5oie, Xtfutt danacrvut ralofiu. Do (taw and IwiUtttont. At Drurliti. r uaa An. Ia itamp far ptrtleslars, totlosslilf an! j "UAUcr ior latuca,' in utter. return MalL AW.UVV TesUoeoItU Ktourtptr. CoMbjaJl Local Droxiiv.1!. yillLAD fJL A. M I4:BQ P. M. 117:30 it i..i.f. ' """"""'" rnMnwv?5?nffe7ra',0tOTredJ,yDoctoral8Dee'eapercentaro Jt!iir..rJLih8 1ly kuown remedy to cure without rn operation. Dally. Corvallls passenger. Sheridan passenger.. tvEaU?l!E"o? AadresaDAYOI wt!. troubled with Prostatitis. testimonials. A written JltaJXCINE.CO-- . p. o. Box 2978, San Francisco. CM. For sale by TVoodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland. XtoV ftwaboxforjceo, , ' tt&,1m uiTSIS t Fast mH for Te-m- a. Seattle. Otysssta. Gray's Marsor aad N.L sotarti, Send South Arrlvo Spskaae, Rowlaa, D. C, PuUman. Lewlston. Moscow. Buffalo MP.M. Mumenpolts. llrleava, St. Pawl. Omaha. Xa4-aCity, 9t Lout. Cstteago and all aotote No. a. east and southeaxi Pust Sound faswiu :A,M. far Taeoasa and soaftle and Intermeddle oUm ana tourist aleosors to MM- PilPtnan flrst-elanw pells. St. Paul and Missn rtvc sotMs without change. Vestlbuld Irahts. Unhm depot ssnnestlooi la an principal cities. IIDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland and San Francisco Net rates $17 first class and $11 second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and Can be optained from AUSTRALIA. R, KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. 1.54 Third sc J. YAMHILL Baggaga. checked to dcetlaaUon of ticket. For handsomely Illustrated 'doscrfcrttve matter, sleepiag-sa- r reservattoas, cm., salt a or tickets, write A. D.CHARLTON Assistant General Passesger A seat, 255 Morrluon St.. Cor. TalriT, Fortlaad. OregsH, S:C0 P. M. lis25 A. M DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foof of Jefferson Street. Leave far Oswego dally at 7:20. 940 A. M 12.30, 1.55, 3 25, 5.15, 0.25. 8.03, 11:30 P. M.; and O'OO A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at C:35, 8:30, 10:50 A. M : 1:35. 3.15, 4.J0. 6:20, 7.40, 10 00 p. M.; 12.10 A. M. da'ly, except Monday; 6.30 and 10:tt3 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, exeept Sunday, at 4:80 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 8."38 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Airlte Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.45 P M Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. THROUGn SALT LAKE CTTY, DENVER OMAHA. OR KAAS4S CITY, WITH CHOICE OF TWO ROUTBS. Via the faat mail line er the seeate fetae thremga Colorado. NO CHANGE OF CARS TO DENVER, OMAHA, KA.NSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO aad the ATLANTIC SEABOARD. leaving portu.10 mm Mm. Mtv. at tm ?. i. For railroad and sleeping-ea- r tickets aad all other latormatioa asoly to CITY TJCKET OFFICE 124 Third Street, Perttepd, Orsgon J. R. NAOBL. W. E. COMAN. Qeneraf Agent. CHy Ticket; Agt. Sunday. Except R. KOEHLER. Manager. C H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Pacific CoasJ 5teamshli Co. FOR ALASKA i THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Cottage City, City of Topeka and Al - Kl leave TACOMA 11 A. M , SEATTLE & P. M Feb. 4, , 14, 19. 24. Mar. 1. 11. 16. 21. 26, 31. Apr. 6, and every fifth day there after For further information obtain company's folder. The company reserves the right to change, steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing without prevlounotlce. AOENTS N. POSTON. 240 Washington st.. Portland. Or.. F W. CARLETON, N. P. R. R. dock, Tacoma. J. F TROWBRIDGE. Puget Sound Supt., Ocean dock. Seattle. GOODALU PERKINS & CO . Gen. Agts . S. F. 36REATN0RgjggNJ TIcUet Offlcct 122 Third St. 'Faeae No. 4 S'45 P M. apolis. Duluih, Chkaw and all points Bart. S e3, g;WA. M. 3rr. DtJ Through Palace and Tourist Cars. and Buffet Smoklng-Librar- y JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP TOSA MARU For Japan. China and sit AitaMe petets mVi leave Seattle About February' 22d. f Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. iOO PACIFIC RATES and BEST SERV-lc- e to and from all Eastern points and Europe. Through tour.st cars from coast to St. Paul. Montreal Toronto. CHANGE, aal Boston WITHOUT Direct Route to Kootenay Mining District British Columbia Fsciflc rrrtl mill 'iliuwihlp Knes u AcitralJu and information, apply to H. H. ABBOTT, Agent. 14S Third street, city. E. J. COTLE. A, G. P. A.. Vancouver. B. C Japar Itt For Maygers. Kacaier, ARBSVB8 ClatskaBie, Westsort. Cttflca. Aatorta. WarH SWOT. remoe. Flavel. Ham mood. Fort LEAVES UNION DEPOT. LINE 1 tailevi WHITE COLLAR LINE 8:00 A.M. 7:00 P. M. Gearbart Park. Astoria and SeaacMrc Bxpress, Daily. Astoria. Bxpress. Dally. 11. A. K. 940 P. M. Ticket offiee. 255 Morrison st. and Baton dtset. .J. C MAYO. Geo. Pass. Act.. Astoria. Gr. CO. VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION Steamer Undine. Captain Charles T- - Kantst, leaves Vancouver at 8.39 A. M. and 1 J. S. T. M. A. M. ami 4. Leaves Portland at Sundays excepted. For freight or pawiaae apply on board, foot of Taylor street. Bound trtp, 3e N.W. Harris &Ga. BANKERS RIVER & PUGET SOUND NAVI- OATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. COLUMBIA Governm't. MitnktpeiU Railroad, Gas anti Electric CompeAfeg Bought aad seM, includisg total ftssses. Ltilm tlCoBstlpntlon. 5000 ttafeg ' IOD RESTRED2S.uf.I55E:. r i5!: Utne. to Marry, KxhnaiitlncMrnln, Orgoa flflEiDN an Varicocele stops all losses by day or night. Preventsqulcknessof dUcharge.vvhlcultnotcbecked to anermflLnrrhona itnH All tViA tmrr.M rxt lmnnfnnv leans ifornxfr.iaBn.Arffhit . -- ........... llvpr. tho L 1ln.rit .nri t h. n4aw ... --.r til .vruw uS and restores email weak"organs: J PertJswJ, GBOROS LAMGt CNy Pass. Tkc Agt. J. H. LOTHWJP. Gen'l Agent. ' .-r- r 7r . .. .jr.- -. i.-:t- tt T'iuu,ViJo1;iu,i;lJwuuui.u.nimoii3irencnpnrs:ian,vTjii quicciy care you oiau nervous or diseases of the generative organs, eucfi as iost JEtauhood, Intomala, PMlna la tbe Baclc, Sotnliml Entlmloai, Xervons Debility, Pimples . Strssl 35 Third ' Canadian DIasoad Brand. CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 GO EAST VIA v Hie. Sprlngfl e d and Nation, and evening train for ML Angel and SU- verton. If you have never used Carter's Little Liver Pills,, go at once to the nearest drug store and get a vial. They wHl surely please you Don't forget this. Chichester Thraagh tickets, baggage checks and s4ees4as rar amowimoJatlswa can be ar.raged at nTP.M. Offers the LOWEST I Throneb PbIIbmb Palaee Sleepers Tourist Sleepers DInlnrr Cara (meals a la earte). aad Free RecllnlBiC Chair Cars Operated Dally or Fast Mail Trataa " 110 P.M. Bote Donnelly, Tacoma. Kruse's Grill Room and Restaurant-Sta- rk street, opp. Chamber of Commerce. other Principal Eastern cities No. 4. European plan; headquartera for com Chilberg's restaurant in Hotel Bntler, Seattle. Only 3 J4 Days to Chicago, Only 4 Days to New York dntJ CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM, PORTLAND. , In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD CO. Schedule. 1900 (oubjeet to & NAVIGATION Leave change); Portland. Leave Steamer No. 2. Feb. 20 "ABERGELDIE-Mareh 21 April 8 "MONMOUTHSHIRE" For rates, accommodations, etc.. apply to DODWELL & COMPANY, Limited, 11:15 A.M. General Agents, Portland. Or. To principal points In Japan and China. merclnl men. connection. European. Booms with or without bath. Ladles' and gents' grillrooms In connection. The Direct Line to Denver, Omahs. Kansas City and St. Louij. THE DINING CAR ROUTK FROM PORTLAND TQ THE BAST. THE ONLYDIRKCT UNI TO TMJE YJBLLCfW- STONS PARk. NewSteamsMpLinetotkOrient 0c SAN FRANCISCO. pJCTO R OR. 1; and S Steamer, Elmore for Dayton and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays, Wedaesaay-and Fridays at 0 A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISTON. IDAHO. Steamer Spokane or steamer Lewteton leaves Rlparla dally at 1 .20 A. M., arrlvlrg at Lewlston at 12 o'cloak noon. Returning, the Spokane er Lewlston leaves Lewlston dally at 8.30 A. M., arriving at Rlparla same evening. W. H HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent. V. A. SCHILLING City Ticket Agent. Telephone Main 712. 1011c; 9. THE ,15 TWO TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST fr 42'0Q Xevr York Groin and Produce. J Streets. "FAST MAn NOME S. S..BESPATGH 38,000 18,000 166,000 118,000 2,000 TO THE astteoaestsetasoottototose W. ELDER, MOST dNE DIRECT j Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade CHAMBER FASTEST AND THE New York CAP 5S.. GEO. TRAVRLssttS SCUMS. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. jr SECOND FLOOR 13c Receipts. Shipments 63,000 38,000 279,000 223,000 3,000 56,000 si osaststteotsosteeooeeaeeoQs 55c. Barley No. 2, 37042c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1 60. Timothy seedPrime, $2 C02 52. Mess pork $0 7010 05 per bbl. Lard 5 805 95 per cwt. Short ribs Sides, loose, $5 906 15. Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, $6 2500 50. Short clear sides Boxed, $6 056 15. Butter Steady; creamery, 1924c; dairy, ID I DIRECT WIRES TO " 60207 7O071c No, sj Wheat - OATS. 28 22 jt ) CORN. February - 17," 1900. NEW YORK, Feb. 16. Flour Receipts, 14,-0barrels; exports, 7260. Market dull and featureless. Wheat Receipts, 5600; exports, 100,000 bushels. Spot, weak; No. 2 red, 70c. Options F. P. BAUMGARTNER, 253 Washington St. opened easier and became weak later in the shares. Tho closing quotations were: day, shipments V. owing A. to heavy & Argentine Co., General Agents, San Francisco. and Mitchell C0 Atchison 21 lUnlon Pacino .... do pref 63VJ do pref iwi bearish domestic news. Trade was slack and (ByilWabhSh BV.t. & Ofc!o Wi prices narrow. May closed at 75c; July, 74c. Can. Pacific 20 Wool Steady. esl do pref it should be the first wife's part to be and Import. In every big center of the Can. Southern ... 48W)'Wheollng & L. E.. IVik Hops Quiet, 20-- j seated from nightfall on in a becoming Whole United States, in every part of the 27yt Tes. & Ohio do 2d pref Chicago Gr. W.... 13VH"Wlsoonsm Central. 18W garb in front of the Are, her slippered feet globe, the German merchant leads; even C--. O. & Q European Grain Markets. 124t,P. C., C A St. L.. 04 in front ot the fender, a novel on the in the lion's den, In London Itself, over Chi, lad. & L.... 16J KXPRE3S CO.'S. er LONDON, 16. Wheat Cargoes off coa&t, table at her side, and the whole Feb. room of the more important condo pref 115 49 lAdams buyers and sellers apart; cargoes on passage, permeated with an atmosphere of repdse. cerns are German. Chi. & East 111... 04 American 117 Chicago & N. W..160 I United States nominal, unchanged; Walla Walla, 2Ss 3d The least flurry or want of poise reacts " T take this occasion to remark, and I 47 o 125 English country markets, steady. speak for many, that if the vile slanderC R. L & Pac...lOS Welle-Fargupon hlm,and so her very attitude should C. C.. C. & St. L. 61 SIISCBLLANEOUS. . people coning of the German-Anfericbe one of easo and tranquillity. Colo. Southern ... 5iAn.er. Cotton Oil.. 33 LIVERPOOL, 16. wheat firm; Wheat, Feb. tinues by fanatic know-nothing- s, if he ia do 1st pref 04 43V Co pref country marand flour Paris, In weak; French do 2d pref MalUng ... L recognized as a good citizen politicalnot 15Amer. kets, quiet; weather In England, unsettled. REPLY TO "COMMON "25 Del. & Hudson. ...lllti do pref SENSE" ly, they will make it an issue locally and Del., Lack. & "W.OVAJrcr. Smelt. & R. 41tf Wheat Futures closed quiet; March, 5s 5d, nationally and unite on that one point Demer &. Rio Gr. 01 do pref May, 5s 10d; July, Cs 10d. fs time that the political parties taki 71,'A-.e- r. do pref Spirits 'Ai It Feellnir of German Americans Corn Spott American mixed, new, steady, 3. 11 12 Brie do tref warning. FRED TOPKEN. Toward Anonymous Criticism.. v 8d; old, steady. 3s 9d. Futures, quiet; 30 Airer. Steel Hoop. 47M do 1st pref a 3s 8d; March, 3s 8d; May, 3s 7d. Great North, pref. 168 do pref 84Ji PORTLAND, Feb71i6. (To the Editor.) Hocking Coal 15 Amer. Steel & "W. S&W HOTEL ARRIVALS. n, The communication in "Wednesday's Hocking Valley .. S4 93 do pref SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. signed "Common Sense," of which Illinois Central ...113 Amer. Tin Plate... 34$ PORTLAND. 13& do oref S2?i Iowa Central the seems, however, to be entirely G HTLarrabee,THE IW O Sweentjr, TJ 0 A city SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16. Wool Spring-Neva- da, void,writer do pref B24tAmer. Tobacco ...lOOvl is as vile and contemptible an at- C S McCord, FalrhavnIR J McCorroljk, Jaj Kan. C, P. & G 13 135Vi 12015c; Eastern, Oregon, 12Q13c; do do pref Grafmaeller, N Y ard. Wis of German Edw Lake Brie & W... 20 Anaconda Mln. Co. 44ts Valley, 2022c. Fall Northern, mountain, 10,3 tack upon his fellow-citize- n H Kelso, St Louis lFred S Bell, Winona, do pref 72"si SJk Brooklyn R. T birth and origin as has ever appeared in G 12c; mountain, SfflOc; plains, 810c; Humbolli B Stoddard, Chicago! Minn 104 "Colo, Fuel & Iron.. 45 Lake Shore n. as publication creditable a as The and Mendocino, 1517q per pound. M J Carrlgan, PtAngL'IGeo S Long, Tacoma, Louis. & Nash.... 81Cont. Tobacco ..... 32 It is the more despicable as the D C Schwelzer, San Fr',L S Belding & w.Vai jv 1899 crop. ll13c for choice. Manhattan El .... do pref 4 en Hops Jas Z Moore, Spokaro H Blssell. MInnpU au ny 55 Mlllstuffs Middlings. $17 0020; bran, $12 50 writer, by not signing his name, lacks the GS B jeu Steel mttdFederal '.W E Oiborne, New i'rk Mills, Chicago courage which, even in'an ungentlemanly H Chesebrough, . 754 Mexican Central .. 12 I do pref .... 13 50 per ton. C S F ;A R Jacobs, Oregon Cy Minn. & St. Louis 63 General Electric ..12TVu Hay as one, always this Wheat, per a $6 attack 50 commands and 5D9 ton: wheat C G Jacobs, Oregon Cy Abe Jacobs, city do pref .......... 83 Glucose Sucar 55 oat, $6 5000; barley $57; alfalfa, $67 50; certain respect. Deploring the bitterness Simon Carter, Chicago S F Juda, San Fran 100 Missouri Pacific .. 40 do pref Joseph Blakely, Chicago Lendau. San Fr per which, J ton; straw, clover. F per Mobile & Ohio.... 45 Int. Paper 22 either side has displayed in combale. 3045c $78 Dov le. Tacoma I H Manners, uai M.. K. &T 10 I do pref Potatoes Early Rose, 8505c; river Burbanka, munications, and the subseuuent discus- Thos CSi Harry Henoch, Phlla H tt Scovel, San Fran K 32ViLa, Clede Gas do pref 76 50075c; Salinas Burbanks, S0c$l 10; Oregon sions arising therefrom, I refrain from en- C F Mason, san Fran S Llchter, Chicago New Jersey Cent..ll65, National Biscuit .. 30 Burbanks, 75c$l'l0 per dack; sweets, $1 f&y tering into a lengthy political and historW P HuB9y, Indpls J P Whitney, San Fran New York Oent...l34'J do pref 92V4 1 85 per cental. F F Sayer. Denver , Sural White. Baker Cy Norfolk &"West... 2S National Lead contro21 ical sketch of the British-Bo- er .tsenj Johnston, San Fr city Latz, Onions 735H per $1 25 pref do 103V4 do pref cental. 752 versy. If the writer, however, will state L H Brigra. Quincy.Or Geo E D Rogers. Chicago Northern Pacific .. 534Natlonal Steel 50 Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $1135; common his side in a logical and rational man- C McDonali C J Mitcneu, san Tom Astoria 74Vy do pref 95 do pref California lemons, 75c$$l 60; choice, $1 7&01 G W Price. San Fran f if that be possible for him, I shall Harlow B Draker, Ontario & "West... 23N. T. Air Brake.. 136 Tropical fruit Bananas, $1 00 2 50 pet ner,pleased T Bridges & wife, G Iv Grisvvold, Chicago 42 (North American .. 14 G. R. & X to answer him. It is but "natu- J Roseburg, be pineapples, bunch; nominal. Sam Thompson, St Paul 76 (Pacific Coast do pref 5VA ral that the great majority are sympa- 3 Cohen, SanOr Fran Apples $11 25. 1 Vv Neison, at jcaui Pennsylvania ....134 S3 colstjref thizing with the Boers. W W Ridehalgh, city 1S Reading Butter Fancy creamery, 2324c; do sec64 do 2d pref When we see a big fellow mttack a small 50 Pacific Mall 37 do 1st pref onds, 2223c; fancy dairy, 2021c; seconds, 18 THE PERKINS. 28 People's Gas .....105U 19c; pickled, 2224c; firkin, do 2d pref one, without a very justifiable cause, our F C Martin, Seattle ;JD H Welsh, Astoria l22c per pound. Rio Gr. Western.. 46 (Pressed Steel Car.. 65 Cheese New, 10011c: Eastern, 1017c pet sympathies go out to the small one; every Theo Franks, St Paul JV A Lalpe, Yor.calla-87 do pref do pref 87 !J H Yanoy, Eugene Goodsoll, city pound; Young America. Western, true man will feel indignant, because he St. Louis & S. Fr. 10W Pullman Pal. Car. 183 Portland, Chas L Teller, Junclr. 63 i Stand. Rone & TW. 8 abuses his vastly superior power to crush J J Sevens, do 1st nref 1314o per pound. (A J "Fodges, Albany Neal, "Portland 113 35 .Sugar do 2d pref Eggs Store, 13015c; Eastern, cold storage", a small oe. If England had gone out to JJ W M Arthur, Portland Q W Cook, OaklarxfcjCal 113 do pref St. Louis & S. W. 10 nomlna. 17c per dozen. ranch, sympathies 1W equal, our civilizei'Russia, l. her San Fr J Russell. San Kran 0S STVftTenn, ......... pref & Coal Iron. do rv Recelpts-Flo- ur. jGeo M Sykes,Vansouvr- quarter sacks, 12,408; da -- would be with England. But not to sysm FB 122 U. S. Leather Bt. Paul 16 Mrs C C Hall,' uregoni: C Vt- Hudson, do Utah, 12CS; wheat, centals, 157,329; barley, cen171 pathizfe with a people who so gallantly Th03 75 do pref do pref Richardson, SF 'OC Musser, San Fran 32 St. Paul & O .....115 U. S. Rubber tals, 11,115; oats, centals, 1020; beans, sacks, defend their homes and Independence is T A Barlow, Victoria IBert Shelton. Goldendl do pref 91 Southern Pacific .. 39 523; com, centals, 420; potatoes, sacks, 3050; simply impossible, the strongest argu- .miner DTeeman, "xnc iairs vcri sneiion, aa 11W Western Union ... 84 Southern Ry bran, sacks, 1635; middlings, sacks, 150; hay, ments why it is desirable notwithstandRande," Seattle IW Lord. The Dalles 50 Reoabllc Iron & S. 24 do pref W T Agnew, Oljmpla Edw c .Tease, uaues tons, 040; wool, bales, 7; hides, 4690. CS do pref ing. I presume the writer is an EnglishTexas & Pacific... 1G Mrs "W T Agnew, do B C Leyson, Whitehall, even, noteworthy as manpossibly a has E H Storey, Montesanoj Mont Bx dividend. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. beexception to his IMrs JET C Lyson, do Mrs Storey, do carl Roe, Enterpnse.ur come an American cUteen for I, am loth G A Gore, Kalama CHICAGO. Feb. 16. Cattle Good to choice, Mrs Carl Roe, do Miss Gore, Kalama Foreign Financial News. poor to medium, $44 80; mixed etock-er- s, to believe that an American born could Lee" Moorehouse, L D Wolf. Spokane Pen $56; blood possibly nationality o the a slander NBW TORK. Feb. 16. The Commercial AdSpokan D L Mrs dleton, Or Wolf. $3 1006 75; selected feeders, $44 75; good vertiser's London financial cablegram says: of which flowsiin the veins of a great ma- A H Wlllett, Bridal Vl!T J Cooper, N D to choice cows, $3 104 40; heifers, $3 2504 N P Nelson, Chicago W Thomas, Salt Lake The news of Vie relief of Klmberlry caused a $2 502 SO; bulls, $2 704 40; calves, jority of the- people of the United States. W H Smith, Tacoma IMrs W Thomas, do booming opening today, DeBeeni rising The hundreds of thousands of German-bor- n J T Mahon, Harney J J Antwert. Sumpter 80; fed Texas beeves, $45. $57 Business, however, was most meager, provincial Hogs Mixed and butchers, $4 and of German origin in our civil Mrs A E Haines, LaGr S P Sloan, Grant's Pass good to orders being stopped by- Interruptions In the choice heavy, $4 905 02; .rough755; W C Hawle, Salem M.B Rankin, city heavy, $4 75 war, the tens of thousands In our .late war R Sweet, Nampa, IdlA H Lyle, Crook Co telegraphic service, and prices gradually 4 85; light, $4 704 02; bulk of sales, $4 85 who fought, bled and died lor the Union, A W C Chapman, Ovid, IClalre P Harter.Ralnlei dropped. Lord Rosebery's speech In parliatell a different tale. m 95. Mich 'EfiTe M Gentry, Ralniet ment yesterday Induced apprehensions In some Sheen Native wethers, $4 S3JM 60; lambs. $3 History, studied thoroughly and Impar- J T Stinger, NWhatcm Isaac Peet. Astoria quarters of Impending foreign complications. Crosby, Mrs D Mrs J M Gillette, Sea-Fr7; Western wethers, $4 85 great F the Astoral tially, educator, makes is and a 5 60; Western Consols, which began at 101, were pressed Brown, Astoria j side lambs, $6ti 90. man. History, student .a broad-minde- d Connolly, Dunsmulr IWm T Mltty, Salem sown by heavy cash sales at 100. and thej Receipts Cattle, SOOO; hogs, 27,000; sheep. hpwever, studied superficially and one- D C C Hayr.ce, Forest Grv R E Allison, do dosed at only better. The celling of con8000. sided, a laudation of the native country at M. L Coovert, VancWnjF D Schnebly, Ellensbg sols was supposed to be In anticipation of guides E Lillian Schnebly & expense mind O R Reynolds, do the all of others, the the financial statement to be made by the Forest Grv sister, Ellensburg OMAHA. Feb. la Cattle Receipts, 2300; Into narrow-cnlndednescreating an ar- JG NQ Eddy, Copeland, W H Chase, Tacoma chancellor of the exchequer, next Monaay. Slleta Market firm; native beef $3 905 60; rogant feeling of supremacy. Germany Americans began 1 per cent up, but In the Western steers, $3 8004 60; Bteere, THE IMPERIAL. Texas steers, $3 63 has an overproduction of Germans some absence of New York support slipped away C. W. Knowles, Manager. 0 25; cows and- - heifers, $3 254 25; canners, 900.000 every year, and I beg to Inform the steadily to the olose. The trading In this de- - $2 2508; etockers and feeders, $3 765; calves, writer, for his enlightenment, if that be John Jones, Seattle (A McBrlde, Oregon Cl partment today was the dullest we have had $47, bulls and stags, Warren, Walter K Deering, J 25. $34 possible, that a great many emigrate to H L Morrill, San Fran Union, Or for years. Money was nominally unchanged, Hogs Receipts, 5000. 510c higher; German colonies. The ties of business, re- C L ritchard, NY J W Walden. Union but there was an easier tondencj--r and few heavy. $4 8004 00; mixed,Market E M Harness, San Fr A N Gilbert, Salem bills were offered. The bank lost 200.000 gold $4 7504 82; bulk of sales, $4$4 S0485.85; lights, lation and friendship so closely and wideG E Martin, McMlnn Gelgnan, Marshfleld 804 engaged for shipment to the Cape. The coppei Sheep Receipts, 6S00. Market steady; lambs, ly existing over a century with the United W W Westover, San FriArthur C Lawrence.olty many shores, and toward these States turn statistics show clocks unchanged and supplies $5 5006 80. F J Van Outeren, Oak- - R W Jamerson, Rosebg overy enlightened citizen of the United land H S Pernot, Corvallls Increased by 1400 tons. Blake, city S O Swackhamer, La, KANSAS CITY. Feb. 16. Cattle Receipts, States welcomes the Immigrants Germany W NH Norton, Log Angls R Grande 5000. to us. Money, Kxclinntre. Etc. Market steady; Texas steers, $3 805; sends W C Slzemore. Ontario H F Pierce, San Fran The sturdy German always becomes, a C D Wlnton, Salem A B Willis. London SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1C Sterling on Lon-do- n Texas cows, $2 75C 05; native steers, $3 25Q Corne- Miss R Mlchell. Dalle 5 50; native cows and herfers, $2 234 40; citizen of this country; it is his first act. Eff Schleffelln, 00 days, $4 85; sight. $4 83. Miss Mj rtle Mlchell, do lius, Or etockers and feeders, $305 23; bulls, $34 80. In fact. He goes out to cultivate a hithMexican dollars !84Sc Mra Schleffelln, do Miss Pearl Dean, Moro Hogs Receipts, 9000. Market steady to strong. erto unproductive waste; he becomes a Ben Drafts-Sig- ht, 15c; telegraph, 17. Rosenfeld. San Fr H O Watrous, Carbon-dal- e Bulk of sales, $4 7004 SO; heavy, $4 70i 87; faithful and steady workingman; he make3 E G Sprout, Tacoma NEW TORK. Febv 16. Frank Spittle. Astoria Money 4 75; his Influence felt, his progresslveness in G Baraet. Canada On call. packers, $4 704, SO; mixed, $4 65 iW B Lawler. Nevada lights, $4 5004 75; Yorkers, $4 6504 75; pigs, every higher branch of culture and Mrs Barnet, Canada Steady at 202 per cent; last loans, 2. C (W L Whltmore, Chgo A Oreg Miller, Robt 60. $4 104 Prime mercantile paper 400 per cent. science; he pays taxes, he raises a family, THE ST CHARLES. Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market firm; lambs, he educates his children and teaches them Sterling exchange Firm, with actual business Mrs A M James, city IW H Adams, Carrolltn in bankers' Mils at $4 8704 87 for demand $506 75; muttons, $4 2500. to be good citizens of this republic. That H Salem Clouse, P John Racine, Harney and at $4 84 for 60 days; posted rates, $4 SJ he not forgets the country of his birth, W E Downs, Salem Geo Nerton, Vancouver Bad $4 S8; commercial bills. $4 his mother In her peaceful home abroad, W H Adams, Carrolltn'H H Prouty, Dawson 81. Metal The Markets. Silver certificates YORK, Feb. 16, It was a very quiet his brothers and sisters who have clung O A Rosendahl.Chlnook.W W Bay. Aberdeen NEW Mexican dollars 17c T Talbot, Cornelius jF Mathews, city and uninteresting day In rho local market for to the Fatherland, that the scenes and Frank Kamp, Svenscn J W Davis, Castle Rck Bonds Government, Irregular; state. Inactmetals. In sympathy with a further rise irf Innocent pleasures of his childhood ap- W a Rowan, do IL Peterson, Hood Rlvr ive; railroad, Irregular. ao v reterson. Hood Rl er values In London, tin again advanced quite pear to him in wistful dreams of remem- S Huffman. sharply, but displayed no marked strength of brance, is but natural. "Well may he feel Geo Algeshelmer, city D Keener, Ostrander city LONDON, Fob. 16, Consols 100. Hcesman, Carl F Boyd. Ostrander Germany Its own on the proud of the achievements of Advices from the West G Pomeroy, H Sanford. city were not of special significance. Plg-lro- n in science, art, literature and commerce. W warC A Rhodes, Vancvr ' rants, very dull; lake copper, unchanged, $16 25; IWS Akin, Cottage Grov The American who has become a citi- G W Laurence, do London Stock Market. tin, quiet, $30 85; spelter, unchanged,. $4 60 zen of Germany and there are a number W Rush. Stella Oollls, city LONDON. Feb. 16, Canadian Pacific, 101; C H Baldwin, city Frank Cornelius, WW Union Paeifle preferred, 78; Northern Pacific bid, $4 70 asked; lead, $4 70 bid.. $4 75 asked. of them would be considered a mighty N M Metger, Gresh- IMlss W Sullivan, Walla preferred, 77; Atchison, -Grand Trunk, The firm that fixes the selling price for minere poor specimen of a man if he should not John Cassl&y. Walla W am. Or and smelters quotes lead at $4 45 at the close. feel proud of the country in which he saw J Gregory, walla w 'Louis Dessert, Wla Anaconda, Bar silver, 69c P S Stamp. Latourell Johnson, do the light of life, and defend it against any Chas, H Watts, Reuben, Or Chas Brown, Latourell slurs cast upon it. A skunk who wouldn't! THax SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16. Bar silver, Cohn, San Fran Dan Savage, Sheridan THE GRAIX MARKETS. say every German u that I venture to R O Collls, city ban ran would have volunteered his services to LONDON, Feb. 16. Bar silver, 27d. Prices for Cereals In European 8; AEW YORK ST90K MARKET. Hajorltr 4.. N. "W. eon. 7sl41 I do Bs 120U S. deb. 5s. 120". Union Pacific 4s. ..101, D. &. R. G. l6ts...lOSVi Wis. Central lata.. 91 do 4s SS'iJ STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 318,800 &. hyer. FEBRUARY SATURDAY, ettettaeBteettc'tt9tattattttttt(tt jv mi and May ribs closed a chads 07: S6O&07 OEEGONIAN, MOBNING of Grsdi! mi Sraffs lesied oa Bask of Saotkwd, London, Crodit Lyonnats, Parte. INTEREST ALLOWED ON EtEPOCJTS BAILEY GATZEKT tAWar-slre- et docs) Leaves Portland dail7 every morning at 7 o'aleck. except Sunday. Returning, leaves Astoria every night at 7 o'clock. exept SttMlar. Oregca phone Main 391. Cofeatbja phoae 331. SCOTT. President. tt a 204 Dearborn St., Ch4oago. 8 MNk st, 31 Nassau s!., New Yark Vmmfirfvty WrW
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