How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in

How to Rediscover
Your True Authentic Self
12 Simple Steps
 Defuse fear to unleash your true authentic self
 Conquer uncertainty and follow your heart
 Boost trust and confidence in your own inner guidance
 Connect with your authenticity to generate clarity, calm and
Kathy Hughes
Note from the Author ................................................................................................................. 2
The True Authentic Self .............................................................................................................. 3
The Cleansing Shift .................................................................................................................... 5
Your Are Energy ......................................................................................................................... 8
You Are a Creator ....................................................................................................................... 9
Allowing Your Light to Shine..................................................................................................... 12
Step Number One ..................................................................................................................... 13
Step Number Two ..................................................................................................................... 14
Step Number Three .................................................................................................................. 15
Step Number Four .................................................................................................................... 16
Step Number Five ..................................................................................................................... 17
Step Number Six ....................................................................................................................... 18
Step Number Seven .................................................................................................................. 19
Step Number Eight ................................................................................................................... 20
Step Number Nine….. ............................................................................................................... 21
Step Number Ten...................................................................................................................... 22
Step Number Eleven ................................................................................................................. 24
Step Number Twelve….. ........................................................................................................... 25
You are the Author of Your Own Life ....................................................................................... 26
Sources and Acknowledgements.............................................................................................. 28
About Kathy….. ......................................................................................................................... 29
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Note from the author:
This little book of nuggets was written at a time when I worked with
many alcohol and drug affected people. Most of these people
worked hard each waking moment to stay sober after experiencing
some very debilitating life experiences that could be difficult to
I wrote this book for them which contains age old wisdom bound in
simplicity to help enhance one‟s life by simply being authentic i.e.
the true self. It was a reminder that they were oh so much more
than the labels alcoholic, drug addict or junkie of which they were
told they would always be.
I wanted them to find that spark of truth that their true self had
been concealed from the world for a time and from themselves
and that it was possible to find this certainty again. As I shared
this book with others and my other private clients, I found many
people found some hope that had been lost for a very long time.
The subheadings have deliberately been omitted under each of
the steps in the contents page for a purpose. You make look at
the page and feel which step you are drawn to at any given time.
This can propel you into focusing on that step as it could very well
be the thing you need at the time.
This is not my work. I simply wrote these truths to paper which
has existed for thousands of years for everyone to behold. Read
this book and apply the principles that it may prompt that inner
knowingness that you are indeed unique and have a purpose
here. May you find that purpose and live it to the fullest.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
The True Authentic Self
Originally, the title of this mini e-book was going to be named, “12
Steps on How to „Discover‟ your True Authentic Self,” but the word
discover is not entirely accurate, as your authentic self has always
been with you, (100% of the time, 24 hours a day, every minute,
every second). The correct term is rediscover, for reasons I will
The true authentic self, is often defined as our higher self, spirit or
soul. At birth, we are pure and authentic. As children we were
raw and would feel our emotions at a core level. We marveled at
the simplicities of life. However, life experiences, and our
ancestors‟ unresolved issues (which have been passed on to us
through our DNA, cellular memory and energy fields), become
triggers - causing us to create ways to survive in this world.
We create coping mechanisms which cover up who we really are,
as we begin to feel unsafe in being ourselves. We come to
believe that to be authentic usually causes pain. Even society as
we know it today does not encourage you to bring out your
authenticity. Society has certain rules we are expected to live by in
order to be accepted and valued in the world. However many of
these values are not our own authentic core values.
Being authentic and true has power. The more you allow your true
self to shine, the more you can carry yourself through life with
grace and ease. This is not good for those in authority who
believe you must conform to certain rules that stifle the very
essence of who you are. I pledge to you to try and see beyond
what society has moulded in order to control.
Look within and you will come to know yourself as a marvellous
energy light being vibrating intelligence and wonder that
DonTolman also calls your “inner athlete” (FDR, Farmacist Desk
Reference). You will also value your own body more.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
It‟s not about being „puffed up‟ or an ego boosting trip to value
your own body. It‟s loving the body and every little thing about it,
perfect and the not so perfect. Loving the body and its marvelous
design which is the temple that houses your spirit generates
gratitude while striving to protect you in its purpose of keeping you
well and happy. The more you love and appreciate your body and
your true essence the more your inner athlete will shine.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
The Cleansing Shift
So, the purpose here is not to discover but rather re-discover our
authenticity; as the truth is we simply lost touch with ourselves
along the way and forgot who we really are. It‟s all about bringing
the spirit and body back into harmony.
Over a span of over 20 years as an energy therapist and
counsellor I have observed consistently that many people‟s innate
desire to reconnect with the self is obvious. And the more
entrenched we seem to be in our negativity the further away from
our authenticity we become.
Many clients have acknowledged to me that they would love to be
able to “be themselves” and rediscover their true authenticity, but
they don‟t know how. They are masked by fear and pain. Many of
us are grappling with this, and are feeling as though we are
aimlessly existing here on this planet.
We are living in very interesting times where we are seeing a
massive shift happening in our world. We are hearing of disasters
from all over the world as well as systems that we have become
accustomed to are breaking down. The monetary system is also
on its way out and to some people this is frightening as we tend to
want to hold onto the „old way‟ as this is familiar.
One such system is the health industry which I call the sickness
industry. We hear of the grim state of our hospitals not being able
to cater for the many health issues people are being ailed with
thus leading to long waiting lists. There are also many people who
are actually dying from the treatment of disease through modern
technological science and so called wonder drugs.
We have drifted too far from the simple truths as taught by wise
physicians such as Hippocrates, the father of medicine who
believed that we should “let food by thy medicine and medicine be
thy food”.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
But these truths are hushed and even if some of us are exposed to
the truth, we still hold onto the old way as the notion is that we
don‟t believe we have the answers so we must continue to trust in
the authorities. The sickness industry is breaking down and will
continue to until it crashes with great force as the earth is
cleansing. It must be so as the way health „care‟ is viewed has
actually caused more harm to the health of the mind and body.
The truth is, each and every one of us do have answers. These
answers lie deep within and thereby shaving away the toxic
elements that have kept us from the truth of who we really are is
the key to finding it.
We have been slaves to the food industry which has no regard for
our welfare and chooses to laden our packaged foods with a vast
array of harmful chemicals that affect the body and the mind with
disease. We have been subjected to toxins in the air we breathe,
the water we drink and chemicals in our homes. Some of us are
also struggling with toxic relationships.
Because we are microcosms of the earth and universe, we too on
an individual level are also looking towards cleansing of our own
body. Cleansing or detoxing of chemicals has become an
interesting concept as the interest in this is increasing by the day.
Many people are engaged in a detox program or thinking about
cleansing their body that‟s almost become a fad. My book, “How
to Detox Without Starving Yourself” illustrates many simple to
apply options to detoxing but the main theme is to cleanse
holistically of the toxins in the body, mind and spirit (emotions) in
order to feel and be more of who you really are.
It‟s as though there is a diamond inside each and every one of us
waiting to be discovered. But we have to search deep within while
removing the rubble and dirt that has covered this precious
diamond for a long time. Once it emerges, we cut off the
blemishes and polish it to define its incredible beauty thus
attracting many towards its magnificence.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
The aim of this ebook is to help you identify the masks that have
consciously or unconsciously been holding you back, in order for
you to love yourself and your life more and live it to the fullest.
You are unique and brilliant. When you become more authentic,
your life flows and you begin to experience change in your
relationships and in every other area of your life. You also
become more bold, as you experience more confidence in your
own uniqueness. Others will find it more comforting to be in your
presence, and want what you have.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
You Are Energy
You are an authentic being with a body and a mind. Your body
contains the sensors required for you to access knowledge from
your authentic being (your true self), and your mind is the screen
on which this knowledge is displayed.
Your body is energy, and this energy is connected to the vast
universe of energy which we are living in. There are various
vibrations of this energy which when vibrating at certain
frequencies, will form into matter that we can see with our eyes.
But we do not see energy. Do you see electricity? No - but you
know that it is there because you know that a light would not turn
on without energy pulsing through it. So it is, with your spirit, your
true essence (intertwined with your body), the container of all
knowledge and data. You don‟t see your spirit, but it is there: it is
vibrating at a high speed, which is your true authentic self.
Energy is light and light is energy. Your spirit is energy, light,
feelings and emotions and where all truth lies. The truth of who
you are, your brilliance. Your spirit (the true self) knows what is
best for you. Your spirit, the true essence of yourself, is always
striving to emerge.
I‟m sure there are many of you who have at times in life ignored
the inner prompting not to go ahead with a certain decision you‟ve
made only to find out later when it all goes wrong you say, “I
should have listened to my gut feelings!”
Throughout life though, we have prevented this light from fully
shining through toxic emotions such as fear, anger, rage,
resentment and toxic relationships with self and others as well as
being too far removed from nature. There are hundreds of
emotions that we have used to mask out our true authenticity but
we hold onto them as we invest time in them and give them
energy. While we feed energy to anything it becomes bigger and
becomes an identity unto itself.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
You Are a Creator
In the book “Energy Over Mind” written by John Mace he gives the
analogy that modern technology today has been able to somewhat
mimic what or who we are through the invention of computers.
The keyboard is the body, the display monitor is the mind and the
hard drive is the spirit. The body houses many sensors which
when activated (just as we do when typing certain keys on a
keyboard), will activate stored data or knowledge on the hard drive
(which is your spirit). This data displays on the monitor which is
the picture that is formed in your mind.
It is our spirit that is the creator of the pictures which we project
onto our minds, but there is also another element which needs to
be acknowledged that also projects images and over rides the
spirit. We are also creators of our own negative identities, which is
a concept discovered by John Mace. It is contained in his book:
“Energy Over Mind”, in which he outlines how we form negative
identities in response to an “upset”. John Mace states:
“The question may now arise as to why the being gives the identity
any energy in the first place. The answer is that energy is an
essential element in any action – no energy, no action. Go back to
the car-driving identity. If a person wants an identity to assume
responsibility – the mundane mechanical aspects of shifting gears
etc. – while he or she concentrates on safety aspects, the identity
must be given energy to do it. This may sound a strange concept,
but if you carefully examine it, the truth will be apparent. Nothing
can operate without an energy source, but the only power any
identity has is what it receives from the being that created it. The
being has to supply the energy for the identity to keep operating.
Although the identity is energy, just as a being is energy, the
difference lies in the fact that the being is a natural source of
energy whereas the identity is not.” (“John Mace, Energy Over
Mind”, p. 30, Morgan James Publishing, LLC, 2009)
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Carl Jung also had a similar theory to this, as he discovered that
we tend to take on “sub-personalities” and live out our lives
accordingly. He believed we can have hundreds of subpersonalities, which become dominant in our lives. For example,
you may have a sub-personality which is angry at men because of
the negative experiences you‟ve had with them. Then, whenever
you form a relationship with a man (such as a partner or your male
boss), you may easily react to certain aspects of his personality
with anger.
Jung stated a way we can overcome these dominant personalities
which do not serve us. It is based on his theory that we need to
create a new sub-personality of the ideal personality we desire to
be, and practice that personality until it becomes the dominant
With new studies emerging which demonstrates that the brain
changes itself when you exercise a consistent action (thus causing
the brain to rewire itself to the new action), it is plain to see how
Jung‟s theory holds true, and is extremely valuable in helping one
to be more of who they wish to be.
Although both theories point to our giving energy to either sub
personalities or negative identities they are similar in that we tend
to be more swayed in giving energy to them. However, I am
inclined to be more drawn towards John Mace‟s theory. If we can
release our creation of negative identities, and simply allow our
true self to emerge, everything will fall into place and life will flow
as it should with our best interests at heart at all times.
This is an effortless way to bring out our authentic self. When our
true self is on line we don‟t have to force things to happen for us,
they just do. The opposite to authentic is „fake‟. Therefore we can
also understand that we consistently give energy to the fake self.
Thus whether we are giving energy to sub personalities, negative
identities or fake self, as creative beings we can defuse that
energy by honouring it and letting it go. This is where the true self
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
blossoms and rises – this is where joy, bliss and harmony naturally
Dr Pee Tek Chan also states in his book “Sacred Surfer, Eternal
Wave” that
“the reason we are often affected by negative emotions, thoughts
and attitudes of another is because we have become too solid,
dense and visible. We have put on multiple coats over our
invisible self and have become visible and hypersensitive.”
He also goes on to say, “we seem to believe that life beyond
emotions may be dull, boring, passionless, indifferent, cold or
unloving. Thus we seek excitement and experiences of highs and
lows so as to feel that life is worth living. This state of mind comes
from a focus on our external self-image and does not know the
power that lies within.” (Dr Pee Tek Chan, Sacred Surfer, Eternal
Wave, p. 68-69, 2005)
Dr Chan‟s work is in helping people to find and know that power
within. It is also my intent here to help you find the means to let go
of the external coverings that have held you bound from leashing
that power, you true authentic self.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Allowing Your Light to Shine
You have met people who seem to shine and are radiant. These
people exude „feel good‟ energy – their light that others can see.
Their body also radiates a certain quality that you may not be able
to explain. What are some of the attributes of someone like this?
They are just being themselves and they genuinely honour those
around them. They are passionate about what they do and they
exercise their body.
In Don Tolmans explanation that we all have an inner athlete
trying to come out, he mentions what we must do in his book,
Farmacist Desk Reference, to enable our inner athlete to emerge
to the world.
“Therefore, seek to become „speech gardeners‟ and „speech
Farmacists,‟ and plant the seeds of healthy thoughts and healthy
words deep within the garden of your heart and the bowels and
mind, and learn to pluck the weeds of despair, weakness,
jealousy, anger, self pity, and burn them in heaps upon the fires of
purity of being at purpose through diet and exercise.”(Don Tolman,
Farmacist Desk Reference, p.252, 2005)
Next page illustrates simple approaches given in 12 Steps to help
your true self, your inner athlete or the invisible self to come out of
hiding, and BE more of who you really are. I had a couple of
clients who were recovering from alcohol or drug addiction tell me
that they would randomly pick one step by closing their eyes and
pointing to one and then using that step to focus on as the thing
they need to be aware of on that day.
Practice these ideas and see and feel the subtle changes that take
place in your life.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number One
Practice being „bigger‟ than the problem
When we run into a problem, we tend to view the problem as
being bigger than we are. We talk about it and mull over it, which
creates a vivid picture in our minds of the event. The trouble is,
the more we talk about it or dwell on it, the bigger it gets and
literally appears to become bigger than we are.
We tend to create the event over and over in our minds and it
becomes harder to escape from the uncomfortable feelings
associated with our story. We then become addicted to the
drama by giving it energy, and the true self gets hidden amongst it.
Since your true essence is light but when we focus on our
problems and allow them to grow our light become dulled. Thus
the negative energy we have created then becomes more
dominant. Light can enter darkness but darkness cannot enter
Tell yourself: “I am bigger than this”, and imagine yourself as
bigger than the problem. “I” is your true authentic self, and you
are saying: “I” is bigger than this problem.
Imagine your inner light is shining where there is only solutions,
love, honour and knowledge. Honour any persons involved and
honour the situation. You will be given the resources and strength
to deal with the problem from interesting circumstances that will fill
you with wonder.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Two
Go with the flow
What you resist persists.
When we resist something, we are trying to control it or force it to
be the way we want it to be. This resistance is usually brought
about by fear. With this in mind, acknowledge that fear is on line
and allow yourself to flow with life. Remind yourself of the serenity
“God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the
Accept what you cannot change, and flow with what life brings
you. Let go of resisting what is.
Write it down what comes to your mind that you may be resisting.
Is it someone who is making things difficult for you? Do you wish
for that person to change and see things your way? Or is there a
situation happening that you feel you cannot control?
Accept this is happening and allow whatever it is for you to learn
from this experience to unfold and you will move towards more of
who you really are. Resisting life‟s woes also resists your own
truth and will continue to make you feel uncomfortable. While in
the resistance state you are also more likely to make wrong
It is very liberating when you accept something as is and you allow
positive energy to flow through your life rather than resisting it.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed – it just is. But you
can change energy. Change resistance to acceptance and your
whole world changes.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Three
Studies have now shown that the practice of Zen meditation (of
thinking about not thinking) could help free the mind of
distractions, such as hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive
disorder, anxiety, depression and other distracting thoughts.
These distracting thoughts also divert us from our focus on our
own authenticity: but when we meditate, we can allow these
thoughts to gently flow by while connecting with who we really are.
While you are meditating, allow yourself to flow with what is. The
times I have done this, rather than trying to think about something
in particular, have been the times when I have been so in touch
with my authentic self that the experiences have stayed with me
and guided me constantly. This is when your authentic self (your
spirit) is giving you knowledge that you need at the time. What
comes up for you is always fitting and pertinent to your life. Try it,
and you will learn to love meditating and the beautiful connection
you feel with your “self”.
If you are grappling with a problem, you can ask for guidance or
simply allow whatever comes up. And when you do have
problems, honour them. If people have upset you, honour them.
This allows freedom to move on and receive guidance to help you
overcome the pain that you may be experiencing as a result.
Helpful tip: Incorporate the 7/11 deep breathing technique while
meditating. Slowly breathe in seven times and exhale eleven
times. Gradually increase this and you will experience instant
calm and clarity. Deep breathing has been recognized for
thousands of years as a powerful way to reconnect with the self.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Four
Whilst meditating, visualize yourself as a spiritual being. See your
invisible self as the inner athlete, strong, healthy and wise which is
expressed through your body. Allow yourself to gently get in touch
with your light and ask that it will shine and that others will see
your light.
We tend to busy ourselves with life and problems, which dull our
natural impulses to utilize the benefits of allowing our inner light,
spirit, true essence to guide us. Allow the thoughts from the deep
reservoirs of the body to manifest as matter through the body.
Imagine your body is magnificent.
Do not allow the negative beliefs that it is wrong to love your body.
Many of us have come to detest our own body because we feel
shame of our form (matter). Change this belief to wonder and awe
and love your flesh, love your life. Remember, this is not an ego
boosting talk, it is loving everything that you are – your body is an
extension of the true authentic self. Embrace it.
Spend some time each day acknowledging your true essence and
thank it for being there and guiding you each day. When you have
a problem visualize yourself seeking deep within and trust the
answer is there that will manifest itself to you perfectly. Your quest
for the best possible solution to bring out a positive outcome for all
concerned is always at the forefront when dealing with life.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Five
Smile and Laugh
It has been said that laughter is the best medicine and scientific
studies have actually proven this fact. Laughter is recommended
for overcoming disease, along with a healthy diet and detoxing.
Laughter will also release many negative emotions which keep
you stuck. View comedy movies and laugh at yourself. Find
things to laugh at throughout your day. You always feel lighter
and happier after a good laugh and when you feel good, you feel
free and more in touch with your true self, without fear or
Smiling has proven to have many benefits, such as uplifting your
mood when feeling down, relieving stress, boosting your immune
system, lowering blood pressure and releasing endorphins which
help you feel better. Try smiling and feeling negative at the same
time - it‟s difficult. Thus it keeps you in the frame of mind which
enhances your true authenticity to shine.
Practice smiling whenever you get the opportunity. When you
smile while saying hello or speaking to someone, you will make
that person feel at ease with you and you will quickly be
recognized as someone who is always happy and approachable.
Also, practice smiling whenever you meditate. Smile at your
problems and concentrate on smiling on each organ in your body.
This will enhance healing and have your whole body singing,
again making you feel good all over and allowing your true self to
shine. Awesome! 
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Six
Eat a healthy diet (predominately raw foods)
What has eating healthily got to do with being authentic? When
we consume lifeless foods, we feel low in energy and flat. Lifeless
foods consist of junk foods, soft drinks, processed white sugar and
white flour. These so called foods are low energy vibration foods,
without the necessary life force which your body needs in order to
function at its peak.
Low energy vibration foods can also cause you to feel fogged in
your brain and lethargic. Your body begins to crave for whole
foods and, because we have lost the ability to listen to our body,
we tend to make wrong choices in what we eat. Thus we eat more
of the bad stuff.
On the other hand, high energy vibration foods are stimulating and
will enhance your energy, as well as causing you to feel vibrant.
You will also notice that you become more in touch with your spirit,
as your mind develops more clarity and you more easily connect
with your authentic self. Along with healthy eating, ensure you
drink plenty of fresh, clean water.
Turn on your lights within by eating wholesome foods. Organic
whole foods are energy and emit light frequencies and codes that
the body recognizes and welcomes. It shows in your body when
you eat healthily just as it does when you eat junk foods that have
no „life/light‟.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Seven
Exercise (such as walking) can have a positive effect in that it
releases endorphins (happy hormones) in your brain, thus causing
“feel good” emotions. As stated previously, feeling good is the
time when resistance is lifted, thus allowing our true self to BE.
Walking utilizes both hemispheres of the brain and is also a good
time to process whatever is happening in your present life. I
wholeheartedly believe that the rhythm of walking causes an
energetic shift which can place us into a „state‟ of deep
concentration and attention on what we want in life, enabling the
true self to connect with this desire by projecting it to the mind.
So, whenever you walk again, be aware of what you want and
allow this to manifest in your life. Walking gives us space away
from the stressors which we may be experiencing in normal
everyday life. It helps fade away the unhelpful thoughts that get in
the way of what we want and how we wish to BE.
We were built to walk, and the development of bilateral coordination (crossing the midline), is also important for the
development of cognitive skills, such as the ability to read, write
and learn.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Eight
Lock in the feel good times
When we feel bad, we tend to make decisions which are not good
for us. However, when we feel happy, the decisions we make are
usually in our best interests. Why is this so? Our authentic being
is naturally on line when we feel happy, has the knowledge we
need to assist us, and is always striving to guide us. When we
feel good, we can be sure these are the times when we are
closest to our true self.
A great little tip to lock in these feel good feelings, to ensure we
can feel more good times than bad, is to tap this into the third eye.
The third eye is between the eyes and around 5cm above.
Whenever you feel good or happy, place the thumb over the Third
Eye and stroke it upwards a few times. This will lock in the feeling
and, whenever you experience anything similar, will activate the
feel good responses automatically.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Nine
Live out your passions
Find your passion and live it! We were meant to reside here on
this planet to be happy and happy in what we do, including making
a living by following our passions. When you are enthusiastic and
vibrant you are ejecting positive energy into a fulfilling and
rewarding life. The more you do this the more your true self
shines brilliantly. When someone is passionate about what they
do, you can‟t help but feel drawn to that person.
An example of this is a training instructor named Tess, at my gym.
She was so passionate about her classes that the room was
always so full we had to make sure we could get there early to
enable us to get a spot. There were other instructors who taught
the same class but did not attract the same crowd as Tess. The
only difference was her passion, which brought out her true
essence. Everyone wanted to take her class, as her enthusiasm
was so contagious we wanted to experience her positive energy,
which made us feel uplifted for the whole day. We can also be like
Tess - by just following our own passions and living them.
If you don‟t know what your passions are yet, the more you
practice the steps on bringing out your authenticity, the more you
will be guided and directed to what makes you feel good. It has
happened to me in the most unexpected ways.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Ten
Send out heart energy
Take some time out to imagine sending heart energy (love) to
others, even those who have upset you. I do this sometimes when
I retire at night. I visualize each member of my family and send
energy from my heart to them. Moreover, this will help defuse
depression, which in essence is caused from a lack of joy in one‟s
life. This is a very peaceful and beautiful experience, and helps to
defuse any negative emotions which you may have towards
anyone you may find challenging. I have also done this technique
towards someone who I have felt quite negative towards, and the
result is a softening towards this person which truly is a liberating
Expressing love opens your heart, which creates a vacuum; and
you will experience more love coming your way. When you are
loving, this will bring out the deepest aspects of yourself, which
have a positive effect on how you view the world and how others
view you. For some of us, we have had to learn to love and be
loving, as we didn‟t experience it while growing up. However, we
must not let that deprive us of the most fundamental attribute one
can possess in enhancing our authenticity.
To send heart energy, relax your mind and body and focus on the
heart chakra (the heart area). Allow the feeling of love to well up
inside you, and imagine sending heart energy to whoever you wish
Many years ago, I did this during a MRI scan. I was very nervous
about having this scan, as the thought of being stuck in that small
tunnel for twenty minutes caused some anxiety. So I elected to
perform this technique of sending heart energy to a few people I
am close to. The experience was amazing; and when I came
home I had a message from one of these people, just calling to
say hello and that they loved me. I noted that the time of the call
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
was the same time I was in the tunnel sending heart energy.
When you do this, don‟t be surprised if the person you focus on
contacts you there and then, or shortly afterwards. They do feel
your heart energy as you are tuning into their own heart energy.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Eleven
Release negative emotions
Negative emotions create an energetic charge within the body
which triggers the body sensors, which in turn create unwanted
pictures in your mind. When negative emotions are left to reign in
our lives, they can affect our health, relationships and how we feel
about ourselves.
There are many useful tools available that can help release these
emotions. It is important to acknowledge their usefulness in their
role of alerting us to something which is uncomfortable in our lives,
and therefore keeping us from being who we really are. It is a
simple truth that when we are feeling negative, the opposite of that
feeling is the truth of who we really are. For example, if you are
feeling anger, the opposite of that emotion is peace and
acceptance – this is your true authentic self.
At times, it may be deemed necessary to seek the assistance of a
practitioner to help us in our goal to release what it is that is
preventing us from being more of who we are. The tools I highly
recommend to search for in a practitioner are EFT and someone
who is utilizing the concepts of Energy Therapy or Energy
Psychology. These methods are simple and also very powerful.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Step Number Twelve
Be calm
About twenty years ago, I attended Bob Proctor‟s (as seen on The
Secret) “You Were Born Rich” program. One of the things he said
then has stayed with me to this day. He stated that we do not
need to slow down, we need to calm down! Since the day I heard
that statement, I have continuously tried to practice it, as at that
time I was a very irrational and highly strung individual. Just ask
my kids and they will testify to this but for people who know me
now, they have trouble imagining that I was once like this.
Another testament to me that this is an essential character trait to
have in order to make good choices, live in the present, and enjoy
the journey of life is the example of someone I know who has built
a multimillion dollar empire. I have observed with wonder how, in
this man‟s business life, he maintains a calm disposition when
making business decisions. It is plain to see that he tends to place
himself „in the zone‟ when required to make decisions. I am
certain that it is this calm attitude he displays in his business which
has contributed to his success.
When you practice being calm, you are in touch with your true
essence, which builds faith in all choices that you make in life.
Maintaining calmness, whilst involved in seemingly difficult
circumstances, will pull resources within the deep reservoirs of the
self, which you would not have otherwise been able to do when
trying to cope in a stressful state. Not only that - it feels good to
be calm, and when you feel good you are being true to the self.
To help support your body in being calm, eat foods high in
magnesium. Magnesium will relax you. Treat yourself to an
Epsom salts bath (Magnesium Sulphate), which relaxes muscles
and your mind. Also, add Celtic sea salt to your diet, which will
also enhance a state of calm in your everyday life.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Be the Author of Your Own Life
Being authentic means:
following and listening to your heart (hear – t)
going with the flow
being bold and allowing yourself to shine
living in harmony with nature
creating the life you want by being the author of your own
being yourself and loving yourself
having gratitude
knowing that joy and bliss is God‟s plan for you
honouring yourself, your life
honouring others, even those who have hurt you
embracing many of life‟s lessons with wisdom…we don‟t
fight them nor the feelings
living your passion
allowing ourselves and others to BE
Enjoy these ideas, practice regularly, and you will notice profound
changes in your life - to the point at which you no longer identify
with the person you once were. The changes can be so great that
you will no longer perceive yourself as you were in the past.
You are an authentic being, the author of your own life, and it is
your birthright to BE in this world without fear, judgement or pain.
Only you have the authority to shape it the way you want. As the
author of your own life, you get to write the script exactly how you
want it to be. Don‟t allow someone else to write it for you.
Imagine really owning that power, and trust in your authenticity.
You are unique and original.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Allow the true aspect of YOU to shine, and know that the world is
waiting for you to show yourself as you truly are.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
Sources and
John Mace, Energy Over Mind, 2009, Morgan James Publishing,
LLC, ISBN: 978-1-60037-607-8
Dr Pee Tek Chan, Sacred Surfer, Eternal Wave, 2005, Michelle
Anderson Publishing Pty Ltd, ISBN: 0-85572-363-7
Kathy Hughes, How to Detox Without Starving Yourself, 2010,
Copyright © 2011 Reproduction in whole or in part of
this mini e-book, “How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps”, is
prohibited without written permission of the publisher. All material in this publication is
provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction.
No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead,
readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their
health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are
believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the author,
but readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any
injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
About Kathy
I am a mother of 5 and grandmother of 6. I have a
passion for sharing the latest developments in health
and longevity by sourcing raw, authentic approaches
which includes whole foods and energy and has its
roots in ancient wisdom. The small changes we can
make in our own lives can contribute enormously to the
health and wellbeing to those we love around us.
I have been servicing clients now for 20 years. During that
time I studied Counselling, Kinesiology, Energy
Therapy, Alcohol and Other Drugs Work, Colour Therapy
and Nutrition.
After teaching for many years the powerful benefits of using
energy therapy techniques, I came to realize that we need to
take a 'holistic' view to healing. This holistic view
encompasses the truth that we are authentic and unique
energy and light beings therefore in order to feel and be
whole we have everything here on this planet to achieve just
that. This includes all that nature and mother earth has
provided for us.
I have written several ebooks that you will find on my website
and if you are inclined to read them, you will find the theme is
always a holistic view throughout.
When you observe the wisdom of the ancients and you
embrace this into your life you will experience harmony and
longevity as we were meant to.
Please visit me at my website – would love to see you
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes
How to Rediscover Your True Authentic Self in 12 Simple Steps
Copyright©2011 by Kathy Hughes