® Volume 21 Issue 5 In This Issue ... How to Live on a Budget and Love It . . . . 1 No More Excuses!. . . . . . . 4 How to Determine Your Average Monthly Income . 4 The Case of the Stinky Coffeemaker . . . . . . . . . . 5 Make Your Own Household Cleaners . . . . . 5 Yes, You Can Fix that Leaky Faucet . . . . . . . 6 Ready to Jump Into the P2P Pool? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 DPL+Mvelopes=FREE! . . . 9 HARP 2.0 Mortgage Refinance Loan Program. 10 7 Money Rules Offer. . . . 11 In Every Issue ... Letter from Mary . . . . . . .2 DPL Picks . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Tiptionary . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Dear Mary . . . . . . . . . . .12 Mary’s Take on the News . . . . . . . . .14 Our Purpose ... To provide hope, help and realistic solutions for individuals who are committed to financially responsible and debt-free living. Bringing Dignity to the Art of Living Below Your Means since 1992 May 2012 How to Live on a Budget and Love It I know what you’re thinking. Just the thought of the word ‘budget’ is like nails on a chalkboard. I know the feeling. For many years I wouldn’t have anything to do with a budget because I couldn’t stand the idea of anyone—or anything—telling me how to spend my money. And where did that get me? Into one big financial mess. Every month, when I ran out of money, I would turn to MasterCard and Visa for a bailout. Really bad idea. What I learned from going through that experience and finding my way back to solvency is that, as much as we may loathe it, a budget is the ticket to financial happiness―not the straitjacket I feared it would be. I’ve come to prefer to call this a “spending plan” rather than a budget, but honestly the terms are interchangable. It’s just a way to pre-spend your income so that every dollar is assigned a job to do. Like the blueprints to build your dream house, a spending plan shows you where you are and how to get where you want to be. It’s the place where you spend your paycheck on paper even before you cash it. A good spending plan gives every dollar a specific job to do. Once you have it just the way you want it, the plan becomes a handy road map for keeping your finances on track. So, take a deep breath and let’s walk through the basics of creating a simple budget, or spending plan. Step 1: Write down your total takehome monthly income This is the easy part. Jot down what you earn. Because many expenses are billed monthly, it makes good sense to use monthly income to create your budget. Use the conversion table on page 4 to figure out your average monthly income. Step 2: Write down your essential expenses Start with fixed bills like rent, mortgage, car payment, credit-card debt and insurance, then factor in other monthly costs that are always the same. These are your essential fixed expenses. Step 3: List your essential variable expenses You know you’ll have these bills, but the amounts vary. Examples are your phone, utilities, food, household expenses, gasoline, medication, public transportation, shoes and clothing. You can assign an estimated amount to each based on past experience, rounding to the closest $10. Step 4: List reasonable amounts for nonessential expenses This includes entertainment, eating out, hobbies and other ways you spend money on a regular basis. See BUDGET page 4 — 2012 2008 May March Debt-Proof Living ISDN 1083-897X Founder and Editor: Mary Hunt CEO: Harold Hunt General Manager: Cathy Hollenbeck Editor, Digital Content: Cathy Hollenbeck Sales and Marketing: Nick Bautista Fulfillment Manager: Josh Hunt Customer Care Manager: Christy Rocha Debt-Proof Living is published 12 times a year by DPL Press, Inc., 15962-A Downey Avenue, Paramount, CA 90723-8135. $29/Yr.; $5.00/issue. Canada $39US$/Yr. + s/h. All other foreign. $45US$ /Yr. + s/h. Only Money Orders or personal checks drawn on U.S. banks will be accepted. Copyright 2012 Debt-Proof Living. Photocopying or reproduction other than for members’ personal use is strictly prohibited without written permission from the publisher. Cheapskate Monthly, Tiptionary, Debt-Proof Living, Rapid Debt-Repayment Plan, Rapid Debt-Repayment Plan Calculator, Freedom Account, Everyday Cheapskate, Live the Plan! and Live Your Life For Half The Price are trademarks owned by Mary Hunt. Readers. Direct all membership inquiries, and payments to Debt-Proof Living, P.O. Box 2099, Cypress CA 90630. To resolve membership problems call (562) 630-6474; email: [email protected]. Notice. All letters, tips and other materials and correspondence submitted to Debt-Proof Living® become the property of Debt-Proof Living® and all rights thereto including copyrights. Submitters grant the exclusive right to use and/or reproduce the materials in any manner and for any purpose. All information published is taken from the most reliable sources possible and given as information only. All specific financial, legal, tax or accounting situations should be referred to appropriate legal or accounting professionals. 1-Yr. Online Membership $29 6-Mo. Online Membership $18 3-Mo. Online Membership $10 Debt-Proof Living P.O. Box 2099 Cypress, CA 90630 (562) 630-6474 - Customer Service DebtProofLiving.com Mary Hunt bases her comments on sources deemed reliable but she does not guarantee their accuracy. Debt-Proof Debt-ProofLiving Living My Dear Readers, When Gordon Gekko, the main antagonist in the 1987 film "Wall Street," declared in no uncertain terms that "greed is good!" people flocked to the theaters. And cheered. But it was just a movie. Please don't base your belief system on a movie line that might have been memorable and entertaining, but dead wrong. Greed is like a cancer that when left untreated can destroy individuals, families, businesses, governments and economies. Greed makes financially ignorant people putty in the hands of the consumer credit industry. My ignorance about credit and debt, plus my skewed logic that somehow I could have all that I wanted now and it would somehow work out in the end, set me up to be greed's dream client. Credit was my accomplice. And choosing that course in my life landed me in a pit of financial despair. It took me 12 years to ruin my life and 13 years to come back. That's 25 years just to get back to square one! I shudder to think of all the opportunities that were forever lost in my life at the hand of that monster, greed. I'm a lot wiser now, as a result of the hard lessons that experience taught me. If you don't have 25 years to learn these lessons on your own, save yourself the cost and the trouble by learning from my mistakes. Dump your greed now. How? Here are four simple steps: Develop personal compassion. Putting the situations of others ahead of ourselves takes our eyes off of our selfish desires. It softens our heart and fills us with compassion for the needs of others. Develop generosity. A heart filled with gratitude expresses itself with generosity. Generosity kills greed. As you acknowledge all that you have in light of the needs of those around you, you'll find yourself feeling genuinely grateful in ways you may not have experienced before. Generosity will become the natural outflowing of your grateful heart. Put others' needs ahead of your wants. Take some of your wants and find someone who has a real need. Take the money you would have spent on those wants, and give it to the need instead. Repeat. Make giving part of your personal money management program. Can you imagine what could happen in our neighborhoods if every person reading this were to give some of what they have―money, time and talents― to meet the needs of others? We would start a revolution! Just imagine living in an environment that is void of greed. It can happen, I know, because I have experienced it. I've seen gratitude in operation in my own community, and I cannot describe the joy and contentment this brings. Here's what I'm asking you to do, right now. Think of five friends you can share this issue of DPL with them. Then do it. Now. Driving greed from your life will change your heart, and it just might do the same in theirs. Take care and God bless. 2 Until next month, Debt-Proof Living l May 2012 Debt-Proof Debt-Proof Living Living March May 2008 2012 Technology to improve your financial life DPL Picks Cost: $75 per year plus $10 or $15 per night Boat Swap Zipcar As gas prices continue to soar, many are looking for ways to reduce their transportation costs. One option, provided by Zipcar.com, is an online rental service that allows its members to rent cars in their area based on either an hourly or weekly rate. This service may be a viable alternative for those who do not want the cost of owning a car but may need a car every now and again. Though there is an initial application fee of $25, an annual fee of $50, and a rental rate to actually use the car, insurance and gas expenses are covered and you can get 180 miles free (dependent on length of use). After applying for membership (you must be 21 or older), your driving record is checked and processed. Once approved, you will receive your “zipcard,” which is the way you unlock the car doors and fill up on gas. With a zipcard you can start searching locally for cars and making reservations. Evergreen Club as a guest: $10 for a single per night which includes breakfast, or $15 for a couple. Cost: $25 application; $50 annually; rental rates vary Evergreen Club offers those 50 years of age and older an online community of members who offer their guest bedrooms as a temporary bed and breakfast home-stay for travelers. With the membership comes access to the profiles of hosts located all across the United States and Canada, and even hosts in Europe. This allows you to browse the available hosts and their accommodations, and then gives you contact information to connect with the host of your choice. Unique to this service is the encouragement of host-to-traveler interaction and the desire to create a friendly, hospitable atmosphere. Annual membership to EvergreenClub.com is $75, plus a nominal “gratituty” to the host when you stay This network-based website gives frequent boaters, or those who simply wish to boat more often, the chance to explore new locations through boatswapping. Since boating in new regions and on different waterways can be challenging because of cost and distance, boat-swapping offers those who have boats a way to move past those obstacles. This website offers an annual membership, which allows members to view the boat listings and a way to contact those whose boat they are interested in. After the initial contact, provided by BoatSwap.info, the rest of the scheduling and process will take place between the parties involved in the actual swapping. BoatSwap.info also provides listings for cottages and campers as well, in case you desire to swap for a place to stay while on vacation rather than a boat. Subscribing members are required to adhere to a list of rules. The first year is free, but thereafter members pay an annual fee. Cost: Free for the first year Lowe’s & Home Depot Decorating and refurbishing the home can seem like a daunting and expensive task, but it doesn’t have to be. You can save money and put your creativity to the test by doing some of the projects yourself. Lowe’s Home Improvement and Home Depot have given you the resources to do just that. Lowe’s new webpage, “Creative Ideas,” gives stepby-step instructions for indoor space projects, outdoor space projects, and weekend projects. Each project details the approximate amount of time it will take to complete, estimated cost and skill level the project is geared toward. Home Depot’s “Project How-To” page incorporates the similar concept of fixing up your home on your own. Home Depot’s page differs, however, in that it offers guides that are geared more towards installing, refinishing, or removing certain fixtures or appliances. They still contain DIY projects but offer other tips as well, such as advice on what to look for when buying a particular item to go in your home. Cost: Free May 2012 l Debt-Proof Living 3 2012 2008 March May Debt-Proof Living From BUDGET page 1 — Step 5: Find the extras Go to your current method of tracking your spending (your checkbook register, credit card statements, Quicken reports) to see what expenses you’ve left out. You’ll likely see items for car maintenance and repair, gifts, vacations, Christmas and holidays. For items that do not recur monthly, determine the annual cost, then divide by 12 to see how much you should set aside each month to anticipate that irregular expense. Step 6: Figure out your totals Add up your expenses, then subtract that amount from your income. With luck you’ll come out in the black, with at least a little money left over. But if your expenses exceed your income, you’ll see a negative sum. Don’t panic—this is just the start of an ongoing process. Step 7: See where you can cut If you came up short, go back to your projected monthly expenses and see what you can get rid of. Look first to your nonessential expenses. Which items can you remove altogether for a while (eating out seems like a fine target; perhaps hobby expenses, for a season)? Keep going through the list, making adjustments until your total expenses are less than your income. Step 8: Follow your spending plan as closely as possible Track your spending every day. Take notes and research ways you’ll be able to do even better next month. At month’s end, add up your actual spending and compare it with what you planned. Use this information to create the next month’s Spending Plan. Congratulations—you’ve just elevated yourself from being clueless to financially savvy. You should feel very good about this! As difficult as it might be to see in black and white that your income and expenses are not quite in sync, just knowing where you are is going to make all the difference. Even if you find yourself in a particularly tight financial position right now, take heart. As you pay off debts and find more ways to cut expenses, you’ll begin to sense a significant loosening of financial pressure. Soon you’ll be ready to add new categories to your spending plan for things like saving for a new car, home improvements or going back to college. The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll be on your way to reaching financial freedom. DPL No more excuses! Excuse: I’m afraid. As long as I don’t know the details of my finances, maybe things aren’t as bad as I fear. Response: Your finances probably aren’t as bad as you think. And even if they are, they’re not going to get any better if you ignore them. Tell your fears to scram, because you’re taking over. Excuse: I don’t know where to start. I can’t afford to buy fancy software. Response: All you need are the two Ps: paper and a pencil. Take a deep breath and start writing. Or how does FREE sound? Check out our new DPL/Mvelopes web based budgeting software. How to Determine Your Average Monthly Income* If you get paid.... Weekly Every other week Twice a month Quarterly Annually Then do this ... Multiply this income by 4.333 Multiply this income by 2.167 Multiply this income by 2 Divide this income by 3 Divide this income by 12 Excuse: I don’t want to be controlled or told what to do. Response: Did you miss something? YOU are the creator of your spending plan! Isn’t that a lot better than your money controlling you? 4 Debt-Proof Living l May 2012 *Include all sources: salary, wages, commission, dividend and interest income, child-support payments, alimony, etc. If you get it on a regular basis, can predict its arrival, and can spend it, it’s considered income. Debt-Proof Living The Case of the Stinky Coffeemaker G ot a resistant odor in your kitchen that you just can’t identify? Or locate the source? Hmmmm. When did you last degrunge your coffeemaker? Our good friend Lou Osburn, owner of NokOut.com says coffeemakers need to be cleaned at least monthly to remove hard water deposits, leftover coffee oils that become rancid and other impurities. The oils in coffee collect, spoil and form bacteria when allowed to lurk inside that appliance. This means I am about 10 years behind. Sure, I run a carafe of white vinegar through my coffeemaker from time to time (read: maybe once a year), but that’s about it. Whoops. This is how to do a proper cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing with Nok-Out: Spray the coffeemaker inside, outside―and all over with Nok-Out. Allow to sit for up to 10 minutes. (You could use this time to use Nok-Out to clean and disinfect the rest of your kitchen while Nok-Out is doing its magic on the coffeemaker.) Fill the reservoir of the coffeemaker with clean water plus two ounces of Nok-Out. Turn on the coffeemaker and allow it to go through a full cycle. Do NOT use the carafe to pour this into the reservoir. You may be reintroducing coffee oils and bacteria back into the coffeemaker. Don’t be surprised if the water that flushes through is tan or dark colored. Unplug the machine. Using a paper or microfiber towel, start digging into the space where coffee grounds are placed. Beware of what you may find. Expect anything from grungy to shocking. Do the same on the coffee basket, if you don’t use filters. Spray Nok-Out into the reservoir. Do not wipe, but rather allow to air dry. Nok-Out is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, tasteless and completely safe. The next morning if your coffeemaker is anything but fresh and clean, give the contents and parts another round of Nok-Out. Visit NokOut.com for more information and to order a supply for your home. While you’re there, check out the latest additions to the Nok-Out family of products: Pet Shampoo and Carpet Cleaner! As a member of DPL, you can get a 10 percent discount on your order of at least $8.99 not including shipping, when you use DPL coupon code at checkout. Thanks, Lou! DPL March May 2008 2012 Make Your Own Household Cleaners Window and Glass Cleaner 1/2 cup non-sudsing household ammonia 1/2 cup white vinegar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 drops blue food coloring (optional) warm water Pour ingredients into a gallon-size container that has a tight-fitting lid. Fill with warm water. Shake to incorporate. The food coloring, while not necessary, will alert you that the contents are not water. Label and keep out of the reach of children. 2 1 1 1 All-Purpose Cleaner cups rubbing alcohol tablespoon liquid dishwashing soap tablespoon non-sudsing household ammonia tablespoon white vinegar Mix in a gallon container that has a tight-fitting lid. Fill container with warm water and shake to mix. You can put this in a spray bottle and use as you would any other household cleaner. Great for cleaning chrome, countertops and bath fixtures. Laundry Detergent Powder 1 5.5-ounce bar Fels Naptha soap, grated 1/2 cup washing soda (not baking soda) 1/2 cup powdered borax Mix and store in airtight container or bag. For light loads, use 2 tablespoons per load. For heavy loads, use 3 tablespoons. Big Batch: To make a large batch, grate 6 bars of Fels Naptha bar soap and then add 3 cups washing soda and 3 cups borax. Mix well and store in a large covered container. TIP: Homemade detergent will not make suds in your washer so don't be alarmed. Fels Naptha soap is a pure soap and typically makes little or no suds in the water. This makes it perfect for use in all washers as well those that are designated HE. You will also notice the need to either reduce your laundry softener or in most cases you can even eliminate the use of softener completely. Or, use white vinegar in the last rinse (1 cup is plenty) to remove all traces of detergent. DPL May 2012 l Debt-Proof Living 5 2008 March May 2012 Debt-Proof Debt-Proof Living Living Yes, you can fix that leaky faucet L et’s face it, not all of us are inclined to be do-ityourselfers. Put in a new ceramic tile floor or fix a toilet that won’t stop running? You must be kidding! But even I am feeling more confident that I can do simple jobs and repairs around the house, thanks to all the wonderful new resources out there. Disaster struck in my kitchen on Christmas Eve last year. I had a houseful of guests when I noticed that my refrigerator was cooling food at room temperature. You try to find a repairman at 4PM on Christmas Eve. Did I panic? Of course. But then I decided to follow my own advice and went online. I entered the make and model of my refrigerator and, lo and behold, there were step-by-step instructions to fix the problem. First, check the coils, it said. But when my husband and I pulled out the fridge and looked, we couldn’t find them. I went back to my computer and, sure enough, they were exactly where the website said they would be on our GE model. Then, using a vacuum, we cleaned eight years of dust off the coils. Three hours later, the refrigerator’s temperature had dropped 20 degrees and all was not lost. These days, many consumers are saving a lot of money by picking up screwdrivers and donning safety glasses to tackle home repair projects. Dripping faucets and leaking toilets top the list of problems, and calling a plumber can empty your wallet fast. The most cost-effective solution? Fix it yourself. When it comes to broken appliances, most refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and dryers can be repaired by novices, says Chris Hall, president of RepairClinic.com. It’s all a matter of figuring out what’s wrong, ordering the replacement part and then making the repair with the help of an online technician. “You can cut the repair costs by at least 75 percent. No matter the problem, fixing it yourself is always worth a try,” he says. “At the worst you’ll have to call a professional, so why not try it yourself first?” Hall, along with his staff, offers free repair help online. The company stocks parts for nearly every major home appliance in service in the U.S. today, with same-day shipping and a guarantee of your money back on returns within 30 days—no questions asked. 6 Debt-Proof Living l May 2012 Another good option: Free in-store how-to clinics at home improvement centers, such as Lowes and Home Depot, where you can get hands-on instruction with a live teacher. The Internet, libraries and bookstores are also replete with do-it-yourself instruction and handy guides. Of course, there will be times when you do need to consult a professional, such as an electrician, plumber or contractor you can trust to do the job right and at a fair price. When possible, get a referral from a friend or neighbor who’s had similar work done. Or find a local pre-screened repairman or contractor at websites such as pcappliancerepair.com and servicemaster.com. By phone, ask how the repairman charges for service, if he marks up on parts (the answer should be no) and if repairs are under warranty. Expect a flat fee of about $35 and up to come to the house and diagnose the problem. Actually fixing the problem will probably entail a higher rate—like $65 an hour, plus parts. Major home repairs that will cost about $500 or more may require you to hire a state-licensed contractor. Get three bids if possible, and check with your state’s contractor licensing board to see if any complaints have been lodged against the individual or company. Then insist on a written contract that is clear and includes a payment schedule and completion date. You should never pay more than 10 percent of the project price or $1,000 (whichever is less) up front, then add progress payments as the work is completed. Asking for payment up front is a sign of trouble. When dealing with a contractor, your only leverage is money. Never pay for the job in full until all the work is done and you are fully satisfied. DPL How long will it last? Life expectancies of your appliances in years: Garbage disposal: 5-12 Dishwasher: 6-12 Washing machine: 8-14 Dryer: 8-20 Oven/stove: 15-20 Refrigerator: 15-20 These are averages and should only be used as a guide when making decisions. In general, repairing better-quality, branded appliances is well worth the the cost, but repairing cheaper or generic units is often not cost-effective. Debt-Proof Debt-Proof Living Living March 2012 May 2008 extra two to three times. I’m amazed at how much more water comes out of the clothes. The clothes dry faster and I save money. Wow! What a great idea Tiptionary Ted Using real whipping cream to ice a cake can be a hassle when it runs and separates. The way to stop this is to blend 1 teaspoon of dry instant vanilla pudding mix per 1 cup of cream before whipping, then whip it to a firm consistancy and add sugar to taste. This mixture can be piped or spread on any cake and sets up to last for days in the fridge. After decades of flipping pancakes at the stove while my family enjoyed them at the table, I decided to bake them. I pour the batter into a lightly oiled jellyroll pan and bake at 400 F. for 20 minutes. I cut them in squares for adults and use animal shaped cookie cutters for my granddaughters. Now all of us sit down together to enjoy breakfast. I’ve been liberated! Helen Living in a very small home, we have to take advantage of every inch of space. When stacking towels for the linen closet, I place the fold one way one time and the opposite way the next. This allows more towels to be stacked in a smaller space. Unless you're a fanatic about all the folds facing the same way, this really works! (Actually works with any items that are folded.) Adrian I buy the cheapest store brand mac and cheese, cook according to the regular instructions, then stir in one slice of American cheese. It comes out much more creamy and rich tasting. Patty White isn’t a good color on me, so whenever I find a deal on a white blouse or T-shirt I dye it. One day I discovered I was out of packaged dye so I decided to get creative. I looked through my Kool-Aid and took out the red flavors. I put the Kool-Aid and two shirts in my washer in hot water. Now I have two new pale pink shirts that only cost me about 30 cents to color. Hilda A clothes dryer uses a lot of electricity, so before I take my clothes out of the washer I spin them an My family favorite is to use two round white cake layers. Pipe or spread a ring of cream on the edge of the bottom layer then spoon cherry pie filling in the center. The ring of cream helps the filling to stay in the center of the cake. Top with the second layer. Put a ring of cream rosettes or small spoons of cream closely together around the top edge and use more cherry filling to fill the top center. The sides can be piped or spread with the cream. I use about three cups of cream for a large cake. Decorate by placing maraschino cherries on the rosettes. This can also be made a day ahead and looks just as beautiful. Kerri When we took our first vacation, my husband and I wrote and sent home postcards to ourselves. We described what we had been doing and how much fun we were having. By mailing the postcards, the date gets stamped on it. We have been doing this on every vacation since. It is lots of fun to look at the pictures and read about the good times we had. Denise A fun way to reuse laminated city maps (even if the map is outdated) is to use it as a place mat. For babies, it can be cut into a half moon shape to simulate a tray. Either way, it’s a decorative conversation piece that can be reused by wiping off after each meal! Mary I don’t know where I found this “recipe,” but it’s the best for cleaning floors: Mix together 1 gallon hot water, 2 tablespoons Murphy’s oil soap (or liquid Castile soap), 1/4 cup washing soda, 1 cup vinegar, and 20 drops eucalyptus, peppermint or tea tree essential oil. Combine all ingredients in a pail and mop. No rinsing needed. Make sure to use washing soda (not baking soda). Use essential oils, not fragrance oils. These essential oils that are listed are antibacterial and the eucalyptus oil is also antifungal. May 2012 l Debt-Proof Living Bob 7 2012 2008 March May Debt-Proof Living Social Lending: Part 2 Ready to Jump Into the P2P Pool? Last month, in Part 1, we learned that what the Internet has done to retail, to music, to movies, and so many more industries, it is now starting to do to banks. While interest rates remain dismal at traditional banks and credit unions, many people are opting for peer to peer lending that cuts Wall Street out of their transactions .... can get your eyes on. Listen in as people share their experiences, strategies, failures and successes. Frequent blogs such as SocialLending.net, a network founded by Peter Renton. This site will teach you a lot about P2P. Learn everything you can. Be clear Your confidence level will tell you when you’re ready to go. Start small and conservatively. Diversify by investing a little bit in a lot of different loans. By spreading your money around in this way you reduce your overall risk. G etting started with peer to peer lending can be daunting for new investors. And no wonder. The two major P2Ps offer hundreds of loans to choose from representing myriad ways for you to invest your money. The very first thing you need to get clear on is that P2P represents an opportunity to invest, not save. By definition, money in “savings” means that you put it into a safe place where it is not at risk, it’s liquid and available to you without having to sell something or wait for some other event to occur. Investing, on the other hand, means putting money at risk to gain a greater reward. Money in the stock market is at risk. You could lose not only your “reward” or gain, but also the principal itself. Money in your retirement account is at risk because it is outside of the “safety” of an insured account in a bank or credit union. While there are various levels of risk lending your money with P2P, none of these options offer any guarantees. You need to be very clear on this before you even think about sticking your toes into this pool. Safety net in place Before you are ready to invest with P2P, your debtproof living safety net needs to be intact and in place. That consists of: Contingency Fund in which you have at least enough money to live for six months without any paychecks. That money needs to be in a safe place and available to you without notice. Freedom Account in which you have set aside funds to cover your irregular expenses for the coming year. Immerse yourself You are not ready to go until you have spent a good deal of time educating yourself on P2P. Both Lending Club and Prosper have extensive websites with loads of articles, how-tos and forums. Read everything you 8 Debt-Proof Living l May 2012 Ready, set ... go Zero in on inquiries As a lender you will have access to a lot of information about borrowers. Make “Inquiries” your number one criteria. Inquiries means the number of credit inquiries this person (the borrower you are considering) has had in the last six months. Inquiries, as you know, are recorded in one’s credit report. As a “lender” you will begin to see credit inquiries in a new way. Many inquiries indicate that person has been shopping around in many places for credit and that should be a red flag for you, as it is for all prudent lenders. Slow and steady As a new social investor you will be excited to get started. You’ll want your money to start earning big rates of return, quickly. But if you’ve done your homework well, you’ll know that there are relatively few loans that fit your newly gained criteria. For example, you have $1,500 to lend and 30 loans to invest in. You may be tempted to pick the top two, placing $750 in each. I would not recommend this. In fact, I wouldn’t invest more than $25 in each, and not all at the same time. I’d start by investing in two or three loans, then hold up a few weeks to place more. It could take you some time to strategically lend the entire $1,500. But this is the way to reduce your risk in a reasoned way, which will give you the experience you need to branch out in the future. Keep track While it is possible to choose an automatic plan with a P2P lender, I recommend that if you do not want to be heavily involved in P2P activities, don’t get in. A wise investor should be very involved, tracking activities carefully, paying close attention to net returns. DPL Debt-Proof Living March May 2008 2012 DPL + Mvelopes = FREE! Y ears ago, a reader introduced me to budgeting software called Mvelopes. Honestly, when I read her email I was pretty sure she made a typo. Mvelopes? How would I pronounce that? But she was right, and I learned quickly: EM-vel-opes. Being such a fan of the envelope method of managing money, I was intrigued by anyone who could take my archaic method of divvying up cash into paper envelopes marked with spending categories like Groceries and Gas, and turn it into computer software. Immediately, I was onboard with Mvelopes and began recommending it to members, readers and anyone else who would listen. I don’t recall what the software cost back then, but I remember thinking it was quite reasonable. I loved it because it allowed me to keep the simplicity of envelope budgeting and go high-tech at the same time. As downloadable software went at the time, it was quite cool. Over the years, Mvelopes has grown and developed into the most effective online personal finance and spending management system out there, bar none. News flash! I am excited to tell you that Debt-Proof Living and Finicity, the parent company of Mvelopes, have recently teamed up to form a strategic partnership to offer DPL/Mvelopes Online Envelope Budgeting to all of our DPL family, free―not a free trial, but absolutely, totally FREE. I could not be more excited about this. DPL/Mvelopes pulls all your financial accounts into one place. You create your budget, track your spending and take control of your money, for free. With DPL/Mvelopes you instantly understand the impact of every spending decision and you always know exactly how much you have left to spend. DPL/Mvelopes can be easily adapted to create and fund your Contingency Fund and Freedom Account, key elements of Debt-Proof Living. Anytime, anywhere Once you have your account set up so that all of your financial information is in one place, you will have access to your DPL/Mvelopes account from any computer or via iPhone and Android apps, which are also free. Get started Go to Mvelopes.com/DebtProofLiving to get started, just as soon as you’re done reading this. Follow the prompts to open your new, fully secure DPL/Mvelopes account. The wizard will walk you through adding your bank and credit-card accounts to your DPL/Mvelopes, and assist you in creating your envelopes. JumpStart JumpStart is a personal, one-on-one coaching session via phone, during which one of our real live coaches will help you unlock the potential in DPL/Mvelopes and accelerate your success with the envelope budgeting system. I suggest that you take full advantage of this opportunity, especially if you have any questions at all setting up your DPL/Mvelopes account. With your free JumpStart coaching session, you’ll learn how to organize and prioritize your debts, which follows our Rapid Debt-Repayment Plan. You’ll understand how to use your DPL/Mvelopes to set money aside for your irregular expenses and your coach will even create a debt analysis for you at no cost. Better together For years all of us at DPL have dreamed of creating and developing online budgeting tools and resources for our growing audience. In the process of analyzing our options, we kept coming back to the fact that Finicity and DPL are so closely aligned in our philosophy of personal money management. Teaming up with Finicity became the clear solution. DPL/Mvelopes is just the start of our new partnership. In the near future we’ll be telling you about more resources and opportunities like individual training, personal coaching as well as enhanced DPL/Mvelopes account features you may want to consider as you get comfortable with your new budget. It is important for you to know that I personally, and Debt-Proof Living as an organization, fully endorse the services and opportunities available from Finicity. There is no doubt that together we are better. I can’t wait to learn how these new opportunities and tools help you in your journey to financial freedom. DPL May 2012 l Debt-Proof Living 9 2008 March May 2012 Debt-Proof Living HARP 2.0 Mortgage Refinance Loan Program T he wait is over for homeowners who want to refinance but owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth. Borrowers can now find a wide range of lenders offering refinances through HARP 2.0, a government program that allows borrowers to refinance regardless of how deeply underwater they find themselves. In places that were hit hardest by the housing downturn, homeowners have been waiting to refinance under HARP 2.0 for months, as it is their only chance to refinance at a lower rate. Quick review Following the real estate crash of 2008, the government rolled out a program called The Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). The purpose was to help people whose homes were underwater, in that they owed more than the property was worth. Let’s just say the HARP was not all that successful. It was riddled with problems and very few people were able to actually refinance. A new, and hopefully improved version, HARP 2.0 was rolled out on March 19, 2012. While complicated, HARP 2.0 appears to offer realistic hope for many whose homes continue to be underwater in this challenging economy. It is definitely worth your consideration if you find yourself in that position. Basically, HARP 2.0 allows homeowners to refinance their mortgages to current interest rates under certain conditions. Eligibility You are eligible for HARP 2.0 if: 1. Your mortgage is owned or guaranteed by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae and you got it before June 1, 2009. Go HERE to look up your loan. 2. You haven’t already refinanced under HARP in the past few years. 3. Your current loan-to-value is greater than 80 percent. 4. You are current on your mortgage with no late payment in the past six months and no more than one late payment of 30 days or less in the past 12 months. 10 Debt-Proof Living l May 2012 Of course there are other things you need to know as you head into the murky waters of refinancing your loan. Any HARP lender If you meet these qualifications, you can refinance with any HARP lender, not only your current lender, although approaching your current lender or service provider is where you should start. Lenders vary You need to know that many HARP lenders are applying their own restrictions for HARP loans beyond what Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae require. Typically, lenders have their own loan-to-value and credit score requirements. Some lenders will not go beyond the 125 percent loan-to-value from the original HARP program. But others will, with no cap. Appraisal You may still need an appraisal, although more automated underwriting is being allowed in the HARP 2.0 program. The number of appraisals required is expected to drop by 80 percent. DTI Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) will be scrutinized and every lender has its own criteria. Even though your monthly payment may drop considerably once you refinance to a lower interest rate, lenders want to make sure you will be able to make your payments on time. The most effective way to do this is to evaluate what you make versus what you spend. Don’t give up If you do get turned down by one or two lenders, make sure you keep shopping around. You just might find one who will work with you under these new HARP 2.0 guidelines. Fees We are hearing that fees on refinanced mortgages under HARP 2.0 are still fairly high, but again, they vary by lender. Just beware. Is it worth it? Refinancing under any government program is going to be complicated and filled with red tape. Just Debt-Proof Living plan on it. And it will be worth it if, for example, you can refinance your current 7 percent underwater situation to 4 percent fixed. Not only will you reduce your monthly payment, you’ll be grateful for a low fixed rate of interest with a payment you can afford should interest rates rise in the future. They will. Is it moral? Refinancing under this HARP 2.0 is not the same as a “strategic default” where homeowners are simply walking away and defaulting on their mortgages. In that case, one faces a moral dilemma because it is wrong to make a vow to pay and then to go back on your word. Refinancing, however, is simply renegotiating the ‘carry cost’ on the loan, which is the interest rate. You are not reneging on your faithful promise to repay the debt. Refinancing has only to do with the interest rate on that debt. Why should a lender cooperate? Bottom line for a mortgage lender is assurance that it will get those monthly payments and that the homeowner will not default on the loan. As long as you are paying high interest on a mortgage that is upside down, the lender is quaking each month wondering if you’re going to be able to make that payment. It is in the lender’s best interest to get you into a position where you are less of a risk and more likely to not default. May 2008 2012 March Part of the HARP 2.0 program is that it releases lenders from underlying liability stemming from the original mortgage. That is a key incentive for lenders to participate and cooperate in refinancing these mortgages. What about my credit score? Here again, lenders have their own criteria and are allowed under HARP 2.0 to determine what is an “acceptable credit risk.” However, the way I understand the conditions of HARP 2.0, a low credit score is not enough to automatically disqualify a borrower. What about HEL? If you have a second or home equity loan (HEL) you're more likely to encounter delays. That's because the second mortgage lender has to sign off on the refinance, agreeing to subordinate the loan to the lender who refinances the first mortgage. While this will delay the process a bit, it should not kill the deal. The good news is, lenders will be more willing to sign off on HARP 2.0 refinances than they were with the previous version of HARP. Never has there been a time when it was more important for you to get out of debt to reduce your expenses, than it is now. With inflation on the rise and the fact that eventually interest rates are going up, you cannot afford to be in debt and also prepare for the future. Refinancing a troublesome mortgage is a great place to start. DPL Mary’s NEW! Book Available in the DPL Bookstore! ✹ 20% Member Discount! ✹ Autographed! ✹ Limited Quantities “Starting where you are right now, you can take control of your finances. You have the power to control your financial destiny. “The 7 Rules will empower you to fix your finances one step at a time, moving you out of debt and ultimately to financial freedom, regardless of the country’s progress.” - Mary Simple Rules. Big Payoff. Go to DebtProofLiving.com and click on “Bookstore” May 2012 l Debt-Proof Living 11 May 2012 2008 March Debt-Proof Living Dear Mary ... Factoring in job benefits I’m looking for a new job. My current employer offers great benefits and even pays for my health insurance. Since I know this probably won’t be the case at a new company, I’m worried any new out-of-pocket payments I’ll have may offset an increase in salary. How do I include these sorts of things when coming up with salary requirements? Dan, California Most employees would be shocked to see what their benefit packages are worth in dollars and cents. If you have a good employee compensation package that includes health, vision and dental insurance, paid vacation and sick leave, consider that to be worth at least 30 percent of your gross income. Before you leave your current position, do your homework. You know what your paid vacation is worth, your sick leave, too. Get three quotes for health insurance that are similar to the coverage you have now. Come up with a dollar figure on an annual basis that reflects your current benefit package. Seeing in black and white what your current benefits are worth will be a valuable exercise whether you make the change or not. Helping an adult child My son graduated from college about a year ago. He has a job, but with student loans and some credit-card debt, he is struggling a bit financially. I know with smarter choices he could pull himself out of this. He has asked his father and me for help. We want to be good parents and provide for him. At the same time, we also think that since he’s an adult, he needs to start taking care of himself. Is there any compromise? Debbie, Illinois I have two grown sons, so I can relate. Since your son has asked for help, this might be the perfect time to teach as well. Don’t just give him a handout. Help him set up a budget. It’s possible he, like so many people, has never learned how to manage money. Because he has come to you asking for help it’s possible he’s open to receiv- 12 Debt-Proof Living l May 2012 ing your guidance as well. He needs to be accountable, but not in a child/parent way. Think of this as more of a client/counselor relationship. In the same way he would have to create and submit a business plan to get a business loan, have him create a personal finance plan for how he intends to use the money you lend to him, how he intends to manage his income each month and how he plans to pay you back. It’s time for your son to get real about his money, and this could be the perfect opportunity you need to teach him valuable lessons. Not sure how or where to start? Pick up a copy of my book, 7 Money Rules for Life: How to Take Control of Your Financial Future. I’ll teach him everything he needs to know to manage his income now and for the rest of his life. Tipping 101 One of my colleagues has been raving about the amazing leg waxes at the beauty salon where she goes. She says the best part is that they’re cheap because the technician is the owner of the salon, so she doesn’t have to tip her. I’ve never heard of that rule before. Is it true? Janice, Florida When it comes to tipping or monetary gratuities there really aren’t set rules, just guidelines based on trends, etiquette and regions. Not tipping the salon owner was customary at one time but that is no longer the case in most areas. In fact, of the 87 people I asked, 79 said it would make no difference—they would leave the same tip depending on the quality of service received whether the owner did the work or not. It seems to be a rumor that owners don't receive tips when they perform a service. It’s always a good idea when calling to schedule an appointment at a new place to ask up-front about the tipping policy. Need to save ATM slips? This has been bugging me: At my bank’s ATM, there is a big trash can where everyone throws away their transaction slips. It seems like a bad idea to toss them away since they show the balance and transaction info. But being cautious means I end up with an overstuffed, cluttered wallet. Do I need to save them, and what’s the best way to get rid of them? Dylan, North Carolina Ignore those waste bins and hold on to your ATM receipts: You’ll need them when you receive your bank Debt-Proof Living statement to verify that all your deposits and withdrawals were posted correctly to your account. Keep your receipts in chronological order in the pocket of your checkbook or wallet, or any place that is convenient. Just make sure you always put that receipt in the same place so that it becomes a useful habit. Banks do make mistakes, and those little slips may be your only proof. That said, once everything checks out, get rid of them. As with any financial document, the safest way to get rid of ATM receipts is with a paper shredder. But if you don’t have one, it is okay to simply tear them up before tossing. Since they don’t list your account number or other highly sensitive information, the slips aren’t too big of a concern. Investing a sudden windfall Recently I received an inheritance from a distant relative. I’d like to use it to pay off my car early. I have about eight payments to go, and the thought of not having that monthly bill is really appealing. But then my dad said I wouldn’t be saving anything and that there are better ways to use the money. Is he right? Sandy, Arizona It all depends on how your car loan is structured. If it is a simple interest loan (typical) each month you pay interest on the outstanding balance. If you pay it off early you will avoid eight months of interest. Even if you have a loan where you agreed to pay a set amount of interest (not likely), you won’t save any money but there’s still a big emotional payoff for early payment. There’s just nothing like a $0 balance! Here’s an idea: Use the windfall to pay off the balance. Then make a commitment to keep making those eight car payments, but make them to yourself. In eight months you will have restored the windfall, saved some interest and have a paid-for car, too. On-the-job salary comparisons I am beside myself with anger. Once a year everybody in my department gets a 2-percent bonus. One of my coworkers let slip that she plans on using hers to buy a new sofa. I found out how much the sofa cost and flipped out! I figured out she makes $6,000 more than I do but we do the same exact job! Not only that, but I’ve been at the company two years longer than she has. Shouldn’t our salaries at least be equal? Marcia, email 2012 May 2008 March I have to say that you are way off base on this one. First, by its very nature a “bonus” is an unexpected reward, not something you are entitled to. While I think it’s quite amazing that you took the time to calculate your coworker’s sofa purchase, I wonder if it occurred to you that she might be using her bonus as a down payment? (Not that I would recommend that, but she’s not the one who wrote.) For you to waste any time or energy trying to figure out what she earns and then comparing her salary and job description to yours is counterproductive. I suggest you get your nose out of your coworkers’ business and direct that energy instead to being the best employee you can be, doing the best job possible. Change your attitude from greed to gratitude and before you know it you’ll be the one approving salaries and handing out bonuses. Maintaining credit card security The other night I had pizza delivered for dinner. Because I didn’t have cash, I used my credit card. The guy on the phone asked for the three-digit security code. I felt a little funny about giving it out, but did. Why did he need it, and was it OK to give it to him? Dale, New Jersey Your credit card security code is a code assigned to and displayed on your credit card. Unlike everything else on your card, that code is not embedded in the magnetic strip. Retailers, particularly online merchants, require you to provide this code as an anti-fraud measure that protects you against unauthorized charges. Only a person in possession of the card will have the code as it is not shown on a credit card charge slip nor on your statements. Theoretically, your pizza guy has all the information he needs to go shopping with your card now that he has the number, expiration date and security code. And so do all the waiters and retailers to whom you hand your credit card to pay for a meal or to buy things at the store. But that is unlikely. Because simply owning a credit card opens the door to fraud and identity theft, I strongly suggest you take advantage of your credit card company’s website. Sign up to monitor your account online, check it every day when you check your email and then relax. If you see a charge you did not make, report it immediately, requesting that your card be cancelled and reissued under a new number. Or do what I do: Sign up for Lifelock protection. I don’t have time to monitor daily, so I hire them to do it for me. I get 20-percent off and so can you when you use our special Coupon Code: DPL. DPL May 2012 l Debt-Proof Living 13 Got a Question, Story or Tip? Send your feedback by mail to Mary Hunt, c/o Debt-Proof Living, P.O. Box 2135, Paramount, CA 90723-8135, or via email on our website, www.DebtProofLiving.com. We cannot guarantee a personal response. Questions, tips and stories chosen for publication will appear in an upcoming issue of this newsletter, or Mary’s daily email “Everyday Cheapskate,” www.EverydayCheapskate.com. Mary looks forward to hearing from you! P.O. Box 2135 Paramount, CA 90723 “Someone else is happy with less than what you have.”~ Unknown Keep up with what’s going down Mary’s take on the news Financially illiterate. Recent stud- ies show that a majority of young people in the US have poor financial literacy, a trend that has been consistent over the past decade and shows few signs of improving. This at a time when young adults face a difficult job market and more personal debt, and yet must take greater responsibility for their financial future. Today's twentysomethings hold an average debt of about $45,000, which includes everything from cars to credit cards to student loans to mortgages, according to a PNC financial independence survey released last month. From USA Today Mary says: There is a solution: Compulsory education in practical personal money management at the college level. I find it more reasonable to prepare young people than repair adults. Pricey olive oil. If you’ve ever wanted to dress a salad with $100 bills, this may be your dream come 14 Debt-Proof Living l May 2012 true: A bottle of Lambda olive oil that comes with a price tag of $15,000 per bottle ($147 per teaspoon)―more than a Honda Civic or a first-class ticket to Greece. From SmartMoney Mary says: I’d prefer the Honda, in a lovely shade of olive green. Prom is the new wedding. A sur- vey just released by the folks at Visa who conducted 1,000 phone interviews, reveals that families with teens are expected to spend an average of $1,078 on prom this spring. Spending has been driven to never-before-seen levels as teens are influenced by everything from celebrities and reality TV to the prevalence of social media, experts say. Appearance is everything, and for prom, appearance really matters. From Gannett Company Mary says: It’s pretty hard to shock me these days, but this story did just that. I hope the people over there at Visa are very proud of themselves because I do hold them and their consumer credit industry responsible for such lunacy. I’d love to see how much of this $1,078 per prom is now someone’s revolving credit-card debt. Not only are we bringing up a generation of financially illiterate young people, we’re funding their need to impress others, even if they can’t afford to pay for it. Inflation: Not as low as you think. Forget the modest 3.1 percent rise in the Consumer Price Index, the government's widely used measure of inflation. Everyday prices are up some 8 percent over the past year, according to the American Institute for Economic Research. From CBS News Mary says: The AIER in their calculations does not look at big onetime purchases as the CPI does, but instead focuses on food, gasoline, child care, prescription drugs, phone and television service and other household products. I think this organization is far closer to the real number than the people who figure the CPI, which excludes food and gasoline from its calculations. Cash for your castoffs. You shouldn't throw your old electronic items out with the trash for two reasons. First, because of all the toxins they can contain, and second, because you may be able to cash in those old gadgets at any number of electronics stores or online sites. Stores and online retailers such as Amazon.com, Best Buy, Radio Shack, and Target, will take your old electronics and either offer a trade in, store gift card or cash. From Consumer Reports Mary says: Where’s the “Like” button? DPL
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