How to make the most out of my homesite Eygló Björnsdóttir Different programs for making websites Front Page (from Microsoft – not included in the 2007 package) Dreamweaver Even Word and Publisher (from Microsoft) Note Tab Light All kind of programs available from Netservices (that’s what we use in Iceland – 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 2 Free Websites The Google service ( All kind of blogsites ( is what I like best ) All kind of Wiki-sites (; (to get rid of advertisment you have to pay for them) 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 3 Some points to have in mind to help you design a good looking and useful website 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 4 The “magic” behind a website I have had this question: Do different fonts require more bytes than others? Does the use of color affect the cost? This is an example of code in a HTML-file: 2.8.2009 <font face="Arial" color="#FF0000" size="2"> This is a text</font> <img border="0" src=“mountain.jpg" width="118" height="120"> Eygló Björnsdóttir 5 What fonts to use? Always use fonts that is most likely all people have in their computers The best fonts to use on websites are so called Sans-Serif fonts (Verdana, Arial, Helvetica). 2.8.2009 Times New Roman, Palation, New York and other Serif fonts are good fonts for printing but not on screen. Eygló Björnsdóttir 6 Fonts On this webpage you can see the difference between using Times New Roman and Verdana. 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 7 Fonts Be sure that all the text on the website has the same font... Mixing fonts on the same site is not good looking 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 8 Color Like I said before, you can use all kind of color on the text of your website and colored text doesn’t use more bytes than black . But the rule is to use font color with care.... 2.8.2009 It is good to use color to place emphasis on something, but mixing many colors on the same page doesn’t look good. Eygló Björnsdóttir 9 Line Length Readability is best when each line contains 8 to 15 words The best way to control this on webpages is to use tables. Table with the width of 500-550 pixels is a good one to use. Here you can see a webpage where the lenght of the lines is not controlled Here is the same page but here the line lenght is controlled. 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 10 Paragraph Length 2.8.2009 Limit your paragraphs to 1-3 sentences. This style is commonly used by journalists in newspapers around the world. Be as brief as possible. Say what you mean, mean what you say. This will limit the length of the your paragraphs and document. Eygló Björnsdóttir 11 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 12 Underlining There is an easy rule when using underlining in web pages. Don't. How do you get around underlining? 2.8.2009 Use italics or bold. Book titles should be italized. Eygló Björnsdóttir 13 Tables Using tables allows you to utilize that space that would otherwise be wasted. It would be a good idea to adjust the padding to keep your text off the edge of the table. On this table you see the border. 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 14 Tables Ordinarily you'd set the border to 0, thus making the table invisible. 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 15 Tables It is also good to use tables when you want to write picture text below the pictures Crater Lake in Oregon 2.8.2009 This is also Crater Lake in Oregon Eygló Björnsdóttir 16 Pasting from other programs Either use Notepad (or similar plain text program) or use the “Paste Special” option in the webprogram 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 17 Images: Images, especially photos from digital cameras, are very big in size. You have to make them smaller before you use them on your site Notice: It is not enough to define the size in the program you use to make the site, you actually have to make the image file smaller. You can either use the webmaking program to do that, a graphic program or some free services on the Internet Here is a page with a small picture Here is a page with a big picture 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 18 More about images Here are two services that are good to use to work with images: And if you just need to get them smaller you can use this one: To make many images smaller at the same time you can use the Easy Thumbnail programme 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 19 Working with images When you place an image into a document and align it left or right, any text you have will simply hug itself around the image. This can be easily accomplished by changing what is called the VSPACE and HSPACE of an image. Without VSPACE and HSPACE 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir With VSPACE=10 and HSPACE=10 20 The Alt tag Remember to use the “Alt” tag when you insert an image your file: 2.8.2009 The "alt" attribute tells the reader what he or she is missing on a page if the browser can't load images. The browser will then display the alternate text instead of the image. It is a good practice to include the "alt" attribute for each image on a page, to improve the display and usefulness of your document for people who have text-only browsers. See on this page Eygló Björnsdóttir 21 More about Pictures Images can only be rectangular in size, transparency is a way to get around this limitation When using GIFs you can make a single color value become transparent (you can not do that on photos from cameras). F.eks: To get rid of the blue color around the light bulb, you make the blue color transparent. 2.8.2009 This only works with GIFs with backgrounds that are a single color value Eygló Björnsdóttir 22 Other files than HTML-files You can upload all kind of files to your server and link to them from your homepage, but you should do that with care. Making PDF files is probably the best thing to do. All files you use and show on you homepage have to be on your server, unless of course you are linking to files that others have on their server You can use some free services like Google for keeping some files and link to them from there. 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 23 Interactive files Some programs like f.eks FrontPage and Dreamweaver let you make all kind of interactive files to use on your website You can also make interactive forms on Google and link to them from your website. en&formkey=dHlMRkFQM1VoU0I3S2o1ajhfa zNDNkE6MA.. 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 24 What content should be on a state website? The Society Purposes and Mission Statement(required) Informations about administration and boards Links to all the chapters websites if there are any News from the state work and also news from all the chapters if they don’t have independent websites Informations about the society funds available Publications (both local and International) News ...on the Frontpage (first page) Members list (password protected) Photos (if agreed) 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 25 more: Links to all kind of informations on the DKG Society International site Links to other state sites (e.g here in Europe) Calendar where you can mark important dates? More?? 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 26 Who provides the informations that goes on the website? The state president and the administration board All our boards also can send the webmaster all kind of informations The webmaster himself (reading and picking up information from other state homesites and The DKG Society International site 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 27 How do you keep a website updated? Simply by viewing the website at least once a month or so and try to think of something to put in there... ...if I get no idea... I go to the The DKG Society International site and try to find some interesting things there to put on our site...and it is important always to mention what is new on the site in the News section so that visitors can see that the site is alive. 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 28 How do you handle personal informations on the website? Always when we have some kind of meeting we ask for permission to put photos on the web. In the future we will let the women tick to the statement that posting photos are allowed when they are registering for any activities on behalf of DKG. We are working on having each chapter make a file where every woman sign that posting photos, names, email adress, phone number ect. is allowed. Next winter we will have our members list on a closed webpage where you need password to get inside Yfirlýsing (statement) 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 29 Java scripts ( .htm more to use: 2.8.2009 Eygló Björnsdóttir 30
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