How to get the informal sector to switch from cash to mobile money? Yaron Assabi [email protected] Hidden Agenda Why consumers want mobile service at lower fees and with personal benefits based on usage Cash is not king, it is dangerous bad for the environment and expensive Mobile: the ideal platform for micro-payments Relevant technology can change behaviour Small change to make a big difference DSG Experience founded in September 1998 as a technology partner for retailers who wanted to create a new channel to market via ebusiness. In December 1999 we sold a 51% stake to iTouch prior to their IPO on the FTSE . iTouch wanted to enter the mobile commerce market and we wanted to expand internationally .( iTouch was in turn owned by Independent News and Media at the time and delivered mobile content) In March 2000 we launched the 1st mCommerce transaction in SA on on Radio 5 ( Doctoza –Accenture) Soon thereafter we launched in UK , Ireland , Australia , NZ ,and Israel . Although we were first to market and the IPO was very successful (₤42.5 million for 20% of group) the market crashed and as the share price lost value we decided to do a MBO in November 2001 and refocused our business on Africa . As our customers’ required new solutions and the market dynamically changed so has Digital Mall’s business model which led to the innovative evolution of what is known today as, The Digital Solutions Group. DSG Experience In 2001 we launched a multi -channel commerce solution for Ster- Kinekor including first mobile ticketing. In 2003 multi -channel communication solution for the IEC for 2004 /2005 Elections and won an innovation award for service delivery within government– ATM , IVR ,SMS , Web , Email and Contact Centre ( 11 official languages) This was the first Mgovernment deployment In 2004 we launched the first and only gambling board approved mobile betting application in SA for Phumelela for Horse Racing Soccer ( best B2C m-commerce application Vodacom Mobile Connect 2004) In 2005 first SMS donation platform with text to screen for 46664 Over R2 million raised to date DSG Experience- Mobile Financial services In 2004 we launched the first financial mobile application for TransUinion Mead & McGrouther . We created the first e-book on mobile “ The car dealer guide “ which is the bible of the industry was outdated by the time it was printed and we made an electronic version of it with value adds such as a “finance calculator “. We are upgrading this application currently for all Smartphones. In 2006 we conceptualized and designed the proof of concept for Investec Private Security Clients – Mobile Ticker In 2007 we conceptualized Hippo with Telesure the first insurance aggregator service that delivers multiple insurance quotes based on customer needs via web and mobile . In 2011 we are building mobile apps for Discovery . DSG M-Vouchers In 2007 1st M-Voucher for QSR for Nando’s= Assegai Award for best mobile marketing campaign SMS to rate our service “best customer experience award 2008 “ DSG designed and managed over 3,000 mobile marketing campaigns in the past 12 years and won numerous innovation awards Flexible Engagement Model Consulting – Outsourcing – SAAS or Managed Services DSG Strategic Focus Seamless, MNO or Corporate Customer branded solutions linking devices to the customer services platform Services that are competitive with the ecosystems but offering broad device coverage SERVICES 3rd Party Network Aggregators Portal Value for customers: APIs Increased sales Branding/customer mindshare Customer insight Lower cost of service via Web UIs m-self service 8 Mobile Development Partnerships Unbanked Opportunity Mobile is the ideal platform for micropayments Mobile Networks cover most populated areas and therefore are ideal for enabling mobile commerce and payments Pre Paid wallet is equivalent to a current account It is easier to top up airtime remotely and keep currency electronically vs. cash. A Mobile network is designed for micro billing ( per second billing ) whereas credit cards R15 minimum transactions. The world is moving towards pay per use –” 20p to use the toilet at Paddington station “ – what happens when you do not have change? Prefer Mobile Phone over Wallet? The banking and credit card industries have noticed that it takes an average of 26 hours for a user to (notice and) report a lost wallet. Yet if you lose a mobile phone, the average time to report it is 68 minutes. Mobile Money Mobile Networks cover most populated areas and therefore are ideal for enabling mobile commerce and payments Pre Paid wallet is equivalent to a current account- very little credit card penetration in Africa which is an opportunity for the MNO ‘s to take the lead in Mobile App Eco System It is easier to top up airtime remotely and keep currency electronically vs. cash. A Mobile network is designed for micro billing ( per second billing ) whereas credit cards R15 minimum transactions. Most Apps The world is moving towards pay per use –” 20p to use the toilet at Paddington station “ – what happens when you do not have change? Market Overview- $151 billion by 2012 How Mobile is changing shopping ? Pay by Phone and control your eco foot print 16 | Touchatag |August 2009 Mobile Lifestyle “Give people more control over their banking and you’ll win their loyalty. That’s because mobile is not a channel so much as a way consumers live their lives and consequently, the way banks have to conduct their business.” Douglas Brown Senior VP Mobile Product Development Bank of America Critical Success Factors The informal business sector is primarily cash based across Africa Mobile Money integration and mCommerce is not easy for a merchant and therefore should be simplified via software that gives access to multiple payment options or CSP ( Commerce Service Provider) $5&11#-$F)&1$"1)#($&-#$."*34$&3.$()"/?.$1)&1$0)&34#)'8$F)'$3"1G On Device App that is cross platform ( we are starting with Android only) Security , Device Management and remote wiping Vertically focused app for SME providing the same service as a standard POS but on the mobile device with smart SaaS based features & reporting Usability & Quality Management Sample Screen Shots Mobile Payment Processing Accept credit, debit, mobile money & stored-value cards in the field Software only solution – no card-swipe hardware required Card information entered onto SmartFORM™ on the handset Immediate authorization Mobile receipt printing can be made available (Bluetooth® printer required) Compliant with highest levels of industry security standards Eliminate cash from the system Customer Benefits Reduce Expenses Complete more transactions per day Complete transactions quicker Reduce mPos costs Ensure accuracy Eliminate paper-based reporting Increase Cash Flow Increase market share, customer service & revenue Optimize inventory levels Increase revenue per merchant Faster & more accurate invoicing Improve Safety/Security More affordable Faster response times Security Security is always a consideration when implementing a POS solution. The primary concerns are employee access to registers, adherence to security standards, & securing the saved transaction record in the database through compliance with data protection standards. When migrating to a mobile POS environment, the concerns are the same. The mobile device will operate within a mobile data network so capturing customer payment data and transmitting using 3G network is inherently risky. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) have specific provisions and additional processes that must be implemented in order for a retailer to be allowed to mobile payments . The connection should use strong encryption through HTTPS and should adhere to the PCI-DSS standard protocols to manage the transaction. Merchant / Employee authentication to the mobile device should be robust and tracked through to the transaction level. Once the transaction is complete or cancelled, the system should delete the transaction record from memory only available on SaaS environment for recall. DSG partners with Adaptive Mobile The world leader in mobile security Comprehensive proven network protection Enabling a safe and trusted mobile experience for consumers and enterprises worldwide 23 The changing face of mobile security in 2010 iPhone+Android BotNet PoC Hack Royal Bank of Canada Android Malware App Droid09 Banking JAN FEB iPhone Jailbreak OTA Threat MAR iPhone In-App Premium Rate Calls SMS Smishing For Banking details APR Blackberry SMS Snooping App MAY JUN iPhone Banking App Flaw JLY Android Trojan Infected Music Player AUG Privacy Risks In Application Analytics SEP Fake Mobile AV App Widespread China Infection OCT Android SMS Replicator Spyware 24 NOV DEC The value of a trusted network Corporate Security As A Service New demographic segments When your subscribers have control over their network Secure M2M Enablement NEW BUSINESS MODELS Protection of vulnerable users NEW SUBSCRIBERS When you comply with regulation Protection against network volatility New Service & Content Adoption When your subscribers can trust what they are charged Trusted Network s When your network has control over the traffic it carries When your network is trusted by other networks Isolation of infected devices Growth of mobile payments Retained customer prepay balances NEW TRANSACTIONS Transfer Settlement control Lock down content revenue leakage The DSG/Adaptive Mobile Difference Network Network Network INSIGHT PROTECTION REVENUE Threat Analysis Multi bearer Security Parental Controls Threat Reporting Fraud Controls Enterprise Controls Reputation Profiling Content Controls Personal Controls Regulatory Retention Usage Policies Premium Content Protection Adaptive Mobile Customers Global Customer base Protecting over 600 million subscribers worldwide © Copyright 2011. 27 What customers want? CONFIDENTIAL 28 Mobile Cloud As mobile devices have limited storage and processing capability, cloud applications for mobile are critical. Mobile has been using the cloud for decades, ever since Telco’s began offering voicemail. We see opportunities for storage, music and video services, VPN access to desktop, and business applications for field workforces. Enterprise -full range of solutions for field and remote works leveraging a SaaS ( Software As A Service) model . Unified communications for SME and applications in the areas of sales force management, document management, CRM and other enterprise applications will become viable over their phone once carriers can guarantee QOS ( Quality of Service) . On Demand Delivery It will be increasingly important for businesses to focus on ways to unlock innovation Base of Pyramid Text Apps Easy to install & compatible with any JAVA enabled device User friendly as opposed to USSD or short code commands Customer will migrate to WAP over time Benefits of J2ME Text apps Shorthand’s TextApp Platform enables operators to rapidly launch popular, branded SMS content and operator services at a very low cost, helping expand existing subscriber base, increasing ARPU and reducing churn. Increase ARPU – Monetize incremental SMS messaging. – Increase VAS revenue via improved service discovery and ease-of-use. Reduce churn – Increase customer satisfaction by enhancing handset utility. – Maximize stickiness with simple recharge and account status notifications. Create new SMS revenue streams – Recurring revenue from new subscription services – Drive discovery of operator services and deliver through powerful ad/promotional channel Reduce customer service costs – Simple, intuitive client UI reduces call center requests. Improve market share – Offer premium content on mass-market handsets in a user-friendly manner – no data plans needed. – Offer Apps for popular brands that appeal to many market segments. • e.g. payments, local search, food, social networking, etc. Capture detailed tracking metrics and analytics – Monitor user behavior and usage activity. Lead users towards data adoption – Shorthand provides various options to link to the mobile web browser. 33 Business Value Real-time knowledge Targeted advertising Enhanced brand loyalty Know your customers Know their problems Proactive help where needed Know your customers Know their preferences Give them more of what they want Why customers leave? They don’t leave because there’s a compelling reason to leave. They leave because there’s no compelling reason to stay Mobile Loyalty and Rewards Use phone camera to scan image and see discounts 37 | Touchatag |August 2009 Cross Platform –Common API’s Deliver web applications to any device Reach the maximum number of users Regardless of their choice of device Browsing, Messaging, Clients, USSD… Mobiles, PDA’s, PC, Games Consoles… With minimum effort Adopt a “Write Once, Deliver Anywhere” strategy Standards based integration – W3C DIAL (XDIME) Re-use branding templates across multiple systems Automated support for new devices With high quality user experience “Optimize Up” to the capabilities of each device Take advantage of latest device capabilities Graceful fall-back for older devices Use device knowledge within applications e.g. don't offer video if the phone doesn't support it 38 Background DSG Secured exclusive rights for Africa , Middle East & Indian Ocean US-based company with global presence that provides a full range of software testing services to customers of all sizes Provides real-world, “in-the-wild” testing services for web, mobile, and desktop apps Utilizes a global community of professional software testers Not a traditional QA outsourcing or off-shoring company Act as extension & complement to in-house QA activities Some customers 40 Crowd -sourcing usability Testing types – Mobile, Web, Desktop Exploratory Functional Usability Hybrid-load testing Localization and internationalization Real-world coverage – broad matrix OS/Browser/3rd Party Apps Location-based Language-based Handset maker, model and wireless carrier (for mobile) “In-the-wild” testing vs. “In-the-lab" testing Consumer & SMB-facing applications Web, Desktop and Mobile It is all about EXPERIENCE
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