Partner Logo How to write LCFG components for EDG Updated 9/2002 [email protected] German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 1 Overview •LCFG – short reminder Slides stolen from Enrico and Massimo / INFN •Writing Components for EDG usage •Outlook: LCFGng and => release 2 •Documentation and links German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 2 LCFG – short reminder German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 3 WP4 & LCFG u LCFG is originally developed by the Computer Science Department of Edinburgh University u Handles automated installation, configuration and management of machines u Basic n n n n features: automatic installation of O.S. installation/upgrade/removal of all (rpm-based) software packages centralized configuration and management of machines extendible to configure and manage custom application software German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 4 LCFG diagram Config files LCFG Config Files telnet login ftp telnet login ftp +inet.allow telnet login ftp sshd +inet.allow telnet login ftp sshd +inet.allow_telnet ALLOWED_NETWORKS +inet.allow_telnet ALLOWED_NETWORKS Read Load +inet.allow_login ALLOWED_NETWORKS rdxprof ldxprof +inet.allow_login Profile ALLOWED_NETWORKS Profile +inet.allow_ftp ALLOWED_NETWORKS <inet> +inet.allow_ftp ALLOWED_NETWORKS <inet> +inet.allow_sshd ALL <allow cfg:template="allow_$ tag_$ daemon_$"> +inet.allow_sshd ALL <allow cfg:template="allow_$ Profile tag_$ Genericdaemon_$"> +inet.daemon_sshd yes <allow_RECORD cfg:name="telnet"> +inet.daemon_sshd yes Object Component <allow_RECORD cfg:name="telnet"> ..... <allow>192.168., 192.135.30.</allow> ..... <allow>192.168., 192.135.30.</allow> +auth.users myckey </allow_RECORD> +auth.users myckey </allow_RECORD> Local cache /home/mickey +auth.userhome_mickey ..... +auth.userhome_mickey inet/home/mickey auth ..... +auth.usershell_mickey /bin/tcsh LCFG Objects </auth> +auth.usershell_mickey /bin/tcsh </auth> <user_RECORD cfg:name="mickey"> <user_RECORD cfg:name="mickey"> <userhome>/home/MickeyMouseHome</userhome> <userhome>/home/MickeyMouseHome</userhome> <usershell>/bin/tcsh</usershell> <usershell>/bin/tcsh</usershell> </user_RECORD> </user_RECORD> XML profiles HTTP /etc/shadow /etc/services /etc/shadow /etc/services /etc/group /etc/inetd.conf /etc/group /etc/inetd.conf Make XML Profile /etc/passwd /etc/hosts.allow /etc/passwd /etc/hosts.allow .... in.telnetd : 192.168., 192.135.30. .... in.telnetd : 192.168., 192.135.30. mickey:x:999:20::/home/Mickey:/bin/tcsh in.rlogind : 192.168., 192.135.30. mickey:x:999:20::/home/Mickey:/bin/tcsh in.rlogind : 192.168., 192.135.30. .... in.ftpd : 192.168., 192.135.30. .... in.ftpd : 192.168., 192.135.30. sshd : ALL sshd : ALL Server Abstract configuration parameters for all nodes stored in a central repository Web Server XML Profile Client nodes A collection of agents read configuration parameters and either generate traditional config files or directly manipulate various services German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 5 LCFG configuration (I) u Most of the configuration data are common for a category of nodes (e.g. diskservers, computing nodes) and only a few are node-specific (e.g. hostname, IP-address) u Using the cpp preprocessor it is possible to build a hierarchical structure of config files containing directives like #define, #include, #ifdef, comments with /* */, etc... u The configuration of a typical LCFG node looks like this: #define HOSTNAME pc239 /* Host specific definitions */ #include "site.h" /* Site specific definitions */ #include "linuxdef.h" /* Common linux resources */ #include "client.h" /* LCFG client specific resources */ German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 6 LCFG configuration (II) From "site.h" #define LCFGSRV grid01 #define URL_SERVER_CONFIG http://grid01/lcfg #define LOCALDOMAIN #define DEFAULT_NAMESERVERS [...] From "linuxdef.h" update.interfaces eth0 update.hostname_eth0 HOSTNAME update.netmask_eth0 NETMASK [...] From "client.h" update.disks hda update.partitions_hda hda1 hda2 update.pdetails_hda1 free / update.pdetails_hda2 128 swap auth.users mickey auth.usercomment_mickey Mickey Mouse auth.userhome_mickey /home/Mickey [...] German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 7 LCFG: configuration changes u Server-side: when the config files are modified, a tool (mkxprof) recreates the new xml profile for all the nodes affected by the changes n n this can be done manually or with a daemon periodically checking for config changes and calling mkxprof mkxprof can notify via UDP the nodes affected by the changes u Client-side: the server n n another tool (rdxprof) downloads the new profile from usually activated by an LCFG component at boot can be configured to work as s daemon periodically polling the server s daemon waiting for notifications s started by cron at predefined times German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 8 LCFG components for EDG usage German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 9 LCFG: what’s a component? u Component u It's == object a simple shell script (but in LCFGng it can be a perl script) u Each component provides a number of “methods” (start, stop, reconfig,...) which are invoked at appropriate times uA simple and typical object behaviour: n n n Started when notified of a configuration change Loads its configuration (locally cached) Configures the appropriate services, by translating config parameters into a traditional config file and reloading a service if necessary (e.g. restarting a init.d service). German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 10 LCFG: custom components u LCFG provides components to manage the configuration of services of a machine: inet, auth, nfs, cron, ... u Admins can build new custom components to configure and manage their own applications: n n n define your custom “resources” (configuration parameters) Write a script containing standard methods with your custom code. Include in your script a generic library, which contains the definition of common function used by all components (config loading, log, output, ...) u For simple components usually just a few lines of code German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 11 Writing LCFG components for EDG u Software written for EDG should be portable to whatever farm management system is used. u It is therefore recommended to use whenever possible, standard SysV procedures for managing services: init.d scripts and chkconfig. u LCFG should not be used for replacing existing SysV init.d functionality! u LCFG n n n should be used for retrieving configuration information from the CDB and recreate local config files Restarting services if needed via init.d scripts (restart/reload) Enabling/disabling SysV services to match the configuration DB’s contents (using chkconfig) German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 12 LCFG component methods for EDG Methods to implement: Reconfigures the service and notifies running processes. The most important method for EDG usage. u Configure(): ‘starts’ the component. Should only call Configure() for EDG usage. u Start(): u Methods n n not recommended for EDG: Stop(), Run(), Suspend(), Resume(), Lock(), Query() Doc(): use a .pod file instead. German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 13 EDG / LCFG component template (I) #!/bin/bash2 class=mycomp # set the name of the component (mycomp) . /etc/obj/generic # include std methods and definitions # Start the component Start() { } # Do the configuration Configure() { } # 'main' program Case “$1” in configure) Configure;; *) DoMethod “$@”;; esac German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 14 LCFG component template (II) u Start() method: # ‘Start’ the component Start() { Generic_Start; # standard setup steps Configure; # reconfigure the component if [ $? = 0 ]; then OK "Component mycomp started" else Fail "Starting component mycomp" fi } German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 15 LCFG component template (III) u Configure() method: # Do the configuration Configure() { LoadResources myresource1 myresource2 … CheckResources myresource1 myresource2 … # your code do_whatever … return status; } German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 16 LCFG component template (IV) u The specific part in the configure() method will usually contain three steps: # 1. Load myconfig resource as environment variable LoadResources myconfig CheckResources myconfig # 2. Generate (or update) config file sed –e “s%MYCONFIG%$myconfig%” \ /etc/obj/conf/myconfigtemplate > /etc/myconfig # 3. Reload/restart a service if neccessary /etc/rc.d/init.d/myservice reload German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 17 EDG relevant built-in standard functions u LoadResources the environment resource1 resource2 …: loads resources into resource1 resource2 …: checks that resources are defined in the environment, fails otherwise u CheckResources u Fail string: prints out a [FAIL] message and exits ($? = 1) u Warn string: prints out [WARNING] message u OK string: prints out [OK] message u LogMessage string: Adds message to logfile (see also the /etc/obj/generic file) German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 18 Configuration information (I) Configuration information is stored on the LCFG server in two types of files: 1. The resource definition files (.def) 2. The normal .h & machine configuration files. German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 19 Configuration information (II) 1. The .def files contain default resource information: mycomp.def # component name class mycomp # implemented methods methods start configure # defined resources and defaults myconfig1 myconfig2 defaultvalue2 German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 20 Configuration information (III) 2. The normal .h & machine config files, where the default configuration is enhanced/overwritten: mycomponent.<resource> <value> mycomp.myconfig1 whatevervalue mycomp.myconfig2 whateverothervalue Some special resources have to be declared for including a component to be deployed: # add to profile (always needed) EXTRA(profile.components) mycomp # start on boot time (if required) EXTRA( mycomp # method to call on runtime config changes (if required) profile.reconfig_mycomp configure German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 21 More complex configurations u Sometimes, key-value pairs are not sufficient for the required configurations. n For example: arrays or lists u LCFG has a mechanism for mapping hierarchical structures into keyvalue pairs… u Table with person names, ages, and phone numbers (.def file) @persons age_$ phone_$ persons age_$ phone_$ German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 22 More complex configurations (II) Now we want to add the following to the node config: u John, 35, 12346 and Phil, 21, 54321 The node config file will look like: mycomp.persons John Phil mycomp.age_John 35 mycomp.phone_John 12346 mycomp.age_Phil 21 mycomp.phone_Phil 54321 The persons, age_John, phone_John, age_Phil, phone_Phil resources will be accessible as environment variables as any other resource. German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 23 More complex configurations (III) The component accessing the info needs to do: LoadResources persons for i in $persons ; do LoadResources age_$i phone_$i agehlp=age_$i ; age=${!agehlp} phonehlp=phone_$i ; phone=${!phonehlp} echo name: $i – age: $age – phone: $phone ; done (using bash2 semantics) German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 24 More complex configurations (IV) u Note that there is no limit in the nesting of resources (lists of lists are possible as well as lists of lists of lists) n n There are some examples (obj-update) However it is complex to handle in the current production testbed LCFG. German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 25 Some tipps u Avoid dumping configuration files literally into the database @configlines configline_$ configlines 01 02 03 04 05 … configline_01 FARM=MOOH_BAR configline_02 MILK_NODE=COW_001 ... u This leads to some problems, eg. when you overwrite values for host specific values n How do you know that configline_324 is still the line you wanted to change? u Rather n n use a template configuration file shipped with the component RPM Substitute relevant entries in the template cf file With LCFGng (release 1.3) you can use a built-in template processor for this. u Keep explicit configuration information in the LCFG config files. German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 26 Example ldconf - Configures /etc/ (Cal Loomis) .def file: class ldconf methods start configure conffile paths Resources defined on server: conffile /etc/ paths /usr/local/lib /opt/globus/lib German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 27 Example (II) Component: Configure() method Configure() { LoadResources conffile paths CheckResources conffile paths # Update file. for i in $paths; do line=`grep $i $conffile` if [ -z "$line" ]; then echo "$i" >> $conffile fi done /sbin/ldconfig; return $?; } German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 28 LCFGng and => release 2 German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 29 LCFGng (release 1.4) Changes: u LoadResources/CheckResources beginning) disappear (all resources loaded from the u Resources are accessed as LCFG_<component>_myresource (eg. $LCFG_mycomponent_myresource) u The default start() method already calls Configure() u Improved uA log rotating template substitution processor allows for fast generation of config files u Changes n documented under Example components available from EDG CVS. uA backwards compatibility module allows to import old-style components without any modifications. u The EDG recommendations outlined in this talk still apply. German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 30 LCFGng (II) Perl component support u Components n n can be written also in Perl (same functionality available). We recommend to phase out shell components. See examples later on. (EDG only) New component configuration access library u This library allows true hierarchical configuration structure access on the client side u Implements n a subset of the Node View Access API u Implemented only for Perl components. u The server side (configuration and .def files) will continue to use key-value pairs until after release 2. German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 31 Perl components in LCFGng for EDG #!/usr/bin/perl -w package LCFG::MyComp; @ISA = qw(LCFG::Component); use strict; use LCFG::Component; use LCFG::Config; # EDG specific sub Configure($$@) { my ($self,$res) = @_; my $config=LCFG::Config->new($res); my $age=$config->getValue('/persons/John/age'); $self->Fail( "too young") unless ($age>18); } new LCFG::MyComp() -> Dispatch(); The component methods are the same, but configuration access is simplified German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 32 Perl components (II) $self->Info ("disks configured: "); my $disks=$config->getElement('/disks'); while ($disks->isNextElement()) { my $disk_name=$disks->getNextElement(); $self->Info (“found disk: ".$disk_name); my $partitions=$config->getElement ('/disks/'.$disk_name.'/partitions'); while ($partitions->isNextElement()) { my $part_name=$partitions->getNextElement(); $self->Info (“found partition: ".$part_name); } } With the NVA API, components can browse complex configurations, structured as trees German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 33 Documentation and links u LCFGng ‘out of the box’: u EDG components and extensions: Check on the EDG CVS repository, -> fabric_mgt/edg-lcfg u New n EDG configuration access API: u Documentation n (HOW-TO): u WP4-install homepage: German Cancio – WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n° 34
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