Document 163091

World Languages Department: German
Module 1 of 7
Percent of time: 15%
Overview: In this module, students are introduced to the location of the German-speaking countries and why
German is an important language to learn. Language skills that students learn in this module include
pronunciation of the alphabet, greetings, farewells, introductions, and asking or telling how old someone is.
Grammar skills that students learn in this module include cognates, personal pronouns, formal address, informal
address, how to conjugate regular verbs, and the conjugation of the singular of the verb to be.
Essential Question(s):
Tier III Vocabulary:
• Why is learning German important?
• Cognate
• How do people greet one another and share
• Conjugation
basic personal information in German• Ess-tset (ß)
speaking countries?
• Formal address
• Infinitive form
• How do you know when to formally or
• Informal address
informally greet or take leave of the person
• Interrogative
to whom you are speaking?
• Irregular verb
• Number
• How are greetings, farewells and
• Nominative case
introductions different?
• Personal pronoun
• Pronunciation
• How are verbs in German similar to /
• Subject
different from verbs in English?
• Stem
• Umlaut (ä, ö, ü)
• How does knowledge of phonetics improve
• Verb
*Tier II Vocabulary should be taught as referenced in the
TN Standards:
Learning Objectives:
I. Standard Number 1 (Goal One):
• I can greet and say farewell to someone.
Communicate in a Language Other Than
• I can explain which greetings and farewells are used in
which regions of German-speaking countries.
1.1 In the target language, engage in
• I can explain at what time of day to use certain forms of
conversations, provide and obtain information,
“hello” in German-speaking countries.
express feelings and emotions, and exchange
• I can ask and tell someone’s name.
• I can introduce someone else.
1.2 Understand and interpret both written and
• I can ask and tell someone’s age.
spoken forms of the target language on a variety • I can give telephone numbers.
of topics.
• I can ask and tell how things are going.
1.3 Present information, concepts, and ideas to
• I can inquire where someone is from.
an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of • I can say the numbers 0 through 20.
II. Standard Number 2 (Goal Two): Gain
Knowledge and Understanding of Other
2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between the practices and
perspectives of the culture studied.
III. Standard Number 3 (Goal Three):
Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire
3.1 Reinforce and further knowledge of other
disciplines through the foreign language.
3.2 Acquire information and recognize the
distinctive viewpoints that are only available
through the foreign language and its cultures.
IV. Standard Number 4 (Goal Four): Develop
Insight into the Nature of Language and
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of
language through comparisons of the language
studied and their own.
4.2 Recognize that cultures use different patterns
of interaction and can apply this knowledge to
their own culture.
Suggested Media/Technology Integration:
• Deutsch Aktuell textbook, website,
workbook, and ancillary materials (DVD
program, audio program, listening activities,
• Practice verb conjugation
• DW Audio Tutor Deutsch Lernen Podcast
(#1 and #7)
• Epals (electronic penpals)
• Why learn German?
• Interactive map of Europe
• Alphabet, pronunciation, grammar, and
online practice
• Extr@ video (introduction of the first
• Vocabulary practice
• Online flashcards (make your own or search
jrowe3737’s cards)
• Cognate explanation and practice
• Grammar videos
World Languages: German I •
I can distinguish between formal and informal address and
use each one correctly.
I can explain ways in which German-speaking people
greet each other.
I can recognize German names in written and spoken text
I can identify where German is spoken.
I can identify German influences in American culture
I can use numbers in various ways.
I can give several reasons why learning German is
I can pronounce German words
I can identify cognates
I can identify gestures used in German speaking countries
I can conjugate regular verbs
I can conjugate the singular form of the verb “to be”
Suggested Resources:
2 Cross-Curricular Connections/Applications
Common Core ELA/Literacy Anchor
Connections/Applications from ACTFL:
4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in
a text, including determining technical,
connotative, and figurative meanings, and
analyze how specific word choices shape
meaning or tone.
Identify people and objects in their environment or from other
school subjects, based on oral and written description.
Recognize that cognates and previously learned structures
enhance comprehension of spoken and written language.
Identify and appreciate differences in cultural perspectives
within a defined range of topics (defined by the curriculum).
5. Analyze the structure of texts, including how
specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger
portions of the text relate to each other and the
6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes
the content and style of a text.
7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in
diverse formats and media, including visually
and quantitatively, as well as in words.
8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and
specific claims in a text, including the validity of
the reasoning as well as the relevance and
sufficiency of the evidence.
2. Write informative / explanatory texts to
examine and convey complex ideas and
information clearly and accurately through
effective selection, organization, and analysis of
3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined
experiences or events using effective technique,
well-chosen details, and well-structured event
4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which
the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a
new approach.
World Languages: German I Use content knowledge learned in other subject areas to
comprehend spoken and written messages in authentic texts,
on familiar topics in highly predictable contexts, and with text
features that support meaning visually or graphically, such as
illustrations, captions, section headers, graphs, or charts.
Comprehend the principal message contained in various
media such as illustrated texts, posters or advertisements, in
familiar contexts and with text features that support meaning
visually or graphically.
Use simple sentences on very familiar topics to write:
explanations of products and / or practices of their own
culture to peers in the target culture, short notes, messages
and brief reports about themselves, people and things in their
environment, illustrated stories about activities or events in
their environment.
Produce written and spoken messages such as short notes,
messages, stories or reports about people and things in their
environment using a variety of media, including print and
digital tools.
Show an increasing awareness of errors and the ability to selfedit.
Explain a local or global practice, product, or issue.
Investigate cultural perspectives through individual or
collaborative research on products and practices.
Write using a limited range of vocabulary on previously
studied topics.
3 6. Use technology, including the Internet, to
produce and publish writing and to interact and
collaborate with others.
Write a response to video or text prompts.
Research, organize and present a topic given an outline,
template, or graphic source.
7. Conduct short as well as more sustained
research projects based on focused questions,
demonstrating understanding of the subject
under investigation.
During highly predictable interactions on very familiar topics,
9. Draw evidence from literary or informational
communicate by using basic statements. Communication
texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. often requires support from others to maintain the
conversation and obtain comprehensibility. Demonstrate
10. Write routinely over extended time frames
limited awareness of and imitate some culturally appropriate
(time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or
two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and
Share likes and dislikes in conversation with others.
Ask and answer questions about topics, such as family, school
Speaking and Listening:
events, and celebrations in person or via letters, e-mail, and
1. Prepare for and participate effectively in a
range of conversations and collaborations with
diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and
Interpret visual or auditory cues of the target language, such
expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
as gestures or intonation.
2. Integrate and evaluate information presented
in diverse media and formats, including visually,
quantitatively, and orally.
4. Present information, findings, and supporting
evidence such that listeners can follow the line of
reasoning and the organization, development,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose and
Communicate one’s message when presenting rehearsed
material on familiar topics.
Present with a variety of media, including digital media or
visual displays, short oral messages or reports about familiar
people, places, things or events, in their community.
Develop a simple presentation on familiar topics keeping
audience, context, and purpose in mind.
5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual
displays of data to express information and
enhance understanding of presentations.
Research demonstrates that as students come to understand
how language works through their learning of a second or
6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and
third language, their understanding of and attention to
communicative tasks, demonstrating command
language conventions and functions expands and has an
of formal German when indicated or appropriate. impact on applications in their first language. Through
learning a second or third language, students also acquire
vocabulary that will unlock the meaning of related cognates in
their first language, expanding their first language vocabulary.
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English and / or German grammar and
usage when writing or speaking
World Languages: German I 4 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English and / or German capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
3. Apply knowledge of language to understand
how language functions in different contexts, to
make effective choices for meaning or style, and
to comprehend more fully when reading or
4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown
and multiple-meaning words and phrases by
using context clues, analyzing meaningful word
parts, and consulting general and specialized
reference materials, as appropriate.
6. Acquire and use accurately a range of general
academic and domain-specific words and
phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking,
and listening at the college and career readiness
level; demonstrate independence in gathering
vocabulary knowledge when encountering an
unknown term important to comprehension or
Vocabulary Topics:
Addition and subtraction
Ask and tell how you and others are
Numbers 1-20
Special characters (ß, ä, ö, ü)
Where a person lives
Grammar Topics:
Conjugation of sein in singular (irregular verb)
Formal and informal modes of address
Personal pronouns
Present tense regular verb conjugation
Culture Topics:
Appropriate behavior when greeting someone
First names in the German speaking countries
Formal and informal modes of address
Geographical differences in greetings and farewells
World Languages: German I 5 Differentiation
On grade level
Students will introduce themselves
to classmates.
Given different times of the Students will create a dialogue of different
day, students will introduce people greeting and saying farewell.
themselves and others and say
Tier III Vocabulary
Words that look alike and have the same meaning with
different sound from one language to another.
The different forms of a verb as they vary according to
number, tense, etc.
The letter ß, which is pronounced like a double s.
Formal address
How to address someone in a respectful way.
Infinitive form
The unconjugated form of the verb.
Informal (familiar) address
How to address someone in a familiar way.
Question words
Irregular verb
A verb that doesn’t follow the usual conjugation pattern.
Nominative case
A noun that is the subject (not topic) of the sentence. It
does the action of the verb.
Refers to whether a pronoun is singular or plural.
Personal pronoun
I, you, he, she, it, we, you (plural), they
The way a word is spoken, including sound and
A verb without any ending.
added above an a (ä), an o (ö), or a u (ü), changing the
pronunciation slightly.
World Languages: German I 6 Formal greetings
• Auf Wiedersehen!
• Grüss Gott!
• Guten Tag!
Informal greetings
• Hallo!
• Tag!
• Grüß dich!
• Servus!
• Tschüss!
• Tschau!
Module 1 Vocabulary
Asking and telling where a person lives
• da
• da drüben
• gleich
• hier
• in
• nicht weit
• nur ____ Minuten von hier
• wo
• wohnen
• das Mädchen
• der Freund
• der Herr
• der Junge
• die Frau
• die Freundin
Asking and telling someone’s name
• Ich bin _____ .
• Ich heiße _____ .
• Wie heißt du?
• Wie heißt er/sie?
• Das ist _____ .
• Kennst du…..?
• Wer
• Wie
• Wie viel
• Wo
• Woher
Ask how someone is doing, and how to respond
• Danke!
• Es geht
• Ganz gut
• Gut
• Gut Danke
• Nicht schlecht
• Sehr gut
World Languages: German I Numbers 0-20
• null
• eins
• zwei
• drei
• vier
• fünf
• sechs
• sieben
• acht
• neun
• zehn
• elf
• zwölf
• dreizehn
• vierzehn
• fünfzehn
• sechsehn
• siebzehn
• achtzehn
• neunzehn
• zwanzig
Asking and telling someone’s age
• Er / sie ist ____
• Ich bin ___
• Wie alt ist er? Wie alt bist du?
Other Expressions
• alt
• ja
• nein
• nett
• neu
7 •
Sehr schlecht
So la la
So so
Wie geht es Ihnen?
Wie geht’s?
Asking and telling where someone is from
• aus
• kommen
• Woher
Addition and subtraction
• wie viel
• plus
• minus
1. Meet and Greet (Language Arts)
Have students work in pairs to create a brief introductory conversation. They should greet each other, ask how the
person is doing, where they’re from, and for basic personal information such as name, age, address, and telephone
number. Finally, the student asks their partner whether they know a certain person in class. When finished with
the interview, the students will write a short biography about their partner and present it to the class.
2. Arithmetic (Math)
Have students write five addition and/or subtraction equations, using numerals, leaving out one of the three
numbers. When they have written the equations, they should find a partner and read the equations to him/her. The
partner then tells the other one the number that should complete the equation.
3. Musical numbers (Music, PE)
Give each student a number written large on a piece of paper. Have them tape the numbers to their shirts. Then
have the class stand in a circle and clap their hands rhythmically. The student who is eins says his or her
number and then calls out another number. The student who has that number says it, then calls out another
number (e.g. “eins, zehn” zehn then responds, saying “zehn, vier!”). All the while, students clap in rhythm. If
someone makes a mistake, the person and number are out.
One of your German relatives calls and leaves a message for you on the telephone, introducing himself or herself.
You listen to the message and pick out the information to relay to your mother, because she doesn’t speak
You receive a letter from your new German pen pal introducing himself or herself to you. Try to pick out his or
her essential biographical information.
World Languages: German I 8 Interpersonal
A new student has arrived from Germany. Introduce yourself to this student, and help him or her meet new
Introduce your friend to your German grandma. Give information about your friend including name, where he or
she is from, and age.
Design a public profile (like for a social media site such as Facebook). Include biographical information such as
your name, age, where you are from, where you live, your age, and your phone number.
World Languages: German I 9