April 2013 Export Ready, Set, Go! Tamara Kater Exporting Canadian folk music to United States, Europe and Australia F o l k M u s i c C a n a d a w w w . f o l k m u s i c c a n a d a . c a i n f o @ f o l k m u s i c c a n a d a . c a Table of Contents Introduction 3 Export ready or not? 4 Overview of export markets United States Immigration overview Networking and contact events for the USA Touring patterns Regional snapshots Northeast Mid-‐West Southeast/mid south Pacific region Record labels Licensing Europe Networking and contact events for Europe UK Western Europe Immigration overview Other relevant links to music organizations in Europe Australia Networking and contact events for Australia Touring patterns Record Labels Immigration overview Other relevant link 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 APPENDIX List of contacts engaged in Export Development Program 13 13 Thank you to our program partners. 2 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Introduction As part of an Export Development initiative, culminating in a showcase program at Folk Alliance 2013, Folk Music Canada undertook a project to expand export opportunities for the folk music sector in Canada. Targeted to performers, artist representatives, record labels and other industry members, the program also sought to gather market intelligence, increase business to business contacts and generate deeper interest in Canadian folk music. As part of this project, Folk Music Canada attended ten international industry networking events and festivals, and liaised with hundreds of new contacts. The areas targeted were the United States, the United Kingdom, Western Europe and Australia. Due to the importance of live performance in the current music business model, this project, and the ensuing market intelligence, stems from a premise that an export career is best developed through touring. As such, much of the information gathered in this report will focus on how best to secure live performances in export markets, using publicity, label and other relationships to compliment touring. Thank you to our program partners. 3 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Export ready or not? Before undertaking any export activity, artists (and their representatives) should invest significant time in considering the factors that contribute to success in export career development. While exceptions may always be pointed out, in general, an artist should consider the following before investing significantly in an export career, and spend significant time creating a plan to support an export strategy. The vast majority of folk artists who build export careers do so with a well established team, and a thorough plan. While each artists’ needs are unique, here are some of the elements to consider before building an international touring career. 4 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Overview of export markets United States The United States is the closest, largest and most obvious market in which Canadian folk performers may develop an export career. While the population density and market particularities vary from region to region, a well-‐developed plan, focused on a relevant geographic area, can be one of the most effective ways in which to begin building an export career. As well, the US market is the most lucrative market in which to leverage licensing opportunities as part of an export plan, either concurrent with career development, or as a product of extensive touring. Many artists achieve best results by exploring the US region closest to their touring home base (ie British Columbia based artists work the Pacific North West before expanding into new regions) and building from there. While immigration regulations have changed over the past few decades, and proper work permits require careful planning and investment, Canadian artists should not view immigration as a significant barrier to successful career development in this area but should be prepared to integrate immigration into their plan. See below for further information, or consult with the Canadian Federation of Musicians who can assist in preparing immigration applications. While we maintain that exporting artists will find the greatest export success when surrounded by a solid team, artists who are self-‐represented will find the USA to be the easiest market to develop without the support of a full team. Immigration overview http://www.cfmusicians.org/services/work-‐permits Networking and contact events for the USA Folk Alliance, MusExpo, South by SouthWest, Americana Music Conference, International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA), New Music Seminar, Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP), and National Association of Campus Activities (NACA). 5 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Touring patterns The map below outlines the concentration of major music festivals and draws some common patterns in touring strategies. Regional snapshots Northeast Because of its population density, close association with the folk revival and proliferation of successful music venues/festivals, this is one of the easiest areas of the USA in which to build a touring career. For the emerging artist, there are many options for developing a touring strategy through a combination of house concerts (of which there are many) and small venues/coffee houses. This network can best be accessed through attendance at NERFA. For the established and mid-‐career artist, there are a significant number of opportunities available through summer music festivals, year-‐round performance series and performance venues. To access these opportunities, artists can attend various Canadian regional conferences (OCFF, ECMA, BreakOut West) depending on their annual priorities, APAP and Folk Alliance. Networking organizations and contact events for this region: Folk Alliance Region Midwest (FARM), Arts MidWest, Montana Performing Arts Consortium. 6 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Mid-‐West With less population density and greater distances between major urban centres, this area requires calculated planning and careful budgeting of tour costs. However, many key arts centres, festivals and ‘tastemakers’ exist in this region, such as The Old Town School of Folk Music and Prairie Home Companion for example. And this region can provide excellent ‘routing’ opportunities for an artist looking to compliment a cross-‐ Canada or cross-‐North America tour. Networking organizations and contact events for this region: Folk Alliance Region Midwest (FARM), Arts MidWest, Montana Performing Arts Consortium. Southeast/mid south Much like the northeast, this region is easier to tour because of population density, however regional musical tastes mean that artists must be sure there is demand for their particular musical style. As with other southern regions, this one offers many festival performance opportunities that compliment the northern festival season, as the climate fosters outdoor festivals within the spring and fall. Fewer festival opportunities will be available through the summer seasons, so this area can compliment a summer festival tour anchored in the north. Networking organizations and contact events for this region: Arts Mid-‐West, SouthWest Regional Folk Alliance (SWERFA) and SouthEast Regional Folk Alliance (SERFA). Pacific region The northern coastal areas have enough population density and significant festivals/presenters to make touring this area very viable, especially when considered in conjunction with a tour of pacific/western Canada. Tours can also be extended through to California, with significant presenter density in the southern area. In southern areas of this region, many outdoor festivals take place in the spring/fall, helping to compliment the summer festival season in other regions. Networking and contact events for this region: Arts NorthWest, Western Arts Alliance, California Presenters and Folk Alliance Region West Record labels While the support of a label for physical distribution and promotional support help to buttress an export development strategy, it is possible to work in the USA as a means to secure such support. In other words, it may be possible to obtain label support before 7 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] touring the USA, but often the interest from the label will come once a touring career has been launched. Red House Records, Ramseur Records, Rounder Records, Anti-‐ Records, Bloodshot Records, Signature Sounds, Lost Highway, Sub Pop and many others. Licensing The vast majority of music supervisors work out of southern California, which can provide cross over opportunities for artists touring this area. Europe This area offers a myriad of touring opportunities, and a diverse array of music markets, all within a very close geographic area that is relatively easy to tour compared to the US and Australia. Immigration is feasible, although the process differs for the UK and continental Europe (see below). Networking and contact events for Europe World of music expo (WOMEX), UK FolkEx, Reeperbahn, Midem, The Great Escape, Celtic Connections, Folk Arts England and many more. A thorough listing can be found here: http://www.cimamusic.ca/Storage/54/4634_EuropeanShowcasingFestivalList.pdf UK For many artists, the UK represents a wealth of performance and album sales opportunities. While the initial investment in travel and immigration arrangements is high, the density of performance venues, clubs and festivals make this a viable and valuable area to develop an export career. There are nearly 300 folk festivals in the UK – not to mention the number of venues and folk clubs. While many of the festivals focus exclusively on local talent, the sheer quantity of festivals is a good indicator of the market demand for folk music. While regional particularities abound, there is a very healthy appetite for singer songwriters, celtic and folk music based in traditional forms – an appetite that is not often found in other markets. Americana and bluegrass musicians will find an audience in major markets, but are generally less popular than other folk sub-‐genres. While self-‐represented artists may find it possible explore the USA, the UK is not as accessible to an artist who does not have representation. In general, the best strategy to approach this market would be to find representation through attendance at 8 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] networking events and/or to work with an artist who already has an established circuit and demand in the UK. Touring patterns The map below outlines the concentration of major music festivals and helps to illustrate some common patterns in touring strategies. Immigration overview http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/visitingtheuk/entertainer-‐ artist.pdf List of UK festivals This list will give a good introduction to the diversity of UK folk festivals. http://ukfolkfestivals.co.uk 9 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Western Europe In general, within Western Europe, the best market opportunities for folk music are concentrated in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. While other countries do have touring circuits, and a significant music industry, the work that Folk Music Canada undertook in this research revealed that these markets are the ones most easily accessed for an export-‐ready Canadian folk artist. Within these markets, all folk genres are sought after, but Americana, singer-‐songwriter and indie-‐folk are the sub-‐genres that are most easily developed. Much like the UK, the density of population, and geographic proximity of major markets, makes this area very easy to tour. As well, it is challenging to plan an export strategy in this area without the support of a manager and/or agent. Touring patterns The map below outlines the concentration of major music festivals and helps to illustrate some common patterns in touring strategies. 10 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Immigration overview http://on-‐the-‐move.org/news/article/19/new-‐eu-‐visa-‐code-‐in-‐force/ http://on-‐the-‐move.org/practicsinfotools/regulatoryissues Other relevant links to music organizations in Europe European Council of Artists, ECA – the umbrella organization for national councils of artists in Europe: eca.dk European Live Music Forum: europeanlivemusicforum.org European Forum of Worldwide Music Festivals: efwmf.org Womex – the World Music Expo: womex.com Australia With a thriving folk community, and a solid base of festivals and music venues, Australia can be a cornerstone of an export development career if the fit is right. Initial travel costs are the highest of any export market, but with focused planning, an artist can make this market work for them. As well, with a climate and festival season that is opposite to the northern hemisphere (their season runs from October to April), the Australian market can compliment an artists work in the US, Canada and Europe. Australia's touring circuit is focused on the East and West Coast. Touring acts will commonly perform in the major East Coast cities including Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane. Many tours also incorporate Tasmania and Western Australia. Folk acts in Australia often drive between the East Coast cities and play regional shows to fill out the week. There is an established circuit of venues, particularly between Sydney and Brisbane. However, it can be difficult to pick up Mon/Tue/Wed shows in any regional areas nationwide and therefore more bands are choosing to fly between main cities and only play these shows. There are currently a number of initiatives with government funding behind them to develop this regional circuit for both Australian and international artists. 11 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Melbourne has 460 music venues according to a 2013 Live Music Census completed by NMIT. This establishes it as one of the live music capitals of the world. Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Hobart, Perth and Canberra also have developed music scenes with specialty 100 -‐ 10,000 capacity music venues. Networking and contact events for Australia Big Sound, Australian World Music Expo, West Australian Music Expo. Touring patterns The map below outlines the concentration of major music festivals and helps to illustrate some common patterns in touring strategies. Record Labels Vitamin Records/Little Valley Distribution, MGM Distirbution, Shock Records, Inertia (only release overseas catalogues), Dew Process, Popboomerang Records, Laughing Outlaw, Ivy League, Liberation Music. Immigration overview http://www.immi.gov.au/visas/temporary-‐visa/420/ Other relevant link Touring Australia guide from 2010 http://www.caama.org/pdf/TheSouthernCompass-‐2010.pdf 12 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] APPENDIX List of contacts engaged in Export Development Program (for a more comprehensive list, including contact information, please email [email protected]) Role Name Organization Alastair Burns Manager Alastair Burns Management Festival Peter Noble Byron Bay Bluesfest Agency/venue Geoff Trio Code One Agency Agency Josh Daly Harbour Agency Market Austral ia Austral ia Austral ia Austral ia Festival Chris Murphy Reds Whites and Blues Festival Association Millie Millgate Sounds Australia Festival Bill Hauritz Woodford Folk Festival Festival Label/Agency Chloe Rochholz Goodyear Tess Woodford Folk Festival AdP Records Austral ia Austral ia Austral ia Austral ia Europe Europe Presenter Mathieu Aymonod Association culturelle Grand-‐Mère Festival Robert Mauries Cahoors Blues Festival Europe Organization Ian Smith Creative Scotland Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Presenter Organization Agent Roger Morton Westera Boowens Alfred Silke Cultural Centre Leopoldsburg /Toernee Mondial Danish Roots FKP Scorpio Media Mike Kamp Folker Magazine 13 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Venue Robbie Agency Patrick Klanderma n Klanderman Promotion Loecker Folk Artist de Loecker Agency Festival Patrick North Sea Folk & Shanty de Loecker Festival Europe Publicist/Agent Riedel Anne Queen About Music Europe Hanneken Reeperbahn Festival Europe Festival Bernhard Rudolstadt Festival Europe Presenter Goran Berg Stiftelsen Musik i VŠst Europe PR Christian Hald Buhl The Rocking Factory Europe The Sage Gateshead (Folkworks Programme) Tonder Festival Trad Magazine Europe Europe Europe WOMEX BBC BBC Europe UK UK Bloodygreatpr UK Conference Pentney Panduro Krumm Mandelso n Werman Europe Europe Presenter Festival Media Chris Carsten Philippe Organization Media Media Ben Marco DJ Ritu Publicist Loudon Temple Agency/Venue Brenda Wainwrith Brookfield-‐Knights UK Festival Presenter Eddie David Barcan Messer Cambridge Folk Festival DMP Concerts UK UK UK UK UK UK Festival Media Media Neil Ian Sarah Pearson Anderson Coxson English Folk and Dance Song Society fRoots fRoots Publicist Geraint Jones G Promo PR 14 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Festival Helen Gregory Glastonbury UK Agency Presenter Matt Mark Bartlett Meharry Midnight Mango Music Glue UK UK Playpen Management and Agency UK Agency Terry O'Brien Presenter Will Pull Up The Roots UK Festival Davie Rees Henderso n Shetland Folk Festival UK Organization Lisa Whytock Showcase Scotland UK Festival Media Neil Simon Pearson Shrewsbury Folk Festival Broughton Songlines Mag Media Presenter Colin Howard Irwin Monk The Guardian/Melody Maker The Local UK UK Presenter Agent Publicist David Mark Will Agnew Anstey McCarthy The Met in Bury Unique Gravity Will McCarthy UK UK UK Acoustic Café Radio USA Albino Skunk Fest USA Radio Festival Festival Glynn Zeigler Festival Festival Festival Festival Heather Sean McCarthy Timmons UK UK Albuquergue Folk Festival USA Alma Highland Festival USA American Folk Festival USA American Folk Festival on the Bangor Waterfront USA Appel Farm USA 15 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Music Supervisor/Licencing Ron Festival Festival Venue Festival Festival Michael Proulx Jaworek Festival Chris Porter Festival Christine Myers Festival Presenter Festival Gerald Seligman Festival Arpix Media USA Austin City Limits USA Beverley Festival Birchmere USA USA Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion USA Brooklyn Folk Festival USA Bumbershoot/One Reel USA California World Fest USA Cambridge Folk Festival USA Caravan Arts Consultancy USA Central Ohio Folk Festival USA Champlain Valley Folk Festival USA Festival Dan DeWayne Chico Performances USA Agent Davis McClarty Davis McClarty Agency USA Broadcasting Venue Taylor Denn E-‐Town USA Agency Bill Smith Eye For Talent USA Falcon Ridge Folk Festival USA Suzy Festival of American Thompson Fiddle Tunes Festival Festival USA 16 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Christa Munro Michael Festival Festival of Friends USA Finger Lakes Grassroots Festival USA Flagstaff Folk Festival USA Florida Folk Festival USA Folk College with Simple Gifts USA Folkmoot USA -‐ NC Int. Folk Festival FolkWest Fort Armstrong Folk Festival USA USA USA Grand Performances USA Great Lakes Folk Festival USA Great River Folk Festival USA Great Waters Music Festival USA USA Festival Dana Smith Hardly Strictly/Great American Music Hall Agent Brian Jonas High Road Touring USA Music Supervisor Bob Hunka Hunka Arts USA IBMA World of Bluegrass McCoullou Independant Music gh Supervisor USA Conference Music Supervisor John USA 17 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Presenter Presenter Festival Festival Venue Festival Festival Radio Festival Festival Festival Matt Iron Horse Entertainment Silverstein Group USA Diana Ezerins Frank Festival Festival John F. Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts USA Kerrville Folk Festival Kerrville Wine and Music Fest Knuckleheads USA Kutztown Folk Festival USA Lake Eden Arts Festival USA USA USA Live from Mountain Stage USA Lowell Folk Festival USA Memphis Music & Heritage Festival USA Middlebury Festival on the Green USA Millpond Music Festival USA Moab Folk Festival USA Presenter Madeleine Remez National Council for Traditionnal Arts USA Presenter Julia Olin National Council for Traditionnal Arts USA 18 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Festival Festival Presenter/festival Phil McIntyre Festival Jay Festival Festival Festival National Folk Festival USA National Oldtime Fiddlers' Festival USA New England Celtic Arts USA Sweet Newport Folk Festival USA USA Newport Folk Festival Northwest Folklife Festival Old Songs Festival USA Venue/Festival/Scho ol Troy Hansbroug Old Town School of Folk h Music Festival Michael Cloeren Media Mary Armstrong Philadelphia City Paper USA Festival Festival Jesse Lundy Philadelphia Folk Festival Pickathon USA USA Pinecone: Piedmont Council of Traditional Music USA Presenter Fesitval Festival Festival USA Pennslvania State William Lewis Steve Planet Bluegrass/RockyGrass/Tel Szymanski luride Portland Folk Festival USA USA USA USA Prescott Park Arts Festival USA 19 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Music Supervisor Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Rick Farrell Rick Farrell supervisor USA Rocky Mountain Folks Festival USA San Francisco Free Folk Festival USA Sark Folk Festival USA Sea Music Festival USA Moss Sebastapol / Kate Wolf Festival USA USA Cloud Festival Sara Waters Shakori Hills Community Arts Centre/Grassroots Festival Media Mark Moss Sing Out magazine! USA Sisters Folk Festival Smithsonian Folklife Festival Southern Shore Music Festival USA States of Sound Strawb Fest USA USA Festival Festival Festival USA USA Music Supervisor Festival Aminé Charlie Ramer Cran Management Michael Nieves Sugaroo! USA Egan Susquehanna Folk Music Society USA Hayden First Susquehanna Folk Music Society SXSW USA USA Presenter Presenter Conference Marcia Jess Brad 20 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Festival Festival Presenter Anya Presenter Presenter Promotions Festival Festival Festival Music Supervisor Festival Festival Festival Media Festival Radio/Web DJ Presenter/Promoter Organization/Society /Arts Office Takoma Park Folk Festival USA Siglund Texas Folklife Festival The Ark USA USA Lara Sunday The Green Room USA Jennifer Gilson The Living Room USA The Planetary Group USA Topanga Banjo Fiddle Contest & Folk Festival USA Virginia Key Grassroots Festival USA Niki Sherrod David Dye Bob McWilliams Nancy Emrich Freeman Millie Millgate Walnut Valley Festival Warner Bros Studios/Films USA USA Whispering Beard Folk Festival USA White Squirrel Festival USA WoodyFest USA World Cafe/NPR USA Yungaburra Folk Festival USA West Side Folk USA Lil Fest USA Sounds Australia Austral ia 21 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Booking Agent Radio/Web DJ Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Nancy Fly Mark Corso Jim Magill Carleigh Welsh Liz Levitt Hirsch George Jones Carleigh Welsch Radio/Web DJ Booking Agent Susie Giang Artist Manager Robyn Davis Jon Lindström William [Biff] Kennedy Laura Thomas Lucy Haislip John Laird Artist Manager Booking Agent Booking Agent Booking Agent Booking Agent Ian Davies Booking Agent Anna Creek Mary Granata Booking Agent Export Ready Set Go! USA USA The Swannanoa Gathering USA Levitt Pavilion Westport USA Levitt Pavilions USA Levitt Pavilions USA Levitt Pavilions USA Levitt Pavilions USA KBCS Radio USA Fleming Artists Indie Squared Entertainment USA Sepia USA Charterhouse Music Group USA ComboPlate Booking USA The Americana Agency USA The Americana Agency USA IDEA -‐ Ian Davies Entertainment Agency USA Eddie Cota John Sincock Artist Manager Nancy Fly Agency WRSU-‐FM Quicksilver Productions The Granata Agency/NERFA USA USA USA 22 [email protected] Booking Agent David Tamulevich Booking Agent Mike Green Booking Agent Matt Greenhill Booking Agent Festival Bill Smith Jim Gillespie Booking Agent Mark Lourie Online Music Service Molly King Online Music Service Linda Fahey Matt Online Music Service Watroba Madalyn Online Music Service Sklar Organization/Society Cheryl /Arts Office Prashker Organization/Society Troy /Arts Office Campbell Organization/Society /Arts Office Jed Hilly Organization/Society Katie /Arts Office Weatherall Organization/Society Crispin /Arts Office Parry Organization/Society /Arts Office Katy Spicer Tamulevich Artist Management USA Mike Green & Associates USA Folklore Productions International USA Eye for Talent USA Blissfest USA Skyline Music USA CD Baby USA FolkAlley.com/WKSU 89.7 FM USA FolkAlley.com/WKSU 89.7 FM USA GoGirlsMusic.com USA NERFA USA The House of Songs USA Americana Music Association USA British Underground USA British Underground USA English Folk Dance and Song Society USA 23 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Organization/Society /Arts Office Kelly Wells Organization/Society /Arts Office Antwn Owen-‐Hicks Other Erika Wollam-‐ Nichols Joan Kornblith Rebecca Kemp Organization/Society /Arts Office Dianne Tankle Organization/Society /Arts Office Radio/Web DJ Folk School of St. Louis USA Arts Council of Wales USA The Bluebird Cafe/Nashville Songwriters Association International USA Voice of America USA On Tour Logistics USA NERFA Conference Director USA The ArtsCenter/WMMT-‐ FM/WCOM-‐FM/WCHL-‐ AM/FM USA Presenter/Promoter Art Menius Presenter/Promoter Donald Davidoff Thomas Belinoski Presenter/Promoter Jimmy Duke Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Rick Hinterthuer Shirley Montague Laurie Laba Patricia Tanner Swallow Hill Music Association Onion Creek House Concerts Dark Thirty Productions Buffalo River Concerts & Roots Festival Trails Tales & Tunes Festival USA USA USA USA USA Fox Run Concerts USA Calliope: The Pittsburgh Folk Music Society USA 24 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Marianne James Maggi Landau Neal Copperman Presenter/Promoter Dalis Allen, Empress David Holiday Presenter/Promoter Sarah Craig Presenter/Promoter The Ark USA Presenter USA AMP Concerts USA Kerrville Folk Festival/ SW Regional Folk Alliance USA Stone Room Concerts USA Caffe Lena USA Madison Square Park Conservancy USA Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Ashley Vitha Carol Obertubbes ing Jean Spivey Adam Slough Levi Landis Woodstock Folk Festival Old Settler's Music Festival USA Folk by the Oak Festival UK Philadelphia Folksong Society/Folk Festival USA Sleepy Hollow Folk Club House Concerts USA Folk Music Society of Huntington NY USA The European House Concert Hub UK Caffè Lena USA NoDepression.com USA USA Presenter/Promoter Beth Auerbach Presenter/Promoter Karen Finkenberg Presenter/Promoter Presenter/Promoter Print/Web Media Rob Ellen Stanley McGaughey Kim Ruehl 25 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Print/Web Media Print/Web Media Mary Armstrong Michael Kornfeld Radio/Web DJ Donna Mavity Devon Leger, Hearth Music Mary Sue Twohy Robert Resnik Nora Ostrander Radio/Web DJ Al Kniola Publicity/Marketing Publicity/Marketing Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Wanda Fischer Barnes Newberry Sonny Ochs Taylor Caffery Sue Kessell Jimmy Gottlieb Rich Warren Pamela Smith Philadelphia City Paper USA AcousticMusicScene.com USA Donna's Americana Promotions USA Hearth Music USA SiriusXM Satellite Radio USA Vermont Public Radio USA Vermont Public Radio USA 88.1 WVPE Public Radio USA WAMC-‐FM/Northeast Public Radio USA MVY Radio NERFA USA USA WRKF-‐FM USA WNUR FM/Old Town School of Folk Music USA Deeper Cuts Radio USA WFMT Radio, The Midnight Special / Folkstage USA Amazon Radio on WPKN USA 26 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected] Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Jane Falvey John Platt Stevie Connor Greg Vandy Bob Weiser Volker Steppat The Kingston Coffeehouse/WRIU Kingston, 90.3 fm WFUV Radio USA USA WeeDan Music / Wee Dan's Hoose Blues & Roots Radio / HAZE FM KEXP WOMR USA USA USA German Public Radio Bremen/Nordwestradio Germa ny Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Radio/Web DJ Record Label Record Label Record Label Record Label Mary Cliff Ralph McLean Jim Blum Bernard Kleikamp Lindsay Hayes Ken Irwin Ashley Warren Traditions -‐ WAMU 88.5 & BluegrassCountry.org BBC ULSTER / The Irish Times USA UK WKSU-‐NPR FOLK ALLEY USA Pan Records USA Red Beet Records USA Rounder Records USA Music Road Records USA 27 Export Ready Set Go! [email protected]
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