How to check your Student Data in PowerSchool for the SC Department of Education Quarterly Data Collection 2 for the 90th Day Student Data 1. Log into PowerSchool NOTE: Lockhart School will need to do the following for both the elementary and middle school. 2. Select Reports, under the State tab, choose SC01 EFA/EIA Data Verification, and Submit 3. Make any necessary corrections in the data for all errors shown on the report then re-run the report until it shows '0' errors. 4. Click Reports, under the State tab, choose SC02 Cumulative Class Report, enter the Day number, choose Report Only under Output Type (DO NOT CHOOSE Report and Extract), Submit 5. Click Reports, under the State tab, choose SC06 membership and Attendance Report, enter the Day number, choose Report Only under Output Type (DO NOT CHOOSE Report and Extract), Submit 6. Print the SC02 Cumulative Class Report and the SC06 Membership and Attendance Report 7. Verify all information is correct on these two reports. The Cumulative Class Report contains the EIA numbers – PK students, Gifted students, AP students. The Membership and Attendance Report contains the EFA numbers – K students, Primary students (1st-3rd grade), Elementary students (4th-8th grade), High School students (9th-12th grade), homebound students, students taking speech, Vocational students, etc. OPTIONAL – the following are instructions on how to export your data into an Excel spreadsheet so you can sort each field to look for errors. It is not required, however, this will help you find errors in your data. IMPORTANT NOTE: You must make corrections in PowerSchool – NOT in the spreadsheet. 8. Go back to the PowerSchool Start Page and select All students 9. In the 'Select a function for this group of students' box, choose Export Using Template 10. In the 'Type of Export' box, choose Students, then click the Submit button 11. In the 'Export template?' box, choose State Reports-Students 12. In the 'For Which Records?' box, choose The selected 450 students (where the number is the total number of students in your school). 13. Click the Submit button. 14. When asked to save the file, choose to save to your Desktop and choose a name such as 90DayStudents.xls 15. Minimize PowerSchool 16. Open Excel 17. From Excel, click the File menu and choose Open 18. Navigate to your Desktop and double-click the file you saved in Step 14 19. Click Delimited, then the Next button QDC Data Verification Page 1 20. Click Tab, then the Next button 21. Click in the StudentNumber column, choose Text, then click the Finish button 22. Click in any single cell in the columns listed below so you can sort the table (do not highlight the whole table) and look for blanks, non-blanks, etc. If there is something you cannot fix, please create a ticket so I can help you with those. To fix errors found in a., please create a ticket for Terri Camp. a. StateStudentNumber column – sort in Ascending Order to bring any 'blanks' to the top. There should be no blanks. To fix errors found in b. through o. below, go to the student Demographics screen. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. LastName column – manually scan the column of last names to look for any last names that contain anything other than just last name. For example, Camp Jr. is incorrect. Camp should be in the last name column and Jr. should be in the StudentGeneration column. An example of a correct last name however, is Everts-Camp because hyphenated names are acceptable. MailingStreet column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. MailingCity column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. MailingState column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. MailingZipcode column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. DOB column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. FederalEthnicity column – sort in Ascending Order. Verify all students whose code is '1' are students who are Hispanic or Latino. Also verify that all Hispanic or Latino students are coded with a 1. There should be no blanks. RaceCode column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. Ethnicity column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. Gender column– sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. GradeLevel column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. GraduationYear SSN column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There may be blanks where a parent or student declined giving this to the school. StudentNumber column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. To fix errors found in p., go to State/Province - SC QDC Data Verification Page 2 p. Self-ContainedDate column – sort in Descending Order. Verify the list of students who are in Self-Contained classes are coded. To fix errors found in q. through s. below, go to the State/Province – SC page, then Student Supplemental. q. r. s. AlternateSchoolPrgrm column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who are enrolled in an Alternate School Program have been coded. Plan504Code column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who have Plan 504 have been coded. NinthGradeCode column – High School Only: sort in Descending Order. Verify all students have been coded with their first year in 9th grade. To fix errors found in t. through aa. below, go to the State/Province – SC page, then PreCode. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. aa. ELACustom column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who will need a custom ELA test are coded correctly. MathCustom column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who will need a custom ELA test are coded correctly. ScienceCustom column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who will need a custom ELA test are coded correctly. SocStudiesCustom column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who will need a custom ELA test are coded correctly. HSAP column – High School Only: sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who will take HSAP are coded correctly. KindergartenPrevProgram column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. Also, verify all are coded correctly. DeafBlind column – sort in Descending Order. Verify the list of students who are Deaf and Blind are coded. MultiDisabled column – sort in Descending Order. Verify the list of students who have multiple disabilities are coded. To fix errors found in bb. below, go to the State/Province – SC page, then Transportation. bb. TransportationNeeded column – sort in Descending Order. Verify the list of students who have special needs for transportation are coded. To fix errors found in cc. through ee. below, go to Transfer Info. cc. dd. ee. EntryDate column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. ExitDate column – sort in Descending Order. Only students who have attended at least one day and then withdrew from your school should have an ExitDate of anything other than 5/28/2011. If a student never attended your school this year, they should have been marked 'No Show'. ExitCode column – sort in Descending Order to bring any 'non-blanks' to the top. Only students who have attended at least one day and then withdrew from your school should have an ExitCode QDC Data Verification Page 3 To fix errors found in ff. below, go to Other Information. ff. Homeless column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who are Homeless have been coded. To fix errors found in gg. through rr. below, go to Custom Screens > SC Additional Student info. gg. hh. ii. jj. kk. ll. mm. nn. oo. pp. qq. rr. EnglishProficiency column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. Also, verify all students whose home language is not English are coded correctly. 1stLanguageSpoken column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students whose First Language Spoken is not English have been coded. HomeLanguage column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. Also, verify all students whose home language is not English are coded correctly. Immigrant column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who are Immigrants have been coded. BirthCounty column – sort in Descending Order. Verify the list of students who were born outside of the USA are coded. SC-IEP TransportationNeeded column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. If the student is marked as a Bus Rider in this column, verify that Bus 1 and/or Bus 2 are filled in. i. Bus 1 column – morning bus number - if the student is marked as an AM or AM/PM bus rider, enter bus number. ii. Bus 2 column – afternoon bus number - if the student is marked as an AM/PM or PM bus rider, enter bus number. InstructionalSetting column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who have an IEP are coded as SE. MedicaidID column – sort in Descending Order. Verify the list of students who have a MedicaidID is complete (all students who have an ID, have the ID in PowerSchool). Migrant column – sort in Descending Order. Verify all students who are Migrant have been coded. DroputDate column – sort in Descending Order to bring any 'non-blanks' to the top. Only the High School should have something in the DropoutDate column, and then only if a student has been marked as Dropped Out. DroputReason column – sort in Descending Order to bring any 'non-blanks' to the top. Only the High School should have something in the DropoutReason column, and then only if a student has been marked as Dropped Out. To fix errors found in ss. below, go to Lunch. ss. LunchStatus column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. QDC Data Verification Page 4 Teacher Data 1. Log into PowerSchool 2. Select Staff 3. In the Search Teachers box, enter SchoolID=yourschoolnumber (example: SchoolID=7 for BES teachers) BES=7, FES=12, JES=14, JMS=2, LES=403, LMS=3, MES=17, SMS=4, UCH=5 4. Select the Functions button 5. Select Export Using Template 6. In the 'Export template?' box, choose State Reports-Teachers, and click the Submit button 7. When asked to save the file, choose to save to your Desktop and choose a name such as 45DayTeachers.xls, 90DayTeachers.xls, or 135DayTeachers.xls 8. Open Excel 9. From Excel, click the File menu and choose Open 10. Navigate to your Desktop and double-click the file you saved in Step 8 11. Click the Finish button 12. Click in any single cell in the columns listed below so you can sort the table (do not highlight the whole table) and look for blanks, non-blanks, etc. If there is something you cannot fix, please create a ticket so I can help you with those. To fix errors found below, go to Start Page > Staff > SchoolID={yourschoolnumber} > click the first staff member's name > Edit Information a. LastName column – manually scan the column of last names to look for any last names that contain anything other than just last name. For example, Camp Jr. is incorrect. Camp should be in the last name column and Jr. should be in the StudentGeneration column. An example of a correct last name however, is Everts-Camp because hyphenated names are acceptable. b. EmailAddr column – sort in Ascending Order. Verify all teachers have their SCHOOL email address listed (not home email address). There should be no blanks. c. Gender column– sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. d. Ethnicity column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. e. LicenseNumber column (called StatePrId in PowerSchool) – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There should be no blanks. If the teacher does not have a license number yet, enter 6 0's (000000) until the teacher receives their license number from the SC Dept of Education. f. SSN column – sort in Ascending Order. Look at the top and at the bottom of the column to find any 'blanks'. There may be blanks where a parent or student declined giving this to the school. QDC Data Verification Page 5 Below are the steps to creating an Excel spreadsheet from the Precode fields in PowerSchool. Once you’ve created your spreadsheet you can sort the different fields (columns) to look for blanks, and also to look to confirm your students are coded correctly. Export Precode Data 1. Open PowerSchool 2. Click All students 3. Click Special Functions 4. Click Importing & Exporting 5. Click Quick Export 6. Either type the following fields into the Quick Export box or Copy and Paste the following fields into the box. NOTE: To copy these fields > highlight them here > right-click (click the RIGHT mouse button) on the highlighted area and choose Copy > go to the PowerSchool Quick Export screen and in the large white box right-click and choose Paste First_Name Middle_Name Last_Name Home_Room SC_Advisor SC_AltAssessCde SC_CustomELACde SC_CustomMathCde SC_CustomSciCde SC_CustomSocStuCde SC_CustomWritingCde SC_ELASortID SC_EOCEPOnlineAlg SC_EOCEPOnlineBio SC_EOCEPOnlineEng SC_EOCEPOnlinePhySci SC_EOCEPOnlineUSHC SC_HSAPMaterialsCde SC_MathSortID SC_OralELA SC_OralMath SC_OralScience SC_OralSocStudies SC_OralWriting SC_OtherName SC_ScienceSortID SC_SocStudiesSortID SC_StuNotTested QDC Data Verification Page 6 SC_StuNotTestedReason SC_TestMissed SC_WritingSortID SC_KndrgrtnPrevPgm SC_DeafBlindInd SC_MultiDisabInd SC_TestMissed SC_ReqExclusion 7. Click the Submit button 8. When asked, Save the exported records file by naming the file something like Precode2011-12.xls 9. Open the Excel spreadsheet and look over the data. A zero in the field means the default – for example, if SC_CustomSciCde (Science Custom Materials) has a 0 it means Not Needed; an N in the column means No – for example, if Sc Eoceponlinebio (EOCEP Online Administration for Biology) has an N it means No EOCEP Online Administration for Biology. NOTE: To sort a column, put your mouse cursor anywhere in the column and click the A-Z (ascending order) or Z-A (descending order) button. 10. Make all corrections in PowerSchool NOT in the spreadsheet QDC Data Verification Page 7
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