Conducting an Audit Risk Assessment: How to Minimize Your Financial Exposure to the RACs and Other Audit Contractors Frank D. Cohen Senior Analyst The Frank Cohen Group, LLC [email protected] SLIDE 1 Improper Medicare FFS Payments Report • • • CERT Comprehensive Error Rate Testing Carriers, DMERCs, FIs HPMP Hospital Payment Monitoring Program QIOs Each component measures 50% of the error rate ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 2 Logistical Organization of Study ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 3 CERT-specific Methodology • Randomly sampled 99,500 • • • • Initial request sent via letter After 19 days, 3 subsequent letters were sent After 55 days, documentation considered late Documentation received after the cutoff date (or not received at all) counted as errors Initial Request First follow-up Letter (on day 20) Second follow-up Letter (sent on day 35) Final Letter (OIG notification/request on day 45) ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 4 Major Categories of Errors Paid Claims Error Rate This rate is based on dollars paid after the Carrier/DMERC/FI/QIO made its payment decision on the claim/admission. The paid claims error rate is the percentage of dollars erroneously allowed to be paid and is based on dollars Provider Compliance Error Rate This rate is based on how the claims looked when they first arrived at the Carrier/DMERC/FI before edits were applied or reviews were conducted. This rate measures how well providers prepared claims for submission and is also based on dollars Services Processed Error Rate This rate is based on services processed and measures whether the Carrier/DMERC/FI made appropriate payment decisions on claims. This is a gross rate that combines both overpaid and underpaid amounts and is based on numbers of services ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 5 Types of Errors Reported • • • • • No documentation—the provider fails to respond to repeated attempts to obtain the medial records in support of the claim. Insufficient documentation—the medical documentation submitted does not include pertinent patient facts (e.g. the patient’s overall condition, diagnosis, and extent of services performed). Medically unnecessary service—claim review staff identify enough documentation in the medical records submitted to make an informed decision that the services billed were not medically necessary based on Medicare coverage policies. Incorrect coding—providers submit medical documentation that support a lower or higher code than the code submitted. Other—Represents claims that do not fit into any of the other categories (e.g. service not rendered, duplicate payment error, not covered or unallowable service). ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 6 Summary Results for 2009 • • The national paid claims error rate in the Medicare FFS program for this reporting period is 7.8% (which equates to $24.1 B) 19,000 claims were reviewed using the most stringent criteria. The national paid claims error rate for those, when applied to the entire year, is 12.4% or $35.4 billion ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 7 Error Rates by Category Incorrect Coding 21% Other 1% No Documentation 1% Insufficient documentation 25% Medically Unnecessary 52% ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 8 Services with Over coding Errors ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 9 Error Rates by Provider Type • • • There is a trend of higher provider compliance error rates among the generalist primary care specialties compared to subspecialties Based on an average of the minimum number of HCPCS codes to encompass 75% of services, generalists used more codes than specialists. Conclusion: the more HCPCS codes, the greater the potential for coding errors. ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 10 Error Rate by Payer Actual Overpymt Carrier Cluster Actual Underpymt Actual Improper Projected Overpymt Projected Underpymt Projected Improper Payment First Coast Service Options FL 00590 $37,380 $387 $37,767 $775,436,055 $8,028,911 $783,464,966 NHIC CA 31140/31146 $10,500 $328 $10,828 $292,909,393 $9,211,641 $302,121,034 $6,998 $444 $7,442 $276,953,075 $17,222,583 $294,175,659 Empire NY 00803 $17,115 $377 $17,491 $249,748,140 $5,495,327 $255,243,467 Empire NJ 00805 $15,336 $458 $15,793 $227,749,786 $6,796,180 $234,545,967 Trailblazer TX 00900 $8,233 $257 $8,490 $189,897,448 $5,930,107 $195,827,556 Cahaba AL/GA/MS 00510/00511/00512 $8,117 $521 $8,637 $168,815,964 $11,272,514 $180,088,478 BCBS AR AR/NM/OK/MO/LA 00520/00521/00522/00523/00528 $8,285 $498 $8,783 $158,145,724 $9,284,481 $167,430,205 Noridian AK/AZ/HI/NV/OR/WA 00831/00832/00833/00834/00835/00836 $8,037 $211 $8,248 $136,681,522 $3,444,595 $140,126,116 Trailblazer MD/DE/DC/VA 00901/00902/00903/00904 $9,244 $309 $9,553 $129,958,106 $4,299,658 $134,257,765 Palmetto OH/WV 00883/00884 $7,495 $161 $7,655 $123,624,416 $2,648,868 $126,273,284 CIGNA NC 05535 $7,596 $1,311 $8,907 $91,809,062 $15,850,130 $107,659,193 HGSA PA 00865 $6,150 $247 $6,397 $90,038,025 $3,609,450 $93,647,474 AdminaStar IN/KY 00630/00660 $4,884 $1,192 $6,076 $69,344,358 $15,646,140 $84,990,497 NHIC ME/MA/NH/VT 31142/31143/31144/31145 $6,275 $481 $6,755 $69,168,943 $5,298,564 $74,467,507 Noridian ND/CO/WY/IA/SD 00820/00824/00825/00826/00889 $6,216 $664 $6,881 $56,217,240 $5,910,433 $62,127,673 CIGNA TN 05440 $5,913 $478 $6,391 $49,906,883 $4,033,625 $53,940,509 BCBS KS/NE/W MO 00650/00655/00651 $5,800 $928 $6,728 $42,237,800 $6,723,886 $48,961,686 Palmetto SC 00880 $8,750 $510 $9,260 $41,094,055 $2,395,826 $43,489,882 HealthNow NY 00801 $5,834 $284 $6,118 $41,433,801 $2,013,945 $43,447,746 $19,365 $629 $19,995 $38,731,752 $1,257,116 $39,988,868 First Coast Service Options CT 00591 $6,685 $434 $7,119 $35,203,199 $2,282,944 $37,486,143 GHI NY 14330 $7,942 $1,082 $9,025 $15,316,445 $2,087,275 $17,403,719 Noridian MAC Region 3 03002 $6,808 $642 $7,450 $10,127,123 $404,190 $10,531,313 Noridian UT 00823 $4,664 $295 $4,959 $9,661,709 $611,612 $10,273,321 BCBS AR RI 00524 $7,938 $276 $8,215 $8,295,618 $288,895 $8,584,513 CIGNA ID 05130 $3,642 $439 $4,080 $4,009,852 $483,073 $4,492,925 BCBS MT 00751 $2,499 $220 $2,719 $3,037,173 $267,420 $3,304,593 $253,701 $14,062 $267,762 $3,405,552,666 $152,799,391 $3,558,352,057 WPS WI/IL/MI/MN 00951/00952/00953/00954 Triple S, Inc. PR/VI 00973/00974 Combined ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 11 Is Your Practice at Risk? • Or, Show Me the Money! • Risk can be assessed by: Error Category Carrier Location Service Type Specialty Code Category Participation Status • Based on both real-time and historical findings • Successful appeals may or may not affect risk ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 12 By Error Category • Insufficient Documentation • Medically Unnecessary • Do you coordinate and sequence ICD-9 codes and CPT codes? Do you have sufficient documentation to support the level of care claimed? Does your utilization raise potential compliance flags? Non-Response • If your documentation cannot pass in internal review, it will probably not pass a CERT review This will be the primary target for OIG intervention You MUST respond to requests for information Coding Errors This includes the proper use of modifiers; a potential methodological target since CY 2004 Make sure services billed are provided by the billing provider ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 13 By Carrier Location • • Budgets tied to carrier action The following accounted for over 50% for all carriers First Coast FL NHIC California WPS WI/IL/MI/MN Empire NY Empire NJ ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 14 By Service Type • • • • Hospital Visits (99233, 99232, 99223) Office Visits (99214, 99215, 99204) Consults (99244, 99254, 99255) DME (A2453) ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 15 By Specialty • Chiropractic • Physical Therapy • 2nd highest adjusted rate (15.3%) and one of the most significant dollar amounts ($2,068,262,916) Corresponds to higher unique HCPCS incidence (26.38) Cardiology • Highest when adjusted for non-response (16.4%) Internal Medicine • Highest error rate, primarily due to misunderstanding of Medicare regs Relatively low dollar amount ($76,784,304) 13.2% and $820,443,122 Family Practice 13.1% and $632,616,380 ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 16 Code Category • • • While not stated specifically in the study, historical data suggests that E/M codes have a higher error rate and are more subject to audit and review Some medical procedures, i.e., ESRD-related services, are at higher risk for audit and review Utilization of codes and modifiers outside of peeraveraged norms may increase the risk for audit and review ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 17 Code and Modifier Analysis Quantitative Methods SLIDE 18 Utilization Analyses • • • Utilization of both procedure codes and modifiers have gained in analytical importance over the past three years OIG and carriers benchmark utilization data to determine potential for fraud and abuse Practices benchmark utilization data to identify areas of compliance risk, provider performance, and financial opportunities ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 19 Data Requirements • Production report with frequency Aggregate for single provider or global analysis Segregated for more in-depth analysis • Daily transaction report • By provider and/or location and/or department For time-series analyses Comparative data for control group ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 20 Procedure Code Utilization • Comparisons are conducted against national averages by specialty • • Uses the P/SPS Master file from CMS Critically, top 10 - 25 codes are compared with national CI levels to determine significance of variability (aberrancies) Harvard/RUC time assessments are assigned to each code in order to assess believability of reported provider work load is hours OIG allows 2 times FMV before investigating ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 21 Code Utilization - Specialty Gastroenterology National CPT Code Description 99213 Office/outpatient visit, est 99232 Subsequent hospital care 43239 Upper GI endoscopy, biopsy 99214 Office/outpatient visit, est 99231 Subsequent hospital care 45378 Diagnostic colonoscopy 99254 Inpatient consultation 45380 Colonoscopy and biopsy 45385 Lesion removal colonoscopy J1745 Infliximab injection 99244 Office consultation 99243 Office consultation 99212 Office/outpatient visit, est Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC Practice Percent of Total 12.01% 11.10% 6.59% 6.29% 5.95% 4.58% 3.64% 3.61% 3.21% 3.13% 3.10% 2.47% 2.39% Rank Percent of Total 4 7.26% 7 11 5.86% 3.30% 3 7.30% 10 12 1 8 4.47% 2.54% 9.86% 5.69% 6 5.88% SLIDE 22 Code Utilization – By Provider National CPT Code Description 99213 Office/outpatient visit, est 99232 Subsequent hospital care 99214 Office/outpatient visit, est Q9944 IVIG non-lyophil 10 mg 99233 Subsequent hospital care 93010 Electrocardiogram report 99231 Subsequent hospital care 99312 NURSING FAC CARE, SUBSEQ J0880 Darbepoetin alfa injection Q0137 Darbepoetin alfa, non-esrd 93000 Electrocardiogram, complete 99212 Office/outpatient visit, est 99223 Initial hospital care 90658 Flu vaccine, 3 yrs & >, im 99211 Office/outpatient visit, est 99238 Hospital discharge day Q9942 IVIG lyophil 10 mg Q0136 Non esrd epoetin alpha inj J1564 Immune globulin 10 mg 80053 Comprehen metabolic panel 99215 Office/outpatient visit, est J9263 Oxaliplatin 85610 Prothrombin time 99311 NURSING FAC CARE, SUBSEQ 85025 Complete cbc w/auto diff wbc Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC Practice Percent of Total 13.47% 8.16% 7.78% 6.26% 3.02% 2.45% 2.15% 1.72% 1.68% 1.58% 1.56% 1.41% 1.38% 1.36% 1.33% 1.32% 1.19% 1.13% 1.10% 1.10% 1.09% 1.05% 0.85% 0.79% 0.73% Rank Percent of Total 1 2 4 20.87% 10.22% 7.77% 10 2.24% 11 24 23 1.81% 0.58% 0.62% SLIDE 23 Global Surgical Package Codes • • 99024 is used to report post-surgical follow-up services for the period of time following the procedure as defined in the Global Surgery guidelines. While this procedure should be reported, the RVU values (and hence the charge) are absorbed into the primary procedure itself. Hence, no charges should be reported for the 99024 The relationship of these codes to global surgical codes with 10 and 90 day follow-up periods is important for reporting purposes ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 24 Utilization Example – Global Surgery • Endoscopy/Minor Procedure • Minor Surgery • 144 codes, 1,793 occurrences Major Surgery • 245 codes, 27,325 occurrences 155 codes, 345 occurrences 99024 (Surgical Follow Up) 615 times, 28.77% of major/minor procedures 178% (1.78 to 1) of major procedures ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 25 Example - Ophthalmology Codes • New Ophthalmology Patient Visit • Established Ophthalmology Patient Visit • 92002 and 92004 Major confusion between these and E&M codes 99201 – 99205 NOpV to NOV = 2.36 to 1 92012 and 92014 Major confusion between these and E&M codes 99211 – 99215 EOpV to EOV = 1.35 to 1 E&M codes pay more and as such, are subject to detailed review and scrutiny ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 26 Modifier Utilization • Comparisons are done by code category and by specialty • • • • E/M-only modifiers are compared to E/M codes All other codes are compared to total levels Global comparison shows modifier utilization by specialty for all specialties Specialty comparison shows utilization for that specific specialty Provider comparison shows utilization for each provider by specialty Data is used to identify potential compliance problems for high-risk modifier usage ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 27 High Risk Modifiers • -24 Use of E/M during Post-op Period -25* Separately Identifiable E/M Service -58 Staged/Related Procedure – Same Doc during postop -59* Distinct Procedural Service (specific for CCI edits) -62 Two Surgeons -63 Procedure performed on infant < 4kg -76 Repeat procedure by same physician -78 Return to OR for related procedure during post-op -80 Assistant Surgeon -AS Assistant Surgeon – NP or PA -GE Performed by resident without physician supervision • * See OIG Reports • • • • • • • • • • ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 28 Modifier Utilization - Summary Modifier 11 21 22 24 25 26 32 47 50 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 62 76 77 78 79 80 82 91 AM AR BU Total Practice Count 9 46 43 24 6,488 8,366 Total Practice Utilization Gastro 0.05% 0.25% 0.24% 2.33% 0.13% 62.50% 35.63% 4.78% 45.95% 86.31% 185 1,606 37 69 1.02% 8.82% 0.20% 0.38% 7 210 340 40 9 0.04% 1.15% 1.87% 0.22% 0.05% 58 20 1 11 0.32% 0.11% 0.01% 0.06% 16 0.09% 25.34% 56.76% 42.03% General Surgery 100.00% 30.23% 29.17% 0.15% 6.60% 18.92% Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease 93.48% 67.44% 42.66% 2.08% 8.03% 15.94% 4.17% 10.65% 10.48% 16.13% 5.41% 15.94% 14.29% 33.82% 0.95% 0.88% 100.00% Urology 22.35% 6.18% 55.56% 4.17% 28.22% 0.10% 100.00% 29.14% 18.92% 71.43% 99.05% 25.00% 22.22% 17.24% 40.00% 1.72% 90.91% 9.09% 43.75% ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC 18.75% 81.03% 60.00% 100.00% 31.25% SLIDE 29 Modifier Utilization – Specialty Modifier 11 21 22 24 25 26 32 47 50 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 62 76 77 78 National Utilization Specialty Utilization Specialty Count Variance 0.05% 0.74% 18.62% 4.53% 0 1 1,831 8 0.00% 0.05% 84.65% 0.36% (100.00%) (93.24%) 354.62% (92.05%) 0.27% 5.91% 0.03% 0.01% 185 468 7 0 8.25% 20.87% 0.31% 0.00% 2955.56% 253.13% 933.33% (100.00%) 0.25% 0.47% 1.71% 5 208 85 0.23% 9.28% 3.79% (8.00%) 1874.47% 121.64% 0.10% 2 0.09% (10.00%) 0.20% 47 2.10% 950.00% ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 30 E/M Utilization Analysis • Intra-category • Inter-category • Relationship between different but related categories Global category • Relationship between codes within a specific category Relationship of specific category to all codes reported For compliance (only), benchmark is against CMS data set ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 31 Questions? Email: [email protected] Phone: 727.322.4232 Web: ©2011 RAC MONITOR LLC SLIDE 32
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