Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Table of Contents
Section 1 - Accessing the PetroSA Procurement Centre page....................................................... 3 Section 2 - How to register as a NEW supplier on the PetroSA supplier portal.............................. 5 Section 3 – Completing a supplier registration.............................................................................. 11 Section 4 – Updating a supplier record ......................................................................................... 30 Section 5 – Portal Downloads ....................................................................................................... 32 Section 6 - Viewing and Responding to Tenders .......................................................................... 35 Section 7 - Viewing and Responding to E-Auctions ...................................................................... 37 2
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Section 1 - Accessing the PetroSA Procurement Centre page
Input the following URL into your internet explorer and select Enter on your keyboard.
The following web page will display:
Figure 1: PetroSA Procurement page
Select the Registration link from the menu available on the left hand side of the page.
The Registration page will display as follows:
Figure 2.1: PetroSA Procurement Registration Page – Part 1
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 2.2: PetroSA Procurement Registration Page – Part 2
Select the “Register Now” link
By registering on the PetroSA supplier portal:
You agree to a due diligence being performed on you / your company.
You / your company are in no way guaranteed any award of contract /
purchase from PetroSA.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Section 2 – How to register as a NEW supplier on the PetroSA supplier
When you have selected the “Register Now” link from the PetroSA Procurement Registration
page, the following page will display:
Figure 3: PetroSA supplier portal at
Please take note of the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Browser
Requirements available for perusal at the bottom of this screen as indicated
Selecting the
(Help) icon will also display an online Help function offering
step by step advice on the registration process.
Select the Register link as indicated on Figure 3 above
The first of five separate screens will display.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Complete all of the information requested on the screens, selecting the
(Next) button on completion of each screen.
Figure 4.1: Page 1 of Registration screen
Please pay particular attention to how you capture your address and
telephone information.
Please use Figure 4.1 as a guideline of what is
expected in each field.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 4.2: Page 2 of Registration screen
Figure 4.3: Page 3 of Registration screen
If your Town is not available on the drops down lists when your Country has been selected:
Select the Add New option from the My Town drop down list.
A new free text field will display where you can manually capture the town which is
applicable to you (refer the figure below)
Should your Region not be available on the drop down list, please contact the
Intenda Help Desk on (012) 663 8815, who in turn will arrange to have it added
to the relevant databases.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Select the NEXT button to proceed to the following screen.
Figure 4.4: Page 4 of Registration screen
Input a Username and Password of your choice and select NEXT
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 4.5: Page 5 (last page) of Registration screen
Ensure that the PetroSA MySites check box is selected as detailed in Figure 4.5
Select the
A popup message will display as follows:
(Save) button
Figure 4.6: Example of email confirmation that record was successfully saved
On selecting the
(OK) button you will receive an e-mail confirming
your registration on the portal.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
You can now use the logon details provided in the e-mail to sign in and complete your
registration onto the PetroSA Supplier Database. Section 3 below provides details on how to
update your record on the PetroSA supplier database.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Section 3 – Completing a supplier registration
In some cases you may already have received a system generated email
advising you of your logon details. In such a case you can use these details
as provided. If you have registered as a new supplier, you can use the logon
details supplied in the email message that was sent to you on completion of
your registration.
Alternatively, you may have received a fax from PetroSA advising you that
you have been registered on their supplier database. In this case you will
need to contact the Intenda Supplier Help Desk on +27 (012) 663 8815 and
quote your PetroSA SAP vendor code in order to be supplied with your
PetroSA Supplier Portal registration & logon details.
As per Figure 3 (Section 2), capture your assigned Registration number (ZAH
number) and logon details into the Login area and select the
In) button.
In some instances where you have received a system generated Username
and Password, you may be prompted by the system to change these details at
this point.
The PetroSA Management Console will display as follows:
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 5: PetroSA Management Console
If an
(Envelope) icon is present next to the link displayed above, please
view important messages before you proceed by selecting the envelope.
Select the PetroSA (2) link as displayed above
You will be directed to the Master Detail tab as displayed below. You will now need
to proceed through each of the tabs detailed on the left hand side of the screen,
capturing all relevant information as you do so.
information, you will select the
On completion of each tab’s
(Next) button to proceed to the
following tab.
Figure 6: Master Detail tab
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Mandatory fields will be indicated with a * next to the relevant field if you
neglect to complete it. A prompt will also be displayed at the bottom of the
You can select the Log Out button at any stage during the completion of this
information. However, please note that your registration will not be complete
until you have finished with the last step, i.e. adding your companies
compulsory documentation, and until it is completed you have not
successfully completed your registration on the PetroSA supplier database.
Complete all information and select the
(Next) button to proceed to
the Contact Details tab.
The Contact Details tab displays as follows:
Figure 7: Contact Detail tab
All three fields, i.e. Email Address, Fax Number and Telephone Number must be
If you captured this information in the initial Registration phase it will
automatically default through to the Master Detail page.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Select the
(Edit) button next to Email Address field.
The Supplier Contact Details page for the Contact Type “Email Address” displays.
Figure 7.1: Editable Supplier Contact Details screen
Capture the relevant email address and check the Preferred Indicator check box if
this is your preferred method of correspondence.
Select the
You will be returned to the Supplier Contact Detail grid as displayed in Figure 7
(Save) button.
above. Repeat the steps detailed above for capturing of the Fax Number and the
Telephone Number.
Once all of these details are completed, you will once again be returned to
the main Contact Details grid where you will now be able to select the
(Next) button to proceed to the Contact Persons tab.
The Contact Persons tab will display as follows:
Figure 8: Contact Person Detail tab
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
There are three separate screens that must be completed before the whole
Contact Person record is complete.
Select the Type of contact from the drop down list. Please note that you must
have at least one person as a Contact type: “Contact Person”
When completing the ID Number field, please enter data in the numeric
format without spaces and 13 characters long. You may use your passport
number where you do not have an ID number. In cases where you number is
less than 13 characters, please use leading zeros to make the data 13
characters long (0000001234567)
Complete all other fields and select the Town
(Lookup) button
The Town list will display as follows:
Figure 8.1: Town lookup table
Type in the town you are looking for in the Search field and select the
button. Click the
(Select) button next to the Town record that is returned by the
search, OR proceed through the Town records using the
button and then click the Select button next to the relevant record, OR type in and
save your towns name if it does NOT exist in the available records.
If you captured a free text town in the initial Registration stage, this town will
be available for selection for the contact person if required.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Add a comment in the Comments box and select the
(Next) button.
The next Contact Person Detail screen to be complete for Delivery Mode of Tender
displays as follows:
Figure 8.2: Contact Person Detail – Delivery Mode for Tender
Make a selection from each of the drop down lists available.
Indicate whether you wish to receive notifications by SMS or Email by checking the
relevant check box
If this contact person is the Default receiver of contracts and tenders, please select
both of these check boxes.
Only one Default Receiver of Contracts and Tenders on Contact Person level
can be set per supplier record (this Contact Person must be captured as a
type of “Contact Person”).
Therefore if more than one contact person is
captured, only one record can be selected as the default receiver.
Select the
(Next) button and the last Contact Person Details screen,
namely the Contact Person Address screen will display as follows:
Figure 8.3: Contact Person Addresses screen
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Add both the Physical Address and the Postal Address by selecting the
button next to the relevant field, completing the record and selecting the
(Save) button (refer Figure 8.4 below). NOTE: These are nonmandatory fields as the company addresses are captured separately under the
Addresses tab.
Figure 8.4: Physical and Postal address screens
After selecting the Save button on the Postal Address record a popup message will
display say the record has been saved successfully. Select the
You will be returned to the Contact Persons tab where you can add another record,
delete an existing record or select the
(Next) button to move to the
Categories tab.
Select the
(Next) button. The Categories tab will display as follows:
The Commodity Category structure is a large file and may take a few minutes
to open fully.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 9: Categories tab
You can search for a Sub Commodity by capturing search criteria in the Search for
Sub Commodity field and selecting the
Expand the category level completely by selecting the
(Search) button.
(Plus) icon until the lowest
Sub Commodity Category is displayed.
Figure 9.1: Categories tab displaying lowest sub commodity category
Select the check box of the relevant Sub Commodity Category and select the
(Save) button.
You will be returned to the main Commodity Category screen where you can now
select the
(Next) button.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
It is mandatory to select at least one (1) sub commodity category.
A Summary of Commodities screen will display as depicted below listing all the
commodities that you have selected.
Select the NEXT button again and the Brands tab will display as follows:
Figure 10: Brands tab
If brands are applicable to you as a supplier, you can add a brand by selecting the
(Add) button.
The Add New Brand screen will display where you can select a choice from the drop
down list and select the
(Save) button.
Figure 10.1: Brands tab displaying available drop down list
The selected brand will have been added.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
If there is a brand you supply that is not in the drop down list supplied, select the
(Add) button. From the drop down supplied, select the UNKNOWN
option. A new field “Your brand description” will display (refer below).
Input your brand description and select the
(Save) button. Your
brand will now be added to the Brands table.
(Next) button to continue to the Address tab or add
Select the
another brand if applicable.
The Address tab will display. This tab is for company level address.
Figure 11: Address tab for company address details
It is mandatory to add both a Physical Address and a Postal Address at this
Add both the Physical Address and the Postal Address by selecting the
button next to the relevant field, completing the record and selecting the
(Save) button. The only difference between these address fields
and the ones for Contact Person is that you will be required to select which is the
preferred delivery address by selecting the Preferred Indicator check box on the
relevant record.
When you have completed and saved both records, select the
(Next) button to continue to the Features tab.
The Features tab will display as follows:
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 12.1: Features tab displaying available Feature Groups
ALL features in the Supplier Information Detail group are mandatory.
There are three documents listed under the Available Toolsets for Use
Each of these documents needs to be selected, saved on your
computer, completed and reattached to your supplier record on this portal on
the Documents tab.
It is a mandatory requirement to complete and submit at least one Scorecard.
(Edit) button next to the Supplier Information Detail Feature group
The individual features will display:
Figure 12.2: Features tab displaying available Feature Types
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Complete ALL the features listed above by selecting the
(Edit) button next to each
one and either making a selection from the available drop down, completing the
relevant text field or selecting a date using the
(Date Picker) icon.
Once all the features are completed, select the
(Save) button. You
will be returned to the Feature group screen. Select the
button to continue to the Supply Towns tab.
A popup message will display for information purposes as follows:
Select the
(OK) button. You will be directed to the Supply Towns tab as
displayed below:
Figure 13.1: Supply Towns tab
The town selected during the initial registration process will automatically be
displayed here.
You can now additional supply towns by selecting the
(Add) button. The Add New Town screen will display:
Figure 13.2: Add New Town screen
Select the relevant Region from the available drop down list, then the relevant
corresponding Town from the next drop down list. Select the
When you have added all the relevant supply towns, select the
(Next) button from the Supply Towns tab to move to the Supply Regions tab.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
The Supply Regions tab will display as follows:
Figure 14: Supply Regions tab
The region selected during the initial registration process will automatically be
displayed here. You can now additional supply regions in exactly the same way as
you added supply towns (refer points above).
When you have added all relevant supply regions, select the
button from the Supply Regions tab to move to the Banking Details tab.
These are non-mandatory fields. It is however advisable to complete this tab.
Once you start filling in any details, it is imperative that you complete all fields
The Banking Details tab will display as follows:
Figure 15.1: Banking Details tab
Select the
(Add) button. The Add New Banking Detail screen will
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 15.2: Add New Banking Detail screen
Complete all of the fields.
Select a country from the Bank Location drop down list in which your bank account
If more than one bank account is captured per supplier record, you will be
required to indicate which record account payments must be made to by
selecting the Preferred Indicator check box on the relevant record.
Select the
(Save) button. You will be returned to the Banking Detail
tab where you will either add a new bank account or select the
(Next) button to proceed to the Service Types tab.
The Service Types tab will display as follows:
Figure 16.1: Service Types tab
Select the
(Add) button. The Add New Service Types screen will
Figure 16.2: Add New Service Types screen
Select the relevant service type from the available drop down list and then select the
(Save) button.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
It is mandatory to select at least one Service Type per supplier record.
You will be returned to the Service Types tab where you will either add a new service
type or select the
(Next) button to proceed to the Directors tab.
The Directors tab will display as follows:
Figure 17.1: Directors tab
Select the
(Add) button. The Add New Director screen will display:
Figure 17.2: Add New Director screen
Complete all the fields. Indicate whether this director is an Executive level director by
checking the Executive check box and select the
(Save) button.
You will be returned to the Directors tab where you can either add a new director or
select the
(Next) button to proceed to the Shareholders tab.
The Shareholders tab will display as follows:
Figure 18.1: Shareholders tab
Select the
(Add) button. The Add New Shareholder screen will
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 18.2: Add New Shareholder screen
Complete all the relevant fields and select the relevant check boxes if the Disabled or
Youth option is applicable to this particular record.
Select the
(Save) button.
You will be returned to the Shareholders tab where you can either add a new
shareholder or select the
(Next) button to proceed to the Documents
ALL shareholders listed must add up to a total % shareholding of 100%.
The Documents tab will display as follows:
Figure 19.1: Documents tab
The Scorecards that you would have downloaded and saved on the Features
tab can now be added here on the Documents tab.
Select the
(Add) button.
The Add New Document screen will
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 19.2: Add New Document screen
Complete the relevant fields, select the Document Type from the available drop down
list, and then select the
(Browse) button to lookup and attach the relevant
document. Select the
(Save) button.
You will be returned to the Documents tab where you can either add a new Document
or delete a document added in error.
Select the
(Next) button to proceed to the Required Documents tab.
Figure 19.3: Required Documents screen
Indicate which mandatory documents you have attached by selecting the YES radio
button next to each document name in the list displayed above, or by selecting the
N/A button if any particular document is not applicable to your company.
Select the
If you have not selected a radio button for each document listed the following
(Save) button to complete your registration.
message will display:
Ensure you select an answer for each document and select the
(Save) button.
You will now have successfully navigated through all of the following tabs:
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 19.4: List of ALL the tabs you have worked through
On selection of the
(Save) button an informational popup will
display as follows:
Select the
Your registration is now completed and you will be directed to the new Management
(OK) button.
Console where you will now be able to view all of the opportunities that PetroSA has
published for suppliers (refer Figure 20 below).
You will receive an email to indicate that your record is in a ‘Registered Not
Approved’ status. PetroSA’s supplier administrators will proceed to verify
your details and will advise once your status changes.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 20: Management Console displaying available opportunities
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Section 4 – Updating a supplier record
You may log into the PetroSA supplier portal at any time to update or amend any of your
From the web page, complete your Login details (refer Figure
21 below)
Figure 21: web page
Select the
As your registration process was already fully completed you will be immediately directed
(Sign in) button
to the Management Console listing the available published opportunities.
Figure 22: Management Console displaying available opportunities
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Select the Manage My Details link (refer Figure 22 above)
You will be directed to the Master Details tab displayed below
Figure 23: Master Detail tab
(Next) button until you reach
Navigate through the tabs using the
the tab that changes need to be made to.
Select the
(Edit) or the
(Delete) button next to the relevant record. When the
changes have been made, select the
(Save) button.
When all of the record amendments have been completed, navigate to the last tab
(Documents tab) and select the
(Save) button to update all the
amended record.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Section 5 – Portal Downloads
A number of downloads are available on the portal to facilitate the electronic response to
From the GlobaleRFx home page,
Select the
(downloads) button in the top toolbar to download electronic
The download’s screen displays:
Figure 24: Download screen.
In the download section there are various options to choose from. Some of them are:
eRS Software
eRS Software Patches
eRS Manuals
You will need to download the eRS software in order to respond electronically to published
tender opportunities. To do this:
Select the eRS Software option. The eRS software screen displays:
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 25: Download screen.
The supplier has two formats to select from, either the exe format, which is for those suppliers
who do not have WinZip installed, OR the zip format if they do have Winzip installed.
Double clicking on the option selected will open the Save As box as depicted below.
The application is to be saveD to the hard drive at this location:
C:/Program Files
Figure 26: File location
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Downloading eRS Software patches is only necessary if a supplier has
previously installed the eRS application and a new version is issued.
Once the download is complete, the program must be installed.
Select the
from the saved located and complete installation.
Once the eRS application has been successfully installed an eRS icon
will appear
on the desktop.
Instructions on how to capture tender responses using the eRS application
can be obtained by downloading the relevant manual from the Downloads
section as indicated above.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Section 6 - Viewing and Responding to Tenders
After logging into and selecting the PetroSA (2) link you will be
directed to the Management Console of the PetroSA supplier portal.
It is highly recommended to complete tender opportunities offline by
downloading the eRS application first (as discussed previously) and then
downloading the relevant tender’s eRS data package and opening it using the
downloaded application.
A site dashboard screen displays, listing all the different tenders of the specific client:
Figure 27: Site dashboard Management Console listing available opportunities
Select the
(expand) button to expand the My Tenders and corresponding New
Figure 28: Site dashboard Management Console listing available tender opportunities
Select the required tender from the list available.
The client site will display with the selected tender.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Figure 29: Specific tender on the client’s site screen
From the section “An ERS Data Package Download”, select and download the
relevant eRS zip package to a central location (perhaps a new folder called eRS in
your My Documents location).
The eRS application is then opened by double clicking on the icon and the relevant
eRS package is selected for import from the location to which it was previously
Please refer to the eRS manual that you downloaded for instructions on how
to complete your responses. Telephonic assistance on how to respond to a
published opportunity can also be obtained by contacting the Intenda Help
Desk on +27 (0) 12 663 8815.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Section 7 - Viewing and Responding to E-Auctions
The eAuction module allows a supplier to take part in an auction that was set up by a PetroSA
buyer. The auction can either start by a tender process for which the supplier would have had
to answer the tender document as well as supply prices on the items required, or the auction
could also be an ‘open’ auction which means that any approved suppliers may take part in the
Auctions will be advertised on the company’s portal and it is the onus of the supplier to view
these advertisements from time to time.
The company could also decide to inform all
suppliers linked to a specific commodity. The advertisements/email would specify the date,
starting time and duration of a specific auction.
The eAuction module will be accessed through the PetroSA procurement portal, as described
in Section 1 of this document. The My Auctions and All Auctions links are available for
selection from the Management Console screen (Refer Figure 27 above).
Viewing and Entering an Auction
Auctions per supplier
The first screen displayed is split in two sections:
Figure 30: Open and dedicated auctions screen
Dedicated Auctions
All auctions ever participated in and all ‘dedicated’ auctions will be listed in the first section. A
dedicated auction will be an auction invite that stemmed from the completion of a tender or an
auction that has been set up by the auctioneer to which you have been invited. These
auctions will be listed in date sequence as follows:
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Open auctions listed first
Upcoming auctions next
Closed and past auctions last.
By clicking on the Closed / Open tab, all auctions details will be displayed.
Open Auctions
An open auction is an auction that is not linked to a tender response. All approved suppliers
are allowed to join. All open auctions currently running are displayed in the second section.
To enquire what the items on auction are, press on Open. A screen will be displayed listing
the items on auction and their current status. The top of every screen will indicate how much
time is left for the auction. By clicking on the ADD tab under the heading “Express Interest”,
you would be joining the auction and the auction would move up to the Dedicated Auction
Figure 31: List of Auctions Screen
Click on the Open tab to open the auction and start bidding.
Bidding on an item
Item & Bid
Figure 32: Opened auction ready to commence bidding
This screen displays all the items in Lot 1. A lot is set up to group similar items in an auction
to make it easier for the auctioneer and the bidder to follow. Items could also be grouped for
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
instance if there is a split in units i.e. one group of items could be a monetary value while
another could be a percentage or quantitative value.
Lot Display: an indication what items are displayed on the screen. The lot tab would change
colour to orange if there has been activity on the lot batch that is not currently displayed. This
would indicate that action needs to be taken.
Information Bar: The information bar is updated every 3 seconds and will provide you with
running totals on the lot and the auction and will display your ranking totals in the bidding
process as you go along.
Item and Bid information: An item that has the winning bid will have a message displayed in
green underneath it announcing that it is a winning bid and the amount of the bid. Here are
examples of how the Item and Bid information could change during an auction.
Figure 33: Bid outcome screen – winning bid
The screen in Figure 33 indicates that you have the winning bid on both items and that your
combined total for the Lot is R800.
Figure 34: Bid outcome screen – lower bid and no bid
The screen in Figure 34 shows that there is a lower bid on item 1 of R8 and that you have not
placed any bids on items 4 and 2.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Manual Bidding
Item & Bid
Figure 35: Manual Bid screen
Bid: The most important part of the whole module. Here you have to enter the amount that
you want to bid.
If this auction started off with a tender, the amounts that you supplied for the item in the
tender will be reflected here as the starting bid. The bid would be for one unit of the required
quantity, therefore a bid on item 1 to the value of R10.00 would have a total of R100.00.
The required decimal break is a full stop (.). A comma will result in an error
message. If no decimal is provided, the system will assume that a full amount
has been bid. Therefore, R10 and R10.00 will have the same result.
You do not have to “submit” after every item, you can bid on all the items in the lot that you
choose, and then do a once-off “Submit”. Once you have submitted, the item details and
information bar will change according to your bid and other bids that have taken place.
Three possible error messages could occur once you have placed a bid:
Rogue Bid: That would indicate that your bid has exceeded the difference of the
highest/lowest current bid as it has been set by the auctioneer. This would prevent any
bidder from bidding an amount of R10 while the current lowest bid is R200. The difference
allowed could be an amount or a percentage set by the auctioneer.
Minimum Decrement: That would indicate that the auctioneer has set an amount that each bid
has to lower/increment by. The message system could be used to ask the auctioneer what
this amount/percentage is.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Improve Bid: This message would indicate that the same amount as the current lowest bid
has been bid and that the bid has to be changed.
The figure below is an example of how the error message would be displayed (5 seconds):
Figure 36: Manual Bid error message
Auto Bidding
Figure 37: Auto Bid Activation
Auto Bid: To activate the auto bid, click on the In-Active button of the item on which you wish
to place the auto bid. The option block as displayed in Figure 38 below will open up.
Figure 38: Auto Bid screen – option block
Lowest Bid: Currently your bid for R500 is the winning bid, but you are prepared to go to a
minimum of R400. The amount of R400 then has to be entered as the “Lowest Bid” amount.
When a bid is received for an amount lower than R400, the auto bid will become In-Active
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
The amount that the bid needs to be lowered by is the value that is entered in the second field
called “Decrement”. When the percentage box is not ticked, it will be seen as a fixed amount;
otherwise it will be a percentage off the lowest bid amount.
The Auto Bid will then subtract R5 each time from any bid that is entered that is lower than
your own bid and present the new amount as your bid. Should the last bid from a competitor
be R440, the auto bid function enters a bid in your name to the value of R435. Should no
further bidding occur, this would be the winning bid.
Click on Set to activate the Auto Bid. The Auto Bid will now show Active. The Auto Bid can be
de-activated at any time by clicking on the Active block and cancel.
Messaging System
The eAuction module has the option to contact the auctioneer should any questions arise
during the auction.
The auctioneer can also send Notices which will be delivered to all
vendors participating in the auction.
Figure 39: Access to messaging system screen
Messages can be sent to the auctioneer and will only be seen by yourself and the auctioneer.
Such communication can be invoked by clicking on the “Messages” tab which will open the
Messages box. Type your question in the bottom line and press SEND. When the auctioneer
replies, the message box will open up automatically.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
The auctioneer can also send a “Notice”. This indicates that a general message that has
been sent to all the participants in the auction.
General Information
Figure 40: Access to general information tab
General information about the tender can be viewed by clicking on the “Information” tab on
the bottom bar.
Figure 41: Navigating tabs
Clicking on the “Auctions” tab would display the initial screen with the list of auctions again.
Clicking on “Logout” would log you out of the system.
Supplier Portal “How to” Guide
Bidding Extension
Automatic Extension: the auctioneer could determine, at the start of the auction that a bidding
extension could apply. That would imply that should a bid enter that auction in the last two
minutes (predetermined) of it, that the auction would automatically be extended by a
predetermined time frame. This option is to give the other bidders a fair chance to reply to a
last minute bid. The extended time will be displayed in the running information bar.
Please contact the PetroSA bid administrator for further assistance on specific
bids by either using the Messages function described above, or by contacting
the relevant person telephonically.