PLEADINGS Issue No. 264 Published by NALS of Greater Kalamazoo June 2012 HOW TO QUIT WORKING ON VACATION A fter months without a day off, it's official: You need a vacation. But you feel you just can't leave the office for a long weekend, much less five days or -- gasp! - two weeks. You ask yourself: "Will the office survive without me?" "What if I'm replaceable?" or "Will people resent me if I take some time off?" Instead of chancing it, you'll just check your e-mail a few times, leave your cell phone number in case someone needs to contact you, and dial into your weekly conference call. The E-Leash Although an improvement from 27 percent in 2006, 20 percent of workers say they plan to stay in touch with the office during their vacation this year, according to the annual vacation survey sponsored by, conducted by Harris Interactive, of more than 6,800 workers. While only 9 percent of workers say their employers expect them to check voicemail or e-mail on vacation, others may feel the pressure to do so anyway. Work can be demanding, but taking it all with you just brings the stress to a new location. Cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices can create an e-leash of sorts. And then there's good, old-fashioned guilt: 14 percent of workers report feeling guilty about missing work while on vacation. There are a host of reasons why employees feel compelled to forgo a vacation or obsessively check in with work. Some may fear if they are gone and things go smoothly, it will send a message that they aren't needed. Others worry that business won't be conducted properly or key projects will fall apart. Planning ahead, managing expectations and setting boundaries with your coworkers are key to making sure you get the break you need. To enjoy a stress-free and workfree vacation, try these tips: 1. Leave a roadmap. A few weeks before you leave, start recording important information, key contacts and any deadlines that will come up while you are gone. If you leave co-workers with a guide that will help them address questions that arise and keep things moving forward, they will be less likely to contact you on vacation and you will be less likely to walk into a war zone when you return. 2. Stick to an itinerary. While it's best to leave the office at the office, if you must do work, set limits and boundaries for yourself and your co-workers. Don't let activities on vacation interrupted by work. be getaways -- hardly enough time to recharge. Instead set aside a half hour each day to think about work and stick to it. Instead of having co-workers call you, tell them when you are going to check in, so you can control the time allotted. When it comes to time off, more than 40 percent of workers feel they don't get enough paid vacation. The majority (70 percent) get two weeks or more of paid vacation; nearly a quarter of workers receive four weeks or more. 3. Think big. If you have a big project and a great vacation planned for the same week, you can expect one of the two to give. Schedule the dates before and after the big stuff to lighten your load and enjoy your time off. 4. What if you're the boss? If you're working for yourself, make sure you anticipate your busy seasons by reviewing your previous sales and current situation. Save vacation time for slower periods and make sure to notify customers in advance. How Do You Compare? According to the Families and Work Institute, it takes up to three days to relax when you go on vacation and longer vacations (seven days or more) are associated with better psychological outcomes than shorter vacations. Some workers may not be able to get away at all, according to the survey. Twenty percent of workers report they won't take a vacation this year; one-in-four will take five days or less; and nearly one-in-ten will limit themselves to weekend But, 12 percent of the workforce does not receive any paid vacation. If workers had their way, 69 percent say three weeks or more of vacation is appropriate. In a separate survey, analyzed the vacation habits of employed workers in the U.S., Great Britain, Germany, France and Spain. Among the countries surveyed, Americans receive the fewest vacation days on average per year, earning only 14 days, compared to 24 days in Great Britain, 26 days in Germany, 30 days in Spain, and 36 days in France. By Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources for She is an expert in recruitment trends and tactics, job seeker behavior, workplace issues, employee attitudes and HR initiatives. NALS OF GREATER KALAMAZOO Board of Directors June 5, 2012 The treasurer’s report for May 2012 was tabled until next general membership meeting. The Minutes of the May Board meeting were approved, as corrected. Committee reports were given and matters discussed. The next Board meeting is scheduled for July 3, 2012 at noon at Miller Canfield. PLANNING MEETING A planning meeting for 20122013, including working on the upcoming year's budget, will be held on June 28, 2012, at 5:30 p.m. (change of date from June 14), at the NEW offices of Miller Johnson in the Radisson. All members are invited to participate. Please RSVP to Tami Carl at 226-2966 if you plan to attend. Pizza will be served. OLD FILES If you have any old files related to NALS of Greater Kalamazoo that need to be stored, please bring them to June 26, 2012, general membership meeting to give to Colleen VanSickle. Colleen will see that they are placed in our storage facility. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY'S REPORT By Joyce Coker Happy birthday to: Momo Vincent (June 30) I sent a sympathy card to Tammy Haley, Executive Director of NALS, for her father's death. A thank you note was also sent to Kim Houtman at Miller Johnson, for speaking at the May 22 meeting. NEW EMPLOYMENT CHAIR As many of you know, Cindy Comer, our long-time employment committee chair, retired in May from her job with the City of Kalamazoo. Tami Carl has agreed to take over this committee. So if you are looking for a job, looking for an employee, or know of a job opening, please contact Tami at 226-2966, or [email protected]. inf o@mor etti www .moretti gr oup .net KALAMAZOO SPEEDWAY FUNDRAISER NALS of Greater Kalamazoo will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets at the KALAMAZOO SPEEDWAY on Saturday, June 23, 2012 (note date change from May 26, 2012). Here's how it works: We have a table near the grandstand entryway and sell tickets there. We also circulate in the grandstand selling tickets there as well. Then about 9:00 or so, the drawing is held, and the rest of the evening is yours to spend at the races! This should be a great opportunity to raise some funds for our group for a one-time, one-day commitment. If you are interested in volunteering (yourself, spouse, family members, etc.), please contact Tami Carl at 226-2966 or via e-mail at: [email protected] The trusted name in cou rt reporting se rv ices since 1988 and here is w hy : Pr ofessi onal and experienced court reporter s Extremely comp etent office and pr oducti on staff Statewi de compli mentary conferenc e r ooms Vi deoconfer enci ng si tes statewi de and nati onwi de Handle r equests i n a pr of essi onal and ti mely manner N etw ork with r eputable fir ms nationwi de Online access to transcript s and exhibits W e are an Ethics First court reporting fir m Ou r co nfe re nce rooms a re locate d in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, St. Joseph, Battle Cree k Brighton, Ann A rbo r, Mt. Cle me ns & Troy 269.343.0118 800.536.0804 NALS OF GREATER KALAMAZOO Minutes of May 22, 2012 General Membership Meeting NALS of Greater Kalamazoo met on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at TGI-Friday’s, notice of the meeting having been duly given to all members. Fifteen members and three guests were present. Prior to the meeting, Kim Houtman presented on LinkedIn. 1. The meeting was called to order by President Tami Carl at 7:49 p.m. 2. Introduction of guests. 3. It was moved by Peggy Boucher and seconded by Kathleen Hutchins to approve the minutes of the April General Membership Meeting. Motion passed. 4. It was moved by Nancy Thomas and seconded by Lucinda Broecker to approve the April Treasurer’s Report subject to audit. Motion passed. 5. Corresponding Secretary, Joyce Coker, reported that a “Get Well” card was sent to Carolyn Schneider and a birthday card was sent to Nancy Gideon. It was also Joyce’s birthday within the last month. A “Thank You” card was received from Cindy Comer re: retirement. 6. Director, Nancy Thomas, stated that her report was in the Pleadings; however, reported that the Region 3 meeting will be held in Plymouth, Michigan, in July if anyone is interested in attending. 7. Committee Reports: a. Membership – Lucinda Broecker deferred to Cindy Comer because the transfer of file information had not taken place. A Davenport student, Bridgett Krank, will receive membership information. b. Marketing – Karen Hare reported that she sends welcome letters to all new members. Jenna Newman is a new student member. c. Scholarship – Nancy Thomas reported on behalf of Pam Wilcox that an email was sent extending the deadline to May 31st for our second scholarship. To-date, no response. d. Speakers/Programs – Diane Berry reported that our speaker in June will be Joseph Ammar, who will present on UCC filings, etc. July and August will be lunch meetings – potential speakers to be a representative from the Law Library and KDPS. The September speaker will be Becky Powers, a KVCC Wellness instructor and also Tim Allen’s sister. Diane also reported on “Engage 5” – if you recruit five new members, your dues are free. Our focus is on the student member – the future of our Association. 8. 9. 10. e. Student Liaison – Karen Hare had nothing additional to report. f. Diane Berry presented appreciation certificates to her Board members. Pending Business: a. President Carl called for volunteers – needed for Employment, LPY and Reservations. Lucinda Broecker agreed to head up the LPY Committee and Joyce Coker agreed to head up Reservations. b. June 14th is the Budget/Planning Meeting at 5:30 p.m. to be held at Miller Johnson at the Rose Street Market address. Contact President Carl if you plan to attend. c. June 23rd from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. is our 50/50 raffle fundraiser at the Kalamazoo Speedway. d. NALS of Michigan 2013 Annual Conference – Diane Berry reported that we have four speakers lined up with topics of bankruptcy, labor, and linguistic statement analysis. New Business: a. NALS of Michigan Officer Visitation – We will request Teri Garber. b. NALS of Michigan Honors and Elects – press release. c. Member Spotlight – Diane Berry PLS. Announcements: a. Next Board meeting on June 5th at noon at Miller Canfield. b. Next General Membership meeting on June 26th at Old Burdick’s at Wings West, Sports Drive. Speaker – Attorney Joseph Ammar; topic – Secured Transactions under UCC. There being no further business to come before the membership, it was moved by Peggy Boucher and seconded by Nancy Thomas to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kim L. Snow, PP, PLS Recording Secretary NALS OF GREATER KALAMAZOO ““The Association for Legal Professionals” Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Old Burdick’s at Wings West 5076 Sports Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49009 Telephone: 269.488.4500 5:30 p.m. – Networking 6:00 p.m. – Dinner Program: Joseph Ammar, Esq. Plunkett Cooney Topic: Secured Transactions Under the UCC Program to follow dinner; followed by General Membership Meeting Menu Selections (all prices include tax, tip and gratuity) Half Rack of Baby Back Ribs, served with Coleslaw, Sea Salt Seasoned Fries - $18.75** Caprese Chicken: Grilled Chicken Breasts, Fresh Mozzarella, Oven Dried Tomato, Asparagus, Pearl Pasta -$16.25** Michigan Whitefish: Grilled Great Lakes Caught Whitefish Filet, Chef’s Fresh Vegetable, Pearl Pasta - $17.50* Street Tacos: Shredded Machaca Beef, Sliced Avocado, Queso Fresco Cheese, Shredded Lettuce, Pico De Gallo, Chipotle Ranch, Charro Beans, Tamale Cake - $13.75** Cherry Glazed Salmon: Grilled Salmon, Cherry Glaze, Mixed Greens, Dried Cherries, Candied Pecans, Red Onion, Tomatoes, Bleu Cheese, Cherry Vinaigrette – $17.50** Prime Rib: Slow Roasted, served with Mashed Potatoes and Chef’s Fresh Vegetable - $21.25** **Note: please add $3.00 to your total for (unlimited refills) non-alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks are also available upon request at your cost. PLEASE NOTE OUR RESERVATION PROCEDURE: Please reply to the email address below with “NALS Reservation” in your subject line. Please give your selection in the body of the email, as well as the names and selections of any guests. Please give your payment to Kathleen Hutchins at the meeting. If you pay in cash, please bring the exact amount. Checks are welcome. Thank you! Please email your selection to Tami Carl at: [email protected] by noon on Monday, June 25, 2012. ONCE RESERVATIONS HAVE BEEN CALLED IN, YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT FOR YOUR ORDER IF YOU CANCEL AND DO NOT FIND A REPLACEMENT. KZ_DOCS 283355v1 2012-2013 Officers Tami L. Carl, President Phone: 226-2966; [email protected] Lucinda Broecker, CAP, Vice President Phone: 883-1709; [email protected] Kim L. Snow, PP, PLS, Recording Secretary Phone: 388-6060; [email protected] Joyce Coker, Corresponding Secretary Phone: 271-1989; [email protected] Kathleen E. Hutchins, PLS, Treasurer Phone: 226-2984; [email protected] Nancy Thomas, PLS, Director Phone: 381-7030; [email protected] Nancy Thomas, PLS, Parliamentarian Phone: 381-7030; [email protected] ***** Karen Hare, Student Member Contact [email protected] Nancy Thomas, PLS, Pleadings Editor Phone: 381-7030; [email protected] NALS of Greater Kalamazoo P.O. Box 50221 Kalamazoo MI 49005 CALENDAR Next Board Meeting Tuesday, July 3, 2012 12 noon Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone Next General Membership Meeting: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 5:30 p.m. Old Burdick's at Wing's West Program: Joseph Ammar, Esq. UCC Planning Meeting Thursday, June 28, 2012 5:30 p.m. Miller Johnson (Radisson) NALS Region 3 Retreat and NALS of Michigan Board Meeting July 20-21, 2012 Hilton Garden Inn Plymouth, Michigan NALS of Michigan PLS/ALS Cram August 11, 2012 Miller Johnson
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