HOW TO O GUIDE Cross Serrver Pull Printing on Pcounter (Pro) for Windows v 2.60 and d above INTRO ODUCTION server pull p “Cross s printing” is the te erm used to describe the configuratio on: following c 1.. Pull Queu ue Configu uration e: The Pull Queue is the queue in which jo obs remain n Pllease note pa aused awaiiting releas se at a prin nt device, therefore this t will be e the queue w which is listed in Pcounter P P Pull Queu ues listbox x ac ccessed via a the Pcounter Pro DLL. D If usi ng a Hidden Queue e co onfiguration n this will be the Hidde en Queue. h a An organisation with printting pull ent ru uns environme Pcounter on multiiple and the Pull P servers, a Printing te echnology on both se ervers, a and wants the ability to s to a pull p send jobs queue on Server 1 and a nter release frrom a prin controlled by Server 2. ents This guide docume ssary settin ngs the neces on the pull queues and a output queues in order his. to allow th he Pcounte er Ports associated with w Pull Q Queues on all servers s Th inv volved musst have the e following configuratio c on: cument do oes This doc not detail standard pull p printing o or explain the necessary configurattion for an ny spec cific Pcounter P Pro Embedd ded application n or prrint release terrminal. Click k here to access further How tto Guides For Su upport Clicck here The P Protocol mu ust be set to o LPR 0 The IP P Address must m be set to The P Printer/Queue Name must m be set to AUTO HOW TO O GUIDE Cross Serrver Pull Printing on Pcounter (Pro) for Windows v 2.60 and d above Remember The m method detailed h here is only y compattible with version n 2.60 or above off Pcounterr for Win ndows. If running an earlier version we mend that recomm you upgrade. he LPD Server 2.. Enable th he print jo obs will be b moved between ssevers via a the LPR R Th pr rotocol. Th herefore th he Pcounte er LPD Serrver must be enabled d on n all serverrs, and needs to be activated on each print outputt qu ueue that iss printed to o via Pull Prrinting. e: A Print Output O Qu ueue here iis any queu ue which is s Pllease note lis sted in the e Associa ate with print que eue contro ol back in n sc creenshot o one. If runn ning the Window ws TCP/IP Print Service (LPDS SVC) this must be disabled as s ows device a Windo can only operate D Server. one LPD Advance ed printing features s must be disable ed on the print outp put queues, however it can be on or off on the pull qu ueue. Furthe er Info… her info on For furth standard Pull see our Pull Printing s Printing g How-To guide e here. Inform mation on specific Pcounter Pro Pull Printing ons can be applicatio found d on our Installation Guides e here. page avigate to tthe Pcounte er LPD Serv ver control in Pcontro ol > Na Se erver Conffiguration > LPD Server. Check k the box la abelled Ena able LPD S Server. Check k the box associated with w each p print outputt queue Ensurre that each h activated queue hass a unique LPR L queu ue name (the name itself is unim mportant, so long as unique) it is u Click OK and confirm the restart of th he Pcounte er Printer e Contrrol Service d Printing Features 3.. Advanced he Advance ed printing features must be disa abled in the e printer Th prroperties off each printt output queue. This iss accessed through the Advance ed tab of th he printer properties. p Uncheck the t box En nable adva anced prin nting featu ures. HOW TO O GUIDE Cross Serrver Pull Printing on Pcounter (Pro) for Windows v 2.60 and d above Don’tt forget All jo obs in a Pcounter Pull Queue e must be paused by Pco ounter erpause (Supe setting) in order to ect to pull be subje printing. However, for cross server pulll to work s successfully y the Wind dows print queue its self cannott be pa aused. This paus se setting is s accessed through the printt queue in Devic ces and Printers s > Printerr menu. Pause g must be printing unchecked. HOW TO O GUIDE Cross Serrver Pull Printing on Pcounter (Pro) for Windows v 2.60 and d above onfiguration n is now co omplete. Re epeat for al l servers as s Co ne ecessary. erformanc ce Issues Pe Prrint disabling Pc counter off the speed can n be improved by e LPR Byte Counting g on the Port confiiguration Pull Queu ue.
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