DECEMBER 2013 • Vol. 19 No. 10 New York Society of Cosmetic Chemists How To Get Started and Get Connected: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media …Articles by Judith Bernabe, Joseph Dunn, Alissa Frontauria, and Kristina Kannheiser • Art by Giorgino Macalino I t seems like yesterday when we had rotary dialer phones. We saw the brick-sized mobile phone from the movie, Wall Street, and experienced the dawn of the dot-com age that has come and gone. Now, we are in what most writers call the social media age. The age of over communication: where the news hits Twitter as the reporters cover the scene on the spot and where everyone and everything as significant as the Pope to a random stick of gum is documented. Each amazing, irrelevant, outstanding, and hilarious posting, picture, tweet, and comment has found a permanent home in our digitized world. The Internet, our friend, an equipped ally, and sometimes frenemy, is full of useful tools that bring small businesses and big businesses to the 21st Century. We use it to obtain everything, from the simplest form of information like the best recipes, to the more technical such as scientific definitions and the latest breakthroughs in research. For most Gen X, Gen Y, and beyond, it is hard to imagine how people communicated before the age of the worldwide web. Now, we have tablets, smart phones, smart watches…these tech toys have us all hooked. If you are not already doing so, it is about time you utilize that smart phone. When three year olds are learning faster than thirty year olds, you know it is time to catch up or get left behind. Silly as it sounds, why is it important to catch up to the times? What is so fantastic about the social media sphere? Maybe those 554,750,000 twitter accounts, 1 billion Facebook fans, 1 million Instagram users, and the 200 million LinkedIn members are on to something that you are missing out on. Maybe, just maybe, staying connected is important in our daily lives. This is a polarizing topic in itself, but let us just assume that you are still reading and I am still somehow connecting with you. Do you want to know how to get started? Perhaps you would like to get informed and start keeping an eye on your seventeen year old, whose activities are perplexing and hard to understand. Perhaps you would like to be able to get in touch with old high school friends with whom you have lost contact? Wait, maybe you want to network and find a job? N Y S C C J A N U A R Y Get the latest news from CNN, ABC, FOX, Science Daily, NYSCC, and more. This digital manual was written to help you make the transition from being paperbound to digitally savvy. Who can master the inner workings of every social media platform without the basics? Before we begin, a few words of caution: this is not for those who would like to stay off-grid. Read your corporate policy for social media accounts. Please take note that downloading these apps and signing up for these accounts require you to be agreeable to the terms and conditions as well as privacy policies of each social media tool. Be aware that when you do find your preferred platform in the social media realm, there lies the danger of getting addicted to it. C H A P T E R (Continued on page 4) M E E T I N G • PA G E J a n u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 4 • P i n e s M a n o r, E d i s o n , N e w J e r s e y 1 0 C C O O S S M M E E T T I I S S C C O O P P E E 2013 NYSCC BOARD OF DIRECTORS & PROGRAM CHAIRS CHAIR Steve Herman (973) 479-5702 [email protected] CHAIR-ELECT Steve Neidenberg (815) 337-2500 [email protected] TREASURER Sonia Dawson [email protected] SECRETARY Kim Burch (215) 320-1573 [email protected] ADVISOR Brian Hom (973) 345-8600 x3430 HOUSE Jenna Jelinski (201) 396-8431 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Amy Marshall (908) 806-4664 [email protected] PROGRAM Cathy Piterski (678) 730-1643 [email protected] SPECIAL EVENTS Phil Klepak (973) 265-2869 [email protected] SUPPLIERS’ DAY Danielle Kennedy [email protected] COSMETISCOPE EDITOR Roger McMullen [email protected] COSMETISCOPE ADVERTISING Bret Clark [email protected] COSMETISCOPE EMPLOYMENT Guojin Lu [email protected] Upcoming 2013 NYSCC Events Calendar • For updated NYSCC information, visit us on the web at: • For National SCC information: January 15 NYSCC Chapter Meeting, Pines Manor, Edison, NJ February (TBD) Joint Meeting with the Chinese SCC, Edison, NJ February (TBD) Ski Trip March 19-20 2014 NYSCC Rheology Symposium, Princeton University May 12 NYSCC Brazilian Conference (TBD) 2 2 D D E E C C E E M M B B E E R R 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 W T E W C H W . N N I C Y A S L C C T . I O D R B I G T S HAPPI Anti-Aging Conference …Meyer Rosen few days ago I had some delicious rolls in a Portuguese restaurant. So good were they, I took some home. Put them in a paper bag, I did, and waited till morning. Alas, when teeth met roll the next day, it was as hard as a rock. My wife Selma cried out, “Maybe I can help you with that.” Okay. A few minutes later she handed me the roll, except now the skin was soft and supple as if it was freshly baked. “How did you do that?” I inquired. She responded, “I put some water on it and heated it briefly in the microwave.” Now, fresh from the fantastic HAPPI Anti-Aging Conference (Thanks, Tom Branna), and with my Consulting hat on, I said to myself, “How did the roll become young again?” There are no long telomeres hidden in my microwave… A little voice in my head said, “Gee, the water was put on the OUTSIDE of the skin and the heat moved it into the cells making them moist again.” Kind of like reversing trans-epidermal water loss, thermally pushing water INTO the skin. Then I thought, what if we took some apple pectin (a polymeric thickener and film former) and applied it as a gel to the outside of the stratum corneum and gently heated it with infrared radiation (not those nasty UVA and UVB rays). It would be neat if we chose those Swiss apples that don’t age; you know, the ones that don’t turn brown. Spa treatment, anyone? Maybe we could force the water into the cells of the skin. Maybe, just maybe, with some extracts of the stem cells from the Swiss apples thrown into the gel we could even enhance the process and stay within FDA guidelines about our claims (Thanks, Annie Ugurlayan, J.D. and Patricia Farris, M.D.)… Now, with all due respect to Howard Murad, M.D. and his wonderful wisdom; not to mention his “Eat Your Water” outstanding talk and book; we might be able to bring back some plumpness to our skin! (Thanks, Ronni Weinkauf, Ph.D. and Barbara Green: Neostrata!!) Hydration from the OUTSIDE-IN. Hmmm… Of course, during my mind’s meandering I did not do a patent or Google search to see if someone else already had this idea. Nevertheless, if you decide to try it and get good clinical trials, remember I am a coinventor. The bottom line is that this was a great conference with terrific speakers and ample networking opportunities. Thank you Navin Geria for your contributions. A ® ® Specialty Silicones t Specialty Esters Delivery Systems Skin & Hair Moisture Complexes EXSYMOL S.A.M.: Silanols t Peptides GELYMA: Marine Cell Actives 201-825-8800 t With kind regards, Meyer R. Rosen FAIC, CPC, CChE Fellow: Royal Society of Chemistry (London) Editor-in-Chief of Harry’s Cosmeticology, 9th Ed. (forthcoming) Self-appointed member of the Board on Saving Our Print Cosmetiscope Call for Papers T he Cosmetiscope editorial committee invites all interested parties to submit feature technical articles for publication in the NYSCC monthly newsletter. Authors of feature articles are eligible to win the prestigous NYSCC Literature Award ($1,000) for the best front-page article published during the calendar year. Also, authors receive $200 reimbursement to attend a theatrical performance of their choice. Writing an article for your peers is a very rewarding experience, both personally and professionally, and would reserve your place in NYSCC history. You may choose whatever topic you feel would be interesting to fellow colleagues in our industry. We also welcome any other types of commentaries or articles that may be published in the Career Corner, Technical Tidbit section, or as a Letter to the Editor. Please send correspondence to: [email protected]. V V O O L L U U M M E E 1 1 9 9 •• N N o o .. 1 1 0 0 3 3 C BOTANICAL EMOLLIENTS & SPECIALTY PARTICLES S M E A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Facebook 24/7 Online Ingredient Information: Label The Natural Solution i O ® In the New York SCC Region: Essential Ingredients Michael Manning 201.576.9382 [email protected] T I S C O P E (Continued from page 1) First, what is Facebook? Facebook is the world’s most popular social networking website. It is a platform for individuals, companies, and organizations to get connected, share experiences, thoughts, and ideals with colleagues, friends, family, or like-minded idealists online. It is great for connecting and brainstorming amongst businesses and consumers. To those who have successfully avoided social media’s 700-pound gorilla, but would like to start now, let us give you a crash course on how to get started. First, create a free account by going to the website. You will see the screen that looks like the figure below. You will then be asked to create a profile, which could be as little or as much information about you that you would like to share with the world. When you have signed up you can download the app from the app store and login using your e-mail address and password. You can then connect with friends by allowing the app to download your address book or you can choose to skip that step. Start following pages for companies, celebrities, and the like. All you need is an e-mail address to get started, be it a professional or personal one. Make sure you use your real name though, as Facebook has started to crack down on fake accounts. Once you have created a profile, then you can start interacting with your friends by posting on your wall, chatting with friends, and sharing websites. This is a great tool to collaborate with a wide group of people. You can upload photos and share memories of special events. You can use the like button to agree or ‘like’ what people, companies, or organizations say, post, or comment about. Facebook offers plenty of benefits to our industry. It allows us to reach a large audience, from chemists to consumers. You can market to a more specific audience, while also getting feedback from the consumers. It is a very simple way to communicate with others. Manage your privacy settings by going to settings, on the upper right hand corner. You can control what is posted and what others can see on your timeline and who can tag you. You can even control key words that can be searchable in different search engines such as Yahoo, Google, Firefox, or Bing. We Provide YOUR Silicone Solutions™ Manufacturer of Specialty Silicones for Cosmetics and Personal Care Represented by: Axiom Ingredients 516.316.1009 877.700.0302 • 4 4 For the NYSCC, we have a Facebook page where we post event pictures, meeting topics, and locations. It is also where you will start seeing archived pictures of past events and highlights. At Suppliers’ Day, the social media team will cover the event from parking status, lunch hours, and location, to the winners of raffles. We would like to get feedback from members of the society, so make sure that once you sign up, LIKE us at NYSCC. D D E E C C E E M M B B E E R R 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 W W W W W W . . N N Y Y S S C C C C . . O O R R G G LinkedIn What is LinkedIn? If you are not in it and you are looking for a job, or just to network, we suggest you sign up. It is the world’s largest social network for professionals covering 200 countries and territories around the globe. Their mission is to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. With LinkedIn you get access to people, jobs, news, updates, and insights that help you be great at what you do. The biggest benefit is that it is the social media network that is most relevant to your professional growth. There are a number of benefits to joining LinkedIn, below are some key points. • You can establish your professional profile. • Build and maintain a broader network of professionals you can trust. • Find and reconnect with colleagues and classmates. • Learn about other companies. • Leverage powerful tools to find and reach the people you need. • Tap into the knowledge of your network. • Discover new opportunities. LinkedIn should be your primary focus when it comes to social media from a professional viewpoint. Not only is it the preferred network for professionals and high-income earners, but also people are twice as likely to trust what they read on LinkedIn as on any other available platforms. It functions as your online resume where future employers can find you or those seeking your expertise can contact you. And since your profile is the foundation of your success on LinkedIn, you need to make sure it reflects you appropriately. Before you start making connections and networking, though, it is crucial for you to take the time to completely fill out your free profile. In order to get started, visit the website and complete your profile. While the website is very user friendly, sometimes a ‘how to’ can help. Since it has already been covered by WikiHow, here is a link to the article: From there you should then take the time to optimize your profile. This will allow you to get more exposure and reach more of your target audience. Here are some ways to do just that: • Display picture: the first thing that people look at is your picture, so it’s imperative that it looks professional. • Summary section: the section where you highlight your accomplishments and expertise. • Experience section: acts as your online resume to highlight your current and previous job, education, and your industry. • Skills and expertise: can be used to highlight your various skills, as well as keyword-load search terms prospects will be using to find you. It is also the same section that allows people to give you one-click endorsements. Think hard about the terms you include, as they reflect your value and you cannot control what people decide to endorse. • Recommendations: the part where you can have a few previous clients and colleagues provide your first LinkedIn recommendation. The power of third-party credibility is invaluable. You will appear more credible and may get more referrals. You can choose to review this part before posting on your page. • LinkedIn groups is where all the action is. It functions as an online forum to discuss your business interests. Currently, some forums are focused on natural products, others on raw materials and general formulation. People use these groups to find manufacturers and also to troubleshoot problems. The NYSCC has a LinkedIn account that is a platform for posting event information, Q&A section at our groups account, and networking. NYSCC Social Media is Linked to Over 2,500 Members And Counting! (Continued on page 6) V V O O L L U U M M E E 1 1 9 9 • • N N o o . . 1 1 0 0 5 5 C C O O S S M M E E T T A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Twitter Innovation for Hair & Skin I I S S C C O O P P E E (Continued from page 5) Twitter is a free social networking service that gives users unlimited tweets or posts composed of 140 characters. Succinct and straight to the point, these tweets can be visible for all to see, and delivered to all the user’s followers. Being a user has many advantages, and when done right, Twitter can help people boost the users’ image on the web, be more informed, and get more exposure. Users can be anyone from A-list celebrities to Companies. What are the advantages of using Twitter? Here are a few that many users and companies agree on. • Information. Used right, Twitter can be your personalized newspaper, delivering updates from your favorite news anchor, channel, show, or cause. Since most classic media have migrated online, all of them have signed up for Twitter. You can get live feed from everywhere. Updates from CNN, the White House, or a link to the latest article from Science Daily or National Geographic. It is all about how you manage your account and how you use it. Follow the right twitters and be as knowledgeable about current affairs or celebrities as you would like to be. • Branding and website traffic. Both personal and professional brands can be reinforced and supported by Twitter. A message can be spread and retweeted faster than any other media out there. As long as you have a fair amount of followers and enough of them re-tweet them to their followers, Twitter can be the platform that boosts your brand and increases your website traffic. • Events. Track events, tweet live from events, and get questions and answers out there as quickly as you can type them. It is a great way to promote events to all of twitter sphere and track them by using a # or @, for example: #NYSCC or @NYSCC. • Votes and feedback. Using Twitter, tracking favorites, and re-tweets can be managed effectively and is a good meter to check if one topic is more relevant or popular to your followers than others. • Mobility and live feed. Twitter is a mobile tool, so anyone and everyone with a smartphone or tablet can download and tweet. As long as the content does not exceed 140 characters, it can be a powerful tool to communicate and spread a message, content, or video. Remember what happened in Tunisia and Egypt? The two most powerful platforms they used in 2012 were Twitter and Facebook. Let’s get started with the basics. Sign up. We highly recommend you use your personal e-mail address, as different policies govern social media accounts at different companies. Start tweeting and follow companies or celebrities by clicking on the follow icon indicated by the arrows below. When you are done signing in, create a username that you would like the public to see since all your tweets will be marked by this signature. For example, our username for NYSCC is @NYSCC. Manage your accounts password, link to phone, or retrieval e-mail address. You can also change your security settings and privacy, customized to how you would like to leave your footprint in the Twitter sphere. Another Twitter feature that makes it easy to keep track of your account is the e-mail notification setting. You can receive an e-mail if and when your tweet is marked as favorite, re-tweeted, or if you are mentioned in a tweet. 6 6 D D E E C C E E M M B B E E R R 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 W W W W W W . . N N Y Y S S C C C C . . O O R R G G Instagram Are you a visual learner? Do you love beautiful sights and photography? Then Instagram is for you. This growing social media outlet consists only of photos! Capture the world in images,and create beautiful shareable moments with a tap of a finger. Follow your friends, favorite brands, celebrities, and, of course, the NYSCC for news, quick glimpses, and behind the scenes action. Comment on our photos or share them with your friends and colleagues. ➊ ➋ ➌ ➐ How to use Instagram 1. First, head to the App Store or Google Play to download Instagram for free to your device. 2. Open the app and click Register. 3. Choose a username and password, and fill in your Profile information OR link to your Facebook account to fill in your info. 4. When your account is complete, you’re ready to find friends! Friends’ photos will fill your home feed. Find friends by searching your Facebook friends, Contacts, or let Instagram suggest friends for you. 5. OR, use the Explore tab to view popular posts and search for specific users or hashtags. 6. Edit your profile by clicking the wheel at the top right of your profile page. ➍ ➎ ➑ ➏ 7. Join in the fun by snapping and editing your own photos using the Camera tab. You can take your photo directly in the app OR choose from your photo album by clicking the grid button. 8. Add info to your photo in the caption area (such as “#NYSCC”) and easily share your photo on your other social media outlets if you choose. Click Share and your followers will see your photo in their home feed! 9. View your own account by clicking the far right bottom tab. Don’t forget to search for and follow NYSCCmain by clicking the blue “Follow button” and check #NYSCC to see all SCC related pictures in one place! Change the look of your picture by choosing a filter here! Use the buttons below a photo to like or comment. ➒ Turning this button on will require your approval before other users can view your photos. (Continued on page 8) V V O O L L U U M M E E 1 1 9 9 •• N N o o .. 1 1 0 0 7 7 C C O O S S M M E E T T I I S S C C O O P P E E (b±´8 8±b A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media (Continued from page 7) The New York Society of Cosmetic Chemists Wants You INFORMED!!! LLonza onza PPersonal ersonal Care Care JOIN AND CONNECT WITH US ONLINE ON ANY OF OUR SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKING GROUPS ±±YÁO¼n±8¼Vb8´b Ç´¼ÈÈÈ¡Í8¡O±b8Á´8¼ Í8O¡8±O|DÍ8¡O¡ Now that you have followed the NYSCC on Twitter and Instagram, liked us on Facebook, and, finally, connected to us on LinkedIn, you are successfully hard-wired into the NYSCC and you should get the most up-to-date information as soon as it is posted. There are many benefits to being connected, including live updates during all NYSCC events, job postings, and open discussion among colleagues about relevant topics. What we would like to see in the future is an open dialogue and sharing of experiences and events among professionals in our industry across all social media as well as previews to the events. Having a professional dialogue would be beneficial to both seasoned professionals and newbies of our industry. Recapturing beauty through technology ·Î ,Êb± (8ObV +Á¼| (8obYV ηÎgÎ ¤~Îg~p¸~pÀÎÎ MONTHLY COSMETISCOPE sensiva® – multifunctional additives designed for your innovation euxyl® – optimum preservation according to your needs schülke inc. 1-888-267-4220 8 8 Apart from these social media avenues, our website is an integral tool for every member. It includes the monthly Cosmetiscope in PDF form, along with archives that go back to 2007. You can also find all the contact information for anyone on the board that you may need to contact. THE NYSCC SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM The NYSCC Social Media Team would like to thank everyone for reading this article. For any questions or additional information, please do not hesitate to e-mail us at [email protected]. THE FUTURE OF NYSCC MEDIA AND ADVERTISING BEGINS NOW! Changes are taking place at the NYSCC, and we are moving to make every members’ experience the best possible and meet all their expectations. If you are ever unsure about what is going on at the NYSCC, just reach for your nearest internet device and in seconds, the most complete and up-to-date information for the NYSCC will be right at your fingertips. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to your nearest social media committee member, or send us an e-mail at [email protected] D D E E C C E E M M B B E E R R 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 W W W . N Y S C C . O R G ZZZNLQHWLNWHFKFRP Z ZZNLQHWLNWHFKFRP HPDLOLQIR#NLQHWLNWHFKFRP HPDLOLQIR#NLQHWLNWHFKFRP WW Save the Date June 5, 2014 Call for Papers New York Academy of Sciences World Trade Center, Building 7 • New York, NY The New York Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists is proud to announce the 2014 NYSCC Antioxidant Symposium, which will feature key academic and industrial researchers in the field of antioxidants and the skin. The conference will be held on the top floor of the newly constructed Building 7 of the World Trade Center, home to the New York Academy of Sciences. There will be a concurrent poster session in which entries will be eligible for the poster competition and will be judged on originality and innovation relevant to methodologies and the use of antioxidants in skin care. Poster Prizes: 1st place: $1,500 2nd place: $1,000 3rd place $500 Please send abstracts for podium presentation submissions by February 15, 2014 to Roger McMullen at [email protected]. Conference attendees will receive a complimentary book: Antioxidants and the Skin V V O O L L U U M M E E 1 1 9 9 • • N N o o . . 1 1 0 0 9 9 C O S M E T I S C O P E It’s All in Your Head – Hair and Scalp News EDUCATIONAL HOUR SPEAKERS Speaker: Nava Dayan, Ph.D. Topic: Scalp Skin Innate Immunity and Biota: Genomic and Proteomic Testing Opportunities Date: January 15, 2014 • 4:30 PM Location: Pines Manor • Edison, New Jersey Abstract: T he scalp is unique among other skin areas with relatively high follicular density and an elevated rate of sebum secretion. The protected dark and warm environment on the scalp surface provides a welcoming ground for population of microorganisms that may be different from that present in other anatomical regions. Scalp skin is one of the thickest skin areas of the body, and carries supplementary blood circulation. In addition, it is heavily populated with sebaceous glands, which produce sebum that protects hair. Naturally, scalp associated disorders involve imbalances of follicular secretions and factors related to innate immunity such as pH, biota, and inflammation. Lipophilic yeast Malassezia is widely accepted to play a role in scalp disorders. However, since many of the scalp microorganisms are not culturable using current culture techniques it is difficult to elucidate the role of other biota in scalp health. Genomic and proteomic techniques able to identify biota and its secretions can give rise to better understanding of disorders and pave paths for innovation in prevention and treatment. In this presentation we will compare biochemical differences between scalp skin and other skin areas, follicular density and secretion, typical biota, and innovative genomic and proteomic testing opportunities. Biography: Rossow USA Inc. Distributors of Smart Cosmetic Ingredients ® Ingredients ffor or Quality Ingredients ŽƐŵĞƟĐƐ ŽƐŵĞƟĐƐ ĞƌŵŽͲĐŽƐŵĞƟĐƐ ĞƌŵŽͲĐŽƐŵĞƟĐƐ Phone : 1-855-7ROSSOW Email : [email protected] W eb : www Web PParleam® arleam® Aloe Vera Vera Wilbride® Lipidur Lipidure® e® ^^Ͳ&ĂĐĞΠ Ͳ&ĂĐĞΠ D r. Nava Dayan is an independent consultant with 24 years of experience in variety of aspects of skin care; offering a wide range of services for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and personal care industries as well as research entities, regulatory agencies, and academic institutions. Her primary service focus is on innovation, bridging technology to industry, identifying paths in product development, efficacy claims, safety assessment, skin absorption, increased efficacy, and strategies to attenuate adverse effects. Nava’s area of expertise spans skin aging, skin inflammatory disorders, delivery systems for enlargement of therapeutic index, natural ingredients and formulations, skin’s innate immunity and barrier integrity, biochemical paths analysis, and skin research of toxicological endpoints and their assessment. Dr. Dayan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutics, Master’s degree in Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology, and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics. All degrees were obtained from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Directions to Pines Manor • Edison, New Jersey 2085 Route 27 (Lincoln Hwy.), Edison, NJ 08817 • Tel. (732) 287-2222 FROM THE TURNPIKE • NJ Turnpike – To Exit 10. Follow signs to 287 North. Follow to Exit 2B (Route 27 South, New Brunswick) Bear right onto Route 27 South. Pines Manor is a half-mile on the right. FROM THE NORTH • Garden State Parkway South – To exit 129. Follow to Interstate 287 North. Follow to Exit 2B (Route 27 South, New Brunswick). Bear right onto Route 27 South. Pines Manor is a halfmile on the right. • Interstate 287 South – Follow to Exit 3 (Metuchen-New Durham). Make a right off the exit onto New Durham Road. At the first light, make a left onto Talmadge Road. Go through the first two traffic lights and prior to the third traffic light, the side entrance of the Pines Manor will be on your left. • Route 1 South – Follow to Interstate 287 North. Follow to Exit 2B (Route 27 South, New Brunswick). Bear right onto Route 27 South. Pines Manor is a half-mile on the right. 10 10 D D E E C C E E M M B B E E R R 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 W W W . N Y S C C . O R G M O N T H LY C H A P T E R M E E T I N G Speaker: Miri Seiberg, Ph.D. Topic: Age-induced Hair Graying: What Goes Wrong and Do We Know How to Fix It Date: January 15, 2014 • 6:30 PM Location: Pines Manor • Edison, New Jersey Open registration: 4:00 PM Educational Hour Starts: 4:30 PM • Dinner: 5:30 PM CHAPTER MEETING COST: Pre-registered SCC members: $35 ($70 at door) • Pre-registered non-SCC members: $75 ($110 at door) Students: $10 ($50 at door) • Emeritus: Free ($40 at door) Register online at: Abstract: H uman hair has no significant biological role, and is kept (or removed) for social and cosmetic reasons only. Hair graying is undesired by many societies, as it signals the process of aging and contradicts a cultural wish to look younger. Gray, white, or “salt and pepper” hair fibers result from the partial or complete loss of pigment from the hair shaft. Numerous mechanisms have been suggested to explain this loss, and various strategies have been developed to mask, inhibit, or reverse hair graying. There is no scientific evidence that any nutritional supplement, herbal remedy, product, or diet could reverse, stop, or slow hair graying. However a reversal of the graying process, while rare, is possible, resulting from side effects of certain medications. Studies are ongoing to better understand the hair graying process and to identify possible therapies. The soul and science of beauty. Biography: M iri Seiberg is a life sciences R&D expert with a track record of research innovation. She has initiated and managed research and development programs in the fields of skin and mucosal tissue biology, resulting in novel drug candidates and successful consumer products (AVEENO, Neutrogena, etc.). Miri is involved in R&D projects of active ingredients, botanical extracts, skin health and aging, hair growth, dermatology, skin cancer, wound healing, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine, supporting the development of drugs, devices, and consumer products. Miri received her B.Sc. from Tel Aviv University, Israel, and her M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel in collaboration with Princeton University. She authored more than 60 peerreviewed publications, reviews, and book chapters, and has more than 80 patents. Miri spent 20 years at the Johnson & Johnson Skin Research Center, where she received numerous awards, including the Johnson Medal, the most prestigious award given for research and development in Johnson & Johnson. FROM THE SOUTH • Garden State Parkway North – To Exit 127. Take Interstate 287 North and follow to Exit 2B (Route 27 South, New Brunswick). Bear right onto Route 27 South. Pines Manor is a half-mile on the right. • Interstate 287 North – Follow to Exit 2B (Route 27 South, New Brunswick). Bear right onto Route 27 South. Pines Manor is a half-mile on the right. • Route 1 North – To the Plainfield Avenue jug handle. Cross over Route 1 and go to the second traffic light, which is Route 27 South. Make a right onto Route 27 North. Go 4 traffic lights. Pines Manor is approximately 1 mile on the left. FROM NEW YORK • Staten Island – Take 440 South over the Outerbridge Crossing. Route 440 South becomes Interstate 287 North. Follow to Exit 2B (Route 27 South, New Brunswick). Bear right onto Route 27 South. Pines Manor is a half-mile on the right. • New York City – Take either the George Washington Bridge, Holland Tunnel, or Lincoln Tunnel to NJ Turnpike South. Get off at Exit 10. Follow signs to Interstate 287 North. Go about two miles to Exit 2B (Route 27 South, New Brunswick). Bear right onto Route 27 South. Pines Manor is a half-mile on the right. V V O O L L U U M M E E 1 1 9 9 •• N N o o .. 1 1 0 0 11 11 C C O O S S M M E E T T I I S S C C O O P P E E 2014 NYSCC 2-Day Rheology Symposium Princeton University (McDonnell & Jadwin Buildings) March 19-20, 2014 Half-day S.C.C. Cosmetic Rheology Course by Dennis Laba, Ph.D. Half-day S.C.C. Gums, Thickeners and Rheology Modifiers Course by Robert Lochhead, Ph.D. Presentations By Internationally Renowned Experts In Rheology including Poster Technology Session Rheology Instrumentation Demonstrations Agenda: SESSION A – March 19th, 8:35 – 11:30 a.m. SCC Continuing Education Course: “Cosmetic Rheology.” Instructor: Dennis Laba, Ph.D. (Presperse) SESSION B – March 19th, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. • Joe Albanese (3V Inc) – Rheology Modifiers as Delivery Systems for Active Ingredients • Rhyta Rounds, Ph.D. (Fluid Dynamics) – Lubricity Measurements—An Overview • Daphne Benderly, Ph.D. (Presperse) – Why Rheology—Examples from Other Industries • Jeffery Martin, Ph.D. (Johnson & Johnson) – Yield Stress Measurements for Personal Care Applications • Christina Tang, Ph.D. (Princeton University) – Foams for Drug Delivery • Geng Li, Ph.D. (Energizer) – Relationship between the Rheological Properties and Skin Feel SESSION C – March 19th, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. SCC Continuing Education Course: “Rheology Modifiers.” Instructor: Robert Lochhead, Ph.D. (University of Southern Mississippi) SESSION D – March 19th, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. • Gail Vance Civille (Sensory Spectrum) – Rheology—Can You Feel It…When Sensory Science Counts • Nava Dayan, Ph.D. (Dr. Nava Dayan L.L.C.) – Formulation Viscosity—Correlation to Skin Permeation Enhancement or Retardation • Anna Tai, Ph.D. (Merck) – Rheology Application for Emulsion Formulation Development, Optimization & Scale-up • Kishore R. Shah, Ph.D. (Polytherapeutics, Inc.) – Hydrogel Graft Copolymer Delivery System and Its Rheological Properties • Brian Figura (Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc.) – Surfactant-Activated Microgels: A Novel Platform for Rheology Modification • Mark Chandler (ACT Solutions Corp) – Cosmetic Rheology—A Flow of Emotions • Bharath Rajaram (TA Instruments) – Rheological Characterization of Personal Care Products • Brock Lundberg (Fiberstar Bio-Ingredient Technologies, Inc.) – Characterization of Citrus Fiber Rheology and Physicochemical Interactions • Eric Chiang (Brookfield Engineering) – Are Your Cosmetics & Personal Care Products Easy to Apply 12 12 D D E E C C E E M M B B E E R R 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 W W W W W W . . N N Y Y S S C C C C . . O O R R G G SESSION E – March 20th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Keynote Speaker Robert Bianchini, Ph.D. (VP Innovation Merck) – The Importance of Rheology to a Successful Product Development Plan • Hemi Nae, Ph.D. (Hydan Technologies) – Introduction to Rheology • Rudiger Brummer, Ph.D. (formerly with Beiersdorf) – Correlating Rheological Properties To Sensory Perceptions • T.J. Lin, Ph.D. (TJL Associates) – Rheology and Solving Emulsion Processing Problems SESSION F – March 20th, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. • Manfred Wilhelm, Ph.D. (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) – New and Combined Methods for the Rheological Characterization of Soft Matter • Robert Prud’homme, Ph.D. (Princeton University) – Hydrophobically Associative Polymers • Robert Lochhead, Ph.D. (University of Southern Mississippi) – Microgels and Particulates: Yield Stress, Jamming and Avalanche Fluids • Phillip Miner, Ph.D. (formerly with Unilever)– Using Rheology to Predict Stability ALL DAY – March 19th and 20th Demonstrations/Presentations of Rheological Instrumentation Poster Technology Session – Rheology Modifiers BOTH EVENINGS – March 19th and 20th March 19th – Social Gala Reception (new Chemistry building) March 20th – Reception (Princeton University campus) Registration: n EARLY REGISTRATION – PRIOR TO MARCH 12, 2014 Members Non-Members Students/Unemployed/Emeritus Both Days $200 $400 $0 One Day $100 $200 $0 Price includes reception(s) at the conclusion of the presentations. n LATE REGISTRATION – AFTER MARCH 12, 2014 AT THE DOOR Members Non-Members Students/Unemployed/Emeritus Both Days $300 $500 $50 One Day $150 $250 $25 Price includes reception(s) at the conclusion of the presentations. n RECEPTION ONLY Members Day 1 $25 Day 2 $25 Both Days $50 Early registration required. Non-Members $50 $50 $100 Students/Unemployed/Emeritus Free Free Free n POSTER TECHNOLOGY SESSION PARTICIPATION •$600 includes 4'x8' poster, one full-registration, published abstract, and 1/4-page advertisement in handouts. • $800 includes 4'x8' poster, one full-registration, published abstract, and full-page advertisement in handouts plus sponsorship of both early evening receptions NOTE: Poster participation includes one full-registration! n CONTACTS: • Joe Albanese (3V Inc) at [email protected] or (908) 456-2968 • Steve Fantano (Mobius Sales group) at [email protected] or (908) 455-1393 V V O O L L U U M M E E 1 1 9 9 •• N N o o .. 1 1 0 0 13 13 C C O O S S M M E E T T I I S S C C O O P P E E Employment Opportunities Send employment ads to…Guojin Lu ([email protected]) and Roger McMullen ([email protected]). Employment listings published in the Cosmetiscope are abridged due to space limitations. 11-21-2013 n ASSOCIATE SCIENTIST (DOVER, DE) Playtex, a division of Energizer Personal Care, a leading manufacturer and distributor of consumer and personal care products seeks an Associate Scientist Feminine Care in Dover, DE. The Associate Scientist assists in the design and execution of programs for feminine care products. Also, assist with technical product and materials development from proof of principle to execution. Required: B.S. in Chemical or Mechanical Eng. with 0-2 years experience in a related consumer goods category preferred. Apply online to job # 35016: • Prepare forecasts and reports, and maintain an accurate CRM _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ n REGULATORY AFFAIRS SPECIALIST 11-20-2013 n FORMULATION CHEMIST Nu World Beauty is a contract manufacturer located in Carteret, New Jersey who provides services for most of the major retailers of color cosmetics and personal care products. Responsibilities: • Provide ingredient listings and quantitative formulas to clients for formulations developed by our R&D team. • Provide compliancy information on raw materials for various countries (U.S., Canada, and EU) to both our customers and our R&D group. • Interact with Nu World purchasing and raw material vendors to obtain information (MSDS, COA, Technical Data Sheets) as required by our customers. Qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in a scientific discipline. • Previous experience in a regulatory role preferred. Please contact: Chris Frankfurt at [email protected] and provide résumé. Straight Arrow Products, Inc., Bethlehem, PA, has been the maker of “Mane ‘n Tail” personal care products since 1970. These exclusive hair and skin care products are renowned for their quality and performance in both the Equestrian and Human markets. Straight Arrow manufactures all of its own products and remains a leading manufacturer of personal care products by adhering to strict quality assurances, guidelines, and consistently meeting its self-imposed, demanding performance standard. The company credo is to “Satisfy the Customer” which has been our company’s tradition from day one. Straight Arrow presently sells its products through approximately 75,000 locations in North America and internationally. Responsibilities: • Formulation of Skin Care, Hair Care, and OTC products including but not limited to creams, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, detanglers, and other cosmetic and OTC products. • Setting product specifications for newly created products and raw materials, originating process manufacturing procedures, and developing new products to meet marketing and sales department needs. Qualifications: • B.S. in Chemistry, Biology, or related field. • Knowledge of industry trends. • Creative thinking, technical writing, and organizational skills. • The ideal candidate will have 5 years or more industry experience on the bench formulating. • Knowledge of cosmetic/personal care raw materials, functionality, interactions, and regulatory limits. • Understanding of emulsion and surfactant technology as well as general formulation techniques. • Must be familiar with FDA OTC monographs. Please forward résumé to: [email protected]. _____________________________________________________________ 11-15-2013 n SALES ACCOUNT MANAGER Genemarkers is a rapidly growing contract research organization (CRO) specializing in genomics. The company provides basic research services to sponsors in the pharmaceutical, biotech, and personal care industries. The company is currently accepting applications for a Sales Account Manager. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, have the ability to think through innovative ideas, a collaborative approach, and strong communication skills. Responsibilities: • Generate sales by expanding and maintaining relationships with existing clients and prospecting new accounts. • Develop and implement account specific sales strategies to meet and exceed budget. • Routinely call on Key Accounts to understand their needs and requirements and develop account relationships. 14 14 database. • Participate in trade shows, sales conferences, and sales meetings. Qualifications: • Bachelor’s Degree in Biology or related field. • Minimum 3 years of sales experience in the pharmaceutical or personal care industry. • Travel with overnight stays. • Entrepreneurial spirit with a focus on solutions. • Excellent follow-up, communication, and computer skills. Forward résumé to: [email protected]. 11-12-2013 D D E E C C E E M M B B E E R R 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 W W W W W W . . N N Y Y 11-11-2013 n COSMETIC CHEMIST SANDOW (NewBeauty Magazine), with Corporate Headquarters located in Boca Raton, FL, is seeking a cosmetic chemist to help lead a new project initiative and cut through the clutter of beauty products and their promises. The right candidate will be familiar with product formulations, on the cutting-edge of new ingredients and, above all else, eager to test beauty products. Responsibilities: • Work closely with the editorial team to evaluate ingredient and product claims. • Test, assess, and read beauty product information and organize into a master database. • Serve as a key liaison between the sales staff and editorial team to pinpoint sales leads. • Monitor, review, and report on industry trends and new product launches. Requirements: • General knowledge of the beauty industry, familiarity with laboratory processes, and possesses good formulation skills. Contact Linda Star Siegel at: [email protected] ( _____________________________________________________________ 11-08-2013 n SENIOR REGULATORY AFFAIRS ASSOCIATE Playtex, a division of Energizer Personal Care, seeks a Senior Regulatory Affairs Associate in our Allendale, NJ R&D facility. Responsibilities: Provide a variety of routine operations to support product registration internationally with a focus on Latin America. Qualifications: • B.S. in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, or Material Science preferred, but not required. • One year of regulatory experience. • Good computer skills and attention to detail. Apply online to job #32267 at: _____________________________________________________________ 11-08-2013 n SENIOR PRODUCT SAFETY SPECIALIST Playtex, a division of Energizer Personal Care, seeks a Senior Product Safety Specialist in our Allendale, NJ R&D facility. Responsibilities: Plan and conduct safety/toxicological reviews, risk assessments, product safety clearances, and safety information searches in support of product development. Qualifications: • M.S. in Toxicology, Pharmacology, or relevant technical field. • Five years experience in OTC/Cosmetic industry providing product safety support and conducting clinical testing. Apply online to job #35276 at: _____________________________________________________________ 11-07-2013 n SENIOR CHEMIST (NATURAL FORMULATIONS) The Hain Celestial Group currently has an opening for a Senior V V O O L L U U M M E E 1 1 9 9 •• N N o o .. 1 1 0 0 S S C C C C . . O O R R G G Chemist in our Lake Success, NY facility reporting directly to Senior Director R&D Personal Care. The ideal candidate should be highly experienced in natural product formulations, self-motivated, driven, and innovative. Brands include Avalon Organics, Alba Botanica, J SÖN, Zia, Earth’s Best Personal Care, Queen Helene, and Private Label. Essential duties and responsibilities: • Responsible for the global development of 20+ new-to-the-world natural/organic personal care formulations per year and 20-30 formula renovations to update ingredients and/or effect productivity cost savings. • Manage the product development process from inception to commercialization for all projects. • Monitor and trouble-shoot production batch scale-ups. • Accountable for adhering to budget guidelines and also present cost saving methods to upper management. • Cultivate relationships with Marketing, Regulatory, QA/QC, Production, Finance, and Operations. • Supervise and give guidance to chemists and/or technicians. Qualifications: • B.S. in Biology, Chemistry, or scientific discipline with 10-15+ years (in lieu of B.S. degree) experience in the Personal Care industry. • Must have 10+ years experience in developing natural personal care products. • Strong experience in developing natural and organic products in compliance with NPA, NSF/ANSI 305, and/or USDA standards. • Knowledge of natural grocery market guidelines and trends. Please send résumé to: [email protected]. _____________________________________________________________ 11-07-2013 n MARKETING MANAGER – PERSONAL CARE DIVISION Kemin, a profitable and progressive, privately-held international company headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa (USA) with a vision to “improve the quality of life by touching half the people of the world every day with our products and services” is looking to hire a Marketing Manager for our Personal Care division. The incumbent will oversee marketing projects, sales support, events, communications, and tradeshows ensuring that objectives are accomplished within the prescribed time frame and parameters. This position requires someone well versed in a wide variety of personal and household care applications. Apply on line at: _____________________________________________________________ 11-01-2013 n R&D FORMULATION/ANALYTICAL CHEMIST – CONSULTANT OR PART-TIME Body Dimensions Industries, Inc., a personal care products contract manufacturer, has an immediate opening for a consultant or part-time R&D Formulation/Analytical Chemist in their New York City facility. Responsibilities & functions: • Formulate natural liquid soaps for samples and stability, recording work, and taking physical specifications. (Continued on page 16) 15 15 C C O O S S M M E E T T I I S S C C O O P P E E Employment (Continued from page 15) • Develop and formulate other skin and hair products (such as shampoos, conditioners, styling products, body washes, face washes, lotions, creams, etc.). • Interact with customers and provide technical support for customers including efficacy testing, trouble shooting, and stability. • Perform qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of raw materials and finished goods as well as basic method development on HPLC. • Assist in validation and transfer of new test methods. Qualifications: • B.S. Degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, or related field. • 2+ years experience in an OTC cosmetic/pharmaceutical laboratory environment, including hands-on formulation, troubleshooting, and instrument calibration (HPLC). • Familiarity with USP procedures and OTC cosmetic requirements. • Motivated team player with good communication skills. Please forward résumé to the attention of: Roxanne Muirhead at [email protected]. _____________________________________________________________ 10-23-2013 n PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT/FORMULATION Kemin is a profitable and progressive, privately-held international company headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa (USA) with a vision to “improve the quality of life by touching half the people of the world every day with our products and services.” The incumbent is responsible for the innovation, feasibility determination, and development of personal care products and general solutions. The role of the product development/formulation manager is to develop product extensions and test them in application for specific customer needs for the personal care industry. This person should be well versed in a wide variety of personal and household care applications as well as in raw material ingredient composition and interactions. This position plays an important role in assisting the Operations team with the scale-up of product extensions from bench to manufacturing. Major responsibilities: • Plan and execute research programs involving development and formulation of proprietary materials into personal care products. • Assist Operations in product scale-up from bench to manufacturing. • Actively participate in identifying research areas that could lead to the development of new products. Qualifications and experience: • Master’s degree in Cosmetic or Formulation Science with up to A t t e n t i o n • • • • • 3-5 years of experience; or Bachelor’s degree with up to 5-8 years of experience. 3-5 years of previous experience in the development of a wide variety of end formulations including sunscreens, aqueous gels, w/o emulsions, o/w emulsions, w/s emulsions, hydro-alcoholic solutions, and 97%+ natural. Experience in developing highly sensitive formulations, including low and high pH systems, high salt, and light/oxygen-sensitive materials. Entrepreneurial self-starter who is not afraid of risk taking. Able to work with a global team, appreciating cultural differences. Strong verbal and written communicator. Apply online at: _____________________________________________________________ 10-17-2013 Cellmark, located in Stamford, CT, has several open positions. n OPERATIONS MANAGER – CHEMICALS DISTRIBUTION/SUPPLY CHAIN The Operations Manager’s role ensures organizational effectiveness by providing leadership for the Company’s chemicals distribution operations including logistics, distribution, import, export, purchasing, inside sales, customer service, and the interface between these functions with sales, regulatory compliance, and accounting. This position is a member of the management team and reports to the Managing Director. n PRODUCT MANAGER/BUSINESS DEVELOPER – COSMETIC, HEALTH, AND PERSONAL CARE INGREDIENTS The Product Manager/Business Developer will develop the sales of chemicals in all sub-segments including, but not limited to the cosmetics, health and personal care, pharmaceutical, and nutritional sectors. Types of products we sell are considered as specialty, fine chemicals, APIs, and custom manufactured products. n SALES TRAINEE – SPECIALTY CHEMICALS DISTRIBUTOR/SUPPLY CHAIN The Sales Trainee role will be approximately a 2-3 year rotation through internal departments including Customer Service, Traffic and Logistics, and Inside Sales in an effort to gain extensive knowledge and ensure a well-rounded understanding of CellMark’s business before graduating into the Sales Product Manager role. Job Location for all 3 positions: Stamford, Connecticut. To learn more about these positions and/or apply, please visit: M e m b e r s Unemployed and Emeritus members may continue to attend monthly meetings free of charge. Please contact the registration booth upon arrival. Unemployed members may also continue their membership free of charge by submitting the renewal form with unemployment details. Please remember that the SCC Employment Service is here to assist you. Contact: Guojin Lu • E-Mail: [email protected] 16 16 D D E E C C E E M M B B E E R R 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3
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