How to Manage a CMMS Project in a Challenging Cultural and Organizational Environment June 15th, 2004 Don Dennis, P. Eng. President, FmT Consultants Ltd. Case Study z University of Saskatchewan (U of S) z Facilities Management Division (FMD) z November 2001 to May 2002 z Copy of the presentation at z Also a copy of the related presentation for the APPA/NACUBO conference in Nashville in July 2003 FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 2 Learning Objective “How to” use a non-traditional project management process to: z Select a software product for a facility management information system z Achieve cultural and attitudinal change for organizational transformation Technology as a catalyst for change. FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 3 Format of the Presentation z Background on the project z FMD view of the project z FmT approach to technology projects z Project management process and techniques z Q&A FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 4 About FmT Consultants z Management consultants specializing in facility management & technology z Located in Calgary, Alberta z Established in 1993 z Independent, objective consulting service z Most Clients are post-secondary educational institutions and other public sector organizations z Don Dennis, P.Eng. z FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 5 Experience the raw, gut-wrenching drama of human conflict through Accounting Preparing to do battle FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 The thrill of victory The agony of defeat 6 Background on the project FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 7 FM Division z Planning and Development z Operations & Maintenance z Custodial z Grounds z Utilities z Purchasing z Central Stores z Finance FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 8 Existing CMMS z core business system for FMD z customized version developed in 1991 z upgraded to base product in 1998 z Client/server application Oracle database Open VMS platform Windows NT client o/s FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 9 FM IS Review - summer 2001 FMS Component System Evaluations No. COMPONENT SYSTEM 1) Syn – accounting 2) Syn – fleet management 3) Syn – inventory control 4) Syn – project cost reporting 5) Syn – purchasing 6) Syn – timekeeping 7) Syn – work orders/maintenance 8) fmis – equipment inventory 9) fmis – preventive maintenance 10) CRIS classroom records 11) DMS View 12) Key management 13) Insite space management 14) Micro GDS CAD 15) RECAPP renewals planning 16) Resource 25 room scheduling Manual Some auto’n Automated Advanced Maximum Legend current system development optimum system development 0 FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 10 FMIS Review CMMS (1998 version) purchasing, inventory control, timekeeping X work orders, accounting, project cost reporting X 1991 version still used for asset management, preventive maintenance FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 11 Problems with CMMS z limited staff involvement in 1998 decision z minimal use of WO’s z no account or asset hierarchies z limited management reporting capabilities z inadequate financial reporting z varied staff commitment to system FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 12 Need for CMMS Project z product support discontinued for the 1998 version z internal staff attitudes towards the system z FMD needs last assessed in 1990 z change in FMD leadership in 2000 z Effective CMMS was required to achieve FMD strategic plan FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 13 FMD View of the Project FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 14 Scanning Summary z Our environment was rapidly changing z We had not kept up z Pressures to perform and justify existence BUT z No tool to manage our business (even though had installed a CMMS twice) z No data; no proof of stewardship or performance z No cost reporting z No cost benefit or life cycle costing z No justification for funding requests z “Real men do it in their head” FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 15 O&M Department Size-up Strengths Operations process - Dedicated staff Risk management issues Use of technology FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 Weaknesses - Huge cultural and attitudinal inertia - Poor / no use of technology - Poor productivity - Unwillingness to change - Insurance, safety and purchasing procedures not in place - Poor HS&E programs - Poor project management processes - Some computerized systems - Good space mngt system - Fear and unwillingness to adopt new methods and technologies 16 Action for the CMMS Project z Needed a comprehensive, broad, powerful, useable facilities management tool (CMMS) z Buy in was critical – this time it had to be USED z Could not invest more $ without clear benefits z Time pressure to improve business z Project management expertise z Why failed in the past; how to succeed this time z Leadership = Buy-in = Transformation The technology was just the catalyst for cultural, attitudinal and organizational transformation FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 17 Project Buy-in Strategy z z z z z z z z z z z z z Credible project management Multi-faceted education and repetition Top led; bottom fed What’s in it for me Fear, threat, criticism, pride Make the work easier Improve ability to serve the customer Job security Protect “their” assets – tool FOR THEM, designed BY THEM Bottom line direction that “this decision has been made now it’s YOUR JOB to make it happen” Consequence of non-compliance Replacement of senior managers Teams and team leaders FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 18 Key Success Factors - CMMS Project Key success factors Driving forces - Buy in and involvement of staff - Embrace new technologies - Empowerment and inclusion - Funding rewards - Reputation enhancement - Job satisfaction - Communications and understanding - Job security - Funding levels - Political interference - Coordination and leadership FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 19 Staff Responses to CMMS Project z z z z z z z z z z z z z I won’t understand how to use it I don’t need it It’s a waste of money Just give me more men I don’t want to report how I spend my budget This is just a management tool I’ll waste time with computers and paper I need to run an operation, not use a computer It will put work order bureaucracy in between our customers and our service providers We don’t have time to specify a new system There is nothing wrong with our current systems and processes I’ve always come in under budget, why do we need a new system I don’t need a computer to tell me which roofs are bad FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 20 FmT Approach to Technology Projects FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 21 FM Function People Processes FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 Technology 22 Situation in O&M - FMD People Processes Technology FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 23 Role of Technology in FM Driver - Financial FM Enabler – Technology 1990 2000 Evolution of FM FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 24 Growth of Technology 1990 2000 Evolution of FM FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 25 Desired FM Relationship People Technology Processes FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 26 Project Management Process and Techniques FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 27 Parameters for the Project z complete a needs assessment with maximum staff participation z issue RFP to public tender z invite existing CMMS vendor to bid z product evaluations and selection by FMD staff z FMD management retains control of the project FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 28 Project Management Objectives z define a project management structure & process z define & maintain the project budget z clearly define user needs (to the users & bidders) z prepare a detailed RFP z complete an objective evaluation of proposals z finalize contract and pricing details FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 29 Change Management Objectives z define the need for change z build a strong support group z maximize staff involvement in decision making z users define needs and priorities z maximize opportunities for staff education and training FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 30 Project Management Process Project Initiation Needs Assessment Draft RFP & Evaluation Criteria Complete RFP & Criteria Evaluate Proposals RFP tender Select 8 bidders Short list 3 Products Software demos & evaluations Summarize Proposals & Evaluations Final Summary Finalize Details - test evaluation copy Select a Preferred Product FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 31 Project Management Concept Project Requirement Team Individuals Roll Up Summary FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 Team 32 Step 1- Project Initiation z treat as a project z appoint a Project Manager z prepare 33 step workplan (per the FmT proposal) z define objectives, deliverables and schedule z map the process for the project completion FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 33 Project Management Structure Steering Committee Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Team User Groups FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 34 Steering Committee z role z z z seven members z z provide direction to the Project Manager make management decisions AVP, 4 Directors, 2 Managers eight - 2 hour SC meetings FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 35 Project Team z role z z z z z z z represent user groups define staff needs make technical decisions evaluate products make recommendations to the SC ensure buy-in of user groups 14 members z representing each major CMMS function/module and other FMD work units FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 36 First SC and PT meetings PPT presentation z objectives of the project z Roles of the SC, PT and Project Manager z communication channels z stakeholders z project management process z schedule z detailed workplan FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 37 Step 2 - Needs Assessment z Purpose - define needs, educate staff, maximize staff participation and buy-in z identified 12 user groups z meet with Team Leader and staff in each group z prepare draft functional requirements z review drafts with User Groups z User Groups assign 1, 2, 3 priority FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 38 Needs Assessment z FMD information system requirements 7 mandatory modules 5 optional modules z total of 847 functional requirements z include functional requirements in RFP FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 39 Excerpt from the Functional Req’ts Functional Requirement 1.0 1/2/3 F/P/N Comments BASE – FMD SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1.1 Compatibility with FMD standards .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 3 tier client/server architecture Meta data based architecture Oracle Developer Tools OLE compound document interface Import/export data in all major file formats Compatibility with M/S Exchange 2000 electronic mail M/S Internet Explorer v. 5.5 or higher web browser M/S Office 2000 and Office XP desktop office suite Provides a system administration module FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Provide description Specify supported formats 40 Step 3 -Prepare the RFP z define mandatory FMD requirements z background info on FMD, the project, existing systems, needs z Corporate capabilities - 20 questions z Product capabilities - 83 questions z Product pricing - 30 questions z Define a “Year 1 software cost” for “apples to apples” price comparisons z Y/P/N vendor response for compliance to each functional requirement FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 41 Step 4- Prepare Evaluation Criteria z six major factors (in RFP) 5% to 35% z 59 minor evaluation factors 0.25 to 3.0% z each factor linked to specific questions z prepare a rating guideline for each factor z criteria & guidelines approved by SC & PT z Allows completion of objective evaluations z Allows single source completion / Team review of the evaluations FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 42 Excerpt from Evaluation Rating Guideline D escrip tio n o f F acto r R F P R ef. M ax P ts R atin g G uid elin es C O R P O R ATE C AP AB IL ITIE S C orporate ability to handle this project H .1.1 to .7 1.00 0.5 is acceptable S tability of C M M S product H .2.1 + .2 1.00 0.75 = 10 years R esources to support C M M S product H .2.3 to .5 1.00 0.5 is acceptable C M M S product share of m arketplace H .2.6 + .7 0.50 0 for no response A vailability of C M M S user group H .2.8 + .9 0.50 0.5 = yes; 0 = no S uitability of local support H .3.1 to .4 1.00 1.0 for office in W estern C anada 5.00 P R O D U C T C AP AB IL ITIE S M eets all m andatory requirem ents I.3 2.00 - 0.50 per each deviation H as all desired optional m odules I.4.1 1.50 - 0.25 per each no m odule H as all additional optional m odules I.4.2 0.50 0.25 per m odule H as other optional m odules of interest I.4.3 0.25 0.25 for 1 or m ore FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 43 Step 5 - Preferred Bidders z define mandatory bidder requirements z reviewed 35 potential CMMS vendors z recommended 9 vendors FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 44 Step 6 - Issue to Tender z post on public website with mandatory requirements z courier RFP to selected vendors z 3 + week tender period z received six acceptable proposals FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 45 Step 7 - Evaluate Proposals z Obtain clarifications from bidders z Spreadsheets prepared by project manager z z z z summary of all proposals evaluation of each proposal summary of all evaluations spreadsheet calculation of vendor response to the functional requirements FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 46 Excerpt from the Summary of Proposals No. I.9 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) RFP reference S/W maintenance and support agreement Agreement available Annual cost Agreement commences Services included Services by head office Services by local office 6) Max # FMD staff who can use support 7) Software upgrades included If not, cost of next upgrade If not, date of next upgrade 8) Can meet FMD telecomm service time req’ts Normal times of telecomm operation 9) Discount for multiple years 10) Can adjust scope and cost FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 A B C Yes Yes Yes 20% of MRP (6) 17% of MRP 18% of cost Upon s/w installation upon s/w installation on shipment Tel support & updates Tel support tel support & updates All All None None None All No limit 3 no limit Yes Yes Yes n/a n/a No (7) No Yes 8 hrs x 5 days 8 to 17:00 hrs EST 8 to 20:00 hrs EST 10% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 47 Excerpt from the Summary of the Ratings No. Description of Factor 1.0 PROPOSAL 1) Overall quality 2) Adherence to guidelines for content 3) Responded to all requirem ents 4) Provided clear, concise responses 5) Com pleted required forms 2.0 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) CORPORATE C AP ABILITIES Corporate ability to handle this project Stability of CMMS product Resources to support CMMS product CMMS product share of marketplace Availability of CMMS user group Suitability of local support FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 RFP Reference 2.1 App A to D H.1.1 H.2.1 H.2.3 H.2.6 H.2.8 H.3.1 to .7 + .2 to .5 + .7 + .9 to .4 Max Points A Vendor B C Average 1.00 0.50 1.50 1.50 0.50 5.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.50 4.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.50 3.50 1.00 0.50 1.25 1.00 0.50 4.25 3.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 5.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 3.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 4.50 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 3.25 3.67 48 Evaluate Proposals Benefits z consistent evaluations z minimize subjective evaluations z minimize FMD staff time z allows group participation z FMD staff focus on comparing responses FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 49 Step 8 - Select Short List z SC ranked the vendors z PT independently ranked the vendors z PT recommended 3 shortlist vendors z SC approved the 3 selected vendors FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 50 Step 9 - Software Demos z detailed instructions to vendors z same format and venue for each demo z SC and PT approved evaluation factors and weightings z product evaluations completed by 11 user groups and 1 “at-large” group z demos attended by 35 to 45 FMD staff FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 51 Software Demos z the Team Leader for each user group must attend all 3 sessions z evaluations were completed at the end of each day z Team Leaders provided ratings after consultation with his/her user group FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 52 Software Demos Benefits z equal opportunity for each vendor z fully transparent process z maximized staff participation z staff education on CMMS use z staff exposure to the latest technology FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 53 Step 10 - Summarize Evaluations z prepare a total rating of the proposals and demos for each vendor z SC rated the vendors z PT independently rated the vendors z PT recommended z z one vendor eliminated z further analysis of final 2 vendors SC concurred FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 54 Step 11 - Further Evaluations z obtained clarifications from vendors on additional details z User groups prepared lists of additional questions for each vendor z 3 hour Web-X demo by each vendor z telephone 3 references for each vendor; circulate minutes to SC and PT members FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 55 Step 12 - Select the Product z 3 hour meeting of all SC and PT members z project cost estimates not provided z selection based on performance and technical capabilities z Team Leaders voted for his/her user groups z preferred product selected z SC approved the selection and budget FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 56 Step 13 - Purchase the Product z final pricing negotiations with the preferred vendor z completed a final project cost estimate z negotiate the contract with the preferred vendor z prepare an implementation schedule FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 57 Were the objectives achieved? Project Management define a project management structure & process define & maintain the project budget clearly define user needs (to the users & bidders) prepare a detailed RFP complete an objective evaluation of proposals finalize contract and pricing details FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 58 Were the objectives achieved? Change Management define the need for change build a strong support group maximize staff involvement in decision making users define needs and priorities maximize opportunities for staff education and training FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 59 Thanks for your Attendance! Questions? For more information [email protected] FmT Consultants Ltd. - June 2004 60
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