How to submit a Local Request Fax Response (FOC) via...

How to submit a Local Request Fax Response (FOC) via Syniverse’s Fax Server
NSP = Wireless Carrier Using Syniverse’s Service Management Gateway (SMG) Porting Application
OSP = Wireline Fax Trading Partner (TP)
1. Wireless Carrier that uses Syniverse’s SMG has submitted a Port In via the SMG for an OSP that is a
Wireline Fax Trading Partner (TP).
2. Syniverse’s SMG identifies by OSP SPID that the message should be sent to a Wireline Fax TP.
Syniverse’s SMG converts the WPR to a generic LSOG 5 LSR and sends it to the Syniverse Fax Server to
be sent to Fax Number of Record for the Wireline Fax TP.
3. The Wireline Fax TP fills out a Syniverse-Approved non-industry standard LSOG 5 Local
Response (LR) fax form
4. The Wireline Fax TP faxes the LR to Syniverse’s Fax Server*
5. Syniverse’s Fax Server forwards the image to the Optical Character Reader for Forms application.
6. Syniverse Fax Repair Rep performs verification on the LR via OCRFF & “releases” to the SMG.
Note: Verification is identified as the process of reviewing inbound fax responses and requests to
identify fax errors, then correcting these errors using OCRFF. Fax errors include questionable
characters that OCRFF cannot recognize on the fax image (for example, OCRFF is unsure if a
mark is a numeral “1” or a lower case letter "L")
7. The SMG converts the LR to a WPRR & sends the WPRR to the NSP in the regular manner.
The following screen prints illustrate the fields to fill out an LSOG 5 LR fax form, in order to pass the
Validations (business rules) in the Syniverse SMG porting application. This example shows a
“Confirm” response, or a FOC (Firm Order of Commitment).
NOTE: These instructions do NOT include information on how to pass Business Rules for specific
Syniverse Customers.
For example, “ABC Wireless” uses the Syniverse SMG Porting Application. ABC Wireless may require
fields that the Syniverse SMG does not.
For more detail on the fields listed below SEE ALSO:
ATIS/OBF-LSOG-005 Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG), Version 5, August 2000
Section 11.4.2 of the Telcordia 100 Document for the mapping of an LSOG 5 LR Fax Form
*Syniverse Fax Server Phone Numbers
SYNIVERSE maintains two sets of inbound fax lines. One is dedicated for the receipt of machine
generated or typed forms and the other is dedicated for the use of hand-written forms.
The following phone numbers can be used to reach Syniverse’s Production Fax Server (connected to
Syniverse’s Production SMG):
SYNIVERSE Fax Server Phone Number for Machine-filled Forms = 813-739-6201
SYNIVERSE Fax Server Phone Number for Hand-filled Forms= 813-739-6202
How to Contact Syniverse’s Fax Center
Phone Number: (888) 338-7678
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Fax Number: 813-739-6288 Note: This is not the phone number for the Syniverse Fax Server. Those
numbers are listed above.
Hours of Operation for Syniverse’s Fax Center
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ET
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
How to submit an LR via FAX 1-27-06BW.doc
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Elizabeth Woltmann –Syniverse Operations Center SYNIVERSE Technologies, Inc
Last Update – 01-27-06
PAGE 1 OF 3 – Local Response
Fields under Administrative Section:
1. CCNA – Fill in with “CUS”
2. PON – Fill in with PON (Request Number) as seen on the LSR fax from the Syniverse Wireless
3. VER – Fill in with “01” (Needs to match the Request Version ID from the LSR. CANNOT be “00”)
4. AN – Can Leave blank
5. ORD – Fill in with Response Number, which can be something like OSP SPID + TN. For example,
6. INIT – Fill in with IMPCON as seen on the LSR fax from the Syniverse Wireless Customer
7. D/TSENT – Fill in with MMDDYYYYHHMM, in military time. For example, 091220031830
8. REP – Fill in with name of WLINE Fax TP’s Rep (could also use something like, “Port Ctr”.
Max Size = 15 digits, A/N)
9. TEL NO – Fill in w/ Ph# WLINE Fax TP’s Rep. Example: 813-111-1234 (could also use ph# of their
“Port Ctr”)
10. RT – Fill in with C for a Confirm response, or with “J” for Delay or Resolution Required
NOTE: If the RT is “J”, then RCODE box and RDET box must be filled
11. CHC – Can Leave blank
12. DD – Fill in with DDD as seen on the LSR fax from the Syniverse Wireless Customer (it’s the first 8
digits of DDD_T). For example, 09192003
13. RDET – Leave blank on Confirm response. This field is required on Delay or Resolution Required
14. EC VER – Leave Blank (Not used for Wireless NP)
15. RCODE– Not used on “Confirm” (FOC) Response. This is Reason Code for a “J” (Jeopardy)
response. For example, 6H means “System Outages”, which is a Delay-type of RCODE, or 6C means,
“Customer Information does not match”, which is a Resolution Required-type of RCODE
16. ONSP – Fill in with 4-digit SPID of ONSP.
Fields under Circuit Detail Section:
17. LOCNUM – Fill in with 001
18. LNUM – Fill in with 00001
19. PORTED NBR – Fill in with TN. (Example – 813-111-1234)
How to submit an LR via FAX 1-27-06BW.doc
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Elizabeth Woltmann –Syniverse Operations Center SYNIVERSE Technologies, Inc
Last Update – 01-27-06
PAGE 2 OF 3 – Local Response Continued
NOTE: Leave this page blank on a Single-Line Port.
Fields under Circuit Detail Section: for use with MULTI-LINE PORTS
1. LOCNUM – Fill in with 001 (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
2. LNUM – Fill in with 00002 (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
3. PORTED NBR – Fill in with 2ND TN. (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
Fields under Circuit Detail Section: for use with MULTI-LINE PORTS
4. LOCNUM – Fill in with 001 (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
5. LNUM – Fill in with 00003 (Note – see also fields 16, 21, 27, and 30)
6. PORTED NBR – Fill in with 3rd TN. (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
How to submit an LR via FAX 1-27-06BW.doc
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Elizabeth Woltmann –Syniverse Operations Center SYNIVERSE Technologies, Inc
Last Update – 01-27-06
NOTE: Except for “Remarks”, leave this page blank on a Single-Line Port.
Fields under Circuit Detail Section: for use with MULTI-LINE PORTS
1. LOCNUM – Fill in with 001 (Note – see also fields 15, 20, 23, and 29)
2. LNUM – Fill in with 00004 (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
3. PORTED NBR – Fill in with 4th TN. (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
Fields under Circuit Detail Section: for use with MULTI-LINE PORTS
4. LOCNUM – Fill in with 001 (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
5. LNUM – Fill in with 00005 (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
6. PORTED NBR – Fill in with 5th TN. (Note – Leave blank on single-line ports)
7. REMARKS – Not a required field on a “confirm” response. Can fill in with something like, “NSP
8816 Winning TN from OSP 8860”.
How to submit an LR via FAX 1-27-06BW.doc
Page 4 of 4
Elizabeth Woltmann –Syniverse Operations Center SYNIVERSE Technologies, Inc
Last Update – 01-27-06