Vol 41, No. 19 Sydney, Monday, May 10, 1937 Itegistered at the General Post Once, Sydney, for transmission by Post as a Newspaper How to Maintain a Growing Experience HE Week of Prayer has brought to T many of us a deeper realisation of the goodness of God, and our need of divof ine strength. To others this special season has meant a renewal of consecration vows, and to yet others it has marked the beginning of service under the banner of Christ. All feel the need of permanently holding the advances thus made in Christian living. However, as the mistakes and failures of the past are reviewed, some hearts face the coming days with misgiving, lest again promises and resolutions be broken. This need not be so with any one, as the Father's admonition, "Be strong and of good courage," is still supported by His power to sustain all who will go forward with Him. Four steps to successful Christian living here outlined, based on instruction given by the Lord's servant, together with the daily study of the Scriptures, if carefully followed, will make victory certain and enable us to hold our gains in spiritual riches. I. SURRENDER If our surrender to the claims of Christ is to be complete and effective, we must yield all to Him—thoughts, impulses, affections, and, most important of all, the will. Doing this, we, as did Paul, may die daily to self, and live anew each day in Christ. The question then is, "How am I to surrender myself to God?" The answer is clearly stated: "What you need to understand is the true force of the will. This is the governing power in the nature of man, the power of decision, or of choice. Everything depends on the right action of the will. The power of choice God has given to men; it is theirs to exercise. You cannot change your heart, you cannot of yourself give to God its affections; but you can choose to serve Him. You can give Him your will; He will then work in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure. Thus your whole nature will be brought under the control of the Spirit of Christ; your affections will be centred upon Him, your thoughts will be in harmony with Him."—"Steps to Christ," p. 52. "Through the right exercise of the will, an entire change may be made in your life. By yielding up your will to Christ, you ally yourself with the power that is above all principalities 'and powers. You will have strength from above to hold you steadfast, and thus through constant surrender to God you will be enabled to live the new life, even the life of faith." —Ib., p. 52. II. PRAYER Consideration of the experience of men "subject to like passions as we are," who have built strongly for God, emphasises the importance of regular and constant prayer in the Christian's life. All can readily recall the strength found in the regulated prayer life of David (Ps. 55:17), and Daniel (Dan. 6:10), and a host of others too numerous to mention here. Even as Daniel "kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed," so will the Christian today, who desires to be strong in Christ be regular and constant in prayer. In "Steps to Christ," page 74, we have excellent guidance in this matter: "Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; make this your first work. Let your prayer be, 'Take me, 0 Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service. Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in Thee.' This is a daily matter. Each morning consecrate yourself to God for that day. Surrender all your plans to Him, to be carried out or given up as His providence shall indicate. Thus day by day you may be giving your life into the hands of God, and thus your life will be moulded more and more after the life of Christ." III. ABIDE IN CHRIST "Abide in Me," is the Master's instruction to His servants. "Do you ask, 'How am I to abide in Christ?'—In the same way as you received Him at first. 'As ye therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him.' `The just shall live by faith.' You gave yourself to God, to be His wholly, to serve and obey Him, and you took Christ as your Saviour. You could not yourself atone for your sins or change your heart; but having given yourself to God, you believed that He for Christ's sake did all this for you. By faith you became Christ's, and by faith you are to grow up in Him,— by giving and taking. You are to give all,—your heart, your will, your service,— give yourself to Him to obey all His re- quirements; and you must take all,— Christ, the fullness of all blessing, to abide in your heart, to be your strength, your righteousness, your everlasting helper,— to give you power to obey."—Ib., p. 74. As we "abide in Him," there will come to us rest, stability, and confidence. This experience is not found in inactivity; for in the Saviour's invitation, the promise of rest is linked with the call to labour: "Take My yoke upon you, . . . and ye shall find rest." "The heart that rests most fully upon Christ, will be most earnest and active in labour for Him." IV SERVICE "His servants shall serve Him," says the apostle John. It is the design of Christ that His followers shall serve mankind even as He did in His earthly life; for it is written, "He went about doing good." Following in the Master's steps in service, brings to the disciple incalculable blessing. "The only way to grow in grace is to be disinterestedly doing the very work which Christ has enjoined upon us,— to engage, to the extent of our ability, in helping and blessing those who need the help we can give them. Strength comes by exercise; activity is the very condition of life. Those who endeavour to maintain Christian life by passively accepting the blessings that come through the means of grace, and doing nothing for Christ, are simply trying to live by eating without working." "The Christian who will not exercise his God-given powers, not only fails to grow up into Christ, but he loses the strength that he already had."—Ib., p.85. Would you be strong in Christ, and lovely in character? Then follow in the path of service, for therein alone can such things be found. " The spirit of unselfish labour for others gives DEPTH, STABILITY, and Christlike LOVELINESS to the character, and brings peace and happiness to its possessor." — Ib., p.84. V. CONCLUSION As the disciple thus learns of the ways of God and His purposes for His children, he becomes more and more alive to God's perplexity concerning sin and the sinner. Sin must be destroyed; the sinner must be either pardoned or punished with eternal death. There is no other course open to God. Herein is found the reason 2 for God's horror of sin. "He that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate Me love death." Prov. 8:36. "Every act of transgression, every neglect or rejection of the grace of Christ, is reacting upon yourself; it is hardening the heart, depraving the will, benumbing the understanding, and not only making you less inclined to yield, but less capable of yielding, to the tender pleading of God's Holy Spirit." Having found that freedom from sin and its dominion, which is Christ's gift to the believer, let us grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord, possessing in Him rest, stability, and confidence. E. B. RUDGE. Hindrances to Spiritual Power Soma Christians lose spiritual power by imperceptible degrees ; then, when it is needed the most, wake up to the fact that it is gone. They take it for granted that they are all right until some crisis comes, then they find that they are not equal to the occasion. There are a number of things which thus hinder divine power. I shall mention a few. 1. A CRITICAL ATTITUDE TOWARD OTHERS. This is one of the most dangerous enemies. No one can keep that divine anointing and indulge in critical thoughts or feelings toward another, however culpable he may be. One should hold a disdain for sin but a solemn pity for the sinner. In fact, he should feel toward the offender as he would want others to feel toward him, were he in the wrong. "Restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted," is tne wholesome advice of the Scriptures. "Take heed lest He spare not thee," is another. "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." We should "rejoice with trembling" over our own success in living for God and in winning others, for Jesus said, "I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven." 2. FAULT-FINDING is another hindrance to spiritual power. The habit of mentioning the inconveniences and the inconsiderations that come our way only makes matters worse. It would often affect a cure merely to mention our difficulties to the kind heavenly Father. If He cannot remedy things, no one else can; so let us trust Him, for ''He is able." 3. Another enemy to spiritual power is SPEAKING TOO MUCH OF OURSELVES. As it is not wise to talk much of our troubles, so it is also unwise to draw attention to our success. "He shall not speak of Himself" was prophesied of the Divine One, and His followers find that they are much safer from the wiles of Satan when they keep self in the background and magnify Jesus instead. This does not, however, preclude personal testimony which honours God. 4. Spiritual power is sadly lacking when one so busies himself with legitimate things that he NEGLECTS PRIVATE PRAYER. Church work — even revival work — may so crowd out intercession that the very cause we are trying to promote will be AUSTRALASIAN RECORD hindered. Home duties, as important as they may be, may get in the way of prayer. This situation may be remedied by asking special guidance of God, who will reveal to the busy housewife how she may obtain time for communion with Him. 5. TALKING too much hinders divine communion and spiritual power. "God is always waiting to speak to us," said John Wesley, "if we will only be quiet enough to listen." The sad thing is that generally those who are guilty of loquacity cannot see it. Only the Holy Spirit can convince them of this fault. 6. SELF-INDULGENCE is a great hindrance to spiritual power. Self-indulgence in little things will have more effect upon one than he would think. As the little attentions of a lover tend to make him appreciated, so obedience to the slightest wishes of our God makes us appreciated with Him. As Paul felt that he must keep his body under lest he himself should become a castaway, so we must resist every impulse that is not for the honour of Christ. "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." It is a joy to deny ourselves of a pleasure in order to obtain a greater one, and Christ always rewards proper self-denial. 7. Spiritual power leaves as soon as EVIL-SPEAKING begins. Simply to mention the faults of others renders one powerless. It is strange but true that a grain of sand will stop the wheels of a watch, and a spider's web will keep a message from flashing over the wires. So one word dropped against another's reputation will hinder that divine current from passing through one's being to a lost world. 8. ANY KNOWN SIN will divest one of spiritual power. A gentleman labourea long and earnestly for the salvation of his interesting Sunday school class, but those big boys did not seem to show the slightest desire to become Christians. Their teacher could not comprehend the situation. Finally, hearing of a special meeting where Christian workers might seek for deeper things in Christ, he went and laid his heart open to the searchlight of the Holy Spirit, who revealed to him several little inconsistencies in his back life that had never been made right. He confessed and was forgiven by God; then he went to those he had wronged and made restitution. When Sunday came he stood before his class of boys and told them all that had transpired the past week, how he had lived an inconsistent life, had sought God, and made his wrongs right. They listened and WITH INTEREST. The message gripped them. They FELT it, were brought under conviction for sin and were soon converted. If for any reason you feel that you have lost spiritual power, seek to regain it now. Humbly confess to God (and to others if needful) your shortcomings, and He will forgive and restore the joy and the blessing of former days. J.A.S. "The Scriptures are the great agency in the transformation of character." "Christ's Object Lessons," p. 100. "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." 10/5/37 From Sydney to Papua This morning (April 8) we are steaming along the north coast of New South Wales in a very calm sea, with a soft breeze blowing from the shore, which is but a short distance off. We left Sydney yesterday at 11 a.m., and are due in Brisbane about noon tomorrow, Friday. We expect to sail again in the afternoon for other Queensland ports en route to Port Moresby, Papua, in which field we are to spend about three weeks. Also on board the "Montoro" are Dr. Frances Harding and her brother-in-law, Brother Charles Harding, who are taking this opportunity of seeing the territory and visiting our mission stations. Our workers are very pleased at the prospect of having a visit from our doctor and seeking her skilled help and advice. Already we have made the acquaintance of some fine people on board, and in conversation have learned that they are well acquainted with our workers in the Mandated Territory and have a very high opinion of them and the kind of work they are doing. Some of these men are acquainted with our new training school establishment, and commend us on the very fine property secured for this purpose. Later. — The good old "Montoro" is certainly a steady ship. She seldom averages eleven knots an hour, and she took over two days to reach Brisbane. We were pleased to see Brother L. A. Butler awaiting our arrival, and in a few minutes he was joined by Brother N. A. Faulkner and others who conveyed us to the Vegetarian Cafe, where we were soon happy around a table spread with the good things our cafes supply. At 6 p.m. we sailed again for Townsville under very favourable travelling conditions. We berthed early in the morning, two and a half days out from Brisbane, and in a little while we were being warmly received by Pastor Bird, the Superintendent of the North Queensland Mission. Upon arrival at his home, part of which is used as the head office for the mission, we met Brother J. Dever, who has recently joined the staff in this northern mission, also Miss Cherrett and Miss Levett, who care for the secretarial and departmental part of the mission work. We listened with interest as Pastor Bird told us of the progress of the work in this widely scattered field, and of the very bright prospects for a fine camp meeting soon to be held at Mackay. While awaiting the hour of departure, we were taken to a prominent hill site within the town area, and had a wonderful panoramic view of the town with its 32,000 inhabitants. It is good to know that we have a nice company of believers in this northern centre. In less than a day's steam we reached Cairns, where our steamer awaited the arrival of the mail by express from the southern states. 10/5/37 A number of the passengers took this opportunity to visit the famous Barron Falls on the mountain side beyond the town. Here in Cairns Pastor T. R. Kent and family reside, but at the time of our visit Pastor Kent was away visiting believers and interested ones on the tablelands. About forty-one hours' steaming from Cairns brought us to Port Moresby. While the weather was good throughout, this stretch of water disturbed the feelings of a number of the passengers, who were more than pleased when they could see the friendly outline of the ranges of Papua in the distance. Passing through the passage in the reef, we came into the placid waters of the harbour, with their wonderful shades of colour. The hills around the port are eautiful and green, and the little townip looked very pretty nestling on the hillside. Dr. Bonney from Brisbane is now the port doctor, and he soon gave our ship the necessary pratique. At the wharf we were greeted by Pastor Lock, who with his cleanly dressed boys soon conveyed us to the mission house and to the ship "Diari," which is lying here, all ready to convey us on our itin-• erary around the stations to the east and west from this central port. We are glad to be here, and trust that we may be made a blessing as well as being blessed ourselves as we minister to these needy peoples. A. G. STEWART. h Advertised by Opposition We had just begun the publication of our resurrected "Talafekau Mo'oni," when we learned of a bitter attack on the truth made by a minister here, the principal of the Wesleyan college, which has almost if not quite 400 students. He used ridicule quite freely, and said that William Miller was mad, and Mrs. White was mad. He attacked us in the form of typewritten lessons for his ministerial class, but these lessons were circulated among others also. They are for sale at one shilling a copy. There are nine closely typed foolscap pages against us, nine against the Mormors, and three against the Catholics. We can see the hand of the Lord in the fact that we had received permission from the Union Conference to begin republishing our little paper just in time to meet this attack. Without naming our opponent, we have answered several of his attacks in No. 2 issue. I wrote to him, challenging several of s statements: 1. That Seventh-day Adkentists make the following pledge: "I, Blank, certify that I believe God helps Mrs. White, and that the Bible must be interpreted to agree with her writings." 2. That we collect from the public under false pretences, our name not appearing on any of our papers. 3. That we never enter heathen territory and work for the raw heathen, but wait till other churches convert them, when we go in and upset their converts. I told him I did not want to argue doctrine with him. I intended to state our doctrines in our paper, for the public to judge for themselves. All I wanted was the privilege of meeting him and convincing him that the statements he had made were not according to fact. I enclosed a AUSTRALASIAN RECORD copy of our 1933 Appeal for Missions magazine, with the name, "Seventh-day Adventist," underlined by me in red ten times. I also sent a 1928 collecting card I found here, having underlined in red the name on the front of it. In his reply, he acknowledged that he was the author of the lessons referred to, also that he had perused the enclosures and was returning them. He said he could not see that any good would result from meeting me to discuss religious matters with me or any other representative of our mission. So there you have his position. In the second issue of our paper, we have refuted the first three statements referred to above. We have also published quotations from the catechism of his church regarding the law of God and its perpetuity, also an excerpt from a sermon on the law by John Wesley, which states that those who think they honour Christ by abolishing His law, honour Him as Judas did when he said, "Hail, Master," and kissed Him. This man is leaving Tonga on the same boat as this letter. He left his attacks on other missions till he was about to leave. What a splendid advertisement he has given us. Our trouble here all through the history of our work in Tonga has been the indifference of the people to our message. Now he has stirred up an interest for us, and people are anxious to read our paper. Subscriptions are coming in every day, and the interest is only in its infancy. We printed an extra thousand of this second edition, and I believe it is the cheapest advertisement for the truth we have ever had. Hundreds will read it and pass it on to their friends. We are posting a copy to every one of the ministers of his church. One of his European members advised me that it is my duty to inform the Tongan members of his church that their leaders do not believe the Bible. The very man who attacks the truth, said to his European congregation in a Sunday night sermon, "Of course, we no longer believe that God wrote the ten commandments with His own finger on two tables of stone." The Adventist church must uphold the inspiration of God's Word against Modernism that is white-anting the older churches. H. L. TOLHURST. Itinerating in Central New Guinea—Part 2 On reaching the timbered ridge, we pass along the mountain-top trail through thick bush, and suddenly come out into the open, and there is revealed a breath-taking view of the whole country to the north, south, and west. Below us lies the Bena Bena Valley with its river winding through rich flats. Many village groups can be seen, and also large areas under intense cultivation. It is a pretty sight. Across the valley can be seen the Government police post, and to one side the Bena Bena landing-ground. Beyond lies the larger Gafuka Valley, while much farther to the west are Chimbu and Mount Hagan, where this message must yet go. As we rest in this charming spot, many of these highland natives gather about us. They are a different type from those of the Ramu. Slower progress is made along several miles of razor-backs, then we pass many 3 villages and large fertile gardens. These people live at an altitude of over 7,000 eet. Our camping site at last is reached. It is one where Government patrols have camped; and little wonder! From this mountain top the views in every direction are enthralling. We are agreed that we have never before camped in surroundings' to equal this. What a grand site this would make for a mountain resort or a sanitarium! The gathering of a severe storm over all this mountain region just before the setting of the sun, provides us with some of the finest cloud effects imaginable. We are reminded of what Mr. Jack Hides says in his book, "Through Wildest Papua:" "And when you look up to the tops of the high mountains around you, and feel their immensity, you realise that God Himself created the place." The cloud effects this evening in the van of the coming storm, combined -with the grand mountain scenery, create awe-inspiring surroundings. For three hours torrential rain descends, accompanied by fierce lightning. Leaks develop all through the grass roofs, and tent flys are spread underneath. Later in the evening the rivers are heard roaring, but soon we drop off to sleep. FIFTH DAY. — The morning of the fifth day we arise to greet a dense mountain fog. Our small flat area of ground at the mountain top seems to be suspended in the clouds; and it is cold! Worship is held, and after breakfast we are glad to be on the move again, and a long descent brings us to the floor of the Dunantine Valley. It is little wonder that we heard the river's roar last night, for as we proceed up the river there are many evidences of the flood — gardens and houses washed out and fences gone, and pigs, too! Many people inhabit this valley. They are a good type and very friendly. We choose to make our camp for two nights at its head. Two other narrow valleys branch away from here. Crowds of natives begin to gather, and before Sabbath abundance of food has been brought to us. A razor-blade has just been traded for some sweet potatoes, and now the recipient is seen giving to his friend a shave which appears to be the first he has ever had. His long matted mass of hair remains intact, and now he seems to have the appearance of being half-primitive and half-civilised. A strange and interested audience joins us in our Sabbath evening worship. Last night our camp was on the mountain top; this evening it seems to be in the depths. SABBATH.— The surroundings are ideal for spending this Sabbath. Natives come and go all day, and our meetings are well attended. Further large supplies of food are brought, but we cannot buy as it is the Sabbath, and these people of the bush wonder why. We explain as best we can, and this experience becomes their first practical lesson on Sabbath-keeping. After the Sabbath has been closed we have the natives form into a long line with their food, and secure the supplies for very reasonable rates. They depart quite happy with their small mirrors, shell, and other things given instead of money, but probably they are still not quite clear as to why we kept them till the sun went down. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 4 SEVENTH AND EIGHTH DAYS. — For the last two days we continue in the homeward direction, beholding many fine views, and passing through an area with a large population. The Barola tribe, gathered before their specially constructed booths, are in festive mood. After recovery from surprise at seeing us, they take our presence as an opportunity to demonstrate their dancing capabilities, accompanied by the weirdest singing. The men are gaily decorated with shells and bird feathers, and beat their drums in unison with their movements. With their grass skirts swishing, and with screeching "soprano," the women join in what appears to us to be a medley indeed. A few more hours bring us to home and civilisation once again. We have received a deeper impression of the fact that this land of grand scenery is soaked with heathenism. May many of its inhabitants be led to worship their Creator, and to realise the love of their Saviour. A. J. CAMPBELL. MARCH, 1937 Bible Pictures & Stories 5 13 L. Coombe 15 95 E. H. Clark Miss J. Cor491 11 mack 11 Mrs. L. Dickens 30 3 411 Miss D. Lean Miss S. Reeves 481 12 Miss A. War6 65t hurst Mrs. N. Wright Home Physician 53 A. M. Cott Miss D. Lean 138 R. Mackey 91 E. C. Watts C.A.Whitehead 1081 Mrs. Laughlin 21 £10 14 30 12 0 £10 9 3 14 16 0 3 3 6 4 17 11 17 19 2 0 0 6 20 17 9 22 0 1 7 3 0 23 3 6 12 4 1 23 7 13 4 This Mighty Hour R. Mackey 2 e 1161 Health Miscellaneous 4 7 1 3 10 4 2 5 53 8 16 12 32 5 6 0 0 6 6 3 18 3 4 8 10 6 19 2 857-1 117 17 11 6 18 1 10 8 0 6 6 0 0 8 12 0 2 0 2 2 0 11 8 3 0 0 0 11 8 3 0 0 0 7 17 0 58 28 7 6 6 11 6 £272 17 11 £204 15 0 Hrs. Ord. 37 Deliveries Total 1 10 7 0 6 33 37 16 1 1 4 74 84 35 2 2 9 15 14 12 5 5 14 Home Guide G. L. Armitage 18 38 9 7 £27 5 17 S 58 14 10 6 14 18 2 6 0 9 0 6 0 0 6 46 7 33 16 0 0 0 124 5 0 6 54 9 6 0 35 12 0 0 0 6 16 9 6 11 13 6 4 14 6 37 10 0 24 10 6 This Mighty Hour G. L. Armitage 194 102 J. H. Wade 110 I. White 14 17 24 16 8 6 20 18 0 26 1 6 S 16 7 16 8 12 0 0 0 Health C. Crockford 4 14 30 12991. 287 £519 9 0 4 14 0 9 £491 11 3 South New South Wales 116 Health R. Mathews This Mighty Hour Miscellaneous 114 0 114 0 0 £86 8 6 98 £143 17 1 17 5 0 2 £62 14 3 £22 5 9 45 7 0 12 10 6 2 19 6 45 2 6 40 9 0 22 4 0 8 19 6 37 6 0 10 6 35 3 0 4 0 33 19 0 3 0 33 0 0 28 16 0 4 17 0 11 0 16 6 0 11 5 0 10 18 0 9 1 0 2 9 0 3 6 2 8 6 3 13 6 7 0 0 4 4 6 0 4 7 IS 0 13 3 0 60 10 1 18 0 34 3 0 24 0 9 14 6 14 6 10 12 6 Bible Pictures & Stories 8 18 0 0 Miss G. Cormack 1 2 1 6 Miss V.Flanigan 13 2 3 9 0 Miscellaneous 2 0 £38 7 6 4 11 0 1 15 0 15 0 41 54 77 14 0 109 6 6 64 14 0 36 0 0 Bible Pictures & Stories 114 8 E. Norris 71 3 K. Younger C. Winter 18 2 0 5 18 6 Home Guide 684 L. Whittaker 88 G. Rollo 45 H. J. Jackson Miss E. Mitchell 27 7 0 19 14 6 17 3 0 7 6 1 4 0 119 6 16 4 10 15 0 2 15 0 10 15 0 2 15 0 Practical Guide H. J. Jackson Ladies' Handbook Mrs. D. Pontey 64 Mrs. R. Greive 86 14 9 Health Miscellaneous Field Mission Sec. 525 9 0 0 14 7 0 154 1325 16 4 0 £200 19 6 South Australia Home Guide 1284 1414 1341 L. G. Bain L. Butcher A. Harrison 12 £30 19 0 £23 17 3 30 4 0 11 10 6 14 17 0 0 14 15 6 6 Contest for a Kingdom 1 A. Harrison Rome Physician W.J. Oaklands 140'1 17 2 L. Butcher This Mighty Hour 29 J. Powell 1 10 12 3 10 7 3 2 1 0 9 4 0 7 6 37 17 6 11 17 6 2 5 0 4 10 0 1 12 6 Health Mrs.S. McCabe 471 Miscellaneous G. Leighton A. Sadler 4 15 0 4 15 0 5 6 0 5 6 0 117 6 1 17 6 16 0 16 0 782 57 £147 18 3 £90 11 (i West Australia Hrs. Ord. Total Deliveries Home Physician 5 Daniel & Revelation Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 2 34 Ladies' Handbook, Mrs. L. Garbutt 21 6 19 9 Home Physician 23 V. P. Murray 182 20 A. Broadfoot 138 134 20 M. Pascoe 18 146 P. Winch 113 16 W. Johnson 110 14 C. Pascoe 15 85 D. D. Smith 14 83 B. Douglass 12 Mrs.V.I .Murray 77 7 65 F. Trute Miscellaneous 25 5 4 21 J. Trim 1 23 A. Hick 30 17 Ladies' Handbook 10 Mrs. G. Hall £13 12 6 22 13 0 Bible Pictures & Stories 3 H.E.Backhouse 140I 1 Miscellaneous Through Turmoil to Peace 1 1 1 0 G. L. Armitage 0 0 6 10 14 A. S. Craig A. S. Jorgensen 38 Hrs. Ord. Total Deliveries 36 Home Guide F. Fleming S. Stocken Miscellaneous Deliveries Total 6 1144 £51 15 7 2631 0 Contest for a Kingdom 4 J. F. Rubie 1 H. Thompson 0 36 18 0 0 0 0 6 0 £86 14 Bible Pictures & Stories 18 C.P. Southwell 101 Health R. Craigie 6 3 10 Home Physician 146 J. H. Burton 104 J. Ivey Miscellaneous Miss I. Parker H. Thompson W. Waterhouse 18 Hrs. Ord. Home Physician 1 Bible Readings F. Fleming Tasmania Home Physician Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Chick 134 Bible Readings H. Thompson Deliveries Total Hrs. Ord. Total Deliveries Ladies' Handbook Mrs. M.E. James 5 Helps B. F. Bernard Mrs. Devine Deliveries Total Hrs. Ord. Hrs. Ord. Bible Pictures & Stories £42 7 78 20 F. E. Baker 20 42 3 Miss E.G.Butt 1051 A. P. Cook 9 8 18-1 5 A. Fitzgerald 3 15 1632 M. Guthrie 19 15 Miss I. Parker 741 10 37 4 9 9 J. F. Rubie 1 1 14 H. Thompson J. E. Wain10 23 8 127 wright L. S. Wood Our Day H. Thompson Victoria North New South Wales North New Zealand Ladies' Handbook Miss M. Brown 24 Colporteurs' Summary 10/5/87 7 0 5 4 6- 2 4 6 1417 226 £511. 2 9 £118 0 0 A. Blake C. King Miscellaneous 183 22 13 £29 14 0 £81 8 0 2 6 0 2 4 11 0 22 6 0 19 19 i 10 Bible Pictures & Stories H. G. Bone 141 39 C. King 79 18 29 10 Mrs. C. King 1 5 G. L. Walker 5 H. Hooper 18 75 19 33 11 15 18 1 19 9 16 6 6 6 6 6 Home Guide H. G. Bone 121 W. Leppard 14 J. Hanbury E. V. Hanbury 144; W. G. Hanbury 141 154 0. Hanbury 44 2 2 8 9 5 10 8 7 9 6 7 6 6 6 6 0 6 Bible Readings P.M. Secretary Health Miss B. Mills 22 1 4 4 2 5 5 14 0 2 0 9 6 9 0 15 0 10 0 1 6 6 1 15 0 3 0 0 553 140 £278 13 0 £112 19 0 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 10/5/37 South New Zealand Hrs. Ord. While There Is Opportunity Total Deliveries Home Physician A.W. Macaulay 127 51 £123 N. A. Brehaut 68 85 1 36 G. IL Wishart 143 37 85 18 C. B. Summerfield 137 30 82 0 Bible Pictures & Stories L. Bennington 44 1 3 0 Ladies' Handbook A. M. Gould 4:5 4 9 2 Home Guide A. G. Ratcliffe 98 7 25 3 87 M. Hossack 10 25 10 Periodicals G. L. Jackson 1.5 A. M. Gould 1 12 G. B. Wishart 1 0 A. W. Macaulay 16 C. E. Summerfield 13 A. G. Ratcliffe 10 M. Hessack 13 N. A. Brehaut 2 13 749 6 £17 11 6 6 28 11 (1 6 132 8 6 0 32 6 6 6 3 5 6 6 22 6 6 9 8 24 18 3 16 16 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 112 1 (1 16 13 10 13 2 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 £447 17 11 £285 18 9 Queensland Hrs. Ord. Great Controversy 13 W. F. Reid Contest for a Kingdom 1 J. W. Nixon This Mighty Hour W. H. Turner 724 B, F. Gihlett 12 1 Home Guide 1). Bathgate 164+ 30 119 J. W. Nixon 22 W. R. Barritt 1544- 16 F. Bevan 13716 Home Physician C. M. Lee 81 18 R. A. Spoor 101 14 C. L. Rowland 80 7 W. F. Reid 13 36 F. Bevan 1 .T. W. Nixon 1 Health Joy Barritt 1281 1085 Total Deliveries £11 12 6 1 7 0 12 0 2 15 3 1 13 £2 15 3 16 0 ea 2 9 5(3 11 0 39 8 9 41 18 3 518 12 16 9 10 4 13 3 fi 0 9 39 32 17 39 2 2 24 9 34 4 19 12 813 1 0 1 0 12 4 19 7 5 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 13 18 0 13 18 0 157 £371 16 6 £138 2 3 Totals for March, 1937 Col. Hrs. Ord. Value Deliveries Nth. N.Z. 17 1299i1 287 £519 ,9 9 £491 11 3 S.2.5.W. 19 1417 216 511 42 9 118 0 0 Sth. N.Z. 9 749 176 447 17 11 285 18 9 11 10851 157 371 16 6 138 2 5 gld. N. N.S.W. 9 525 134 323 16 0 200 19 6 W. Aust. 13 553 140 278 13 0 112 19 0 Victoria 13 8571 117 272 17 11 204 13 0 S. Aust. 9 782 57 147 18 3 96 11 6 Tas. 4 2634 64 143 17 0 86 8 6 106 7,5311 £3,019 9 1 £1,733 5 11 MARCH "BANNER" CONFERENCE Queensland, 99 hours per colporteur. "BANNER" COLPORTEURS Most Orders A. W. Macaulay, £124 3s. 6d. Longest hours: G. L. Armitage, 202 Our readers will be glad to learn that the literature evangelists have had another successful month. Six conferences exceeded their summary value aim, bringing the Union attainment to £3,019. For the three months of this year it is gratifying to know that our figures are £452 above the aim for the quarter, and, better still, are £1,723 above the corresponding three months of last year. Our periodical, "Health," is appreciated ny the leading business people. A number of firms have ordered and paid in advance for a four years' subscription, others have subscribed for three years, and a number for two years. This is a message from "Testimonies," Volume 9, page 127: "Among the members of our churches there should be more house-to-house labour in giving Bible readings and distributing literature." How important it is for every Christian to do everything possible to spread the message while we have the opportunity, and while there is left to us a short time of peace and liberty. After the West Australian camp meeting, four brothers, fine young men, decided to leave the work of the world and enter the service of God. Today they are engaged in the grand and noble work of spreading the truth -filled literature. In this conference the field missionary secretary reported approximately twenty names of interested people handed over to the Bible workers. Five of these people have already been baptised, five others definitely keeping the Sabbath, and many more interested. Let us all do our part in the good work. T. A. MITCHELL. Sabbath School in a Holiday Camp It was 10.30 on Sabbath morning, March 27, — time to begin Sabbath school. The morning was beautiful, and our camp overlooked the lovely expanse of water of Western Port Bay, its surface sparkling in the bright sunlight which warmed the autumn atmosphere with its health-giving rays. As each one silently surveyed this beautiful picture of nature, our minds were impressed by the greatness of the Eternal God and His goodness to His children in giving us the day of rest. Surely God "hath made His wonderful works to be remembered." And so our Sabbath school opened at San Remo, Victoria. Brother H. Rowell. of the Elsternwick church, was the superintendent. "Jesus is all the world to me," was the opening hymn. Our only musical instrument was a concertina, but as the various parts were sung by the members of our camp we were able to make very creditable melody. The prayer offered by Sister E. M. Rigby besought that God, through His Spirit, would be with us and bless our efforts to glorify His name. The missionary exercise consisted of a story read from the current week's "Record," "How the Message Found a Planter." The offering was taken up by Sister Ruby Rowell and totalled five shillings. A very interesting feature in the programme was the review, and the lesson on sanctification even more so, when we 5 were brought face to face with the fact that God would have us put out of our experience everything that is contradictory to His divine plan and purpose for us. We should not allow the pleasures and interests of the world to allure us away from Him; for in these holiday periods we are apt to forget God and our duty to Him and follow the inclination of the human heart. Another good period of singing with the acompanying concertina, followed by the benediction offered by Brother Albert Rose, closed one of the most pleasant hours of our stay in holiday camp. I. W. RIGBY, Secretary. fiP MISS ON 101.UNTEE DD "Happy Valley" To provide opportunity for spiritual instruction in such a way that it would come spontaneously and attractively during close contact with the girls and their leader, and to furnish healthful recreation, our Easter camp was held at "Happy Valley," Moggill, nine miles from Brisbane. Out of sight and sound of human habitation, our tents were pitched among the leafy trees on the bank of the creek. Behind us rose a gentle bush-covered slope, and in front, across the creek, rolling paddocks spread their green carpets. A winding bush track led to the swinuning pool, a delightful spot shut in by gently rising hills and green bush. At night, the sight of the camp fire, the girls sitting around on the grass, the full moon rising through the tall trees near by, made a picture not easily forgotten. In the early morning the dew-covered grass, the herds winding their way across the ridge of the hills, and the delightful sunshine over all created a fit atmosphere for morning praise and prayer. At our periods of rest and recreation we had many helpful discussions, brought up mostly by the girls themselves. We had no tables, but spread our meals on the ground under a tent fly, much to the girls' approval. Not one word or action can be remembered as spoiling the happiness of our camp, and joy seemed the note of the gathering. No other name but "Happy Valley" seemed to fit. The discussions were the most prominent feature. One evening at camp fire we read them a most uplifting love story, and the effect was wonderful in its uplifting of ideals. One girl said she had read many novels, but never anything so beautiful as that. For our M.V. meeting we made notes on a previous hike of all the things we saw that reminded us of texts or helpful thoughts. Dozens were given. Perfect weather was experienced. The girls are anxiously waiting for next Easter, and are putting in a request for another camp. A number of them expressed themselves as having learned many things, and of feeling much more physically fit than GWEN H. HADFIELD. before. 6 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD North N.S.W. Conference Bravo to the teachers and students of the A.M. College! They came in on the run. We were waiting for them on the Appeal to put the lid of the coffer on North New South Wales' yearly Ingathering aim. There was some to put in to fill up that coffer, too, and they did that. Yes, they did it so well that we could not get the lid on. It was an overflow. Thank you, students and faculty! Brother Ulrich and College Health Food staff, you are in it, too. Thank you all! There is another. It is the old Avondale church and its faithful missionary leader, Brother Miller. All obstacles encountered by any church came the way of this one. They lacked territory in which to gather funds. Brother Miller and his willing helpers went as far afield as Gosford, Erina, and Wiseman's Ferry, and even beyond Newcastle to Tea Gardens. Under dripping umbrellas, and precariously perched on boxes in the back of a lorry, these enthusiastic collectors passed us on their way back home, singing their mission songs. The helpful spirit in which they did their work shines like a brave deed over Avondale. God bless the old church, its big-hearted missionary leader, its faithful pastor, W. H. Pascoe, and its elders. On behalf of its members your conference says thank you! And what shall we say for the others scattered through the conference here and there, the companies and the lonely isolated folk who bravely carry on for God? We thank Him for the spirit of service which He has put within you. J. W. KENT. The Youngest Church in Queensland Goes Appealing Sunday, April 18, dawned bright and clear, and light were the hearts of all our people as they set out by car for the neighbouring districts of Howard and Torbanlea. "I wonder who they are, and why they have come?" Surely these were the thoughts of the residents of these towns at the moment; but short was their time for curiosity, as one by one these "labourers in the vineyard" approached each house in turn, eagerly participating in the soul-winning possibilities of this Appeal for Missions campaign. Hearts were made glad as at times we were greeted with such words as, "Oh, here you are at last! We do look forward to your annual visits, and are so pleased to be able to have a part in this humane work." Then, on leaving, one would hear such sweet words as, "Good-bye, we shall be waiting for you next year, God willing." One kind friend who had decided to have a part in this work for suffering humanity, was able to present our pastor with a big box of pennies, saved during the intervening twelve months. Surely, the Spirit of God is working mightily upon the hearts of these people, and may some of the words spoken, or some tract delivered during the Appeal campaign be the means of bringing some soul nearer to Christ. After a pleasant day spent in service for the Master, we turned homeward, glad in the knowledge that opportunities had been improved, and that the balance of the Maryborough church aim had been lessened by many pounds. FLORENCE E. ZUCH. Each Bring One Is it too much for any member of our churches to win one person to Christ each year? In the closing chapter of the Bible (Rev. 22:17) we are admonished, "Let him that heareth say, Come." Every one who has heard and embraced the gospel message is under bonds to pass on the good word to others. Think of what it would mean if every Seventh-day Adventist brought in one soul a year! The membership of every church would be doubled yearly. And that experience is evidently in store for us; for the Spirit of Prophecy assures us that the time is coming when thousands will be converted in a day. At present we are bringing souls to the truth at the rate of 110 a day, which is encouraging, but still far short of what it is our privilege to experience. Even the children may have a part in this laudable aim. Our church schools might profitably set this plan before the children. The Scripture says, "A little child shall lead them." But our older members should happily respond to a call of this character, especially when it is evident that it is in full harmony with God's plan. To assume such a responsibility is to yoke up with Christ in the most satisfactory work ever committed to mankind. It is a work that succeeds in proportion as we pray for help from God to carry it forward aright. We have such a wide range of facilities for bringing this result to fruition, in the fine leaflets, periodicals, and books, which may be loaned to our friends and neighbours. However, when you lend literature, lend it for only a limited time, so you can with good grace call for it at the Dr. Edward Finkle and Family 1015/37 end of a week, a fortnight, or a month, as the case may be. Otherwise no attention may be paid to what you have loaned. When they know you are coming for it at such and such a date, they are far more likely to read it. Visiting and praying for the sick, holding Bible studies, and cottage meetings, are other means of reaching the lost. Then there is the plan of praying for individuals now in darkness. Many have been prayed into the truth. The writes. is one such case. But by one means or another, let us bring a soul to Christ each year and thus experience the joy that thrills the hearts of the angels. M. N. CAMPBELL. Baptism at Avondale Nearly the whole student body and many visitors and friends surrounded the baptistry on the beautiful green lawn at the A.M. College on Sabbath afternoon, April 10, to witness the baptism of three candidates from Woy Woy. Brother and Sister W. Thompson, who had been instrumental in bringing these souls into the truth, drove them by car from Woy Woy. The necessary preparations had been carefully made, and Pastor Norman Ferris by request officiated. The- writer, in a short study and address, presented the candidates as ready for baptism. The two elderly sisters who now rejoice in the truth, have both had rather chequered experiences in life, the tyrant alcohol having entered both their homes and subjected them and their children to inhuman treatment from the hands of one-time good and true husbands. These sisters appreciate greatly the comfort that the message has brought to them. The other candidate is from Norfolk Island. He has been through the Great War, was both wounded and gassed, and has lost several fingers. He had heard something of the message when a little boy on Norfolk. The writer nursed his father when on his deathbed, and the boy listened to the studies given. The seed was sown which, after many years, Sister Thompson watered, until he now rejoices in the truth. It was at his request that Brother Norman Ferris baptised him. They had been playmates together when little boys on Norfolk. To see the one baptising the other after years of experiences, and each esteeming it an honour, was one of those romantic little incidents in the third angel's message which endear it to our hearts. The soft and sweet music of the college band lent solemnity and beauty to the service, and, like the Ethiopian of old, theie dear souls went on their way rejoicing. The Lord is blessing Sister Thompson in her labour of love. This lay sister has many souls to her account, rejoicing in the message. Shall we remember these dear souls in prayer ? A. H. FERRIS. " The Bible is God's voice speaking to us, just as surely as though we could hear it with our ears."—Mrs. E. G. White. 10/6/37 Farewell from Queensland On Tuesday evening, April 20, the doors of the Sanitarium Health Food Company's Depot in Brisbane, Queensland, were thrown open to welcome a large number of friends who had gathered to express their appreciation of and esteem for one who, for eight years, has given faithful, untiring, and unselfish labour in the conference office, and various branches of church activity. Miss D. G. Adrian, who, with her mother, was the guest of the evening, has been called to wider service, having been appointed to assist Miss Lewin in the Sabbath school work at the Union Conference office, Wahroonga. Appreciation of Miss Adrian's work here was expressed by our Conference President, Pastor Rampton, before Brother L. A. Butler, the secretary, presented her with a well-bound and initialled hymn book, a gift from the office staff. In reply Miss Adrian spoke her thanks, but disowned any credit, referring all praise to God, the Giver of every good. From the Red Hill church, where Miss Adrian and her mother were members, came the gifts of a Bible and a hand bag respectively. The members of the Girls' Club, of which Miss Adrian was chaperon, expressed in song their love and prayers for her future by the words of the hymn, "All the Future Years Are Held Within the Father's Keeping," afterward laying in her hand a dainty inkstand of Queensland wood. After suitable response and a little social enjoyment, the hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," closed the evening. We pray that God will bless Miss Adrian and the many who will come directly or indirectly in touch with her and her work at Wahroonga. GWEN. H. HADFIELD. "Platform Lecture-Sermons," Vol. I A 96-page, illustrated book containing thirty subjects on the Advent message, specially designed to meet modern errors, as the preacher has met them, showing clearly the soundness and unshakable doctrinal position held by Seventh-day Adventists. Indisputable proof of the whole ten commandments in the New Testament; Christianity's foundation plank, or the subject that shook Europe; also a lecture to help win Communists, etc. The subjects are all in striking newspaper style, as published in a city daily, by an editor who knows what constitutes news of the highest value. Texts and authorities from many sources drive home the message of truth. Over half the edition sold in the first six months. It has already proved helpful in leading souls into the message, Order extra copies for lending. Write today for your supplies from Pastor A. I. Mitchell, 89 Tooley Street, Maryborough, Qld. Single copies is., postage 2d; half dozen or dozen lots, 9s. per dozen, postage 1s.3d. "Indifference in the Christian life is a manifest denial of the Saviour."—"Testimonies," Vol. 8, p. 45. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD WEDDING BELLS WATSON - JONES. — On Feb. 17, 1937, in the Mont Albert church, Victoria, Walter Raymond Watson and Vera Clarice Jones were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the presence of a large company of friends. Befitting this occasion, loving hands had decorated the church. Many were the hearty congratulations and best wishes for a future happy life as they walk life's pathway together. G. E. MARRIOTT. CHASEY - NORRIS — A quiet wedding was celebrated in the Auburn (Victoria) church, on March 3, when Harold William Chasey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chasey of Wattle Flat, was united in marriage with Elsie Norris, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norris of Ballarat. We wish them every happiness as they face life's problems together. E. H. GUILLIARD. STOCKEN - FEARN. — The first wedding to be held in the new church at Woollahra, Sydney, was conducted on March 23, 1937, at 7 p.m. The celebrants were Brother William Stocken and Miss Marjorie Fearn. The church was tastefully decorated for the happy occasion, and a large number of relatives and friends gathered to witness the ceremony and to wish the young folk every happiness. The bride was presented by the church members with a Bible, suitably inscribed. They are both engaged in the activities of the church, and we wish them every blessing and a larger sphere of usefulness in their united lives. W. E. BATTYE. WISE - HILL. — In the presence of a large number of relatives and friends gathered together in the Auburn church, Victoria, on March 25, Brother Ronald Wise and Sister Vera Hill entered the bonds of holy wedlock. In their united lives we believe they will continue their activities in the various church meetings. We wish them much of God's blessing. E. H. GUILLIARD. ROBB - POTTER. — The Presbyterian church, Merbein, Victoria, kindly lent for the occasion, was the scene of a happy wedding when, on March 29, Robert Robb, second son of Brother and Sister Robb, and Sylvia Potter, daughter of Brother and Sister J. H. Potter, Junior, of Merbein, were united in marriage. Brother and Sister Robb will make their home in Merbein, where they are active members of the local church. They have the best wishes of a large circle of friends for their future happiness. E. H. GUIT.T,TARD. GOSLING - IRVINE. — A popular wedding that filled Lismore church to capacity took place on the evening of April 7, when Brother J. C. Gosling and Sister Ivy M. Irvine were united in marriage. Both are graduate nurses of the Sydney Sanitarium, and both have been employed on the staff of the Hydro at Warburton, whither they have since returned. The church was tastefully decorated, and everything was carried out in perfect accord with the message to which these young 7 people have consecrated their lives. We trust that Heaven's benediction may seal this union, and bless their labour of love. W. GILLIS. OBITUARY WILLIAMS. — Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Williams, late of South Melbourne, Victoria, passed away on April 11, at the age of sixty-nine years, after a painful illness. We laid her to rest in the Springvale cemetery on April 13, to await the call of the Life-giver. Words of sympathy were spoken to the mourners by the writer. L. CURROW. BROWN. — Dear little Kelvin, son of Brother and Sister Arthur Brown, of Brighton, Victoria, fell asleep in Jesus on April 1, at the home of his parents. Only "an infant of days," three weeks and five days old, he slept quietly away. We laid him to rest on Sabbath afternoon, April 3, in the New Cheltenham cemetery, till the angels gather the little children and place them in their mothers' arms. "Hasten on, glad day eternal." L. CURROW. DURHAM. — After fifty - one years' membership with the second Seventh-day Adventist church in Australia, Sister Lily Durham peacefully fell asleep on March 18 at her home in Ballarat, Victoria, at the age of eighty-six years. For many months she had been a patient sufferer, and as we visited her from week to week she expressed her confidence in Christ as her personal Saviour. Having accepted present truth under the labours of Pastor J. 0. Corliss in 1886, Sister Durham became a charter member of the Ballarat church, and throughout all these years was most exemplary in her attendance and support of all church meetings and activities. She was also a regular attendant at camp meetings. A most consistent worker with the "Signs of the Times," she delivered the paper right up to the time of her last illness. We laid hex to rest in the Ballarat New Cemetery to await the voice of the Life-giver on the morning of the first resurrection. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." J. EGGINS. RETURN THANKS Mrs. T. Duffy and family of Kurrajong sincerely thank their many kind friends for the expressions of loving sympathy in the recent sad loss of their beloved daughter and sister Netta. CLOSING. — Miss Thomson's guest house at Katoomba will be permanently closed from May 5. Circumstances other than failure make this a necessity. She takes this opportunity to thank the friends who have given their patronage during the past three years. All correspondence for her, also for Miss A. S. Higgins, may be addressed, after May 17, to "Beaucourt," Waratah St., Katoomba, N.S.W. NOTICE. — Will "RM." please communicate with the M.V. Department at Wahroonga, giving her name and address, so that a personal reply may be sent to her letter. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 8 • WeVre•••TeMITITre cAttstrafaiati THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUSTRI,I,ASIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS """""""""*" Editor: Viola M. Rogers Single Subscription, per year, post paid . 5/Order through your conference office, or send direct to tt.a Avondale Press, Cooranbong, N.S.W. Printed weekly for the Conference by the AVONDALE PRESS (A.C.A. LTD.), COORANBONG, N.S.W. Pastor A. H. Piper left Wahroonga on April 29 to spend the Week of Prayer at Warburton. Pastors Robt. Hare and E. E. Roenfelt will lead out in the Week of Prayer at Avondale. The North Queensland camp meeting, which is to convene in Mackay from May 13 to 23, will be attended by the following general workers: Pastors E. B. Rudge and E. E. Roenfelt and Miss H. K. Lewin. Brother G. W. Richardson, lately returned from the Solomon Islands, has been appointed woodwork instructor at the Australasian Missionary College. Pastor C. H. Parker, who gave thirtysix years of service in the South Pacific and returned to America three years ago, has written a letter to his large circle of Australasian friends. This is given in another column. Pastor E. L. Minchin sailed for New Zealand by the "Awatea" on April 30. He plans to spend the Week of Prayer at the N.Z. Missionary College, and to hold conventions and revivial meetings for the young people in both the North and the South Island during, his two months' stay in the Dominion. Further reports in the Appeal for Missions have reached us from three conferences. We are glad to announce that West Australia has received the small amount lacking to complete its aim, namely £37. Queensland, for its third official week, reports £118, and now has twothirds of its goal. We await with much interest further reports from this northern field. When Queensland can report £356 more, the ninth and last conference will have completed the campaign for 1937. From the island fields, Appeal reports are beginning to reach us. Pastor Reye writes from Samoa that £36 has been collected there. Norfolk Island, Pitcairn, and Tonga, are also at work, and no doubt others. The North Queensland Mission field conducts its effort after the cane-crushing season, later in the year. We have excellent grounds for believing that the total aim for the Australasian Division, — £12,510, — will finally be realised, with a good overflow. Writing on board the "Malaita" on the way to the Solomon Islands, Pastor N. A. Ferris posted his letter at the last Queensland part, saying: "We have had a very pleasant trip thus far. Dr. Finkle enjoyed the visit to both Brisbane and Townsville, and tomorrow we expect to spend a few hours at Cairns. At Brisbane we met with the workers in the Sanitarium Health Food Depot for morning worship, and later visited the cafe and the conference office. . . Today it was a real pleasure to meet Pastor and Mrs. Bird and family at Townsville, and to spend a few hours with them. We are glad to be on our way, and are looking forward to taking up our work in the Solomons." The Sydney Cafe mission, conducted in its own dining room every Tuesday night, continues to enjoy an encouraging attendance on the part of patrons, friends, and visitors. A number of people who attended the first meeting ten weeks, ago have never missed once since. Next Tuesday evening (May 4) the subject will be presented, "Why These Business Premises Are Closed on Saturdays." This should be of special interest to a large number who have been more or less familiar with our Vegetarian Cafe. Letter from a Veteran My Dear Australian Brothers and Sisters, You will think by my long silence of that old adage, "Out of sight, out of mind." But this is not true in my case, for you are the same to me as when I was associated with you in the labours of that field. Separation and distance do not affect my feelings toward you. Not a morning passes but in my private devotions to God your names and the great work that you are doing for Him are placed before His face, for His blessing and His Holy Spirit to clothe you with His all-power and victory over every trial and temptation: that you may finish your course in triumph, being clothed with the spotless robe of the righteousness of Jesus. How happy my dear wife and I would have been, if the Lord had allowed us to finish our ministry in your midst. But God knows why He willed otherwise. What a glorious thought it is to know that when the clouds have passed away, we shall know the "why;" for then we shall know as we are known. Here we know it only in part; but there we shall know it all, just as God knows. Tme marches on, and the great consummation is very near. What we had to take by faith in the past is sight today. Nearly every one of the prophecies is marching before us in living characters. And the servant of the Lord has said that the last movements of this message will be rapid ones. This we are beholding with our own eyes, and not another's. How quickly this message is filling in the vacant spaces of our great commission, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." My daughter and I rejoice with you in what we see being done throughout Australia and New Zealand, and the large advance which is oeing made in the great island mission field. This is what we have looked forward to for years, and now we hear it with our own ears and see it with our own eyes. The same blessing and power are resting upon the, work here in America and in the far-flung mission fields. How we do praise the Lord for the privilege of seeing all this, and for the way that He is opening doors for this great message to be 10/5/37 heard where it was forbidden ground only a few years ago. It cannot be long now, my dear brothers and sisters, before this great work will close in triumph; and may we each triumph with it. If we fail now, we shall lose all. On the other hand, if we prove loyal and true to our dear loving Saviour and our kind and merciful heavenly Father, we will gain all. May we not disappoint them in the wonderful provision they have made for our complete salvation and deliverance from all .sin. Your brother and fellow worker in this blessed hope, C. H PARKER. 5730 Priory Street, Bell Gardens, Bell, California. Advent Radio Church The following are a few of many letters recently received by the pastor of the Advent Radio Church, which serve to show that the blessing of God is attending the effort to broadcast a knowledge of His Word. "There seems to be more power in the services than ever. You just have a way of speaking that gets right down into one's very heart and soul, so much so that I long to be with you in your faith. I am interested more and more each Sunday, and look forward to your services more than anything else in the week. My mother is also much interested. It is to her home that we go to listen to the services." A listener living in one of the outer suburbs of Sydney writes: "I do not like asking you to come right to Bankstown. We are some distance from the station, but would like to join your Advent Radio Church. Please send me particulars for doing so. It was by accident, or shall I say, God's guiding hand, that I tuned in the Sunday you were being introduced over the air, and I was impressed by the address and the singing. I did not listen-in to the services last year. I fear I am a great sinner. I was brought up to attend the Church of England fairly regularly, but since living in Bankstown the last twenty years I have got right away from church. But I wish to try again." This letter is from a Seventh-day Adventist: "My sister is not a Seventh-day Adventist, but she reads the 'Signs' and listens-in regularly. She wrote to me saying that if the study on 'The Wonderful Father' could be secured in book form she would like me to get it for her. It was the best study she had ever heard. Every word meant a good deal to her because of circumstances in her own home at the time. She appreciated it very much and woulJ, like to have it to keep." A Methodist lay preacher rang up a few days ago to urge that we be sure to send his copy of the address each week, as he uses the material. Sometimes he gives the whole study, word for word, in his lay preaching. Last Sunday evening one of the staff at the radio studio said he was much interested in the study of the state of the dead, and would be glad of any literature on the subject. He said, "I want to know what is right."
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