FBCG Reaches a New High Dear Church Family, “A young, poor carpenter was tortured and killed one day nearly two thousand years ago in a land that was, and still is, known for hatred and war.” His death was just another violent incident in a land known for its violence. “How is it that millions of people have based their deepest faith on what happened to Him just outside Jerusalem on a dusty rock pile called Calvary? Why have they surrendered their very existence to this man called Jesus?” It is because they, like so many of us today, have become convinced “that this was God’s Son…driven up that hill not by the lashes of whips or the kicks of soldiers’ boots, but by His love. Love for people He’d never even seen…people not yet born…people like you and me.” Surely, this was the ultimate act of love. Throughout Calvary’s Love, we are called to take a deeper look into the qualities of Christ’s love. At the core of it we find that grace and mercy are among its most endearing attributes. As Christ dealt with individuals whom He encountered, His expressions of grace and mercy seemed to be evident in all His actions. Such was the case with the woman Jesus met at the well in Samaria, with Nicodemus and with Peter. And those same expressions of grace and mercy are evident in what Christ did for all of us through His death on the cross. This musical focuses on that love. It highlights several events in Christ’s life and expresses the probable feelings of those to whom Christ reached out. Yet it also looks at that same love given to us, which has spanned countless generations. I pray that you will approach this morning’s service with eyes open to catch a fresh glimpse of Christ’s grace, mercy and love. In Christ, Pastor Lonnie Extended Session Team Lead: Nursery: One’s & Two’s: Preschool: Lora Johnson Laura Berthiaume Kay Jarvis Diana Roman Matt Collard Errol DuFour Jim Kirk 2014 Ministry Funding Plan Summary (MFP) As of: April 9, 2014 Giving: $ 158,066.53 Planned Giving: $ 185,769.23 Variance: $ Visit us online at www.fbcgaithersburg.org 55 Alive! Are you looking for a group to fellowship with during the week? Look no further. A group of fun-loving people who are 55 years young and older will be meeting for lunch on Wednesday, April 16. You are invited to join this group at Old Country Buffet in Gaithersburg at 12:00 pm. Hope to see you there. Contact Janet Sabins: [email protected] Maundy Thursday service Please join us for a Maundy Thursday service on Thursday, April 17, at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. You will have the unique opportunity to engage one another in service; we will hold a foot washing ceremony as we draw near to the end of the Lenten season. We hope you will join us for this wonderful service of remembrance and reflect on the love of Christ as we prepare for Easter. VBS 2014- Wilderness Escape- Where God Guides and Provides Thank you to everyone who attended the VBS overview on March 9. VBS is June 29 - July 3 (evenings), so it is time to recruit volunteers and begin planning! An information sheet and volunteer form is available at the Welcome Desk today. A VBS Information Center will be set up in the Gathering Area no later than Easter Sunday. Upcoming events: Saturday, April 26, 2 pm - Small group meeting to plan activities for VBS. Contact Kellie Reynolds if you plan to attend. Saturday, May 17, 10 am- VBS training Contact Kellie if you have any questions or want to volunteer: [email protected] or 240-476-1276 A ‘Thank You’ and ‘Farewell’ Potluck Rev. Dr. David Hill and his wife, Deb, will begin a new chapter of ministry at FBCG on May 1. We invite the FBCG family to a potluck lunch following the Quarterly Business meeting on Sunday, April 27, to express our gratitude to Pastor Stephen for his dedicated service as our interim senior pastor over the past year. Bring a dish to share and fellowship with us as we give thanks and much appreciation to Pastor Stephen and pray that God will continue to bless him and his wife, Carole, as they continue to serve the Lord. (27,702.70) *Does not include Legacy or other Designated Gifts Childcare is available for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. We use a silent paging system for parents whose children might need special attention. Come to the Nursery/Preschool Area for more information. Wireless hearing assistance devices are available. If such a device would aid your worship, please see an usher. God deserves our undivided attention! Please silence cell phones and pagers. A really big ‘thank you’ to those who helped provide items for our recent Health Kit collection for our missionaries. A total of 135 Health Kits will aid people who are impacted by national disasters. FBCG is also sending 15 Health Kits with Mark Deuser and Travis Humburg when they travel to the Amazing Grace Orphans & Widows Care Center in May. ABW would appreciate your contribution toward postage to send these kits to disaster areas ($3./kit); make checks payable to FBCG and be sure to write, “Health Kit postage” in the memo section of your check. National Day of Prayer The National Day of Prayer calls on all people of different faiths in the United States to pray for our nation and its leaders. It is held each year on the first Thursday of May. Everyone is welcome to pray for our nation and our leaders on Thursday, May 1, in the Conference Room from 12:00-1:00 pm. FBCG Outdoor Family Movies The series of summer outdoor ‘Family Movie Night’ premieres on Friday, May 9, at 8:00 pm. Come early and have a free hotdog and drink at 7:00 pm, then grab your lawn chair or a blanket to enjoy the featured movie, by popular request, “Monsters University” along with free popcorn. Invite your family, friends and neighbors to join us on the church lawn. Movies will be held the 2nd Friday of each month from May - September. Connection Card Calvary’s Love The Worship of God Welcome! Please fill out this Connection Card, tear off the side panel and drop it in the offering plate or in the baskets at the back of the sanctuary on your way out. Thank you for worshipping with us today. The Resurrection April 13, 2014 10:30 am April 13, 2014 This card does three things: 1) Lets us know you are here! 2) Gives you a chance to commit to the life of the church and 3) Allows you to share your prayer requests. “It Is Finished” Naish & Brown “Alleluia! He’s Alive!” Nelson & Fettke ‡ “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Love and Mercy Name________________________________________ ○ New Contact Info Call to Worship “O Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord” Address______________________________________ Apt._________ City________________________________ State_____ Zip__________ ○ 2nd Time Guest ○ Regular Attender ○ Member I’d like to talk with someone about: I commit to … ○ Faith development in 2014 ○ Giving support to implementing the Vision Path ○ Quest evening service - 5:00 pm ○ Becoming a Christian Modern Day Testimony: Nancy Fortna “The Language of Jesus Is Love” “Glorious Is Thy Name” McKinney * Greeting & Passing the Peace of Christ Deacon Invocation & The Lord’s Prayer * Hymn 203 Invitation to Respond Pastor Price Finale Deacon Milton Boothe Mieir * Giving Our Tithes & Offerings Leah Harlow “Via Dolorosa” Sprague & Borop Susan Preuter, soprano ○ Baptism ○ Participating in Upcoming FBCG Events: ○ April 17: Maundy Thursday Service, 7p ○ April 20: Easter Sunday/Baptism, 10:30am ○ April 27: Quarterly Business Mtg., 12:00 Deacons’ Potluck Lunch to follow ○ May 1: FBCG Hour of Prayer, 12:00 ○ May 9: FBCG Family Movie Night, 8pm ○ May 17: VBS Training Day “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” 9Matthew 21.9 Pastoral Staff at FBCG arranged by Tom Fettke Prayer Requests/Comments Stephen Price Interim Senior Pastor Dr. Lonnie Brown Pastor of Music & Worship Leah Harlow Director of Children & Youth [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] My prayer may be shared/confidential (circle one) As a local congregation we are committed to developing faith for life through evangelistic outreach, missional service, worship, discipleship, fellowship, and leadership development. Judy Bouey, organ Karen Reinhard, piano by Greg Nelson, Tom Fettke & Phill McHugh We are part of the worldwide Baptist family partnering with the DC Baptist Convention, American Baptists, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Baptist World Alliance. Sibelius/McHugh/Fettke * Those who are able, please stand. ○ Other: With Baptists around the world, we believe: • That the Bible is the final authority and trustworthy for faith and practice. It is to be interpreted responsibly under the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit within the community of faith. • That the Church is a gathered fellowship of regenerated believers, a sign of the coming universal reign of God. • That the freedom to respond to the Lordship of Christ in all circumstances is fundamental to the Christian gospel and to human dignity. • That witness to Christ is the ongoing task of every Christian and of every church. Gaither/Smith ‡ congregation sings ○ Teaching Opportunities About Us Pastor Price ‡ “O Lord, Our Lord” ○ Service Opportunities ○ Missions Projects: ○ Gaithersburg HELP Collection: diapers & infant needs during the month of April ○ Baby bottle Collection coming soon: Rockville Pregnancy Center; return May 11 Johnson/Fettke “Praise You, I Will Praise You” ○ Church Membership ○ Joining a small group: ○ Adult Sunday School ○ Choir or instrumental group Nelson/McHugh “His Enduring Mercy and Everlasting Love” Pastor Price “His Name Is Wonderful” Offertory Brown/Nelson/McHugh/Naish “Almighty God” Sharing of Ministry Opportunities Phone____________________ ○ 1st Time Guest * Hymn 204 Soloist: Nancy Fortna arr. Bice Music Makers Choir Stephen Price, banjo Email________________________________________ ○ Update Info Wesley/Davidica This Week at FBCG Almighty God Before All Time Sunday, April 13 Soloist: Karen Hazzard Grace and Truth The Word Became Flesh The Samaritan Woman: Barbara Lesser In Heaven’s Eyes Soloist: Barbara Lesser The Word Became Flesh Nicodemus: Steve Swift Only Jesus The Captives Went Free The Cross Peter: Jonathan Baniak Soloist: Jonathan Baniak “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” “And Can It Be?” “Surely He Hath Borne Our Grief’s” based on a Gregorian chant Wesley/Campbell Handel Amazing Love “At the Cross” Watts/Hudson “Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed?” Watts/Wilson “And Can It Be?” Wesley/Campbell 9:00 am Red Cross Blood Drive 9:15 Sunday School for all ages 10:30 Moring Worship service: “Calvary’s Love” 11:45 Welcome Coffee: Meet our pastors 1:00 pm LAI Baptist Church service 4:00 No Chapel Choir 5:00 No Quest service 5:00 No Recorders Club 5:30 No Orff Ensemble 6:00 No Youth dinner 6:30 Youth: No Walk tHis Way 6:30 No Children’s Choirs Monday, April 14 Thursday, April 17 6:30 pm No Redeemer’s Ringers 7:30 No Boy Scout Troop #1760 Maundy Thursday Tuesday, April 15 9:30 am 11:00 6:30 pm 7:00 No Mother’s Day Out Church Staff Mtg. Sanctuary Bells No College Group Wednesday, April 16 9:30 am No Community Bible Study 12:00 55 Alive! Lunch 6:30 pm No Prayer Mtg. 6:30 No orchestra 7:00 Guys & Gals: No Small Group 7:30 No Sanctuary Choir 9:30 am No Mother’s Day Out 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday service 7:00 No ESL Class Friday, April 18 Good Friday 9:30 am No Mother’s Day Out 7:30 pm No Cub Scout Pk #73 Saturday, April 19 No FBCG church activities
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