
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
How to make a CSP a living document?
Why should a CSP be a
living document?
Relevance of various processes
for constant up-dating of CSP
[Module 6]
How to make a CSP a living document?
Develop a plan to facilitate
regular up-dating of the CSP
data base
Module 6: Basics
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
Why should a CSP be a living document?
CSP – a living &
dynamic document
Implementation of the CSP
(1) CSP is geared for a period of 20-25 years
(2) Rapid urbanization in India and rapid growth of cities
(3) Further development of technologies and materials used for urban
(4) CSP has to be constantly coordinated with urban development in
other sectors (population growth, economic development, changes
in industries and businesses, changes in behaviour and
Meeting demand for facility expansion
Sustainability of the facilities & services
Monitoring of socio-economic, health
and environmental benefits
Implementing infrastructure projects:
- Storm water drains,
- sewerage,
- treatment facilities
Evaluating impacts & outcomes
Medium term (3-7 yrs)
Module 6: Basics
Long term
(7-20 yrs)
Septage management
Toilet construction
Hygiene education
Improving functional efficiency of existing
infrastructure & services
Establishing monitoring system
Short term (<3yrs)
Module 6:Extras
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
Relevance of various processes for constant up-dating of CSP
Group work:
Develop a plan to facilitate regular up-dating of the CSP data base
1. Participants form work groups of 5 – 7 persons (4 to 5 groups);
2. There are two options:
a) Option A: Working with CSP document (2 – 3 groups);
Water supply
Waste water
Access to toilets
Strom water
Solid waste
Module 6: Basics
b) Option B: Analysing urban development processes (2-3
3. Groups discuss and analyse their tasks
4. Groups compile presentation posters
5. Every group presents its findings to the other groups
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
Module 6:Activities
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
Group work:
Develop a plan to facilitate regular up-dating of the CSP data base
Option A
Group analyses the following questions using Cochi CSP brochure:
Group work:
Develop a plan to facilitate regular up-dating of the CSP data base
Option B
Group analyses the data requirements regarding development processes
(using slide no 5 of presentation):
1. Specify data and information used for compilation of the CSP
a. Group them according to the 5 sectors covered by the CSP and
general data being relevant for more than one or all sectors.
b. Which additional information and data have been used or are used in
your municipality?
c. Which additional data would you assess to be required?
2. Where would you obtain the data from?
Which departments, organisations or stakeholders would you involve?
Please specify, e.g.:
a. Your own department
b. Accounting
c. State Government
d. etc.
Module 6:Activities
Module 6:Activities
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
How to use a CSP as a tool for urban development? –
M6: How to make a CSP a living document?
Group work:
Develop a plan to facilitate regular up-dating of the CSP data base
Option B
Thank you very much
1. What would be possible impacts of the first three processes (urban growth,
new industries, and climate change) on the first 4 sectors of the CSP? Please
2. Which data and information would be required for adapting the CSP? Please
specify, e.g.:
a. For water supply and urban growth: number of additional inhabitants,
additional housing areas etc.
b. For climate change and storm water management: projections of frequency
and quantity of heavy rainfalls
c. etc.
Indo-German Environment Programme (IGEP)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
3. Whom would you need to involve to obtain these data? Please specify, e.g.:
a. At municipal level
b. At state level
c. At national level
d. NGOs, communities etc.
Module 6:Activities
Sustainable Urban Habitat
B-5/2, First Floor,
Safdurjung Encalve, New Delhi-110029,
Tel: +91-11-49495300/01/02
Module 6: Basics