HOW TO LOVE THE SKIN YOU’RE IN. Contents Introduction............................................................................. 4 How........................................................................................ 4 One more thing....................................................................... About Jackie............................................................................ You Are Unique (Title Page)..................................................... You Are Unique........................................................................ Positivity.................................................................................. My Top Confidence Tips............................................................ Goal setting (Tile Page)............................................................ Goal setting............................................................................. Ask Yourself This …. ................................................................ Your Body Shape (Title Page).................................................... Your Body Shape...................................................................... Creating a Body Balance........................................................... Tracking Your Progress (Title Page)........................................... Tracking Your Progress............................................................. Getting Active (Title Page)........................................................ Before You Get Active............................................................... IMPORTANT TO DO EVERY WORKOUT....................................... Workout Blurb......................................................................... How To Progress Your Workouts................................................ Your Intensity Scale................................................................. Fake it, Flatter it, Tone it (Title Page)........................................ Fake it, Flatter it, Tone it.......................................................... What To Wear?!?!!................................................................... Perfect Pear............................................................................. Peachy.................................................................................... Yummy Tummy........................................................................ 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 30 30 31 33 34 Contents Busty Babe.............................................................................. 35 What To Wear When Working Out (Title Page)........................... 36 What To Wear When Working Out............................................. 37 No More Jane Fonda Lycra........................................................ 38 My Top Fake It Tips (Title Page)................................................ 39 My Top Fake It Tips.................................................................. 40 Are You An Emotional Eater?..................................................... 41 Mood Food.............................................................................. 42 Next time you reach for a sweet starchy food ask yourself........... 42 My Good Mood Foods............................................................... 42 My Top Nutrition Secrets........................................................... 42 My Top 5 Recipes..................................................................... 43 Carrot & Cumin Soup............................................................... Warm Salmon & Mango Salad................................................... Ginger-Chilli Chicken Stir-Fry..................................................... Roasted Butternut Squash........................................................ Baby Fruits With Baby Meringues.............................................. Final Note............................................................................... I want it and I want it right NOW!............................................. My Tips To Success.................................................................. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Introduction Ladies are you fed up with feeling frumpy, putting other people first, feeling like you desperately want your body back but with a busy lifestyle and hectic family life you are often left with no you time. With body beautiful images surrounding you, you feel the standards and expectations of what women of today are supposed to be unachievable and exhausting? Well fear not because those svelte figures you see in the media are often primped and airbrushed to perfection and the lean bodies you do see have been given months of dedication. Do you find yourself muttering ....’Well if I had a chef, nanny & personal trainer I would look like that to!. Ladies I have some good news it’s time we started doing it for ourselves you CAN get your sexy back and you CAN be in control. How Getting your sexy back isn’t just about the physical it’s about how you present yourself. The lumps and bumps you might find repulsive another woman would give her right arm for. What you see in the mirror is often not a true representation of how others see you and what you truly look like. I believe feeling good on the inside reflects what you see on the outside your mind and body IS AMAZING and it should be treated with care. I have trained and worked with many women that for years have hidden their bodies, not done the things they wanted, put things off, felt restricted by their bodies or even spent the last 5, 10, 20 years hating themselves for how they feel and look. This journey I’m about to take you on is to show you, you CAN love the skin you are in and feel comfortable with your curves. Right now you might feel that changing your body is the only way you will ever be happy. You might feel losing 2 stone is the answer to the new you. Deep down do you feel that the magic number of 2 stone will be the number that makes you truly happy? Because I’ve asked this don’t get me wrong I have seen what weight loss, exercise and healthy living has done for 100s of women. I have seen confidence grow, outfits change and limits lifted and it all started with from a place of thinking I cant to I can and I can’t believe I’ve doubted myself. Just ask yourself what else will bring out your inner diva? By the end of this book I want you to not only look gorgeous but to also FEEL gorgeous. I am going to give you some of my top ways to fake it, flatter it and tone it to help you create some killer curves. One more thing Now before we get started I want to make sure that for this to truly work YOU have to want to get your sexy back and this is for you and you only. Remember you do not need any man or woman to tell you, you look gorgeous (unless it is Gok Wan lol) you are the only person that can give yourself the gorgeous thumbs up. About Jackie As you can probably see from my before photos I wasn’t always into fitness, you may also say these are only pictures of me as a child/teenager. Sadly over the years and much to my families’ disappointment as my self esteem dropped I always made sure I had a reason not to be in front of the camera. I defiantly wasn’t born with the urge to run a marathon or pump iron like Arnie. I didn’t grow up in a family that loved sports or activities our hobby was our love for food (my mum’s cooking is amazing!) I WAS in fact that overweight girl in your class that was too shy to say a word or blushed if spoken to. I WAS the girl that found walking across the classroom embarrassing let alone PE which was soul destroying. If I could have become invisible daily I would have. I grew up with the ‘you’re not fat you’re just big boned’ label amongst adults but the kids in the playground just told me how it was. From primary school through to 6th form I was bullied for how I looked, for my lack of intelligence (so I was told) and lack of confidence so much so I began to believe it! I am now sat writing this as a grown woman of 30 (plus) that has to work hard to stay fit, healthy and maintain my weight. Over the years I have learned to embrace the healthy lifestyle and started to use exercise in a positive way instead of self torture. I have had to learn how to accept my body shape, it’s limits and what it needs from me to be happy and healthy. Looking back my weight affected everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. My relationships, friendships, family, career and most of all my health and happiness. I know I am not the only person out there that feels this way and I do truly believe the day does come when you have to sit down and value your own worth. Ask yourself this question do you want people, emotions and things from your past to be a part of your future? When I was asked this question my answer was HELL NO! There is a definite path to follow to help you understand how you feel, what stirs those emotions and thoughts and finally what you decide is the best way for YOU to make change. It has been a long, hard journey but every day is a step forward for me and can be for you as you learn how you can learn to love the skin you are in. every day is a step forward for me and can be for you as you learn how you can learn to love the skin you are in. YOU ARE UNIQUE You Are Unique Ladies you are unique but most of all you are not alone. Women up and down the UK wake up in the morning with their own body battles whether its dragging themselves down to the gym to being able to look at themselves in the mirror. I spoke to a group of ladies and this was their honest and amazing feedback From the ladies interviewed ........... • 20% Pear shape • 20% Apple • 10% Carrot • 10% Celery • 40% Butternut squash The top 3 areas you would like to change • Thighs • Tummy • Arms The top 3 areas you love about yourself • Butt • Bust • Joint 3rd Waist and Back The things that affect how you feel about your body and this survey was based on multiple answers • Emotions 75% • Stress 65% • What other people think 45% 2/3rds of the women interviewed said they feel better physically and mentally after exercise and activity And lastly here are some of the extreme lengths some of the ladies interviewed shared with us on what they have done to feel and look better about themselves • Laxatives • Strict diets • Periods of not eating • Excessive exercising • A mix of gimmick diets, restricted calories and hours of exercise I have jam packed this book full with tips I have had shared with me as well as many of my own. Just remember you are not doing this journey on your own. Positivity Staying positive is one of the hardest things to maintain as often a bad day ends up slumped on the sofa eating crisps, chocolate with a feeling of failure and sod it! We all have those days and life is not perfect and there will be days where nothing goes to plan. So if hiding under the duvet or attacking a family size bar of chocolate is calling take a deep breath and try some of these ...................... Visualise Focus can often start to drift onto eating habits, food preparation, exercise programs, what hasn’t been achieved and how far left is still to go. When really you should be focusing on why you started in the first place and how amazing you will feel when you get there. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and visualise how you felt when you started and then how you will feel, look and behave when you reach your goal....... can you see it?The top 3 areas you would like to change Confide In Someone This was a tip given to me from one of my weight loss challengers she told everyone she knew she was trying to lose weight so whenever she felt like giving up she had people around her encouraging her to stick with it. You might only want to tell your partner but putting those goals out there means someone else knows and you have someone to go to for support. Remember you are about to change habits and beliefs that have been built over your lifetime so they will take time to break and having someone beside you can make the change easier. Be Positive Today is a brand new day and you really want this. It is now time to turn what you have been thinking about into positive actions. Being positive on a daily basis 24/7 is a) not human nature and b) things can happen in real life to dampen that positivity, life is never set up to run smoothly. I am fully aware of life’s hurdles BUT these cannot lead to excuses if you really want results you have to give it 110%. I promise a good exercise session can help clear your head, lift your mood and healthy eating can boost your coping skills. Remember once you have finished this book there will always be hurdles to overcome but now you have this amazing body, boundless energy and confidence……….don’t you want to lose it? Having A Bad Day Often a bad day leaves us ladies feeling stressed and emotional with the chocolate in the cupboard or wine in the fridge as our only consolation. DO: Try and plan your meals ahead, if out choose the best options you can, accept you have had a bad day and come back 100 times more focused the next day. On the practical side check you are eating the right foods to maintain your sugar levels and cravings etc AVOID Beating yourself up and turning it into a negative or over push yourself in your next work out. Avoid starving or restricting your food intake for the following day/weeks meals this could lead to erratic eating patterns that WILL affect your weight, energy levels, workouts and most of all your results! It’s Getting Tough DO: Embrace it and remind yourself or find someone that will remind you of how you are going to feel and look when you reach your goal. DO NOT: GIVE UP………. I repeat DO NOT GIVE UP this is not an option! If you feel like you want to give up go back to your before photos, talk to someone or even better go for a walk/workout and get those energy levels buzzing again Triggers This doesn’t necessarily just mean food/eating habits as triggers this could also mean asking yourself what is stopping you getting active. Look at your food/mood diaries or look through past weight changes and see if there was any links to eating habits, food changes etc. Eating habits can affect sugar levels hence people’s cravings for sweet foods. You may find emotions are your trigger such as boredom, stress, plus changes in routine such as a new job. With exercise it can be a fear of the unknown, fear of a reoccurring injury, feeling self-conscious or maybe you’re an all or nothing exerciser which means if you miss a session you dismiss your training. DO: Now if emotions are you trigger such as boredom why not go for a workout or find a new hobby? If you’re trigger is stress why not find a release whether it’s boxing, reading or getting a massage. If fear of the unknown when exercising is stopping you hire a personal trainer for a one of session to help you I promise we aren’t all drill sergeants. AVOID: Doing nothing about it, start the changes today, recognise your triggers and break those habits that are stopping you reaching your goals Positive Language Listen to yourself, Are you talking yourself out of success? Are you giving yourself excuses to fail? Are you talking like you are expecting to fail? DO: Find something you like about yourself whether it’s your eyes, legs or smile and focus on them. This positive approach doesn’t just stop at looks this also includes you as a person are you kind, artistic, intelligent, thoughtful etc remind yourself you do deserve this. Give yourself a mantra I CAN do this, I WILL do this, and I DO deserve this AVOID: Negative conversations that may lead you to doubt yourself, 100% avoid words and phrases such as I can’t and I will do it tomorrow. one more won’t hurt or I’m …… (ugly, fat, stupid). Positive People Talk to people and be around people that are going to support your choices, avoid the office diets and any conversation that is negative about body image and food. Positive Body Image I know it’s easier said than done but you do need to now accept the body you have and work with it rather than against it (see body shapes). Avoid looking in the mirror and thinking, saying I’m fat, I’m ugly focus on what you do like about yourself. Ladies if you have got healthy curves then work them! My Top Confidence Tips • Accept compliments • If you are shy, fake it. I promise you and others will start to believe it • Take charge, only you can make the changes and keep them • Actions speak louder than words, do not just talk about it, DO IT! • What is perfect? Make sure that what you are doing is the best thing for you and your body. • Get positive, as negative will only attract negative • Priorities, de-clutter and detox whether it is your sock draw, paperwork, little black book or even friendships • Congratulate yourself every time you achieve a goal, you did GOOD! • Don’t put things off, otherwise you will never get what you want GOAL SETTING Goal setting Before we move on I want you to think about in the past what has been your excuse? Was it because you could not afford the gym, you could not get motivated, you got fed up with feeling like you had tried it all before and nothing worked, you had family commitments? I’m going to say one thing, there are no longer any excuses Goal Setting This maybe your biggest challenge of all. It’s time to be honest with yourself but at the same time be realistic and understand what your body can achieve safely over a set period of time You Are Unique You are unique so try and avoid comparing your loss and journey with others. Be positive and stay focused on what YOU are trying to achieve. If Losing Weight Is My Goal Everybody’s body is different some people find their weight loss begins straight away in the first week others it’s the second. Your weight loss may fluctuate due to hormones and for ladies your menstrual cycle will affect your loss so be prepared to have a slight slow down with inch and weight loss. What Should I Expect To Lose? This is my most asked question and the answer is between 1-3lb per week this is a healthy and an achievable loss. Losing weight at this steady rate means long term you will be more likely to maintain your goal.... Why? Because you are making lifestyle changes rather than using non maintainable drastic tactics. Ask Yourself This …. What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? When do you want to achieve it? What’s important about your outcome? 1 2 3 What tools/skills do you already have that will help you to achieve your outcome? 1 2 3 What could stop you? 1 2 3 Imagine you have achieved your goal, how did you do it? 1 2 3 YOUR BODY SHAPE Your Body Shape We all have areas that we want to lose body fat from more than others. Spot reduction as a general is hard but you can focus your workouts on toning and shaping those areas. So what body shape are you? Apple - You carry your weight predominantly around your mid-section Your Aim: Your challenge is to work on posture exercises to strengthen the back and abdominals so they can work like corset around your midsection. Pear - Your body fat is stored more around your bottom, thigh and hip area Your Aim: Your challenge is to improve lower body tone and also to sculpt the upper body so it sits in harmony with your new peachy lower body. Banana - Your body shape is slightly more even up and down Your Aim: Your challenge is to create some lean curves and shape but working on the whole body Hourglass - You carry your weight in your upper and lower body but have nipped in waist. Your Aim: Your challenge is to tone, tone, tone and keep those curves in a healthy balance. Creating a Body Balance We all have our frustrations when looking in the mirror from wishing our bottom was smaller, bust bigger and waist more defined. Genetics play a role in the body we have to work with BUT we also have external influences that can affect our body shape such as our jobs, lifestyle, eating habits and existing exercise routines. Changing Specifics Finding the negatives with our body shape is easily done but how often have you looked in the mirror and noticed your positives and then enhanced them? Starting a training program and getting results doesn’t happen overnight but you can still love the skin you’re in whilst you are in the progress of reaching your goals X Factors We all have external factors the affect our body such as alcohol intake, posture throughout the day, High sugar foods or constant snacking that can hide hidden calories. Review your daily routine and see what you could maybe change in order for you to reach your goals just that little bit quicker. Reality Bites Generally if you are a pear shape even if you do lose body fat you may still find yourself a pear shape just smaller. Do not despair if your peachy bottom feels more like a negative rather than a positive there is good news you CAN create body balance. Creating Body Balance Body balance is about exercising with the same principles in mind as when you are dressing for your body shape ………yup that’s right I’m going to be your Fitness Auntie Gok for the day. Apple Shape Apples for you it is all about working your core and creating a nipped in waist. Here are my 3 favourite core exercises Star Side plank Cycle Curl Front Plank Pear Shape Pears your focus is your upper body and creating balance. As a pear often the focus is to try and lunge away your bottom often neglecting the upper body completely. Here are my top 3 upper body sculpting moves Single arm Press-up Reverse Fly Shoulder Press with band Banana Shape Banana ladies for you it’s about creating an hour glass shape. Here are my 3 top killer curve exercises Squat and shoulder press Lunge with a reverse fly Waist twist with a band Hourglass Hourglass ladies you have to keep your curves in check. This means doing an all over body conditioning session. Lunges Plia pop up Side Plank Press-up TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS Creating a Body Balance A Before Photo This is amazing for motivation and something my weight loss groups love to do. Once you get to your goal take another picture and keep them close as a reminder AND most importantly to show off what you have achieved. Keep A Record A visual record of your inches and pound loss will make all the hard work seem worthwhile. Below are some examples of a food diary and an activity diary. Monitor Progression Over the next 4-6 weeks I fully recommend keeping a record of your exercise. Exercise should always feel at a medium to high intensity as this will trigger your body to want to change and adapt to the challenges you are giving it. You will be amazed at how your fitness levels improve and how quick it happens. GETTING ACTIVE Before You Get Active • Always consult a doctor • Try and be active a minimum of 5 days a week this could be walking the dog, playing outside with the kids or going for a swim. • You need to allow at least one a day week for either a full rest or an active rest such as going for a long walk or doing a low impact workout like yoga. Equipment Clothing • • • • Mat Sweat towel Dumbbells (if you wish to progress with resistance) Water bottle Comfort is key but the 2 main items you will need for support and comfort are • Trainers as these absorb impact (a crosstraining trainer is fine) • Ladies you will need a decent sports bra for support and comfort Fluid Intake Keep fluid intake up at all times 1-2 litres a day • Before • During • After you workouts Other Activity Ideas Here are some ideas to get you started • A fitness class e.g. Zumba • Go for a power walk or run for 20 minutes • Swimming or cycling 20-30 minutes • Play a sport • Go dancing • Hire a personal trainer • Try something new like Yoga or Pilates • Do a home workout DVD 5 Getting Active Top Tips • Get a friend or partner involved you don’t have to do it alone • Find something you don’t mind doing, going for a run or lifting weights might not be your thing. • Set realistic goals, you are only human and yes hard work will get you to your results faster. But be realistic and remember you want to get fit, lose weight but remain healthy • Set yourself daily time slots or goals, there are NO EXCUSES find the time even if its 10mins a day • Think pelvic floor and posture great posture oozes confidence but can also make you look inches taller and your clothes fit better. IMPORTANT TO DO EVERY WORKOUT The Warm Up Warming up is all about increasing the heart rate, blood flow and muscles, joints gradually over 5 minutes. Here’s an example of a home warm-up. • • • • • Shoulder shrugs x10 Arm circles x10 Waist twists x 10 Kick heels to butt x10 Lift knees to your stomach x10 The Cool Down The cool down is designed to bring your body back to a relaxed pre exercise state. ALWAYS cool down and stretch if you have limited space you can achieve this by walking or marching on the spot and allow your heartrate to return to relax. Stretches Hold each stretch from 10-60 seconds Workout Blurb Reps How many repetitions you are going to do of your set exercise for example 10-12 sit-ups Sets How many times you are going to repeat your repetitions for example 10 sit ups twice through (total 20 sit ups) Core This refers to your mid section waist, stomach, and back Cardio This word refers to your heart and lungs and exercises like running, swimming etc Stopwatch If you want to shake up your workout instead of doing REPs just do an exercise as many times as you can in 30-60 seconds and repeat. DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness) After a good workout or doing an activity you may find between 24-48hours you have some muscle tenderness this is completely normal. This is partly due to the muscles tearing and repairing after your workout. So help ease the soreness try and keep the body moving with activities such as going for a walk, stretching etc. If you are in actual physical pain especially around the joint areas or have sharp shooting pains go straight to your doctor. How To Progress Your Workouts Frequency This could be how often are you doing your workouts OR how many times you are repeating an exercise Beginner 10 reps Intermediate 1-20 reps Advanced 20 reps x2 sets Intensity This refers to how hard you are working throughout your work out. Remember you have to challenge your body for it to want to change a little stroll in the park may not create enough demand to improve your heart and lungs or tone your butt and thighs. Time If you are new to exercise 10mins might be your maximum as you get fitter try and add 5 minutes on to each workout until you are exercising between 30-60 minutes (depending on your time constraints) Type As pre mentioned you have to challenge the body for it to want to change so sticking to the same activity will eventually become less of a demand. Also for your personal sanity give your mind and body a change and try new activities or swap your workouts around so the body thinks it’s doing something new. Your Intensity Scale How To Use Your Intensity Scale ………… • The intensity scale describes day to day activities you can relate to how you feel when you are exercising and how much physical effort is required. • The number and description relates to how your heart, lungs and muscles should feel. • The higher the number the harder you should feel you are working • To progress and change your body shape you should always look to challenge yourself and reach your own personal maximum I want it and I want it right NOW! Are you fed up with a lifetime of yoyo dieting? Have you spent most of your adult life going on diets, exercise binges that leave you feeling, grumpy, miserable and a failure? Have you given up or lost the vision of what you wanted to achieve or wanted to look like We all know that the energy we eat has to be used for your weight to balance or decrease. But have you ever asked yourself why your balance never tips in your favour? Do you take the quick fixes or drastic options to try and get as quickly as possible away from how you feel and look, but in 6 months time find yourself back in the same place? The truth is drastic measures play havoc with your mind, body and emotions and it’s impossible to maintain them for longer than a week maybe two weeks at a push. Once the diets finished or the 14days straight at the gym have been completed the old habits and lifestyle always seems to creep back in. It’s hard to change a lifetime of habits in such a short period of time but the good news is they CAN be changed! It takes 90days to develop a habit and therefore it takes 90days to break it. I can help you start taking action today and over the next 90 days help you to say goodbye to some of those habits that are stopping you becoming the person you want to be. Compare a lifetime of endless cycles yo-yoing from diet to scales back to diets to a 90day get focused program that can give you full control back. My Tips To Success Visualise Visualise where you want to be, what you want to look like and HOW you will feel when you are there. Know your triggers We all have days where we want to say sod it...... be aware of what makes you feel like that and find a new way to cope avoid sabotaging all your hard work Set little goals not just big ones Your goal may be to lose a stone or run a marathon but you should set yourself smaller goals to tick off as you go along. This makes your long term goal seem achievable and it’s an amazing feeling ticking things off along the way. Tell people what you are doing This is a great way to get support, if people know you are trying to make changes they are less likely to put temptation in your way Get active This doesn’t mean a 10k run every day BUT getting active whether its walking the dog, dance lessons or going to the gym do something daily to keep those happy hormones zipping around your body Learn to love the skin you’re in by being Mr. and Mrs. positive Lastly this is one of the biggest parts to do to ensure success. Even though you may be at a weight or in a situation that you are not happy with and a need to get as far away from it as possible I want you stop for a second. Remind yourself that you will always be you and that you are unique and the only person responsible for your health and happiness. I want you to find something you like about yourself and focus on it whether it’s your eyes, legs or your sense of humour and appreciate that about yourself. You have to stop beating yourself up for the process to work IT FAKE, FLATTER, TONE Fake it, Flatter it, Tone it What To Wear?!?!! Now ladies I know sometimes finding motivation is tough but I have to say wearing the tightest possible items that shows every lump or bump OR hiding in the baggy t shirt and trackies you painted your hall way in are NOT doing you any favours. As women YES you should be proud of your curves however big or small they are but be kind to yourself and make yourself feel good by flattering your shape. Take control of what you have for example a skimpy bra top will not control your ample cleavage! Creating an overall body balance with your exercise can also be enhanced by wearing the right clothes. So here are my guidelines for fitness wear that WILL suit your body type Apple – Lift, Separate and support good sports bra should be every woman’s exercise best friend by creating shape in the bust area. Flatter your bottom half with fitted leggings or bootlegs and creating a waist with a wrap style top (maybe yoga top). Pear – Create focus on the upper body for example drawing the eyes to your shoulders by wearing a halter neck, layers or bright colours. AVOID I repeat AVOID baggy shapeless joggers and tying jumpers around your bottom it just makes it look BIGGER try and wear leggings or bootlegs Banana – We need to create curves so a little cap sleeve or off the shoulder t-shirt is great. Try a wrap top to draw attention to your waist and boot legs or harem pants are great for the lower body. Hourglass – Avoid attention grabbing volume or patterns on your top half but do keep items fitted and flattering and slightly darker than the bottoms you wear. To finish off the look wide leg or bootlegs are great for your lower body. Perfect Pear Fake It Pears I recommend body brushing its fantastic for boosting circulation and improving skin tone Flatter It • • • • • • • • • • You should wear a pattern on top dark and plain on the bottom Avoid tops that finish over the widest part of your bottom/hips Wear loose leg trousers Wear high-ish waistbands and avoid the waist band sitting on the widest part of your hips Boost your boobs 3/4 sleeves, Halter neck, cap sleeves Add upper body layers Avoid - skinny vests over tight tees Avoid crop trousers Don’t tie things around your waist (I am so guilty of this but it doesn’t help) Tone It This exercise is a GREAT Thigh Toner • Start with your feet hip width • Step forward making sure the front knee stays behind the toes • Reach forward as if you are picking something up off of the floor • Push up on the front leg to return to the beginning Peachy Fake It A good pair of Bridget Jones support knickers should always be found in a peaches cupboard Flatter It • • • • Broaden your upper half by wearing 3/4 length, cap, floatie or puff sleeves Halter neck, one shoulder, plunging, or off the shoulder neck lines Loose straight leg trousers with a mid rise Tops need to be colourful Tone It This is THE exercise to do for a tighter butt! • Start with your feet hip width apart • Extend one leg • Tense the butt muscles and lift the hips • As you lift you will also feel the lower back and the back of the thigh tighten • Slowly lower back to the start position Yummy Tummy Fake It Create a silhouette by lifting your boobs, pulling in your waist with the right underwear and then carrying it off with confident posture. Whenever you are stood still or seated tighten and relax those tummy muscles. Flatter It • • • • • Empire line tops Straight leg cut trousers V neckline Floatie, cap sleeves And avoid tucking in tops Tone It This exercise will sculpt and cinch the waist • Start by lying onto your side • Place your elbow underneath your shoulder • Lift your hips off of the floor maintaining a straight line • Reach the arm to the ceiling and then reach it through underneath your torso to finish Busty Babes Fake It When exercising make sure you wear a decent sports bra if you are busty this is an essential! Unsupported breast can bounce up to 14cms when exercising which can lead to permanent damage. ( shock.html). Another top tip is to go and get yourself properly measured the right bra can do wonders for your bust. Flatter It • • • • • • Open necklines, v neck and empire lines 3/4 length sleeves or puffed sleeves Always wear a bra Drop waists Boot cut or wide leg trousers Wear a top that is darker and plainer than your bottoms Tone It Tighten your chest AND the back of your arms • Lie onto your side • Place your top hand in front of you level with your chest • The other hand can either rest on the floor or on your side • Press the hand that is nearest your chest into the floor so your torso lifts • Slowly release the movement so you end up back in the lying start position WHAT TO WEAR WHEN WORKING OUT What To Wear When Working Out Have you ever walked into an aerobics class and realized you are the only one still wearing leg warmers and sweatbands to jump around in? Your workout clothes are there to do a job and one of which is to make you look and feel good. There are two ways of using your gym gear for motivation. A. Wear the tightest lycra possible and then use how those items of clothing make you feel to motivate you. So eventually those tight lycra leggings look and make you feel good! OR B. Wear clothes that support you in all the right places making you feel body confident straight away. As seen above you can go down the baggy tracksuit and old t-shirt route. Or use very simple guidelines to give yourself a boost..... oh and this is a great excuse to go shopping! My Top Fitness Wear Tips • • • • • Choose the right sports bra ALWAYS Compliment your shape Dress for the session you are about to do Be comfortable be confidant Wear the right trainers No More Jane Fonda Lycra Yoga and Well Being Choose relaxed clothing that is loose fitting on the bottom. A comfortable fitted top is recommended although remember generally in these sessions there is a lot of stretching and reaching. You do not want to be tugging at your t-shirt every 5 mins. Combat There will be LOTS of movement throughout this class. Try and wear leggings or loose bottoms and for your upper body just make sure you are comfortable and wearing a good support bra! Weight Training Go for something flattering and comfortable. Avoid anything to baggy as this will get in the way of you sculpting your new body and checking your technique. Aerobics Choose a good sports bra, flattering top and bottoms. You WILL get hot and sweaty so make sure you take layers. Street dance/ Hip-Hop Dancing is supposed to be fun and uninhibited so for this session you need to feel comfortable in the skin you are in. Try relaxed clothing ideally slightly baggy trousers and comfortable top, a little tip lycra is not well suited to this style of dancing Circuit Training I guarantee you will get hot, hot, hot so take layers. You will be moving in different directions so I totally recommend leggings, shorts or light tracksuit bottoms. As always on your top half wear something semi fitted and a very supportive sports bra. Body Conditioning Similar to aerobics requirements Aqua My top tip for aqua is that you wear a sports bra under your costume for extra support and decreasing the risk of exposure. MY TOP FAKE IT TIPS My Top Fake It Tips Ladies we all have those days where we sometimes just have to fake it to make it through the day. The good news is after a little pamper and faking it you usually end up feeling a 100 times better. Here are some of my top tips for faking it through the days when you do not want to come out from underneath the duvet. • Pop on some Fake Tan this always helps me if im feeling peeky • Volume mascara, a little lilac eye shadow and white eyeliner to brighten up your eyes • Walk the walk hold your head high and strut like beyonce. • Dress like you mean it do not hide away in black and frumpy • • Avoid too much sugar a caffeine as a quick pick me up Own a pair of Bridget Jones pants for those fat days • Sweet smell of success by tapping into your senses and applying some perfume • Smile it gets easier I use this one smiling is a great way to lift your mood • Throw away the expectations remember when you walk into a room you are the only one holding any expectations. • • Get a bit breathless and release some happy hormones with a quick workout Put some music on this is another one of my favourites ‘If music be the food of love play on’ • Put on some heels UNLESS you are on your way to a day spent running around the tube • Diet misery step away from the office diet is it officially depressing • Take a compliment smile and say thank you • Body scrub Boost your circulation and give your body a glow • Massage Those muscles you have just worked very, very hard. Massage will also ease your stress and tension away • Freshen up Brush your teeth, sounds strange but minty fresh teeth can help you to stop snacking • Sleep We all need quality rest for our skin, mind and body so it can repair and recharge Are You An Emotional Eater? Ask yourself do you eat when ................ • You are bored, tired or lonely? • You are angry, irritated, tense or anxious? • You feel in need of a reward, distraction or relaxation • You want to delay doing something • You are trying to relax so you can fall asleep • You don’t know what to do next • It is time to eat, because eating time is the only time you allow yourself to relax • The dark days of autumn and winter cause you to feel down, very tired, and cause you to crave sweets • You feel edgy or depressed because you just stopped smoking • Is it a few days before your period and you are experiencing PMS mood swings • Are you Menopausal as changes in hormones make you exhausted, depressed or anxious If you answer yes to four or more of these it means you eat carbs because your brain responds positively and it helps to improve your mood. Mood Food Next time you reach for a sweet starchy food ask yourself • Am I hungry • Do I really want this • Can I eat this as part of my meal later My Good Mood Foods • Fresh fruit and veg • Fish • Rice • Low fat yoghurts • Porridge and oats My Top Nutrition Secrets • • • • • • • • • • • Keep a food diary Do not skip meals, especially breakfast Plan regular meals, snacks and be flexible Set realistic healthy goals for yourself There are no banned foods Look at the food choices you make Monitor your Coffee intake Are you surviving on the quick fix sugar high diet? Drink, drink, drink I know we all know this one but how many of us follow it through If you are a social butterfly be aware of your alcohol intake it’s all calories Avoid processed foods they are full of salts, sugar and much more My Top 5 Recipes Carrot & Cumin Soup Serves 1-2 • 1 Medium carrot peeled and chopped • 1Small clove of garlic peeled and chopped • 1 Large shallot peeled and chopped • 1 Ripe tomato skinned and chopped • 1/2tsp Ground cumin • 200ml/7floz Vegetable stock • 1 Bouquet garni • Freshly ground black pepper to taste To garnish 15ml/1tbsp of half fat crème fraiche How to: Make sure all ingredient are finely chopped Place them all into a saucepan simmer over a high heat and then lower the heat and simmer for 30mins until the vegetable are tender Cool slightly and remove the bouquet garni Pour into a blender and whiz till you have your personal preference texture Serve with a swirl of your half fat crème fraiche Warm Salmon & Mango Salad Serves 4 • 115g/4oz red cherry tomatoes • 85g/30z salmon fillets skinned and cut into cubes • 1 large ripe mango cut into small chunks • 2tbsp of orange juice • 1tbsp soy sauce • 115g/40z assorted salad leaves • ½ cucumber sliced • 6 spring onions For dressings • 4tbsp low fat natural yoghurt • 1tsp soy sauce • 1tbsp finely grated orange rind How to: To stop wooden skewers burning whilst cooking soak them in water for 30mins before using Mix the orange and soy sauce together Thread the salmon, tomatoes and mango onto the skewers Place the orange juice mix over the salmon skewers and marinade for 15minutes Arrange the salad leaves and remaining tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions and mango onto a plate Place the salmon skewers under the grill for 5-7 minutes and whilst they are cooking mix the yoghurt, soy sauce and grated orange rind in a bowl and Whilst the skewers are cooking keep covering with the marinade and when ready to serve dress the salad with the yoghurt dressing Roasted Butternut Squash Serves 4 • 1 butternut squash approx 1lb • 1 onion chopped • 2-3 garlic cloves crushed • 4 small tomatoes chopped • 3oz chestnut mushrooms chopped • 3oz drained butterbeans roughly chopped • 1 courgette grated • 1tbsp of oregano • 2tbsp tomatoes puree • 10floz water • 4 spring onions chopped • 1tbsp Worcestershire or hot pepper sauce to taste How to: Preheat the oven to 190oc/375 of/gas mark 5 Prick the squash and roast for approx 40minutes or until tender Cut the squash in half and scoop out and discard the seeds Now scoop out the flesh and place the empty shells back onto a baking tray. Mix into the butternut squash flesh garlic, tomatoes, butterbeans, courgettes, oregano and pepper to taste and place the mix back into the butternut shells Mix the tomato puree, water, spring onions and Worcestershire sauce together and then pour around the butternut shells Cover loosely with foil and bake for 30mins and serve once piping hot Baby Fruits With Baby Meringues Serves 4 • 1 egg white • 11/2 oz caster sugar • 80z raspberries • 2tsp honey • 7floz water • 12oz mixed fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants and stoned cherries • fresh mint to garnish How to: Pre heat the oven to 120oc/250of/gas mark 1/2 and line a baking sheet with baking paper Whisk the egg white till stiff and then gradually add the sugar Pipe or spoon mound of the mixture onto he baking tray and bake in the oven for 1 hour or till crisp Place the raspberries into a pan with the honey and water, bring to the boil and then reduce the heat so the mixture simmers for 5-8mins Leave to cool for 5 minutes and then blend the mixture to a puree and then press through a sieve to make sure the mix is smooth Place the rest of the fruits in the puree and stir till covered Serve the fruit with the baby meringues and fresh mint Final Note Ladies whether you Fake it, Flatter it or Tone it you should always aim for killer curves, positive posture and loving the skin you are in. I really hope you enjoyed the book, I would love to know your thoughts on it and any questions you might have. Please feel free to contact me on Jaxx
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