6B- Savannah News-Press • Saturday, June 25, 1994 * * * * At A Conference How To JEFFREY McSWEENEY/Staff Unveiling The Chatham County Humane Society unveiled a billboard message Friday at Anderson and Drayton streets, part of the society's plans to raise money for a new animal shelter. The shelter, expected to cost $900,000, will be built on the site of the current shelter, on Sallie Mood Drive. Bruce Grulke of Design/Build Associates of the Savannah College of Art and Design made the architectural drawing. The Humane Society message will stay on the billboard for a year. To donate to the building fund, call 658PETS. Even The Most Self-assured Become Jittery Anticipating.Class .Reunions By LESLIE WEDDELL Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph Women worry about their weight. Men worry about how well they're doing in their jobs and about their hairlines. The cause of this angst? Class reunions, when even the most self-assured become jitter}', College reunions can be rough, but high school gatherings can bring on nightmares. "Reunions create an environment that triggers the awkwardness and insecurities of the high school years." says Anne Porter, a psychotherapist in private practice in Colorado Springs.. Colo., and counselor with Penrose Hospital's Profile Employee Assistance Program. When the old cliques form at a reunion - as they often do - confidence can vanish ''Here you are. an adult, and you're dealing with the insecurity of being unpopular again. Even though you may be a fairly self-confident adult, in your mind there may be people who are 'above' you on the popularity scale." Porter says. "You may be a 40-year -old in the 'real world,' but you go to a high school reunion and you're 16 again." No wonder reunions are so emoiionally draining people are in a constant state of flux alternating between being 40 and being a teen-ager "All of societal expectations about what it means to be successful come out in a milestone event such as a reunion." says Terrie Cox Pauly, a licensed clinical social worker in private practice. "It's unrealistic to expect what we expect, especially of women We want them to be good mothers, have good marriages and careers - and to be thin," she says. Lisa Graf, 38, is well aware of society's expectation. A single mother who never married, she plans to take her 3-year-old son to her 20th high school reunion next month in River ton, Wyo. "It's so traditional, so conservative, there," she says. She plans to attend only the events she can take her son to. "I guess^ in a way, he's my security blanket." When the reunion was announced, she was excited, but as it approaches she's apprehensive. "All these little things keep coming up: Is it going to be all couples? Is everyone tight with everyone else, except me 0 How will they accept my being a single mom'? Where will I fit in? I'm so different now than I was ir. hi^h school and probably very different than every!/>riy whr slaved in town." "A reunion is a microcosm of the world w e iive in," Cox Pauly says. Grafs concerns reflect many issues that single parents face daily. Porter compares reunions to pen'orrnance anxiety. "In a way. it's like a job interview. We're on stage and we feel that people are looking us over, evaluating us." she says. When those former classmates look us over, we want them to be impressed with what they see "Reunions are great motivators to lose weight, 1 ' says Mary Peet, a registered dietitian and president of the Colorado Springs Dietetic Association. "You know it's reunion season when people come knocking the doors down, begging us to help them lose 20 years of accumulated weight gain in six weeks," says Dayle Hayes, a registered dietitian in Billings, Mont., who addressed the Colorado Dietetic Association in Denver.' ' , , • • . . . . ' , . ' • Rich Lehrer, a real estate agent who will be attending his 30th high school reunion this fall in Morrestown, N.J., lost 20 pounds since being contacted in January about the reunion. "I figure I don't have enough time to have a face lift or hair transplant, so I've done the weight-loss thing," he says. "I didn't want to show up wearing a Hula Hoop for a belt" While men are concerned about how they look, a greater emphasis is placed on their work "It's OK for a man to be bald and overweight if he has the right job. It reflects society's values: women are valued for their appearance and men for what they do," Cox Pauly says. Lehrer agrees that where a man is in his career is an important factor in deciding whether or not to attend'a reunion. "I wouldn't have wanted to go to my 20th or 25th reunion, but this is coming at a good time in my life. The last few years of my career have been very good. I also have a young wife and probably the youngest kid of anyone in the class," he says. (Lehrer has a 4year-old.) "It will be strange to see these women I knew at 17 looking like grandmothers." Lehrer says his class reunion is being organized by the class "nerd" who has become highly successful. "The whole thing is really about wanting to brag," he says. Bob Selveen, manager of Michael at the Carlyle in The Citadel mall, attended his 20th high schoolj*eunion last year in Irving, Texas, and says he enjoyed hearing about his classmates' family lives more than their professional lives. "To me. how happy you are should be more important than how much you make. There were some of those who wanted to tell you their 20-year story, but they were in the minority. No one really wanted to hear it." Selveen also experiences reunions in another way: He's swamped with requests from reunion-bound customers for highlighting or coloring to conceal their gray hair. "It's mostly the women - the men aren't as concerned about graying. They'll come in and ask for a good cut - and maybe a bit of fluffing if their hair is thin." It's hard to get away from the external qualities, but Cox Pauly says there are other standards of success that should be given more emphasis. "I think what kind of person you are, what kind of soul you have, how you treat others - that's what's important." Women Who Scream More Likely To Avoid Rape AP Special Features Rape has increased by more than 38 percent over the last 10 years, forcing women to decide what to d<» in case of attack. For years women were advised that to fight back was to court injury or death, according to Good Housekeeping. But last year a study of ]%'• rapes in Omaha, Neb., found tha; women who screamed, kicked or rar were more likely to avoid rape than women who tried pleading, crying or offered no resistance The women who defended themselves were no more apt to be injured than those who did not wielding weapons such as keys, umbrella.1 or hat pins even vomiting on the .itlacker. "Depending on the situation, any of these techniques can be effective," said Joseph Harpold, a supervisory special agent in the behavior science unit at the FBI Academy in Quantioo. Va. "But they could also be worthless or even dangerous.1' In the end. it is a judgment call. "It's simplistic to think that you can tell a woman 'resist1 or 'don't resist.' That would be irresponsible." said Linda Fair-stein, director of the ^ex Crimes Prosecution Unit in the Mnnhattan District Attorney's Office. l' % or every rape victim, the encounter is unique. And while she may havr> only a moment, she has to -r/.e up t h < > itii.-ition and decide what That is not proof that women Should aggressively defend them selves from a rapist, said Ani Coyne, professor of social work a; the University of Nebraska in Oma f Lamp Repair ha, a co-author of the study Lamps "Our study included only rape re «..*ports, not more serious crimes of assault or murder, even if those cases began as a rape attack," she said "It can't be interpreted as proof that aD women should forcefully resist The tactics for deterring a rapist include physically resisting by punching, biting, dawing or kicking aiming particularly at a man's eyes. (X LAMPS \NO SHAW Adam's apple or groin Verbal reirst and Mosi sistance includes screaming, claim Repair. RrtfocaiKm & ing pregnancy or venereal disease Creations Other tactics include using whistles HANDMADE SHADES and other noisemakers or chemicals 236-95»4 Such as Mace or hair spray, or DEAR MISS MANNERS - I have just returned from a weeklong conference in a hotel with a daily schedule of morning session, lunch break, afternoon session, two-hour dinner break and evening session. I was fascinated by the formation of mealtime coalitions, which seemed to be predetermined, or created instantly as we arose from our chairs at the end of each session. Almost invariably, the coalitions were Good 01 Boys and Everyone Else. At one workshop training session, students were advised to grab one of Those Guys for lunch or a drink. Just how does a little female peon graduate student go about grabbing a Big Important Alpha Male for lunch? What does one say? GENTLE READER - First, no grabbing. Need Miss Manners say more? Yes, probably she should. The danger for everyone in these pseudosocial settings is of business advances being interpreted as personal ones. So second, drinks or meals should not be the subject of invitations. Watt, wait. Miss Manners is not suggesting that you cannot safely participate in these informal gatherings. Only that you word your invitations carefully. Approach your target armed with some information about his special knowledge and say, I have a number of questions and I would really appreciate a chance to talk to you more about this at leisure. If you grab - whoops, approach - him at the start of a break, he is likely to gay, Sure, why don't you join us? He is also likely to be madly flattered. Vulgar jokes to the contrary, the greatest ego-lift a student can give Those Guys is the impression of being intellectually influenced by them. DEAR MISS MANNERS - Can I wear a wide-brim white straw hat to a June wedding to be held at 7:30 p.m. at a Southern plantation? Angela Ruth Powers was named to the dean's list for the 1994 spring semester at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, N.C. Mekxnt nne Mlddleton was named to the presi&pro tist for winter quarter at Mercer University's Ctftege of Liberal Arts in Macon. We Have) It! 't newest blrdhouse The Olds Pink House mm Area students received degrees during commencement exercises in May at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, S.C.: They Include: Kelly Blackmarr Drlscoll, MSW; Edward Wayne Minor, MSW; Kevin Edward Boning, MED; Vlrajnla Ann Duncan, MSW; Zachary David Moore, BS; and Sheryll Denmark Schumacher, MSW 1 Area students were named to the winter quarter dean's list at Mercer University's College of Liberal Arts in Macon. They include: Brian Anderson, Erin BeWord, Julie Johnson, Lou Lanlerv Laurie Mason, Heater Moore, Klsha Morris, Amy Popped and Jennifer Purcell • • • ' • • • . Elizabeth Marie Robinson was named to the dean's list for spring semester at Berry College in Rome, Ga. ; ' • • • . Steve Estes III was named to the clean's list for second semester at Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, N.C. • • • • ' ''' • Megan Schreck was named to the honor roll for spring 1994. semester at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Okla. Area students were named to the dean's list for 1994 spring semester at Vanderbitt University in Nashville, Term. They include: Amanda Blair Bolch, Sarah Dtanne Franz, Derek Edd Moore of Tybee Island, Mitchell Keith Siskin/and Lane Newton Summers. Christian Bass, Katie Bureh and Alison Fort were named to the dean's list at Presbyterian College in Clinton, S.C. « • • Nicole Bruce of Garden City received a bachelor of arts degree and Yolanda Gunn of Claxton received a bachelor of science degree, during commencement exercises held on May 7 at Claflin College in Orangeburg, S.C. Rayford Andrew Lawrence Stinson received a degree during commencement exercises on May 14 at Warren Wilson College in Asheville, N.C. Catherine Yvonne Anderson is B candidate for graduation to receive a BSN degree during spring commencement exercises at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. Carol Ann Culpepper received a BA degree and Deborah Anne Henderson received a BA degreo during commencement exercises on May 14 at Rhodes College in Memphis Tenn. • • 706MaBBlvd '.' ,..'' . • • • ' Jonathan D. Gephart was named to the dean's list for spring semester at Oxford College in Oxford. •• '' ' •• .' . > > > Deatre Nicole Boyle* received a bachelor of arts degree during commencement exercises on May 7 at Columbia College in Columbia, S.C. Charles Henry Ambos and Joseph Timothy Blackston Jr. received baccalaureate degrees during commencement exercises in May at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina in Charleston, S.C. Toland E. Wright and Anthony P. Warenzak received bachelor of arts degrees during commencement exercises on May 13 at the College of Liberal Arts at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio. Elizabeth Louise Jenkins received a bachelor of arts degree during commencement exercises on May 22 at Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar, Va. Denial Howard Brandley Jr. and John Steven Jepson received bachelor of arts degrees, and Michael Patrick Roth received a bachelor of science degree during commencement exercises on May 16 at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C. • -• • Tina F. Medley and Stephanie L. Pou received bachelor degrees during commencement exercises on June 8 at Auburn University in Auburn University, AlaPaul F.L. Womble of Garden City and Allison C. Jeffrey received bachelor of arts~degrees during commencement exercises on May 2B at Furman University in Greenville, S.C. Russell T. StodghHI of Bloomlngdate was named to the dean's list for spring at IN* University of New Orleans in New Orleans. Mlttle Jane King was named to the clean's list for spring semester at Montreal-Anderson College in Montreal. N.C. Heidi E. Ferrefl was named to the dean's list tor spring semester at Mary Washington College in Frederteksburg. Va. . * Area students were named to the dean's list for spring semester at Emory College in Atlanta. They are: Larry W. Chang, Amy E. Cox, Stephanie C. Olson, Laura H. Parent, Mlkkl M. Purcell of Garden City, Sonla Y. Rhee, Krlstie A. Wilson of Richmond HIU, and Evelyn R. Wright ' • • ' • • • ' .. Derrick Juan Seymore and Henrietta Elaine Cannlck, students at Savannah State College, will be included in the 1994 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Maryann Lee Williams, a student at Shaw University will be included in the 1994 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Marcla Crosby received high honors in liberal studies and outstanding graduate in humanities at Senior Awards Day at Brenau Women's College in Gainesville, Mary Melissa Cannady, Amy Lynne Cress and Crlsta Carroll Lawrence were named for membership to Alpha Lambda Delta at Brenau Women's College in Gainesville. • • • Jerome Westtey was selected for one of the prestigious Pacesetter Awards at Abraham Baldwin College in Tifton, LANDINGS' CONSIGNMENTS & GIEVS t A Store Where You May, - Consign Your Treasures - Buy Antique* - Purchase Gifts & More I Diamond Causeway • 355-5345 - 5 DAYS ONLY- 25* OFF Hunter Douglas Silhouettes Plus an additional 10% off with coupon only. CORNER Shefc's Cdtect/'We Houses Bull & liberty Streets Mon -Sat 10-6 Clock , WaB& Mamttt 234-1900 RIVER ST.. 125 W. Soles, Smrfe* 6> Jt«p«*r* 141 E. Montgomery Crossroad* 927-2439 « MM.-M. 1*4 M. 15-2 9B SILHOUETTE Guaranteed Low Prices! I Terrific Savings on Hunter I Douglas* Metal Mini & Micro I ! 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DEAR MI^S MANNERS - For about three years, six of us have been meeting monthly for dinner and the opportunity to chew the fat together, sometimes about philosophical, serious matters, more often just to laugh. One of us is a family counselor and therapist, one a lawyer, one a teacher, one has her own educational consulting business, and I own a retail store, We thought the original group would be extremely compatible, and we were almost right - except for one friend, a real estate agent, whom I brought in. She is my old friend and is, when one-on-one, very entertaining. But in a group, she is difficult self-centered and not really aware of the give and take needed to make this kind of relationship succeed. She has increasingly been making things uncomfortable for the rest, who have come to the point of being frustrated with her personality. So am I. We are all too polite to confront her'.- thus far. GENTLE READER - You are right that there is no polite way to say, You're spoiling our fun. COLLEGE KUDOS to do.'1 "In fending off an acquaintance, a woman may lose the battle to have intercourse; with a stranger, she could lose her life," Fairstein said. If an assailant has a knife or gun, fighting back could be extremely dangerous, especially if he is on drugs. 'udith Martin But neither Is there any polite way of doing what anyone not In the etiquette business would probably suggest - namely ganging up on this person and lambasting her with critiques for her own good. The only way to exclude one member from a recognized group is to disband the group and form another one. Anything else would be too cruel. But fortunately, that is more easily done than said. What you do Is to enter Into discussions that make it clear that the timing no longer works for everyone. The teacher has meetings one night, the lawyer has a case coming up that makes another night impossible, and so on. After you He tow for a month or two, you can meet again, but in a different place. Should word get back to the excluded member, it should be made clear that the group had not resumed, but that all of you being friends, you do see one another from time to time. "DEAR MISS MANNERS - I have seven adopted children, ranging in ages from 3 to 10. When we go out, someone always comes up to us and says, These can't possibly all be yours - did you give birth to them all? I simply say, No, they are adopted, which brings the response Which are your natural ones, and which are adopted? Or they will ask personal questions about the children which I do not want to answer. What would be a polite way to avoid answering these questions and keep our privacy? GENTLE READER — Doesn't this just illustrate the folly of cooperating with rode people? You answer one nosy question civilly, and they feel encouraged to pry ever more deeply. The polite response here would be an irrelevant one. Beam a maternal smile at your inquisitors and reply? Aren't they wonderful? I'm so proud of them. Come, children, we must be going now. Measured Installed Mode hi Georgia ByPafrfe Dedicated Pnfessionab I Wo wash, repair, measure A I Install blinds. We make A repair A sunscreens, storm I screens window* A doors, canvas I awnings A tables pads. SOUTHERN V E N E T I A N BLIND O U T L E T SauumahjGA I I I I 912-5»7195
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