Energy: How to reach your compressed air technology savings potential S A

No. 11 - 11/2008
o m e t h i n g
i n
t h e
i r
There are growth rates which are
extraordinarily pleasant Ð e.g. an
increase in turnover or export sales.
And there are growth rates of a rather
alarming nature. This reportedly includes
the development of energy prices during
the past months. No doubt, such increases will continue to accompany us.
Nevertheless, there are saving potentials
that help to at least partially compensate
said price increases.
These potentials are the subject in the
current edition of our customer news
magazine: It is our objective to show you
ways and means of energy cost reduction, improved energy efficiency and
increased production profitability Ð by
use of our new K-series. And we would
like to invite you to avail yourselves of
our competence when it comes to energy
saving compressed air technology.
According to the estimates of the
Fraunhofer Institute ISI, the saving
potential is around 30%: don't hesitate
to make use of such latent potentials.
We would be pleased to contribute our
share too Ð by means of intelligent
advice, latest analysis tools, and energy
saving compressed air systems to substantially increase the competitiveness
of your company.
Wolf D. Meier-Scheuven
Managing Director BOGE
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Energy: How to reach your compressed
air technology savings potential
Whether it is an issue of raw materials,
personnel, or energy: There are many
cost factors which are characterised by
an unpleasant upward trend. But as
far as energy costs are concerned, every
company should be in a position to take
counter measures. In this light, compressed air is offering a particularly high
Need to update your
compressed air knowledge?
air network up to 20 % of the generated compressed air is lost due to
leakage in the pipe network. A single
air leak point with a 2 mm diameter is
liable to cause a loss of air of 260 l/min.
This is equivalent to electricity costs
of approx. 2,000 Û per year (depending
on your local kW power cost).
In most cases,
there are
several air
leaks in the
system which
means that
the resulting
total value
must take
into account
the number
of compressed air
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A detailed analysis of compressed air consumption
provides justification for energy saving
BOGE sales engineers are aware of
many examples of compressed air
users who were able to reduce their
compressed air related energy costs
by 15, 20 or even 30 % due to the
implementation of low investmentrelated measures. As a matter of fact,
investing in new energy saving
compressors may pay off after a
considerably short period.
Compressor control Ð A master
control unit serves to ensure that only
the most efficient compressor
combination is used to produce the
actual compressed air required.
Where to start an efficiency analysis?
There are a lot of possibilities, and
potentials are extensive:
Air leaks remedy Ð Even in a well
maintained and serviced compressed
Compressed air preparation Ð
Compressed airline filters that are
incorrectly sized can cause pressure
drops which lead to increased air
system inefficiencies.
Pressure losses Ð Pressure losses are
caused by the above mentioned filters
or an undersized pipe network. 1 bar
of unnecessary pressure loss will result
in 6-10 % more costs.
Waste heat recovery Ð For the most
part the energy consumption of a
compressor is converted into heat.
This heat, for example, can be used
for space heating or hot water
Where to save money? We will be
pleased to tell you! Our check-up
system AIReport is designed to detect areas which can be improved
upon in your compressed air
generation, preparation, and distribution. Don't hesitate to make use
of this opportunity: We are prepared
to check the compressed air specific
data at your facility for at least one
week and then tell you where tyou
can save. This investment in expert
services is worth its money at any rate.
Your first step toward energy saving:
Get a general idea of existing optimis
ation potentials Ð by means of the
BOGE AIReport. Ask for further
information using the Response
Fax on page 4 or contact us for an
appointment by calling our hotline
+49 5206-601-327.
Energy saving potentials per year
45 kW 2 shifts, 8 bar
15 % => 2,700 Û
Pressure reduction 1 bar:
10 % => 1,800 Û
Waste heat recovery:
10-12,000 Û
Efficient compressed air supply
Create heat at no extra charge:
Waste heat recovery from your air compressor
F ocus
Using waste heat recovery from compressed air stations means heat at no
charge which can be used for space
heating or hot water preparation. In
most cases such a measure pays back
after a short period of time Ð and tends
to increase the effectiveness of compressed air stations. And a good measure
to compensate constantly increasing
energy costs!
Don't let anything be wasted:
Adhering to this motto ensures
efficient and cost effective production and will undoubtedly enhance
your position in the marketplace.
With view to reducing waste,
an ÈordinaryÇ compressor
station is by all means in need
100% of the
of improvement. Because
generated heat
almost the entire energy
consumption of the compressor from the supply net
is converted into heat.
9% heating
And this heat can be made
of motor
use of. The greater the
efficiency of the screw compressors and/or the compressor network systems
the faster the pay back for
the utilisable energy in4%
creases along with the inresidual heat in
stalled compressor efficiency.
the compressed air
Also the power-on time of
the compressor plays an
13% compressed air
72% oil cooler
important role in this:
The longer the power-on
time the shorter the pay back
heat radiation
First step: Determine heat
Investment costs for a waste
heat recovery installation
94% of the generated heat is discharged by means
considerably depend on the
of cooling media (water/air)
structural conditions on site.
In addition, it depends on whether or
not the waste heat is to be used for
heating of spaces or for heating of processing, domestic, or heating water.
The first step in determining the likely
savings and efficiency of a heat recovery system is to assess the heat
demand in the area surrounding the
compressor installation. This assessment should then be compared to the
average operating hours of the existing
compressed air system. This will
support an argument for heat recovery
by demonstrating the pay back
possible in terms of immediate
reductions in fuel, oil and gas costs.
A vast range of uses and highly
When it comes to air cooled compressors, the waste heat can be used
as heating air or for drying processes,
in many sectors of industry. The heated
cooling water of a water cooled
installation can be used for space
heating or, under certain circumstances, also for sanitary purposes or
processing procedures.
As regards screw compressors with
oil injection cooling, BOGE has successfully developed standardised heat
recovery systems. The BOGE Duotherm
heat exchangers operate independently from the cooling system in a
highly efficient manner as they are
installed directly in the mainstream of
the hot oil inside the compressor.
This means that they are indeed
installed upstream of the actual
compressor cooling system and are
able to use the waste heat in the best
possible manner.
Conclusion: Attractive efficiency
There is an increasing demand for such
systems Ð when planning new compressed air stations or for retrofitting
purposes. The reason is obvious:
Every energy price increase results in
accelerated pay back of the waste
heat system. According to current
predictions, energy prices will keep
rising. This is reason enough to improve the energy efficiency of the
compressor station by means of a
waste heat recovery system which
provides heat at zero cost. In some
cases, the annual savings potential
may actually be higher than the
purchase price of the compressor.
A hot hint: Pictured above, process heat for hot water
preparation from a screw compressor is used for heating
in the adjacent room.
Special introductory price:
Oil-free compressors for the smaller air user
H ighLight
In the last edition of the forum boge we
showcased the new K-series compact
and energy efficient oil-free piston
compressor. Production is now well
under way at our manufacturing facility
in Bielefeld and we are currently able
to offer the K-series at a special introductory price: "oil-free at the price of oillubricated compression".
There are an increasing number of
smaller compressed air users opting
for oil-free compressors - and with
good reason.
No complex downstream treatment
system is required to filter out lubricant
impurities because absolutely oil-free
compressed air is produced right from
the beginning.
This also helps reduce operating costs
as the preparation process requires less
differential pressure and consequently
less energy.
Furthermore, oil checks at regular
intervals are eliminated.
Thanks to a sophisticated design, the
new BOGE K series makes oil-free
compressed air generation more
obtainable. By developing a simple
construction utilising a push rod
principal, the typical (and expensive)
crosshead design has been eliminated
providing a very cost effective
compressor solution.
The K-series from BOGE with effective
free air deliveries ranging from 224 648 l/min and with a motor range of
2.2 to 5.5 kW provides a smaller
compressed air solution for sensitive
applications where oil-free compressed
air is paramount. Extremely finely
honed aluminium silicon cylinder bores
ensure a constant and efficient supply
of quality compressed air.
And, it only has a small footprint:
A compact design - with or without
horizontal compressed air receiver ensures a small space requirement,
shipped ready for installation.
To celebrate the launch, K-series compressors are being offered at a special
introductory price: "oil-free at the price
of oil-lubricated compression". For the
user this means oil-free technology at no
extra cost - an offer hard to resist.
A look inside: New BOGE technology
for 100 % oil-free compression.
Energy focus
Compressed air for roof tile production:
Energy savings ensure rapid pay back on investment
E nergy Case Study
Two straightforward measures taken
by the Obergrafenhain roof tile manufacturing company Monier GmbH has
allowed them to drastically reduce their
annual compressed air related costs.
The installation of a BOGE SF100-2
frequency controlled screw compressor
along with an 'airtelligence' energy
optimisation system has created annual
energy costs savings of 34,000 Euros for
The Obergrafenhain plant in Germany
is one of the Monier Group's worldwide
production plants. Within 17 plants
in Germany, Monier manufactures the
Braas brand of roof tiles and bricks.
At the beginning of 2008, Monier took
over the roof system business sector
from Lafarge with Braas being the uncontested No 1 in Germany in roof tiles
and bricks.
In search of optimistion potentials
Taking into consideration the size of
the facility and the demand for
compressed air, Monier had two
compressed air stations in place a base load compressor system
consisting of three 55kW BOGE screw
compressors along with a standby
system consisting of two 55kW BOGE
screw compressors. Under normal
working conditions the base load
compressors are in operation whilst
the back-up system is in standby mode.
Monier commissioned an energy audit
of the existing compressed air system
which revealed that there were
opportunities available to improve
system efficiency.
Two areas for improvement were
identified by compressed air partner
Langer & Pfeil GmbH: to remedy air
leaks located within the vast compressed air network and to connect
both compressed air stations with a
controller to reduce idling times.
The Manager of Langer & Pfeil GmbH,
Holger Langer said: "In addition, we
suggested that one of the existing
compressors should be replaced with
a frequency controlled screw compressor in order to more efficiently
meet fluctuating compressed air
demand. Frequency control minimises
idling time and evens out air demand
fluctuations and so only the exact
amount of compressed air required at
any one time is produced."
The BOGE 'airtelligence' would also
ensure Monier that only the most
efficient machine combination would
be selected at any given time to meet
the actual compressed air required even when distributed over several
Compressed air consumption down
by one third - reducing energy costs
by 34,000 Euros per annum
After Langer & Pfeil GmbH optimised
the system, Monier was keen to know
if the estimated savings and payback
time on the 40,000 Euro investment
would be achieved.
The answer is compelling, because
the Production Manager at Monier,
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Neuber was well
aware of the energy costs of the current
compressed air system.
Steffen said "We have been able to
cut our annual compressed air related
energy consumption by 400,000 kWh
and therefore will reduce our energy
costs by around 34,000 Euros per
annum with a pay back on the investment of approximately 40,000
Euros after only fourteen months!"
For those responsible for the Obergrafenhain facility this demonstrated
a big achievement with only a simple
and reasonable investment.
In order to create the proposed energy
savings measures a BOGE SF 100-2
frequency controlled screw
compressor was installed
equipped with a BOGE
'airtelligence' energy optimisation system (a system which
ensures efficient centralised
monitoring and control of up
to 16 compressors).
Pictured above left: A control for two compressed
air stations - by monitoring all of the compressors
within the compressed air system, the BOGE
airtelligence, systematically and predictively takes
control of the system, minimising costly off load
running whilst optimising pressure.
Pictured above (middle): In addition, a BOGE SF
frequency controlled screw compressor contributed
in considerably reducing off-load running costs.
Pictured above right: Compressed air consumption reduced by one-third: Steffen Neuber,
Production Manager in the Monier Obergrafenhain
facility (left) with Holger Langer, Manager of Langer
& Pfeil (right).
(Photos: BOGE)
"All well considered": Produced by Monier,
the Braas brand, is number 1 in Germany in
roof tiles and bricks.
In this case:: 'airtelligence' unit controlling two compressed air stations in a combined compressed air network.
(Photo: Monier GmbH)
News & Facts
For you to read in forum 24:
¥ airtelligence PROVIS Ð
the new compressor control
¥ Preview HMI Hannover 2009
BOGE and FS-Elliott
announce cooperation
Das war 2007:
to supply
compressors mit Zukunft
BOGE has strengthened its market
position in the industrial oil-free sector
by introducing a range of Turbo
compressors. In order to achieve this,
BOGE has made a strategic alliance with
FS-Elliott Co., LLC taking to deliver their
turbo technology exclusively throughout
The Turbo stages have been tailored
for compressed air production and are
proven worldwide through the brand
name Polaris¨. This type of equipment
provides 100% oil-free air for large
consumers including car production
plants, electronics manufacturing,
food, beverages, and the pharmaceutical industry.
ãOur engineers brought decades of
Turbo design experience into these
improved compressorsÒ explained
Ronald L. Stewart, Chief Executive
Officer of FS-Elliott. ãWith BOGE we
have, in Europe, one of the leading
compressor manufacturers with
well established distribution
and service networks and,
equally important, a mature
engineering team experienced
at specifying and winning
The three stage Turbo compressors
from 225 to more than 3,0001,500 kW
fit perfectly into new or existing
installations and will provide
enormous efficiency increases.
BOGE`s decision - as a supplier of
quality products Ð to incorporate
the Polaris¨ technology into their
oil-free programme came after
extensive field testing.
ãThis Turbo compressor is a
premier product, it is manufactured for longevity and reliability with state-of-the-art
regulation and control.
Furthermore, especially in
oil-free operation, where high
standards are necessary, these
compressors are the first and natural choiceÒ underlines Mr. Wolf
D. Meier-Scheuven, Managing
Director (Partner) of BOGE.
Polaris: 100% oil-free
compressed air produced in
large quantities
B OGE intern
David Burton appointed
as General Manager, BOGE UK
Neat and safe:
A new type of lubrication
BOGE has just announced the launch of
HighLub 6000, a sophisticated synthetic
screw compressor lubricant with a clear
Thanks to its bio-degradeable nature,
HighLub 6000 can be discharged directly
into sewage systems without any need
for treatment (with due observance of
pertaining local regulations).
For the user this means reduced costs
and reduced service expenses.
With over 28 years of knowledge and
experience in the compressed air
industry, David Burton has been
appointed as the General Manager at
frictionless thanks to optimised
Geoff Taylor, the International Sales
Director said: ÒWe are delighted to
announce that we have now appointed
David Burton as my successor to lead,
manage and develop the UK business.
David has worked within the
compressed air industry for nearly
three decades for both manufacturers
and distributors. In that time David has
developed and honed his technical
and management skills.
HighLub 6000 has been specifically
formulated for heavy duty lubrication
of screw compressors.
Using HighLub 6000 also ensures
reduced processing and/or disposal
charges (near to zero) as well as the
guarantee that the compressor will
operate efficiently and almost
Most recently he has been responsible
for developing sales in South East Asia
for BOGE and will therefore hit the
BOGE FAX Connect ¥ Reply to +49 (0) 52 06 / 601-138
Please send me FREE information on:
Address Details:
BOGE K-series piston compressors
First/Last name
BOGE SF-series screw compressors
BOGE airtelligence
BOGE turbo compressors
BOGE HighLub 6000
Street/PO Box
ground running in his new role having
already acquired an in-depth
understanding of the Company and
BOGEÕs product and service portfolio.Ó
David Burton, UK General
Manager said: ÒI am looking
forward to the challenges
ahead. BOGE has developed
an enviable position in
the UK marketplace
over the past 14 years
and I look forward
to leading and
developing the
business going
David Burton has recently
been appointed as the
UK General Manager
Yo u r l o c a l d i s t r i b u t o r i s :